Daily Shmutz | 011822

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Please read between the lines!

27.  !  Paralysis and Shakes Overcome This Woman After J&J Shot  [0:26]

This woman got her COVID-19 jab and now she’s undergoing physical therapy with a walker for shakes and paralysis in her legs.

“Don’t suffer in silence,” the message says — report your injuries.

[Ed.: This woman is like so many others that she’s not even a statistic.  I promise to do everything in my power to “spread vaccine hesitancy.”  You can spread it too!]

26.  ! YouTube Removes Suspended Doctor Interview Within 5 Minutes  [40:00]

A video interviewing an American doctor whose license to practice was suspended because of “misconduct” that included prescribing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 was removed by YouTube almost as soon as it was published.

Dr. Meryl Nass was interviewed by journalist Tessa Lena, who then posted it to YouTube. Lena said YouTube pulled removed the video after only five minutes so she had to repost it to Rumble, where freedom of speech is still free. Nass, who early in the pandemic concluded that the virus was lab-originated, made a post of her own, commenting that an online news magazine, American Thinker, had covered her case with “balance.”

For the record, Nass also broke the news that the hydroxychloroquine used in a study that “proved” it was lethal and didn’t work was actually administered at near-lethal doses — ensuring that the study would “prove” HCQ was “dangerous.”

Along with her suspension, Nass was also ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation.

25.  ! Observations of an Experienced Nurse About the COVID Jabs

Have you ever wondered what differentiates the COVID jabs from normal vaccines that you are more familiar with, such as measles, chickenpox and mumps? In an astutely written commentary, an anonymous nurse has compiled a provocative list comparing regular vaccines to the shots for COVID.

For example, she says: “I have never seen a vaccine that forced me to wear a mask and maintain my social distance, even when you are fully vaccinated … I have never seen a vaccine that threatens the relationship between family, colleagues and friends. I have never seen a vaccine used to threaten livelihoods, work or school.”

Her list is longer, but blogger and vaccine investigator Steve Kirsch has more of his own thoughts to add, including “It does all these things except IMMUNIZATION.” He adds, “If we still need a booster dose after we are fully vaccinated, and we still need to get a negative test after we are fully vaccinated, and we still need to wear a mask after we are fully vaccinated, and still be hospitalized after we have been fully vaccinated, it will likely come to “It’s time for us to admit that we’ve been completely deceived.”

He adds a few more, which are well worth reading, including thoughts on the lockdowns and deaths as a result of the shots.

24. !  How to Help Prevent a Cytokine Storm   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Help Stop COVID-19 Cytokine Storm in Its Tracks

With severe COVID-19 disease, cytokine storm is what causes deadly sepsis, acute lung injury and multiorgan infection. Now researchers have identified a popular antioxidant that outperforms all others and helps inhibit SARS-CoV-2 damage in at least a dozen ways.


  • Part of what makes COVID-19 such a dangerous disease in severe cases is because it can trigger a cytokine storm reaction leading to sepsis, organ failure and death
  • Astaxanthin, a potent antioxidant supplement derived from microalgae, has many health effects that render it an ideal candidate as an adjunct therapy against COVID-19
  • Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant, immune booster, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotector and immunomodulatory with antibacterial and anti-apoptotic effects
  • Astaxanthin blocks oxidative DNA damage, lowers C-reactive protein and other inflammation biomarkers, inhibits cell death in alveolar epithelial cells, modulates the immune response and much more
  • Studies have shown it alleviates cytokine storms, acute lung injury, acute respiratory syndrome and sepsis, all of which are common in cases of serious COVID-19 infection

23. PayPal Terminates Nonprofits Fighting Vaccine Mandates    Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Without warning, payment processing giant PayPal has dropped multiple nonprofit organizations that are working to spread word about early COVID treatments and stop injection mandates.


