Dailuy Shmutz | COMMENTARY / OPINION 4/25/23


Tucker Carlson’s Exit from Fox News Explained!   EMERALD ROBINSON

Here is a take from Emerald Robinson (former White House correspondent – Newsmax)

Substack Chat Post

1) In order to explain what happened, we have to go back to the airing of the Jan. 6th video footage on Tucker’s show.

Just consider this timeline:

March 6: Tucker Carlson shows the footage.

March 7: Carlson’s private texts (acquired in the Dominion lawsuit) are published widely in the media. That same day, Senate leader Chuck Schumer publicly warns Rupert Murdoch against allowing Tucker to run more footage.

These are not subtle threats.

2) Remember that Fox News called Arizona early for Biden in 2020.

So when Schumer warns that “Rupert Murdoch has a special obligation to stop Tucker Carlson from going on tonight […] our democracy depends on it.”

What do you think that “special obligation” would be?

3) The “special obligation” is Fox’s role in trying to sell the phony results of the stolen 2020 election to its audience in general, and the Arizona call in particular.

The threats are made and Tucker’s private texts from the lawsuit are magically released on the same day.

Classic kompromat.

4) Obviously, Fox stopped Tucker from airing any more Jan 6th video footage after the one episode on March 6th.

5) Then Fox settled the lawsuit with Dominion for $787 million.

All of that is the background for what happened on Monday.

NEXT UP: I will tell you what a Fox source has said….

6) According to a Fox source, Tucker was prepared to do a show on Monday. One segment was going to be an attack on the CBS news show “60 Minutes” and their coverage of (alleged FBI informant) Ray Epps which aired the previous night.

7) Tucker was told that he simply could not do such a segment by Fox News executives. (I was told it was Executive Producer Jennifer Rauchet who did so.) So Tucker basically chose to quit on the spot.

8) One little known rumor is that Tucker is the only person at Fox who has a non-interference contract. He is supposed to be able to say whatever he wants. Fox execs cannot edit or block his opinions. It would appear that (if true) Fox was no longer abiding by that deal.

9) This scenario helps to explain why Fox was unable to even name the interim guest host that would replace Tucker on Monday night when it confirmed his departure that morning.

10) Contrary to the stories being put out by Murdoch press like Wall Street Journal, most networks don’t fire their top rated talent, and the leader of their entire Fox Nation digital push, without lining up guests hosts and plausible explanations beforehand!

11) Of course, massive pressure has been put on Fox to fire Tucker for a long time but the January 6th footage is another order of danger entirely.

The footage that Tucker already released proves there was no “insurrection” at all. The FBI appears to have orchestrated the riots. Why? The purpose of the fake insurrection was to stop 14 senators from challenging the 2020 election certification that day — a perfectly legal and valid process.

12) That’s the brief outline of the split. I will try to go though your questions and answer them now. Please be patient! There are thousands of you on this chat after all

13) One last thing: the smear campaign against him has already started. Watch this video link on Twitter as an ex-Fox producer gets on MSNBC. https://twitter.com/therecount/status/1650964195985473536

14) Thank you all for joining this chat! I have to go prep for tomorrow’s TV show. We will do another chat very soon too. Probably next week. Hope you enjoyed it!


WAYNE ROOT: Is Fox News the Next “Bed, Bath & Beyond?”   By Wayne Allyn Root

Apr. 25, 2023 11:15 am – Did you hear about the new Fox News TV series? “Two spoiled brats and a clueless RINO.” It’s the tragic story of Rupert Murdoch’s two spoiled-brat sons from liberal, woke Europe, and the quarterback running their Fox News playbook- hapless, clueless, bitter Paul Ryan.

Fox News in a matter of days ended relationships with the #1 host on cable TV (Tucker Carlson) and the #1 host of weekend cable TV (Dan Bongino).

Great moves, if you want to be the new “Bed Bath & Beyond.”


FULL SPEECH: Tucker Carlon’s Last Address Before Leaving Fox News  at #Heritage50   [36:44]  The Heritage Foundation

Apr 25, 2023 – Tucker Carlson delivers an address and sits down for a Q&A session with Heritage president Kevin Roberts — his last public address of the sort before his departure from Fox News.


Tucker Carlson OUT at Fox News – What’s Really Going On [21:02]   JP Reacts

In this video I react to Tucker Carlson being ousted from Fox News! Here’s everything you need to know…


A time to rally    Rabbi Prof. Dov Fischer

The blessing behind the treason:The Deep State in Israel has exposed itself just in time. America is already lost, but Israel is not.   Op-ed.

Apr 25, 2023, 9:35 AM (GMT+3) – Imagine if Adolf Hitler’s full agenda, and the nearly universal quiet backing he enjoyed from German citizenry, had been known ten years earlier — before he assumed irreversible power. Initially, his people downplayed how far he would go. Foolish Jews hoped and dreamt he never would pass Nuremberg laws or mass-burn Jewish books or ignite a Kristallnacht — or death camps. They knew they were in for tough times, but they tried believing perhaps he did not even mean German Jews, the Yekkes, and only meant to target the Orthodox, earlocked, bearded, Yiddish-jargon-babbling Ostjuden, those religious Jews from the East: Poland and Russia.

