Daily Shmutz | 010323 – 010423 – 010523 – 010623 – 010723

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)




LIVE VIDEO FROM TGP RUMBLE: Motion to Adjourn FAILS – Kevin McCarthy Elected House Speaker After 15th Vote!  By Joe Hoft

January 6, 2023 at 11:20pm – It looks like this may be it, the final vote for US Speaker.

The GOP McCarthy group looks very happy.

During the vote for adjournment, Gaetz and McCarthy spoke on the House floor.

It looks like it’s over.

Eli Crane switched his vote to present. This should give McCarthy the gavel.


HUGE: Steve Bannon Also Calls for President Trump for Speaker – RELIABLE SOURCE Says President Trump Would Do It!   By Joe Hoft   January 5, 2023 at 12:37pm

Earlier today in the 7th vote for the US House of Representatives, GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz called for President Trump for Speaker.

Steve Bannon on the War Room just called for Trump as Speaker as well.

From a reliable and trusted source – President Trump would do it if voted as Speaker.

Bannon made a case for Trump on the War Room moments ago.

At the beginning of the segment, Bannon showed the misdirection play from RINOs like Rep. Ben Crenshaw who made fun of Rep. Bob Good for doing what’s right and not electing McCarthy.

Bannon then shared:

It can’t continue on like this.  This fight has been brewing for 10 years…since the Tea Party revolt in 2010.

All of the big guns running the GOP House are gone except McCarthy.

I said on here over a year ago, that Donald Trump should be the Speaker.  At least come in for an interim of 100 days.  Why did I say that?  I knew this was going to end up…

… [after talking about a modern day Church commission to investigate the weaponization of the government] …What about Trump and do it for some interim period, maybe 100 days?

Would you not rather have Trump leading in the negotiation of the debt ceiling and the spending than some of these other people?  Would you not?  And that’s what it’s going to come down to.  We’re hurling towards an economic and financial crisis just like the 1930s.   We’re going through a dark valley…

Listen to this historic segment from Steve Bannon on the War Room.

(How awesome it would be if President Trump was sworn in as Speaker tomorrow on Jan 6?)  [Emphasis added!]

[Ed.:  Surprise, surprise, surprise!]

                                                                                                                                                                                                       “He who laughs last, laughs best!

UPDATE:  It didn’t happen.  1/6/23 9:30pm Eastern



CDM has interviewed Sasha Latyapova multiple times regarding the vaccines. She is breaking big news now on the Covid ‘vaccines’ and the Department of Defense.


January 5, 2022

New Docs Reveal Department of Defense Controlled COVID-19 Program from the Start

FDA Vaccine Approval Process was Theater

A combination of the PREP Act, Emergency Use Authorization, and Other Transactions Authority (OTA) Shielded Big Pharma, Agencies, and Medical Participants that Delivered Unregulated Vaccines from Any Liability

WASHINGTON, DC -According to congressionally passed statutes, research of active laws, and extra details obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, the Department of Defense owns, implements, and oversees the COVID-19 vaccine program as a“Countermeasure” to foreign attack.While the public was bombarded with an orchestrated fear campaign, the U.S.Government managed the Covid response as a national security threat.

The research and documents were obtained by a former executive of a pharmaceutical Contract Research Organization (CRO), Sasha Latypova, and intensive legal researcher Katherine Watt.

The Three-Legged Stool

The undercover operation was orchestrated utilizing three critical legal maneuvers:

1. Emergency Use Authorization EUA.

2. Prep Act,

3. Other Transactions Authority

President Trump declared a Public Health Emergency (PHE) on March 13, 2020, under the Stafford Act, putting the National Security Council in charge of the Covid policy.Covid-19 vaccines are “medical countermeasures” – a grey area of products that are not regulated as vaccines or medicines.

“They put the National Security Council in charge and treated it as an act of war,” said Latypova.

 According to Operation Warp Speed/ASPR reports, the DoD ordered, oversaw, and tightly managed the development, manufacture, and distribution of Covid counter measures, mainly utilizing the DoD’s previously established network of military contractors and consortia.

Department of Defense, BARDA, and HHS ordered all Covid countermeasures, including “vaccines” as prototype demonstrations of large-scale manufacturing, avoiding regulations and transparency under Other Transaction Authority. As prototypes used under EUA during PHE, Covid countermeasures, including “vaccines,” need not comply with the U.S. laws for manufacturing quality, safety, and labeling.

“The implication is that theU.S.Government authorized and funded the deployment of noncompliant biological materials on Americans without clarifying their “prototype” legal status, making the materials not subject to normal regulatory oversight, all while maintaining a fraudulent pseudo- “regulatory” presentation to the public,” said Latypova.

“Most incredible is the fact that current Laws enacted by the United States Congress appear to make the coverup actions LEGAL!”


ANALYST: USA / NATO deliberately provoking war escalation with Russia, and Putin may “leap” past a measured response and go right for the nukes  [1:54:53] by Mike Adams   Tuesday, January 03, 2023,
[Ed.:  Do read the well-written article below, short of viewing the whole 2-hour podcast!]
(Natural News) Today’s article and podcast analysis features Robert Griswold, a highly experienced military analyst who has traveled the world and witnessed firsthand the ravages of war and failed diplomacy. Today he shares with us a stern warning about where the war in Russia is headed and why it could be catastrophic for Western Europe and the United States.

Robert Griswold is the CEO of ReadyMadeResources.com, a retailer of military-grade night vision, thermal vision, rifle scopes and other similar products. You can hear the full interview with him in my daily Situation Update podcast (below).

In essence, as Griswold explains, Russia is very strong on up-close land-based military gear such as artillery. Russia is also extremely strong and competent in the arena of thermobaric bombs (non-radioactive fuel-air explosives) and nuclear warheads, including hypersonic missile delivery and ICBMs with multiple re-entry vehicles (that can perform evasive maneuvers). However, between these two ends of the spectrum of violence escalation, Griswold explains, Russia is not as well equipped with “measured” military responses from which to choose.

This means that if provoked with continued HIMARS-run attacks from Ukraine and USA “contractors,” Russia may leap from lower escalation battlefield responses (artillery and direct fire weapons) to thermobaric bombs and tactical battlefield nuclear warheads, Griswold warns.

The US is running Ukraine’s HIMARS attacks on Russian soft targets, including barracks full of recruits

Even worse, the United States appears to be deliberately provoking Russia into precisely such a response by providing key intelligence, satellite imagery and targeting solutions to HIMARS crews which are widely believed to be US soldiers out of uniform, operating as “contractors” in Ukraine. (HIMARS systems are highly complex and require many months of training to operate with proficiency.)

Additionally, both Griswold and this author believe that Russia is preparing a major offensive against Ukraine that would involve hundreds of thousands of Russian troops, combined with short and medium range missile strikes on key military and infrastructure targets inside Ukraine. This offensive — almost certain to take place before the spring thaw of Southern Ukraine territory — would likely topple Kiev and force the Zelensky regime into fleeing westward.

From there, NATO and Polish forces are likely to enter Western Ukraine under the guise of creating a kind of “safe zone” for whatever retreating Ukrainian forces still exist. This safe zone will almost certainly be used by Poland as a future claim against today’s Ukrainian territory (formerly Polish territory) while providing USA / NATO forces the opportunity to contrive scenarios of direct engagement with Russian forces as they move westward.

The end result is likely a direct war — and a full declaration of war — between the United States and Russia. This is a highly likely outcome in 2023.

Russia has said it will not use nuclear weapons except in cases it deems to be “existential” to Russia itself, yet with US State Department leaders essentially calling for the assassination of Putin and the total destruction of Russia itself, that threshold appears to have already been crossed.

[Ed.: ‘Poking the bear’ for a nuclear war is not what the US People want, and is not what our government should be doing with our tax dollars.]


WHAT ARE THEY HIDING? Jan 6 Committee Sealed All Important VIDEOS and Documents for 50 Years – So They Can Continue to Lie About J-6 Protests and Fed Involvement   By Jim Hoft   Published January 3, 2023 at 4:31pm

Nancy Pelosi, Liz Cheney and Democrats locked up important videos and documents the January 6 Committee collected from the American public for 30 to 50 years after they shut down their sham investigation.

They have to hide their lies from the American public in order to save face.

The FBI, DOJ, Capitol Police, and other federal agencies had DOZENS of operatives working the crowd on January 6th.

The police launched an attack on the Trump supporters who had gathered at the US Capitol. Police killed four Trump supporters that day and nearly killed several more.


TREASON: Gen. Mark Milley Hid Nuke Codes from Trump – Held Secret Calls with Chinese Defense Officials – Then Surrendered to Taliban and Armed Them with $80 Billion in US Weapons





TWITTER, why has TWITTER not stopped child sex abuse material from it’s accounts? “On Musk’s Twitter, users looking to sell and trade child sex abuse material are still easily found”; over to you Elon   Dr. Paul Alexander

Elon Must said he would combat child exploitation on the platform. He has not! It still exists in bold! This is a crime! Musk said it was “Priority # 1”; but it appears it’s NOT! Again, your move Elon

‘“Priority #1,” Musk called it in a Nov. 20 tweet. He’s also criticized Twitter’s former leadership, claiming that they did little to address child sexual exploitation, and that he intended to change things.’

‘Twitter accounts that offer to trade or sell child sexual abuse material under thinly veiled terms and hashtags have remained online for months, even after CEO Elon Musk said he would combat child exploitation on the platform.’

In an email to NBC News after this article was published, Ella Irwin, Twitter’s vice president of product overseeing trust and safety, said “We definitely know we still have work to do in the space, and certainly believe we have been improving rapidly and detecting far more than Twitter has detected in a long time but we are deploying a number of things to continue to improve.”’

I say not good, no where good enough. This is a failure by TWITTER. Musk is hands on and in this, he must take the wheel.

Musk must make good on this promise for any form of child exploitation, abuse, harms etc. must be met with strong immediate action and punishment. No matter who is involved, and Musk is in a unique position now to make good on this. We know that many élite, connected, and high-society people, Hollywood people, government people and by this we may infer congress people, senators, MPs, MPPs, even actual leaders may delve in child exploitation and abuse. We find them out, expose them, and punish them. Children depend on us to safeguard and protect them.


BREAKING: Missouri Defies Democrat Politicians, Executes Evil Transgender Child Murderer By Cullen Linebarger   Published January 3, 2023 at 8:48pm

The TGP’s Cassandra Fairbanks previously reported how Democrats were trying to stop the execution of transgender murderer and child sex offender Scott McLaughlin, who identified as “Amber.” Thankfully, their pleas fell on deaf ears and justice was delivered tonight.

Here is the story from the Associated Press:

“A Missouri inmate was put to death Tuesday for a 2003 killing, becoming what is believed to be the first transgender woman executed in the U.S.

“Amber McLaughlin, 49, was convicted of stalking and killing a former girlfriend, then dumping the body near the Mississippi River in St. Louis. McLaughlin’s fate was sealed earlier Tuesday when Republican Gov. Mike Parson declined a clemency request.”

“McLaughlin spoke quietly with a spiritual adviser at her side as the fatal dose of pentobarbital was injected. McLaughlin breathed heavily a couple of times, then shut her eyes. She was pronounced dead a few minutes later.”

“I am sorry for what I did,” McLaughlin said in a final, written, statement. “I am a loving and caring person.”

Radical left Democrat Cori Bush, who staunchly advocated for McLaughlin, whined on Twitter about the execution:


HHS Records Reveal Biden Admin Flights Stopping in Multiple Cities to Drop Unaccompanied Alien Children–Plane Originating in San Diego Stopped in Three Cities  DECEMBER 22, 2022

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it received 16 pages of records from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) detailing the nighttime transportation of unaccompanied alien children (UAC) by air from Texas to Tennessee, as well as two other flights making multiple stops across the country.

The Administration for Children and Families, a division of HHS, produced the records in response to an October 2022 lawsuit filed after HHS failed to respond to a May 20, 2021, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (No. 1:22-cv-03044)), asking for:

· All documents related to the preparation and logistics involved in the transportation of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UACs) to and from Chattanooga’s Wilson Air Center on May 14, 2021.

· All ACF officials’ internal email communications related to the transportation of UACs to and from Chattanooga’s Wilson Air Center on May 14, 2021.



US Destroyer Enters Taiwan Strait As Tensions Escalate Between Taiwan And China   by Jen Snow  January 6, 2023

Amid continued shows of force by the PLA and rising tensions between China and Taiwan, the U.S. sent another destroyer through the Strait of Taiwan as a show of support for the democratic island.

On Thursday, the Navy’s 7th Fleet announced that the guided-missile destroyer Chung-Hoon had passed through the Strait as part of the Fleet’s “commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific.”

The Fleet’s Public Affairs office announced that “The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Chung-Hoon conducted a routine Taiwan Strait transit Jan. 5 (local time) through waters where high-seas freedoms of navigation and overflight apply in accordance with international law.”

In a moment of hypocrisy, China’s Foreign Ministry accused the Pentagon last month of creating new tensions in the Taiwan Strait with its sail-throughs. Meanwhile, the Chinese PLA has breached the Taiwan Straight median line numerous times with warships and nuclear-capable bombers. China’s shows of force increased after Nancy Pelosi visited Taipei in August – a move China perceived as a provocation.

The incursions into Taiwan’s air defense zone by Chinese fighter jets almost doubled in 2022 compared to the number of incursions the previous year. According to Newsweek, Chinese military aircraft were detected inside Taiwan’s air defense zone 1,737 times in 2022, while only 972 instances of Chinese aircraft breaching the zone occurred in the previous 12 months.


SELLIN: China’s Research with Mosquitos May Lead to Using Mosquitos in a Bioweapon Delivery Platform   by Lawrence Sellin

January 6, 2023 at 9:45am – Mosquitos as bioweapon delivery platforms: The imminent danger posed by China’s fused military-civilian research program

China has a history of recklessness in its use of genetic engineering and the handling of dangerous microorganisms.

In a Planet of the Apes, life imitating art scenario, in 2019, Chinese scientists inserted human brain development genes into monkeys.

TRENDING: A Mother Cries for Help: Young Son Charles Smith Has Been Sentenced to 41 Months for Touching a Huge Sign that Ray Epps Hurled at Capitol Police

Leaks out of Chinese laboratories occurred in two separate incidents in April 2004, involving researchers infected with the deadly coronavirus SARS-CoV-1, responsible for the 2002-2004 first “COVID” pandemic, which also began in China.

Then, of course, China created the COVID-19 virus, which leaked from a laboratory, or, possibly, was deliberately released, causing a global pandemic and millions of deaths.

But those examples represent only the tip of the iceberg.

Everyone needs to understand that, in China, there is no difference between military and civilian research, the fusion of which was mandated in 2016 by the Chinese Communist Party as part of its Thirteenth Five-Year Plan.

When everything has dual-use potential, no research can be automatically considered benign.

In a recent Gateway Pundit article, Cullen Linebarger wrote about a South China Morning Post report that Chinese scientists conducted experiments using mosquitos to deliver vaccines.



The DC District of Corruption   By Kelleigh Nelson|

January 7, 2023 – We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false. —William J. Casey, CIA Director

Every civilization carries the see  ds of its own destruction, and the same cycle shows in them all. The Republic is born, flourishes, decays into a plutocracy, and are captured by the shoemaker whom the mercenaries and millionaires make into a king. The people invent their oppressors, and the oppressors serve the function for which they are invented. —Mark Twain

The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant. —Maximilien Robespierre

It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government. —Thomas Paine

I am not a friend of a very energetic government. It is always oppressive. —Thomas Jefferson 1787

All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. —Frank Herbert

There are five representatives in the House who consistently vote with the Constitution, Andy Biggs, Thomas Massey, Paul Gosar, Al Rosendale and Chip Roy.  Those are the five members who have a Freedom Index of 100% every year.  The John Birch Society Freedom Index is a congressional scorecard based on the U.S. Constitution which shows how every member of the House and Senate voted on key issues.

