Daily Shmutz | 011722

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Read between the lines!


48. !! The Plandemic – And Refusing to Accept Reality

The honesty and fortitude it takes to accept that one was terribly wrong.   Rabbi Chananya Weissman

There are many reasons why people refuse to accept reality. Usually it has something to do with an unwillingness to admit that they were wrong. Some people are incapable of admitting that they were wrong about anything, and will contort reality every which way to justify themselves. Such people live miserable lives, irrespective of how much money they have, and spread misery to others. When people like this are in power, they bring destruction upon society.

… “but only Amalek is singled out as an enemy of God throughout the generations (Shemos 17:16). Amalek is the only nation we have a mitzvah to destroy (Devarim 25:19). The other nations might have been motivated in part by jealousy, greed, politics, and grudges, but Amalek needed no other motivation; they are driven by evil.”

[Ed.: “Amalek is the only nation we have a mitzvah to destroy (Devarim 25:19)”  I like that. No more placards at ‘peaceful protest’ demonstrations. Destroy evil, it a mitzvah!]

47.  ! Glazov Gang: Dr. Peter McCullough – The Haunting World of Suppressing Covid Treatments  [51:35]

A leading Covid-19 physician unveils the dark truths behind the ‘pandemic’.

46.  ‘Burned Beyond Recognition’

The atrocities Muslims inflicted on Christians in the span of just one month.    Raymond Ibrahim

The following are among the abuses Muslims inflicted on Christians throughout the month of November, 2021:

The Muslim Slaughter of Christians

[Ed.:  Is this truly “One of the world’s three great religions?” Or, is it a sick, military cult?]

45.  !  Dr. Robert Malone: “It’s the first time in history that the ineffectiveness of a medicine is being blamed on those who haven’t taken it.”

44.   Biden Frees Alternate 9/11 Hijacker and Military Base Truck Bomb Plotter     Daniel Greenfield

Is there any Islamic terrorist too evil for Biden to release    

After Obama’s obsession with freeing as many Islamic terrorists from Gitmo as possible, the ones who remained were the absolute worst of the worst. Now Biden is setting them loose too.

[Ed.:   Why would Biden (they) want to do that? Isn’t that “aiding and abetting the enemy?”  Can we execute them now by firing squad for treason? Oh ya, we need to re-instate that antiquated practice...]

43.   Maxine Waters: Trump, Supporters ‘Would Like to See a Civil War in this Country’

Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) Sunday on MSNBC accused former President Donald Trump and his supporters of wanting to see “a civil war in this country.”

Waters said, “This is a very difficult time for Democrats, for this country. Of course, we have Republicans who are basically following Trump and the kind of division that he’s causing among not only people of color but the kind of divisions he’s causing between the so-called haves and the have nots.”

She continued, “What everybody better understand is this democracy is at stake. These domestic terrorists are organizing. The president is helping them in the way he speaks to them, the way that he encourages them. And so, we’re in for it.”

[Ed.:  Yes, Max, you’re right about that.  We are chompin’ at the bit! But we’re patient enough to wait out your vaccine terminations.]

42.  Virginia Public Schools Attempt to Defy Gov. Glenn Youngkin, Doubling Down on Masking Rules

Public schools in Virginia are doubling down on their mask rules in light of a slew of executive orders signed by newly sworn-in Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R), asserting they will “continue to require all individuals to wear masks.”

Over the weekend, Youngkin signed nine executive orders and two executive directives at the Virginia State Capitol, covering a range of topics — from targeting Critical Race Theory to combatting human trafficking. One of the orders, however, specifically empowers parents, allowing them to decide whether or not their child wears a mask in school:

[Ed.:  Take it out of their pay.]

41.  !  Minnesota Removes Race as Factor in Rationing Coronavirus Treatment: ‘Blatant Discrimination’

Minnesota removed race as a factor for deciding which coronavirus patients receive monoclonal antibody treatments, the Star Tribune reported Thursday.

