Daily Shmutz | 020322

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

37.  !Daily Beast Demons Attack Christian Doctors: Media Hates God, Needs Exorcism  [11:15]  Stew Peters Show

The Daily Beast is really putting in the work to deserve its name. They want to be the newspaper of the Beast of Revelation. The Daily Beast just put out a hit piece against Doctor Stella Immanuel, a Christian Doctor who prays over all of her Covid patients to help them through their recovery.
Beast System journalists are demonic. They hate religion, they hate Christ, they hate prayer. They worship a different god, the Golden Calf they call the vaccine, and they want you to receive communion in the form of a booster shot 4 or 6 or 12 times a year in order to serve the god of their Covidian religion. Truth and prayer work, and Dr. Stella Immanuel has had great success, helping hundreds of patients just this year. Dr. Stella joins the Stew Peters Show today to discuss how she is keeping her patients out of the killer hospitals.

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com

36.  !LIVE From the DC Gulags: Political Prisoners Go On Hunger Strike, Demand Action [15:05]  Stew Peters Show

Its been more than a year since January 6th, 2021, and for hundreds of President Trump’s most loyal supporters, their home right now is a dark jail cell in DC.
One of those political prisoners is Jake Lang, who has been on the Stew Peters Show before to tell of the torture, the abuse, the denial of basic rights, that he and other protestors have experienced at the hands of woke DC guards. Jake Lang was able to sneak out another phone call today to announce that the political prisoners are all going on a hunger strike and demanding justice for this political persecution. You can support Jake Lang and the other political prisoners here: www.givesendgo.com/j6truth

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com

35.  !! Ask Dr. Jane: Can We Trust Anything? All Vaccines Are Suspect For Undisclosed Ingredients  [13:10]  Stew Peters Show 

Dr. Jane Joins the Stew Peters Show to answer questions submitted by the Stew Peters audience. One thing that everyone can agree on is that public trust in the Medical Industrial Complex is now at an all time low. Transparency in modern medicine is non-existent, and it’s possible that all vaccines are suspect for undisclosed ingredients. Dr. Jane goes into detail in this episode of the Stew Peters Show.

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com

33.  !! 400,000 Vaxx Abortions: Military Data Confirms 300% Increase in miscarriages  [14:53]  Stew Peters Show

We know that any substance consumed by pregnant woman can be deadly to the baby. Big pharma ads don’t let us forget it, nor do the thousands of mothers working tirelessly in social media groups to inform each other about the things that can kill their kids.
When it comes to Dr. Fauci’s unholy clot shot, even the New York Times has admitted that vaccinated women are experiencing a chaotic menstrual cycle, and post-menopausal women have even started their periods again.
On Wednesday, a lion in the arena of public safety and research, Steve Kirsch, joined the Stew Peters Show to share what else is being impacted by the highly powerful bioweapon drug being shoved into the arms of deluded.
Mr. Kirsch believes the number of spontaneous abortions and miscarriages may exceed 400,000. And this is based on data from the DOD and underreporting rates in VAERS.

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com

32.  White Mystery Clots: Scientists Weighing in From All Over the World  [19:13]   Stew Peters Show 

Scientists from all over the world are checking in since Board Certified Embalmer Richard Hirschman appeared on the Dr. Jane Ruby Show to reveal the strange, never-before-seen white clots!

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com

31. !!!!! COVID-19: A Second Opinion (Shorter Highlight Video 38:25)   Senator Ron Johnson

 On January 24, 2022 Senator Ron Johnson invited a group of world renowned doctors and medical experts to the U.S. Senate to provide a different perspective on the global pandemic response, the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be addressed long term. This 38 minute video highlights the 5-hour discussion.

30.  BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Lawrence Sellin Identifies Chinese Science Mole at the Highest Level of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)    By Joe Hoft

The Secretive Career of a Chinese Science Mole at the Highest Level of the National Institutes of Health.

