BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).
‘Faith Not Fear!’
Be sure to read between the lines! (B2EN THE//S)
U.S. Capitol, Washington D.C. 012322
31. ! Mysterious Patriot Front Group Has Data Leaked Exposing Suspect Videos, Outing Members and Even More Questions of Federal Infiltration [0:17] By Jim Hoft
So the mysterious Patriot Front group had its data leaked online this weekend.
Here is one videos where the members repeat Nazi slogans after they believe the cameras kept rolling following a staged video shoot.
Watch this…
“Seig f*cking Heil, let’s f*cking go! I can say that now that it’s (the video) over.”
30. ! Israel insists it only ‘legally’ spies on citizens
An Israeli minister has denied reports that police illegally used Pegasus surveillance software to spy on the country’s own citizens, calling the “central claim” – that the practice was illegal – “not true.”
Several government investigations were launched this past week after the Israeli newspaper Calcalist reported that law enforcement had been using NSO Group’s infamous Pegasus spyware to illegally intercept the calls of citizens.
The newspaper claimed that police had been using the spyware since 2013 to carry out surveillance on citizens “who were not criminals or suspects.”
Subscribe to RT
[Ed.: Hmmm… If it’s legal, that means that it’s ‘kosher’! The title should read: “Israel announces that it’s kosher to spy on citizens.” That’s like Moslems saying “I only kill people legally, as I am instructed to do in the Koran.” Or, “I only legally beat my wife. It’s in the Hadit!” Isn’t it interesting that the Deep State is running almost all of the nations in the world today! Israel today is finally (as they always aspired to be) ‘a nation amongst nations’. But, it is only “Israel” in name only (IINO)…]
29. !! How Bolivians Defeated The Vaccine Mandate
It is quite interesting to see how exactly Bolivians defeated the vaccine mandate set out by their authorities. The protests and roadblocks have finally yielded favorable outcomes in the country.
28. ! PHOTOS AND VIDEO: Over 20,000 Americans March in Washington DC Against Vaccine Mandates and Medical Tyranny By Alicia Powe
Over 20,000 Americans turned out today in the cold to attend the DEFEAT THE MANDATES RALLY in Washington DC.
The peaceful rally includes several voices and top authorities on the Coronavirus in the country today.
Speakers Include: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.,
Dr. Paul Alexander, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullogh, Lara Logan, Steve Kirsch, etc.
More than Six Thousand Federal Workers will also join the rally in DC including: Firefighters, First Responders, Doctors, and Americans in Peaceful March to Defeat the Mandates
27. ! Alberta Canada Inadvertently Published (and Quickly Deleted) Health Data Exposing that MORE THAN HALF of VACCINATED DEATHS Have Been COUNTED AS UNVACCINATED By Julian Conradson
In yet another absolute bombshell revelation the government of Alberta, Canada exposed itself this week when it accidentally published damning evidence that exposes how the public health authorities have been manipulating the Covid-19 statistics.
After seemingly realizing what it had just done, the corrupt Canadian province quickly scrambled to delete the incriminating data off their website, but, thanks to internet sleuths like Twitter user Metatron – and his substack post, we have the receipts.
… “And now, thanks to the now-deleted data, we can tell exactly how many cases have been fraudulently manipulated by inadvertently including the time from dose to infection for each of the events – and as it turns out, over half of the vaccinated deaths were added to the unvaccinated.”
26. ! Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate: Response to the Third Vaccination Terror in the Vatican (VIDEO 12:53 ) By Jim Hoft
Article originally published at Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate.
We are reposting with permission.
The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP) is a community of monks, priests and bishops living in monasteries. The BCP is headed by Patriarch Elijah with two Secretary Bishops, +Timothy and +Methodius. The BCP arose from the need to defend the fundamental Christian truths against heresies and apostasy. It does not recognize pseudo Pope Bergoglio [Pope Francis] and is not subordinate to him.
Dear Fathers in the Episcopal Ministry,
The Vatican has announced that whoever of the staff refuses to receive the third vaccine by February 1 will be fired immediately without notice.
Realize that you are under the dominion of the occupier, arch-heretic, and criminal Bergoglio. He will force you to carry out his crimes against Christ and humanity in your diocese and in your nation. You will have to fulfill his genocidal vaccination plan. Surely you know that the mRNA vaccine disrupts the human genome, among other things. It is associated with graphene, spike protein production, and the blood of sadistically murdered unborn babies. Actually, this is not even a vaccination, this is satanic anti-baptism. In addition, there is a vain hope that it will be all over after the third vaccination; there is already talk of a fourth one. This usher in a system of permanent vaccination, the aim of which is to turn humans into biorobots and genetically modified organisms. The end result is the reduction of humanity, and then? The lake of fire.
