BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).
‘Faith Not Fear!’
Be sure to read between the lines!
32. !! !! Baba Salé Zal Yartzeit, Netivot:
– To enter the outdoor site of the Kever [grave] of Baba Salé in Netivot tonight, the night of his Yartzeit, a Green Pass was required, a yellow bracelet was given to people, all entrances and exits were tightly controlled, mask wearing was enforced, although the Tsioun itself was closed, and all prayers were done outdoors. Police violently arrested several people who were not happy with the rules imposed. Here are some excerpts…
– Baba Salé Zal Yartzeit, Netivot: Many posts were imposed on people until they could enter the outdoor perimeter of the Tsioun of the Tsadik, high fences were installed everywhere, cameras on drones were surveilling every corner of the site, loud speakers were heard with instructions that people could only pray for 7 minutes near the Tsioun.
All other areas of the cemetery were locked up and forbidden to enter including the wife and daughter of Baba Salé buried on the site as well.
At some point, at least a hundred barouch Yeshiva passed through three checkpoints regardless of security like a heard to access the outside of the tsioun to pray. People had a strong Ghetto eerry feeling as if in a cage…
At least 5 arrests were made by aggressive police.
There was an excessive amount of police and security officers.
This was not the Joyfull freedom special Yartzeit people are used to.
Last year, the Tsioun was completely shut down.
The last beautiful Yartzeit where all Israel could come pray freely was in 2020.
[Ed. However, for 74-years of having the wrong governmental structure, this is how it looks (THIS IS WHAT WE HAVE TO LOOK AT,) after the past two covid years of totalitarian fortification in Israel (IINO):]
[Ed.: Perhaps at a certain threshold of “vaccine” deaths (When The People fully realize what was done to them,) The People will terminate the government, and build a government consisting of servants who are individually accountable to their electorate, and a Jewish structure of government, based in the Law of Torah. …Perhaps, just perhaps. (Sigh)]
31. The News of Today is the History of Tomorrow By Larry Schweikart January 4, 2022
30. – To enter the outdoor site of the Kever [grave] of Baba Salé in Netivot tonight, the night of his Yartzeit. Green Pass was required, a yellow bracelet was given to people, all entrances and exits were tightly controlled, mask wearing was enforced, alth ough the Tsioun itself was closed, and all prayers were done outdoors. Police violently arrested several people who were not happy with the rules imposed. Here are some excerpts…
29. ! Why Are They Changing the COVID Narrative? By Tracy Beanz
If you have been an avid reader here at UncoverDC, you know more about COVID-19 than most. We released the first volume of our reporting a few months ago, which contained the work we had done through September of 2021. This work was based on truth, science, and fact. However, it ran counter to the “approved” narrative the legacy media and institutions were pushing on the American public in favor of mandatory vaccination and continued fear. But something has changed, and it appears that these same institutions want to start adopting some facts and some science as they attempt to navigate the new COVID variant named Omicron.
[Ed.: Excellent!]
28. ! Over 48K Comments on WHO Facebook Post Claiming “Mild” Vaccine Side Effects By Michelle Edwards
The World Health Organization’s (WHO) Facebook page for the Regional Office for Europe posts regularly about COVID-19 “vaccines.” With 720K followers, @WHOEurope is one of six regional WHO offices around the world. A post made today by the organization reads, “As many hospitals face pressure due to the spike in #COVID19 cases, how can we help health workers? Get fully vaccinated against COVID-19.” The post includes a short video that claims getting a COVID-19 “vaccine” will lower the number of people needing hospital treatment for COVID-19, reducing all-around pressure on hospitals.
27. !! Update: The Mass Die Off Continues Across the World By Sarah Westall |
The mass die-off continues and unfortunately, the numbers continue to prove it. We are reaching a point where even the most ardent deniers will be unable to deny what is really going on.
I published a report back on November 25, 2021 highlighting the death numbers from countries around the world. The report clearly showed a troubling picture of a massive surge in deaths due to the vaccine. For example here is what the report said about Scotland:
26. !! The Rising Up Down Under: Aussies Set Fires In Wide-Scale Revolt Against Tyranny [8:44]
Stew Peters Show Published January 4, 2022
Australia is burning, literally. Last week anti-lockdown protesters set fire to the Old Parliament building in the capital of Canberra. Meanwhile in Melbourne, the nerve center of Covid panic, a man protested vaccine insanity by dousing himself with gasoline and setting himself on fire. You can be forgiven if you didn’t hear about any of this, because our own media has done its best to avoid reporting the full truth of what’s happening in the newly-reborn prison colony of Australia. We aren’t afraid, though. We’re joined now by Maria Zee, our on-the-ground correspondent in Australia.