  • December 21, 2021, after business hours, PayPal notified the National Vaccine Information Center that it would no longer process donations from their supporters — effective immediately
  • Other organizations also dropped by PayPal include the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) and Organic Consumer’s Association (OCA)
  • In October 2021, self-proclaimed “media watchdog” group Media Matters accused PayPal and GoFundMe of “hosting crowdfunding campaigns for organizations that spread harmful COVID-19 misinformation”
  • PayPal is actively researching transactions that fund hate groups, antigovernment organizations and extremists; it’s unclear, however, how they define these terms or the groups that fall under them
  • Instead of ignoring, fearing or abandoning information that is being targeted with censorship, use censorship as a cue or guide that you should delve more deeply into the topic at hand to reveal the underlying truth22.

[Ed.:  But, but vaccine mandates must be fought!  In short, it’s a mitzvah to ‘advocate vaccine hesitancy.’  Hesitate!  There, I said it.  So, you mean to tell me that PayPal is not my pal?]

22. !  Pfizer to Roll Out Omicron Shot in March     Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

COVID Shots Make Omicron Worse, Bombshell Research

With the spread of Omicron, there’s no longer any doubt the government mandates are irrational, legally indefensible and contrary to the public interest. Yet that’s exactly what’s happening – despite the fact COVID shots can increase infection.


  • Omicron is rapidly overtaking other SARS-CoV-2 variants and currently accounts for 95% of all COVID cases in the U.S.
  • Research shows current COVID shots cease to provide any protection against Omicron 30 days’ post-injection, and at 90 days offers negative protection, actually making you more prone to Omicron infection
  • This effectively makes COVID jab mandates obsolete, yet government and health authorities are still pushing Americans to get jabbed, and if already jabbed, to get a third booster
  • Pfizer is now saying it will have an Omicron-specific shot ready in March 2022, at which point Americans will undoubtedly be told to line up for a fourth injection
  • Professor Andrew Pollard, head of the U.K.’s Committee on Vaccination and Immunization who helped create the Oxford-AstraZeneca shot, said in a January 3, 2022, Daily Telegraph interview: “We can’t vaccinate the planet every four or six months. It’s not sustainable or affordable”

21.   Plan B to be Scrapped: No More Vaccine Passports

According to reports, the UK government is preparing to announce the end of its Plan B restrictions over the next few days as they are not able to justify having the measures in place.

Ending these restrictions will mean that work from home guidance, vaccine passports, and the requirement for fully vaccinated travellers to take a test when entering the country will be no more.

However, there will still be a mandatory mask restriction in place for indoor settings such as supermarkets and other stores.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is set to make the announcement over the next few days, with the changes due to e enforced from January 26th.

[Ed.:  Well, isn’t that special!]

20.  ! Here is a source with striking parallels to the Walder situation, which I happened to stumble upon, thank God.  I would love for those who are defending witch hunts, secret trials, and kangaroo courts to split hairs and explain in CLEAR HALACHIC TERMS why this situation is TOTALLY different, and the usual halachos just don’t apply AT ALL.

This source has been added as an update to an earlier article on the Walder situation, here:

More on Walder and Eliyahu    by Chananya Weissman

Here is a summary of the events leading up to Chaim Walder’s defamation and death:


In November 2021, Haredi children’s author Chaim Walder was the subject of a Haaretz exposé, accused of engaging in sexual abuse of minors and married women who came to him to receive therapy over a 25-year period. Eliyahu convened a beth din (rabbinical court) in Safed, encouraging Walder’s victims to come forward and submit testimony against him, and found him “guilty beyond any doubt”.[10] On 16 December, Eliyahu summoned Walder to the beth din.[11] Ten days later, Haaretz reported that the Israel Police had opened an investigation into Walder, but that he had not yet been questioned.[12] The following day, Walder was found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound adjacent to his son’s grave in the Segula Cemetery in Petah Tikva.[13] He left a suicide note wherein he professed his innocence, beginning it with

I went to invite Yehuda Silman [he] and Shmuel Eliyahu to a Torah trial in heaven. [10]

