BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).
‘Faith Not Fear!’
Remember to read between the lines!

40. Australia Shows the World the Wrong Way to Keep the Virus Under Control Steve’s Kirsch newsletter
If you are looking for a country that is serious about COVID and is getting “extraordinary” results, look no further than Australia. They employ mandated vaccinations, lockdowns of unvaccinated, …
It’s hard to find a country that takes COVID more seriously than Australia. Their strict protocols are producing “extraordinary” results (spoiler alert: I’m being sarcastic).
They are super strict about COVID with measures that include:
- mandatory vaccinations,
- mandatory mask use
- requiring the unvaccinated to isolate at home,
- Density limits at indoor areas of hospitality venues and nightclubs,
- free booster doses are available to everyone 18 years and over who have had their second dose of a primary dose course of COVID-19 vaccination at least 4 months ago.
- mandatory electronic check-ins
[Ed.: Israel (IINO) is also an excellent example of how not to handle a scamdemic!]
39. ! Sacrificing Children to Covid Vaccines
“CDC recommends COVID-19 vaccine boosters down to age 12,” says a recent CBC news headline.
The article opens as follows:
“Millions of Americans between the ages of 12 and 15 can now get a booster shot of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, after the CDC formally adopted new recommendations backed by a majority of the agency’s outside vaccine advisers. The CDC now says that Americans as young as 12 who received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine should receive a third dose as early as five months after their first two shots. The agency’s officials said that enough time has passed for around 5 million adolescents to be eligible.”
“Why in the world are they doing this?” one asks in disbelief.
Three basic facts have been well established by data and studies:
- Healthy children are at virtually zero risk of serious Covid.
- The vaccines will not prevent children from contracting the virus.
- Covid injections carry risk of serious side effects.
38. ! Shareholders Press Google and YouTube To Disclose White House Requests To Scrub COVID-19 Videos
Big Tech under fire for removing content that questions Biden administration COVID policies Alana Goodman
Shareholders in Google and YouTube are pressing the tech giants to disclose any requests they have received from the Biden administration to scrub politically “problematic” information from the platforms, according to a copy of a shareholder proposal obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
37. !! Pills Equipped With Sensors To Digitally Track When And If You Took The Drug Approved By FDA In 2017
Pills with digital sensors are now the latest controversial technology that has seen itself gain approval from the FDA. The alarming new devices would employ a set of sensors within the chips to track data regarding each patients.
…”Melissa Ciummei, an Irish independent financial investor, believes that COVID Vaccine Passports will ultimately control your life right up to the point where a global social credit system is in place.
The leading doctor credited with improving early treatment of COVID-19 said in a conference that the goal of vaccine transmission campaigns is to “control and kill off a large proportion of our population without anyone suspecting that we were poisoned.”
“The deaths that are meant to follow the vaccinations will never be able to be pinned on the poison. They will be too diverse, there will be too many, and they will be in too broad a timeframe for us to understand that we have been poisoned,” claims Dr. Shankara Chetty.”
[Ed.: Oh, nice!]
36. !! Patriots Fight Back Against Tyrannical Government
Bannon’s War Room – Today’s features:
- Episode 1,547 – Twitter’s War On MAGA
- Naomi Wolf: The Hysteria Is Not Genuine, It’s A Strategy
- One-Year Anniversary of Twitter Banning President Trump
- Netherlands Patriots Fight Back Against Tyrannical Government
- Episode 1,546 – Tyranny Comes To Europe and Australia – It’s America Next
- Artist Of The MAGA Movement Makes Special Announcement
- Episode 1,545 – America Calls The FBI ‘Gestapo’; Predictive Algorithms Against MAGA
- Episode 1,544 – Bidens Economy Implodes; Revolt Of Donor Class
- Republicans Must Change Their Donation Game
- Grace Curley: Ulterior Motive To Dems’ Theatre
- The battle to prevent another Jan. 6 features a new weapon: The algorithm
- Maybe 2022 should be the year we turn over decision-making to the AI
- J.D. Vance Makes Case for Why He Is Real Conservative in Ohio Race
35. At Least 22 Dead After Cars Stuck for Hours in Snow in Pakistan Mountain Resort [0:43] By Jan Wesner Childs
At a Glance
Thousands of vehicles were stranded.
Tourists had reportedly flocked to the area to see the snow.
Food, gas and other supplies were running low.
At least 22 people died in a mountain resort town in Pakistan after being trapped in their cars for hours by heavy snowfall Friday night and into Saturday morning.
