Daily Shmutz | 010222

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Remember to read between the lines (and to smile often):

34.   Could Bird Flu be the Next Big Health Crisis in Israel and the World?

Israel and 40 other countries have been hit by the worst-ever bird flu outbreak. We asked the experts how it happened, what its impact will be, and if we should we be concerned for our health.

By Abigail Klein Leichman

Every autumn, around half a billion migratory birds fly through Israel on their way from cold Europe to warm Africa. Thousands stay here all winter.

But this breathtakingly beautiful scene has an ugly side: Every year, some of the visiting birds bring avian (bird) flu with them.

Probably contracting the virus in their northern breeding grounds in Europe and western Asia, visiting birds often infect ducks and geese in Israel.


33.   [Ed.: See the 6 comments to this article, and mine as well!]

!   Chaim Walder THE small CRIMINAL.

Walfish Blogspot

Since everyone is commenting on Chaim Walder here’s mine.

It seems to me like the vast majority of people who are all upset about what he did are either a bunch of hypocrites, or are willfully ignorant to much larger crimes, which is not cute.

Why do I say this so boldly you may ask?

If you are intellectually honest and care about truth, keep reading and learn why.

As bad as it was for Chaim Walder to destroy dozens of people’s lives, and I am not downplaying it, the Misrad Habriyut of Israel, (the health ministry) is thousands of times worse. They are responsible for thousands of deaths every single year! From their very inception they have been run by war criminals that have been working for the pharmaceutical industry, who profit off of sickness, like blood sucking parasitic leeches.

Here are only a few examples of their crimes, there are many more.

In the 1950s, Shimon Peres and Dr. Sheeba, the minister of health, got 7 radiation machines from America. They proceeded to do medical radiation experiments on over 200,000 Sefardic children during school without informed consent from their parents “claiming” they have ringworms. They pumped 35,000 times the amount of radiation a normal human being can handle directly into their little skulls and brains. As a result of this campaign, they murdered over six thousand children within the first year, and tens of thousands more died over the next few years, not to mention all the brain damage they caused on thousands more.

Mind you this was a few years after Josef Mengele did medical experimentations on the Jews in Auschwitz. This was a clear violation of the Nuremberg code of informed consent which was enacted BECAUSE of the Nazi’s medical experimentation on Jews without informed consent, and is an international war crime! Rather than bring Dr. Sheeba to justice for his war crimes, they named the largest hospital in Tel Aviv after him. The next time you go to the Sheeba medical center, imagine it being called the Josef Mengele Medical Center of Israel. Which wouldn’t be as offensive since Mengele did not experiment on his own people!

Continue reading

[Ed.:  The only two errors in this article are in the title, where the author refers to Walder as a “criminal,” when that is only rumor, not proven. The second error is in the third paragraph, where he says that Walder “destroyed many lives.”  A man is innocent until proven guilty.  Walder hasn’t been.

Here is a photo of the Walder family making aliyah in 2008. 

In my humble opinion, he was suicided because he thought (as an American,) that he had free speech in “The Only Democracy In The Middle East.”  When he wrote the Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit, criticizing his stance on the proposed Conversion Law, suddenly THEN 26 women come forth claiming he “sexually destroyed them,” so he committed suicide out of guilt and shame.  IMHO, Walder was suicided, and not a suicide. But, no one knows exactly what happened!  We only know what the government press and the rumor mill are telling us.  Other than that, I can vouch for the veracity of all of the author’s other wild claims! There’s much more that he didn’t mention.]


32.  !  From Chananya Weissman on Chaim Walder “suicide”:


31.  !!  Important Proven Solutions to keep from getting sick even if you received the mRNA shot

Keep from getting sick – very important if you have received the mRNA shot or are around anyone who has received the shot.

By Sarah Westall

Dr. Joe Nieusma’s Advice

First, do not get sick. It is very important to not trigger an auto immune response which could turn your immune system against itself creating a serious life-threatening situation.

How to Keep from Getting Sick:


30.   Bad Advice: 57 Covid mistakes made by U.S. public officials

Sharyl Attkisson 

Would you normally continue to pay and accept advice from people with a track record like this?