Upon hearing of this, Eliyahu said:

19.  !  Scott Quiner Update: Criminal Investigation Into Doctors, How They’re KILLING, Payoffs for MURDER!  Stew Peters Show

 Last week, the doctors at Mercy called Anne and tried to browbeat her into letting Scott be taken off a ventilator to die. hey were going to unplug Scott Quiner from life at high noon on Thursday, and that was that. Anne’s only shot was to take things to court: The court of law, and the court of public opinion. After we had Anne on to tell her story, Mercy Hospital was barraged with what we’re told was thousands of phone calls and emails. Thomas Renz is an attorney. You’ve heard him on this show before. He’s been filing legal challenges all over the country against coronavirus tyranny and he joins us today.

Rita Kroon heard our segment about Scott and reached out to us recently. She had this to say. “My husband was a patient at Mercy Hospital from November 26 through December 9, 2021. We had both tested positive [for] SARS-Cov-2 and Covid-19 was detected. Burt was not vaccinated and received negligent care at best. He lost 15 pounds in 10 days because the hospital staff withheld all fluids. I was not allowed to see him except one time, because of one compassionate nurse who on December 4 told me “I am going to bend the rules. Do you want to see your husband?””. He died in the Hospital’s care.

So we’ve seen this pattern play out, over and over and over again. Patients head to the hospital with a Covid case, their condition rapidly declines, they’re put on a ventilator, and they die. Why does this keep happening? One possible reason is this drug they keep giving them, Remdesivir. More than a year ago, even the World Health Organization said that Remdesivir shouldn’t be used, in ANY Covid cases, because here’s no evidence that it’s helpful and a lot of evidence that it causes deadly kidney failure, among other things. But hospitals keep using it, even while they move heaven and earth to keep patients from using ivermectin, which at a minimum is completely harmless even if it doesn’t work, and there’s quite a bit of evidence that its does work. But it’s not just Remdesivir that is causing patients to die. Dr. Brian Ardis joins us to talk about what’s causing patients to die so frequently in our pro-death hospitals.

Dr. Lee Vliet joins Stew Peters to blast open and expose the corrupt federal operation to kill off Covid-19 patients by paying off doctors and hospitals with financial incentive. Dr. Lee Vliet joins us.

Stew announces the airing of new premium content featuring your favourite dissident doctor, Dr. Jane Ruby! Become a premium user for access to the full show, extended Stew Peters interviews, behind-the-scenes content and MORE! http://redvoicemedia.com/premium

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com

18.  Confirmed: Doctors Intentionally Killing Unvaxxed, Deadly Formula Repeatedly Used  [9:42]  Stew Peters Show

Rita Kroon heard our segment about Scott and reached out to us recently. She had this to say. “My husband was a patient at Mercy Hospital from November 26 through December 9, 2021. We had both tested positive [for] SARS-Cov-2 and Covid-19 was detected. Burt was not vaccinated and received negligent care at best. He lost 15 pounds in 10 days because the hospital staff withheld all fluids. I was not allowed to see him except one time, because of one compassionate nurse who on December 4 told me “I am going to bend the rules. Do you want to see your husband?””. He died in the Hospital’s care. Rita Kroon joins us.

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com

17.  !!Proof: Docs Know They’re Killing: Fauci’s Deadly Remdesivir Had 50% Kill Rate in Ebola Trial                     Stew Peters Show

So we’ve seen this pattern play out, over and over and over again. Patients head to the hospital with a Covid case, their condition rapidly declines, they’re put on a ventilator, and they die. Why does this keep happening? One possible reason is this drug they keep giving them, Remdesivir. More than a year ago, even the World Health Organization said that Remdesivir shouldn’t be used, in ANY Covid cases, because here’s no evidence that it’s helpful and a lot of evidence that it causes deadly kidney failure, among other things. But hospitals keep using it, even while they move heaven and earth to keep patients from using ivermectin, which at a minimum is completely harmless even if it doesn’t work, and there’s quite a bit of evidence that its does work. But it’s not just Remdesivir that is causing patients to die. Dr. Brian Ardis joins us to talk about what’s causing patients to die so frequently in our pro-death hospitals.