You are going to face eternal hell unless you separate from the Vatican’s vaccination anti-gospel. You can no longer remain passive! In this situation, passivity is a crime! You must actively oppose the deadly machinery. Unless you do so, you will be judged by God and men for betraying Christ and for crimes against humanity.
25. ! Biden frees another Gitmo terrorist DANIEL GREENFIELD
Mohammed Abdul Malik Bajabu, who was involved in murder of Israeli children in Kenya in 2002, [emphasis added] “can quote Mohandas Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King like teenagers quote Taylor Swift,” his lawyers say.
On Hanukkah 2002, four Hercules planes bearing hundreds of evacuees from Africa landed in Israel. The passengers included Israeli families who had been vacationing in Kenya. Some were alive, some wounded, and some children were returning to their homeland in coffins.
Now, Biden has decided to release Mohammed Abdul Malik Bajabu, an Islamic terrorist who “participated in the planning and execution of the terrorist attacks,” from Guantanamo Bay.
24. Albert Bourla to Israel: Pfizer working on annual COVID vaccine
Pfizer CEO says he expects the COVID-19 virus to “be with us for the years to come,” but that barring another anomaly like Omicron, life should return to some form of normal within the next few months.
[Ed.: Well isn’t that special!]
23. Second quake in 12 hours shakes northern Israel
The 4.1-magnitude tremor was centered some 10 miles southeast of Tiberias, according to Israel’s Home Front Command.
Residents of northern Israel reported feeling the ground shake on Sunday morning—the third such incident in less than two weeks.
According to the Israel Defense Forces Home Front Command, the epicenter of the quake was some 16 kilometers (9.9 miles) southeast of Tiberias. The tremor measured 4.1 on the Richter scale, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
It was the second tremor to be felt in 12 hours in the same region. The first was felt mostly in Haifa, the Krayot (close to the northern port city of Akko) and Beit She’an.
On Jan 11., a 6.6-magnitude tremor in Cyprus was felt throughout Israel.
22. ! Centenarians May Have Unique Gut Microbiome Which Is Important in Preventing Illness BY RHODA WILSON
People have been searching for the proverbial Fountain of Youth for centuries.2 In his later years, author Mark Twain noted that “life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of 80 and gradually approach 18.”
There have always been hopes that a cure would be discovered for aging, whether it was magical waters of the Fountain of Youth or stem cell research. Yet, this magical fountain is likely closer than you think.
Researchers from Keio University School of Medicine in Tokyo, Japan, recently released data1 after studying the gut microbiome of centenarians living in Japan. What they discovered was a unique bacterium that produced a type of bile acid, which seemed to be common to most of the study participants.
21. !! “Defeat the Mandates” March Sunday in Washington, DC by Sharon Rondeau
(Jan. 23, 2022) — A protest of government vaccine mandates and restrictions will commence Sunday morning at 11:30 on a route from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial.
Billed as “Defeat the Mandates: An American Homecoming,” the organizers of the event include mRNA technology inventor Dr. Robert W. Malone; Silicon Valley entrepreneur Steve Kirsch; and NBC Universal Local-Chicago Matt Tune, among others.
“The mandates are not American,” the event website states. “Stop the mass firings. Stop segregating by vaccination status. Stop calling Americans ‘unpatriotic’ for making a personal medical choice.”
Livestreaming will be provided by Del Bigtree’s “The Highwire,” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense, and by independent journalist Ivory Hecker, according to her Twitter feed.
20. Part XIV “Operation Barbarossa:” The German Invasion of Russia By Alex Grobman PhD.
*Editor’s Note: This is part XIV in a series from Dr. Grobman. You can read Part XIII, here
“Hitler’s Willing Executioners”
With the German invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 941, the Reich began the first stage in the campaign to exterminate the Jews of Europe. Historian Ronald Headland noted this “represented the last radical step in the process of dealing with the so-called ‘Jewish Problem.” Hitler did not envision this be a conventional war asserted historian Jürgen Förster. He planned and organized a Vernichtungskrieg, (a war of annihilation) to achieve his concept of Lebensraum (living space) by conquering Russia. The “idea of acquiring living space,” Förster said, was “inextricably intertwined with the extermination of Bolshevism and the Jewish people, with the doctrine of economic self-sufficiency, and with the strategic necessity of thereby winning the war against Great Britain.”