US Public Officials:

  1. See proven solutions to keep from getting sick and to reverse mRNA DamageFunded dangerous Gain of Function research with our adversary, China, using US taxpayer money, in order to create vaccines and other medicine
  2. Denied such funding had occurred
  3. Claimed the lab theory was debunked when it hadn’t been investigated


29.   Dr. Fauci: Vaccinated and Boosted Americans Better Not Go Out to Public Places Right Now (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft

Dr. Fauci was on with CNN this morning admitting the vaccines and boosters are not working. Fauci also is calling for people to stay home even if they are vaxxed and boosted.

As we have said numerous times, the pandemic will not end until this dangerous clown is removed from office.


28.   FDIC Chair Resigns, Warns Democrats Launching ‘Hostile Takeover’

By Cassandra Fairbanks

FDIC Chairman Jelena McWilliams announced her resignation on Friday after warning that Democrats had launched a “hostile takeover” of the agency.

McWilliams resigned in an open letter addressed to President Biden.

McWilliams was appointed to the position in 2018 by President Donald Trump.

“When I immigrated to this country 30 years ago, I did so with a firm belief in the American system of government. During my tenure at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, the United States Senate, and the FDIC, I have developed a deep appreciation for these venerable institutions and their traditions. It has been a tremendous honor to serve this nation, and I did not take a single day for granted. Throughout my public service, I have been constantly reminded how blessed we are to live in the United States of America,” the letter stated.


27.  !  What You Need to Know About the Donald Trump_Candace Owens Interview  [13:39]


26.   Do another six million Jews have to die before the benign West awakens from its torpor?

By Barry Shaw

The battle that Israel is currently engaged in against Iran has been referred to as “the war between wars.”

This is a misnomer. Israel is currently engaged in a war against Iran and has been for several years. This war is mainly fought in Syria, sometimes in Gaza or Lebanon, and sometimes even inside Iran.  On the other side, Iran prefers to fight against Israel indirectly through their numerous proxies. They prefer that Lebanese or Palestinians die rather than Iranians.

Wars sometime are fought openly on the battlefield, military force against military force. But often they are fought with local and regional battles, or even covert operations. The current Iran-Israel war is conducted by the latter scenario.

Let’s not kid ourselves, this is a war against Iran’s ultimate goals: to gain regional hegemony, under the threat of a nuclear umbrella, and strike out for global Islamic domination. And, the use of a nuclear device to eradicate Israel as a force persuader against the West.


25.  !   The New Climate of Panic Among the Panic-Mongers

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley

A new climate panic is gripping the far-Left profiteers of doom. Those few of Them who are climate scientists have made fame and fortune by telling us the world is toast unless the once-free West (though responsible for only a fifth of the world’s sins of emission) commits economic hara-kiri. The cost of placating climate Communism is already in the quadrillions.

However, They are becoming aware that Their official climate narrative is rooted in a grave error of physics – an error so elementary that it can be described here. At a vital point in Their calculation of how much warming we may cause, They forgot the Sun was shining.


24.  !! Bombshell: CDC No Longer Recognizes the PCR Test As a Valid Method for Detecting “Confirmed Covid-19 Cases”?

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research

“The PCR is a Process. It does not tell you that you are sick”. Dr. Kary Mullis, Nobel Laureate and Inventor of the RT-PCR, passed away in August 2019.

This misuse of the RT-PCR technique is applied as a relentless and intentional strategy by some governments to justify excessive measures such as the violation of a large number of constitutional rights, … under the pretext of a pandemic based on a number of positive RT-PCR tests, and not on a real number of patients. .Dr. Pascal SacréBelgian physician specialized in critical care and renowned public health analyst.

[Ed.: Is that because no one believes their numbers any more because the entire pandemic was based on false test premises?]


23.  !! The Real Science of Omicron  [19:37]

By Dr. Peter McCullough


22.  !! Exposed: Klaus Schwab’s School For Covid Dictators, Plan for ‘Great Reset’ (Videos)

 Michael Lord

Economist Ernst Wolff believes that a hidden alliance of political and corporate leaders is exploiting the pandemic with the aim of crashing national economies and introducing a global digital currency.

