Daily Shmutz |011522

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Read between the lines!

37. (missing posts #1-34)

A funny thing happened just now!  WordPress just erased all of my posts from today except for the last two!  I must have jostled something with my elbows…  It must’a been my fault, to erase all my work for today… In any case, i keep a log of what I posted.  I usually clean it up after the post for publishing in krakkennews. But now, here in this #37 post, I will copy and paste all fo today’s work into one un-edited post.  It will be a bit messy.  Then, i will shut down for the night and hope for better luck tomorrow.  Sorry.  Here is #1 thru #34:


*BREAKING**   Armed Man Takes Hostages at Texas Synagogue

Report: Suspect Heard on Livestream ‘Ranting’ About Islam…

…Claims to Be Brother of Convicted Terrorist

SWAT Team on Scene



Amazon removes over two dozen Nazi films following report

‘We’re truly pleased that Amazon took action to ensure Prime Cinemas didn’t become Nazi Cinemas,’ Dov Hikind, former NY assemblyman, says.

As of Friday morning, Amazon has removed 26 problematic Nazi film titles from their website — pages for 23 DVDs no longer exist and three on Prime are now listed as “unavailable,” Dov Hikind, former NY State Assemblyman and Founder of Americans Against Antisemitism has reported.



The march of Islam in Belgium

In Belgium, Islam is rapidly replacing Christianity. When a society no longer knows a reason to exist, others find it. Op-ed.

Giulio Meotti‏, Italy 

A church in Forest, Brussels, has been transformed into … a climbing gym. “In Belgium, it’s the first time,” says Dhnet. This was announced by Mayor Mariam El Hamidine of Ecologists.At the same time, the old church on rue de l’Eglise in Masnuy-Saint-Jean was officially put up for sale for 100,000 euros. The decision was made by the city council. In Nivelles another church ended up on the market. Then the Ciney church was sold for € 200,000. In Ghent, the church of Sant’Anna has been converted into a supermarket. And in Beyne-Heusay, 2 out of 5 churches will be demolished.

And this to record changes only for the last three months. Going a little further back is the church of Petit Wasmes, in Wallonia, converted into apartments, while in Anderlecht the great church of St. Francis will become a sports center.

40 churches were closed or sold in Belgium alone in 2019 (31 in 2018). It is a spectacular and unstoppable trend of “de-Christianization”. “Since it went on sale in 2019 they have come forward to offer to open a restaurant, a nursing home and a mosque: now the Notre-Dame de Lourdes church in Bressoux (Liège) has finally been sold”, explains Le Vif .



After MLK Jr.’s death black leaders’ Antisemitism took over

After King was assassinated, some African American leaders who replaced him felt Jews were not their allies but their competition. Op-ed.

Jeff Dunetz 

י”ג בשבט תשפ”ב 19:30 15.01.22

The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a big supporter of the Jewish people and a proud Zionist. One of his close allies and friends was Conservative Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, a Polish-born American rabbi who is considered one of the leading Jewish theologians and Jewish philosophers of the 20th century.


Martin Luther King Jr.Al SharptonJeff Dunetz


So now the Negev also Is part of “Palestine”

Watch:No..2 of the northern Islamic movement does not bat an eyelash as he says that “the Negev is an inseparable part of Palestine.” Op-ed.

Rabbi Prof. Dov Fischer 

NegevNorthern Islamic MovementRabbi Prof. Dov Fischer



The Narrative is Crumbling – 16 Reasons Why




High Level International Bankers Simulate The Collapse Of Global Financial System

January 15, 2022

A simulation of a theory based catastrophe of global bankers collapsing the financial system was conducted fairly recently. There was a striking similarity between this event and the infamous “Event 201” that was held in late 2019.



Boosters Are Over

By Alex Berenson Unreported Truths

Now the World Health Organization has waved the white flag on Covid vaccine boosters too.

WHO released a statement about Covid vaccines yesterday. It’s filled with the usual public health jargon and ass-covering, but one line stands out:

a vaccination strategy based on repeated booster doses of the original vaccine composition is unlikely to be appropriate or sustainable.

It’s over, people.


Before The Children of Pfizer

Were the Children of Lidice

The Good Citizen

Warning: The following piece is about war crimes against children.