U.S. medical research laboratories are little more than Chinese colonies, extensions of China’s fused military-civilian research programs and fully funded by the U.S. taxpayer.

Chinese scientists working in the United States, many of whom have become U.S. citizens, have remained loyal to the Chinese Communist Party and are actively collaborating with their counterparts in China, including the People’s Liberation Army.

[Ed.:  But, of course!]


28.  BOOM! Farmers Driving Tractors Break Through Police Barricades To Join Trucker Freedom Convoy [VIDEO 3:50]   By Patty McMurray

The great news keeps coming in from our neighbor to the North.

100 Percent Fed Up – Canada’s Truckers for Freedom Convoy have now been joined by farmers and tow truck drivers, who have broken through the police blockades in a show of support for the truckers’ anti-vaccine mandate movement.

The trucker convoy is now blocking the US-Canada border between Alberta and Montana as part of their protest. The police set up barricades on the highway and called in tow trucks to come and remove the semi-trucks from the highway. While the tow truck drivers did show up, instead of coming to tow the semis, they joined the protest instead!

In addition to the tow truck drivers, farmers also came to join the protest, breaking through the police barricades to join the #TruckersForFreedom movement.

27.  Here’s How Democrats Plan to ‘Rig’ the 2022 Election to Keep Democrats in Majority and Pelosi Speaker   By C. Douglas Golden

When Republican-controlled state legislatures set congressional districts in a manner that’s beneficial to the GOP, that’s gerrymandering and disenfranchisement. When Democrats do it, however — no matter how egregiously it may be done — it’s just plain redistricting.

And, if you’re the type that gets outraged at nakedly cynical redistricting, egregious is the only word that can be used for the map New York state Democrats have drawn up. While the state currently has 19 Democrat representatives and eight Republicans in the House of Representatives, the new map will have 20 Democrat-leaning seats, four Republican-leaning seats and only two competitive districts, according to an analysis by FiveThirtyEight.

26.  !!  Most Vaccinated Country on Earth Has Highest Number of COVID Deaths Per Million People This Week   By Jim Hoft

Ten days ago an “expert panel” in Israel recommended a fourth dose of the COVID vaccine to protect the people from the coronavirus.

Already Israel is the most vaccinated country on Earth.

But it doesn’t seem to be helping.

Israel now has the highest COVID number of COVID deaths per one million people in the world.
Maybe the FIFTH shot will do the trick?

[Ed.: I really don’t see what all the commotion is all about. Israelis have created (and have perpetuated for three quarters of a century) a system of government that happens to be a totalitarian, fascist structure, while calling itself a ‘Democracy,’  and treats the public like the guinea pig serfs that we are, and WE LIKE IT!    We just have to prevent that knock on the door, our suicide, or “sudden heart attack.”  As long as we pay our taxes, and send our children to defend us from the musloids, for the most part,  they will leave us alone; unless we want to go to the store, or the bank, ride on a bus or a train, leave the country, or run a business. Then all bets are off!    Rule number One in Israel, “The Only Democracy In The Middle East” is: DO NOT PISS OFF YOUR MASTERS, or you might end up like the Jews of Judea and Samaria, and the 10,000 Jews of Gaza, who have already learned their lesson the hard way.

Netanyahu and Israel’s fascist government have made a Faustian deal with the Devil against Israel, and are now committing genocide. This government is killing its own population deliberately, and forcefully, without the public’s knowledge or consent! For far less than this, the Holy Temples were destroyed twice, and we were dispersed throughout the diaspora for two-thousand years!  Imagine what He’s going to do this time! It won’t be pretty.]

25.  !Children 52 Times More Likely To Die Following COVID Vaccine Says British Govt Report

The British government reports claim that the children are 52 times more likely to die following COVID vaccine. Mortality rates were even greater among individuals who took two doses of the COVID vaccine in both young age groups.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) in the United Kingdom has revealed statistics showing that children who took the COVID-19 vaccine had a 54-fold higher death rate than their un-jabbed equivalents.