The treatments are outpatient infusions meant to reduce a person’s risk of severe illness and hospitalization, according to the article:

Updated rationing guidance on Wednesday prioritizes infusions when they are in short supply for people who are immunocompromised or pregnant. It also gives preference to people who are older or have underlying conditions that increase their risk for severe COVID-19, but it switched to a scoring system that no longer considers race.

State leaders had been planning revisions because of the scarcity of monoclonal antibodies that was exacerbated last month when providers stopped using two of three versions because they weren’t effective against the omicron variant.

The policy change happened the same day a conservative advocacy group, America First Legal (AFL), threatened to sue the state and Utah, claiming their racial preference policies appeared unfair:

[Ed.:  Well isn’t that special for MLK day!]

40.   Breitbart News Daily Podcast Ep. 52: What Does MLK Day Mean Today? Guest: Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe   [Audio 47:13]

On this Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Breitbart Entertainment Editor Jerome Hudson discusses where America stands on race relations and how our political parties treat people of color. Jerome compares and contrasts Virginia’s new Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s inauguration speech this weekend with South Carolina Democrat Rep. James Clyburn’s claim on a Sunday show that Republicans are pushing “Jim Crow 2.0.” Our guest today is Project Veritas CEO and Founder James O’Keefe who discusses his new book, American Muckraker: Rethinking Journalism for the 21st Century.

39.   Cher Panics as Midterms Approach: If Democrats Lose House or Senate, ‘We Are F**ked’

Cher is freaking out as midterm elections draw closer, saying that if Democrats lose the House or the Senate, “we are fucked.” She went even further, saying if Democrats lose the White House in 2024, “stick a fork in democracy, it’s done.”

The singer-actress hit the panic button in a tweet posted late Friday in which she appeared to reference Democrats’ failure to pass “voting rights” bills that would federalize elections. Cher singled out Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), who both refused to back the Biden administration’s efforts to seize power from states to oversee their own polling processes.

“What’s coming is DIRE,” Cher warned. “Know Its Scary,You Dont Want 2 Hear it, But If Dems lose House or Senate We’re fucked.”

[Ed.:  You’re already f**cked, Cher!  Your Democrat party is now the Defunct (read: def**cked) party.  So, go get your own shovel and start digging your hole!]

38.  !  Poll: 59 Percent of Democrats Favor Government Confining Unvaccinated Americans to Their Homes

A majority of Democrats would agree with the U.S. government taking more drastic coronavirus measures, such as confining unvaccinated Americans to their homes “at all times except for emergencies,” a Rasmussen Reports survey revealed.

The survey listed a series of potential coronavirus-related actions, gauging support for a series of penalties, including fines, stay at home orders, and designated facilities for the unvaccinated and critics of the vaccines.

“Would you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose a proposal to limit the spread of the coronavirus by having federal or state governments require that citizens remain confined to their homes at all times, except for emergencies, if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine?” the survey asked.

While 61 percent, overall, reject that scenario, the survey found 59 percent of Democrats favor the government requiring unvaccinated individuals to stay at home “at all times” with exceptions only for emergencies. Of those, 35 percent of Democrats “strongly” favor that proposal. Another 55 percent of Democrats said they favor the government fining unvaccinated Americans, while 45 percent said they would favor a proposal to limit the spread of the coronavirus “by having federal or state governments require that citizens temporarily live in designated facilities or locations if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine.”

Respondents were also asked if they support or oppose a proposal for federal or state governments “to fine or imprison individuals who publicly question the efficacy of the existing COVID-19 vaccines on social media, television, radio, or in online or digital publications.” While the vast majority of Americans, 67 percent, said they opposed such a proposal, Democrats remain split, with 48 percent supporting fining vaccine critics and 46 opposing.

[Ed.:  Best to stay far away from all (GMO zombified) Democrats.  Stay completely away from them and their “medical” system! Remember that they recently changed both the definitions of “vaccine,” and the definition of  “domestic terrorist.”  That’s what they are now calling us.  (It’s a bit stronger than merely calling us “Racists.”) They also changed the Hippocratic oath  from “First do no harm” to “First harm!” Stay clear of Democrats, their hospitals, and their doctors! They’ll die-off in soon enough, from their ‘spiked proteins,’ anyway.  That’s my best advice. Damn them,  for real!]