As I have been saying privately for two years and writing publicly for a few months, we are in a Silent War. Western governments and their oligarch owners have declared war on free peoples and in all wars there are senseless causalities, and sometimes these are innocent children. When we are done mourning and grieving and celebrating their beautiful yet brief lives we must call them collectively by the names of the corporation and government agency (controlled by that corporation) that killed them – the Children of Pfizer or the Children of the FDA.


Insanity Rules in Washington

By Paul Craig Roberts


The opening remarks of Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland prior to her friendly “press conference” with well-tamed US “journalists” reveals the unreality of the world in which Washington exists.

The Russians have told Washington as frankly as it can be stated that the expansion of NATO to her borders, with US missile bases in countries on Russia’s borders, US plans to include Ukraine in NATO, Ukraine’s failure to abide by the Minsk Agreement, massive US arms deliveries to Ukraine, and constant other provocations and insults have made Russia uncomfortable about her security and unwilling to accept any longer the tension and uncertainty created by hostile US and NATO policies. Russia has stated without qualification that unless the West cooperates in removing the threat to Russian security, Russia will remove the threat with dire consequences to the West.

This is clear honest talk.

But no one in Washington or NATO heard.


Schools Shouldn’t Mandate ‘Most Dangerous Vaccines in Human History’

As schools weigh COVID vaccine mandates for children as young as 5 years old, former Pfizer exec warns injections “are toxic by design” and it seems obvious “criminal acts are being committed.”

Children’s Health Defense

In late October and early November, the self-serving members of two committees advising the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) without a second thought endorsed experimental COVID vaccines for children as young as 5 years old.

Ignoring the 99.995% COVID survival rate for those age 17 and under, the 31 pharma-servile “experts” also appeared unconcerned by reams of damning data about COVID-vaccine-related disabilities and fatalities already occurring in the 12–17 age group — unnecessary tragedies being acknowledged that very instant in a panel discussion convened by U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.).

Predictably, adverse event data and urgent frontline healthcare provider testimony began pouring in almost immediately after the FDA-CDC go-ahead, with 5- to 11-year-olds experiencing the same kinds of “terrifying” vaccine reactions as adolescents — including blood clots, strokes and other brain and heart problems previously almost unheard-of in young people.


Separate Yourselves From Those Lacking Courage, Group Yourself With The Courageous

By Allan Stevo

It has been said that “A bad apple ruins the barrel.” When putrefaction spreads, sometimes it gets the healthy tissue too.

The Bible advises repeatedly to separate yourselves from those who are not of high standards. It says this in many different ways. Separation seems to be so important that it even advises death — the ultimate separation of a person from society — for any number of aberrations from upstanding behavior.

Do I suggest going around killing people? No. But to separate yourself from those who are not to your standards makes a whole lot of sense at this stage in the trajectory of corona communism.


Student Resists, Refuses To Wear Suffocation Mask

By Tom Woods

There’s a push to get us all wearing what I call suffocation masks.

Naturally, I’m not doing it.

They tried this in Germany, and it didn’t do any good.

Even if these masks conferred a very marginal benefit, it is not unreasonable to prefer the clarity of communication that comes from unobstructed speech and visible facial expressions, or to find it dehumanizing to be confronted all day by masked faces. Children still learning how to communicate should not have their faces covered, and infants learning language and facial cues should not have to contend with a world in which they rarely see a human face.


Who Will Save You From This Insane Tyranny? Only You Have the Power to Save Yourself

By Gary D. Barnett

“In the last analysis, the essential thing is the life of the individual. This alone makes history, here alone do the great transformations take place, and the whole future, the whole history of the world, ultimately springs as a gigantic summation from this hidden source in individuals.”

~ Carl Gustav Jung

Here we are in an age of fear and excuses; an age of collective madness that strives for the death of the individual. Little do the masses know, as the end of individuality is the end of man. The crowd can destroy us, but the individual can save us. The idea of self then is the savior of humanity, for all efforts that rely on the masses as a whole to awaken to the idea of freedom will fail, as the mass will never act to free itself until it is too late.



The emergence of Arab Zionism?

As Arabs increasingly turn towards Israel and survival, the West continues in the opposite direction. Op-ed.

Melanie Phillips

(JNS) While Western liberals and the U.N. Human Rights Council double down in their determination to demonize, delegitimize and destroy Israel, support for that beleaguered country is coming from a surprising direction.

In 2020, people were startled by the Abraham Accords between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. Hope was kindled that this unprecedented linkage might herald an end to the century-old Arab war against the Jewish state.

Now there are signs of a new and related phenomenon: the emergence of Arab Zionists.