Thousands of vehicles were stranded in and around the village of Murree, about 30 miles northeast of the capital of Islamabad, according to The Associated Press. The area is popular with tourists and attracts more than 1 million visitors a year.
The victims as of Saturday afternoon included 10 men, 10 children and two women. Eight were from the same family.
34. !! Exclusive documentary on the life of Stew Peters [26:35 AMAZING minutes!]
Stew Peters: The Fearless Rise Of A Right-Wing Shock Jock Stew Peters Show
[Ed.: I didn’t know who this guy is, until I saw this. What an incredible dude!]
34. Redemption Arc: MTG Completely Slays Entire Left, Announces Divorce [12:57] Stew Peters Show
Stew discusses the turn around of Marjorie Taylor Greene recently and her promising calls for reform.
Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS:
33. !! Adolescent Jab Injuries Explode: Pfizer Trial Numbers Reveal Horrific Teen Data [11:23] Stew Peters Show
Deanna Lorraine discusses the horrifying details about child and teen mortality from the bioweapon clot-shot being forced on minors through propaganda and tyrannical laws.
Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS:
32. !! Evidence: No Vials Are Safe, Full Stops: Terminate Covid-Injection Program Now [12:43] Stew Peters Show
Recently on this show Dr. Jane Ruby came on and gave us the remarkable information that a huge percentage of side effects tracked in the CDC’s VAERS database are linked to just a small percentage of the vaccine batches produced by Pfizer and Moderna. This data came from a group calling itself Team Enigma. They’re a group of independent researchers with experience in medical R&D, statistics, data analytics, and everything else you’d need to investigate a vaccine’s impact on millions of people. A lot of Team Enigma is anonymous but thankfully one of their number has agreed to speak publicly. Sasha Latypova joins us to discuss.
Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS:
31. !! New Details: Deadliest Vax Lots: Vial Went to All 50 States Still on Circulation [7:28] Stew Peters Show
Dr. Jane Ruby discusses the data about the tainted Covid vaccines which are STILL in circulation throughout the country, putting exponentially more lives at risk.
Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS:
In Medieval times, the drowning test was a popular method to prove if a woman was a witch. If you dunked a woman and she floated she was a witch and would be hanged. If she sank she was innocent but sadly dead.
Today we have the US Air Force.
The Air Force recently rejected a woman’s medical exemption for the experimental COVID vaccine. She will be forced to take the vaccine to see if she has a real allergic reaction to its ingredients.
29. Samaria residents to demonstrate against terror wave
Hundreds of residents to demonstrate at site of attempted stabbing attack in light of growing number of recent terror attacks.
Hundreds of Samaria residents are expected to arrive tonight at the Giti Avisar junction for a demonstration against the rising tide of terrorist attacks in the region.
The demonstration will be led by Samaria Regional Council chairman Yossi Dagan, rabbis and leaders of the communities of Samaria.
The residents will demonstrate against the helplessness of the government in the face of terrorism and to declare that Jewish blood is not cheap.
[Ed.: But, but Jewish blood is cheapest in Israel (IINO)!]
28. South African doctor: ‘Omicron leaving as quickly as it came’
Dr. Angelique Coetzee, who discovered Omicron, says, ‘In South Africa those who were vaccinated suffered only mild illness from Omicron – unlike those who weren’t vaccinated.’
27. Coronavirus positivity rate reaches highest since February
Record-breaking nearly 19,000 newly diagnosed with COVID-19, as number of seriously ill patients jumps to 172.
Friday saw 18,780 new COVID-19 cases diagnosed, Israel’s Health Ministry said Saturday evening. This is the highest number of diagnoses in a single day since the start of the pandemic.
The percentage of positive tests among the results received Friday stood at 9.48% – the highest since February 1, 2021.
26. The ‘West Bank,’ or Judea and Samaria?
Either way, demography and geography reinforce historical Jewish claims to this land. Op-ed..
Jerold S. Auerbach
(JNS) A newcomer to the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict might ask: What is the West Bank? Where is it? Where are Judea and Samaria? Are they on the same land? If so, why do they have different names? Does history provide answers?
According to the biblical narrative, as far back as one can go in Jewish history, Judea defined the land south of Jerusalem and Samaria the land to the north. It was in Judea that Abraham purchased the Machpelah cave in Hebron—the first Jewish-owned property in the Promised Land—as the burial site for Sarah. In time, King David ruled from Hebron before relocating his throne to Jerusalem. Although Samaria, captured from the Canaanites, defined the northern Kingdom of Israel during the ninth and eighth centuries BCE, its place in Jewish history became less consequential over time.