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25. !! MRNA Inventor Faces Tough Questions as Jab Deaths Explode [43:56] Stew Peters Show
Dr. Malone is the man who started our great vaccine war. Three decades ago his work was critical to the creation of modern mRNA vaccines. Today, he’s possibly the single-most influential voice criticizing the forced use of the vaccines he helped invent. Malone went onto Joe Rogan’s show. He asked a very relevant question: “If I’m not qualified to talk about this, then who is?” But you know how it really is. He got silenced for going against “the experts,” even though he’s one of the world’s premier experts on mRNA vaccines himself. Because, of course, the “experts” are fake. It’s just a label for whatever cabal of people repeats what those who hold power want to hear. Dr. Robert Malone joins us to discuss.
Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS:
24. ! ARRESTED, Held Without Bail: Vaccine Police Founder LIVE CALL From Jail! [7:52] Stew Peters Show
In an exclusive call from the jailhouse in Jefferson County, Alabama, Stew Peters speaks with the founder of Vaccine Police, Christopher Key, after his arrest this afternoon for not wearing a Chinese-made face mask during a court appearance.
Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS:
23. Government report: 95% of omicron cases are among vaccinated By Art Moore
German agency also confirms symptoms mostly mild or nonexistent
22. ! 1,090 Fully Vaccinated Indiana Residents Died Of COVID-19; 112,000 Breakthrough Cases Recorded
A German government report found more than 95% of reported cases of the omicron COVID-19 variant in the country were in vaccinated individuals.
- At least 88% of breakthrough deaths occurred in people aged 65 and older
- Indiana has a seven-day all-tests positivity rate of 20.5%
- Indiana has fully vaccinated 54% of its residents
More than 1,000 fully vaccinated residents in Indiana have died of COVID-19 as the number of breakthrough infections rises amid the spread of the highly contagious Omicron variant.
As of Dec. 30, at least 1,090 Indiana residents died of breakthrough COVID-19, representing 0.031% of the state’s fully vaccinated population. At least 88% of the breakthrough coronavirus deaths occurred in people aged 65 or older, according to the state’s latest COVID-19 Vaccination Breakthrough report.
The number of breakthrough COVID-19 cases also increased to 112,773, representing 3.173% of all vaccinated people in Indiana, the report showed.
21. !! Mass Formation Psychosis – It’s time to end your abusive relationship with the Government
The mass formation psychosis has caused many to follow Trump and many leaders like him (i.e., Biden, Fauci/Gates). They stir up emotions, promise to “save” you from “fill-in-the-blank” but end up doing the exact opposite of what they promised. It’s an abusive relationship with the government and they are counting on you to play the victim role.
… “Trump recently said that we are in need of a “savior” for our COVID-19 situation and he said “it is not me”. His followers should take him at his word. He is not taking up our fight. He seems to pretend to be clueless. Each individual must take up their own fight.”
20. Rabbi Weissman Video: Crippling Women Through Coddling Them
How ”progressivism” devastates females through the facade of “empowerment”.
Chananya Weissman
And make sure to watch our 3-Part Series with Rabbi Weissman on How to Not Get Married and Idolatry and the COVID Cult.
19. Macron Vows to ‘Piss Off’ Unvaxxed, Says Someone Who Refuses Covid Vaccine is ‘Not a Citizen’
French President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday vowed to “piss off” the unvaxxed by making their lives miserable.
Macron also said someone who refuses the Covid vaccine is ‘not a citizen.’
“The unvaccinated, I really want to piss them off. And so, we’re going to continue doing so, until the end. That’s the strategy,” Macron said in an interview with Le Parisien.
“I won’t send (the unvaccinated) to prison, I won’t vaccinate by force. So we need to tell them, from Jan. 15, you won’t be able to go to the restaurant anymore, you won’t be able to down one, won’t be able to have a coffee, go to the theatre, the cinema…” he added.
A Covid passport will be required in order to enter restaurants, bars and theaters and other indoor venues beginning January 15.