In the Senate, Rand Paul (KY), and Mike Lee (UT) consistently receive 100%.  Senator Ron Johnson (WI) came close to losing his seat in the 2022 election, but thankfully he won and I also support him.  Blackburn and Hagerty in TN, Lummis in WY, Cruz in TX, and Braun in IN, all come in at the 93% level.  The rest are lower and many are at 0%, meaning they always vote against the document they took an oath to uphold.

However, a score of 100% doesn’t guarantee a patriotic Constitutionalist. As a matter of fact, it can actually hide someone who is a danger to the representative republic.  Both Chip Roy and Rand Paul fall into that category as both of them are promoting a Constitutional Convention.


What’s the Point of the GOP?   By Jeff Dover

January 7, 2023 – It begins with our expectations.  When we cast a vote for a representative of some office, we vote with an expectation that the person, if elected, will follow through with what they told us they would do if elected.  However, as often as not, we’ve been disappointed in that regard.  Perhaps even more often than not…

Looking back to the source, we go to the party to which the candidate belongs.  What does the party stand for?  Is it stated, explicitly anywhere to be seen when one searches the party?  GOP.com, the Republican Party website, has no statement of what the party stands for nor is there any prospective legislative or policy agenda.  GOP.gov, the House Republicans website, has some bland headlines about making the economy stronger, making the nation “safe”, making sure freedom is in the future and “accountable” government under the heading “Our Commitment to America”.  Under “Issues” we find a list of the stock complaints directed at Biden – as if Biden was single-handedly responsible for where the nation and Americans find themselves today.  Eyeroll. Yawn.


The Coup We Never Knew   By Victor Davis Hanson

We are beginning to wake up from a nightmare to a country we no longer recognize, and from a coup we never knew.

January 5, 2023 – Did someone or something seize control of the United States?


As Conservatives Shift From Opposing McCarthy to Holding His Feet to the Fire, Here are Five Promises He Needs to Keep   JD Rucker

We’ll get some good. We’ll get some bad. It’s up to America First patriots to try to make sure the bad outweighs the good in the McCarthy era.

For America First patriots who opposed Kevin McCarthy’s ascension to Speaker of the House, Friday night was a loss. But to get there on the 15th vote, McCarthy had to make a lot of promises and concessions to the Freedom Caucus. Will he honor those commitments?

Our role as patriots is to make certain he does and to call him out when he doesn’t. Unfortunately, the GOP failed miserably to stop the midterm steal in the Senate, so getting any legislation to Joe Biden’s desk will be very hard. Then, there’s the veto that the GOP cannot overcome. But they can still hold hearings. They can still use the power of the purse. McCarthy has moves that he and the GOP caucus can make.

To that end, here are five of the promises he made that need to be fulfilled.


PARALLEL economy (built by people with sense) will blossom in 2023 and beyond   by: Mike Adams

Friday, January 06, 2023 – (Natural News) Amazon is laying off 18,000 people right now, with tens of thousands more to come in 2023. Bed, Bath & Beyond — the corporation run by woke idiots who banned Mike Lindell’s pillows from their stores — is on the verge of declaring bankruptcy. Big Tech companies are slashing job positions, with even the ultra-woke Vimeo gutting a significant percentage of its work force. At the same time, parallel economy pioneers are right now building out a new, more decentralized infrastructure for e-commerce and medicine that will take the world by storm beginning this year.

Nobody in corporate media has figured this out yet. What you’re learning right here gives you a huge head start on the macroeconomic dynamics that will affect the way people shop, consume products, earn incomes and engage with medical professionals. This is a tectonic shift in the economy and the losers will be the centralized “woke” corporations that have offended half their customer base by declaring their allegiance to LGBTQ insanity.

I have full details in the Situation Update podcast below. Here are some of the highlights of this trend that you need to understand:

  • The parallel economy brings people together based on philosophical alignment rather than merely profit interests.
  • About half of America is ready to consciously choose to stop all purchase transactions with Amazon.com and other “woke” corporations that are increasingly seen as anti-human, anti-sanity, anti-freedom and downright evil.
  • “Woke” brands will not be welcomed in the parallel economy and will lose out on the explosion in new philosophically-driven commerce.
  • 2023+ will see widespread decentralization of online e-commerce thanks to the rise of near-instant e-commerce hosting platforms that will allow anyone to instantly set up an e-commerce front-end with 1+ million products already in inventory, fulfilled by network partners.
  • Vendors who are pro-Christian, pro-America or pro-freedom will no longer be able to be blacklisted by “woke” platforms like Vimeo or Amazon, because they will have viable alternatives for distribution and visibility through the parallel economy.
  • Influencers, organizations, and small businesses will set up and launch their own e-commerce portals using these new systems, and they will shift money away from Amazon and into the pockets of regular people at the community level.
  • The centralized warehouse model of Amazon will contract sharply in 2023 with large layoffs, warehouse closures and significant financial losses. Instead, investment is flowing into the new e-commerce storefront networks, backed by distributed, small local warehouses run by real people, not robots or “slave” wage workers.
  • Medicine will also experience a dramatic shift away from centralized, mainstream, pill-pushing doctors and homicidal hospitals. Instead, growth with occur in telemedicine operations that connect people with complementary, naturopathic and alternative medicine professionals who teach solutions rather than medications.
  • The net effect is that more money will flow directly to health care professionals, and medical “licensing” will not be able to be weaponized by states like California to suppress free speech of doctors.


Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House Proves DC Cannot Be Fixed From Within    JD Rucker

A brief rant. 

DC is irreparable.

Kevin McCarthy as de facto leader of the GOP is all the evidence necessary to realize the Uniparty Swamp is in complete political control. Pockets of opposition that occasionally pop up get burnt and discarded faster than a Hunter Biden crack pipe.

The GOP is the marginally-less-horrible wing of the Uniparty Swamp. This political cabal owns DC, or to be more accurate, they manage DC and do whatever they’re told when they get calls from Beijing, Davos, or Hell.

American people have absolutely zero influence over DC today.

The election system is completely corrupted. Legislation is bloated to thousands of pages so politicians can “earn” their payoffs from special interest groups by sneaking in the taxpayer-funded pork. The bureaucratic state is a cesspool.

The McCarthy-run GOP bathes in all this.

Only God can save this nation.

I would never presume to know God’s will, but I would not be shocked if we were annihilated over the unambiguous evil that has been embraced by our leaders in their self-serving pursuits.

Nobody wants to hear this but it’s what we deserve.


Twitter Files: Why Twitter Let the Intelligence Community In

January 6, 2023 – From the Twitter Files, a story about media, that also sketches the origins of Twitter’s surrender to the intelligence community:

Twitter through the end of August, 2017 was on nobody’s radar as a key actor in the Trump-Russia “foreign influence” scandal.

By the second week in October — six weeks later — the company was being raked over the coals in the press as “one of Russia’s most potent weapons in its efforts to promote Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton,” with Clinton herself adding:

It’s time for Twitter to stop dragging its heels and live up to the fact that its platform is being used as a tool for cyber-warfare.

What happened in those six weeks? Answering that question is a key to understanding the content moderation phenomenon. In this period, crucial in the company’s history, a pattern was established. Threats from Congress came first, then a rush of bad headlines (inspired by leaks from congressional committees, and finally a series of moderation demands coming from the outside. Once the company acceded, the cycle repeated.

The documents lay out the scheme. You can see how the Russian cyber-threat was essentially conjured into being, with political and media pressure serving as the engine inflating something Twitter believed was negligible and uncoordinated to massive dimensions.


The Twitter Files Explained (Wiki)

January 5, 2023 – It’s January 4th, 2023, which means Twitter Files stories have been coming out for over a month. Because these are weedsy tales, and may be hard to follow if you haven’t from the beginning, I’ve written up capsule summaries of each of the threads by all of the Twitter Files reporters, and added links to the threads and accounts of each. At the end, in response to some readers (especially foreign ones) who’ve found some of the alphabet-soup government agency names confusing, I’ve included a brief glossary of terms to help as well.

In order, the Twitter Files threads:

  1. Twitter Files Part 1: December 2, 2022, by @mtaibbiTWITTER AND THE HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP STORYRecounting the internal drama at Twitter surrounding the decision to block access to a New York Post exposé on Hunter Biden in October, 2020.Key revelations: Twitter blocked the story on the basis of its “hacked materials” policy, but executives internally knew the decision was problematic. “Can we truthfully claim that this is part of the policy?” is how comms official Brandon Borrman put it. Also: when a Twitter contractor polls members of Congress about the decision, they hear Democratic members want more moderation, not less, and “the First Amendment isn’t absolute.”1a. Twitter Files Supplemental, December 6, 2022, by @mtaibbiTHE “EXITING” OF TWITTER DEPUTY GENERAL COUNSEL JIM BAKERA second round of Twitter Files releases was delayed, as new addition Bari Weiss discovers former FBI General Counsel and Twitter Deputy General Counsel Jim Baker was reviewing the first batches of Twitter Files documents, whose delivery to reporters had slowed.
  2. Twitter Files Part 2, by @BariWeiss, December 8, 2022TWITTER’S SECRET BLACKLISTSBari Weiss gives a long-awaited answer to the question, “Was Twitter shadow-banning people?” It did, only the company calls it “visibility filtering.” Twitter also had a separate, higher council called SIP-PES that decided cases for high-visibility, controversial accounts.Key revelations: Twitter had a huge toolbox for controlling the visibility of any user, including a “Search Blacklist” (for Dan Bongino), a “Trends Blacklist” for Stanford’s Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, and a “Do Not Amplify” setting for conservative activist Charlie Kirk. Weiss quotes a Twitter employee: “Think about visibility filtering as being a way for us to suppress what people see to different levels. It’s a very powerful tool.” With help from @abigailshrier@shellenbergermd@nelliebowles, and @isaacgrafstein.
  3. Twitter Files, Part 3, by @mtaibbi, December 9, 2022THE REMOVAL OF DONALD TRUMP, October 2020 – January 6th, 2021First in a three-part series looking at how Twitter came to the decision to suspend Donald Trump. The idea behind the series is to show how all of Twitter’s “visibility filtering” tools were on display and deployed after January 6th, 2021. Key Revelations: Trust and Safety chief Yoel Roth not only met regularly with the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, but with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). Also, Twitter was aggressively applying “visibility filtering” tools to Trump well before the election.


Twitter Files: “Every Conceivable Wing of Federal Enforcement” Demanded Censorship of Conservatives and Accounts Critical of Democrat Propaganda   By Pamela Geller   January 5, 2023

The first amendment is first for a reason. It is the foundation of a free society. The U.S. government is irretrievably broken.

Every enforcement agency of the U.S. government was colluding with social media platforms to silence and censor Americans.

“The principle of free speech is not concerned with the content of a man speech and does not protect only the expression of good ideas, but all ideas. If it were otherwise who would determine which ideas are good and which have been? The government?”

The left cannot permit the free exchange of ideas because their failed ideas cannot stand up to scrutiny and challenge. Freedom of speech is the foundation of a free society. Without it, a tyrant can wreak havoc unopposed, while his opponents are silenced. Putting up with speech that offends is essential in a pluralistic society in which people differ on basic truths. If a group will not bear being offended without resorting to violence, that group will rule unopposed while everyone else lives in fear, while other groups curtail their activities to appease the violent group. This results in the violent group being able to tyrannize the others.

Without freedom of speech, peaceful men must resort to violence.


Dr. Jordan Peterson Accused of Heresy by Ontario College of Psychologists

Inquisition-Tribunal demands he submit himself to “mandatory social-media communication retraining.”   Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH™   9 hr ago


I’ve often thought that if Dr. Jordan Peterson can be faulted for anything, it’s taking his ridiculous critics too seriously. Since he rose to prominence in 2016 for his perfectly reasonable opposition to the Trudeau government’s Bill C-16 compelled speech law, he has been contending with legions of bloviating, hysterical ninnies who are determined to make fools of themselves by debating him.

The clinical psychologist, author, and professor emeritus at the University of Toronto is probably the most learned and cultivated man in Canada. However, instead of being grateful for the privilege and pleasure of listening to him, many of Canada’s government and institutional leaders have expressed a persistent desire to punish him for his unorthodox views about the human condition.

And what are his unorthodox views? For starters, Dr. Peterson is an advocate of free speech, which he believes is a prerequisite for thinking about and discussing things—especially things of a complex nature. He also advocates that human beings take responsibility for their actions and speech, lead orderly and disciplined lives, seek purpose and meaning instead of impulsive pleasure, assume a courageous and principled position in human affairs instead of an expedient one, and study history and literature. He advocates equality of opportunity instead of state and institution imposed equality of outcome.

For advocating these ideas, Dr. Peterson has been subjected to some of the ugliest conceivable expressions of rage. Being on the receiving end of such vitriol has (understandably) been a troubling experience for him. This experience is, I suspect, an expression of Schopenhauer’s famous observation:

I’ve often thought that if Dr. Jordan Peterson can be faulted for anything, it’s taking his ridiculous critics too seriously. Since he rose to prominence in 2016 for his perfectly reasonable opposition to the Trudeau government’s Bill C-16 compelled speech law, he has been contending with legions of bloviating, hysterical ninnies who are determined to make fools of themselves by debating him.

The clinical psychologist, author, and professor emeritus at the University of Toronto is probably the most learned and cultivated man in Canada. However, instead of being grateful for the privilege and pleasure of listening to him, many of Canada’s government and institutional leaders have expressed a persistent desire to punish him for his unorthodox views about the human condition.

And what are his unorthodox views? For starters, Dr. Peterson is an advocate of free speech, which he believes is a prerequisite for thinking about and discussing things—especially things of a complex nature. He also advocates that human beings take responsibility for their actions and speech, lead orderly and disciplined lives, seek purpose and meaning instead of impulsive pleasure, assume a courageous and principled position in human affairs instead of an expedient one, and study history and literature. He advocates equality of opportunity instead of state and institution imposed equality of outcome.

For advocating these ideas, Dr. Peterson has been subjected to some of the ugliest conceivable expressions of rage. Being on the receiving end of such vitriol has (understandably) been a troubling experience for him. This experience is, I suspect, an expression of Schopenhauer’s famous observation:


Victim or Truth Warrior during 2023?   Robert W Malone MD, MS

Short term action items. You are not helpless.

Finishing up a podcast focused on the book late last week, an unexpected question dropped. It went something like this: “Many people are starting to feel overwhelmed by what has happened, what has been done to them, and feel that there is nothing that they can do to stop what is going on. What advice can you give them?”

Since then, over the last week I have had many versions of this question come from a wide variety of interviewers. One easy answer is to fall back on the final chapters of the “Lies My Government Told Me” book, each of which focus on specific action items:

  • What to do with a problem like HHS?
  • Groupthink and the Administrative State.
  • Don’t be brain dead, think for yourself.
  • Defend your sovereignty.
  • People helping out one another.
  • The Victory Garden.
  • Letter to a Coerced mother.

Another is to focus on those three words which were the core of my speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial for the “Stop the Mandates” rally a year agoIntegrity, Dignity, Community. And there is always the advice from Saint Augustine, sometimes known as the doctor of the Roman Catholic Church, who famously said “The truth is like a Lion. You don’t have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.”

We, you, do not have to be victims. We can all be “Truth Lions”. Fifth Generation Warfare warriors.

