BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).
‘Faith Not Fear!’
Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines! (B2EN THE//S)
Americans have every right to challenge and reject the Biden Admin’s war propaganda Jordan Schachtel
In fact, it’s patriotic to question your government’s intentions
Today on The Dossier Podcast, we discuss the importance of holding our own government accountable on the wars it is prosecuting overseas.
Americans have the right to question, reject, and even opt out of Ukraine and Russia conflict, if they so choose.
Jared Kushner and the Mystery of the First US Lockdown BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER
The possibility of US lockdowns – never attempted on this scale in the history of pandemics – was already in the air in early March 2020. The theory of lockdown had been floating around for 15 years but now China was first to try it, and claim enormous success, however fraudulently.
Incredibly, the US was set to try it out too but getting Trump on board was going to take some doing. The federal government had the quarantine power since 1944. That much we knew. But just how expansive could its exercise be? Would they dare quarantine the well with the sick? How far would this go?
Thanks to several journalistic accounts, we have a better idea of what went on in the White House before the dreadful March 16, 2020, press conference of Donald Trump, Anthony Fauci, and Deborah Birx in which the lockdowns were announced. Along with that came a flier with tiny print about which the ever-trusting Trump apparently knew nothing: “bars, restaurants, food courts, gyms, and other indoor and outdoor venues where groups of people congregate should be closed.”
Read those words again. Has anything like this ever been issued by any government in the history of the world, before China did it? I cannot think of a case. It shuts not only the places where people do “congregate” but also everywhere where they might congregate. Churches. AA meetings. Civic clubs. Libraries. Museums. Homes! And this happened under Trump’s watch right here in the US! There ought to be a word to describe something more extreme than totalitarian.
There were a number of people in Trump’s circle in those days who proved panicked and confused enough to embrace the idea. But who precisely wrote those words in the sheet handed out to reporters?
California’s Misinformation Epidemic Pt. 1 Pierre Kory
I recently had the pleasure of getting to know one of my favorite pseudonymous writers on Substack who goes by ‘A Midwestern Doctor.’ This powerful essay needs as wide exposure as possible.
From The Forgotten Side of Medicine Substack, this essay brilliantly details the history, current state, and future of the criminal control of information, corruption of science, and coercion of the public in regards to vaccines. I consider it an honor to host this essay for my subscribers.
When I was younger, a friend who was a corporate executive told me about “tiger teams,” an approach industry would utilize to solve a complex problem facing them or to develop a plan for achieving a long-term strategic goal. After he vividly described the tenacity with which they attacked their problem, I realized large corporations could be expected to conduct highly strategic and Machiavellian plans over long timelines that would be difficult for anyone but the most talented observer to spot.
Since that time, I’ve also come to appreciate how most businessmen and their industries will default to reusing tools that have previously proven themselves for addressing each new problem that emerges. As a result, once you learn what each of the tools are, it becomes possible to predict each of the sequential steps a tiger team will choose to accomplish its goals.
Do not fear the collapse, for it is NECESSARY to dismantle the evil cabal and give humanity a path to FREEDOM [2:06:06] by Mike Adams
(Natural News) An engineered global collapse is under way right now. If you’re reading this, you already know the score: The coming financial collapse, engineered mass famine, vaccine bioweapons, the possibility of nuclear war, the “great reset” agenda and much more. There’s no question the collapse — which has already begun — will be a chaotic event, and billions of people will needlessly suffer as globalists strangle world supplies of food, energy and money. However, the aftermath of the collapse also presents humanity with an opportunity to choose a different future after this current tyrannical system is wrecked. It is in this choice that humanity can find freedom and prosperity.
That’s the subject of my Situation Update podcast today (see below). This dynamic also reminds us that we must prepare to survive the collapse so that we can participate in the next society that rises out of the ashes of this current failed system. Only those with a heartbeat, obviously, will have a say in the structure of civilization in the post-collapse era.
To survive and thrive, humanity must shift from a centralized, “fake” civilization (fake news, fake science, fake plandemics, fake money, fake education, fake biology, fake terrorism, etc.) to a decentralized society rooted in morality and reality. This means bringing food production to the local level, where small-scale local farms provide redundancy and resiliency. Education must be local, too, instead of having children subjected to centrally-planned indoctrination agendas pushed by groomers and pedophiles pretending to be teachers and counselors.
