Daily Shmutz | 020722

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

[Editor’s note:  It’s not that I have a one-track mind that almost all posts are about the damned scamdemic, but that this is the front line at the moment of the world-wide war against humanity.  (The next front line will likely be economic.) I therefore dedicate this day to the effort to ‘spreading vaccine hesitation’ with the best of my ability!]

44.   Canada:  ‘Mama don’t ‘low no horn honkin’ around here!’ 

[Ed.: Actually, horn-honking is possibly the most celestial sound on planet earth!] January 28, 2022

43.  Shocking Wartime Crimes Hidden: Thousands of Young Brave Americans Died For Lies   [16:26]   Stew Peters Show

America’s war in Afghanistan was basically the biggest scam in world history. We spent $2.3 trillion dollars over twenty years to build a democracy, and then we turned it over to the Taliban, along with a billion dollars worth of military equipment. The entire time, defense contractors were collecting fat paydays; State Department hacks collected achievement stars while propagandizing Afghans with feminism; and our troops were ordered by terrible generals to ally with warlords and ignore the raping of young boys on our own bases.

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com

42.  !Bioweapon Bonanza: Moderna Gets Full FDA Approval for SPIKEVAX   [25:07]                           Stew Peters Show 

On today’s episode of the Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane breaks open the FDA’s approval of the Moderna mRNA bioweapon now known by its brand name, “Spikevax” and shows you how arrogant these companies are in their “in your face” presentations that tell you they know best and they will be modifying your God-given genetic material which they “hope” will treat disease, while ignoring the soaring death rates from their poisons. In segment 2 Dr. Jane interviews a man who was taken unconscious from a car crash scene to Flagstaff Medical Center and woke up on a ventilator. In the last segment Dr. Jane reveals how children forced to wear masks everyday suffer physically, emotionally and developmentally.

41.  !!Proof: Major Damage To Kids: Intentional Physical And Psychological Destruction        Stew Peters Show

Dr. Jane Ruby joins Stew to talk about what our kids have to go through on a daily basis in our schools. Spoiler alert: Its Hell on Earth for them.

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com

40.  Media Ambushes Dying Pure Blood: Inside Edition Tricks Young Dad In Need of Transplant   Stew Peters Show

 In January, the Stew Peters Show brought attention to the abuse of a Virginia father named Shamgar Connors, who was spending 12 hours a day on dialysis because a hospital kicked him off the kidney transplant list for being unvaccinated. Shamgar returned to the show on Monday to share that doctors are trying to get him labeled as psychiatrically unstable for his very understandable decision to not get the jab. He is also enduring a heartless attack by members of the lying media, specifically Inside Edition, who lied to him to get an interview, and then ambushed him and tried to make him look stupid.

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com

39. RINO’s Bash China, Allow U.S. To Fall: Totalitarian Rule And Communism Blankets America   Stew Peters Show

The social credit score system Michelle Malkin of China is here. RINO Republicans will throw a fit over the communist Chinese, while at the same time remaining absolutely silent about the same persecution happening to American patriots at home. Conservative political figure and public speaker Michelle Malkin has been banned from Airbnb, a company used for rental housing and promoting gay sexual relationships, and Dan Crenshaw didn’t blink an eye or bat an eye lid.

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com


37.   Israel freezes plans to connect Jerusalem to Ma’ale Adumim due to US, Meretz pressure   BY NADAV SHRAGAI

The planned construction in the E-1 corridor could prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state, says the U.S. administration. Maale Adumim mayor: “The time has come to realize our control of these lands before others take them over.”

[Ed.:  That’s okay, no one cares. The IINO government isn’t accountable to the electorate anyway, especially to those pesky Jews.  They always get screwed with impunity. Besides, why impede a Palestinian State? (Please keep in mind that this opinion is that of a true Kachnik...)]

36.  Corruption Is A Mechanism By Which Third World Countries Operate   By Frosty Wooldridge

Have you ever traveled through Mexico or witnessed the homeless camps by the hundreds of thousands outside Mexico City? That enormous, toxic and air polluted city houses 22,000,000 people! Their Brown Cloud over that metropolitan area chokes every citizen with deadly chemicals with every breath 24/7. They shut down their water systems at a certain time in the evening because they cannot service those 22 million people. The water is polluted, soil polluted and air SO polluted that none of it can be corrected.