Easy words to write. How about some specific actions items, you ask? Let’s start with just three things that everyone can accomplish over the next couple of months.

First task- learn about fifth generation warfare.

Don’t be intimidated by the new term, you will learn that this is something that you already know a lot about. If you are active on the internet, on social media, you already understand a lot about crowd psychology, trolls, bots, swarm decision making, and the power of influencers to help set the framework for how we see the world, how we interpret the fire hose of information coming at us.


We Must Convince People That The Fascist Far Left Wants To Destroy The US  By D. Parker

“The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody had decided not to see.” — Ayn Rand

Do you ever get the desperate feeling that you need to wake people up who are sitting around saying ‘This is fine,’ while the nation is on fire? If you look at the evidence that has accrued over the past few years and then apply it to the proper conceptional model, you will find that all the pieces fall perfectly into place. That is how you convince people that what’s happening is both real and serious.

Those of us on the pro-freedom right should be aware of the horrific events of the past few years. However, there’s a problem, which is that it’s hard to take it all in and make sense of it. It’s also an issue that sometimes we can’t wrap our minds around the fact that the tyrannical ten percent would want something so monstrous.

The people of Germany in the 1930s also failed to understand the monstrousness of the Nazi party. They paved the way for one of the great crimes of humankind. And the parallelism is stronger than many Americans realize because the Nazis were also creatures of the left. (Leftists who just lost the plot with that should read a booklearn some facts and realize they’re not the sharpest tools in the shed).


WATCH: “60 Minutes” Rings in the New Year with Doomsday Message From Anti-Human Eugenicist Paul Ehrlich: “Humanity is Not Sustainable”



If the Buffalo Bills want to know if any of their players are vaccine injured, it’s easy to do so   Steve Kirsch

There is a company, HeartCare Corp, that makes a machine that looks like an EKG, but can detect a wide variety of heart damage, including myocarditis. They can assess their team in a day.

Just like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz could always return to Kansas at any time, the same is true of the Buffalo Bills… if they want to assess whether their players have a heart injury or not, all they have to do is give Heart Care Corp. a call and arrange for a visit to their team.

The HeartCare screening is safe, non-invasive, and takes around 15 minutes.

Then they would know for sure if the COVID vaccine has injured their players. This will save lives.

Sound good?

Does the technology work?


They’ve screened vaccinated patients and the rates of clinical and subclinical myocarditis observed is so high you’d never believe I was telling the truth (hint: it’s well over 5% in the general public).

There are just two minor problems with my idea…

  1. The players won’t want to know because it could sideline them permanently
  2. The management won’t want to know because it would mean that they were responsible. It could also disqualify them from playing in further contests.

However, they could do a screening and just notify the individual players of their results, but make the aggregate statistics known to the public as a public service.


Airlines, professional sports teams, etc. could screen all their pilots, players, etc. This is especially important for airlines.

Will they?


In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States and worldwide, December 26-January 2   Mark Crispin Miller

Musicians in UK, Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Sri Lanka & China; actors in US, Belgium, Portugal, Nigeria, India, & Australia (& a comic in Norway); “vaxxidents” in Argentina, France, India; & more


STOP the fear porn; WSJ “New Covid-19 Subvariant, XBB. 1.5, Takes Over in Parts of U.S.”; of course it would! CDC & NIH & FDA & Bourla & Fauci & Jha continued mass vaccination while virus circulates   Dr. Paul Alexander

will drive emergence of new infectious sub-variants & more will come if this fraud sub-optimal non-sterilizing mRNA/DNA gene injection is continued; SO WHAT if infectious, NO data shows lethality!

However, be warned, if the mass vaccination using these failed sub-optimal injections continue, in the midst of high infectious pressure, then there will be continued viral immune escape, original antigenic immune priming or fixation, as well as antibody dependent enhancement of infection (and disease). Natural selection will select more infectious variants that are fitter that surmount the vaccinal immunity. Of course more variants will come that are more infectious, each successive one. Yet, we run the risk of driving emergence of a more lethal virulent sub-variant that is also infectious. Same way variants overcame the block on infectiousness, they would overcome the block on virulence and we would see far greater severe illness especially in the lower lung.

Be warned, yes, it’s the vaccine stupid, it is the vaccine that is driving the variants, not the virus. Yes, the increased infectiousness is a warning, you could, in time, with these failed injections, drive a deadly variant.


This Sunday, the Israeli Ministry of Health will admit the COVID vaccine is way more dangerous than they told everyone. DO NOT MISS THIS.   Steve Kirsch

The WHO, FDA, CDC, and most all other world health authorities recommend that you NOT see this video. Why? Because it proves they are all incompetent to monitor safety signals. See you at 11am PST.

Executive summary

This video exposes the fact that the COVID vaccine is dangerous, causes severe adverse events that do not resolve, proves causality, proves that vaccine injuries are real, proves that world governments are deliberately keeping this data from public view (i.e., that they are corrupt), and proves that nearly every world health authority got it wrong about the safety of the COVID vaccines.

And we’ll also show that YouTube is just as corrupt when they censor the livestream so you won’t find out the truth about what the Israeli scientists told the Israeli Ministry of Health.

You won’t want to miss it.


Mother of NBA Player Tristan Thompson Dies Suddenly in Toronto   By Jim Hoft

Published January 7, 2023 at 7:00am – On Thursday, Canadian-American professional basketball player Tristan Thompson’s mother died suddenly in Canada

According to reports, Thompson’s mother, Andrea, suffered from a heart attack at her home.

She was rushed to a local hospital, where doctors tried to resuscitate her but to no avail.

Tristan made the trip from Los Angeles to Toronto with his ex-girlfriend Khloé Kardashian following news that his mom died from a heart attack.


Safety signals for 770 different serious adverse events in VAERS were ignored by the CDC   Steve Kirsch

Due to a FOIA request, we now finally know that safety signals for 770 serious adverse events triggered, but the CDC ignored them. Will there be an investigation? I doubt it. The CDC can do no wrong.

Executive summary

Safety signals were generated in the VAERS system for death and 769 other severe adverse events. The CDC ignored all of them based on exactly the same bullshit reason that they used 13 years ago with HPV that is just “over reporting.” But there is no evidence whatsoever there is “over reporting.”

We’ve done direct physician office surveys and nobody is overreporting. In fact, every piece of evidence shows that there are more reports because the vaccine is so dangerous. Look around you at all the “sudden deaths” and the vaccine injured stories and ask yourself, “Is that overreporting”?

In addition, over 500 reports had a larger signal than myocarditis which is an acknowledged signal, so they can’t hide behind an “over reporting” excuse.

They claimed they looked at all the deaths but didn’t find an association with the vaccine. But they never did the proper tests to actually see if there was vaccine involvement in the deaths. They simply looked the other way. Contrast this with the Schwab paper where they found at least 14% of the deaths post-vaccine were likely caused by the vaccine. How can the CDC find 0 in 15,000 deaths? Answer: when those people’s job’s depend upon finding the politically correct answer.

When confronted with the fact that that the death, they gaslit the doctor who asked them about it rather than acknowledging the death safety signal triggered. This was deliberate. This was a top CDC official that responded.


Massachusetts State Police Releases Statement Following the Sudden Deaths of Three Officers Within Four Days   By Jim Hoft

January 5, 2023 at 2:05pm – On Wednesday, Massachusetts State Police released a statement following the sudden deaths of three officers within four days last December 2022.

Three active-duty Law Enforcement Officers, Officer John F. Santos (25) of The Plymouth County Sheriff’s Department, Officer Sean Besarick (48) of the Brockton Police Department, and Officer Christopher A. Davis (42) of the Stoughton Police Department died suddenly last week.


How To Find Blood From Unvaccinated Donors

January 5, 2023 – Currently, it is nearly impossible to request unvaccinated blood from hospitals. Texas and certain regions of Africa are the only areas that seem open to this idea currently.


People who wish to learn how to get blood from unvaccinated blood donors have become more interested. Even though there isn’t now a formal process for individuals to have a say in this, some companies might in the near future volunteer to provide solutions in this area.


A Swiss naturopath developed SafeBlood Donation with the goal of assisting people in gaining access to blood from donors who have not gotten a Covid immunization. Due to an increase in demand, the company enlarged its target market from the initial 16 countries. The organisation is currently focusing on more than 40 nations in Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America. Hospitals are urged by SafeBlood to permit directed donations when a blood transfusion is absolutely necessary. Despite the potential health hazards, you cannot now request blood explicitly from an unvaccinated donor.

The following are some of the nations and states that SafeBlood is currently working with:

  • Africa: Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Zambia,
  • United Arab Emirates: Dubai
  • Asia: Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore
  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Canada
  • Central America: Mexico
  • Croatia
  • Denmark
  • Germany
  • UK: England, Scotland, Northern Ireland
  • USA: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Islands, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming



CDM has interviewed Sasha Latyapova multiple times regarding the vaccines. She is breaking big news now on the Covid ‘vaccines’ and the Department of Defense.


January 5, 2022

New Docs Reveal Department of Defense Controlled COVID-19 Program from the Start

FDA Vaccine Approval Process was Theater

A combination of the PREP Act, Emergency Use Authorization, and Other Transactions Authority (OTA) Shielded Big Pharma, Agencies, and Medical Participants that Delivered Unregulated Vaccines from Any Liability

WASHINGTON, DC -According to congressionally passed statutes, research of active laws, and extra details obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, the Department of Defense owns, implements, and oversees the COVID-19 vaccine program as a“Countermeasure” to foreign attack.While the public was bombarded with an orchestrated fear campaign, the U.S.Government managed the Covid response as a national security threat.

The research and documents were obtained by a former executive of a pharmaceutical Contract Research Organization (CRO), Sasha Latypova, and intensive legal researcher Katherine Watt.

The Three-Legged Stool

The undercover operation was orchestrated utilizing three critical legal maneuvers:

1. Emergency Use Authorization EUA.

2. Prep Act,

3. Other Transactions Authority

President Trump declared a Public Health Emergency (PHE) on March 13, 2020, under the Stafford Act, putting the National Security Council in charge of the Covid policy.Covid-19 vaccines are “medical countermeasures” – a grey area of products that are not regulated as vaccines or medicines.

“They put the National Security Council in charge and treated it as an act of war,” said Latypova.

 According to Operation Warp Speed/ASPR reports, the DoD ordered, oversaw, and tightly managed the development, manufacture, and distribution of Covid counter measures, mainly utilizing the DoD’s previously established network of military contractors and consortia.

Department of Defense, BARDA, and HHS ordered all Covid countermeasures, including “vaccines” as prototype demonstrations of large-scale manufacturing, avoiding regulations and transparency under Other Transaction Authority. As prototypes used under EUA during PHE, Covid countermeasures, including “vaccines,” need not comply with the U.S. laws for manufacturing quality, safety, and labeling.

“The implication is that theU.S.Government authorized and funded the deployment of noncompliant biological materials on Americans without clarifying their “prototype” legal status, making the materials not subject to normal regulatory oversight, all while maintaining a fraudulent pseudo- “regulatory” presentation to the public,” said Latypova.

“Most incredible is the fact that current Laws enacted by the United States Congress appear to make the coverup actions LEGAL!”


Canada Juking Covid Pundemuck   Andreas Oehler

According to the officially reported health data from Canada. Wait, what data?

Who wouldn’t believe the Covid mortality data, vaccination rates, excess mortality statistics from this beacon of Western democracy, Liberalism (with capital L), and Equality (capital E)? We are so open, advanced, scientific, and honest, aren’t we?

Well, as I pointed out in my previous posts, something strange started happening to the Canadian bean counters sometime in the early 2022 — the start of March, to be precise.

But let us start at the beginning by comparing Finland, Germany, and Canada. “Vaccination” in these three countries follows almost identical trajectory, except that Canada accelerates jabbing in the middle of September, 2022:


Dr. Andrew Huff: EcoHealth President Dr. Peter Daszak Was Working for the CIA While Funding Lab Work in China  (VIDEO)   By Jim Hoft

January 4, 2023 at 9:45am – Dr. Andrew Huff is the former vice president of EcoHealth Alliance, an Army veteran, and the author of a forthcoming book from Simon & Schuster called, “.”  Dr. Huff reported to Dr. Peter Daszak at EcoHealth, the notorious doctor who sent funding dollars to the Wuhan research labs.

In September Dr. Andrew Huff sent a report on the origin of the SARS-CoV2 virus to the US Senate and Congress.

Dr. Huff provided proof that the COVID virus that killed millions and resulted in mass starvation and global economic shutdown was created in a Wuhan laboratory.

Dr. Andrew Huff submitted the letter and evidence under penalty of perjury.


Germany Unleash Spike Protein Bombshell

January 4, 2023 – The mRNA spike protein was not the only item discovered in autopsies of those who died shortly after receiving the jab. When combined with insurance records indicating that the spike in mortality had a 1 in 390,632,286,180 chance of occurring spontaneously, this is a dagger through Pfizer’s heart. Germany has unleashed the spike protein bombshell.

Contrary to government claims (and hence widespread opinion), there is no evidence to support the safety of COVID injections. Del Bigtree speaks with attorney Aaron Siri about the several lawsuits his firm has filed to overturn the COVID jab mandates in Episode 298 of The Highwire.

Siri talks about Dr. Kathryn Edwards’ most recent deposition, a top vaccine researcher who served on Pfizer’s data safety monitoring board (DSMB). The Pfizer vaccine’s security was overseen by this five-person team. A DSMB is meant to be an impartial team of professionals whose job it is to keep track of patient safety and treatment efficacy data while a clinical trial is in progress.


Desperate Deep State Planning Intense Chaos in 2023 – Alex Newman   By Greg Hunter On January 3, 2023

Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State,” says the world is waking up fast to the global genocide caused by the CV19 bioweapon passed off as a vaccine.  Because of this public awakening, Newman says the desperate Deep State is planning intense chaos in multiple areas to cover their tracks and distract the public away from the extreme crimes globalist elites have committed.  Newman explains, “What they are going to be doing over the coming year is massive numbers of crises and expanding and accelerating existing crises.  They will be fomenting new crises such as food crises, immigration crises, border crises, currency crises and terrorism crises.  You name it because that is what they do.  The U.N. is standing by to provide ‘solutions’ to this.  The World Health Organization is working on digital IDs and vaccine passports to deal with the health crises.  The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is working on the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) to deal with the currency crises.  The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization, the FAO, is working on solutions to the food crises that they are unleashing on humanity.  So, we are going to see a lot more of this, and I forgot the energy crisis.  This is what we talked about a few weeks ago when we talked about the U.N. climate summit (COP 27) in Egypt.  They are dismantling our energy infrastructure for the purpose of causing an energy crisis, and they say this is what they are doing. . . .They are starting . . . a ‘new energy order’ to take control and limit our energy use.”

Newman says, “. . . Totalitarians like to create the poison and the antidote all in the same laboratory.  That’s what these globalists, Deep Staters and insiders are working on.  They create  the poison and antidotes in the same laboratory to take our freedoms, and population control is going to be a very big part of it.”


With Roughly 1.7 Million NFL Hits in Last 50 Years Why Have We Never Seen an “Arrhythmia” Cardiac Arrest Before?   By Jim Hoft

January 4, 2023 at 7:30am – The mainstream media is working overtime to avoid any mention that a Covid vaccine played any part in the NFL’s Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest. Their established narrative lays blame on a “blow to his chest” as the cause for his heart attack during the 1st quarter of Monday’s game. This explanation is a deliberate attempt to keep the “V” word out of any Hamlin discussions.