[Ed.: A Random Thought:
Imagine if DeSantis from Florida (or any governor) were to catch the FBI and/or the Department of Justice in their illegal activities in Florida (or any state) and call up the National Guard. Then arrest the leaders and incarcerate them, and kick out the rest of them from Florida. Then call for a Constitutional Conference to replace the Federal Government. Remember the Federal Government is a fiction of the imagination of the States that created it. Maybe it’s time to ‘clean house’ and make a new start. That would really ruffle the feathers of those who pull the strings of the Biden regime!]
USCF professor of medicine calls for American Academy of Pediatrics to be DISSOLVED after its ‘hypocrite’ leaders were filmed unmasked at huge gathering while pushing face-coverings on two-year-olds By ALEX HAMMER
- Dr. Vinayak K. Prasad, an oncologist and health researcher at the college, pointed out the hypocrisy of the agency at the org’s first conference since 2019
- It came on the third day of the agency’s conference in Anaheim, amid an air of excitement as participants attended in person for the first time in three years
- Hundreds of health officials descended on the Anaheim Convention Center over the weekend and on Monday to discuss matters involving America’s youtThe agency has since engaged in an abrupt about-face to those policies, photos from the event show, as an increasing amount of districts nix mandates
An oncologist at the University of California, San Francisco has demanded the American Academy of Pediatrics be dissolved after its leaders were pictured unmasked at the org’s first conference since 2019 – after having pushed face-coverings on kids as young as two during the pandemic.
Dr. Vinayak K. Prasad, a hematologist-oncologist and health researcher at the college, pointed out the hypocrisy of the agency tasked with the health, safety and well-being of US infants, children, and adolescents, in a tweet published Monday.
Why Is Fauci Continuing to Fund EcoHealth Alliance? Dr. Joseph Mercola
Numerous experts have called on Congress to issue a subpoena to investigate this risky gain-of-function research.
Instead of a Subpoena, Bat Virus Criminals Get $3.3 Million
Numerous experts have called on Congress to issue a subpoena to investigate this risky gain-of-function research. Despite that, Fauci’s final legacy is to overlook their shady history and supercharge their funding with an extra $3.3 million.
- EcoHealth Alliance was a key participant in risky gain of function research on bat coronaviruses in Wuhan, China, which is now suspected of having played a role in the creation of SARS-CoV-2. That research was funded by Dr. Anthony Fauci at the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
- Despite EcoHealth’s shady history and potential role in the COVID pandemic, Fauci, before leaving office, is now giving EcoHealth another $3.3 million in additional funding
- The NIAID has approved a $653,392 EcoHealth grant to analyze “the potential for future bat coronavirus emergence in Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam.” That sum is for the first year of a five-year project, so the total funding comes out to about $3.3 million
- In addition to collecting and cataloguing novel bat coronaviruses, EcoHealth will also “rapidly supply viral sequences and isolates for use in vaccine and therapeutic development, including ‘prototype pathogen’ vaccines”
- Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst has introduced the “Defund EcoHealth Alliance Act,” which specifies that “No funds authorized or appropriated by federal law may be made available for any purpose to EcoHealth Alliance Inc, including any subsidiaries and related organizations that are directly controlled by EcoHealth Alliance Inc.” This does not go far enough, however, as there are many others that would simply take their place. What we need is a ban on dual use, gain of function research
Ezekiel Emanuel (Rahm’s brother, doctor and ethicist, adviser to the W.H.O. D-G) pushed the mandates on HCWs and universities while outside gov’t — he should be another litigation target Meryl Nass
My Board hearing starts today, new booster fake data, and some odds and ends.
“An error can never become true however many times you repeat it.
The truth can never be wrong, even if no one ever hears about it.”
–Mahatma Gandhi
“Tell the truth and run.” –Yugoslav proverb
“Not to know is bad. Not to wish to know is worse.” -African proverb
My medical hearing starts at 1 pm ET today and is scheduled to run till 7 pm. CHD will live stream it and live blog it at Please send good wishes and prayers.
I am delighted to finally have my day in court to regain my medical license and my reputation for scrupulous honesty, putting patients first (the way the practice of medicine is supposed to be) and excellence as a medical practitioner—and to counterract the many lies told about me. The proverbs sent to me today (below) mean a lot.