How is it that more than 190 governments from all over the world ended up dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in almost exactly the same manner, with lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccination cards now being commonplace everywhere? The answer may lie in the Young Global Leaders school, which was established and managed by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, and that many of today’s prominent political and business leaders passed through on their way to the top.

The German economist, journalist, and author Ernst Wolff has revealed some facts about Schwab’s “Young Global Leaders” school that are relevant for understanding world events during the pandemic in a video from the German Corona Committee podcast. While Wolff is mainly known as a critic of the globalist financial system, recently he has focused on bringing to light what he sees as the hidden agenda behind the anti-Covid measures being enacted around the world.


21.  !!  Bombshell: Nobel Prize Winner Reveals – Covid Vaccine is ‘Creating Variants’   [2:34]

 Renee Nal   May 18, 2021

Prof. Luc Montagnier said that epidemiologists know but are “silent” about the phenomenon, known as “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement” (ADE).

While it is understood that viruses mutate, causing variants, French Virologist and Nobel Prize Winner Luc Montagnier contends that “it is the vaccination that is creating the variants.”

The 2008 Nobel Laureate made the explosive comments as part of a larger interview with Pierre Barnérias of Hold-Up Media earlier this month. The clip was exclusively translated for RAIR Foundation USA, and is quite damning for the agenda-driven left-wing establishment.


20.   White House Wants To Cause Class Warfare Between Vaccinated And Unvaccinated

In an exclusive interview with the media, Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL) said the White House wants to create class warfare amongst vaccinated and unvaccinated Americans in order to generate turmoil and maintain power, but it’s “not going to work.”


19.   Netherlands Announces Plan To Give People Up to Six Doses of COVID Vaccine

The health minister of The Netherlands, Hugo de Jonge, has indicated the country could be preparing another three booster shots, amounting to six doses of the COVID vaccines.

[Ed.:  ]


18.   Following Rocket Fire Near Tel Aviv, Israel Targets Hamas Sites in Gaza; US Pledges $99M to UNRWA

The Israeli military struck targets in the Gaza Strip on Saturday night in retaliation for the two rockets that had been fired in the morning from the Palestinian enclave towards central Israel. Video / #IAF…

[Ed.: They made a ‘tit, we made a ‘tat.  It’s over.  Let’s eat.]


17.    Democrats Continue to Gaslight Americans With the Lie That Laws Requiring Voter ID and Proof of Citizenship to Vote Amounts to Voter Suppression

Bill Narvey

Recall that Eric Holder, Obama’s DOJ raged against voter ID laws claiming it would suppress voters, especially black voters, from voting.   Obama fully supported that position.

In 2017, Holder spoke at Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network convention to warn that voting rights—particularly those of communities of color—are currently “under siege” by Republican voter identification laws.  Eric Holder Rages Against ‘Un-American’ Voter ID Laws at Al Sharpton’s Convention https://observer.com/2017/04/eric-holder-voter-suppression-trump-republicans/  

 Now Biden or more likely his advisor handlers, are pushing that same lie on Americans with Biden having nominated to be a federal judge ‘a left-wing activist (Nancy Gbana Abuduwith) ties to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) who  has argued photo ID and proof of citizenship constitute “voter suppression’.  Biden Judicial Nominee Said ‘Proof of Citizenship’ is ‘Voter Suppression’ – The left-wing activist has a contentious past, records show https://www.dailywire.com/news/biden-judicial-nominee-said-proof-of-citizenship-is-voter-suppression

 Those with just a lick of common sense know that legislating that to vote in Federal, State, County and Municipal elections, one must present photographic Voter ID and proof of citizenship cuts down greatly on voter fraud potential including opportunities for the dead to show up at the election voter polls or to mail in their ballots from their respective final resting places.

That this Democrat gaslighting lie has not been thrown in the garbage bin of American politics, might suggest fewer Americans possess the common sense they are so often credited with.

The alternative explanation however, is more likely.

It is not just the Democrat’s voting base that spreads Democrat views, words, deeds and positions throughout America. So too does America’s variety of a great many left wing factions.

Then there is the very  popular left wing social media giants that push their left wing and Democrat views on their followers and users while censuring conservative and Republican views. Lastly, but perhaps even more influential is the vast majority of America’s national, State and local print, TV and radio media main stream media ie. the Main Stream Media (MSM) .  The MSM that supports the Democrats and often functions as the Democrat’s propaganda arm,  reaches vastly more Americans than does conservative media.