Just a few days ago former NBA Utah Jazz legend John Stockton said “I think it’s highly recorded now, there’s 150 I believe now, over 100 professional athletes dead, in the prime of their life, dropping dead that are vaccinated. I had the proof in my hands, the names… I think it’s in the thousands now. Don’t quote me on that”. The media attacked Stockton to ridicule and debunk his statement. In January 2021, even Senator Ron Johnson noticed this issue. Johnson said: “Athletes are dropping dead on the field after receiving the COVID-19 vaccination”. It was just a matter of time before this happened in the NFL.

The investigating team GoodScienceing documented an astonishing 1,114 athletes who died from cardiac arrest since Covid vaccines were released. Years ago the Olympic Committee studied a 38 year period (1966-2004) and found on average, 29 athletes die per year. In December 2021 an Austria outlet compiled a list of 75 athletes who died over 5 months. Fact Checkers attacked Senator Johnson, both of these organizations, and anyone else looking into athlete collapses and deaths. Checkers typically say “there’s no proof they died from the vaccine”, which is true. Very rarely is a strict examination or detailed autopsy conducted on these athletes.


The most likely scenario is that Damar Hamlin was brain dead on the field   Steve Kirsch 

Based on talking to a number of medical experts, the very sad news is that it is likely that Damar Hamlin died on the field. The COVID vaccine should be investigated as contributing to his death.

There is a lot of speculation on the Internet about whether or not Damar Hamlin will recover from his injury.

I am very sad to report that this is unlikely.

While I very much hope that I am wrong about this, the evidence that is known is not favorable.

The medical experts I consulted believe that there is a high likelihood that Damar Hamlin was brain dead within 10 minutes after he dropped to the ground.

The primary reason for this conclusion is the 9 minutes of CPR. It is simply very rare for someone not to be brain dead at that point. Nobody I talked to has ever heard of such a case. That doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened. It just means it is rare.

I pray that this is not the case, but I think we need to prepare for that possibility.

For example, there was no news from the hospital that his brain was still alive. This would have been uplifting news to the crowd of people waiting outside the hospital, but it was never delivered. There were no reports anywhere that Hamlin’s brain was still functioning. Why would they withhold this information?

There was also no news so far today. That is ominous.

Is it immoral to talk about the possibility that the COVID vaccine may be involved?

Some would argue it is immoral and that I am a bad person for wanting to have a potential killer brought to justice. I don’t understand why people are angry with me for pointing out the evidence in plain sight and what it means. If you have anger, please direct it at the culprits, and not people who are trying to expose the culprits.

Others would argue it is the right thing to do.

However, if you believe it is immoral, please stop reading this article right now.


“Sudden cardiac death risk in contact sports increased by myocarditis: a case series”   Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH™

A 2021 paper in the “European Heart Journal” provides additional grounds for considering subclinical vaccine-induced myocarditis as a possible contributing factor to Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest.


A reader of my piece earlier today (Interpreting Damar Hamlin’s Sudden Collapse) just drew my attention to Alex Berenson’s Update on the Damar Hamlin piece. One of Berenson’s readers drew his attention to a 2021 paper published in the European Heart JournalCase Reports titled “Sudden cardiac death risk in contact sports increased by myocarditis: a case series.”

As the authors note in their Discussion:

This report describes the case of two high-performance athletes [rugby players] suffering a non-penetrating blunt chest trauma associated with the occurrence of LTVA due to a chronic sequela of myocarditis. In contrast to the classically described commotio cordis, these two episodes of ventricular arrhythmias were associated with underlying myocardial scarring.

As they present the key takeaway in their Abstract:

Myocarditis may increase the risk of life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias caused by blunt impact to the chest, particularly in contact sports. Screening and prevention measures should be considered to reduce this risk.

This 2021 paper provides additional grounds for considering Dr. McCullough’s initial assessment in Damar Hamlin’s case.

If Damar Hamlin indeed took one of the COVID-19 vaccines, then subclinical vaccine-induced myocarditis must be considered in the differential diagnosis.


Cardiac Arrest in Athletes   Robert W Malone MD, MS

What is known and knowable

I have been asked to speculate about the cardiac arrest suffered by Damar Hamlin. First off, I truly believe that giving his physicians and trainers space to work professionally is critical: we need to allow them to do the tests, diagnostics and whatever procedures need to be performed outside of the glare of corporate media AND internet armchair physicians. We won’t get the details we would like at the moment we would like, and that is just the way things are. Corporate media and the news cycle are monsters, and they prey on these types of stories and controversies, which generate clicks, views, likes and revenue. “If it bleeds, it leads”. Let’s not play into this please. Medicine (and pathologic diagnosis) does not work by committee, or by press edict, and physicians do not need the stress of the press on their backs demanding immediate commentary.

Likewise, his family deserves privacy. I know what it is like to have the press and the public think that they are entitled to know about every aspect of a public person’s life. To be put under the microscope. For these reasons, I have refrained from making comments on social media until today.


Senior Israel Doctor: The ‘Kraken’ COVID variant is coming to Israel

Dr. Nadav Sorek says it is only a matter of time before the XBB.1.5 ‘Kraken’ variant of the coronavirus comes to Israel.

A newly identified COVID strain will likely spread to Israel, a senior Israeli health official said Monday.

Dr. Nadav Sorek, manager of the microbiology laboratory at Assuta Medical Center in Ashdod, said Monday morning that it is only a matter of time before the XBB.1.5 variant of COVID, dubbed the “Kraken,” spreads to Israel.

“The question is not if, but when. This new variant which is in the US – the XBB – will come to Israel,” said Sorek.

“What is happening in China and is starting to happen now in the US is basically a new sub-variant of the Omicron. It is a variant that on the one hand spreads very quickly, but on the other hand causes less serious illness than the Alpha and Delta strains.”

“So we have a variant that is less dangerous on the one hand, but is more infectious. And it also is constantly creating new variants – one after the other.”

“Just because you got sick a few months ago, that doesn’t mean you are protected from the new variant. That’s why we’re seeing very intense waves of infection every few months.”

[Ed.:  “Kraken”??  This guy has been reading too much Daily Shmutz! These Israeli medical types really love these covid games!]

From Pam Geller’s newsletter 

Renowned Oncologist Sends Urgent Letter Calling to End COVID Vaccine Program Immediately

DeSantis Launches Grand Jury Investigation into Covid Vaccines</a

CDC Withheld Data on Fatal Reaction to COVID Vaccine From Post-Vax Surveys for Nearly Two Years

Two Leading Cardiologists Implicate COVID Vaccine in All Unexplained Heart Attacks Since 2021

MONSTERS: CDC Votes to ADD Dangerous Covid Vaccine to Childhood Immunization Schedule

CDC Voting to Add Failed COVID Vaccines To Childhood Immunization

Disturbing Research Links COVID Vaccine to Parkinson’s

CDC: USA Suffered 338x Increase In AIDS-Associated Diseases & Cancers Following COVID Vaccine Roll-Out

New Study: COVID Vaccines Causing Myocarditis and Encephalitis Leading to Death

Doctor Who Promoted Covid Vaccines Turns Against COVID-19 Vaccines, Calls for Global Pause

COVID Vaccine mRNAs Detected In Breast Milk In Some Lactating Women

Europe Suffers 700% to 1600% Increase in Excess Deaths Among Children Since COVID Vaccine for Kids

NYC FIRES Another 850 Teachers For Not Getting Controversial Covid Vaccine

CDC Director Admits Agency Gave False Information On Covid Vaccine Safety

400 Doctors and Professionals Declare International MEDICAL CRISIS Due to Covid Vaccine Injuries and Deaths

Facebook Bans GELLER REPORT For Posting New Data About Covid Vaccine Concerns

Pfizer Has Stopped Its COVID Vaccine Clinical Trial in Pregnant Women

British Government Has Quietly Withdrawn Its Approval for Injecting Pregnant Women and Breastfeeding Women with Covid Vaccine

FDA Accepted Major Flawed Study From COVID Vaccine Producer

Unusual Toxic Components Found in COVID Vaccines, ‘Without Exception’: German Scientists

Dirtbags: CDC Deletes Statements On Covid Vaccine Safety, Bolsters Concerns About mRNA and Cancer, Drastically Changes Guidelines, Fauci Denies Ever Suggesting Lockdowns

Denmark Bans Covid Vaccine for Children

Study: 29% of Young Pfizer COVID Vaccine Recipients Suffered Heart Effects

Gov’t Database Reveals 10,000% Increase in Cancer Reports Due to COVID Vaccines

Leading Vaccine Scientist: Covid Vaccines Are Killing One in Every 800 Over-60s and Should Be Withdrawn Immediately

Poll: Majority Americans Regret Taking Covid Vaccine
D.C. Plans to EXPEL CHILDREN From School If They Don’t Get The Covid Vaccine

NYC Mayor Fires Another 200 Employees for Not Getting Experimental COVID Vaccine
Doctor Punished For Questioning COVID Vaccine and Using Therapeutics Sues Hospital for $25 Million

Leading Pathologist Speaks Out About Dangerous COVID Vaccine Effects

Shocking New Studies On The Dangers and Serious Side Effects Of Covid Vaccine

COVID Vaccines Increase Menstrual Irregularities Thousandfold, Fetal Abnormalities Hundredfold: Doctors’ VAERS Analysis

Uruguay Judge Orders Pfizer And Government to Disclose Covid Vaccine Ingredients Immediately

Here’s Why Officials Are Desperate to Get COVID Vaccine on Childhood Schedule Before ‘Emergency’ Ends

32-Year-Old Comedian Nick Nemeroff Suddenly Dies in His Sleep — Posted Earlier About Suffering Side Effects of COVID Vaccine (VIDEO)

CDC Caught Using False Data To Recommend Kids’ COVID Vaccine

FDA Approve COVID Vaccine for 6-month-old Babies Despite Data Proving Vaccinated Children Are 30,200% More Likely To Die Than Unvaccinated Children

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis says White House lying about COVID vaccine policy

‘Significant’ Cases of Neurological Disorder Associated with Covid Vaccine

FDA Authorizes Emergency Use COVID Vaccine Boosters for Children Ages 5 -11

New UK government data shows the COVID vaccines kill more people than they save

MIT: COVID Vaccines ‘Significantly Associated’ with Spike in Heart Attacks in Young People

CDC Data Shows More Than 1.2 Million Covid Vaccine Injuries


Japan Launches Official Investigation Into Millions of COVID Vaccine Deaths   By Pamela Geller – on January 2, 2023

America should be conducting these investigations. Bu the very agencies responsibility for such a task are the least interested. Just the opposite. They don’t want to know. And worse still, they don’t want people to know.


Dr. Robert Malone Calls For International Tribunal to Investigate Dr. Anthony Fauci and Peter Daszak   By Debra Heine

January 2, 2023 – Inventor of mRNA vaccine technology Dr. Robert Malone is calling for an international tribunal to “investigate and prosecute” all those responsible for the millions of deaths caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus—most notably former NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci, and Eco-Health Alliance president Peter Daszak.

“If the UN is a legitimate organization, it must investigate and prosecute those responsible for the millions of deaths caused by the lab-created SARS-CoV-2 virus” Malone tweeted on New Year’s Day. “That is, those people and organizations responsible for the creation of this virus. Prosecute Fauci/Daszak now,” the vaccinologist said.

Dr. Malone is one of dozens of COVID vaccine critics who have been reinstated onto Twitter by “Chief Twit” Elon Musk after being permanently suspended under the previous management. He is a founding member of the 17,000+ strong International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists, which put out a declaration in September of 2021 calling for an end to the COVID vaccine mandates, a return to open discourse, and an “individualized, personalized approach to patient care.”

[Ed.: ‘Investigate’ him?  Wait, wait, I have a MUCH better idea:]


National Survey Finds finds 28% Personally know of a Death Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines Results Consistent with Other Surveys and Safety Data Sources   Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH™

A Rasmussen Reports survey of 1,000 American Adults was conducted on December 28-30, 2022. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC, and is considered valid and representative of American sentiment.

Consistent with a prior Zogby survey, Rasmussen found seventy-one percent (71%) say they have received a COVID-19 vaccination, while 26% have not. Concerns about vaccine safety are much higher among the unvaccinated. However the vaccinated appear to be waking up to the harms of the shots.

Among the vaccinated, many of whom pushed the COVID-19 shots on family members or in the workplace, now 38% consider unexplained deaths from the vaccine at least somewhat likely. Whereas among those who wisely declined the vaccines, 77% of adults believe it’s at least somewhat likely that side effects of COVID-19 vaccines have caused a significant number of unexplained deaths.

While 45% of the unvaccinated think someone they know personally might have died from vaccine side effects, only 22% of vaccinated adults know of a vaccine death making the population average a stunning 28%!


Twitter’s COVID-19 Censorship Led To Loss Of Life, Says Former White House Adviser Dr. Scott Atlas

January 3, 2023 – According to former White House adviser Dr. Scott Atlas, Twitter’s COVID-19 censorship led to the loss of life by preventing people from making the appropriate use of caution.

There are frequently “vague implications” on the results of that restriction when talking about censorship. But Dr. Scott Atlas adamantly asserted in an interview that aired on Newsmakers by NTD and The Epoch Times on December 28 that by restricting medical science and health policy, “you are killing people.”

“Censorship of the correct science and medical information, during this pandemic, absolutely killed people. It prevented people from making intelligent decisions. It prevented people from making the appropriate use of caution,” Atlas alleged of Twitter censoring doctors such as himself.

Furthermore, considering that the United States was based on freedom, Atlas claimed that Twitter’s censorship was especially “harmful” and “shocking.”

“This kind of censorship was, in my view, unheard of in the United States,” Atlas stated. “It’s reminiscent of everything that we, as a free society and democracy, abhor about countries that are authoritarian, like China, the former USSR and now Russia, North Korea.


Esteemed Cardiologist: ‘Stop This Rollout NOW’   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Britain’s most influential cardiologist, who took two jabs, now calls for a halt in the rollout of the shot program after spending nine months evaluating the data. He offers a potential explanation for the differing world views.


  • Esteemed U.K. cardiologist, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, has called on Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to halt the rollout of the COVID-19 mRNA shots in light of the “ongoing unnecessary harm that is devastating individuals and families”
  • He spent nine months analyzing studies, and now he believes the program to inject people with a genetic experiment should be suspended immediately and has since joined a growing body of researchers, scientists and doctors who do not follow the mainstream COVID narrative
  • Malhotra reviewed the data with the chair of the British Medical Association (BMA). At the end of the conversation, the BMA chair commented, “I don’t think anybody has critically appraised the data as well as you have. Most of these people are getting their information on the vaccine from the BBC”
  • Despite the high number of people who have taken the jab, the number of deaths has continued to rise; U.K. data show roughly 80% of all cases, hospitalizations and deaths were in the vaccinated
  • Of the excess number of 2021 non-COVID deaths, many were from heart disease, which is a known effect of the mRNA genetic jab



COVID Jabs Have Erased 25 Years of Health Gains   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Deadly New Killer, Makes COVID Look Like a Teddybear

 Forget COVID, excess deaths have now taken off to a far greater degree than at the height of the pandemic – especially for this age group, where deaths soared by 40% in the third quarter of 2021


  • Americans had lost nearly three years of life expectancy during 2020 and 2021. In 2019, the average life span of Americans of all ethnicities was 78.8 years. By the end of 2020, it had dropped to 77.0 years and by the end of 2021 it was 76.4
  • From 2020 to 2021, death rates increased for each age group 1 year and over. The age groups with the highest increases include working age adults, 25 to 54, and children under 4
  • The leading causes of death in 2021 were heart disease, cancer and COVID-19, all three of which were higher in 2021 than 2020. Unintentional injury and stroke also significantly increased in 2021
  • Heart disease, stroke and cancer are all now-known side effects of the COVID jabs. Unintentional injuries may also be due to the shots, as you may easily be injured if you pass out or suffer a heart attack or stroke while doing just about anything
  • If the COVID jabs worked, you’d expect excess mortality to drop, yet that’s not what we’re seeing. We’re also not seeing mass death from COVID. The only clear factor that might account for these discrepancies is mass injection with an experimental gene transfer technology


BREAKING: Rasmussen Poll Shows that 1-in-4 Americans Believe They Know Someone Who Died from COVID Vaccine   By Joe Hoft

Rasmussen released shocking poll results regarding the COVID vaccines.