Whose land is this anyway?

Who fought, bled and died for Zion and whose country is this anyway? And who is running it? Opinion.

Jack Engelhard

From the beginning the Israelis were admired as rugged pioneers who “made the desert bloom.”

To this day, planting a tree in Israel is a symbol of rebirth and permanence.

That’s what we do when we go to Israel to visit or to stay. We plant trees.

But not everybody is happy about this, three Arab communities in the Negev in particular, who say…not in my backyard.

To many of them, of course, the entire Land of Israel is their backyard, and so they riot when they don’t get their way.



Situation Update, Jan 14, 2022 – Supreme Court BETRAYS America and authorizes outrageous vaccine mandate  [57:34]   Mike Adams

Yesterday, the US Supreme Court proved once again that it will betray the American people at every opportunity in order to forward the government’s anti-human agenda that claims “they” own your body.



Official data suggests the Triple Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome at an alarming rate

An in-depth investigation of 5 months worth of official UK Government data published by the UK Health Security Agency seems to confirm predictions previously made by The Expose that the Covid-19 “booster” dose would provide a very short lived temporary boost to the immune systems of the vaccinated population before decimating their immune systems much more rapidly than had already been seen in people who had received two doses of the Covid-19 vaccine.

In short, official UK Government data strongly suggests that the Covid-19 vaccinated population are developing some new form of Covid-19 vaccine induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.


[Ed.:  Let’s all line up for, and jab our children with some cool AIDS!]


Dr. Malone Describes “Vaccine Injury,” “Batch” Issues Website

by Sharon Rondeau

Dr. Robert W. Malone, MD, inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, wrote on his Substack Friday that he was able to discover the incidence of adverse events associated with his second dose of Moderna COVID-19 “vaccine” in connection with the “batch” from which it came.

Malone previously described his vaccine injury during his widely-circulated interview with podcaster Joe Rogan posted on December 30, 2021, the same day Malone was “permanently suspended” by Twitter without explanation.



Those Who Cast the Votes Determine Nothing…

… those who count the votes determine everything.

by Joseph DeMaio

Last Thursday, the Goof went back to the Capitol after learning that the Supreme Court had slapped down his “work-around” edict to OSHA.  Speaking of getting slapped around, he emerged – agitated as a wet alley cat – from a Senate Democrats’ caucus luncheon meeting after learning that his efforts to cram two “election reform” bills through the Senate – S.2747 and H.R. 4 – by first destroying the filibuster would also be thwarted.  Bummer, dude.



All part of the plan? – China is hiding the nature and spread of an Ebola/Marburg-like Virus that has struck the country


In mid-December 2021 reports were coming out of China’s northwest region of a rise in severe cases and deaths due to haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (“HFRS”) caused by hantavirus – one of the viruses identified by the US Centers for Disease Control (“CDC”) as a potential Category C bioterrorism agent.

The communist regime in China is hiding the nature and spread of this latest disease. This has many experts worried including Dr. Robert Malone who is the inventor of the mRNA vaccines.

Dr. Malone told The War Room, “They are using language that this is a haemorrhagic fever virus. If that’s the case then it would be very odd that this would be something caused by the coronavirus. That terminology is usually used for viruses in the family of Ebola. So, this is something that many people have feared is the development of a rapidly spreading Ebola-like haemorrhagic fever virus. But we have not knowledge of whether that is going on here or not.”



Hospital System Backs Off Race-Based Treatment Policy After Legal Threat

Scoring rubric gave race more weight than diabetes, obesity, asthma, and hypertension combined

One of the largest hospital systems in the United States gave race more weight than diabetes, obesity, asthma, and hypertension combined in its allocation scheme for COVID treatments, only to reverse the policy after threats of legal action.

SSM Health, a Catholic health system that operates 23 hospitals across Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Wisconsin, began using the scoring system last year to allocate scarce doses of Regeneron, the antibody cocktail that President Donald Trump credited for his recovery from COVID-19. A patient must score at least 20 points to qualify for the drug. The rubric gives three points to patients with diabetes, one for obesity, one for asthma, and one for hypertension, for a total of six points. Identifying as “Non-White or Hispanic” race, on the other hand, nets a patient seven points, regardless of age or underlying conditions.



Fauci Admits PCR Test Cannot Detect Infection  [26:20]


Since the beginning of the pandemic, experts have warned that the PCR test is not a valid diagnostic tool and produces far too many false positives, as it can pick up on “dead,” nonreplicating viral debris.  The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) now admits the PCR test cannot identify active infection or measure contagiousness.