It is clear that the Democrat’s socio-political guiding principle, just like their supporters aforesaid  is the Machiavellian Principle – the ends, justify the means.  That principle allows for forsaking or inverting traditional Judeo-Christian values, morality, ethics and scruples as necessary to free the Democrats to gaslight Americans as they have by holding fast to proclaiming the lie that voter ID and proof of citizenship voting laws causes voter suppression.

We should never forget history’s lesson regarding how a big lie repeated often enough by a person, organization or political party can supplant the truth.


16.   Kashrut reform enters first phase amid haredi boycott

The reform was signed into law in November, and in its first stage, chief municipal rabbis may now grant kashrut certificates all over the country and are not limited to their geographical location.


The kashrut reform initiated by Religious Services Minister Matan Kahana (Yamina) officially began on Sunday. Businesses may now choose any municipal chief rabbi to grant them a license, and they do not have to choose the rabbi of their locale.

The move is the first step of a gradual move to competition-based kashrut certification. By the end of 2022, the process will be privatized with governmental oversight. Meanwhile, municipal rabbis may now compete with one another for business owners outside of their jurisdiction.

“A new morning in Israel!” Kahana wrote on Twitter. “Today the first stage of the kashrut program will begin, which will regulate the State of Israel’s kashrut system and march it forward to better kashrut, better-regulated kashrut, more organized kashrut,” he wrote:


15.   Top health expert: Omicron unlikely to cause more serious cases than Delta

Eran Segal argues newly added restrictions no longer relevant; says weaker strain rapidly taking over country, may cause 2 million cases within several weeks before dipping

One of the top health advisers to the government said Saturday that while Israel will likely set a new record for case numbers in the coming weeks as the Omicron wave peaks, he expects the number of serious cases to remain at a manageable rate for hospitals, and not to surpass those seen during the height of the Delta wave in the summer.

Eran Segal, a computational biologist for the Weizmann Institute of Science, told Channel 12 that Israel will likely hit 10,000 daily cases by the end of the coming week and 20,000 cases a day the week after that. On Friday, 5,466 new cases were identified.

Segal speculated that in three weeks, there will be roughly two million active cases in the country, but that at that point, cases will fall as the country reaches a “kind of herd immunity.”


14.  !! How to Break Free of Fear Addiction     [1:32:12]

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

How to ‘Snap’ Loved Ones Out of COVID Brainwashing

Government, corporations and powerful individuals have used systematic ‘grooming’ toward irrational fear for decades – and they’re using it to rob us of our freedoms. So how do you help your brainwashed friends and family see clearly, when they’re essentially in a cult?


  • In his book “United States of Fear,” psychiatrist Mark McDonald diagnoses the U.S. as suffering from mass delusional psychosis, driven by an irrational fear of what is now a rather innocuous virus
  • The fearful overreaction didn’t have its origin in what happened in 2020. Government, corporations and powerful individuals have engaged in a systematic “grooming” effort toward irrational fear addiction for decades
  • Without fear, they cannot rob us of our freedoms
  • The underlying motivation of this psychological campaign has been an attack on the core structures, foundations and institutions of society in order to nurture a sense of dependency on government
  • To overcome their addiction to fear, a person must still have a sense of curiosity and be willing to look at new information. If they’re not, they’re not treatable and cannot be stopped from trading their (and our) freedom for a false sense of security. So, the key is finding those who are still open and receptive to new information, so that we can reach a tipping point where there are more fearless people than fear addicted ones


13.  !!  Remember how they said Omicron wasn’t hitting South Africa hard because people there had immunity from prior infections?

Yeah, that was another lie. It’s just much less dangerous, period. A new study has the real numbers (in the appendix, as usual).

Alex Berenson

In December, the panic porners on Team Apocalypse had a problem.

They wanted you to be afraid of the Omicron variant. So afraid that you’d rush out to get a Covid vaccine booster.


12.  !! !!  Dr. Zelenko Exposes & Risks It All, This Is World War Three, Death Rate As High As Two Billion  [21:48]

[Ed.:  The spike in the chart below indicates the date that national immunizations started!  There are no coincidences!]