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com

16.  !!! Receipts: Hospitals Paid to Kill- Providers Incentivized By Feds to Murder Covid Patients             Stew Peters Show

Dr. Lee Vliet joins Stew Peters to blast open and expose the corrupt federal operation to kill off Covid-19 patients by paying off doctors and hospitals with financial incentive. Dr. Lee Vliet joins us.

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com

15.  !!  Docs Tried to Kill Unvaxxed, Could Face Criminal Charges: Sheriff Must Decide   Stew Peters Show

 Last week, the doctors at Mercy called Anne and tried to browbeat her into letting Scott be taken off a ventilator to die. hey were going to unplug Scott Quiner from life at high noon on Thursday, and that was that. Anne’s only shot was to take things to court: The court of law, and the court of public opinion. After we had Anne on to tell her story, Mercy Hospital was barraged with what we’re told was thousands of phone calls and emails. Thomas Renz is an attorney. You’ve heard him on this show before. He’s been filing legal challenges all over the country against coronavirus tyranny and he joins us now.

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com 

14.  !!  The Plan to Tag Us for the New World Order Slave System  [1:04:27]   BY RHODA WILSON 

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko believes SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon. Patents spanning two decades support this view. Those who created the weapon also investigated and identified antidotes, which includes the zinc ionophore hydroxychloroquine.

The antidote to Covid was intentionally suppressed to encourage people to get the Covid injection, which Dr. Zelenko believes is a tool to tag people for the New World Order slave system.

13.  !![What patriots the world over need to hear!  Riccardo Bosi of Australia, leader of the party Australia One, and a former Australia Army Special Forces Lt. Colonel— a man who seems to understand what we’re up against and what it takes for people to triumph over fascist governments–gives an enormously powerful, Churchillian speech to the people of Australia, which is all too relevant to us and to freedom-loving people the world over.]


In an almost declaration of war Riccardo Bosi sends an urgent message to Australia.

Times up for the traitors who have betrayed Australia and the world.

12.  Revealed: Israel Police uses Pegasus to spy on regular citizens

Expose reveals widespread hacking without judicial oversight, to investigate crime or to gather information “in case it proves useful.”

Reports that Israel Police has been using the highly controversial Pegasus spyware system to hack into phones belonging to regular Israeli citizens have caused outrage after being revealed on Tuesday, even though Public Security Minister Omer Bar-Lev categorically denied that police intruded into devices without a judge’s approval.

[Ed.: I don’t see what all the commotion is all about. Israelis have created (and perpetuated) a system of government that happens to be a totalitarian, fascist structure, while calling itself a ‘Democracy,’  and treats the public like the guinea pig serfs that we are, and WE LIKE IT! We just have to prevent that knock on the door, our suicide, or “sudden heart attack.”  As long as we pay our taxes, and send our children to defend us from the arabs, for the most part,  they will leave us alone; unless we want to go to the store, or the bank, ride on a bus or a train, leave the country, or run a business. Then all bets are off!    Rule Number One in Israel, “The Only Democracy In The Middle East” is: DO NOT PISS OFF YOUR MASTERS, or you might end up like the Jews of Judea and Samaria, and the 10,000 Jews of Gaza, who already learned their lesson the hard way.]

11.   Who is steering America’s ship of state?  Prof. Phyllis Chesler

A Jihadist walks into a temple, takes hostages in order to free a known Jew hater and Jihadist and it has nothing to do with the Jews? Op-ed   

I admit it. I’m tired of writing the same piece again and again, weary of documenting the same willful and dangerous blindness on the part of the left-liberal Western media and the intelligentsia which has empowered them—on the subject of Islam, Islamic Jew hatred, and Islamist Jihad. I’ve been doing so for twenty years—perhaps for fifty years. I’ve written at least a thousand articles or more as well as two books: The New Antisemitism (2003, 2014) and Living History: On the Front Lines for Israel and the Jews (2003-2015).