19. Earthquake felt in northern Israel
Earthquake measuring 4.1 felt in both Jordan and Israel.
Residents of northern Israel on Saturday night reported feeling an earthquake.
According to reports, the earthquake was felt in Tiberias, Tzfat, Yavne’el, Haifa, and the Krayot.
The quake, which measured at 4.1 magnitude, was felt in Jordan as well as in Israel. Its epicenter was reported to be south of the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee).
There have been no reports of injuries or damages.
18. ! US embassy families to leave Ukraine as Russia boosts border forces with Iskander-M missiles
Underlining war fears, the State Department on Saturday, Jan. 22, directed US diplomats’ families to evacuate Ukraine on Monday as Russia augmented its border strength to 175,000 troops. American civilians are to be advised to leave on commercial flights next week.
Stoking war tensions, Western intelligence sources reported sighting the transfer of an Iskander-M brigade from the Russian army’s tactical nuclear facilities to the Ukraine. They are speculating that this weapon is meant to serve as a first strike if Russia goes through with an invasion. This missile, which has a range of 500km, carries 500kg of explosives, but its warhead is also nuclear-capable. If fired in the Ukraine conflict, it would mark the first use ever of a tactical nuclear weapon in conditions of war.
The Russians have moreover equipped the Iskander brigade with extra P78-19 transporter-erector-launchers based on an 8×8 MZKT-79306 truck chassis, effectively quadrupling the brigade’s capacity. By launching their offensive with these missiles, the Russians would hope to save their air force bombers from being hit by Ukrainian air defense batteries.
The Russian army is additionally said poised to launch Kalibr cruise missiles from warships and submarines in the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea. These missiles, whose range is 2,400km, were used by the Russian army in the Syrian conflict.
17. ! Brazil: Child Vaccination Suspended After 10-Year-Old Girl Suffers Cardiac Arrest Hours After Receiving Pfizer Vaccine By JIM HOFT
A 10-year-old girl from São Paolo, Brazil has suffered a cardiac arrest and was in critical condition 12 hours after taking a dose of the Pfizer vaccine, the Covid World reported.
Luisa Petenuci took the Pfizer shot on Tuesday, January 18th in Lençóis Paulista, São Paulo. After 12 hours, she suffered a cardiac arrest and collapsed on her father’s lap.
Police officer Claudimar Petenuci, father of 10-year-old Luisa Petenuci, shared the horrific incident in an audio that went viral on social media.
16. Bongino: Russia-Ukraine conflict is not our war[3:16]
Dan Bongino weighs in on the president’s remarks about the Russia-Ukraine conflict at this week’s press conference.
This is absolutely amazing! The new VA governor, Glenn Youngkin, is fighting back against what has been bringing American society down.
It is most definitely not a given that politicians follow through with their campaign promises. So when they actually do, they must be noticed and commended! And the new VA governor so far has followed through. He has gone above and beyond to try to reverse the progressive agenda in Virginia. This is not only good news for Virginia, but this gives hope to America as a whole. Things can turn around. Glenn Youngkin did not waste one second. He became governor and got to work right away. This is encouraging. To have a politician follow through with what he said during his campaign is remarkable. As Charlie Kirk said, “This is winning.” Youngkin is making the necessary changes to improve things!
14. The Brainwashing is Nearly Complete By Rob Pue
It appears that the brainwashing of the New World Order Globalists is nearly complete. While there definitely are many Americans with eyes to see what’s right in front of their noses, most are happily going along with the plan of the planned-demic, oblivious to the wicked agenda of The Great Reset. And the blind ignorance of MOST is staggering.
In our nationally-distributed newspaper, Wisconsin Christian News, we publish the truth, though the truth is often unpleasant. The articles we publish are fact-checked and backed up with original sources so readers can research what we’re saying for themselves. The articles we publish include vital information from literally thousands of accredited researchers, scientists, doctors, ministers and even everyday, ordinary citizen reporters who publish what they’re seeing first-hand.
13. ! Dear Vaccinated Americans By Lex Greene
There are only two types of COVID vaccinated Americans now. Those who mistakenly believed Fauci and Gates fake science, but also believe in freedom and liberty and the Right of every individual to make their own decisions, and the Karens of society (both female and male), who somehow grew up thinking it’s their place to tell everyone else what to do.
First, the well-intentioned victims of the Gates and Fauci vaccine scam, based entirely upon fake science.