Daily deaths in Israel:

[Ed.:  Look!  Today, only 5,500 are dying each month from the  so-called “vaccine”!  (Worldometers)   If there are 6.5 million Jews in IINO, it would take the Israeli government 98.5 years to kill us all off!  That’s great news!  ]


11.   Just Like Soviet Russia: T-Mobile Is Erasing Links to Gateway Pundit Articles if You Send Them by Text Message — MORE UPDATES…

By Jim Hoft

Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Communists were known for their airbrushing. If a top official lost favor with Stalin they were eliminated and airbrushed from society as if they never existed.

Who would have ever thought this practice would come to our shores one day?

On the last day of 2021,  The Gateway Pundit and Jim Hoft were banned from Paypal without warning.

Now, we learned the tech giants are using a frightening new method to censor and control what you are able to see, read and discuss online.


10.    Large increase in terror attacks in Judea and Samaria in 2021

1,500 more stone-throwing incidents in 2021 compared to 2020, doubling of shootings and stabbings, according to IDF data.


9.   Where’s the afterglow from Gantz’s meeting with Abbas?

Did Gantz know he was being played? What’s it all about? Opinion.

Jack Engelhard 

Obviously, the charm offensive didn’t work. Abbas spat on the hospitality and left the reception frothing at the mouth.

It began just last week or so, with congratulations all around. What was the big deal?

Benny Gantz, Israel’s Defense Minister, had extended the welcome mat to PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas even so far as inviting him to his home. For the personal touch.

Nobody saw the snake in the carpet?

Indeed, Putin and Biden and other leaders around the world, even some within Israel, were effusively in support of Gantz’s gesture…so full of warmth, love, peace.

What’s wrong with peace? Nothing…if both sides want it.

Did Gantz know he was being played? He cannot have expected his extended hand to be met with such a blistering tirade, a rant running on with blood libel followed by blood libel.

“Ethnic cleansing,” says he, Abbas, the man who pays his people to murder Israelis.


8.   Ghislaine Maxwell faces ‘death by incarceration,’ legal analyst says

Ghislaine Maxwell faces a likely ‘death by incarceration’ as a result of her conviction, legal analyst Mitchell Epner, a former federal prosecutor, told Reuters


7.   Over 1,000 homes destroyed in Colorado wildfire  [1:05]

Colorado officials said that it was a ‘miracle’ that no deaths were reported.


6.   Yuli Edelstein: ‘We’re going to get Disengagement Law annulled’

New ‘Homesh First’ lobby has over 1/3 Knesset members including several from the coalition. “We are all committed to the Land of Israel.”

Shimon Cohen

On Sunday, Likud MK Yuli Edelstein launched the “Homesh First” Knesset lobby and led a delegation of Knesset members to the north Samarian town of Homesh. While there, Edelstein spoke with Israel National News and described the aims of the new lobby.

Edelstein described the obstacles he encountered on his way to Homesh, with security forces trying to bar entrance to journalists and parliamentary aides; ultimately, access was granted and he expressed his appreciation for the security provided at the location.

“Eventually, we are going to see Jewish settlement renewed in Homesh, with the homes rebuilt,” Edelstein said, noting that over forty Knesset members have signed up to join the lobby, including several from the coalition. “This shows that when it comes to Homesh, people are ready to fight. We are going to use all our parliamentary means to get the Disengagement Law annulled in northern Samaria, and from there move on to renewing Jewish settlement in Homesh.”


5.   A clear message to the Prime Minister from Homesh: You won’t drive us out

Knesset members from Likud, Religious Zionism, Shas visit Homesh to launch ‘Homesh First’ lobby.

Hezki Baruch

On Sunday, Former Knesset Speaker and Health Minister MK Yuli Edelstein (Likud) launched the “Homesh First” Knesset lobby and conducted a tour of the north Samarian community together with six opposition Knesset members as well as Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan.

“In order to prevent the next expulsion and the loss of territory in Judea and Samaria and the Negev,” Edelstein said, “I have established this ‘Homesh First’ lobby whose aim is to renew Jewish settlement in northern Samaria and to repopulate the communities that were evacuated. This is the only way to stop the plans for further expulsions – plans that are already being formulated by the current government. I intend to mobilize all our forces to stop further irreversible damage from being done by this government. We must not allow a new disengagement to occur.”