[Ed.: But, but, the last time I was in Judea Samaria, I couldn’t find even one single back called ‘West Bank’! West bank is just a rumor.]
25. Antigen tests miss nearly half of COVID-19 cases
Nearly half (47%) of confirmed cases not detected by antigen tests; 37% detected in antigen tests tested negative in PCR tests.
24. Number of people requesting PCR tests drops by at least 50%
‘Labs are almost empty, at this rate they may close,’ testing officials say.
The IDF’s Home Front Command and Sheba Target, which conduct PCR tests, noted over the weekend a sharp drop of at least a 50% drop in the number of people requesting to be tested, Israel Hayom reported.
Starting on Monday, the new plan to limit PCR tests only to those at risk will go into effect. In the meantime, the Health Ministry instructed that anyone who wishes to undergo a PCR test be allowed to do so.
[Ed.: The benevolent government of Israel (IINO,) will “allow” us to have PCR tests if we want to! How permissive!]
PCR tests
23. !!! Calling All LIONS: Protect the Innocent w/ Operation Underground Railroad [1:24:54] Awaken With JP
[NOT FUNNY!] Human Trafficking, Child sex trafficking, Underground children.
Calling all LIONS: donate here:
Protecting the Innocent with Operation Underground Railroad and Tim Ballard
22. ! Covid-19 Vaccine Microchips are Coming “Whether we like it or not,” warns Developer
The Director of DSruptive Subdermals, a tech company based in Sweden, has lashed out at critics who say that his company’s new implantable microchips are “invasive.”
Hannes Sjoblad said that the company’s chips here now “whether we like it or not,” and that people need to just accept them.
Sjoblad said: “This technology exists and is used whether we like it or not. I am happy that it is brought into the public conversation.
“New technologies must be broadly debated and understood,” he added. “Smart implants are a powerful health technology. That is what we are building at DSruptive and our goal is to transform healthcare on a global scale.”
The chip, which is only the size of a small grain of rice, can store not just an individual’s covid-19 vaccine passport but also private medical information and cryptocurrency.
[Ed.: Right. Well, put me in the “or not” category.]
21. ! The Defender Show [37:56]
Meet the people who are changing the world one brave step at a time. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. uses his platform to feature the new “profiles in courage” as he interviews people from all walks of life who are demonstrating fortitude and integrity in times of strife and controversy.
20. ! [Re-posting] The Jerusalem Report Ep 10: Season Finale – Free Speech on the Precipice [26:51]
19. ! ‘Noisy Minority Report’ With Robbie Rose
Move over Jon Oliver. It’s time to step outside the narrative and into the light. With her satirical take on some of our absurd realities, Robbie Rose delivers breaking news from broken journalism. Because sometimes you just have to laugh.
18. ! ‘Doctors And Scientists‘ With Brian Hooker, PHD. [59:23]
Got Science? Are you sure?
Dr. Brian Hooker invites some of the leading voices in science and medicine to break down the studies and weigh in on the controversies so the rest of us have an opportunity to understand the science that drives public health policy and medical progress.
17. ! COVID: The Right Protocol. You Got This! | Rudy Giuliani | January 5th, 2022| Ep. 202
If you are concerned about the mixed messages you have been receiving about Omicron you must listen to Episode 202, Covid: The Right Protocol. You got this! With guest Dr. Maria Ryan. Dr. Maria is a purest scientist who offers optimism for 2022!
16. Omicron Could End Up Being Less Deadly Than Seasonal Flu; New US Study Finds by Paul Joseph Watson
Citing experts at the University of Washington, the MailOnline reports that Omicron’s estimated fatality rate could make it less deadly than the seasonal flu.
15. !! Women’s Periods May Be Late After Covid Vaccination Finds New Study
A new study has revealed that women’s periods may be late after COVID vaccination. Some women said that their periods were delayed. Others reported unpleasant bleeding or greater bleeding than normal. Some postmenopausal ladies who didn’t have a single period in years claimed to have had their period back.
14. Tierney’s REAL News (1/8/22)
This is one of Scotland’s largest newspapers. This is real.
“Australians are being detained in Covid internment camps for 14 days if they test positive or are “suspected” positive. Should we follow their lead?”
AUSTRALIA: “They admit there’s no evidence we’re sick — they say they’re locking us up for an anticipated risk.” Remember – you can STILL test positive – AFTER you’ve been vaccinated & boosted – and imprisoned in an internment camp. NO ONE is immune.