37.   BREAKING BIG: Judge Gableman Issues Subpoenas to Voting Machine Companies Including Dominion Voting Machines in Wisconsin 2020 Election Investigation    By Jim Hoft

Former Wisconsin Supreme Court Judge Michael Gableman has been investigating the 2020 presidential election results in Wisconsin since he was appointed last year.

Gableman was given the task of looking into the 2020 election in Wisconsin. In October he announced he was focusing on five locations where irregularities were noted related to interference from foreign players like Facebook.

Special Counsel Michael Gableman has subpoenaed Wisconsin election officials as part of his investigation into the 2020 Election irregularities.

In October Gableman served subpoenas to the administrator of the Wisconsin Election Commission, the executive director of the Milwaukee Election Commission, and four city clerks as part of his probe into the 2020 election.

36.   Winter rains cause flooding in Petach Tikvah, Lod and Kafr Qasim

Several people had to be rescued after their vehicles became trapped by the rising waters • The Sea of Galilee rose nearly two inches due to the heavy precipitation.

35.  Breaking! Israel Blows Up Iran’s Chemical Facility! Violent Explosion!  [10:46]

34.   Hospital ER Refuses to Test Sick, Vaccinated Woman for COVID 

This woman was “vaccinated” in February 2021, and now her D-dimer levels are elevated and a “suspicious lump” has popped up in her lung.

This woman, who was exposed to COVID, also has a cough and shortness of breath, yet doctors refuse to test her for it. Instead, they told her to go home. She went to work and got a rapid COVID test, though, and it turned up positive. “Guess who has COVID-19?” she asks.

33.  !  Can Totalitarianism Happen in America?   [5:49]

In this short video we learn why freedom is a value, not an instinct, and why every new generation must be taught the supreme importance of freedom.

We also must learn how to distinguish totalitarianism from true empathy, as many oppressors will say what they’re doing to you is only done in the name of compassion — a type of faux compassion that actually means your freedoms are being compressed and eliminated one step at a time.

In essence, by acquiescing, you are allowing someone else to squelch you into submission and silence until your freedoms are gone.

32.   Molecular Hydrogen – Is It the Best Antioxidant You Can Take?  [1:36:43]  Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

It’s the most reactive and oxidative radical in the body – yet this potent molecule (the smallest in the universe) protects against excessive oxidative stress and damage.


  • Molecular hydrogen (H2 gas) is a potent selective antioxidant, which means it will not eliminate free radicals to the point of causing an imbalance
  • The H2 molecule is the smallest in the universe, which allows it to diffuse through all cell membranes, including the blood-brain barrier and subcellular compartments, into the mitochondria. It also has no charge or polarity. All of this gives it superior bioavailability
  • H2 readily reacts with the toxic hydroxyl radical — the most reactive and oxidative radical in the body — turning it into harmless water
  • H2 may be very helpful in cases of heart attack or stroke, protecting against the oxidative damage from hydroxyl radicals that occur during reperfusion
  • Hydrogen also helps moderate autophagy, mTOR and IgF1, raising them if needed or lowering them when excessive

31.  What Is the Key to Japanese Centenarians’ Long Lives?

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

What Is the Key to Japanese Centenarians’ Long Lives?

Data from people who live well over 100 years have revealed a unique gut microbiome community that affects bile acids. Consider using more than one strategy to improve your health and lengthen your life.


  • Data from a group of centenarians whose average age was 107 revealed gut microbiota that include Odoribacteraceae, which reliably produces a bile acid called isoallo-lithocholic acid, are important to preventing illness
  • A strong balance of beneficial gut microbiota may also help lower chronic inflammation, which is associated with atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, frailty and early death
  • Eating probiotic fermented foods to seed your gut microbiome and prebiotic foods rich in insoluble fiber to nourish the beneficial bacteria is an important strategy to benefit your health and wellness
  • More ways to optimize your gut health are to eliminate sugar, implement a cyclical ketogenic diet and use antibiotics sparingly. Fasting is another strategy that helps support autophagy, boost growth hormone and burn calories

30.   Tierney’s REAL News (1/17/22)

President Trump had a great rally in Arizona on Saturday. Over 55,000 attended. Cars were backed up for 25 miles. Police had to turn people away. MILLIONS watched online, or on Newsmax, OANN, RSBN & Bannon’s RAV WarRoom, even though Fox News & the networks refused to carry it.

