BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).
‘Faith Not Fear!’
Please read between the lines!
39. BREAKING: Pennsylvania Supreme Court Steps In and Delays Fulton County, Pennsylvania 2020 Election Investigation By Joe Hoft
The Democrat Pennsylvania Secretary of State waited until the last minute to ask the state’s Supreme Court to step in and stop the election review of the 2020 results in Fulton, County. Today they did.
38. GE Suspends Vaccine Requirement After Supreme Court Strikes Down Biden OSHA Mandate By Cristina Laila
General Electric Co on Friday suspended its vaccine or test requirement for its 174,000 employees after the Supreme Court blocked Joe Biden’s OSHA mandate.
The US Supreme Court on Thursday blocked Joe Biden’s OSHA vaccine mandate for businesses with 100+ employees.
“Although Congress has indisputably given OSHA the power to regulate occupational dangers, it has not given that agency the power to regulate public health more broadly,” the court wrote in an unsigned opinion.
“Requiring the vaccination of 84 million Americans, selected simply because they work for employers with more than 100 employees, certainly falls in the latter category,” the court wrote.
37. MUST-SEE VIDEO: J6er Micajah Jackson CONFRONTS AZ Man Luke Robinson on Video Who Was in US Capitol with a Gun and Was LATER REMOVED from FBI Most Wanted List [2:20] By Jim Hoft
Micajah Jackson was arrested in May 2021 and charged with entering the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. Micajah was also charged with disorderly, violent entry, demonstrating in a Capitol Building, and being disruptive.
Micajah Jackson pleaded guilty to one charge — parading, demonstrating, or picketing in the Capitol Building. His sentencing is scheduled for February 25, 2022.
On Friday we received this email from Gateway Pundit reader George: “I’m sure you’re aware of Micajah Jackson, he’s one of Arizona’s persecuted J6 protestors. He just confronted another guy who got removed from the FBI’s most-wanted list and had a gun inside the Capitol.”
36. Biden Urges States And Businesses To ‘Do The Right Thing’ And Keep Forcing Workers To Vaccinate Despite Supreme Court Ruling By Alicia Powe
Immediately after the Supreme Court issued a crushing blow to the Biden administration’s sweeping vaccine mandate for businesses with 100 or more employees, the faux president urged businesses and states to “do the right thing” and keep forcing their staff to get Covid shots.
The federal government’s assault on medical freedom “will save lives,” Biden proclaimed.
“I am disappointed that the Supreme Court has chosen to block common-sense life-saving requirements for employees at large businesses that were grounded squarely in both science and the law,” he said. “This emergency standard allowed employers to require vaccinations or to permit workers to refuse to be vaccinated, so long as they were tested once a week and wore a mask at work: a very modest burden.”
35. !!! EXCLUSIVE: La Quinta Columna 1-On-1: Spanish Researcher First to Reveal Graphene Oxide Stew Peters Show Published January 13, 2022
Last November we spoke with Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, a professor of chemical sciences at Spain’s University of Almeira. Doctor Campra is affiliated with La Quinta Column, or “The Fifth Column,” a group of dissident researchers who have dedicated themselves to investigating the vaccines the government is trying to force us all to take. Doctor Campra says that through his analysis of vaccines he’s discovered graphene oxide structures within vaccine samples. But Doctor Campra isn’t the only member of the Fifth Column. Another member is Dr. Ricardo Delgado. Dr. Delgado joins us.
Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS:
34. !!! Medical Murder Delayed By Court: Mercy Hospital Forced to Keep Patient Alive for Now Stew Peters Show Published January 13, 2022
UPDATE: Thanks to your efforts with blowing up Mercy Hospital’s phone lines, we have established enough pressure on the would-be murders to stall for time until Monday while attorney’s fight for Scott Quiner’s right to live. His attorneys join us.
Keep up the pressure!
Mercy Hospital
4050 Coon Rapids Blvd
Coon Rapids MN 55433
Main line 763-236-6000
Scott Quiner is in the Heart and Vascular Center
Their number is 763-236-8800
Heather is the Care Coordinator
Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS:
[Ed.: Hospitals are now Death Centers. Don’t go to one! You are then they’re prisoner. They then control your live (which means that they will control your death.)
33. !! Jabbed Pilot Issues Warning: Bioweapons Serious Risk for Pilots and Passengers [15:09] | Stew Peters Show Published January 13, 2022
Until the last six months, Greg Pierson was a pilot with a major airline. He received his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine last August. He went home after the shot, went to bed, and woke up fifteen hours later with his heart pounding at 180 beats per minute. He went into the ER, where they diagnosed him with atrial fibrillation. The doctors got Greg stabilized and his heart rate under control, but he hasn’t been able to fly since and now has to live on disability. Greg Pierson joins us to discuss.
Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS:
!! [Ed.: If pilots can suddenly stop functioning from their recent forced death-jabs, imagine how possible it is with all the drivers on the road who lined up for the jab, and are jabbing their kids! Drivers out-number the pilots, no? Think about it next time you’re driving…]
32. Hillary Clinton criticizes ‘white moderates’ with quote from MLK after Senators Sinema and Manchin backed the filibuster and killed Biden’s voting rights plans By ROB CRILLY, SENIOR U.S. POLITICAL REPORTER FOR DAILYMAIL.COM
- Clinton posted a Martin Luther King quote to Twitter on Friday morning
- The quote addressed ‘white moderate’ who got in the way of social progress
- Lest there be any doubt, she added: ‘This is a subtweet’
- It came in the aftermath of Sens. Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin derailing President Biden’s voter rights push by blocking filibuster reform
31. Melatonin Significantly Reduces COVID-19 Mortality By Joseph Mercola
Melatonin is a hormone synthesized in your pineal gland and several other organs,1 indeed in most cells, including human lung monocytes and macrophages, as it is actually synthesized in your mitochondria.2
While most well-known as a natural sleep regulator, melatonin also has many other important functions.3 Notably, it plays an important role in cancer prevention4 and may prevent or improve certain autoimmune diseases, such as Type 1 diabetes.5
It also has anticonvulsant and antiexcitotoxic properties,6 and is a potent antioxidant7 with the rare ability to enter your mitochondria,8 where it helps prevent mitochondrial impairment, energy failure and the death of mitochondria damaged by oxidation.9 It also:
- Boosts immune function
- Helps recharge glutathione10 (and glutathione deficiency has been linked to COVID-19 severity)
- May improve the treatment of certain bacterial diseases, including tuberculosis11
- Helps regulate gene expression via a series of enzymes12
As noted in the Journal of Critical Care:13
30. Covid Infections and Deaths SOAR After the First Vaccine Dose By Alex Berenson Unreported Truths
Stunning figures from Canada show a huge spike in cases after vaccinations; to the Centers for Disease Control and the media, all these deaths are occurring in the “unvaccinated.”
The Covid vaccines look worse and worse.
A reader has pointed out an amazing dataset from the province of Alberta, Canada which reports Covid cases, hospitalizations, and deaths by day after the first and second vaccine doses.
Infections, hospitalizations, and deaths from Covid all soar in the days and weeks after people receive their first vaccine dose.
29. !! Ep. 1684 The Latest DOJ Announcement Should Sound The Alarms
[58:24 !!‘Domestic Terrorists’!! starts at 27:00] The Dan Bongino Show Published January 14, 2022
28. ! Ep. 1683 If This Video Is Real, Then The End Is Near [59:48] The Dan Bongino Show Published January 13, 2022
27. ! Federal Entity in DC Is Keeping a List of Individuals Who Refused Vaccine Based on Religious Grounds By Joe Hoft
The Biden Administration’s actions related to the COVID vaccine have been outrageous. Now it’s reported that an entity is keeping a list of individuals who refused the vaccine based on religious grounds.
We reported this previously, how the Biden Administration was abusing US soldiers and forcing them to fill out an intrusive document when they wanted to opt-out of taking the COVID vaccines based on religious grounds.
26. A Pandemic of Fever for Government By Becky Akers
he scamdemic has been an exercise in totalitarianism from the start, with the government controlling every response. From testing to masks (as well as other such “mitigations” as “contact tracing” and the ever-shifting rules on quarantining) to information about the alleged pandemic to The Jabs, Leviathan has managed all aspects of the USSA’s overreaction. “Ah, but what about the drug companies and their development of the vaccines?” a fascist will smugly ask about government’s fourth branch. The question answers itself. In fact, any person or institution promoting solutions that didn’t further empower Leviathan has been persecuted, silenced, “cancelled.”
25. (Best post of the day!)
[Ed.: The following is, apparently, a true story! It really happened. This guy is GREAT! I split a gut at least seven times watching it.]
Ferris State University Professor Is Put on Administrative Leave After Showing Up for Class in a Glass Bubble — Goes on Profanity-Laced Tirade (VIDEO 14:14) By Joe Hoft
A professor at Ferris State University in Michigan landed on the wrong planet this weekend. Now he’s on administrative leave.
The Washington Post reported on this professor only a couple of hours ago:
Some college students in Michigan might have expected their professor to cover the usual topics in a video kicking off the semester this week — attendance, grading, plagiarism. But Barry Mehler gave them a lot more than the basics.