And yet, Mexico at 128 million expects to jump to 145 million by 2050. Where do you think those starving 17 million will escape to “find a better life?”

If you dig into Mexico City further, as I did when I visited, drug cartels enlist children to “mule” over $100 billion in drugs over the USA border. Cartels have decapitated, hung and killed in excess of 50,000 people in the past 10 years.

If any politician tries to stop the human trafficking, sex trade or drug trade, they kill them, and/or their family members. Guys like the drug lord Al Chapo kill with impunity. With all the billions of dollars in the hands of the rich and powerful, the average Mexican lacks a 6th grade education. They murder police officers who get into their way.

In the past 30 years, over 15,000,000 Mexicans fled their country for a “better life in America”, by illegally crossing America’s borders. In 2021, over 2,000,000 illegal aliens violated our country’s borders from 160 different third world countries.

35. !!! Nuremberg Code and the COVID-19 “Vaccines”   By Paul Engel

  • How are the Emergency Use Authorization laws being manipulated in order to promote “vaccines” that are not legally vaccines?
  • What is the role of medical ethics in the ongoing push for “vaccine” mandates?
  • What is informed consent and why is it so important?

Many of you may be wondering what medical ethics has to do with the Constitution. Many who’ve been following what’s been going on with the COVID-19 “vaccine” and related mandates have asked me about the Nuremberg Code. While this set of medical ethics is not law in the United States, it does support the rights protected by the Constitution. Understanding this code, and how the Constitution protects your rights, is paramount if liberty and freedom are to survive the attack they are under by enemies both governmental and societal.

On December 9, 1946, criminal proceeding against 23 German physicians and administrators were heard by an American military tribunal. They were charged with willingly participating in crimes against humanity, specifically for medical experiments conducted on human beings. In the tribunals’ August 19th verdict, they produced ten points entitled Permissible Medical Experiments, which became known as The Nuremberg Code.

34.  Extremists Against Mandates! What Really Happened  [10:33]  Awaken With JP

Radical freedom lovers were trying to destroy our democracy by preserving our constitutional rights to freedom. March against the mandates in Washington, DC January 23, 2022 is where it went down. Here’s the full video of what happened.

33.  Pfizer, FDA Lose Bid to Further Delay Release of COVID Vaccine Safety Data   By Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

A federal judge last week rejected a bid by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Pfizer to delay the court-ordered release of nearly 400,000 pages of documents pertaining to the approval of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine.

32.  !!  Sen. Ron Johnson Demands DOD Respond to Whistleblower Claims of COVID Vaccine Injuries

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) last week asked the U.S. Department of Defense if it’s investigating whistleblower reports of big spikes in illnesses among members of the U.S. military since its rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, and if the military removed reports of vaccine-induced myocarditis from its official database.

… conditions that spiked over the same five-year period included:

  • Hypertension: 2,181% increase.
  • Diseases of the nervous system: 1,048% increase.
  • Malignant neoplasms of the esophagus: 894% increase.
  • Multiple sclerosis: 680% increase.
  • Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs: 624% increase.
  • Guillain–Barré syndrome: 551% increase.
  • Breast cancer: 487% increase.
  • Demyelinating: 487% increase.
  • Malignant neoplasms of thyroid and other endocrine glands: 474% increase.
  •  Female infertility: 472% increase.
  •  Pulmonary embolism: 468% increase.
  •  Migraines: 452% increase.
  •  Ovarian dysfunction: 437% increase.
  •  Testicular cancer: 369% increase.
  •  Tachycardia: 302% increase.

31. ! ‘Pure Theft’ — GoFundMe Withholds $9 Million Donated to Truckers Protesting Vaccine Mandates

On the latest episode of The Hill’s “Rising,” Kim Iversen broke down the latest move by GoFundMe to “steal” millions in funds from the Canadian Freedom Convoy protestors.

… ““There’s nothing like Big Tech colluding with the government to censor and silence working class protestors,” Iversen said.”