A man from Swansea, Wales named Christopher J. Williams described his horrific experience after being coerced into getting the COVID shot.
In his social media post, Mr. Williams stated that he suffered from a blood clot, brain fog, seizures, chronic fatigue, tachycardia, high blood, joint muscle pain, tremors, headaches, speech problems, heart palpitations, pains in the chest, tinnitus, and night sweats two weeks after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine. Now he is classified as disabled due to the vaccine.
William took the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine last March 2021, which is known as a viral vector vaccine, and the ‘mRNA’ COVID-19 vaccine after he was declined for an exemption.
[Re-posting daily] Holocaust Survivor, Vera Sharav Speech at Nuremberg 75 [26:48] childrenshealthdefense
Vera Sharav, Holocaust survivor and human rights advocate, speaks first at the 75th Anniversary Event of the Nuremberg Code in Nuremberg, Germany, on August 20, 2022.
It was almost 75 years ago that the city of Nuremberg was the place of a historic declaration. When the judges of the military tribunal against leading medical officers in the Nazi administration passed their verdict, they issued what would become known as the Nuremberg Code.
On August 20, a compelling line-up of international speakers traveled to Nuremberg to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of The Nuremberg Code. Now of all times, in its jubilee year, this achievement of mankind is facing the greatest hardship since it was written.
Speakers include: CHD President Mary Holland, CHD Africa Executive Director Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Martin Michealis, Steffi Bresnik, Rolf Kron + more.
Watch the full event here :
The stage is prepared for a Hispanic town hall forum in Phoenix, AZ, October 5, 2022 Screenshot: Kari Lake channel
(Oct. 11, 2022) — Well, the race for Arizona Governor just got a bit goofier. As your humble servant noted here, GOP candidate Kari Lake appears on the verge of annihilating her liberal Democrat opponent, Katie Hobbs, due in large part to Hobbs’s manifest and bizarre cowardice.
Apart from Hobbs’s history of racist behavior while in the Arizona House of Representatives and her disinterest in securing the border between Mexico and a state she wants to govern –seriously? –, her latest juvenile pout underscores just how shallow and afraid of reality she really is.
Specifically, at a Hispanic candidate “town hall” forum recently held in Phoenix, Hobbs’s handlers (presumably acting on instructions from Hobbs) refused to allow Lake and Hobbs to simultaneously share the stage for the forum. Hobbs would only appear if she got to go first and Lake was not on the stage with her, presumably allowing Hobbs to after making her pitch.
Before the event began, after protesting a rumored “rule” purportedly requiring Lake to stay in a separate room while Hobbs spoke, Lake relented, but then proceeded to take a seat off-stage in the audience section where the forum was to take place…, right where Hobbs could see her.
Some day this lawless woman will be held accountable.
Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold sent out 20,000 voter registration notices to non-citizens last month… The forms were in English and Spanish.
If they can’t cheat, they can’t win.
FOX News reported:
Around 30,000 non-U.S. citizens living in Colorado were mistakenly sent postcards late last month encouraging them to register to vote.
Democratic Secretary of State Jena Griswold’s office said the postcards were mistakenly mailed on Sept. 27 after department employees compared a list of names of 102,000 people provided by the Electronic Registration Information Center to a database of Colorado residents issued driver’s licenses.
That Department of Revenue driver’s license list includes residents issued special licenses for people who are not U.S. citizens. But it didn’t include formatting information that normally would have allowed the Department of State to eliminate those names before the mailers went out, Griswold’s office said.
The Colorado postcards, in English and Spanish, specify that residents must be U.S. citizens and at least 18 years old to register. They tell recipients how to register but are not a registration form.
Jena Griswold has a long history of lawless antics and was sued back in February 2022.
Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold was sued over the destruction of election records, failure to properly test voting equipment, and obstruction of independent election audits. The relief sought in this case is a full, independent forensic audit of Colorado voting systems and the 2020 election in Colorado.
Bill Allowing Non-Citizens To Vote Pushes Through In Washington, D.C. By Billy Costigan – October 5, 2022
In a vote held on Tuesday that ended in 12-1 results, the city council of Washington, D.C. chose to advance a bill that let the non-citizen residents of the city vote in all future local elections.