This is what Communist China does, folks. They “disappear” people under the guise of Covid. Christians, is this what Jesus would do
13. !!! Dr. Zelenko – [DS]/Big Pharma Hid The Cures From We The People, Choice Has Been Made, Collapse [1:06:48] X22 Report
Dr. Zelenko Board Certified Family Physician with over 20 years experience. Dr. Zelenko was nominated for the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Nobel Prize , Dr. Zelenko’s team was one of the first in the country to successfully treat thousands of Covid-19 patients in the prehospital setting. Dr. Zelenko developed his now famous “Zelenko Protocol,” which has saved countless lives worldwide. Dr. Zelenko recommended that President Trump take hydroxychloroquine. Dr. Zelenko begins the conversation explaining that the vaccine was designed to bring us into the Great Reset. The vaccine is not a vaccine but a mechanism to depopulate, and to hook us up to their new CBDC. The cures have always been there, Big Pharma/[DS] has been hiding the cures, the choice was given, inform or collapse, the [DS]/Big Pharma chose collapse.
12. ! Is Pfizer Using Children As Legal Human Shields To Get Full Authorization For COVID Vaccines?
What the corporate press, Big Pharma, and the federal government are telling us is not true. Contrary to popular belief there is still no FDA approved COVID vaccine available in the United States today. And there are no plans to make one available in the near future. This begs the question, is Pfizer using children as legal human shields to get full authorization for its COVID vaccines?
Though it is hard to believe, it’s 100% true. And this reality hints at an incredible scandal within both Big Pharma and the U.S. Public Health bureaucracy.
11. ! Biden Pushes for a Progressive Transformation of the Courts – Will Republicans Stay United Against This Biden-Democrat Progressive Agenda Bill Narvey
To some of my American and several interested Canadian friends and contacts:
As you know American governance has 3 arms being the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary branches, each possessing differing powers, functions and general procedures as prescribed by the U.S. Constitution, all of which are intended to attain a level of governance most beneficial to the people.
Andrew McCarthy has penned an informative article focusing on how the supposed independent federal American judiciary that is bound to follow the law and the Constitution, can have its independence undermined by being shaped to be politically influenced in its decisions: Biden Pushes for a Progressive Transformation of the Courts by Andrew C. McCarthy
Biden promised that he would be a president who turns America away from hyper political partisanship and with that, he would unite the nation.
It became increasingly clear from his first day in office and thereafter that Biden lied or quickly came under the thrall of his party’s woke radical progressive ideologues that had gained much influence and power within the Democrat party and in the person of White House presidential advisers.
With that, not only did Biden proceed to reverse many of Pres. Trump’s policies that had proved to be beneficial and in the best interests of the people, he proceeded to transform government by appointing or nominating persons to his administration or to head critical government agencies, whose very left wing credentials met the approval of the Democrat progressive ideologues.
Biden’s efforts at achieving a hyper partisan political transformation of government did not end there. As McCarthy notes, when it comes to the federal judiciary, “Biden and Senate Democrats are steamrolling through the confirmation process. Second, the (federal judicial) nominees in question are extremists… In less than a year, Biden has already filled 40 judicial vacancies, more than twice as many as Trump had by this point in his presidency”.
Unlike the Republican party, Democrats exercise such rigorous party discipline that it is almost rare for any members to stray as Democrat Sen.’s Joe Manchin and Kristin Sinema recently did for which they have been vilified and demonized by many Democrats.
Does the Republican party foresee dire consequences for the people and America in the Biden-Democrat determined push to progressively transform the 3 levels of government and thus America that they are obviously determined to do?
If they do, Republicans need to stick together and fight like hell (figuratively speaking of course) to keep Biden and the Democrats from succeeding in their transformational quest until Republicans can regain power and set things right according to their conservative Republican values and ways of seeing and being.
10. ! Unvaccinated Pilots Fighting for Medical Freedom BY DANIEL NUCCIO
Whether groups like the US Freedom Flyers and Airline Employees for Health Freedom succeed likely will not come down to science, but, instead, a combination of legal technicalities and whether enough people will stand their ground and suffer the consequences while demonstrating their worth to their employers, and perhaps the rest of society, through their absence.
For many pilots who have chosen to remain unvaccinated for COVID-19, daily life has become a navigation of Catch-22s not seen since bombardiers were still stationed on Pianosa.