30.   Nancy Pelosi has spent nearly $500,000 on PRIVATE JETS since 2020 despite claiming climate change is an ‘existential threat’ we have a ‘moral obligation to protect’

  • Nancy Pelosi’s campaign spent $489,164 on private jets from October 2020-December 2021 despite calling climate change an ‘existential’ threat 
  • Private jet use is notoriously bad for the environment and has been denounced by climate change activists
  • The House Speaker led a 21-member  delegation to the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland in November 
  • There she said her commitment to addressing climate change comes down to her beliefs as a devout Catholic and the obligation to protect ‘God’s creation’

[Ed.:  Here’s a safe alternative to GoFundMe:

29.  !Ottawa police arrest seven people and open 60 criminal investigations into ‘Freedom Convoy’ for HATE CRIMES as they seize fuel and supplies for 1,000 vehicles: Judge issues injunction banning truckers from honking horns in the city center

  • Ottawa’s Mayor Jim Watson declared a state of emergency Sunday to help deal with an unprecedented 11-day occupation by protesting truckers
  • The protest has shut down much of the core of the Canadian capital with around 7,000 protesters out on the streets over the weekend
  • Ottawa Police arrested seven people and opened 60 criminal investigations for hate crimes and mischief 
  • The hate crimes include an individual who urinated on the National War Memorial. One danced on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Several others carried signs and flags with swastikas
  • Police seized fuel and supplies for 1,000 vehicles just hours after the mayor declared a state of emergency 
  • Police issued a warning to the public that they could be subject to charges if they were found to be supplying demonstration trucks in the red zone with fuel  
  • Ottawa’s Police Services Board Chairwoman said situation had spiraled into ‘a nationwide insurrection’ with protests spreading to Toronto and Quebec City
  • ‘Freedom Convoy’ began as a movement against a Canadian vaccine requirement for cross-border truckers
  • Turned into a rallying point against public health measures and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government 
  • Organizers of the protest have raised more than $4.4 million in two days on Christian crowdfunding site GiveSendGo after being denied several million dollars raised on GoFundMe
  • A hearing into a proposed class-action lawsuit seeking an injunction to silence the constant honking by truckers will take place on Monday

28.   The Last to Leave Ottawa? Romanian Trucker Speaks Out!   331,153 views  Feb 6, 2022

Trucker from Romania speaks out! “I Will be the LAST to Leave Ottawa!”

27.  Hospital Director in Israel Says 80% of Serious COVID-19 Cases Had Received at Least Three Shots of COVID Vaccines

The Director of Ichilov Hospital revealed in his recent interview that between 70% and 80% of serious COVID-19 cases reported in their hospital were vaccinated individuals.

According to Prof. Yaakov Jerris, Director of Ichilov Hospital’s coronavirus ward, the majority of severe COVID cases reported had received at least three shots.  He also claimed that the vaccine has ‘no significance regarding severe illness.’

“Right now, most of our severe cases are vaccinated,” Jerris told Channel 13 News. “They had at least three injections. Between seventy and eighty percent of the serious cases are vaccinated. So, the vaccine has no significance regarding severe illness, which is why just twenty to twenty-five percent of our patients are unvaccinated,” he added.

26.   Tierney Real  News 2/7/2022

This is a good update on Durham & his investigation into Crossfire Hurricane – the plot to take down President Trump. Please read it carefully so you can explain this to others. We are the news!

January court filings prove that Durham is now investigating the corrupt FBI, the DOJ Inspector General and the fake Steele dossier’s ties to Clinton & Elias. He has the files & the Sussmann trial (his 2nd indictment) will likely expose it all in May 2022.

President Trump said: “I hear there’s a lot coming. We’re gonna see what happens. I’ll tell you, Durham may be doing a good job. We’re gonna have to see. Taking a little longer than we thought, but he’s doing it. He’s exposing real criminal activity. What Durham is doing is one of the most important jobs being done right now in America. I wish it were faster. It is really the crime of the century and changed everything, including the election.”

[Ed.:  If you believe this, light some incense and candles, and say: ‘OOOOHHHHMMMM’!   ‘Misled’ is pronounced ‘mizzled.’ I say: ‘OHY VEY!’  OooohhhY,  Oooohhy,  Oooooohy…]

25.   Uh-Oh! ‘Vaccine’ Injury Story Slips Through Mockingbird Media   [2:47]

A happy, healthy 16-year-old girl who got the Pfizer COVID-19 shot is now crippled with convulsions, persistent nausea and visible tics. The problems began three days after her second shot and have been ongoing for months.

Amazingly, health officials admitted “there is no question” she is suffering adverse reactions from the Pfizer shot. The surprise is that her story actually made it to mainstream news.

24.  !UK Looking at Dumping Its COVID-19 Restrictions  [6:45]

The COVID-19 experimental jab has been an utter disaster, and government officials in the U.K. are rushing to figure out what to do.