The bill is slated to push ahead to an upcoming final vote before hitting the desk of the city’s Democrat Mayor, Muriel Bowser.
“Our immigrant neighbors of all statuses participate, contribute and care about our community in our city. They, like all DC residents, deserve a right to have a say in their government,” stated D.C. Council member Charles Allen as part of a legislative meeting held on Tuesday, as reported by The Hill.
“They raise families here, contribute to their community. They run businesses that people depend on, and they pay taxes that we decide how to spend. Yet they have no ability to elect local leaders who make decisions about their bodies, their businesses and their tax dollars,” stated Allen.
If it manages to make it to the Mayor’s desk and becomes law, would allow non-citizen residents in the District of Columbia to take part in the voting for local elections that include its mayor, school board members, and attorney general. The residency requirement was only set at 30 days for non-citizens, an important detail that sparked the single opposing vote from Council member Mary Cheh.
MIDTERM ELECTIONS: 55% Believe Cheating Affected 2020 Outcome, HALF OF VOTERS Expect Widespread Cheating in Midterms [VIDEO 7:10] BY RED VOICE MEDIA
Two surveys were taken in regard to the upcoming midterms. The first took a step back to look at the 2020 presidential election while the second was looking forward to the 2022 midterms.
As we approach midterm elections, Rasmussen reports that nearly half of surveyed voters expect widespread cheating. Rasmussen’s Mark Mitchell joins Emerald Robinson on Absolute Truth to discuss the survey’s results.
Two surveys were taken regarding the upcoming midterms. The first took a step back to look at the 2020 presidential election: “…Rasmussen Reports asked 1000 People How likely is it that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election? 33% said it was very likely, 22% said somewhat likely, only 11% said it wasn’t very likely, and 29% said… Not at all likely. 5% said they weren’t sure.”
Unhinged Leftist Singing “F*ck Ashli Babbitt” Destroys Birthday Memorial to Ashli Babbitt on Steps of US Capitol – Capitol Police Stand By and Do Nothing (VIDEO 1:32) Jim Hoft
Patriotic Americans laid roses and bouquets outside the US Capitol today on what would have been Ashli Babbit’s 37th birthday.
Ashi Babbitt, the slain Air Force veteran who was murdered by Capitol Hill Police officer Michael Byrd on January 6, would be celebrating her 37th birthday tomorrow if her life wasn’t suddenly taken by a leftist who the federal government continues to protect.
Ashli’s mother, Micki Witthoeft, continues to relentlessly fight for justice.
Advocating for the hundreds of J6 political hostages, mother Witthoeft has spent more than two months praying and protesting in front of the DC jail where the political prisoners are detained.
Patriots from across the nation have convened at the DC gulag with Babbitt’s mother to demand justice for Ashli and the J6 political prisoners, many of whom are veterans and have languished in solitary confinement for months or years without seeing a judge.
Witthoeft and Americans For Justice, a non-profit organization “devoted to assisting American citizens who are being wrongfully persecuted at the hands of the federal government,” called on Americans to lift Babbitt up in prayer and commemorate her birthday.
Why Zelensky’s World War III Gambit Will Fail [Posted here yesterday]
A continually unhinged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has spent the past year trying to draw NATO powers into direct conflict with Russia, and he has yet to achieve success, despite many attempts to do so. While the rhetoric between D.C., Brussels, and Moscow has certainly become more fiery, the kinetic pieces on the geopolitical chessboard have remained steadily in place, because the major parties to the conflict do not want to witness World War III breaking out.
On Thursday, Zelensky ramped up the rhetoric even further, calling on NATO forces to bomb Russia and try to eliminate their nuclear arsenal.
f course, such a mission, which would launch WWIII, is not even possible, as Moscow retains the nuclear triad and thousands of nuclear weapons at their disposal.
Zelensky, an actor by trade, doesn’t seem to care about the details. He just wants NATO/US forces on the ground in Ukraine, and he’s willing to accept World War III to make that happen.
Last week, Zelensky signed an expedited NATO application.
Army transfers satellite communications mission to USSF: All military SATCOM under one service for first time By Capt. Anna-Marie Wyant
Peterson Space Force Base, Colo. — The U.S. Army’s satellite communications mission officially transferred to the U.S. Space Force during a ceremony at Peterson Space Force Base, Colorado, Aug. 15, 2022.