The ONS released age-standardized statistics on the mortality rates of people in 5-year age groups in the United Kingdom in December, classified by their “vaccination” status for the COVID-19 doses. The data covers the period from January 1, 2021 to October 31, 2021.

The ONS calculated “monthly age-standardised mortality rates by age-group and vaccination status for deaths involving COVID-19, per 100,000 person-years,” but only for people aged 18 and up. The jabs, meanwhile, are accessible to youngsters as young as 12, and those children are permitted to obtain the shot over the will of their guardians. In a few occasions, kids as young as 5 have received a lesser dose of the shots.

[Ed.:  We all know now that this is state-sponsored infanticide…]

24.   The Jewish Underground in Warsaw   By Alex Grobman, PhD

Highlighting: “Tikva Fatal-Knaani, Eds. “The Jewish Underground Press in Warsaw, Volume One: May 1940-January 1941” by Joseph Kermish. Jerusalem, Israel: Yad Vashem Publications, 2017. ISBN 978-965-308-567-1.

Before the Nazis invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, the press played a significant role in the political, social, economic, cultural and traditional life of Polish Jews. There were 30 daily newspapers and over 130 periodicals in Yiddish, Polish and Hebrew. Once the Germans occupied Poland, Jews were denied all access to outside sources of information, including foreign and German newspapers and even radios, which were confiscated. By the end of 1939, the only sources of information Jews had available were the occupation press, and sporadically, Polish underground newspapers, which at the beginning did not allot any information about the plight of the Jews. Only the socialist Polish press would, at times, publish reports about German actions against Polish Jews. Jews were thus deprived of information on a regular basis about the economic conditions in Poland and about new decrees that had immediate effect on their daily lives.

23.   Evyatar: One Step Closer To A Promise Fulfilled?   by AFSI Staff

In his final hours in office as he retired on Tuesday, outgoing attorney general Avichai Mandelblit gave a green light to a deal between the government and Judea/Samaria community. This would retroactively authorize Evyatar without the need for a legal reason. The next step toward the establishment of a permanent yeshiva in Evyatar is the declaration of its land as state land.

[Ed.:  Avichai Mandelblit, the god of Israel (IINO) is stepping down, and will soon be the ex-god of IINO.  Thank you, oh powerful one, for this single and final act of benevolence in your evil career! But we already know what happens to government approved Jewish developments, so we won’t hold our vaccinated, genetically modified breath!]

22.   Doctor Dies After COVID Shot

Dr. Neil Singh Dhalla fell asleep four days after he got his COVID booster shot — and died from a heart attack. A CEO of a major health clinic, he was only 48 and had never had heart problems in his life.

[Ed.:  His mistake was trusting his doctors!]

21.  Are You Suffering From Bell’s Palsy?   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Bell’s palsy is a unilateral facial nerve paralysis that data indicate may be an adverse effect from the COVID shot. Consider two complementary treatments to speed recovery and favorable outcomes.


  • Bell’s palsy is a neurological disorder of the seventh cranial nerve that causes unilateral facial paralysis; thus far 13,137 cases of Bell’s palsy have been recorded in VAERS following the COVID shot
  • Factors that increase the risk for the condition are high blood pressure, diabetes, pregnancy, obesity and upper respiratory health conditions. The general incidence has been measured between 30 and 39.9 per 100,000 depending on the population and geography
  • The incidence of Bell’s palsy in people who have been vaccinated varies. For example, one study showed the incidence with CoronaVac used in Hong Kong was 66.9 per 100,000 and a shot equivalent to the Pfizer vaccine yielded 42.8 per 100,000 person years
  • There are several factors suggesting the incidence may not be fully noted in VAERS for several years. These include underreporting, the delay in posting reports, and the potential that Bell’s palsy can develop more than one year after an incident
  • Research suggests there may be seasonal variations in the diagnosis. Consider adding complementary treatments to speed recovery, including acupuncture and herbal medications

20.  The Genocidal Ramifications of the Criminal COVID Conspiracy  [11:39]    Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Unearthed Emails Shed Light on COVID Origin Conspiracy

Early on in the pandemic, those who suggested the virus had escaped from the Wuhan lab were promptly labeled ‘conspiracy theorists.’ Now new evidence makes it more likely than ever that there was indeed a conspiracy, but of a whole different type.