I actually feel bad for you. I’m sorry that you failed to ask any questions or do any of your own research before surrendering to the “global reset vaccines.” By now, you have likely figured out some or all of the following facts;
- None of the shots are FDA approved. They are only “FDA authorized for emergency use.”
- None of the shots are actually “vaccines.” They are all mRNA human gene experiments, and you are the lab rats.
- The shots do NOT prevent infection, transmission, illness, or death.
- Your mask is useless against any virus.
- You still aren’t “vaxxed” unless you continue taking booster after booster after booster, until you die.
- 94% of COVID labeled deaths, died of something else.
- You failed to follow the science and chose to follow the herd instead.
- Your decision was based in fear, not science.
- No one knows how to undo the DNA damage that’s been done to you!
12. ! Indifference to a Christian Genocide by Raymond Ibrahim
On November 17, 2021, the U.S. State Department removed Nigeria from its list of Countries of Particular Concern…. despite several human rights organizations characterizing the persecution meted out to Nigeria’s Christians as a “genocide.”
- Worse, not only did the Obama State Department for eight years refuse to designate Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern; during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State (2009-2013), she, too, refused to designate Boko Haram in Nigeria as a “terrorist” organization… despite [its] being a jihadist group whose adherents have murdered more Christians and bombed more churches than the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria combined.
- Her refusal persisted despite the urging of the Justice Department, the FBI, the CIA, and more than a dozen senators and congressmen for her to designate Boko Haram.
- “The one thing she could have done, the one tool she had at her disposal, she didn’t use. And nobody can say she wasn’t urged to do it. It’s gross hypocrisy… The FBI, the CIA, and the Justice Department really wanted Boko Haram designated, they wanted the authorities that would provide to go after them, and they voiced that repeatedly to elected officials.” — A “former senior U.S. official,” quoted by Josh Rogin in the Daily Beast, May 7, 2014.
- Apparently such is the official unwavering and consistent response, whether under Obama/Clinton or now under Biden: Nigeria is not a “country of particular concern” — even as a genocide continues to be waged against its Christians.
11. Éric Zemmour: France’s Last Chance for Survival? by Guy Millière
When French President Emmanuel Macron speaks, it is only about the pandemic. Political analysts think that if he manages to avoid all other topics, his reelection will be a certainty. If he does not, everything could turn out any which way.
- “No, the great replacement is not a fantasy”. — Éric Zemmour, candidate in France’s upcoming presidential election, YouTube, December 15, 2021.
- “Four hundred thousand Muslim immigrants enter France each year. In five years, that makes two million more Muslims. These Muslims go to live in the Muslim areas and do not integrate… What do you think that means?” — Éric Zemmour, YouTube, December 15, 2021.
- “We see violence in our cities and towns…. We see hatred of France and its history becoming the norm… You abandon, without reacting, entire districts of our country to the law of the strongest… if a civil war breaks out, the army will maintain order on its own soil…. No one can want such a terrible situation… but yes, once again, civil war is brewing in France and you know it perfectly well”. — Open letter in Valeurs Actuelles, signed by thousands of professional soldiers who asked that their names not be made public, May 9, 2021.
9. White House Press Secretary Slips and Says Who She’s Really Reporting To and It’s Not Biden [0:29] By Joe Hoft
For more than a year Americans have wondered who is running the country. We know it’s not Joe Biden so who is it?
We asked in January 2021 before his inauguration, who was running the Biden gang?
[Ed.: Surprise, surprise, surprise!!]
8. !! DC Prison Warden Throws J-6ers into Lockdown and Isolation Without Warning – Democrats Continue to Shred Constitution in Quest for Total Dominance By Jim Hoft
Did you know that a Trump supporter saved a Black Trump supporter’s life from the DC Police on January 6th?
The mainstream media ignored this for some reason?
Political prisoner Jake Lang is serving time in Washington DC for his actions on January 6.
Jake Lang, a Jewish Trump supporter, has been held without trial and abused in the DC Gitmo for over 350 days.
Jake Lang was trampled when Capitol Police attacked and then without warning pushed Trump supporters down the stairs outside the US Capitol in Washington DC.
Jake was buried under several people when the Capitol police continued to push protesters on top of him. He was next to Rosanne Boyland who was killed by police when they trampled her and pushed Trump protesters on top of her. Jake saw Rosanne die. He saw it in her eyes. He also saw Philip Anderson’s limp body who was laying next to Rosanne Boyland. This was all while DC Police continued to beat, push and pepper spray the protesters on the ground.
