Daily Shmutz | 012922

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)


These truckers are legends. God bless them, and give them the endurance to make life miserable for Trudeau for weeks to come. Watching this makes me proud to be Canadian again. God speed truckers. Truck Frudeau. These coward tyrants make me sick. Much respect for all the Canadian truckers, and other freedom fighters. Much respect for Hugo for constantly updating by creating all this content. Stay strong everyone, and much love.40.  !! LIVE COVERAGE: Freedom Convoy arrives in Ottawa

Rebel News is live from Parliament Hill.

The massive Freedom Convoy converging on Ottawa from across the country is set to arrive.

Rebel News has more than 10 journalists on the ground at Parliament Hill today, including Rebel boss Ezra Levant.

Sheila Gunn Reid hosts this special live coverage where, from her studio near Edmonton, Alberta, she’ll be joined by our team members in Ottawa throughout the afternoon.

To see all of our reporting on the convoy, visit ConvoyReports.com.

39.  Kid Rock lays down the law…  [2:42]

Kid Rock threatens to cancel any concert on his tour if there are COVID protocols

Kid Rock says he won’t perform anywhere on his 2022 “Bad Reputation Tour” if there are COVID protocols in place. Rock made the announcement ahead of tickets to his tour going on sale at 10 a.m. today.

Rock’s tour will take him to 24 cities, kicking off on April 6 in Evansville, Indiana before wrapping up at Pine Knob in September. The Romeo, Michigan native will be at Van Andel Arena on Sat., April 16 and at Pine Knob on Fri., Sept. 16 and on Sat., Sept. 17, unless people are asked to wear masks and show proof of vaccinations.

“You’re going to be getting your money back because I won’t be showing up, either,” Rock said on his Facebook page. “If you think I’m going to sit out there and say don’t tell me how to live, “We The People,” while people are holding up their f-ing vaccine cards and wearing masks, that s— ain’t happening.”

38.  China plants dozens of shell firms in Israel to prize out military industrial hi-tech

Dozens of phony high-tech firms have sprung up across Israel to serve China’s latest campaign to winkle out advanced military knowhow from Israel’s defense industries. Washington recently handed a list of those straw companies to Israel’s Shin Bet domestic security service which is responsible for blocking alien penetration of Israel’s top secret defense technologies. Beijing has long sought access to those technologies. Its latest stunt for getting around the Shin Bet has been to gain partnerships in Israeli high-tech companies.

Having picked up on this stratagem, all local defense firms were issued instructions in recent weeks to notify the Defense Ministry’s Security Department of any offers of investment or partnership coming from foreign quarters. Those offers could then be screened to weed out Chinese associations.

But some did get through, nonetheless, and achieved their goal.

37.  !4 MIG-29 Fighter Jets strike Israeli border!   99,758 views   Jan 27, 2022

36.  !!Justice Coming for Victims of COVID Totalitarians & Murderers: Dr. Fuellmich  [29:39]

The lies and totalitarian policies pursued by the COVID tyrants are catching up to them and the perpetrators will be held accountable, international super lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich told The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Conversations That Matter. The pandemic was largely the result of PCR testing fraud, the so-called vaccines are harming untold numbers of victims, and the totalitarian policies pursued by governments have led to a global catastrophe, explained Fuellmich, who has interviewed doctors and experts from around the world for his Corona Investigative Committee and has taken on some of the most powerful corporations on Earth. Meanwhile, a handful of elites and profiteers massively expanded their power and wealth. But justice is coming, and all those responsible must be held criminally and civilly accountable, he said. A grand jury is being presented with evidence now against a number of key individuals.The international lawyer Reiner Fuellmich talks about how the pandemic is largely the result of PCR testing fraud, with the so-called victims harming others, while totalitarian policies have led to global catastrophe. Fuellmich and his friends set up the Corona Investigative Committee in July 2020 because they did not expect answers from the government or the mainstream media. The three most important questions they had, according to him, include the level of danger of the virus, the reliability of the PCR test, and the damage that the coronavirus measures are doing.