It is not enough. And I am hardly alone. Others have been draining this swamp even as quickly as it fills up again or, as my esteemed colleague Richard Landes has phrased it, we are cleaning out the Augean Stables—truly, a Herculean task. Our names are legion (Khaled Abu Toameh, Andrew D. Bostom, Steve Emerson, David Hirsh, Charles Jacobs, Lori Lowenthal Marcus, Nidra Poller, Charles Small, Ibn Warraq, Bat Ye’or), and we have been joined by younger, wonderful people (Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Dovid Efune, Daniel Gordis, Elder of Zion, Matti Friedman, Dara Horn, Zuhdi Jasser, Asra Nomani, Andrew Pessin, Bari Weiss), who should be here long after we are gone.

10.   Who will Israel’s next leader be?  by Yshai Amichai 

When the day comes and Netanyahu retires, who could be the person to take over and what should we be looking for in him? Opinion.

Benjamin Netanyahu might be tempted to sign a plea bargain in the alleged corruption charges piled up against him, that would allow him to retire from politics without the threat of incarceration. Such a threat has been shadowing him for years. He might be tired of fighting it.

Netanyahu has failed to form an effective coalition in the four recent elections, between April 2019 and March 2021. In June 2021, Naftali Bennett replaced him as prime minister. After failing so many times in the past, there seems little chance of Netanyahu succeeding now.

Should Netanyahu stay in politics, he will likely remain as the leader of the opposition, or worse, be voted out of the Likud leadership. Stepping down and enjoying a peaceful retirement might be preferable to him.

Either way, the day will come when Israelis will no longer look to Netanyahu for leadership. He has led the country for 15 years. While still energetic and relatively young (at 72), he does not seem to offer anything new or better than the two years of political deadlock still fresh in our minds.

9.   Bennett government will look to recruit new parties, says PM

Yamina gearing up for Netanyahu’s possible departure from politics as part of plea bargain, aims to enlist additional parties to government.

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s Yamina party is gearing up for Opposition Leader Benjamin Netanyahu’s possible departure from politics as part of a plea bargain – a situation which could put pressure on coalition members to form a new government with a post-Netanyahu Likud.

[Ed.:  I have the perfect solution!  Create a Beduin Party!!]

8.  Health Min. losing control: ‘I don’t know how many new cases there were yesterday’

‘Obvious that when you take shortcuts you’ll let someone who is still contagious out of quarantine,’ head of public health Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis says.

Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, head of Israel’s Public Health Services, has expressed concern over the government’s decision to shorten COVID-19 quarantines – for both those who test positive and those who were exposed – to five days.

7.  Researcher: Israel has second highest infection rate in the world

Israel is days away from peak of Omicron wave, says Prof. Eran Segal. 2 million Israelis likely have been infected with Omicron.

Some two million Israelis have already been infected with the Omicron variant of the coronavirus, an Israeli researcher estimates, even as the number of new infections per day continues to rise.

Prof. Eran Segal from the Weizmann Institute of Science spoke with Yedioth Aharanoth Tuesday, saying that the spread of the Omicron variant appears to be following predictions made less than a month ago.

Segal added that the current wave would likely peak in the next few days, then begin to decline.

“About three weeks ago, we predicted that the rise [in infections] would continue for three weeks, after which there would be a decline. That is what’s happening now, just as predicted.”

[Ed.: Israel’s medical experts seem to be very accurate with their predictions, no!  I’ll bet that they’re so good at predictions, that they could accurately predict the outcome of the US 2022 elections! Like elections, PCR tests are calibrated to achieve the desired results. And like PCR tests, vaccinations can be calibrated to toxicity levels. Follow the science! (If you don’t, we’ll kill you anyway!)]