According to Rasmussen reports:

Nearly half of Americans think COVID-19 vaccines may be to blame for many unexplained deaths, and more than a quarter say someone they know could be among the victims.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that (49%) of American Adults believe it is likely that side effects of COVID-19 vaccines have caused a significant number of unexplained deaths, including 28% who think it’s Very Likely. Thirty-seven percent (37%) don’t say a significant number of deaths have been caused by vaccine side effects, including 17% who believe it’s Not At All Likely. Another 14% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

UPDATE 5: Buffalo Bills Official Statement on Damar Hamlin Issued Early Tuesday: Suffered Cardiac Arrest, Is in Critical Condition   By Kristinn Taylor

… ““Damar Hamlin suffered a cardiac arrest following a hit in our game versus the Bengals. His heartbeat was restored on the field and he was transferred to the UC Medical Center for further testing and treatment. He is currently sedated and listed in critical condition.”


Former NFL Player Uche Nwaneri Who Called to Jail Unvaccinated Dies Suddenly at 38   By Jim Hoft

Former Purdue and Jacksonville Jaguars offensive lineman Uche Nwaneri died suddenly on Friday. He was 38.



Developing: Wisconsin Gableman Election Fraud Team Member Comes Forward with Damaging Evidence from 2020 Presidential Election  by Jefferson Davis

January 5, 2023 at 8:02pm – In a rare show of courage, conviction and commitment, a Team Member from the 2020 Wisconsin Gableman Election Fraud Investigation, came forward this week and is naming names and releasing details involving the election fraud that clearly affected the outcome of the 2020 Presidential Election in Wisconsin.

TRENDING: HISTORIC: Matt Gaetz ‘Nominates’ President Trump in the 11th Vote for House Speaker

Retired Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman was appointed to investigate the 2020 Wisconsin Presidential Election by Wisconsin Republican Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester), after the Speaker succumbed to public pressure in late summer 2021 and after many months of empty promises with no results to get to the bottom of the election that was supposedly decided by 20,682 votes resulting in the certification of Wisconsin’s 10 electoral college votes against President Trump.


Sidney Powell’s Testimony to J6 Committee  Defending The Republic

January 4, 2023

Dear Patriots,

Contrary to most media reports, on May 7, 2022, Sidney Powell cooperated with the House January 6 Committee.

Testifying for more than 6 hours, she provided tens of thousands of documents.

The transcript of her testimony was released last week. While it is long and frankly challenging to read, it provides a wealth of information on all of the activities Sidney was a part of while trying to get the truth of the 2020 election to Americans.

You may read it in full HERE.

Here are a few pulled quotes.


BREAKING: Arizona Court of Appeals Reserves Time for Conference and Possible Oral Argument In Kari Lake’s Historic Election Lawsuit – ORDER INCLUDED   By Jordan Conradson

January 4, 2023 at 7:15am – A three-judge bench scheduled the morning of January 24th for a conference and oral argument in Kari Lake’s appeal against Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson’s dismissal of her lawsuit to overturn the 2022 Midterm election.

The Gateway Pundit reported on the trial on December 21 and 22 and the possible perjury committed by Maricopa County election officials regarding election day failures.

Judge Peter Thompson dismissed the lawsuit on Christmas Eve, despite the evidence of massive voter disenfranchisement targeting Republicans and obviously false testimony by County Elections officials.

The Gateway Pundit reported that Kari Lake filed her appeal, arguing the trial court dismissed “explosive findings.”

Read the full filing here.



The 10 biggest THREATS to your food security in 2023 … HINT: Prepare for a “grocery police state” with guards, rationing and riots  [2:01:53]   by: Mike Adams

Wednesday, January 04, 2023   Today’s analysis covers threats to food security in 2023 and beyond, beginning with the now-obvious fact that food inflation continues to worsen almost everywhere.

 (Natural News) Today’s analysis covers threats to food security in 2023 and beyond, beginning with the now-obvious fact that food inflation continues to worsen almost everywhere. This readily observable fact is now so self-evident that no one needs to be convinced of the reality of rising food prices. Yet few people have honestly considered where it leads in terms of global famine, civil unrest, revolutions and more.

In 2023 and for years to come, we are about to see some of the disturbing signs of food scarcity and panic among populations as well as food retailers:

  • Armed guards at food retailers, defending against sharp increases in organized retail theft of meat products.
  • Access restrictions (and biometric ID requirements) on who is allowed to enter grocery stores and purchase food items.
  • Food rationing limits, enforced by digital currency controls, that closely monitor your food purchases and cut you off when you’ve reached your government-enforced limit.
  • Food riots across many cities and countries as fear and famine take hold.
  • More food destruction due to sabotage of food facilities and transportation infrastructure.
  • Ramped up geoengineering efforts to destroy crops through man-made droughts, floods and storms.

See today’s feature story for full details, a podcast and an interview.



Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News,  January 7, 2023, #387   [55:30]

Extreme weather whiplash is now the norm, how much worse will it get? Mainstream media has been continuously sensationalizing the storms impacting the Western US, how much rain are they going to grant us? The climate engineers can alter the equation any time they want. What haven’t Americans been told about Europe’s recent record shattering weather? How deep is the deception in the entire weather reporting industry? How much are they hiding? Who are they serving? How long do we have if climate engineering isn’t exposed and halted? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.


‘The Dimming'” (1:56:51)]



NEW! Evidence-based doctor registry   Steve Kirsch

Looking for a doctor who treats patients based on the scientific evidence rather than on medical consensus?

Evidence-based physicians: Register here (free).

General public: View the registry

Note: This was published on Jan 7, so if you are looking for a provider, give it a few days.


One of the Most Harmful Ingredients in Processed Foods   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

It’s found in nearly everything you eat, but there are very good reasons to steer clear of it. This ‘homegrown’ oil creates chaos and dysfunction in your cells, and studies link it to tumors, diabetes, decreased immune function, obesity, asthma, heart disease, and more.


  • Two of the most harmful ingredients in processed foods are high fructose corn syrup and soybean oil, whether partially hydrogenated, organic, or made from newer soybean varieties modified in such a way as to not require hydrogenation
  • Completely unnatural man-made fats created through the partial hydrogenation process cause dysfunction and chaos in your body on a cellular level, and studies have linked trans-fats to health problems ranging from obesity and diabetes to reproductive problems and heart disease
  • Besides the health hazards related to the trans fats created by the partial hydrogenation process, soybean oil is, in and of itself, NOT a healthy oil
  • Add to that the fact that the majority of soybeans grown in the U.S. are genetically engineered, and as a result saturated with dangerous levels of the herbicide glyphosate, which may have additional health consequences as there are no long term safety studies
  • When taken together, partially hydrogenated GE soybean oil becomes one of the absolute worst types of oils you can consume
  • The genetically engineered (GE) variety planted on over 90% of U.S. soy acres is Roundup Ready engineered to survive being doused with otherwise lethal amounts of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide (glyphosate). GE soybeans have been found to contain residue levels as high as 17 mg/kg, and malformations in frog and chicken embryos have occurred at just over 2 mg/kg



Iran Deepens Its Presence Inside Latin America   by Majid Rafizadeh
January 7, 2023 at 5:00 am

  • “Initially, my colleagues and I thought these were embassy employees, though we noticed their car number plates didn’t belong to any embassy. We don’t know what they are transferring… Because they won’t let us examine closely. We just know that in past weeks, every day there are three to four flights to Venezuela.” — Unnamed source at Tehran’s Imam Khomeini Airport, quoted by Iran International, December 7, 2022.
  • Latin American countries are opportune places for Iranian covert intelligence operations, especially against the US.
  • “One confidential intelligence document obtained by CNN links Venezuela’s new Vice President Tareck El Aissami to 173 Venezuelan passports and ID’s that were issued to individuals from the Middle East, including people connected to the terrorist group Hezbollah.” — CNN, February 14, 2017.
  • “We’re concerned that [Venezuelan President] Maduro has extended safe harbor to a number of terrorist groups… [including] supporters and sympathizers of Hezbollah.” — Nathan Sales, former coordinator for counterterrorism at the US State Department, Small Wars Journal, January 20, 2020.
  • While the Biden administration continues to appease the Iranian regime, called by the US Department of State the “world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism,” the Iranian mullahs are creating their single “umma” (nation) on the doorstep of the US: Latin America. The Iranian regime’s takeover of Latin America — the creation of terror cells, the access to Latin American passports, the rise of Iranian-trained imams and militants in Latin America, the increasing recruitment of radicals — is a potential existential threat to the United States.



The United Nations for Empowering Terrorists   by Bassam Tawil  January 3, 2023 at 5:00 am

  • Hammouri’s affiliation with the PFLP and his involvement in planning terror attacks against Israelis, does not, however, seem to concern the UN Human Rights Office. Instead of condemning the convicted terrorist, the UN Human Rights Office chose to condemn Israel for daring to take measures to protect its citizens against terrorism.
  • This is also the same UN whose representatives have failed to condemn Hamas for building tunnels beneath schools run by its United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) in the Gaza Strip.
  • Take note: here is a senior UN official sitting with representatives of a terror group whose charter calls for the elimination of Israel and who is expressing “concern” over the rise of right-wing parties in Israel.
  • The UN official appears unaware that many Israelis voted for right-wing parties because of the increased terror attacks by Hamas and other terrorist groups.
  • It is ironic that a UN official, whose title is “Special Coordinator of the Middle East Peace Process”, sits with a Palestinian group that is entirely dedicated to sabotaging peace.
  • As Article 13 of the Hamas charter states: “There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.”
  • This is hardly how to “prevent and remove threats to peace,” as the UN claims in its charter. In fact, the actions of the UN clearly demonstrate that the organization is actually cozying up to terrorists while denouncing those who combat terrorism.
  • In its defense of, and engagement with, terrorists, the UN is boosting the ability of Hamas and the PFLP to continue their slaughter and genocide.



The Rule of Law or the Rule of lawyers.   By Malcolm Dash, IISS      7.3.16

To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to the written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the ends to the means.  – Thomas Jefferson, September 20, 1810

Israel, like any vibrant functioning democracy, needs a strong, independent judiciary – to interpret the law, not to make it.

“In Israel, the negative impact of the judicialization of politics on the Supreme Court’s legitimacy is already beginning to show its mark. Over the past decade, the public image of the Supreme Court as an autonomous and impartial arbiter has been increasingly eroded… the court and its judges are increasingly viewed by a considerable portion of the Israeli public as pushing forward their own political agenda…” – Prof. Ran Hirschl, Towards Juristocracy: The Origins and Consequences of the New Constitutionalism, Harvard University Press, 2004.

The unelected judiciary will not be answerable to anyone for outcomes that result from imposing on the elected, and answerable, branches of government measures that it was not elected to implement – or were elected not to implement. This then is the grave danger involved in the usurpation of authority by the courts.

By exceeding its authority, by its arrogance and self-important elitism, Israel’s judiciary is placing itself in jeopardy. With the mounting loss of public trust, the judicial system cannot for long remain credible and the public will resort to settling its disputes by alternative methods. Without the legitimacy of the legal system, non-democratic authoritarian and tyrannical regimes inevitably take root.

In Israel the rule of law has been superseded by the “rule of lawyers” who may well be perceived as the enemies of the law. Judges are appointed, all drawn from the ranks of lawyers, who can remain in their positions up and until the mandatory retirement age of 70. When appointed to the bench at a relatively early age they have many years in which to shape the court and influence future justices. Judges in the mold of ex Supreme Court president Aharon Barak definitely leave an activist stamp on the legal establishment as indeed Barak did, although he alleged he did not have an agenda, “None of us may turn our personal beliefs into the law of the land.”


Return to Sanity: Israel’s Kangaroo Court Days Are Numbered  by AFSI Staff  January 5, 2023

Between 1978 and 2006, the former president of Israel’s Supreme Court, Justice Aharon Barak, commanded a vigorous and impudent effort to raise the judiciary, especially the Supreme Court and the High Court of Justice, above the other two branches of government––the Knesset and the government. He did this through intricate rulings, ever-increasing power grabs and installing his agents as legal counselors in all the government ministries––to the point where, despite the shrinking political power of the old leftist elites that established the state of Israel 75 years ago, Justice Barak’s clique of dedicated judges continued and even increased their tyrannical hold on the country’s legal system, and its legislative and executive branches.

A little after 8 PM on Wednesday, Justice Minister Yariv Levin took the podium at the Knesset in front of all the media outlets in the country and announced a series of moves that, in a relatively short time, could be weeks, would bring down Barak’s entire magnificent array of sandcastles, returning Israel to the sanity of the days when justices ruled based on the law, and not on what they believed the law should be.

Here is an outline of the initial four changes Levin will submit to the Knesset:

[Ed.:  Two good newses in one day!  I’m having ‘culture shock’!]


Israel’s New Government Isn’t What You’ve Heard   Bezalel Smotrich

Contrary to U.S. media reports, we seek to bring the Jewish state closer to the American model.

The U.S. media has vilified me and the traditionalist bloc to which I belong since our success in Israel’s November elections. They say I am a right-wing extremist and that our bloc will usher in a “halachic state” in which Jewish law governs. In reality, we seek to strengthen every citizen’s freedoms and the country’s democratic institutions, bringing Israel more closely in line with the liberal American model.

Israel is a Jewish and democratic state and will remain so. After five elections in less than five years and suffering the rule of a weak and fractious coalition dependent on a radical Islamist party’s backing for a year and a half, the country has finally formed a popular and stable government. Our bloc will strengthen Israel in the face of radical Islam and its terror proxies, open the country up economically, and usher in growth and prosperity for the benefit of all citizens.

As finance minister, I will pursue a broad free-market policy. This includes removing the government price controls and import restrictions that have limited competition and kept consumer prices high, as well as regulatory reforms and a loosening of bureaucratic control over small businesses. Inspired by U.S. right-to-work laws, we will pursue similar measures to reduce union control in Israel’s labor force.

On matters of religion and state, the new government will never seek to impose anything on a citizen that goes against his or her beliefs. We wish only to increase the freedom of religious people to participate in the public sphere in accordance with their faith, without coercion on secular people. For example, arranging for a minuscule number of sex-separated beaches, as we propose, scarcely limits the choices of the majority of Israelis who prefer mixed beaches. It simply offers an option to others. We also will work to guarantee that religious believers aren’t punished by the government for standing by their beliefs. This is no different from the rights the U.S. Supreme Court recently affirmed in its Masterpiece Cakeshop decision. Contrary to some American reporting, we seek to protect all citizens from coercion that would violate their conscience—nothing more.


BIBI REFUSES TO SEND WEAPONS TO UKRAINE  [3:11]   by Micha Gefen January 2, 2023 

Ukraine’s President Zelensky asked Prime Minister Netanyahu for weapons in an exchange for support against a UN resolution sending Israel to the world court. Bibi refused.