This transfer from the Army to the Space Force marks the first time all Department of Defense military satellite communication functions have been consolidated under a single military service.
U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Daniel Karbler, commanding general of U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command, and U.S. Space Force Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting, commander of Space Operations Command, presided over the ceremony.
“This is a historic moment for the Department of Defense and military satellite communications as we bring all military SATCOM capabilities under one service for the first time ever,” Karbler said. “My thanks to the U.S. Space Force, and in particular Lieutenant General Stephen Whiting and his team for their tremendous teamwork throughout this transition period. I know our SATCOM professionals will continue to provide world-class service and support while embodying the proud heritage of the Army SATCOM mission.”
The SATCOM mission will be transferring from USASMDC’s Satellite Operations Brigade, which includes the 53rd Signal Battalion and SATCOM Directorate, to the 53rd Space Operations Squadron and SATCOM Office, which fall under SpOC’s Space Delta 8.
The US Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to hear a case about Constitutional rights for fetuses Cristina Laila
Catholics for Life and two Rhode Island women who were pregnant at the time and sued on behalf of their unborn children, appealed a lower court’s opinion that fetuses did not have the authority to challenge a 2019 state law making abortion legal.
Reuters reported:
The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday declined to decide whether fetuses are entitled to constitutional rights in light of its June ruling overturning the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that had legalized abortion nationwide, steering clear for now of another front in America’s culture wars.
The justices turned away an appeal by a Catholic group and two women of a lower court’s ruling holding that fetuses lacked the proper legal standing to challenge a 2019 state law codifying the right to abortion in line with the Roe precedent. The two women, pregnant at the time when the case was first filed, sued on behalf of their fetuses and later gave birth.
Who Is REALLY Pushing Nuclear War? By Judi McLeod
‘Ukraine’s Zelenskyy calls for NATO to launch ‘preemptive strikes’ (Fox News, Oct. 8, 2022”
“Ukrainian officials have seemingly walked back comments from President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who appeared to call upon NATO to launch preemptive strikes into Russia to stop Russian President Vladimir Putin’s nuclear threats.”
Someone close to me asked me this morning a sizzling, no, a searing, question about Zelenskyy’s calls for NATO to launch ‘preemptive strikes’ in Russia.
Questions Of The Day:
The searing question: “If Ukraine is winning the war against Russia as the media incessantly reports, “why are ‘preemptive strikes’ against Russia necessary?”
A slow burning question of my own, originating from Tweets spotted on the ‘Net claiming that Vladimir Putin’s main fight is putting a stop to the Great Reset was already there haunting my troubled mind:
Where are the Western leaders trying to stop the progress of The Great Reset, now that we know it is harsh reality, not just another conspiracy?
Both leaders in Canada and the U.S. are complicit with WEF leader Klaus Schwab and the coming horrors of The Great Reset.
Back to Zelenskyy and his call for NATO to conduct ‘preemptive strikes’ against Russia:
Here’s Where US Nuclear Bombs Are Stored In Europe
The Belgian tabloid De Morgen published a copy of the document detailing where the US nuclear bombs are stored in Europe.
A nuclear war “cannot be won and must never be fought,” the United States, Russia, China, the UK, and France unanimously agreed in January, in a rare instance of agreement on a matter of international security. A senior U.S. State Department official at the time described the vow, the outcome of months of negotiations, as “an acknowledgement that it is something that we want to avoid.”
However, in light of Russia’s recent escalation in bellicose rhetoric, U.S. President Biden has warned that Putin is “not joking when he talks about the potential deployment of tactical nuclear weapons” warning: “I don’t think there’s any such thing as the ability to easily (use) a tactical nuclear weapon and not end up with Armageddon”. Adding historical context, Biden said: “We have not faced the prospect of Armageddon since Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis.”
According to Martin Armstrong of Statista, nine countries are thought to now have close to 13,000 nuclear warheads.
The United States and Russia are at the top of the list, as compiled by the Federation of American Scientists (FAS), with a combined arsenal of nearly 11,000 weapons. “Instead of planning for nuclear disarmament, the nuclear-armed states appear to plan to retain large arsenals for the indefinite future,” the FAS said in late 2021. “All continue to modernise their remaining nuclear forces…and all appear committed to retaining nuclear weapons for the indefinite future.”