‘Yes, there is a virus out there. It may be part manmade, or maybe even completely manmade, we don’t know that. But it is no more dangerous than the common flu.’

He also points out that the human immune system can deal with almost anything, including the virus. “So the infection fatality rate of this virus is no more than 0.14 to 0.15 percent.”

35.   FDA Responds to The Post & Email’s Questions on Withdrawn Treatments, Vaccine Safety   by Sharon Rondeau

(Jan. 29, 2021) — On Monday the FDA announced it would “limit use” of two types of monoclonal antibodies to fight COVID-19, which some criticized as a decision made without any supporting “clinical data.”

“As we have throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has used the best available science as the virus has evolved to make informed decisions with the health and safety of the American public in mind,” the announcements begins. “Ensuring that healthcare providers on the frontlines have the best tools available to treat patients is a top priority for the agency.”

“In light of the most recent information and data available, today, the FDA revised the authorizations for two monoclonal antibody treatments – bamlanivimab and etesevimab (administered together) and REGEN-COV (casirivimab and imdevimab) – to limit their use to only when the patient is likely to have been infected with or exposed to a variant that is susceptible to these treatments,” the press release continues.

34,   We Have Had a Narrow Escape from Tyranny But the War on Freedom Is Not Over   Paul Craig Roberts

On January 23 I reviewed on this website Kees Van Der Pijl’s new book, States of Emergency https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2022/01/23/the-covid-deception-is-a-power-grab/ . Van Der Pijl answers the question so many people have of why and how a fake “deadly pandemic” was orchestrated with worldwide participation in the fraud. He shows that the event was long in the making by a global elite consisting of philanthropists such as Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Wellcome Trust, elite organizations such as the World Economic Forum, tech companies and multi-billionaire owners, Fauci at NIH, CDC, FDA, WHO, pharmaceutical companies and lobbyists, and elite organizations and groups created for the purpose of concentrating power and advancing and protecting the global elites’ rule by using fear to condition the masses to being controlled and deprived of a voice and alternative explanations. I had been thinking along these lines, but lacked Van Der Pijl’s detailed knowledge of the personalities, organizations and groups and the interactions and cooperation between them. He gives us the story. It was an elaborate exercise in massive deception and censorship that was able to discredit the world’s most renowned medical scientists and to elevate pure fiction to fact and public policy.

We owe it to ourselves to read States of Emergency in order to come to terms with the fact that we are ruled by people devoid of integrity to whom truth is an inconvenience and who are concerned solely with their control and power.

33.   Meet the Capitol Police’s New Spy Chief   By Julie Kelly

Capitol police, acting as the Stasi of the Democratic Party, will collect dirt on Republicans under the pretense of national security then leak gossipy details to an always-compliant news media.

When most Americans hear the term “Capitol Police,” they likely conjure visions of uniformed officers manning metal detectors at the numerous congressional buildings or helping tourists navigate the sprawling Capitol grounds: a D.C. version of a mall cop.

That imagery, however, is in stark contrast to reality as Democrats have weaponized yet another federal agency to target their political enemies on the Right.

32.  !  From Liberal Democracy to Global Totalitarianism   By Dr. Thaddeus Kozinski

How did THAT happen?

An excessive desire for liberty at the expense of everything else is what undermines democracy and leads to the demand for tyranny.


In a recent lecture at Notre Dame, Alasdair MacIntyre argued that the claims and conceptions of universal and inalienable human dignity as reflected in documents such as the 1948 United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in various post-war European constitutions are puzzling, since this dignity requires a duty of respect to everyone just for being human, no matter their behavior or character, so Stalin the mass murderer has as much dignity and deserves as much respect as Mother Teresa. Aquinas’ view of dignitas as interpreted by Charles De Koninick is a challenge to this view, for it assigns human dignity, not to the mere fact of being human, but to end to which we are called, which is supernatural, union with God, which might not be attained due to one’s choices on earth against those common goods which enable our attainment of the supernatural end, and so human dignitas could be lost. According to this view, which is founded on the end to which humans are called and the virtue of justice, not the mere fact of being human and an ambiguous and philosophically ungrounded human dignity, the 20th-century concept of human dignity is much too individualistic, and because it is not based in justice and the common good, only can provide negative prescriptions against the undignified treatment of humans. It is unable to provide positive prescriptions that enable persons to obtain the common goods and the virtues they need to attain their supernatural end. For MacIntyre, we need to speak of human dignity in terms of justice, what we owe to each other for the sake of enabling persons to attain their personal and common goods and final end, which is the knowledge and love of God in this life and the next.