The experimental gene therapies not only are not working, but are making the situation far worse, the narrator of this video says. The government’s own official data are showing negative efficacy data — and as the weeks progress, the data continue to be negative with booster uptake.

Meanwhile, people are reporting severe injuries from the jabs. Moreover, discriminatory policies consisting of mask and jab mandates are not working, either.

23.  !Unvaxxed Canadian Dad Loses Custody of His Kids

A father has lost custody of his children after a New Brunswick judge ruled that the need for him and his children to be vaccinated outweighs his desire to wait for further proof that the shots are effective and safe.

In removing his custodial and visitation rights, the judge rebuffed what she called “anecdotal” research the father had done, and said he would have to visit his children by phone or video chat until he agrees to be vaccinated. His ex-wife also won the court’s consent to vaccinate the children.

A Quebec father also lost his custody rights temporarily until he is vaccinated.

22.   COVID-19 Vaccine Blamed for Young Man’s Death  [2:18]

In this video, a news reporter talks with a young man’s parents, who are grieving over his death.

The young man collapsed in his room after his COVID shots — and the coroner, Timothy Cahill, ruled that he died of vaccine-induced myocarditis. His department is working on other cases in the county that are also related to the jabs and the boosters, Cahill said.

21.  Why This One Herb Could Help With Diabetes, Hypertension   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Called the ‘queen of herbs’ in Ayurvedic medicine, this plant can reduce your blood glucose, treat skin conditions, protect against infections and may ease stress and anxiety.


  • Holy basil, also called tulsi, is a medicinal herb favored in Ayurvedic medicine that can lower your blood glucose levels by stimulating insulin secretion. It lowers serum cortisol and may help lower high blood pressure
  • Holy basil is part of the mint family, with antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antioxidant properties
  • Ayurvedic practitioners use tulsi to treat skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis
  • Tulsi can help protect against bacterial and viral infections and has demonstrated the ability to lower stress and improve cognitive function in animal and human studies

20.   A New Global Attack to Censor Dr. Mercola     [6:48]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

The mainstream media doesn’t snooze – mere weeks after my announcement of reintroducing my article archives on Substack Library, they’re now directing their attacks on Substack to censor me and others. Will my Censored Library survive?


  • Mere weeks after my announcement that I was reintroducing my article archives on Substack Library for paid subscribers, the mainstream press started calling on Substack to censor and cull vaccine critics from its platform
  • Recent hit pieces against me have been published by The Washington Post, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Guardian, Mashable and others, in which they call for Substack to scrub my Censored Library
  • Media are again relying on claims made by the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH). According to the CCDH, Substack is generating “at least $2.5 million a year in revenue from just five anti-vaccine leaders who have amassed tens of thousands of subscribers, each paying $50 a year”
  • The CCDH also claims the content on Substack is “so bad no one else will host it”
  • Substack CEO Chris Best and his two cofounders have brushed off calls for censorship saying that allowing “the presence of writers with whom we strongly disagree” is a “necessary precondition for creating more trust in the information ecosystem as a whole”


19.    The Defamation League  Caroline Glick

The Anti-Defamation League and Amnesty International

One of the curiouser responses to Amnesty International’s Israel Apartheid report this week came from the Anti-Defamation League. Monday, the heads of Amnesty held a press conference in Israel’s capital Jerusalem. In it they presented the main “findings” of the “investigation” they conducted regarding the status of Israel’s existence.

It works out that after years of “careful study,” Amnesty’s entirely professional “researchers,” determined that Israel has no right to exist. The Law of Return, which grants automatic citizenship to Jews after two thousand years of homeless wanderings, is a type of apartheid. Israel’s Jewish identity is apartheid, they said.

The purchase of private land by Jews in sovereign Israel and in Judea and Samaria is apartheid. Use of government land by Jews is apartheid. Enforcement of the laws of the state towards non-Jews – you guessed it – is apartheid in the eyes of Amnesty’s hardnosed, totally unbiased “investigators.”

Amnesty concluded as well that since Israel is an apartheid state that has no right to exist, Israel is guilty of crimes against humanity and, (it almost goes without saying), of war crimes. Unlike the wretched, cruel, greedy and avaricious Jews, the Palestinians are as pure as the driven snow. The word “terror” only appears three times in Amnesty’s 210-page tome and terror is never mentioned as a means to explain any defensive action that Israel has undertaken.