TRUMP: “There’s nobody that can see the end of this crowd. And has cars that stretch out for 25 miles. That’s not somebody that lost an election. Nobody has ever had spirit like this or crowds like this.”

29.  ! WARNING: ‘Vaccine is Worse than We Feared, Could be Looking at Hundreds of Thousands More Dead’    Amy Mek

People receiving the experimental injections appear to be much worse off than those who remain unvaccinated.

The number of Americans who have suffered serious side effects or died after receiving the mRNA injection billed as a “vaccine” is exploding. Furthermore, injected people seem to be much worse off than those who refuse the experimental jab. Yet, despite the “vaccine” and “boosters” not protecting people from Covid, and increasing the chances of infection from Omicron, left-wing governments worldwide continue to pressure and mandate citizens to receive them.

Terrifying ‘Vaccine’ Side Effects

One American News (OAN) reports that as of January 4, 2022, nine hundred and forty-six thousand Americans have experienced serious side effects or died after being injected. In addition, the U.S. Department of Health states that more than 100,000 Americans have been hospitalized after receiving the jab.

28.  Government Deception: Up to 3.8 Million ‘Fully Vaccinated’ Austrians To Be Declared ‘Unvaccinated’    Amy Mek

How do the previously “vaccinated” feel about being declared anti-social, right-wing radicals by their government with the stroke of a pen? 

On Thursday, January 6, 2021, the Austrian government announced its new plans to force citizens into receiving more than two mRNA injections that are deceptively labeled as “vaccines.” The unelected Chancellor Karl Nehammer has reduced the “Green Passports” validity to six months. As a result, millions of citizens who were considered “fully vaccinated” six months ago are now classified as “unvaccinated” by the government. The only way to get the document reissued for those who have lost their Green Pass is to receive a booster injection.

Despite the “vaccine” and “boosters” not protecting people from Covid and increasing the chances of infection from Omicron, the controversial Chancellor’s new measures will ban those presumed to be “unvaccinated” from social life.

27.  !  Covid Tyranny: Governments Target Military and Police Defending Their Constitutions                       (Videos 4:37, 1:41)     Amy Mek

Officers offering support and protection to citizens protesting tyrannical lockdowns and “vaccine” mandates are under attack & imprisoned by left-wing leaders.

Soldiers and police officers offering support and protection to citizens protesting tyrannical lockdowns and “vaccine” mandates are under attack by their left-wing governments. Countries are vilifying and persecuting servicemen who remain faithful to the oath they took to defend their country against all foreign and domestic enemies.


Most recently, German Sergeant Major Andreas Oberauer was unlawfully arrested and smeared by international left-wing media for releasing a video demanding an end to Germany’s lockdown measures, mandatory “vaccines,” and violent abuse of protesters. In the December 28, 2021 video, Sergeant Oberauer drew attention to the abuse of children and the elderly at pro-freedom protests:

26.  !BOMBSHELL: German Doctors Find ‘Astonishing’ Impurities in Covid ‘Vaccine’    Renee Nal

A group of German physicians joins the chorus of experts who have discovered foreign objects in the coronavirus vaccines and the blood of the vaccinated.

German Pathologists presented an analysis of the coronavirus “vaccine” during a shocking press conference in September. A clip of the conference, which has been translated exclusively for RAIR Foundation USA, reveals foreign objects in the vaccine, as well as in the blood of those who have taken the vaccine.

Some of the foreign objects were described as “accurately constructed” and also – shockingly – worms that were hatched from eggs.

The live-streamed press conference was organized by the Stiftung Corona-Ausschuss, which can be loosely described as Germany’s equivalent of America’s Frontline Doctors. As expected, their remarkable presentation was slammed by the German legacy media.