31.   Canadian Constitutional Crisis | Brian Peckford | The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast   [1:22:42]

30.  The Canadian Freedom Convoy: Blacked Out, Defunded, and Still Growing   By Aden Tate

It was on January 15 that the Canadian government decided they needed to impose a jab mandate over Canadian truckers, claiming that man no longer had the right to his own body, but that his body instead belonged to the state.

And so, Canadian truckers organized, creating the Freedom Convoy.

This massive caravan may very well have set a world record, as it’s estimated that 50,000 trucks have joined with it. That’s trucks – not truckers.

29.   A Registered Nurse Shares Her Experience With the Moderna Shot  [2:28]

A wobbling registered nurse named Kristi Simmonds hangs on to a cane as her whole body shakes while she talks about her Moderna shot’s adverse reactions. As a nurse she is very pro-vaccine, she says.

That’s why she took the shot to protect her patients and fellow coworkers — but “everyone should be made aware that this is a possibility.”

28.  Rhonda Patrick on Vitamin C  [1:19:10]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Fight COVID and the Common Cold With This

Doctors who have used it call this under-appreciated vitamin a ‘premiere treatment’ for many types of infections, but others shun it because it doesn’t produce significant profits. With high doses it can help eliminate pathogens and could prove to be invaluable for coronavirus.


  • Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D., discusses vitamin C in-depth, covering everything from its effects on immune function and viral infections to the bioavailability of different vitamin C forms and administrations, such as oral or intravenous — plus much more
  • Vitamin C, even in small quantities, protects proteins, lipids and even DNA and RNA in your body from reactive oxygen species that are generated during normal metabolism as well as due to toxin exposure
  • Vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant within your cells, helping to protect immune cells from incurring damage, and may promote the production of interferon, which helps defend against viruses
  • Vitamin C’s anti-cold effects are among its most-studied uses, and research suggests that using vitamin C prophylactically as well as therapeutically at the onset of cold symptoms may reduce symptoms and cold duration
  • Due to vitamin C’s antioxidant properties, it may help decrease the risk of neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease and multiple sclerosis because it reduces oxidative damage
  • Bioavailability of vitamin C varies by form; intravenous is most bioavailable, but liposomal vitamin C, in which vitamin C is encapsulated in a lipid particle, may increase bioavailability of oral vitamin C considerably

27.  Are We Living in a Dystopian Reality?   Analysis by Tessa Lena

In order to make hundreds of millions of people worldwide comply with abuse, those in power have constructed a massive tower of lies. Dissembling this tower of lies brick by brick shows just how absurd the new normal is.


  • What will our life today sound like to the future generations? Will they be able to understand how we agreed to this?
  • In order to create massive confusion, those in power have constructed a massive tower of lies
  • Yes, Fauci did compare COVID to influenza in a paper published in February 2020
  • BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street own majority stakes in every big company in every major industry, including in the media
  • The entire official COVID narrative of the past two years rests on a number of bold lies, and people are being medically murdered to justify corporate profits and a transition to the Great Reset

26.  ! Google Doesn’t Want You to Research Mass Formation Psychosis  [1:00:11]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

The Epidemic of Madness Engulfing the Globe

Rates of anxiety and depression have increased dramatically, as well as cases of psychosis as more and more people experience delusional thinking and hallucinations. Similar to the witch trials of the 16th and 17th centuries, society is once again losing touch with reality. Where will it all end?