A PCR test cannot distinguish between “live” viruses and inactive, non-infectious, viral particles. This is why it cannot be used as a diagnostic tool. As explained by Dr. Lee Merritt in her August 2020 Doctors for Disaster Preparedness lecture, media and public health officials appear to have purposefully conflated “cases” or positive tests with the actual illness in order to create the appearance of a pandemic.

Furthermore, a PCR test cannot confirm that SARS-CoV-2 is the causative agent for clinical symptoms as the test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens. The inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, who won a Nobel Prize for his work, explained this as shown in the video below.



DirecTV to drop One America News Network from its service when contract expires in April

  • US satellite broadcaster DirecTV said it will drop conservative media channel One America News (OAN) when the contract expires in April
  • OAN has been criticized for spreading conspiracy theories about the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 election
  • The decision to remove the network will now affect millions of household users who use the broadcaster, which will lose a significant part of its revenue
  • The network was also heavily funded by AT&T who was under contract with the company and provided tens of millions of dollars to the channel



‘Vaccinated’ Military Daughter ‘Very Sick’ With COVID  [1:01]

In this video a father questions the value of the COVID shots, if fully vaccinated people still get very, very sick.

His daughter was mandated to get the vaccine, but she got COVID anyway, and now “she’s sick with a high fever,” he says, as he questions how they define the so-called lessened symptoms the shot is supposed to provide.



Study Tells Why Chicken Is Killing You and Saturated Fat Is Friend  [1:58:00]

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

A new study reveals how the long-standing nutritional guidelines to limit saturated fat were incorrect, and foods high in saturated fat such as whole-fat dairy, red meat, eggs and dark chocolate are not associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease.


  • 60% of the U.S. population have one or more chronic diseases; nearly 70% are overweight or obese and 90% are metabolically unhealthy, which means virtually everyone is at risk for Type 2 diabetes and all the chronic diseases associated with insulin resistance
  • Part of why chronic ill health is so widespread is this persistent idea that saturated animal fats are unhealthy, and should be replaced with industrial vegetable oils
  • Long thought of as a healthier type of meat, primarily because it’s leaner than red meat, the problem with conventional chicken is that they’re fed corn, which makes them a source of harmful linoleic acid, a harmful type of fat
  • Research admits the long-standing nutritional guideline to limit saturated fat has been incorrect, and foods high in saturated fat such as whole-fat dairy, red meat, eggs and dark chocolate are not associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease
  • The reason the low-fat myth is so hard to break is because the food and drug industries are largely built on this flawed science, and they cannot afford to relinquish what have become highly profitable businesses



What You Need to Know About the COVID Shot, Perter McCullogh [51:16]

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Science Fiction Gone Bad, Vaccine Warning Falls on Deaf Ears

The mRNA jab turns your body into a factory multiplying a spike protein that, left alone, your natural immunity is meant to fight off. In the process, it could damage your brain, heart, bones and blood vessels, and could cause blood clotting.


  • The COVID shots are based on the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which is the most pathogenic part of the virus, responsible for the worst symptoms of COVID-19, such as the abnormal blood clotting seen in severely ill patients
  • Pfizer’s and Moderna’s mRNA shots, and Janssen’s vector DNA shot, all inject genetic material into your body that program your cells to start producing this spike protein. They’re gene transfer technologies that instruct your body to produce a dangerous protein inside its own tissues
  • A Pfizer biood distribution study showed both the mRNA and spike protein is widely distributed in the body. In particular, it accumulates in the ovaries. Despite that, reproductive toxicology studies were eliminated in the interest of speed
  • The average number of adverse event reports following vaccination for the past 10 years has been about 39,000 annually for all vaccines combined, with an average of 155 deaths. The COVID jabs alone now account for 701,126 adverse events in U.S. territories as of December 17, 2021, including 9,476 deaths
  • Cases of myocarditis explode after the second shot, and disproportionally affect boys; 90% of post-jab myocarditis reports are males, and 85% of reports occurred after the second dose. Cases are also inversely correlated to age, with younger boys being at greater risk. The estimated incidence for post-jab cardiac adverse events is 162 per million for boys aged 12 through 15, and 94 per million for boys aged 16 to 17


[Ed.:  Don’t look both ways when crossing the street.  Just step out into traffic!]