25.  Vaccine Apartheid: Was Making the Jab ‘Compulsory’ the Plan All Along?    Renee Nal

Even as the failure of the vaccine becomes more and more apparent, it is praised and promoted as the only solution.

There has been unprecedented coercion related to the coronavirus “vaccine”. The Biden team has made it their mission to hound, harass, admonish and threaten Americans to take an injection that many do not want. The coercion continues despite the demonstrable failure of the vaccine to protect citizens in highly vaccinated areas.

If people have not already taken the vaccine, it is unlikely that they will. So, the coercion escalates. But to what end?

Leftist politicians across the globe have intensified their vitriol against those who have not taken the coronavirus “vaccine”. The denigration has become blatant and alarming. World leaders have seemingly synchronized their messaging to demonize a segment of the population they were elected to serve.

24.  ! Italy Declares War on Citizens: Forces ‘Vaccinations’, Bans Dissenters From Work and Public Life

(Video 3:07 ) Amy Mek

Italy’s left-wing government has mandated the Covid “vaccines” for people over 50 years old and tightened its green pass obligations.

On January 8, 2021, Italy mandated the mRNA gene therapy injections billed as Covid “vaccines” for people over 50 years old. The left-wing government also shut down most of public life for the unvaccinated. Its leaders proudly bragged they would be the first country within the European Union to force citizens to take the experimental and controversial injections.

Italy’s government reports that 89.41% of the population over 12 years of age are vaccinated, and therefore only about 10% have not undergone the controversial injections.

In the following video, Renato Brunetta, the minister of Public Administration in the government of Prime Minister Mario Draghi, announces the new vaccine mandates and green pass obligations:

23.  !Nurse Stuns School Board: ‘Everyone Who Died with Covid Should be Considered Murdered’ (Video 2:16)    Amy Mek

“The vaccine is not gonna work, early treatment has always worked, and government mismanagement of patients is why people have died.” – Nurse Morgan Wallace

At a local county school board meeting in Wilmington, North Carolina, registered nurse Morgan Wallace unleashed on medical authorities, accusing them of causing deaths by refusing to promote early life-saving Covid treatments.

Nurse Wallace worked for New Hanover County Hospital for ten years and saw how firsthand how patients died unnecessarily because the government does not allow specific early Covid treatments.

We ran your heart and lungs outside your body with your chest open while you were bleeding on the floor, and what I realized was that patients were needlessly dying because of government’s withheld policies for treating Covid.

Everyone who died with Covid should be considered murdered. Early treatment has always been effective.

[Ed.:  True.]

22.   Double ‘Vaccinated’ Brazillian Model Dies After Developing Blood Clots    Amy Mek

Just recently, Prominent German virologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi issued a dire warning, “when you take this jab, – you are triggering a reaction that is potentially lethal.”

A healthy 18-year-old model from São Paulo, Brazil, died shortly after developing blood clots, reports Brazilian news site G1 Globo. Valentina Boscardin, the daughter of TV presenter and businesswoman Marcia Boscardin, was hospitalized on January 6, 2022, with thrombosis (blood clots) and pneumonia.

The double vaccinated teenager died a few days later, on January 9th, due to “Covid-19”, as reported by the Brazilian media. However, according to her mother, the 18-year-old was healthy and had no health problems.

21.   Spain: Brutal Machete Attack by two North Africans on Man in Broad Daylight (Videos 2:10 and 0:28)            Amy Mek

The victim suffered a partial amputation on one hand and was rushed to hospital in serious condition.

On Wednesday, two North African migrants badly attacked José, a 33-year-old Spanish man, with a machete in the middle of the street in Molina de Segura, Murcia, Spain. The migrants were waiting to pounce on the man as he got out of his car. The victim suffered a partial amputation on one hand and was rushed to hospital in serious condition.

[Ed.: Things have not changed much from when we were cavemen!]

20.   Unmasked: Patrick Young Leads Army of Democrat Foot Soldiers    Renee Nal

Shut Down DC and their allied organizations are a part of a complex web of democrat-friendly left-wing foot soldiers. But the legacy media supports them, the democrats work with them, and the Republicans look in the opposite direction.