  • Mass formation involves the formation of a hypnotic state around a shared consensus
  • Those under its spell obsessively focus on a failure of the normal world or a particular event or person, who becomes the focus of the attention and can effectively control the masses
  • Mass formation can occur in a society with feelings of social isolation and free-floating anxiety among a large number of people; it leads to totalitarian thinking and, eventually, to totalitarian states
  • After Dr. Robert Malone mentioned mass formation on an episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, the term went viral
  • The technocrats quickly took action, manipulating search results and populating Google with propaganda to discredit Malone and the mass formation psychosis theory

[Ed.:  Don’t use Google!  Use Duck Duck Go as your search engine.]

25.  !More evidence the VA is improperly delaying or denying community care to eligible veterans

Americans for Prosperity Foundation has obtained new documents in its ongoing Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Department of Veterans Affairs.

These documents provide even more evidence that the VA is failing to comply with the community care standards created by the VA MISSION Act, which was meant to give veterans more access to non-VA medical care.

The documents confirm that the VA is issuing guidance that disregards access standards and unlawfully adds layers to eligibility determinations not found in statute or regulation.

24.  From Janet Levy:

Looks like Canada’s the place to be at the moment. They’re starting the revolution!  The freedom convoy is now 45 miles long and moving east from BC and west from Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and PEI.  Next stop after Ottawa:  Washington, D.C.  (You wouldn’t know from the mainstream media that this fight for freedom is taking place and that millions of people worldwide are following it).

The convoy has even received a supportive tweet from Elon Musk, who has 72 million followers on Twitter, and raised over $7 million so far!  Throughout the second largest country in the world (after Russia), Canadians are lining the streets in below zero temperatures to show their support.  This is SO awesome!

I know Canada extremely well having spent time in 9 out of the 10 provinces over the years.  They’re such polite rules followers (better educated than Americans) that I wouldn’t have guessed it in a million years.  I’m ready to belt out a hearty “O Canada.”  What an inspiration to the world!

Europe is watching and planning similar convoys.

We are all Canadians today!

23.  !Official Data shows Children are up to 52 times more likely to die following Covid-19 Vaccination than Unvaccinated Children & the ONS is trying to hide it

The Office for National Statistics has revealed without realising it that children are up to 52 times more likely to die following Covid-19 vaccination than children who have not had the Covid-19 vaccine.

Back on 20th Dec 21, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published a dataset containing details on ‘deaths by vaccination status in England’ between 1st Jan and 31st Oct 21.

The dataset contains various tables showing details such as, ‘Monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status for deaths involving COVID-19’, and ‘Monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status for non-COVID-19 deaths’.

What the dataset also includes is ‘age-standardised mortality rates by age-group and vaccination status for all deaths’, however they have conveniently left out the data for children, and only included data on age groups over the age of 18.

What they also did in the data they included is bunch all young adults together meaning the rates of death are calculated for 18-39 year-olds, a total of 22 years. But for every other age group the rates of death are calculated for a total of 10 years, with 40-49, 50-59 etc.


22.   Ursula von der Leyen’s Behaviour Falls Short of Transparency Required Under EU Law   BY RHODA WILSON 

An investigation by an EU watchdog into secret text messages sent by Ursula von der Leyen, EU Commission President, to Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO, has accused von der Leyen of “maladministration”.

A journalist, netzpolitik.org’s Alexander Fanta, submitted a Freedom of Information request (“FoI”) in May 2021 to release text messages between von der Leyen and Bourla.

The Commission, however, stated that it is not in possession of those communications at all. Texts and other short messages are by their “nature a short-lived document which does not contain in principle important information concerning matters relating to the policies, activities and decisions of the Commission,” wrote the Commission’s secretary-general. In that respect, “the Commission record-keeping policy would in principle exclude instant messaging.” This means that if the Commission wants to keep something in the dark, it can simply use WhatsApp.