Netanyahu’s refusal caused Ukraine to abstain instead of voting against. However, Netanyahu’s “no” sent signals to Putin that Israel is willing to remain neutral in the current NATO-Russia war being played out in Ukraine.

The reasons for Bibi’s pushback against Ukraine is connected to Putin’s cover for Iranian expansion into Syria and Lebanon. Bibi does not need Russia to help Iran anymore than they already are. Rebuffing Zelensky also sends a message to the USA, that Israel is staying neutral when it comes to Ukraine.



Biden Regime Spent Tens of Thousands of Dollars to House Ashli Babbitt’s Killer Mike Byrd in Special “Distinguished Visitor Suite” After He Murdered Ashli   By Jim Hoft

January 7, 2023 at 2:40pm – On January 6, 2021, US veteran Ashli Babbitt was shot in cold blood by Capitol Police Lt. Mike Byrd in the US Capitol.

In July 2021 The Gateway Pundit was first to confirm that Lt. Mike Byrd was Ashli Babbit’s killer.

Lt. Byrd killed Ashli Babbitt in cold blood on Jan. 6 in the US Capitol.

Another woman and Trump supporter, Rosanne Boyland, was killed by Capitol Police outside the US Capitol.

TRENDING: Here Are the WINNERS and LOSERS in House Vote for Speaker

Ashli Babbitt was gunned down in cold blood inside the US Capitol. She was 98 pounds and posed no threat and had no weapons.

And now we also know that Congress was evacuated on Jan. 6 due to a pipe bomb threat. It was not because of Trump supporters walking the halls.

In August 2021, Lt. Mike Byrd was exonerated for killing Ashli Babbitt in cold blood. He gave no warning, he ran from the scene of the crime, he shot an unarmed woman dead who posed no threat.
And now he walks free.

And we also know that Lt. Mike Byrd was reportedly NEVER INTERVIEWED before he was exonerated for killing Ashli Babbitt.

Judicial Watch released documents that revealed the US Air Force spent tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars to House Mike Byrd in a “distinguished visitor suite” after he murdered Ashli Babbitt in cold blood.

Judicial Watch reported on January 6:


Tucker Carlson Discusses Relentless Media Lies About Jan 6 Protests on Second Anniversary of Historic Day   By Joe Hoft

January 7, 2023 at 7:15am – The truth behind Jan 6 is still unknown.  Deep State government workers and US politicians are preventing the facts behind that day’s events from being uncovered.

There were no policemen who died that day at the Capitol.  Both Joe Biden and Hakeem Jeffries claimed today that five policemen died on Jan 6.  This was a lie.

The videos from that day are unavailable.  What are they hiding?  We all know the answer to this.  They are covering up their crimes from that day.

Tucker Carlson knows it and most Americans do as well.

TRENDING: LIVE VIDEO FROM TGP RUMBLE: Motion to Adjourn FAILS – Kevin McCarthy Elected House Speaker After 15th Vote!

Here is a transcription of Tucker’s monolog from Friday, January 6, 2023.


Mother of Ashli Babbitt Arrested by Capitol Police (Video)   By Kristinn Taylor

January 6, 2023 at 2:00pm  – The mother of Ashli Babbitt, Micki Witthoeft, was arrested by U.S. Capitol Police at a protest Friday afternoon in Washington, D.C. marking the second anniversary of her daughter’s killing by Capitol Police officer Michael Byrd during the January 6th riot.

Micki Witthoeft was part of a group of protesters walking westbound on Independence Avenue between the Capitol and House office buildings. A trailing police officer in a marked car tried to order the protesters to move to the sidewalk away from the Capitol. The protesters ignored the warning and continued marching, with Witthoeft on the outside in the middle of a traffic lane.

Capitol Police set up a roadblock and ordered the protesters to cross the street to the sidewalk or be arrested. After an officer shoulder checked Witthoeft where she tried to move past him, Witthoeft turned her back to the officers and offered to be arrested. She was immediately cuffed and taken into custody.


EXCLUSIVE: J6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang Releases New Book “Patriot Prisoner” From the Depths of Solitary Confinement on the 2nd Year Anniversary of Jan 6 Protests – FIRST CHAPTER INCLUDED   By Jim Hoft

January 6, 2023 at 11:00am – January 6th political prisoner Jake Lang released his new book Patriot Prisoner on the second anniversary of the January 6th protests in Washington DC.

January 6th freedom fighter Jake Lang reveals ALL in a sensational and heart-wrenching book about the hidden truth of the greatest democracy protest in American history.

TRENDING: A Mother Cries for Help: Young Son Charles Smith Has Been Sentenced to 41 Months for Touching a Huge Sign that Ray Epps Hurled at Capitol Police

In Patriot Prisoner Jake tells all the gruesome details of that infamous day and the story of his prolific journey through the broken US Justice System. After over 710 days awaiting trial, Jake has come forward to give the American people a glimpse into the intense struggle of the modern-day patriot. His stand against tyranny has cost him everything, and it’s Liberty or Death for him in this tale of God’s power of turning tragedy into triumph!

**  Pre-order your copy today with your donation of $20 to this GiveSendGo!

Please send your shipping address to PatriotPrisonerBook@gmail.com and the email you used to place this donation. Larger donations are encouraged and 50% of all presale profits will directly benefit the January 6ers and their families via the January 6 Legal Fund.

God bless you and remember: Fear does not live in the heart of a patriot!!! Books will ship in early Summer of 2023.

More on Jake Lang…


Starved And Drugged Then Punished For Begging For Help: Wife Of J6 Political Prisoner Dominic Pezolla Sounds Alarm On Tainted Proud Boys Trial Jury Pool And Explains Exactly How Her Husband Is Being Starved To Death   By Alicia Powe

January 6, 2023 at 9:30am – After J6 defendant Dominic Pezolla leaves Barry E. Prettyman Federal Court House in Washington, DC, where a jury is being selected to determine whether he and four other members of the Proud Boys will serve a 20-year prison sentence for sedition and conspiring an “insurrection” at the US Capitol on January 6, 2020, he is starved and resorts to eating bags of chips with money from his commissary when he returns to his jail cell.

Lisa Pezolla, Dominic’s wife, broke into tears outside the courtroom on Wednesday after she received documents verifying that her husband, who is severely allergic to soy, has only been served soy for months while detained.

Jury selection for the Proud Boys trial began on December 19.  Judge Timothy J. Kelly has interviewed over 100 potential jury members.

Defense attorneys representing the Proud Boys warn the jury pool is so tainted in Washington DC, that the case must be litigated in another state.

Nearly, every potential juror member has rallied at Black Lives Matter protests, supports Antifa, attended the Women’s Marches, exemplifies vehement disdain against former President Donald Trump’s policies when interviewed by Judge Timothy J. Kelly and ardently believes the Proud Boys are a “far-right,” violent, “white supremacist” group.

But Judge Kelly refuses to uphold the defense team’s repeated request.


A Mother Cries for Help: Young Son Charles Smith Has Been Sentenced to 41 Months for Touching a Huge Sign that Ray Epps Hurled at Capitol Police   By Jim Hoft

January 6, 2023 at 8:00am – Charles Bradford (Brad) Smith was a 24-year-old young patriotic American when the FBI raided his family’s home in September 2021. Brad has been held in the FCI Elkton Federal Correctional Institution in Lisbon, Ohio.  He was sentenced to 41 months in prison for touching a sign and for several made-up charges by the DOJ-FBI.

On January 6, 2021, Brad Smith stood outside the US Capitol. At one point a giant Trump sign passed over him and he touched it for a couple of seconds.

Brad was one of dozens of individuals who touched the giant Trump MAGA sign that was hurled at police.

But Brad did not act alone. Ray Epps also hurled this sign at police and it was all caught on video.

Patty McMurray at 100 Percent Fed Up discovered this video.

Ray Epps was never arrested or locked up for this “crime” or any crime on January 6th.

Being a fed operative has its perks.

Several Trump supporters sit in jail today for touching this sign as it passed over their heads.

 Brad Smith’s mother Laurie wrote an open leter to Rep. Jim Jordan asking for help in rescuing her son from his political persecution.

Dear Mr. Jordan,

Please I beg of you to help the Jan 6 prisoners. My son Charles Bradford Smith is in prison (Ohio prison actually) for 41 months. He never entered capital, did not hurt anyone or anything. Got conspiracy for text to friends about saving DC and later on an assault charge for touching a sign for seconds that passed over hundreds and didn’t injure anyone.

Please help me.  I’m devastated.

Laurie Smith


Army Vet Christopher Alberts Clubbed in the Back of the Head on Jan 6 – Then Feds Arrest Him, Lie to the Court, and Are Caught Hiding Video – PLEASE HELP CHRIS ALBERTS!   by Kelly Wilde  January 5, 2023 at 8:30am

Illegal arrest, officer perjury, and suppression of favorable evidence: The Jan 6 case against US Army veteran Christopher Alberts is flimsy at best.

Please help!

Unconstitutional charges based off an illegal arrest are being used to try to put Army combat veteran Christopher Alberts behind bars for more than 20 years for exercising his Constitutional right to protest on January 6th.

Alberts did not cause any harm or property damage and was not suspected of committing any crime when he was illegally searched by a Metro Police officer on the evening of January 6th.

When Alberts pledged to stand up to the unconstitutional charges he was arrested for, prosecutors retaliated with a superseding indictment that brought no new evidence but  six additional charges against him, in a move defense attorneys are calling vindictive.

** Please help Alberts stand up to the excessive force of the DOJ. Donate HERE.


LIVE UPDATES: The Proud Boys Trial-Jury Selection in Washington DC Continues – The Persecution of Innocent Americans   By Assistant Editor  January 4, 2023 at 3:56pm

The J6 Proud Boy Leadership trial is taking place this week in Washington DC.

The trial will determine if the leaders of the Proud Boys committed ‘sedition.’ a completely made up charge following the January 6 protests.

Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio was not even at the US Capitol on January 6 but for some reason he is being included in this trial.

If found guilty, these men faced up to 20 years in prison.

TRENDING: BREAKING: 6th US House Vote For Speaker – McCarthy Loses a 6th Time – House Adjourns Until 8 PM

The regime does not care about human lives.

The case is currently in the Jury Selection process and it is proving difficult to find an unbiased jury pool in Washington DC, which should surprise no one.

TGP reported on Dec. 23, there was a half-day before the court would break for more than a week over the Christmas and New Years’ Holidays. On that day, only a single potential juror was qualified, and even THAT juror – to any objective observer – should not have happened!  The qualification of this potential juror led to what has been described by eyewitnesses in the courtroom as an “explosive and fiery” exchange between the lead prosecutor, AUSA Erik Kenerson and one of the defense attorneys, Nicholas Smith.  In this exchange, the prosecutor warned Smith is a “racist” for his line of questioning of the potential juror  – which made the entire courtroom break out into a frenzy, prompting Judge Kelly to gavel the courtroom back into order.

That potential juror who was “qualified” that Friday by Judge Timothy J. Kelly admitted to being a top organizer for the Washington DC BLM organization.

Is it even possible for the Proud Boys to find a jury of their peers in the leftist DC swamp?

TGP’s Alicia Powe reported during today’s morning recess.


FBI Agent to Get Probation on Thursday for Destroying Evidence in Arkansas Political Trial By Ben Wetmore

January 4, 2023 at 8:30am – Tomorrow, Thursday, in Fayetteville, Arkansas, former FBI Agent Robert Cessario will finalize a plea agreement to a federal felony with his former employer who is now prosecuting him, the Department of Justice, in which he will receive an incredibly lenient one year of probation for destroying evidence in a political trial involving former pro-Trump Arkansas State Senator Jon Woods.

Woods remains in prison even though the government has admitted destroying evidence in his trial that might have been vital to his defense. FBI Agent Cessario will be admitting to just one count of Obstruction of Justice, and will receive an incredibly lenient sentence despite on-site protesters agitating against this injustice.


People close to Woods are saying that the Justice Department is just protecting its own in order to cover up the evidence that would prove former Arkansas State Senator Jon Woods is innocent.


Wife of Jan 6 Political Prisoner Speaks Out After He Is Beaten and Blinded in One Eye by Prison Guards – Asks Americans for Their Support   By Jim Hoft

January 4, 2023 at 7:45am – In early December, US political prisoner Ryan Samsel called The Gateway Pundit to tell us he had lost his phone privileges for six months starting tomorrow.  He told us the prison staff was outraged that The Gateway Pundit exposed his horribly abusive story to the American public.

Ryan, who has not even had his case tried in court and has sat in prison for nearly two years, was severely beaten, hogtied, abused, tied to a chair for 12 hours by prison guards since he was arrested back in January 2021.  Ryan was then denied medical treatment for his injuries and his precancerous growths.

Ryan lost vision in one eye after one of his prison beatings.

The prison staff told Ryan in December that he would lose his privileges for speaking out and communicating with The Gateway Pundit.


WHAT ARE THEY HIDING? Jan 6 Committee Sealed All Important VIDEOS and Documents for 50 Years – So They Can Continue to Lie About J-6 Protests and Fed Involvement   By Jim Hoft   Published January 3, 2023 at 4:31pm

Nancy Pelosi, Liz Cheney and Democrats locked up important videos and documents the January 6 Committee collected from the American public for 30 to 50 years after they shut down their sham investigation.

They have to hide their lies from the American public in order to save face.

The FBI, DOJ, Capitol Police, and other federal agencies had DOZENS of operatives working the crowd on January 6th.

The police launched an attack on the Trump supporters who had gathered at the US Capitol. Police killed four Trump supporters that day and nearly killed several more.



Lindsey Graham Calls for US Tanks on the Ground in Ukraine – Wants All-Out War with Nuclear Russia   By Jim Hoft

January 7, 2023 at 1:37pm – Lindsey Graham wants war with nuclear Russia. And, Lindsey wants Putin eliminated.

Earlier this week Emanuel Macron and France promised to send the first Western tanks to Ukraine.

Lindsey wants US tanks on the ground.

They can’t get there quick enough.

In 2021 the US surrendered to the Taliban in Afghanistan, armed their military with $80 billion in US weapons, and abandoned thousands of Americans and green card holders on the ground.

No one was fired.

Now Lindsey wants to use these same idiots to start a nuclear war with Russia.
This guy is a psycho.


THE FIX IS IN: Sam Bankman-Fried Has a Clinton Judge, Soros-Related Biden-Appointed Prosecutor, and His Case Is in the Corrupt SDNY    By Joe Hoft

January 4, 2023 at 8:10pm – Could this be a coincidence or is the fix in?

Sam Bankman-Fried was arrested on multiple counts of fraud after billions of dollars went missing from his cryptocurrency exchange FTX.  It’s still unknown how much money went missing.

When we found that the government’s case against SBF was initiated out of the DOJ’s corrupt Southern District of New York (SDNY) we knew the fix was in.  The SDNY is the same district that brought charges against innocent We Build the Wall (WBTW) figures in a political hit.  The attorneys in the SDNY were certainly not going to prosecute SBF in the same manner they went after WBTW patriots.  They certainly weren’t going to look into FTX’s activities in Ukraine and with the Democrats as well.

We also found that the first judge over the case had conflicts of interest and still she allowed SBF to spend the holidays at his parents’ house in California, flying first class there.

Then when the first judge recused herself for her conflicts with FTX, the next judge placed over the case is Bill Clinton appointed Judge Lewis Kaplan.

Kaplan has allowed the unfounded rape case against President Trump to move forward.   Based on her interview on CNN, the accuser appears certifiable.  But this Clinton Judge allowed it to move forward.