18. ! Scientific Studies prove the Covid-19 Vaccines damage the Immune System, and suggest it may be permanent BY THE EXPOSÉ
Worried about Omicron? Guess what? After 90 days, the vaccine they gave you is going to make you MORE likely to get infected from Omicron, not less. The longer you stay on the vaccine treadmill, the harder to get off in the future and the easier you’ll make it for the virus.
In short, we’ve been lied to about the vaccine. It is protecting you less and less over time. While you may get a benefit for earlier variants, the benefit for other variants (and likely other diseases) is going to be negative. In short, you are getting a short term benefit against Delta, but at the expense of a degradation of your overall immunity to everything else.
17. COVID Shots Puts Woman’s Daughter in a Wheelchair [4:13]
“Please help my girl” is the introduction to this short video, which has a weeping mother pleading for help as she talks about what happened to her child after she got her COVID-19 shot.
The girl, once active and happy, is now in a wheelchair with neurological problems, and the mother says she knows it’s because of the jab. Others who have suffered similar reactions are reaching out to her, she says, but no one is listening.
“No one deserves this,” the mother says.
16. Flu Vaccine Mismatched, but Pharma Shills Say Take It Anyway Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
The 2021-2022 flu vaccine does not match the main circulating strain of flu, but Big Pharma wants you to take it anyway. Evidence suggests seasonal vaccinations may increase the risk of getting pandemic infections.
- One pre-published study found a mismatch between the current flu vaccine and the main circulating strain, which may explain a recent flu outbreak on a college campus where the data suggested the vaccine was not effective
- The argument to take the vaccine is that it may help reduce the severity of the illness. Yet, studies have demonstrated that seniors are not better protected, and the shot may only reduce the initial headache from flu
- People who received the vaccine in 2008-2009 had a higher likelihood of contracting pandemic H1N1 in 2009; health experts believe this may repeat during the COVID pandemic as some have already found a positive association between COVID death and flu vaccination rates in the elderly
- Experts believe, and data confirm, the research on flu vaccination is weak. Moderna and others are chasing larger returns as they plow ahead in human trials for an mRNA flu vaccine despite mounting adverse events
15. ! Stigmatizing the Unvaxxed and Unboosted
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
A Far Greater Threat Than Any COVID Variant
It’s time to let go of the fear of the virus for a much greater threat that’s rapidly bearing down upon us. Do you remember the freedoms you grew up with? They are about to become history if we don’t act fast. Here’s what we all need to do now to limit the damage.
- In a horrifying altercation, a German police officer denounced the humanity of the unvaccinated. This is but one sign that mass formation psychosis is at work
- “Mass formation psychosis” is the explanation for how the Germans accepted the atrocities by the Nazi party in the 1930s, and it’s the explanation for why so many around the world support medical apartheid and the dehumanization of the unvaccinated now
- The stigmatization of the unvaxxed is all the more irrational when you consider that the COVID shot doesn’t prevent infection or spread of the virus. “Fully vaxxed” individuals are just as infectious and “dangerous” as the unjabbed
- While high-level officials continue to use the term “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” suggesting the COVID-jabbed play no role in the epidemiology of COVID-19, there’s ample evidence that the “fully vaccinated” have a relevant role in transmission and outbreaks
- For example, in Massachusetts, 469 new COVID-19 cases were identified during July 2021. Of those, 346 (74%) were either fully or partially jabbed, and 274 (79%) were symptomatic. This proves the COVID jabs cannot end the pandemic, and may in fact be preventing it from dying out naturally
14. Environmentalism has Lost its Way
by David Wojick
Driven by climate madness, the environmental movement has become the greatest advocate of destructive industrial development in history.
As Kant said: “To will the end is to will the means”. In this case the means to the phantom end of climate control have led environmentalists to abandon all of their principles. Solar and wind require environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale. Electrification requires the use of toxic chemicals on a similar scale. The hazardous waste stream is enormous.
Solar is the worst because the destruction of forests and open land is complete. Perhaps something lives under these vast solar slabs but not much and certainly nothing like what they destroy and displace.
[Ed.: No, we didn’t lose our way! We were taken over and over-taken by a bunch of ‘woke’ Communists! Simple as that.]
13. !! Malone: “Defeat the Mandates” to be a Global Event
by Sharon Rondeau
During the final moments of his three-hour interview with Joe Rogan last Thursday, Dr. Robert W. Malone, inventor of mRNA technology, announced that a January 23 rally in Washington, DC will not only encompass the United States, but all nations around the world who wish to see vaccine mandates and passports outlawed.