Jason Kunisch, a commercial airline pilot with 20 years experience and co-founder of the US Freedom Flyers, ponders whether OSHA can require him to take a newly approved vaccine, despite his long-held understanding that, “Traditionally pilots are not governed by OSHA…[but] by the FAA,” which prohibits pilots from taking newly approved drugs.
Sherry Walker, a United pilot with more than 24 years experience, and co-founder of Airline Employees for Health Freedom, copes with the reality that, according to her account, despite having received an exemption from United’s vaccine requirement in order to keep her job while unvaccinated, she can longer do her job or receive a paycheck, presumably until she is vaccinated.
Kate O’Brien, the Media Relations Director for the US Freedom Flyers, voices the frustration of her group’s members, as she describes how executive orders supposedly issued to keep Americans employed and maintain the integrity of the supply chain, have arguably led to increases in unemployment and the supply chain’s collapse.
[Ed.: If I had a choice between having an unvaccinated pilot instead of a vaccinated pilot, I would chose the unvaccinated guy!]
9. The Defenestration of Dr. Robert Malone BY JOHN MAC GHLIONN
Malone isn’t a crazed conspiracy theorist: He’s a man who’s intimately familiar with the benefits and the risks of vaccines. He’s a proponent of informed consent. Perhaps before letting someone inject a vaccine into your body, you should be fully informed of the risks involved, he says. He isn’t an unreasonable man.
Dr. Robert Malone is a U.S. virologist and immunologist who has dedicated his professional existence to the development of mRNA vaccines.
In the 1980s, Malone worked as a researcher at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, where he conducted studies on messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology. In the early 1990s, Malone collaborated with Jon A. Wolff and Dennis A. Carson, two eminent scientists, on a study that involved synthesization.
In fact, Malone is the father of mRNA vaccines. He has served as an adjunct associate professor of biotechnology at Kennesaw State University, and he co-founded Atheric Pharmaceutical, a company that was contracted by the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases in 2016.
As you can see, Malone is no ordinary man. In fact, he’s a rather extraordinary man. Before embarking on a distinguished career in science, Malone worked as a carpenter and as a farmhand. Becoming a doctor was a lofty aspiration, but through hard work and determination, his dream became a reality. Over the course of three decades, Malone has established himself as one of the most competent people in the fields of virology and immunology.
Why, then, is he considered “a pariah” (in his own words) by so many of his peers? Why did Twitter recently suspend his account?
8. Deep Inside Our Heads and Our Communal Lives BY THOMAS HARRINGTON
We are, under the pressure of what is arguably the most ambitious and well-coordinated perception management campaign in history, having some of our more basic perceptual and behavioral instincts rapidly bred out of our lives. And worse yet, most people have yet to fathom or even contemplate the actual reasons why this is being done and, what it all portends for the future of human dignity and freedom.
I don’t know about you, but long ago I learned how to recognize when I was suffering from a cold or flu, and how best to prevent myself and others from suffering from its most deleterious effects.
I developed knowledge in this area by simply watching and listening to others, and then verifying these theoretical inputs against the observable reactions and comportments of my own body.
I do not think I am unique in this. I think that, if left to their own devices, most people can determine the difference between a sore throat with a runny nose and a malady that may be attacking their body in a more serious and systematic way.
Perhaps, I should correct myself. I believe that until 22 months ago most people could confidently engage in this time-honed process of discernment. Now I am not sure that is the case.
What has changed?
7. Why the Vaccine Nationalism? BY JORDAN SCHACHTEL
Most countries are pursuing their vaccine strategy in line with their current alliance structure. This reality does not seem to conform to the narrative of a global, devastating plague, but rather, a geopolitical struggle in the name of a virus. China’s allies are committing to China’s vaccines. Russia’s allies are committing to Russia’s vaccines. The Western world is committing to the U.S.-based shots, plus the Oxford-Astrazeneca shot.
6. They Said They Would Slow the Spread BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER
It’s been the most astonishing two weeks for American public life, with so many prescient changes, from new censorships, admissions, backtracks, experts speaking out, public outrage, and what strikes me as a progressive unraveling of every orthodoxy imposed nearly two years ago.
Not even the influential and powerful are in a position to defend what has happened to us. They seem to be gradually pulling away from public life, unable to say things that connect to what everyone knows.
Above all else, what’s remarkable right now is the undeniable arrival of Covid to a degree to which hardly anyone could have imagined all that time ago, when so many experts set out to deploy their fabulous new system for stopping the spread of a disease.
5. ! ‘COVID Chronicles’ [Video] Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
How Do Tyrants Make People Act Against Their Own Interests?