We’ve learned that in addition to being run in the SDNY and having a Clinton judge, the prosecuting attorney in SBF’s case is a Joe Biden-appointed Soros-related attorney who recently oversaw the Ghislaine Maxwell case.

We’ve learned that in addition to being run in the SDNY and having a Clinton judge, the prosecuting attorney in SBF’s case is a Joe Biden-appointed Soros-related attorney who recently oversaw the Ghislaine Maxwell case.


Amazon Announces Massive, Unprecedented Layoffs, Citing ‘Uncertain Economy’  By Bryan Chai, The Western Journal

January 5, 2023 at 7:30pm –   Retail titan Amazon has begun the new year with some awful news: a historic downsizing of its workforce.

In a written update shared with employees on Wednesday, company CEO Andy Jassy said the previously reported layoff totals, pegged to be roughly 10,000 firings back in November, was a woeful underestimate.

“As I shared back in November, as part of our annual planning process for 2023, leaders across the company have been working with their teams and looking at their workforce levels, investments they want to make in the future, and prioritizing what matters most to customers and the long-term health of our businesses,” Jassy said.

The CEO then made it abundantly clear why the layoffs were imminent — the state of the economy under President Joe Biden.

“This year’s review has been more difficult given the uncertain economy and that we’ve hired rapidly over the last several years,” Jassy continued. “In November, we communicated the hard decision to eliminate a number of positions across our Devices and Books businesses, and also announced a voluntary reduction offer for some employees in our People, Experience, and Technology (PXT) organization.”

That’s when Jassy dropped the hammer. That aforementioned 10,000 figure? It nearly doubled.

“Today, I wanted to share the outcome of these further reviews, which is the difficult decision to eliminate additional roles,” he said. “Between the reductions we made in November and the ones we’re sharing today, we plan to eliminate just over 18,000 roles. Several teams are impacted; however, the majority of role eliminations are in our Amazon Stores and PXT organizations.”

Jassy said Amazon is “deeply aware that these role eliminations are difficult for people, and we don’t take these decisions lightly or underestimate how much they might affect the lives of those who are impacted.”

According to Business Insider, the 18,000 layoffs amount to the largest single instance of downsizing in Amazon’s history.

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DHS Funds for Nonprofits at High Risk of Terrorist Attack Go to Islamic Centers, Museums, La Raza     JUDICIAL WATCH   AUGUST 23, 2022

The federal agency created after 9/11 to keep America safe is spending more than half a billion dollars on security enhancements for nonprofits “at high risk of terrorist attack,” and recipients include dozens of Islamic centers, a leftist La Raza group and a country music museum, according to records obtained by Judicial Watch. An LGBTQ rights organization and the nation’s leading abortion rights advocacy group have also received generous security enhancement funds from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and so has an old west museum, a congregationalist seminary in American Samoa and an American Indian museum. The records obtained by Judicial Watch reveal that the program is a bit of a boondoggle with large sums of taxpayer dollars going to institutions unlikely to encounter a terrorist threat, including zoos, a New Hampshire ambulance service and a museum dedicated to a renowned blues musician.

The money is disbursed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the 20,000-employee conglomerate officially created by former President Jimmy Carter’s executive order in 1979. FEMA operates under DHS and lists helping people before, during and after disasters as its mission. In the last few years the agency has dedicated more than $500 million to a Nonprofit Security Grant Program that claims to “support target hardening and other physical security enhancements and activities to nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of terrorist attack.” The goal, according to FEMA, is to integrate nonprofit preparedness activities with broader state and local preparedness efforts. The costly initiative is also supposed to promote coordination and collaboration in emergency preparedness activities among public and private community representatives and government at all levels, according to the government’s description of the program.


Two Men Arrested For Sabotaging Four Electrical Power Substations in Washington State   By Cristina Laila

January 3, 2023 at 9:07pm – The FBI arrested two men for sabotaging four electrical power substations in Washington State late last month.

The two men, Matthew Greenwood, 32, and Jeremy Crahan, 40, were caught on surveillance video at the Tacoma facilities.


Quake Prediction Says “Signal Just Hit,” Warns Of Potential Big Earthquake From San Francisco To LA   BY TYLER DURDEN

MONDAY, JAN 02, 2023 – 11:05 AM – An earthquake rattled parts of Northern California on Sunday for the second time in two weeks. The 5.4-magnitude quake was centered about 30 miles south of Eureka. On Dec. 20, a 6.4-magnitude earthquake also struck near Eureka.

Now one quake prediction research firm warned that the next big one could be imminent.

On Monday morning, Quake Predictions published a warning that read for the next two days — there is a “dangerous situation” of the likelihood of a 7.0-magnitude “in the San Francisco Bay to NW of Los Angeles area.”



Alameda Wallets Funnel Over $1.7M Via Crypto Mixers Overnight

January 3, 2023 – According to data provided by the crypto forensic organisation Arkham, Alameda wallets has funneled over $1.7M via crypto mixers overnight

After being inactive for four weeks, 30 cryptocurrency wallets connected to Alameda Research, the bankrupt sister company of FTX, started functioning on December 28. Through a variety of crypto-mixing services, these wallets traded and combined digital assets valued over $1.7 million.

Market manipulators and criminals frequently employ crypto mixers to obfuscate the transaction trail and prevent money from being returned to its original source.

The unexpected transfer of money from Alameda wallets just days after Sam Bankman Fried was granted bail aroused doubts, as Cointelegraph reported on December 28. Nearly 24 hours later, it appears that the person responsible for these financial transfers carefully planned their transaction routes.


Times Square Crowne Plaza Hotel Goes Bankrupt

January 3, 2023 – According to Bloomberg and The Real Deal, the owners of the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Times Square have filed for bankruptcy.

Is this the first major piece of commercial real estate to fall in the wake of the “work from home” revolution due to covid?


23 SKILLS you’ll need to make it through 2023    [1:16:32 – 0:00 Intro; 4:12 Important News; 14:33 Economic News; 36:50 23 SKILLS]  Mike Adams

– 2023 will be a year of DOOM but only for the ignorant and unprepared

– With knowledge and skills, we can survive and navigate what’s coming

– China shifting corn purchases to Brazil as US builds microchip factories

– China and USA both preparing for global war

– Russia preparing for major offensive against Ukraine

– The home price bubble has burst and prices are plummeting

– Many people still living in denial that the era of easy money (and cheap stuff) is over

– France has shuttered half its nuclear power plants, and energy rationing may begin soon

– Black-eyed peas and corn bread for the New Year

– 15 million Americans set to lose health insurance coverage as covid emergency expires

– New telemedicine options emerging in 2023

– Critical skills for making it through 2023 (full list)

– Why mental flexibility will be key to survival

– Home chemistry and making your own cleaning supplies

– The importance of FRUGALITY and de-leveraging your finances









Blinded by the Lies — The U.S. Military is Relying on Ukrainian Intelligence   By Larry Johnson  January 5, 2023 at 7:00am

I have confirmed that the Defense Intelligence Agency is relying solely on Ukraine for the intelligence on Russian and Ukrainian casualties. In other words, if Ukraine tells its DIA liaison officer that Ukraine killed 400 Russians in its latest HIMARS strike then that is what DIA tells the U.S. General commanding EUCOM. This is more than troubling. This is dangerous.

There are six basic types of intelligence that a good analyst should consult in preparing an assessment:

  • 1) Intelligence from foreigners recruited to spy for the United States,
  • 2) Intelligence produced by foreign governments that is passed to the United States,
  • 3) Reports produced by U.S. Government organizations, e.g. State Department cables sent from US embassies and Defense Attache reports based on information the attache collected in a particular country,
  • 4) Electronic intercepts, which includes communications collected and analyzed by the National Security Agency,
  • 5) Imagery from satellites and air craft (including drones)
  • 6) Open source, e.g. press, media, and social media


Huge Death Toll After US-Supplied Himars Leveled Russian Barracks In Donetsk, Possibly Hundreds Killed   BY TYLER DURDEN

TUESDAY, JAN 03, 2023 – 04:44 AM   Russian forces have just suffered what may be their single biggest loss of the war in an attack, after a Ukrainian strike killed multiple dozens, or possibly hundreds, of newly mobilized troops in the east of the country. Moscow is now pointing to a US role in the devastating attack.

“Russia’s Defense Ministry said Monday that Ukrainian forces used a U.S.-supplied Himars rocket system to destroy a facility used as a base for mobilized troops in the city of Makiivka,” The Wall Street Journal reports of the attack in Russian-occupied Donbas.

The defense ministry confirmed that 63 Russian troops died in the blast, saying that a wave of HIMARS rockets delivering “high-explosive warheads” struck the facility that housed the troops.

A statement by top Russian commanders carried in state-run TASS reads: “The Kiev regime delivered a strike firing six projectiles from the US-made HIMARS multiple rocket launcher on a Russian unit near Makeyevka in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR). The attack left 63 Russian service members killed.”

Though only revealed for the first time Monday, the strike reportedly took place soon after midnight on Sunday, New Year’s Day. Some Russian sources are suggesting an ammunition depot was next to the targeted facility, which likely resulted in a deadlier, expanded blast.

The Ukrainian side is meanwhile claiming the true numbers among the Russian dead is much higher, with the Ukrainian military asserting that some 400 were killed and other 300 wounded – though Kiev didn’t directly take responsibility in the immediate aftermath.


NATO, U.S., in trouble as Russia expands militarily and moves hypersonic missiles near Ukraine   by: JD Heyes  Monday, January 02, 2023

(Natural News) The Russian military, we are led to believe, is performing poorly in Ukraine and has suffered tens of thousands of deaths and casualties, beaten back by a ‘superior’ Ukrainian army equipped with Western (mostly U.S.) weapons.

That’s the line we’re being fed from the same corporate media outlets and globalist elites who stole Donald Trump’s reelection and claimed that COVID-19 vaccines were 100 percent safe.

So it should come as no surprise that a newly published analysis is not only refuting all of the nonsense regarding Russia’s alleged military ineptitude, but also points out that Moscow is dramatically expanding the size of its forces and is preparing to equip them with nuclear-capable missiles that are so fast there is no credible missile defense against them, not even the vaunted U.S.-built Patriot 3 or the Israeli Iron Dome systems.

“Russia announced yesterday that it will increase its military strength from 1 million to 1.5 million. The Western Press keeps putting out the propaganda that this is all because Russia has lost momentum and many soldiers in Ukraine,” Martin Armstrong of Armstrong Economics noted this week. “I reported before that sources from Ukraine, not Russia, put the death toll at over 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers. That was also in the draft speech of the head of the EU, but it was removed to keep up the image that Ukraine is winning.”

He went on to discuss other developments, including the U.S./NATO plan to dramatically expand certain militaries within the alliance — countries we know will fight if they have to (i.e. not Germany).



President Trump Tells Michael Flynn He Would Serve as House Speaker   by Tony Gray

January 7, 2023 – Former President Donald Trump reportedly expressed a willingness to serve as Speaker of the House, if he had been elected.

Former National Security Director, retired Army General Michael Flynn, and unsuccessful Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake spoke with Trump Thursday. Both reportedly confirmed the former president’s statement, in a report from the Western Journal.

The Western Journal further reported:

“I talked to President Trump last night and told him he would be great and he should do it,” Lake told The Western Journal. “[I said] that he could take Congress from the most hated branch of [government] to the favorite branch.”

Lake’s pep talk appears to have worked, because Flynn told The Western Journal the following: “Trump says, ‘I will do it.’”


Retired FBI boss says agency has lost independence, been co-opted by liberal DOJ ideologues

Former Assistant Director Chris Swecker says bureau has been pressured into improper domestic spying, censorship.

In a stunning rebuke, the FBI’s retired chief of criminal investigations says his old agency has yielded the independence Congress gave it under the law and is now subservient to a group of liberal ideologues inside the Justice Department who have pressured agents to stray into unwarranted domestic spying and censorship.

Ex-FBI Assistant Director Chris Swecker on Tuesday became the latest law enforcement or political figure to support creating an independent commission modeled after the U.S. Senate’s 1970s Church Committee to investigate the FBI’s practices and impose reforms on the storied law enforcement agency.

He told Just the News that the bureau’s problems start with the politicization of its ranks by DOJ.


LIVE VIDEO FROM TGP RUMBLE: Motion to Adjourn FAILS – Kevin McCarthy Elected House Speaker After 15th Vote!  By Joe Hoft

January 6, 2023 at 11:20pm – It looks like this may be it, the final vote for US Speaker.

The GOP McCarthy group looks very happy.

During the vote for adjournment, Gaetz and McCarthy spoke on the House floor.

It looks like it’s over.

Eli Crane switched his vote to present. This should give McCarthy the gavel.


[Ed.: Etc., etc., etc.]

BREAKING: 12th Vote for Speaker – McCarthy Picks Up Hold-Out Votes BUT LOSES VOTE — Brecheen, Clyde, Bishop, Donalds, Cloud — VOTE FOR McCarthy — VIDEOS   By Jim Hoft

January 6, 2023 at 11:46am – The House reconvened on Friday as the speaker election continued after McCarthy lost 11 ballots in a row.

Fox News reporter Chad Pergram is reporting that the ‘drama’ over the fight for House Speaker may end today.

Voting started at half past the hour.

Here are the 20 holdouts.


The Uniparty Roosters Crow For Kevin McCarthy  Jordan Schachtel


If the COVID hysteria era served any good, it at least forced those in positions of power and influence to flip over their cards, leaving pretenses behind. Today, we are witnessing a rotten “conservative” Uniparty establishment reveal their cards yet again, in demanding the consecration of the notoriously corrupt Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as Speaker of the House.

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Kevin McCarthy is arguably the most compromised man in Congress, having spent the last 16 years selling himself, his voting authority, and his leadership position in the House, in exchange for the accumulation of raw power. From the moment he finished college, McCarthy, the two-time Davos attendee, who has never held a real job, has committed himself to the Uniparty machine in Washington.


Elon Musk Throws Support Behind Kevin McCarthy, Here’s Why   By Anthony Scott   January 5, 2023 at 5:10pm

CEO of Twitter Elon Musk broke his silence regarding his opinion on who should be the next  Speaker of the House.

In a tweet, Musk wrote simply “Kevin McCarthy should be Speaker.”

Musk’s tweet came after the House of Representatives held 6 voting sessions where in all six sessions McCarthy failed to reach the 218 votes needed to be the next Speaker of the House.

Here’s the tweet:


RINSE AND REPEAT: House Members Vote for 11th Time for Speaker   By Jim Hoft   January 5, 2023 at 5:45pm

It’s Thursday afternoon and Kevin McCarthy has lost 10 straight votes for House Speaker.

The House is now moving to the 11th vote and 4th vote of the day.

The winning Republican can only afford to lose four votes! He must reach 218 votes to win the Speakership. And the GOP holds a narrow 222 to 212 majority in the chamber.

This was despite the fact that President Trump endorsed Kevin McCarthy on Wednesday morning and urged Republicans to vote for McCarthy.

The actions of these principled conservatives who refuse to support Kevin McCarthy is infuriating to party insiders, the Uniparty, lobbyists, and GOP elites.

… Here are the 20 hold-out Republicans to watch:

[Ed.: That is because they are using that new-fangled math, ‘Common Core’, where 2+2=5, and zero wins = try again and again.]


BREAKING: Kevin McCarthy FAILS 10th Vote for Speaker — FIRST TIME SINCE 1859 – Prior to Civil War!   By Jim Hoft   January 5, 2023 at 4:24pm

On Tuesday, Trump-endorsed Kevin McCarthy failed three times to win the vote for US Speaker of the House. It was the first time in 100 years that Speakership was not decided in the first vote.