Malone’s highly-touted discussion with Rogan on the COVID-19 vaccines’ safety, efficacy, use in children, and mandates emanating from the U.S. government quickly went viral despite Malone’s permanent suspension from Twitter the same day.
On Monday night, Tucker Carlson featured a clip of Malone speaking to Rogan about “mass formation psychosis,” which Google censored in its search results and as Malone captured in one of his recent Substack posts.
12. !! Pfizer Says It Needs to Study a Third Dose for Toddlers
Children are the future. Over the centuries, many have suffered atrocities at the hands of adults. Yet the recent push to inject children with a genetic experiment may be one of the worst public health offenses perpetrated on a population of people who are unable to speak for themselves, do not have a legal voice and depend on adults to protect them.
In the push to ensure there is a shot in every arm, Pfizer recently announced the clinical trials for the COVID jab in children has hit a snag.1 And yet, you would be hard-pressed to call the “Warp Speed” creation, testing and manufacture of this shot anything but implausible.
Historically, Vaccines Have Been Pulled After Reported Damage
At no other time in history have “vaccines” been created and distributed with such impunity. The closest scenario occurred in 1976 when one young soldier died from a new form of flu that triggered fear and the subsequent development of a flu vaccine aimed at 80% of the American public.2 While the World Health Organization took a “wait and see” approach, the CDC jumped in with both feet.
[Ed.: Still sacrificing our children to Moloch! “Nothing new under the sun…”
11. ! Lindsey Graham Takes Credit for Trump Canceling Jan. 6 Press Conference, According to Report By Cassandra Fairbanks
“In light of the total bias and dishonesty of the January 6th Unselect Committee of Democrats, two failed Republicans, and the Fake News Media, I am canceling the January 6th Press Conference at Mar-a-Lago on Thursday, and instead will discuss many of those important topics at my rally on Saturday, January 15th, in Arizona – It will be a big crowd!” Trump said in a statement.”… “Trump said in his statement that the House Select Committee investigating the protest was the reason for him scrapping the event.
10. More bad news on Covid vaccines and myocarditis in men under 40 – even as more colleges require booster shots for students Alex Berenson
A huge new study has found the risk of serious heart problems called myocarditis in men under 40 soars with each dose of a Covid mRNA vaccine – and is sharply higher than the risk from a coronavirus infection itself.
The findings call into sharp question the efforts by American colleges and universities to make their students receive booster shots before returning to school this January – especially since other studies have shown that the risk of post-vaccine myocarditis is concentrated not merely in men under 40 but in those aged 16-25.
The study, which British researchers released in late December, showed that the risk of myocarditis almost doubled after the first Pfizer shot in men under 40. Then it doubled again after the second and doubled again after the third – to almost eight times the baseline risk.
9. Tierney’s REAL News (1/5/22)
Hi everybody! Today’s newsletter covers some interesting new developments in election fraud & at Fox News. Meanwhile, Team Biden & the fake news are walking back every Covid lie – one by one – and we are finally being proven correct about everything. There’s lots of noise out there – and lots of distractions – but not much REAL news. Peg8. Keep New York’s Criminals Out of Jail and On the Streets – So Orders Manhattan’s New DA – Bill Narvey |
8. Keep New York’s Criminals Out of Jail and On the Streets – So Orders Manhattan’s New DA – Bill Narvey
Read: Manhattan’s ‘progressive’ new DA Alvin Bragg just gave a green light for anarchy
It has been in the last several years or so that Democrat supporting left wing/progressive Attorney Generals in a number of cities egregiously have put their own political ideological leanings ahead of the law and justice they have sworn to uphold. Perhaps left wing Los Angeles DA George Gascon has come under great criticisms for his soft on crime policies such that this summer, victims of crime began to petition to have him removed from office.
They have breached their oath of office by deliberately making it their priority to be soft on crime and criminals and be tone deaf to the suffering of victims of crime who rightly deserve and demand a full measure of justice against those criminals who unlawfully harmed them or their property.