Washington State Considering Forced Covid Quarantines Using Armed Officers

As we have previously reported, The Washington State Board of Health had a meeting on January 12th to discuss amending legislation to allow authorities to detain unvaccinated people in quarantine camps and require Covid-19 vaccines for children who will be attending school.

The proposed amendment is part of the state’s Communicable and Certain Other Disease Act, which suggests including a new Covid protocol. It involves procedures for isolation and quarantine and will allow health officers to issue emergency detention orders, causing a person or a group of persons to be immediately detained for quarantine and isolation purposes.


[Ed.:  While the State of Washington is considering this, they ought to also consider wearing bullet-proof vests, and consider whether our bullets could hit them between their eyes!…  They might also consider how it will look to have bloody shoot-outs at citizens front doors.]


GE suspends Covid vaccine and testing rules after Supreme Court blocks Biden mandate

  • General Electric has suspended implementation of Covid vaccine and testing rules for its employees, which numbered 174,000 at the end of 2020.
  • The move followed the Supreme Court ruling that blocked President Joe Biden’s mandate.
  • Biden called on businesses to voluntarily implement the rules.



SHOCKING IMAGES: Calamitous Train Robberies In Democrat Destroyed America

The nation is failing. Did you think it would end with looting and. carjacking? In Democrat California, thefts under $950 are not prosecuted.



Jeffrey Epstein Brought EIGHT Young Girls With Him To See Bill Clinton At The White House

By Pamela Geller

And Hillary covered for that pig terrorizes his victims. That’s the Democrat choice to replace te demented child-perv segregationist in the White House.



Russia Threatens To Send Armed Troops Into Cuba In Another EPIC BIDEN FAIL

Russia Suggests Military Deployment to Venezuela, Cuba if Tensions With U.S. Remain High
Deputy foreign minister says Moscow couldn’t exclude sending military infrastructure to the two countries



Sinema doubles down on filibuster support, dealing likely fatal blow to Dems’ election bills   [19:21]

Sinema is a longtime supporter of the filibuster

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema said Thursday that she will not vote to weaken the Senate’s 60-vote filibuster threshold, bucking her party leaders yet again and dealing a major blow to Democrats’ election reform effort.

The comments, which match Sinema’s long-held stance on the filibuster, are effectively the final nail in the coffin of Democrats’ longshot effort to pass two elections bills over unified Senate GOP opposition.




by Vianca Rodriguez 

In a sudden twist of events, the Canada Border Services Agency announced on Wednesday that vaccination requirements would be eliminated solely for Canadian truckers who deliver goods and supplies.

Unvaccinated Canadian drivers will be exempt from test, quarantine, and vaccination requirements entirely. This rule does not apply to American truckers attempting to cross the Canadian borders to ship and deliver goods; they must still show proof of vaccination.

However, confusion remains between the Canadian government agency and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who appears dead set on maintaining mandatory vaccines.


36.   UPDATE: Virginia Governor Youngkin Signs 11 Executive Actions on First Day in Office Including Banning CRT, Ending Vax Mandate, Ending School Mask Mandate, etc.     By Jim Hoft

Republican Glenn Youngkin was sworn in as Virginia’s 74th Governor on Saturday.

Youngkin is the first Republican governor of Virginia in over 10 years.

Youngkin defeated dirty Clintonite Terry McAuliffe in November as Republicans nearly swept the entire Commonwealth of Virginia.

Critical race theory and concerns about safety in schools was the top issue for Virginia voters in November after a female high school student was raped in a girl’s bathroom by a ‘transgender’ boy wearing a skirt.

35.   Hostage-Taker at Texas Synagogue Claims to be Brother of Incarcerated Terrorist “Lady Al-Qaeda” – Crisis Still Ongoing   By Joe Hoft

The hostage-taker in Texas of individuals in a Jewish synagogue claims he is the brother of a convicted terrorist serving an 86-year sentence. 

The man says he is the brother of Pakistani terrorist Aafia Siddiqui, also known as “Lady Al-Qaeda.”

The Gateway Pundit wrote about Siddiqui back in 2010.

[Ed.:  Wow!  A REAL terrorist!  Not one of the Trump Supremacists ilk, but the real, hard-core, Moslem Jihadi!  We don’t often get too many of those, mostly local ‘Patriots.’  Whadda’ we do now? Where’d we stick that ‘War On Terrorism’ file?]

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.