Kevin McCarthy lost the third vote for House Speaker on Tuesday afternoon, with 20 Republicans voting for Rep. Jim Jordan.

The winning Republican can only afford to lose four votes! He must reach 218 votes to win the Speakership. And the GOP holds a narrow 222 to 212 majority in the chamber.

On Wednesday morning McCarthy lost a 4th time!  Then a fifth time.  And then in the afternoon Kevin McCarthy lost a sixth time.

This was despite the fact that President Trump endorsed Kevin McCarthy on Wednesday morning and urged Republicans to vote for McCarthy.

The actions of these principled conservatives who refuse to support Kevin McCarthy is infuriating to party insiders, the Uniparty, lobbyists, and GOP elites.

Kevin McCarthy failed the 10th vote for US House Speaker on Thursday afternoon.


HUGE: Steve Bannon Also Calls for President Trump for Speaker – RELIABLE SOURCE Says President Trump Would Do It!   By Joe Hoft   January 5, 2023 at 12:37pm

Earlier today in the 7th vote for the US House of Representatives, GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz called for President Trump for Speaker.

Steve Bannon on the War Room just called for Trump as Speaker as well.

From a reliable and trusted source – President Trump would do it if voted as Speaker.

Bannon made a case for Trump on the War Room moments ago.

At the beginning of the segment, Bannon showed the misdirection play from RINOs like Rep. Ben Crenshaw who made fun of Rep. Bob Good for doing what’s right and not electing McCarthy.

Bannon then shared:

It can’t continue on like this.  This fight has been brewing for 10 years…since the Tea Party revolt in 2010.

All of the big guns running the GOP House are gone except McCarthy.

I said on here over a year ago, that Donald Trump should be the Speaker.  At least come in for an interim of 100 days.  Why did I say that?  I knew this was going to end up…

… [after talking about a modern day Church commission to investigate the weaponization of the government] …What about Trump and do it for some interim period, maybe 100 days?

Would you not rather have Trump leading in the negotiation of the debt ceiling and the spending than some of these other people?  Would you not?  And that’s what it’s going to come down to.  We’re hurling towards an economic and financial crisis just like the 1930s.   We’re going through a dark valley…

Listen to this historic segment from Steve Bannon on the War Room.

(How awesome it would be if President Trump was sworn in as Speaker tomorrow on Jan 6?)

[Ed. UPDATE:  It didn’t happen.  1/6/23 9:30pm Eastern.]


THE UNIPARTY RUNS DEEP: FOX and Friends Hosts Call 20 Rebel Republicans “Insurrectionists” and “Saboteurs” (VIDEO)   By Jim Hoft  January 5, 2023 at 10:45am

On Tuesday, Trump endorsed Kevin McCarthy failed three times to win the vote for US Speaker of the House. It was the first time in 100 years that Speakership was not decided in the first vote.

Kevin McCarthy lost the third vote for House Speaker on Tuesday afternoon, with 20 Republicans voting for Rep. Jim Jordan.

The winning Republican can only afford to lose four votes! He must reach 218 votes to win the Speakership. And the GOP holds a narrow 222 to 212 majority in the chamber.

On Wednesday morning McCarthy lost a 4th time!  Then a fifth time.  And then in the afternoon Kevin McCarthy lost a sixth time.


President Trump Changes Tune – Says Yesterday Was a Great Day – Predicts Big Republican VICTORY Today  By Joe Hoft  January 5, 2023 at 7:45a

Yesterday President Trump endorsed Kevin McCarthy for Speaker after losing three rounds of voting for Speaker.  Trump also lectured the 20 GOP Representatives for refusing to elect Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker.  Today it appears he’s had a change of heart.

TGP shared the President’s comments. President Trump was very hard on the 20 GOP members who refused to vote for McCarthy.  Many, if not all, of these Representatives are big Trump supporters.

… “Last night after the late-night talk shows were finished, President Trump appears to have had a change of heart.  Did the President see the comments from TGP readers?”  [Emphasis added]


WOW! HANNITY JUMPS THE SHARK! Launches Full Frontal Assault on Rep. Lauren Boebert for Not Supporting Kevin McCarthy -VIDEO   By Jim Hoft   January 4, 2023 at 9:10pm

… “On Wednesday Sean Hannity invited Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) on to grill her on why she will not support Kevin McCarthy.

This was a shocking display by Sean Hannity.

The FOX crowd is FURIOUS that conservatives would vote against McCarthy who wanted to silence them all from social media. Why in the hell would they vote for him?

Sorry Sean, conservative voters are standing with these 20 Conservatives.

Hannity is losing his mojo.


The Anti-McCarthy Plan Is Working Properly Which Is Why Uniparty Swamp Shill Sean Hannity Is Lashing Out so Aggressively   JD Rucker

A whole lot of Republicans are sweating right now, wondering if the party will blow it’s majority because of the 20 “renegades” opposing Kevin McCarthy. The truth is they’re on the righteous side.

It may not be popular to post this considering the wild political debate within the Republican Party at this time, but the vocal minority of 20 Congressman is in the right as they push to force Kevin McCarthy to stand down and allow someone else to take the helm in the House. Fox News host Sean Hannity is siding with McCarthy because that’s what he’s been instructed to do. He’s playing his role as RINO shepherd to lay guilt on anyone who doesn’t abide by the GOP Establishment’s wishes.

He turned his GOPe spokesperson talents against Congresswoman Lauren Boebert on his show tonight. He questioned why McCarthy should stand down when he has 203 (it’s actually 201 but who’s counting?) supporters on his side while his opposition only has 20. On the surface, it’s a fair question. But the reality is McCarthy has 201 Representatives who are WILLING to let him be Speaker of the House. He does NOT have 201 members who WANT him there.

The fallacy in Hannity’s argument is to assume that nobody could get 218 or more votes from among the 222 Republicans. This is unambiguously false. There are several members who would easily get 218 votes in the caucus and at least a few who would get all 222. McCarthy’s support is by default for many who are voting for him because he has positioned himself as the de facto Speaker. But if you ask his 201 “supporters” if they really want him there rather than simply having a willingness to accept him, you’d find the ranks of his “supporters” would drop dramatically.



Sheriffs are a unique branch of law enforcement, and if they do their jobs, they will protect us from federal thuggery


  1. Use THIS link to access the Amazon page for Cassandra’s Memo. The one I gave you had identifiers on the end of it it that made it look it came from my personal computer. Also, as I learned with Butchered, Amazon actively censors reviews. You will have to be careful what you say to get your review to stick.
  2. THIS is the link to view The Real Anthony Fauci movie. Spread this through your contacts, for people seem to be waking up after the football player dropped on the field.

On to the show… You need to get to know the inspirational Mr. Mack. He formed the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA) to uphold the Constitution. He convincingly argues that the thousands of elected sheriffs, one from each county in the US, can keep us safe from the federal looting we are witnessing. They have a law enforcement structure parallel to the police and highway patrol and have sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution. Mack says you must work with your Sheriff and support them.

All the Constitutional Amendments are being attacked, and all but the Second are now severely compromised. To catch up with that, listen to RFK’s moving speech HERE or HERE (two links to the same thing). He said:

And one of the things that I discovered during this process is what’s happening now is this lockstep imposition of totalitarian controls — not just in America, but in every one of the liberal democracies in the world, and all of the other countries in the world.

China moved into Hong Kong and banned the last democratic newspaper. Everywhere in the world, we see democracy and constitutional rights disappearing. And it all happened at once, as if it was planned.

Our tattered Constitution is still the most potent structure standing in the way.

I listened to Marcela interview the Sheriff HERE and decided to do the same. Marcela was brilliant as usual and did a better job, but (just maybe) I have a better podcasting voice…


Joe Biden Calls GOP Division on House Speakership Vote “Embarrasing”  By Jim Hoft

January 4, 2023 at 3:00pm – Joe Biden called the Republican Party’s internal conflict over who should be the next House Speaker “embarrassing.”

Biden made the remarks on Wednesday as he prepared to travel to Kentucky to celebrate his infrastructure bill with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Biden said, ” With regard to the fight over the speaker — that’s not my problem,” when asked about the Republican Party’s inability to agree on a leader.

“I just think that it is embarrassing the way it has taken so long and the way they are treating one another,” Biden continued.

[Ed.:  He’s got THAT right!  The GOP is embarrassing altogether.]


BREAKING: 6th US House Vote For Speaker – McCarthy Loses a 6th Time!   By Cristina Laila

January 4, 2023 at 2:47pm – The US House voted for Speaker for the 6th time Wednesday afternoon.

GOP Rep. Kevin McCarthy failed to win the first five rounds.

[Ed.:  When ridiculousness reaches profundity…  Jim Jordan is obviously the best choice, but that is not even a question. He wants to be Chairman of the Judiciary Committee.]


Trump Supporter Rep. Matt Gaetz Hammers President Trump for Backing McCarthy for Speaker   By Joe Hoft

January 4, 2023 at 2:32pm – Kevin McCarthy is the GOP party leadership’s pick for Speaker of the House.  However, many in the party don’t want to see this happen.

There have now been 4 votes for Speaker of the House and Kevin McCarthy is not even close to winning the speakership.

Even with President Trump’s backing this morning, McCarthy is no closer to what he wants.

President Trump shared some Truth this morning where he again backed McCarthy for Speaker.  TGP shared these Truths.

Shortly after President Trump shared his support again for McCarthy, Rep. Matt Gaetz tweeted his response to the President’s action.

“Supporting McCarthy is the worst Human Resources decision President Trump has ever made. Sad!”

Ed.:  Cummon Matt, is he worse than Mark Meadows?  Madison Cawthorn?  Mehmet Os? How about appointing Brett Kavenaugh or Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court?  Choosing Mike Pence for Vice President?   Endorsing McCarthy is just one of many more.]


BREAKING: 5th US House Vote For Speaker – Kevin McCarthy Loses 5th Straight Vote! – Conservatives NOT BUDGING! – Rep. Spartz Votes Present   By Cristina Laila

January 4, 2023 at 1:12pm – On Tuesday, Trump-endorsed Kevin McCarthy failed three times to win the vote for US Speaker of the House.

This was the first time in 100 years that Speakership was not decided in the first vote.

The voting continued on Wednesday and McCarthy failed to win in the 4th vote.

20 GOP lawmakers voted for Florida Rep. Byron Donalds in the 4th round.

[Ed.: Einstein once said that the true definition of crazy is when we do the same thing over and over expect different results.]


Jim Jordan: ‘No’ Chance I Will Be Speaker of the House    HANNAH BLEAU  4 Jan 2023

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) holds “no” hope that he will be elected Speaker of the House, the congressman admitted on Tuesday evening after Republicans failed to unite behind Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

When asked if there was any chance that he would be Speaker of the House, Jordan flatly dismissed the prospect.

“No,” he said, explaining that he simply desires to chair the Judiciary Committee.

“You guys know. I like the ability to cross examine witnesses and get the truth for the country, so that’s what I’m focused on,” he said:



January 4, 2023 at 11:37am – On Tuesday, Trump endorsed Kevin McCarthy failed three times to win the vote for US Speaker of the House. It was the first time in 100 years that Speakership was not decided in the first vote.

Kevin McCarthy lost the third vote for House Speaker on Tuesday afternoon, with 20 Republicans voting for Rep. Jim Jordan.

The winning Republican can only afford to lose four votes! He must reach 218 votes to win the Speakership. And the GOP holds a narrow 222 to 212 majority in the chamber.

TRENDING: Ugh… Trump Tells Conservative Lawmakers to Stick with Kevin McCarthy

On Thursday morning McCarthy lost a 4th time!

[Ed.:  People are tired of Trump’s back-stabbing, turncoat endorsements!]


BREAKING: Kevin McCarthy LOSES THIRD VOTE For Speaker of House! – Jim Jordan Picks Up 20 Votes …UPDATE: House Adjourned Until Noon Tomorrow   By Jim Hoft

Published January 3, 2023 at 3:39pm


Kevin McCarthy lost the third vote for House Speaker on Tuesday.

The winning Republican can only afford to lose four votes! He must reach 218 votes to win the Speakership.

McCarthy already lost 13… and it’s not even halfway over.

Republican ‘rebels’ have coalesced around Jim Jordan.

[Ed.:  Maybe if they go to 30, or 300, McCarthy would win the vote?]


Second ballot for House speaker underway with Jordan nominating McCarthy

McCarthy so far has lost 10 GOP votes on the second ballot, which denies him the 218 needed to win assuming every Democrat votes for Jeffries.

The second round of voting for House speaker is underway with Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan nominating California GOP Rep. Kevin McCarthy and Florida GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz later nominating Jordan.

No candidate received enough votes to become speaker in the first round so a second vote of voting is taking place for the first time in 100 years.

So far, McCarthy has lost 10 GOP votes on the second ballot, which denies him the 218 needed to win assuming every Democrat votes for Jeffries.

Republicans won a majority of 222-212 in the midterm election.


BREAKING: 19 REPUBLICANS DEFECT in First Vote for House Speaker – At Least 19 Vote Against Kevin McCarthy! – Andy Biggs Receives 10 Votes   By Jim Hoft

AT LEAST 19 REPUBLICANS DEFECT in first vote for the US House Speaker.

At least 11 Congress members have voted for alternative candidates.


REPORT: The FBI Still Hasn’t Arrested A Single Person For Attacks On 230 Pro-Life Churches And Pregnancy Centers In 2022   By ProTrumpNews Staff

In the wake of Roe v Wade being overturned, pro-life centers were attacked by pro-abortion activists.

According to CatholicVote.org, there have been at least 78 attacks on pregnancy resource centers and offices of pro-life groups.

Catholic Vote reported:

At least 78 pregnancy resource centers and offices of pro-life groups have been attacked and vandalized since a draft Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade was leaked in early May. Pro-abortion domestic terrorists have claimed responsibility, and delivered on their promise of a “summer of rage“. The attacks have continued into the fall.

The pregnancy resource centers, which provide free medical and financial support to pregnant and new mothers, have been spray-painted with pro-abortion and anarchist messages and symbols. Several have been set on fire. Other pro-life groups which advocate for the right to life have also had their offices vandalized.

A separate list compiled by LifeNews says there were over 230 attacks on churches and pregnancy centers.

Despite these attacks, the FBI has still not arrested anyone.


Suicide Among The Most Common Causes Of Death In The US

January 3, 2023 – According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide is among the most common causes of death in the US.

In the United States, homicide and suicide are the second- and third-most frequent causes of death among those under the age of 34, behind accidents.

Cancer, heart disease, and most recently Covid-19, start to kill more people after that age.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, homicide was the fourth most common cause of death for children aged 5 to 9 in 2020, making it a serious threat to even this age group.

Homicide and suicide are two of the top 4 killers of children between the ages of 10 and 14.

[Ed.:  The thing about suicide is that you don’t get to get out of it.  It does not work. Things go a lot worse after that!  We are not allowed to kill ourselves.]



MUST WATCH: Unearthed Video Shows Animal Rights Activist Jane Goodall Calling for DEPOPULATING THE EARTH to Solve “Climate Change” (VIDEO)   By Cullen Linebarger

January 4, 2023 at 7:00am – Leftists when discussing “climate change” generally advocate for less carbon emissions and sometimes eating bugs. But Jane Goodall has a more sinister idea in mind to solve the so-called crisis: fewer human beings.

An anonymous Twitter user last Friday uncovered footage of Goodall speaking to the World Economic Forum in 2020. Here are her full quotes in front of the global elite:

“We cannot hide away from human population growth. Because it underlies so many of the other problems.”

“All these things we talk about wouldn’t be a problem if there was the size of population there was 500 years ago”


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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.