One of the puppet masters lurking behind Shut Down DC is a middle aged, white radical who makes his living by using a tired old formula to overturn “the system.” Patrick Young, along with his allies, has been free to agitate, disrupt and destroy without much pushback, as they do the bidding of the democrat party.

Shut Down DC is a coalition-building organizing tool for the militant left. Patrick Young and his colleague Liz Butler have made a career of “organizing direct action” at Movement Catalyst.

From their website:

19.  !! Great Reset: Covid Makes the Rich Even Richer, Destroys the Middle Class  (Video 5:09)    Amy Mek

Self-proclaimed philanthropists like Bill Gates and the pharmaceutical industry are the big winners of the crisis.

Covid did not happen to us by accident. It plays all too well into the World Economic Forum’s founder Klaus Schwab and his followers plan to reshape the world according to their shocking ideas. Covid also serves to redistribute money. Worldwide, the middle class is bled dry, and wealth is being shifted to the very rich.

Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg – Covid brings Billions More For the Richest

Six hundred and sixty new billionaires were added to this year’s Forbes list of the wealthiest people – more than ever before. Now 2,755 billionaires are listed. The combined wealth of the richest people in the world grew by an incredible $5 trillion compared to 2020.

18.   Communist Takeover: Without Firing a Shot, China Seizes Control of America’s Farmlands    Faye Higbee

The Chinese Communists have their tendrils in nearly every American industry, from food production to farming, transportation, education, medicines, media, movies, etc.

U.S President Joe Biden told the media earlier in 2021 after a phone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping that China was “going to eat our lunch.” Heads up, they already are- literally eating our lunch as they buy up American farmland and invest in thousands of American companies.

“The current trend in the U.S. is leading us toward the creation of a Chinese-owned agricultural land monopoly,” Representative Dan Newhouse (R-WA) warned in a recent House Appropriations hearing.

17.   Suspected murder near Dead Sea

Police investigate after dead man found stabbed on roadside in southern Israel, just 100 meters away from his vehicle.

Israel Police on Saturday receive a report that the body of a man was found on Route 25, east of Dimona towards the Dead Sea.

Medical personnel declared the man dead at the scene.

Police officers arriving at the scene opened an investigation, and the circumstances are being examined.

Initial reports said that a knife was found at the scene, and that the man’s vehicle was found with its engine still running.

[Ed.:  When any country allows the presence of enemies within its borders, this is the natural and inevitable result.  This is known as “Cause and Effect.”]

16.   Study: 4th vaccine dose not very effective against Omicron

Early results from Sheba Medical Center study on 4th doses of Pfizer, Moderna vaccines show increase in antibodies. but low effectiveness.

Preliminary results from the first study of its kind in the world, led by Sheba Medical Center, on the safety and efficacy of the fourth dose of the coronavirus vaccine, indicate a significant increase in antibody levels, but this level of protection is only partially effective against the Omicron variant.

[Ed.: Yes, but it is very effective in killing you, or at least turning your innate immune system over to Bill Gates, completely changing your DNA, and turning you into a transmitter/receiver of information.  Take your boosters folks, for the sake of the community!]

15.   Majority of Americans Now Identify as Republican After Massive 14 Percent Swing in One Year!  By Cassandra Fairbanks

The majority of Americans now identify as Republican after a 14 point swing to the right in 2021.

[Ed.:  Crocodile tears!]


14.  !  If They Can’t Cheat, They Can’t Win: Communist Brennan Center Horrified After 19 States Pass 34 Election Security Laws in 2021   By Jim Hoft

If they can’t cheat, they can’t win.

Democrats are VERY WORRIED that Republican state legislatures will make it more difficult for them to cheat in future elections.

Joe Biden complained today that his party must be able to count the votes which makes no sense. Democrats across the country blocked Republican observers from the counting rooms while they “fixed” the ballots for Joe Biden. But Democrats and their media continue to gaslight the American public anyway.

The communist Brennan Center published a report last week on the current election integrity bills that were passed by Republican legislatures in 2021. More legislation is planned for this year to make sure only legitimate votes count. This scares the hell out of Democrats.