The spokesperson didn’t answer the question as to whether von der Leyen’s messages to Bourla were deleted, whether they still exist or whether the Commission just doesn’t know. The commission refused to say whether the texts existed – even though von der Leyen had referred to them herself in a media interview.

Von der Leyen’s office’s response to the text messages between her and Bourla prompted the submission of a complaint to the EU’s ombudswoman Emily O’Reilly.

21.  Unvaccinated United Airlines Pilot Stuck on Unpaid Leave

Sherry Walker, a United Airlines pilot who refused to get the Covid-19 vaccine due to religious reasons, is now on forced unpaid leave with no way to seek another job due to the company’s strict non-compete clause.

The pilot said that she refused to comply with the vaccine mandate as she refused to be complicit in the use of fetal tissue, which was used in the research and development of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, and in the deployment of Johnson & Johnson.

Walker said at a protest against vaccine mandates in Washington, D.C: “I am out on unpaid leave. I am prohibited from getting another job. I’m prohibited from accessing my 401(k). I have no medical benefits, and I’m leading the charge in this fight, so my days are consumed.”

20.   18 Lies about Covid-19 & the Covid-19 Vaccines; and 18 Truths they are designed to cover up

  1. mRNA vaccines are not gene therapy
  2. mRNA vaccines are just a more high tech version of your regular flu shot vaccine.
  3. mRNA vaccines are destroyed by your immune system with a couple of days
  4. mRNA vaccines do not leave the injection site in your deltoid shoulder muscle
  5. mRNA vaccines are safe
  6. mRNA vaccines are effective
  7. mRNA vaccines wane in efficiency over time
  8. Masks protect us all from Covid
  9. Mass vaccination should occur during a pandemic
  10. Lockdowns are beneficial
  11. Vaccine Immunity is as good or better than natural immunity
  12. Therapeutics such as Vitamin D, Ivermectin. Budesonide, Intravenous Vitamin C, Mouthwashes with Cetylpyridinium Chloride, Zinc and Quercetin. N-Acetylcysteine (NAC), Hydroxychloroquine are ineffective and/or dangerous and should be denied.
  13. Vaccines do not cause miscarriages.
  14. Vaccine mediated Myocarditis is mild.
  15. Hands and surfaces can spread Covid. So we should deploy hand sanitizers
  16. Asymptomatic people can spread Covid
  17. Vaccines are effective against Omicron
  18. The Spike protein is the best viral component to use in a vaccine

19.  Attorney Tom Renz Reveals Names of Covid-19 Vaccine Damage Pentagon Whistleblowers

Attorney Tom Renz revealed the names of three Department of Defense (DoD) whistleblowers who attested to the damage caused by Covid-19 vaccines. The names were shared during a Covid-19 roundtable organised by Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson.

Held on January 25th, 2022, several experts met to discuss the damage caused by vaccines. In attendance was cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance and mRNA vaccine technology inventor Dr. Robert Malone.

In response to a challenge by Johnson, Renz named the three whistleblowers. Additionally, he presented data that showed a huge increase in serious side effects caused by the jabs.

“We’ve got three whistleblowers who have given me permission at this point to share their names. Lt. Col. Dr. Theresa Long, DO, MPH; Dr. Samuel Sigoloff; and flight surgeon Lt. Col. Dr. Peter Chambers, DO. All three have given me this data; I have declarations from all three [that] this data is under penalty of perjury. We intend to submit this to the courts,” Renz told the senator.

18.  !This Virginia AG Legal Opinion Shreds University COVID Jab Mandates   BY SHAWN FLEETWOOD

Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares delivered a legal opinion on Friday arguing that state universities do not possess the authority to require students to receive the COVID jab as a condition for enrollment or attendance of in-person classes.

Addressed to Gov. Glenn Youngkin, the opinion notes that while “Virginia’s public institutions of higher education are public corporations” and “are afforded separate corporate status,” they ultimately “remain under control of the General Assembly and may only exercise such powers as the General Assembly has expressly conferred or necessarily implied.”