The tyrants have a rich arsenal of tricks-but we are stronger.
- “COVID Chronicles” gives a concise look at the pandemic, answering some of the questions that have left many people scratching their heads, because the reality and science don’t seem to match up with what the media is reporting
- Every positive COVID-19 test is considered a case, but these are two completely different things, since you can test positive without being ill
- When COVID-19 was left to behave in a manner that would allow it to spread amongst the healthy, about two-thirds of the population displayed antibody levels naturally
- Mask mandates did not noticeably change the number of cases or deaths the way they should if they actually reduce transmissibility; countries that used minimal masks were not worse off than neighboring countries with mask mandates
- It’s important to stay grounded and think critically to avoid falling victim to unnecessary panic and stress
4. !! More Children Die From the COVID Shot Than From COVID [3:27] Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
- According to Collette Martin, a practicing nurse who testified before a Louisiana Health and Welfare Committee hearing December 6, 2021, children are having “terrifying” reactions to the COVID shot, yet her concerns are simply dismissed
- The average number of adverse event reports following vaccination for the past 10 years has been about 39,000 annually, with an average of 155 deaths. That’s for all available vaccines combined. The COVID jabs alone now account for 983,756 adverse event reports as of December 17, 2021, including 20,622 deaths — and this doesn’t include the underreporting factor, which we know is significant
- Children are at risk for potentially lifelong health problems from the jab. Myocarditis (heart inflammation) has emerged as one of the most common problems, especially among boys and young men
- Myocarditis is inversely correlated to age, so the risk gets higher the younger you are. The risk is also dose-dependent, with boys having a six fold greater risk of myocarditis following the second dose
- British data show deaths among teenagers have spiked since that age group became eligible for the COVID shots. Between the week ending June 26 and the week ending September 18, 2020, 148 deaths were reported among 15- to 19-year-olds. During those same weeks in 2021, 217 deaths occurred in that age group — an increase of 47%
3. ! Glutathione Deficiency May Be Associated With COVID Severity Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Glutathione may be implicated in the development of conditions that increase your risk of COVID and may help reduce severity of the disease. Here’s how to raise your level.
- A glutathione deficiency may be at the root of severe illness, as it leads to significant oxidative stress, lung inflammation and multiorgan failure with COVID
- One scientist linked glutathione deficiency with many of the comorbid conditions that raise COVID-19 severity, including age, diabetes, gender and smoking
- The researcher also found data indicating that glutathione deficiency can impact your ability to synthesize vitamin D, another risk factor for severe disease
- NAC supplementation, foods rich in glutathione precursors, aerobic exercise and strength training can help support healthy levels
2. !! Children Are Dying From COVID Lockdowns and Overdoses Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Nurse Exposes Hidden Vax Deaths, Behind Closed Doors
There have already been 133x more deaths from the COVID jab vs. any vaccine over the past decade, yet that may be just the tip of the iceberg – especially when you consider what’s being overlooked and dismissed behind closed doors.
- Children have, by far, the lowest risk for serious COVID-19 infection; COVID policies have therefore had an outsized impact on children and teens
- Suicide attempts among girls rose 51% in 2021
- Between 2019 and 2020, adolescent overdose mortality rose from 2.35 per 100,000 to 4.58 per 100,000, a 94.3% increase
- Fentanyl fatalities among teens nearly tripled between 2019 to 2020, and represented 76.6% of adolescent overdose deaths in 2021
- Children’s health is also being decimated by COVID jab mandates. A declaration signed by 16,000 doctors and scientists calls for the elimination of all COVID jab mandates for children
High-level international banking officials and organizations gathered last month for a global “war game” exercise simulating the collapse of the global financial system. The tabletop exercise was reminiscent of “Event 201,” the pandemic simulation exercise that took place just before COVID-19 entered the global scene.
High-level international banking officials and organizations last month gathered in Israel for a global “war game” exercise simulating the collapse of the global financial system.
The tabletop exercise was reminiscent of “Event 201” — the pandemic simulation exercise that took place in October 2019, shortly before COVID-19 entered the global scene.
The “Collective Strength” initiative was held for 10 days, beginning Dec. 9, 2021, at the Israeli Finance Ministry in Jerusalem. It was relocated to Jerusalem from the Dubai World Expo over concerns about the Omicron variant.
Israel led a 10-country contingent that also included treasury officials from the U.S., Austria, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates.
Representatives from supranational organizations, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and Bank of International Settlements (BIS), also participated.