  • House Oversight Committee Republicans recently released the contents of emails sent between Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and his boss, then-National Institutes of Health director Dr. Francis Collins in 2020
  • The emails show Fauci and Collins rapidly agreed to suppress the theory that SARS-CoV-2 came from a lab. While questions of intentions remain, it seems this decision was made for political reasons
  • Sir Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust in London, who also helped promote the narrative that the lab leak theory was nothing more than a wild conspiracy theory, has publicly stressed that he feared then-president Trump might use evidence of a lab leak to start a war against China
  • Grant applications from the EcoHealth Alliance to the NIAID reveal the U.S. was funding the very research that could have resulted in this novel virus. Some of that research was even conducted in the lab in Wuhan, China
  • It appears the scientific establishment will cover for China, no matter what the cost, out of fear of being defunded and/or losing scientific credibility and standing. The willingness of U.S. authorities to cover up the origin of SARS-CoV-2 means that countries can now assault us with bioweapons indefinitely, with full impunity.

19.  Going after the devils and snakes in Canada – Pastor Artur Pawlowski [1:53]

18.   Johns Hopkins professor blasts his OWN college and the mainstream media for not publicizing study that found COVID lockdowns only reduced deaths by 0.2% because it doesn’t fit their ‘narrative’

  • Economists at the college found that lockdowns reduced deaths by just 0.2%
  • The meta-analysis of 24 studies called stay-at-home orders ‘ill-founded’ policy 
  • Makary, a surgeon and professor, said the university didn’t publicize the findings
  • He called out the media for ignoring the study on Tucker Carlson’s show
  • Economists who carried out the review said border closures had virtually zero effect on Covid mortality (-0.1%)
  • Researchers found closing nonessential shops was most effective, causing 10.6% fall

17.   Next stop, Toronto? Fringe group says truckers convoy headed to Queen’s Park  by Deborah Stokes

Toronto police say they are aware of the demonstration planned for Saturday and will have an operation in place

A Toronto group aligning itself with Freedom Convoy 2022 protesters in Ottawa is circulating flyers on social media calling for a protest against COVID-19 restrictions and mandates at Toronto’s Queen Park on Saturday, Feb. 5.

The social media post claims “thousands of truckers will be on route to Queen’s Park! We ask all patriots to attend and support this peaceful assembly.”

16.  Why The Covid Pandemic Warrants A Holocaust Comparison    by Del Bigtree

On Sunday, January 23rd, 2022, at the ‘Defeat The Mandates’ Event in Washington, D.C., an estimated 40,000 men, women, and children marched from the National Monument to the Lincoln Memorial.

… “Thus, if the Holocaust does not begin with people being loaded on boxcars, the point can and should be made that the Holocaust begins somewhere much earlier. Most history books point to the then-German government slowly taking away the rights of the Jews and the tiny incremental increases in the use of the press to promote demeaning language towards the Jews.

If the end stages of the Holocaust are not the totality of the Holocaust, then references to the Holocaust can and must include these earlier milestones. If the memory of the Holocaust is to be an example to avoid further human tragedies, as hoped by Anne Frank, rhetoric, laws, censorship, etc., that lead to demonizing a group of people must be called out in the name of the Holocaust before they result in tragedy. How else could we avoid the doom of repeating it?”

[Ed.:  Well, Del writes a good article here, but his premise is mistaken.  There is no comparison. See Jack Englehard’s comment on this.]