They did not imagine how many of their neighbors were ready to seize their pianos, jewels, artwork, houses, businesses, and to turn them in and, maybe, even help burn them in their synagogues, as happened in Jedwab. They thought they knew their non-Jewish neighborly friends. They were confident that their patriotism in World War I, their medals for valor and bravery in defense of Germany, assured their safety.

Moreover, for a century they had promoted themselves as “reform[ed] Jews,” not like the backward Orthodox with loyalties to Jerusalem and Zion and the Hebrew language. No, they had won the hearts and minds of German liberals by being just like them. Berlin was their new Jerusalem. Germany their new Zion. Their rabbis now wore black robes like Protestant ministers and did not cover their heads, even in worship. They called their gathering places “temples” to demonstrate they no longer yearned for the Temple in Jerusalem. They prayed in German, abandoning Hebrew. They imported organs to emulate church melodies.

Most German Jews could have gotten out in the 1920’s but felt safe. By the time they figured it out, they had waited too long. Roosevelt closed America’s doors, and Churchill closed Haifa’s docks. Lord Moyne had asked sometime around February 1944 “What will I do with a million Jews?” (By November he no longer had to worry.) If only the Jews had known what lay under the surface when there might have been time to confront the impending doom. Instead, leaders of the Jewish organizations scoffed at Jabotinsky’s lone warnings.

[Ed.: I have always appreciated Dov Fischer’s writing, and I consider him to be among our best.  But I’m always confounded by why he only calls himself “Rabbi Professor Dov Fischer”, and he omits all the other titles that pertain to his name: PhD., PC., Esq,, Doctor, Expert, Maven, Poobah, and Exalted.  Why he would short-sell himself is beyond me. “Rabbi Prof.” is being modest!]


The bizarre transition in the West    Howard Rotberg

There is a bizarre transition in America from suporting liberty, non-violence and justice to submission to evil ideologies. Op-ed.

Apr 24, 2023, 2:43 PM (GMT+3) – Over the last twenty years in four books and dozens of essays, I have sought to understand the bizarre transition in the West from supporting the goodness of liberty, non-violence, justice and other Judeo-Christian values to what I now realize is an almost complete submission to evil values and ideologies, including those of the so-called Palestinians.

I have looked at the problem in a variety of ways. First, we have adopted an ideology of Tolerism (see my book, Tolerism: The Ideology Revealed and its sequel, The Ideological Path to Submission… and what we can do about it.) wherein I discuss how the adoption of various ideological perversions have caused us to submit to the Palestinian Arabs and other Islamists. I concluded that in a world where the media and the university have adopted progressive ideologies based on excessive tolerance, inappropriate respect, ntersectionality, postmodernism, moral equivalency, inclusive diversity, empathy, denialism, masochism, and Islamophilia, our fate is submission.

America is casting off its historical morality to embrace transgenderism, critical race theory and other ideologies which should be considered as evil. I argue that the embrace of evil shown in empathy for the so-called Palestinian Arabs is what has paved the way for the current immoralities.

I wrote that

“Tolerism is an excessive tolerance, in fact a leniency, for the intolerant and unsupportable views that threaten our very freedoms. It has become an ideology for those who hold tolerance to be a higher virtue than Justice and Human Rights. Tolerism is the skill in consuming massive quantities of political correctness, and moral and cultural relativism, without displaying the obvious signs of the drunken leniency toward, and even taking pleasure in, the slow ascendancy of Islamist values of terrorism, breach of human rights, and attempted reversals of the wonderful liberties and advances made in western societies, where church and state have been successfully separated, and an enormous degree of freedom reigns.”


F**k you, Elon   SCOTT RITTER

APR 24, 2023 – On March 29, 2023, I appeared as a guest on the Alex Jones Show, where I discussed the dangers posed by nuclear weapons and the need for a renewed push for arms control between the US and Russia. I posted the link to this interview to my Twitter account the same day, so that my nearly 115,000 followers could watch and take in what I had to say.

I was permanently banned from Twitter the same day. No mention was made of any specific tweet, just a notification that I had violated some unmentioned “Twitter Rule” and, as such, would never be permitted to post on Twitter again.

I appealed this arbitrary decision, to no avail – Twitter simply ignored me, and the ban remains in effect.

This is the third time Twitter has “permanently” banned me. The first was for daring to observe there was overwhelming evidence that it was Ukraine, not Russia, who perpetrated the slaughter of unarmed civilians in the northern Kiev suburb of Bucha on or around April 1, 2022.

The second was for re-tweeting that same message.

And now this ban.

The cause-effect relationship between my posting the link to the Alex Jones interview and my Twitter ban could be written off as a simple coincidence, if it weren’t for the fact that Elon Musk, the owner of Twitter, has singled out Alex Jones as someone he does not want on Twitter because of his stance on the December 14, 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting where 26 people were killed, including twenty children between the ages of six and seven. Alex Jones had called the Sandy Hook shooting a hoax, claiming it was “staged” by the government so they could “go after our guns” and “start a civil war.” Jones also accused the parents of the murdered children of being “crisis actors” who faked their sorrow to turn the public against defenders of the Second Amendment.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.