17.  !Nebraska Becomes 17th State To Call For Article V Convention Of States   BY SHAWN FLEETWOOD

The Nebraska legislature passed a resolution on Friday calling for an Article V convention of states, making it the 17th state to do so.

After considering it for the past year, the unicameral body approved the measure in a 32-11 vote, with six senators abstaining or absent. According to the resolution, the Nebraska legislature seeks to call a convention “limited to proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States that impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, and limit the terms of office for its officials and for members of Congress.”

16.  !Swing State Courts Strengthen Election Integrity In Major Rulings Ahead Of 2022 Midterms   BY JORDAN BOYD

Several state courts issued major election integrity rulings this week that could have a profound effect on elections in swing states ahead of the 2022 midterms.

15.  EXCLUSIVE: Georgia School District Published Plans To Teach Critical Race Theory, Then Hid Them   BY SPENCER LINDQUIST

Documents obtained by Heritage Action revealed that Gwinnett County Public Schools, the largest public school district in the state of Georgia, admitted plans to teach both critical race theorist and Marxist thought to students enrolled in an AP Language and AP Research Combination Class.

In an audit syllabus obtained by Heritage Action, the school district remarked that “Students will bridge the skills from AP Language to AP Research, analyzing the value of using different lenses in social criticism (Critical Race Theory, Feminist, Marxist, Psychoanalytic) to aid their analysis across issues, and the class will discuss how these perspectives apply to the different methods used by research fields.”

14.   A Happier Society Would Have More Children   BY TRISTAN JUSTICE

Americans are the unhappiest they’ve been in more than half a century, and they’re not having children.

If your neighbors seem depressed, that’s because they probably are.

Americans are the unhappiest they’ve been in more than half a century, and they’re not having children.

According to new data from the General Social Survey highlighted by former Washington Post reporter Christopher Ingraham, just 19 percent of Americans last year said they were “very happy,” down from 31 percent, nearly a third, three years before. Twenty-four percent in 2021 said they were “not too happy.”

13.  ! California Mom Sues Teachers For Brainwashing Her Daughter Into Identifying As Transgender

A California mother is pursuing legal action after her seventh-grade daughter was subjected to “predatory” and “grooming” behavior by teachers and school administrators in order to brainwash her into identifying as transgender.

he Center for American Liberty headed by Harmeet K. Dhillon filed a lawsuit last week on behalf of the mother, Jessica Konen, contending that her rights under California law were violated when teachers Kelly Bakari and Lori Caldiera along with the Spreckels Union School District in Monterey County secretly invited Konen’s daughter to an “equality club” and coached her to take on a different gender identity.

The claim alleges that the school district and teachers kept club participation secret, encouraged children to lie to their families, and inflicted emotional distress upon Konen and her daughter.

12.   COVID Vaccines Will Be Necessary For Over 100 Years Says Mayo Clinic Doctor

According to MarketWatch, a vaccine researcher and editor-in-chief of the Vaccine academic journal believes COVID vaccines will be required for about 100 years.

“So let me make a prediction, which will be hard for any of you to hold me to because we will all be dead by then, but your great-great-great-grandchildren will still be getting immunized against coronavirus,” As per a Daily Mail transcript, Dr. Gregory Poland said in a January 19 webinar regarding the fate of COVID.

“How can I even say such a thing? If you got your flu vaccine this fall, you were immunized against a strain of influenza that showed up in 1918 and caused a pandemic,” he added.

[Ed.:  This guy is such a pessimistWe will indict, try, and fry them long before that…]

11.   FDA Asks Court To Delay First 55K Batch Of COVID Docs; Pfizer Moves To Join Case

As explained in prior posts, in a lawsuit seeking all of the documents the FDA relied upon to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, a federal judge shot down the FDA’s requested rate of 500 pages per month and instead ordered the FDA to produce at the rate of 55,000 pages per month starting on March 1.

Since the government has trillions of dollars of our money, it is putting it to good use by fighting to assure that the public has the least amount of transparency possible.  To that end, it has now asked the Court to make the public wait until May for it to start producing 55,000 pages per month and, even then, claims it may not be able to meet this rate.