15.  !! Military lawyer says genetic changes from COVID vaccines are creating a new human ‘species’ under the law  [29:37]                                                              THE JOHN-HENRY WESTEN SHOW    FEBRUARY 1, 2022

On today’s episode John-Henry is joined by attorney Todd Callender, who explains how the COVID pandemic has turned us into lab rats subject to a nefarious gene therapy experiment.

14.  !! Israeli Scientist Blows Down the Covid House of Cards   By Steven Yates | January 19th, 2022

Every so often, something comes my way that gives me hope that sanity just might prevail in this world. The most recent something came yesterday courtesy of my friend Tom Woods (who sends out a daily letter it is worth your while to subscribe to).

He reproduced, in full, a blistering letter from an Israeli immunologist — a real scientist, that is, who goes off real data, not a career federal bureaucrat and fraud like Fauci going off manufactured/cooked “data” protected by corporate media power and censorship.

As I wrote to Tom thanking him for the letter and asking if I could use it, if this doesn’t blow down the covid-19(84) house of cards, then nothing will — short of an actual civilian die-off that will be literally impossible to hide as life insurance companies find themselves overwhelmed with claims and in danger of going under financially.

Tom, you have the floor:

Udi Qimron, head of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Tel Aviv University and a leading Israeli immunologist, has taken the opportunity posed by the collapsing narrative to release this open letter to the authorities (this is a mechanical translation from the original Hebrew).

13.  !COVID-19 Vaccines: Scientific Proof of Lethality

Over One Thousand Scientific Studies Prove That the COVID-19 Vaccines Are Dangerous, and All Those Pushing This Agenda Are Committing the Indictable Crime of Gross Misconduct in Public Office   

Just over 12 months from deployment of the COVID 19 emergency use experimental vaccines,  scientific studies in the thousands, and reports of criminal complaints of assault and murder from the illegal, unlawful use of biochemical poisons made to police forces around the country, verify an assault on an unsuspecting UK population. Irrefutable science shows that the COVID 19 vaccine is not safe and not effective in limiting transmission or infection from the SARS-CoV-2, coronavirus pathogens.

The “safe and effective” false propaganda, put out by public officials who now are continuing to push this vaccine, is a clear breach of duty. A public office holder is subject to, and aware of, a duty to prevent death or serious injury that arises only by virtue of the functions of the public office.

Many have breached that duty and, in doing so, are recklessly causing a risk of death or serious injury, by carrying on regardless of the now-confirmed dangers associated with COVID 19 injections. Some of these risks are blood clotting, myocarditis, pericarditis, thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, anaphylaxis, Bell’s palsy, Guillain-Barre, cancer including deaths, etc.

All of these are confirmed in the following science-and-government-gathered data from the UK Health and Security agency on COVID 19 regarding vaccine damage.

12.  Reiner Fullmich  [39:49]

11.  !  Dr Reiner Fuelmich Interviews Dr Michael Yeadon Former Vice President Pfizer  [3:43:16]

10.  Quebec Cancels Planned Health Tax On The Unvaccinated After Growing Backlash

Quebec has cancelled planned health tax on the unvaccinated following mounting backlash. The exact amount of the tax was unknown, although it was speculated to be around $100 and $800 per unvaccinated individual

9.  Plea In Bombay High Court Seeks ₹1,000 Crore Compensation Alleging Death From COVID Vaccine

A case filed in the Bombay High Court by the father of a medical student wants compensation of Rs 1,000 crore, stating that his daughter died as a result of the Covid-19 vaccine’s negative effects. Covishield vaccine maker Serum Institute of India, its partner Bill Gates, as well as state and federal authorities, are named as respondents in the petition.

8.  ! Anger over BLM’s purchase of $8.1 million Toronto mansion grows as group’s finances scrutinized   BY ANDREW KERR

Canadian Black Lives Matter activists are furious over the group’s recent $8.1 million cash purchase of a mansion in downtown Toronto that once served as the headquarters of the Communist Party of Canada .

The U.S. charity that serves as the face of the BLM movement provided the bulk of the funding for the purchase of the 10,000-square-foot property in July. The purchase flew largely under the radar at the time, but anger has now reached a boiling point amid other revelations about BLM’s management and its finances.