Mehler, a history professor at Ferris State University in Big Rapids, Mich., told his students he didn’t want to know anything about them, not even their names, because “you people are just vectors of disease to me.”
24. “This Is – Not Stagflation, We’re Entering the Abyss of Something Much Darker” – Steve Bannon on Biden’s Monumental Destruction of US Economy [6:04] By Jim Hoft
Elections have consequences. Stolen elections have devastating consequences.
The economic news was bleak this morning.
** Consumer sentiment fell to its lowest level in a decade.
** Retail sales tanked in December.
** Home furnishing prices soared 14%.
** China shut down its ports again adding more stress to the global supply chain.
[Ed.: Something wrong with this title. Biden is only a puppet for his controllers. The Deep State is who is destroying the US economy, not the pea-brain figurehead they placed as the ‘President’ when they overtook the elections through fraud in 2020. Blaming it all on Biden is misleading. ‘KNOW YOUR ENEMY!’ READ BETWEEN THE LINES, even on Gateway Pundit.]
23. ! In December Justice Roberts Denied a Mask Mandate Case to Be Heard Without Comment, Today Justice Gorsuch Brings the Case in Front of Entire Court for Discussion By Jim Hoft
Justice Roberts denied the application in December but Justice Gorsuch has decided to bring the topic to the entire court for discussion today.
A press release on the Wall vs the TSA noted the following this morning:
22. Three Down, Seven to Go! – 3rd Never-Trump RINOS Who Voted to Impeach Announces Retirement – Update: President Trump Celebrates By Jim Hoft
RINO Rep. John Katko (R-NY) announced on Friday he will not seek reelection.
Kaytko was one of ten Republicans to vote to impeach President Trump over ginned up charges related to the January 6 protests.
Katko follows Adam Kinzinger of Illinois and Anthony Gonzalez from Ohio to call it quits after their impeachment vote in 2021.
21. BRACE YOURSELF! The ‘Mother of All Supply Chain Shocks’ Is Coming as China Shuts Down Major Ports Due to Pandemic By Jim Hoft
As if there wasn’t enough bad economic news — The War Room opened their first hour on Friday warning viewers of the coming “mother of all supply chain shocks.”
20. North Korea Threatens Biden then Launches Two More Ballistic Missiles for Third Time This Month – Biden Goes Silent By Joe Hoft
North Korea today launched two more missiles for the third time this month and threatens Biden with a response due to sanctions. Biden goes silent.
American Military News reported:
North Korea test-fired two more ballistic missiles for the third time this month on Friday just hours after threatening the United States with a “stronger and certain reaction” to sanctions.
The U.S. Indo-Pacific Command confirmed North Korea’s launch in a statement on Friday, saying, “We are aware of the ballistic missile launch and are consulting closely with our allies and partners. While we have assessed that this event does not pose an immediate threat to U.S. personnel or territory, or to our allies, the missile launch highlights the destabilizing impact of the DPRK’s illicit weapons program. The U.S. commitment to the defense of the Republic of Korea and Japan remains ironclad.”
19. Jan. 6 Committee Subpoenas Twitter, Reddit, Google and Facebook to See ‘How the Spread of Misinformation Contributed to Capitol Attack’ By Cristina Laila
The illegitimate January 6 committee subpoenaed Twitter, Reddit, Google and Facebook in its probe of the Capitol protest.
The panel asked the tech companies for documents over the summer however J-6 panel chairman Bennie Thompson said the committee received “inadequate responses.”
The select committee wants the documents to see how so-called ‘misinformation’ spread on the platforms to ‘influence or overturn the 2020 election.’
18. Tierney’s REAL News (1/14/22)
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “The Supreme Court has spoken, confirming what we all knew: Biden’s disastrous mandates are unconstitutional. Biden promised to shut down the virus, not the economy but he has failed miserably on both—and mandates would have further destroyed the economy. We are proud of the Supreme Court for not backing down. No mandates!”
17. !! Baby Paralyzed by Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine [7:11]
A baby in the Pfizer COVID-19 shot trials is now unable to move his body, from the neck, down, after taking the shots.
The video documents how a healthy, robust child deteriorates in just 13 days, from being happy and active to being paralyzed and in the hospital on Day 13 after the shots.
16. !! 12-year-old Paralyzed by COVID Jab [2:56]
In this video, the narrator talks about speaking with the Australian mother of a 12-year-old who got the Pfizer jab October 27, 2021 — and then spent nine nights in the hospital with adverse reactions from it.
Since then he’s been unable to walk, and can’t take more than a step without falling over. This single mom, however, is getting no help from health authorities or the government.