[Ed.:  Israel’s solution to their ‘Jewish problem’:  Bulldoze their houses and synagogues, and jab them and their children with poisonA better solution would be for Israel’s citizens to force the government to eat shit! (… If I were to have written this in IINO, they would have me suicided…)]


4.  [More experimental drugs for the Jewish guinea pigs in IINO!]

New anti-COVID drug to arrive in Israel within days

FDA granted emergency-use authorization to Molnupiravir just last week. Drug acts by introducing errors into Covid-19’s genetic code.

On Sunday, the Israeli Health Ministry authorized Lagevrio (Molnupiravir), an anti-viral medication, for the treatment of coronavirus. The drug is manufactured by the MSD pharmaceutical company which has already signed a deal with the Health Ministry with regard to supplying the drug to Israel; deliveries are expected to begin arriving in the next few days.

Molnupiravir was authorized by the FDA last week in an emergency use authorization.

[Ed.:  Why not use therapeutics instead of experimental ‘Emergency Use Only’ drugs?  Well, because Remdesivir is banned, and hydroxychloroquine is for horses!   People with horse sense, that is!]


3.  !!   Keep your kids at home!  [4:06]

Terrifying threat against principal of a religious school (Hebrew)

[This is a very close translation from the Hebrew:]

An audio testimony in Hebrew of how a man was in the room when the principal of a religious school got a phone call from the Ministry of Health saying that next week they would be visited by agents who would persuade the kids to take the shot. Once the child agrees, he can be given the shot on the spot. “But don’t you need parental consent?” he asked. “No, we just need the child to consent.” When the principal said he is not okay with that, the man said “listen well, this conversation is between me and you. If you oppose this, you are an anti-vaxer. If you publicize it (i.e., warn the parents), we will kill you (words to that effect).

[Ed.:  In IINO, if you don’t do what they tell you, you might just commit suicide!]


2.   The camels are on the horizon

Remember when reading this of the number who entered the government in financial straights and left muti-millionaires and not all were of the same political stripe.

Regretably, this story is all to real in today’s America.  To the children that will read this story, pay heed that the life style you grew up with it will most likely not be the life style that your children or grandchildren will enjoy because it will have been lost by your generation.

     The Camels are on the Horizon – Never a truer word spoken …..

The founder of Dubai, Sheik Rashid, was asked about the future of his country, he replied:
“My grandfather rode a camel, my father rode a camel, I ride a Mercedes, my son rides a Land Rover, and my grandson is going to ride a Land Rover… but my great-grandson is going to have to ride a camel again”.

Why is that, he was asked?

His reply was, “Hard times create strong men, strong men create easy times.  Easy times create weak men, weak men create difficult times.  Many will not understand it, but you have to raise warriors, not parasites.”

And add to that the historical reality that all great empires…the Persians, the Trojans, the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans, and in later years, the British… all rose and perished within an average of 200 years.

Some were not conquered by external enemies;  they rotted from within.  America has now passed the 240 year mark, and the rot is quite visible and is accelerating. Not just America… it is happening to the whole western word.

We are past the Mercedes and Land Rover Years… the camels are on the horizon.

The greatest generation consisted of 18-year-old kids storming the beaches at Normandy.

And now, two generations later, some 18-year-old kids want to hide in safe rooms when they hear words that hurt their feelings. They also want free stuff from the government because they think they are entitled to it.

“The Camels are on the horizon” for sure.

Something to ponder?  History has a way of repeating itself.
Those who do not remember their history are condemned to relive it – writer and philosopher

  • George Santayana


1.    “These Filthy Pigs Have Ruined Everything!” – Latino Truck Driver Rails Against Biden Regime and Communist Democrats Over Product Shortages (VIDEO)

By Jim Hoft

Reality bites.
A Latino truck driver posted video of himself after leaving a second Walmart that was out of oil for his vehicle. He compared it to Cuba. And he rightfully blamed the Communist Democrats.

And he’s a Trump supporter.
He HATES Democrats.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.