DA Bragg clearly is clearly cut from the same left wing social justice minded political ideological cloth as soft on crime Los Angeles DA, George Gascon and thus boldly has stated he will be following in the footsteps of Gascon. Gascon however, has this past summer come under scathing criticism for his soft on crime policies that has greatly contributed to rising crime rates in LA, such that a movement began to force Gascon to be recalled. Effort begins to recall George Gascon, Soros-funded Los Angeles district attorney
“Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon, criticized as being soft on crime, is facing a recall drive just six months after taking office, making him an anomaly among prosecutors whose campaigns were funded by left-wing billionaire George Soros.
A beneficiary of Mr. Soros’ Justice & Public Safety PAC, Mr. Gascon joined a phalanx of Democratic prosecutors aiming to deal with crime by employing social justice tactics such as reducing charges and sentences against accused or convicted criminals, ending gang task forces and easing parole requirements.”
NYC’s DA Bragg is taking the very same path of soft and crime and criminals as Gascon has and yes, Bragg’s campaign for DA like that of Gascon, was well funded by the now notorious left wing anarchist George Soros.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams ran on his promises to crackdown on the New York City’s dangerously rising crime rates.
His promise will be just another hollow platitude if he lets Manhattan’s new left wing District Attorney Alvin Bragg have his way.
7. !! CDC Sued For Keeping COVID Vaccine Data Secret
January 5, 2022
The nonprofit organization ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network), disgruntled by the lack of vaccine safety information made available to the public have taken it upon themselves to reveal the covid vaccine secret hidden by the CDC by filing a lawsuit against them.
6. Omicron will catch us all. How many severe cases are expected? And can hospitals cope? DEBKAfile
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s dire forecast of millions of Omicron victims in the coming weeks and his approval for a fourth vaccine were driven by expert estimates of the havoc posed by the most contagious Covid variant yet to sweep humanity.
[Ed.: Debka used to be an independent news source concentrating on Strategic, Intelligence, and Military analysis. Now, apparently, they just say what the totalitarian government tells them to say, even when it’s pure rubbish!]
5. The president’s “not my problem” approach to leadership
He must long for the days when talk was enough. Tough luck, America. Op-ed. Jack Engelhard
In the 1972 film, The Candidate, Robert Redford utters a zinger of a last line. He plays the part of Bill McKay, a far-left California Democrat running for US Senate.
To succeed, as I recall the movie, he must unseat the popular GOP incumbent, and being desperate and so far behind in the polls, McKay/Redford makes promises that are sure to solve every problem in the nation and the world. Finally, after a bruising campaign, he wins, amazing everyone, including himself.
Following all the hurrahs, he has a private moment, and laments, “What do we do now?”
Fast-forward and you wonder if Joe Biden had the same kick in the gut reaction when it dawned on him that he’d won the presidency.
4. !! Dr. Tom Cowan: “COVID-19” virus has never been isolated, so we can’t know what to test for. [3:04]
[Ed.: Help, help, can anyone find me a COVID-19 virus?]
3. Explosive device explodes near apartment in central Israel
No injuries reported after device explodes, damaging Ramat Gan apartment building.
2. Shouting match in Knesset as ‘Electricity Law’ passes final vote
Opposition MKs jeer Prime Minister Bennett on Knesset floor, Bennett responds by castigating Opposition Leader Netanyahu.
Hezki Baruch
Opposition lawmakers blasted the government for enabling the bill to pass, with MKs jeering Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on the Knesset floor.
“Shame on you, shame on you,” Opposition MKs shouted at Yamina and New Hope faction members. “You sold out the Land of Israel.”
Bennett responded to the jeers, shouting back at Opposition Leader MK Benjamin Netanyahu.
“You are responsible for the [2005 Gaza] Disengagement, for 12 years you dismantled the ‘fledgling settlements’.”
The bill was approved in its final vote by a margin of 61 – 0, with Opposition MKs storming out of the plenum in protest.
1. In major push for equality, Israel to open surrogacy to same-sex couples as of next week
“Equality before the law and equality of parenthood,” health minister says, adding the change in the law would also expand surrogacy to single men and transgender people.
[Ed.: Israel In Name Only (IINO,) has a dilemma. On the one hand, we want to be accepted by the other nations, and want to be considered ‘a nation amongst nations.’ On the other hand, we have this Torah constantly hanging over our heads, and impinging on our freedoms, if we follow its precepts. The choice of the totalitarian modern State of Israel (IINO,) is clear. We’d rather have gay parades in Jerusalem on Shabbat. Screw the Torah and those pesky Jews along with it! …We have ‘freedom of choice,’ after all!]