6.   Pelosi’s Top Pick For Chairwoman of the Transportation Committee Repeatedly Crashes Her Car Into Parked Vehicle, Walks Away  (VIDEO 0:45)  By Cristina Laila

Congressman Thomas Massie posted a viral video of Speaker Pelosi’s top choice to serve as the Chairwoman of the Transportation Committee repeatedly crashing her car into a parked vehicle.

Pelosi’s top pick to chair the Transportation Committee is 84-year-old Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-District of Columbia).

Norton was seen on video repeatedly crashing her car into a parked vehicle, parking badly, then walking away.

5.  Why Did the FBI Violate Protocol and Launch SWAT Assault After All Hostages Escaped? By Larry Johnson

Let me make it clear up front that I have no problem with killing a terrorist. But the death of Malik Akram, who had been holding four  hostages at a synagogue north of Dallas, does not make  sense. The FBI Hostage Rescue Team  did not  follow the standard operating procedure for conducting an assault.

4.   Hawaii to Require Travelers Have Covid Booster Shot in Order to be Considered “Fully Vaccinated”   By Cristina Laila

Hawaii will require travelers to be fully vaccinated *and boosted* in order to skip the mandatory quarantine.

Travelers who do not have the Covid booster will be ordered to quarantine for five days, Hawaii Governor Ige announced.

“We know that the community needs time to react to that, so we would have to provide at least two weeks for those who may not be up-to-date to go to have the opportunity to go and get vaccinated if they need to,” the governor said, according to Hawaii News Now.


The declared ingredients for the Biontec-Pfizer vaccine are basically the mRNA component, sugar, various salts, and the five key lipids used in the liposomal “get the mRNA into the cell” vaccine biotechnology.


Mark Playne

The declared ingredients for the Biontec-Pfizer vaccine are basically the mRNA component, sugar, various salts, and the five key lipids used in the liposomal “get the mRNA into the cell” vaccine biotechnology.

Of the five lipids, two are classified by the manufacturer as not fit for human use,

The coded lipids known as ALC-0315 and ALC-0159

ALC-0315 is cationic (Please search for detailed NOTB post on this)

ALC-0159 is PEGulated


As we’ve been pointing out for many months, not one of these ingredients could cause the vaccine-induced magnetism we have witnessed, documented, had verified and filmed.

Graphene Oxide has been discovered in the vaccines by Spanish researcher Dr Campra.

Imperial College’s Dr Andrew Goldsworthy first put the theory forwards of how atom thick graphene flakes could act like razor-bladed slicing through cell membranes inadvertently creating a magnetic field that could then spread cell to cell.

During all this investigation of undisclosed ingredients, we missed something obvious, staring us straight in the eyes.

Illegal ingredients.


As we’ve been pointing out for many months, not one of these ingredients could cause the vaccine-induced magnetism we have witnessed, documented, had verified and filmed.

Graphene Oxide has been discovered in the vaccines by Spanish researcher Dr Campra.

Imperial College’s Dr Andrew Goldsworthy first put the theory forwards of how atom thick graphene flakes could act like razor-bladed slicing through cell membranes inadvertently creating a magnetic field that could then spread cell to cell.

During all this investigation of undisclosed ingredients, we missed something obvious, staring us straight in the eyes.

Illegal ingredients.

2.  !!  Dr. Carrie Madej Issues Shocking Warning About Monoclonal Antibodies  [1:01:36]   by JD Rucker

There’s an odd disconnect among many who are opposed to the Covid-19 “vaccines.” We generally pan the experimental drugs for a wide variety of reasons ranging from the clear health risks and lack of efficacy all the way too many conspiracy theories that the jabs are just tools for depopulation. Some are opposed for religious reasons. Others are opposed out of pure distrust of Big Pharma and their lap dogs in government.

1.  Israel hit by massive flooding (VIDEOS)

Icy rains hit Israel over the weekend, leading to flooding and property damage



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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.