Andrew Weissmann is in the middle of some of the most corrupt actions taken by the DOJ in US history. Today we have more on his corrupt and unethical actions.
Attorney Sidney Powell is an expert on Department of Justice corruption and she followed the career of Democrat hatchetman Andrew Weissmann who destroyed thousands of lives during his career as a federal prosecutor.
Powell wrote LICENSED TO LIE: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice after seeing a core group of federal prosecutors break all the rules, make up crimes, hide evidence, and send innocent people to prison in the Enron case in the mid-2000s.
Biden Regime Gives Cellphones to over 255K Border Crossers, Illegal Aliens Released into U.S. By: John Binder
President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has given cellphones, with the intent of tracking their whereabouts, to more than 255,000 border crossers and illegal aliens released into the United States over the last year.
FBI Held Children at Gunpoint in the Driveway as They Raided Home to Arrest their Christian Father for Singing in Abortion Clinic (Video) Jim Hoft
This is Joe Biden’s America: As previously reported last week, heavily armed FBI agents raided a country home of Paul Vaughn in Tennessee last week. The FBI goons swarmed the property while his wife is heard begging for answers as Biden’s Gestapo takes her husband away for being pro-life.
On Wednesday Biden’s Gestapo arrested eleven pro-life activists for a peaceful protest at an abortion clinic that took place over a year ago. The eleven pro-life activists face up to eleven years in prison and $250,000 in fines. (Details below)
Screen images from cellphone video taken by his wife show FBI agents at the front door of the home of Paul Vaughn, 55, after they arrested him at gunpoint in front of his family before they walk off refusing to answer questions while one agent comes around from behind the house.
Video was posted by Town Hall’s Mia Cathell, “One of the pro-life leaders targeted by Biden’s DOJ sent me footage of the early morning FBI raid on his family home. Paul Vaughn was placed in handcuffs by armed FBI agents in front of his children just before school drop-off. Watch as his wife pleads for answers mid-arrest:”
FBI intel analyst tells Durham agency offered Steele $1M to corroborate dossier
Court proceedings began with the selection of 12 jurors and four alternates By Natalia Mittelstadt
An FBI analyst on Tuesday in federal court told Special Counsel John Durham the agency offered former British spy Christopher Steele “up to $1 million” to corroborate evidence in his now-discredited dossier that was central to a federal investigation into possible collusion between Russia and the 2016 Trump presidential campaign.
The revelation appears to show the FBI, according to the testimony from intelligence analyst Brian Auten, had insufficient solid evidence for the FISA warrant for Trump campaign adviser Carter Page in its investigation and used uncorroborated information to move forward with the probe.
Auten said that Steele never got the money [Emphasis added] because he wasn’t able to prove the allegations.
Russiagate investigator makes ‘explosive’ prediction for Durham case by Daniel Chaitin
A leading Russiagate investigator is raising expectations for next week’s trial in special counsel John Durham‘s investigation looking for misconduct in the FBI‘s Trump-Russia inquiry.
Kash Patel, a former top House Intelligence Committee aide and Trump administration official, made a prediction based on Durham’s claim in court that the alleged source for disgraced former British spy Christopher Steele‘s infamous anti-Trump dossier was a paid confidential human source for the FBI.
Durham’s prosecution will “explode” the FBI’s “confidential human source corruption coverup network” being used for, in his view, a “disinformation campaign to the American public,” Patel said in a recent interview on Real America’s Voice.
New Zealand farmers may pay for greenhouse gas emissions under world-first plans
By 2025, farmers would pay a levy on emissions from sources such as cow burps and gases from their urine under proposals released by Jacinda Ardern
In a world-first, New Zealand appears set to introduce a scheme that will require farmers to pay for their agricultural greenhouse gas emissions, including the methane belched out by cows and nitrous oxide emitted through livestock urine.
The prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, and three of her ministers, stood behind a podium of hay bales at a North Island dairy farm on Tuesday morning to unveil the government’s plan for putting a price on the climate cost of farming.
The emissions created by the digestive systems of New Zealand’s 6.3m cows are among the country’s biggest environmental problems. The plan includes taxing both methane emitted by livestock and nitrous oxide emitted mostly from fertiliser-rich urine – which together contributes to around half of New Zealand’s overall emissions output.