“For BLM Canada to take money from BLM Global Network [Foundation] for a building without consulting the community was unethical,” Canadian BLM activists Sarah Jama and Sahra Soudi said in a recent statement. “For BLM Canada to refuse to answer questions from young Black organizers goes against the spirit of movement-building.”


7.   Canadian Convoy Movement Goes Global — Next Stop, U.S.?

Those who move the world’s goods to market demand an end to oppressive and unnecessary COVID restrictions.

While the big U.S. media mostly pretend Canada’s convoy of truckers disgusted with COVID lockdown culture doesn’t exist, it does. It’s a potent movement that has tapped into a deep vein of cultural anger and resentment over the Canadian government’s authoritarian response to the virus. And guess what? It’s coming here, and soon.

As we’ve discovered again in recent years, the left loves civil disobedience, until it’s someone disobeying them. Then it becomes filled with authoritarian busybodies, more than happy to deny you your rights to enforce their vision of the world – whether it’s COVID lockdowns used to force Americans to follow senseless, unscientific rules, racist America-hating Critical Race Theory forced on school kids, or insane “woke” cancel culture imposed on us all.

But some are now saying, “enough,” and loudly. And they’re not the elites. They’re working people who have seen their livelihoods damaged or destroyed, lost their rights to travel and and speak out, and in general have been treated as subjects, not citizens.

6.   The Canadian Truckers CAN’T Be Stopped!  [11:07]  Awaken With JP 

A freedom convoy of over 50,000 truckers are protesting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau‘s mandates. The truckers are crusading for their Nation’s freedom. Will they succeed? Here is everything you need to know.

5.   Erev Rav in Israel   by Chananya Weissman

This article is based on a recent presentation by Rav Shalom Barel. The video is in Hebrew and is over two hours long. Rav Barel presented clips of many prominent rabbis in Israel making declarations that serve the interests of the medical dictatorship in which we find ourselves.

Rav Barel methodically demonstrated how these rabbis falsified the Torah, presented false information about the covid/crapcine situation, and even contradicted themselves. One of them is even a false prophet – not metaphorically, but literally!

Due to the importance of this information I have transcribed the clips of these Erev Rav in English, and added some comments of my own. Henceforth I will not refer to any of these men as rabbis. They are not worthy of respect.

There is great room for differences of opinion in Torah matters, and students of the Torah should honor one another even when they sharply disagree. Generally speaking one should avoid harsh language, especially when referring to rabbis.

At risk of turning off some people, I am going to use very blunt, harsh language. The crimes of these men are so egregious that harsh language is not only justified, but appropriate, even if it turns some people off. A more deferential tone would legitimize them in some way, as if this is just a regular disagreement over Torah. This is not a regular disagreement. This is a war for the bodies and souls of the Jewish people, and these people are trying to destroy us. War is ugly. You can’t win a war by playing nice with those who are trying to destroy you.

4.  [Re-posting]  !! The Jews are now starting to FREAK OUT about being almost 100% vaccinated. They think they are the EXPERIMENT once again. Renowned Israeli doctor sounding the alarm

Dr. Vladimir Zalenko appeals to a rabbinical high court (Beit Din) to use alternatives to the virus and not the vaccine.  By the end of his presentation, one of the judges broke down and wept and actually audibly sobbed!

3.  [Re-posting]  !!   Dr. Zelenko Exposes & Risks It All, This Is World War Three, Death Rate As High As Two Billion  [21:48]


Dr. Mike Yeadon is a former Chief Scientific Officer at Pfizer turned Whistleblower. He has been exposing big Pharma lies in alternative media for months, mot recently revealing findings correlating to CDC Whistleblowers on batches released on purpose by big Pharma; some to maim, and others with the intent to kill global citizens. He has also been assisting with what is known to many in the public as Nuremberg 2.0.

1.   gettr Censors

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.