13.  Minnesota Now Offering $200 Gift Cards to Families to Get Their 5-11 Year-Olds Vaccinated   By Jim Hoft

The State of Minnesota is now offering $200 gift cards to families, per child to get their 5-11 year-olds vaccinated with the experimental COVID vaccines.

Children have a 99.995% chance of surviving COVID-19. In the UK there is only a 2-in-a-million chance the disease will be fatal in children.

They have a greater chance of drowning.

A CDC panel raised concerns over vaccine-induced Myocarditis in children aged 5-11 who received the vaccine back in December.

[Ed.:  The planet has a little over 8 billion people living on it.  The stated goal is to eliminate 7 billion of them, and control the rest.  No wonder they are so aggressively pushing their death-jab.]

12.   Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2022   By Jim Hoft

Hope you enjoy Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day today.

Grand Old Partisan reminds us today of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s meeting with Vice President Richard Nixon in 1957. They met on Capitol Hill for a discussion of ways to overcome Democrat opposition to the Republican civil rights agenda.

That’s something that you won’t hear about today from the liberal media.

The civil rights movement was led by Republicans.

[Ed.:  It’s almost ironic…]

11.  WATCH: Boston Cops Threaten, Harrass the THE WRONG WOMAN Over Vax Card: ‘We Don’t Enforce Mandates, We Protect Rights’    [15:03]   By Alicia Powe

After the employer of a Boston pizzeria allowed five unvaccinated women and a girl to order food and bottles of water, the store manager intervened and called the police on the group for not presenting proof of Covid vaccination.

In footage recorded by the women and streamed on Facebook Live, the shop owner asks police to remove the group of females from his restaurant for failing to comply with Boston’s newly implemented mandate requiring proof of vaccination to enter all indoor venues.

But the women stood their ground, continued to drink bottles of water and eat the pizza they purchased while being harassed and gawked at by the cops and store manager in the nearly hour-long encounter.

One of the women, Shana Cottone, a Boston police Sergeant who was placed on leave and relieved of her badge on Jan. 8 over her criticism of the city’s mandate, shamed the officers for choosing money over human rights.

10.   Texas rabbi: I threw a chair at the gunman, and we headed for the door

Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker recalls final moments of incident, when he realized the hostages had to act to escape: ‘He wasn’t getting what he wanted. It didn’t look good’

9.  !!  ‘Fully Undetected’ SysJoker Backdoor Malware Targets Windows, Linux & macOS

The malware establishes initial access on targeted machines, then waits for additional code to execute.

A brand-new multiplatform malware, likely distributed via malicious npm packages, is spreading under the radar with Linux and Mac versions going fully undetected in VirusTotal, researchers warned.

The Windows version, according to a Tuesday writeup from Intezer, has only six detections as of this writing. These were uploaded to VirusTotal with the suffix “.ts,” which is used for TypeScript files.

Dubbed SysJoker by Intezer, the backdoor is used for establishing initial access on a target machine. Once installed, it can execute follow-on code as well as additional commands, through which malicious actors can carry out follow-on attacks or pivot to move further into a corporate network. This kind of initial access is also a hot commodity on underground cyberforums, where ransomware groups and others can purchase it.

8.   Sen. Marshall Releases Documents that PROVE Dr. Fauci Lied About His Previously Unpublished Income   By Jim Hoft

Dr. Fauci went off on Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS) during testimony last week when asked about his income.

Fauci was not forthright when he claimed that his financials were widely available.  Dr. Fauci may be hiding his financials because of potential multi-million dollar royalties he’s received over the years on vaccines?

Fauci was questioned under oath by U.S. Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS).  One topic regarded Fauci’s income and financial and conflict disclosures.

Here is Fauci’s exchange regarding his financials.

[Ed.:  Truth is not something that comes easily for Fauci.  But, truth will come to him!]

7.   WOW HUGE: Police Turned THOUSANDS OF Attendees Away from President Trump’s Rally In Arizona “There’s No More Room”   By Joe Hoft

Not reported by the corrupt Mainstream media – the police were turning people away last night from the Trump rally in Arizona because there was no more room.  The crowd was massive.