The FDA’s excuse?  As explained in the brief opposing the FDA’s request, the FDA’s defense effectively amounts to claiming that the 11 document reviewers it has already assigned and the 17 additional reviewers being onboarded are only capable of reading at the speed of preschoolers.

10.  Another US Trained Soldier Stages A Coup In West Africa

The driving forced behind the Burkina Faso coup currently taking place within West Africa is yet another individual who is from a quite long line of US trainees. The latest turn of events have seen the removal of an elected president.

9.  How Fact Checkers Are Used To Confuse The People

Five-time Emmy award-winning journalist Sharyl Attkisson said she has observed an increased effort to manipulate the public to appreciate censorship and disapprove of journalism. The use of third-party fact-checkers to confuse people is one of the strategies that has been employed, she said.

8.   New Law Would Make It Illegal To Demand A Person’s Vaccine Status

As per a newly proposed South Carolina law it would be illegal for certain institutions to ask a person for their COVID-19 vaccination status.

“The government has no place in making you or telling you to take the vaccination or threatening your livelihood if you don’t,” said state Rep. William Chumley, a co-sponsor of the bill, known as H.4848.

According to the text of the bill, a representative of a public, private, or nonprofit entity who asks about a person’s COVID-19 vaccination status should be fined more than $14,000 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

“South Carolina didn’t want to get in this fight,” Chumley told local media outlets. “It was brought to us by the federal government.”

7.   Parliament Hill: Climbing atop a car carrier truck in the middle of freedom convoy 1-28-2022  [3:14]

Climbing atop a car hauler carrier trailer in the middle of the bustling freedom convoy currently disrupting the city of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada filmed at 6h pm tonight at sundown.   More freedom convoy videos: https://bit.ly/3HcUHGW

6.  ‘Freedom convoy’ truck drivers approach Ottawa ahead of protest

Truckers part of a ‘Freedom Convoy’ roll through Thunder Bay, Hamilton, and the GTA on route to Ottawa to protest the recent vaccine mandates for cross-border truckers. #ITSBrief #freedomconvoy #truckingforfreedom

5.  !  Trucker convoy passes through Rigaud on way to Ottawa  [1:28]

4.  Vehicles jam downtown Ottawa; Police chief warns weekend will be ‘fluid, risky and significant’    [1:50]

After hours on the road, the first of several convoys of trucks and vehicles protesting vaccine mandates entered downtown Ottawa amid the din of air horns on Friday, where some drivers said they would stay until the government caved to their demands. While the “core” organizers of the trucker convoy and demonstrations planned for the nation’s capital have advised it will be peaceful, Ottawa’s police chief says they haven’t been able to get the same assurances from others, and the weekend’s events will be “fluid, risky and significant.”

3.  !  Canada truckers’ vaccine protest spirals into calls to repeal all public health rules

Ahead of Saturday’s protest in Ottawa, Trudeau dismisses the group as a ‘small fringe’ that holds ‘unacceptable views’

A convoy of truckers and their supporters is set to converge on the Canadian capital in a protest which has spiralled from frustrations over vaccine mandates into calls for the repeal of all public health measures – and even the overthrow of the federal government.

Ahead of Saturday’s protest in Ottawa, the prime minister, Justin Trudeau, dismissed the group as a “small fringe” that held “unacceptable views” and didn’t reflect the majority of Canadians.

2.   Pittsburgh Bridge Collapses Hours Before Biden Visit to Talk Infrastructure  [1:30]  Jack Phillips

A snow-covered bridge in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, collapsed several hours before President Joe Biden’s scheduled visit to speak about an infrastructure deal.

Officials said 10 people were injured on Friday morning in the collapse. The bridge, located in the Point Breeze neighborhood, carries Forbes Avenue over Frick Park, according to a Twitter post from the city’s Department of Public Safety, which said the collapse occurred at around 7 a.m. ET.

1.     .

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.