15. What Happens When You Exercise With a Mask? [13:16]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Masks are commonly worn to halt the spread of infectious disease. But, should they be worn when your body needs more oxygen? There may be a better option.
- Some have found that wearing a mask while exercising reduces your oxygen intake and drives CO2 levels high
- Symptoms of high CO2 levels include headache, dizziness, fatigue, poor concentration and nausea; two schoolboys in China died while running with a mask
- The question of whether cloth masks are effective against the spread of infectious disease has not yet been settled. Exercising with a face shield may offer benefits without CO2 risk
- If you wear a mask it’s important to ensure you aren’t infecting yourself: Keep your hands away from your face, don’t touch the outside of a used mask and replace your mask as soon as it’s damp
14. Behavioral Modification: What You Need to Know Analysis by Tessa Lena
Behavioral modification has long been a coveted ambition of powerful control freaks. In the recent years, the technology has gotten powerful. Even so, the solution is what it has always been, spiritual strength.
- Neuroscientists have been working on a number of advanced techniques with military applications
- Magnetogenetics is a technique of using magnetic fields to remotely control cell activity
- In human experiments, scientist experimented with reducing religious feelings
- In animal experiments, researchers were able to induce specific behaviors in mice using genetically modified viruses and magnetic fields
- Another area of behavioral modification is “digital vaccines,” which is special software for behavioral change
13. ! Bombshell Admission — The COVID Tests Don’t Work [10:17] Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
CDC Finally Admits the COVID PCR Test Is a Sham
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now admitting what experts have been telling us since the earliest days of the pandemic – you can’t trust the PCR test to identify active infection or measure contagiousness. Did they really just figure this out now, nearly two years into the game?
- Since the beginning of the pandemic, experts have warned that the PCR test is not as a valid diagnostic and produces far too many false positives, as it can pick up on “dead,” nonreplicating viral debris
- The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now admits the PCR test can remain positive for up to 12 weeks after infection. For this reason, they say most people don’t need to retest negative before ending their quarantine
- The CDC also admits the PCR cannot identify active infection or measure contagiousness
- People who are double-jabbed or unvaccinated and test positive for SARS-CoV-2, or have known exposure, but remain asymptomatic, now only need to isolate for five days rather than 10, but should wear a mask for another five days when at work or in public. People who are triple-jabbed do not need to isolate after exposure, but should wear a mask for 10 days
- Health care workers who test positive for COVID but remain asymptomatic can return to work after seven days with a negative test, but isolation time can be cut to five days if there are staffing shortages
12. Fauci & the COVID Narrative Are Imploding in Front of Our Eyes | Rand Paul |Rubin Report [18:00]
Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Rand Paul, the U.S. Senator for Kentucky, about his most recent feud with Dr. Fauci. Paul has once again confronted Fauci with email proof that he has been dishonest about what he knew about NIH funded gain of function research in Wuhan. He also explains why the Biden administration’s COVID narrative is collapsing in front of our eyes. From the CDC acknowledging that 75% of those who died from COVID had at least four comorbidities to CNN COVID experts admitting that cloth masks don’t do much to prevent COVID transmission, the Biden administration is losing control of its narrative. Rand also discusses why he left YouTube for Rumble and how conservatives can fight big tech without relying on the government.
11. The Bedouin Occupation by Victor Rosenthal
Bedouin citizens of Israel formerly embraced a nomadic lifestyle, drifting between Arabia and the Sinai; but since 1948 many have permanently settled in the southern part of Israel. They established their settlements on any convenient unoccupied land, where they grazed their flocks and planted crops. Israeli authorities have established several towns and even a large city, Rahat, for Bedouin occupation, and in recent years have legalized numerous unrecognized settlements; but many Bedouin still live in the “dispersion,” a collection of hundreds of illegal favelas built on state land that resemble garbage dumps with scattered satellite dishes.
10. China: Buying Up Europe by Judith Bergman
A staggering 40% out of 650 Chinese investments in Europe in the years 2010-2020, according to Datenna [a Dutch company that monitors Chinese investments in Europe], had “high or moderate involvement by state-owned or state-controlled companies.”
- When the Chairman of the UK parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, Tom Tugendhat, wrote that Chinese ownership of the British microchip plant, Newport Wafer Fab, “represents a significant economic and national security concern”, UK Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng responded that the deal had been “considered thoroughly”. Only after considerable pressure did British Prime Minister Boris Johnson agree to a national security review of the sale.
- The European Court of Auditors, an EU institution that oversees EU finances, has found that gaining an overview of Chinese investments in the EU is difficult because of the lack of comprehensive data; it seems no one is recording it.