A Trump supporter reported last night from Arizona at President Trump’s rally:

“This is one of the largest event centers in Arizona and it is full.  And look at the cars waiting on that lane of traffic and then look at the ones over there.  Guys Donald Trump’s on the way back.  Get used to the idea.”

6.   Zuckerberg Directly Implicated in Huge Backroom Deal in 2018: Law Enforcement Bombshell               By Jack Davis

An amended version of a lawsuit filed in December of 2020 by multiple states accuses the CEOs of Facebook and Google of being direct participants in what the suit says is an illegal agreement to corner the digital advertising market.

The lawsuit has claimed that Google and Facebook acted to throttle competition.

The lawsuit claims the tech giants agreed to decrease prices paid to publishers, cut out rivals and manipulate ad auctions, according to CNBC.

“Google understood the severity of the threat to its position if Facebook were to enter the market and support header bidding,” the complaint reads, according to MarketWatch. “To diffuse this threat, Google made overtures to Facebook.”

When the initial complaint was made public, the outlines of the allegations were complete, but the text of the lawsuit was heavily redacted.

5.   FBI Labels Trump Supporters Terrorists But Can’t Understand Why Jihadi Holds Hostages in Jewish Synagogue?   By Joe Hoft

The FBI can’t figure out the reasons why an Islamist would take hostages at a Jewish synagogue in Texas but has no problem calling average conservative Americans who showed up in DC to protest the 2020 Election steal, terrorists.  The FBI is broken.

Last night after a man took hostages at a Jewish synagogue, the FBI had problems identifying why the Islamist would have targeted a Jewish synagogue.

4.   Australia: AVN Pursues Federal Court Case to Halt the Use of Experimental Covid Injections              BY RHODA WILSON 

Late last year, the Australian Vaccination-risks Network (“AVN”) received the legal opinion of Julian Gillespie, an opinion that was carefully reviewed by a former Justice of the Federal Court of Australia, and a world-famous Queen’s Counsel (“QC”), who both deemed the legal grounds for Judicial Review to have merit. On 6 January 2022, AVN announced that the case will be pursued in a Federal Court. 

Gillespie is a retired lawyer and former barrister who has come out of retirement to fight a new legal battle, aiming to put an immediate stop to the vaccines in Australia.

It is hoped to bring an injunction this week to, at least, stop the roll-out of “vaccines” for 5- to 11-year-olds.  “We are going to ask for the injunction to be held in place for a week or two weeks so in early February, when the court re-opens again, we can bring the substantive case,” Gillespie said during an interview with Zeee Media on 11 January 2022.

3.   Michigan AG Dana Nessel Suggests “White Supremacy” to Blame for Texas Synagogue Islamist Attack By Jim Hoft

… “On Sunday the FBI identified the hostage-taker as Malik Faisal Akram from Great Britain.

This bit of reality was too much for several prominent leftists in the United States. The FBI is still looking for a motive.

Following the attack, Michigan’s tyrannical Attorney General Dana Nessel suggested on MSNBC that the Pakistani Islamist attack on a Jewish synagogue had something to do with white supremacy.”

2.   Editorial: UChicago Must End Its Booster Mandate—We Are Not Lab Rats

UChicago continues to defy scientific and moral standards, dehumanizing us in the process.

Per the University of Chicago’s newly announced booster mandate, all students and employees must obtain a booster shot by January 24. Those who do not comply will be barred from campus and restricted from attending in-person classes, among other activities.

This booster mandate is demonstrably unsafe, ineffective, unnecessary, inconsistent, and unethical. We’ve struggled beneath UChicago’s draconian COVID decrees for years, but the university’s booster mandate reaches a new height of absurdity.

 1.   Virginia Governor Youngkin Responds to Northern Virginia School Systems that Refuse to Get Rid of Mask Mandates    By Joe Hoft

In a surprise to no one, the radical Arlington, Alexandria and Fairfax school boards in Virginia are ignoring the state’s governor’s executive order to eliminate masks in their districts. 

Yesterday the new governor in Virginia signed an executive order eliminating mandatory face masks across the state like most sane states have recently done.


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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.