7. Kamala Harris Says One of Her “Expectations” This Year is Mass Amnesty For Millions of Illegal Aliens (VIDEO 0:26) By Cristina Laila
Kamala Harris this weekend told reporters that one of her “expectations” this year is mass amnesty for millions of illegal aliens.
A record number of illegal aliens crossed over the US border from Mexico in 2021.
Border Patrol agents encountered nearly 2 million illegals last year thanks to Joe Biden’s immigration policies.
Kamala Harris is pushing for mass amnesty in order to permanently entrench the Democrat party.
6. More than one-quarter of Canadians support jail time for the unvaccinated, new poll finds By Dakota Christensen
The survey also found that 66% of Canadians are in favour of mandatory COVID shots for everyone over the age of five.
A majority of Canadians have little-to-no sympathy for their fellow citizens who are unvaccinated, a new national survey finds.
According to the poll, which was conducted by Maru Public Opinion on January 14 and 15 and surveyed an online panel of 1,506 Canadians, 54% of respondents said they have no sympathy for an unvaccinated person who becomes seriously ill or dies as a result of contracting COVID.
5. ! Canadian truckers ‘Freedom Convoy 2022’ set to depart B.C. for Ottawa to protest vaccine mandate By Dakota Christensen
The very first leg of the convoy is set to depart from Prince Rupert, B.C. on Saturday morning at 7:00am.
A coalition of Canadian truckers is preparing to drive across the country to protest a federal vaccine mandate in Canada’s capital.
Three separate convoys of truckers will be travelling along routes starting from British Columbia in the west, Newfoundland in the east, and Windsor, Ontario in the south, all departing at separate times so as to arrive jointly in Ottawa on January 29.
The very first leg of the convoy is set to depart from Prince Rupert, B.C. on Saturday morning at 7:00am. Several groups across the country have planned protests in support of the cause, for various times and locations along the convoy’s route to the capital.
On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Evening Edit,” Texas Dept. of Public Safety Lt. Christopher Olivarez said TSA allowing illegal immigrants to use arrest warrants as identification at airport security checkpoints is “going to be an opportunity these criminal organizations are going to take full advantage of” by having gang members “come across and try to board these planes so they can make it further into the country.” And “that is a national security threat.”
Olivarez said [relevant remarks begin around 2:00] someone can get on a plane using an arrest warrant as a form of identification and end up anywhere in the United States.
[Ed.: Yes, that’s the point!]
3. ! Biden Plans to Give Taxpayer-Funded ‘Legal Services’ to Illegal Aliens
President Joe Biden’s administration is set to roll out a new federal program, funded by American taxpayers, that will provide “legal services” to border crossers and illegal aliens, a new report details.
The plan, first reported by Axios, would ensure that private contractors working with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) help provide a range of legal services to border crossers and illegal aliens arriving at United States-Mexico border stations in California, Texas, and Arizona.
2. ! China: Winning!
House Republicans, Democrats Lobby Joe Biden to Cut U.S. Tariffs on China
A total of 140 House Republicans and Democrats are lobbying President Joe Biden to cut United States tariffs on billions of dollars worth of China-made imports.
Last month, Breitbart News exclusively reported how Reps. Darin LaHood (R-IL), Jackie Walorski (R-IN), Ron Kind (D-WI), and Rep. Suzan DelBene (D-WA) were courting lawmakers to sign their letter to U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) Katherine Tai — urging her to allow more “made in China” imports to avoid U.S. tariffs.
The Section 301 tariffs on billions of dollars worth of China-made products were first imposed by former President Trump after a decades-long free trade consensus in Washington, D.C., that has eliminated 3.7 million American jobs from the U.S. economy from 2001 to 2018.
1. !! Defeat the Mandates [Today, happening world-wide !!]
We will gather for “Defeat the Mandates: An American Homecoming” this Sunday, January 23rd in Washington, D.C. to peacefully protest government mandates, vaccine passports and the loss of our fundamental rights.
Please watch this video message from our Chairman and lead counsel Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on the importance of this rally and his invitation to join us for this historic event.
Participants from all walks of life will be attending, regardless of political affiliation, race, ideology or vaccination status. We will gather to peacefully protest and march together in unity to restore democracy, reclaim our civil liberties and say NO to mandates.
This event was led and organized by Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, along with us at Children’s Health Defense, and Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, Global Covid Summit, World Council for Health and JP Sears. Together, we invite everyone to what will be a historic event this Sunday, January 23rd in Washington, DC.