- Efficient systems for blocking foreign investments based on national security concerns also appear either to be lacking or simply not used sufficiently.
- The “strictest screening frameworks” clearly are not stopping China.
- What appears to be urgently needed in Europe now is a deeper understanding of the threat that China poses, as well as the political will to act on it. Action is urgently needed to block investments that serve up Europe’s strategic assets on a silver platter to China’s state-owned companies, which the Chinese Communist Party then use to advance its expansionist ends.
9. The Biden Administration Isn’t Even Hiding Its Designation Of Mainstream Americans As ‘Domestic Terrorists’ BY: JOHN LUCAS
The real danger to our republic is the Joe Biden administration’s totalitarian effort to label millions of ordinary Americans as supporters of terrorists.
8. Courts in Ontario Refuse to Intervene on Cases Filed By Employees Against Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates
Ontario courts have refused to intervene on cases filed by employees and unions seeking injunctions that would prevent Covid-19 vaccine mandates from being forced upon them until grievances are resolved through arbitration. The courts have stated that such cases “should be handled by the labour system.”
Toronto lawyer Tanya Walker said that in non-union workplaces, employers in Ontario are basically able to “fire anyone for any reason, provided it’s not discriminatory under the Ontario Human Rights Code.”
Many things have been said about Dominic Pezzola in the misleading mainstream media, in Senate Hearings, in Congress, and even from his very own fired Public Defender (early on in his case) – which amount to absolute lies, slander, and misinformation.Dominic Pezzola is an American patriot who went to the January 6 2021 protest to show his support for President Trump just like one million fellow patriots that day. Pezzola then later went to the US Capitol where he engaged with the Capitol Police. Dominic was arrested on January 15, 2021, and appeared in court that same day. He pleaded not guilty to 1-11 counts against him on February 9th and then again on May 29th. Dominic Pezzola remains detained in the DC Gulag, a political prisoner of the left. He has not been given his Constitutional right of a speedy trial. The Left does not believe in the US Constitution.
Please read, in his very own words, who he really is and what he is all about here.
6. What Hiding Our Faces Tells Us About The Condition Of Our Souls BY: MAUREEN MULLARKEY
Faces and our responses to them have taken on an urgency previously unfelt. How to begin making sense of what the human face arouses?
5. Disgraced FBI No. 2 Calls For Feds To Treat ‘Mainstream’ Conservatives Like Domestic Terrorists BY: EVITA DUFFY
To Andrew McCabe, January 6 is the key to implementing frighteningly despotic policies that target conservatives.
4. ! The Supreme Court’s Ruling On Vaccine Mandates Is Frighteningly Weak BY: MARGOT CLEVELAND
Justices Roberts and Kavanaugh both acquiesced in the Biden Department of Health and Human Services’ power grab.
… “The high court issued both decisions as per curium, or “by the court,” unsigned opinions, with a 6-3 majority staying the OSHA de facto vaccine mandate in National Federation and a 5-4 majority in Biden v. Missouri allowing the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ rule requiring vaccines for medical facility workers to take effect. Justices John Roberts and Brett Kavanaugh switched sides to join the court’s leftist members in the Medicare/Medicaid case, with Justice Clarence Thomas and Justice Samuel Alito issuing separate dissents joined by Justices Amy Coney Barrett and Neil Gorsuch in Biden v. Missouri.”
3. GOVT CENSORSHIP: Biden Tells Social Media Platforms to Crack Down on Free Speech By Pamela Geller
Anyone who gets banned for ‘COVID misinfo’ can now use this clip in court to show the tech companies are censoring at behest of a govt official in violation of the First Amendment……
“If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.’ George Orwell.
2. MSNBC Demands Unvaccinated Americans Should Be Taxed HIGHER By Pamela Geller
Literally, the Nazi channel.
Believe me you, the unvaccinated are paying for this communist coup. Only half of Americans pay taxes, I am sure a large part of the productive half of America is unvaccinated.
1. !! House passes voting rights package, setting up Senate filibuster showdown BY CRISTINA MARCOS
The House passed voting rights legislation on Thursday in a way that is intended to set up a battle in the Senate over that issue as well as the filibuster.
The measure passed in a 220-203 party-line vote.
Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) has vowed to put the measure to a vote in the coming days before the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday in a bid to highlight state laws approved by GOP-dominated state governments that Democrats say will make it more difficult for their supporters — including minority voters — to vote.
“Nothing less is at stake than our democracy,” said Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).
The manner in which the legislation was approved allows Schumer to bring it straight to the floor. But Democrats would need 60 votes — including 10 GOP votes — to get it to President Biden‘s desk given the filibuster.