18.  How Realistic Is The Prospect Of A Quantum Apocalypse?

A new generation of fear entrepreneurs in the IT industry are promoting anxieties and fatalism about the threat quantum computing poses to the future of encrypted data, cyber-security and our way of life dubbed Quantum Apocalypse.

You can’t make this stuff up. Just when we can breathe a sigh of relief as we appear to have overcome the Covid pandemic, ‘the quantum apocalypse’ draws us back into new anxiety about life on Earth – just like Al Pacino in ‘The Godfather’ trying to escape his criminal past, but being pulled back in.

However, this is not a Hollywood movie. It is a real thing. And just like the doomsday predictions of environmentalists, ‘the quantum apocalypse’ is being presented as a real existential threat to life as we know it.

So, what is this ‘quantum apocalypse’? Well, to put it simply, it is the imagined outcome of a world where encrypted, secret files are suddenly cracked open by quantum computers.

17. ! [Re-posting]  Communist Takeover: Without Firing a Shot, China Seizes Control of America’s Farmlands    Faye Higbee

The Chinese Communists have their tendrils in nearly every American industry, from food production to farming, transportation, education, medicines, media, movies, etc.

U.S President Joe Biden told the media earlier in 2021 after a phone call with Chinese President Xi Jinping that China was “going to eat our lunch.” Heads up, they already are- literally eating our lunch as they buy up American farmland and invest in thousands of American companies.

“The current trend in the U.S. is leading us toward the creation of a Chinese-owned agricultural land monopoly,” Representative Dan Newhouse (R-WA) warned in a recent House Appropriations hearing.

According to American Military News, Newhouse raised his concerns about Chinese land ownership as he proposed an amendment in a new agricultural appropriations bill, H.R. 4356. The amendment would block any new agricultural purchases by companies wholly or partly controlled by the Chinese government. Furthermore, it would ban existing Chinese-owned farms in the U.S. from drawing from federal agricultural support programs.

16.   Austria Embraces Communism: ‘To Fight a Chinese Virus, We are Introducing the Chinese Social Model’      (Video 17:27 )    Amy Mek

“This is the problem of this federal government: there is nothing left of your credibility after two years of this so-called Pandemic” – FPÖ Leader,
Herbert Kickl

Austria’s vaccine mandate law will take effect on February 1, 2022. Despite the evidence that the “vaccine” does not protect people from Covid but increases the chances of infection from Omicron and hospitalization, last week, the Austrian Parliament approved mandating the experimental mRNA gene therapy injections.

From mid-March, the law will see adults (residents aged 18 and older) who refuse the jabs subjected to steep fines and potential prison time. The vaccine order is expected to remain in force until January 2024, with the government investing €1.4bn in measures designed to target the unvaccinated and get them jabbed.

A majority of MPs, including those from the unelected Chancellor, Karl Nehammer’s governing leftist coalition, and the three main parties, backed the bill to mandate the injections by 137 votes to 33.

15.  ALERT: 37,000 Teachers Use Left-Wing ‘News Literacy Project’ to Indoctrinate Children   (Videos)    Renee Nal

The News Literacy Program warns that “common misinformation themes” include phrases such as “[T]he media won’t report this” and “[D]o your own research”.

The News Literacy Project (NLP) is a propaganda outlet masquerading as “non-partisan.” The dangerous organization teaches school children how to be mindless leftist narrative consumers.

Left-wing commentator and notorious fake news purveyor Brian Stelter of CNN’s deceptively named “Reliable Sources” was featured last week teaching young teens about “misinformation” in Queens, New York. During the segment, students are indoctrinated by the NLP’s Checkology e-learning platform. Stelter said that NLP founder Alan C. Miller “says that these lessons are now used by more than 37,000 educators.”

14. !Pathologist Sends Covid ‘Vaccine’ Warning: ‘Cancers Are Taking Off Like Wildfire’    ( Video 5:17)  Amy Mek

“We have lost our collective medical minds for money.” – Dr. Ryan Cole

The corona vaccines are ineffective and responsible for the increased number of cancer cases, warns pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole. Data from his vaccinated patients and data sent to him by oncologists show that the vaccines disrupt the immune system. Cole also said that the all-cause mortality rate is higher in vaccinated people.

When the vaccine was rolled out, the pathologist began to see “this virus that causes this little bump in kids, starting to appear in adults.” In addition, he noticed that cancer rates among women were starting to rise. For example, the number of endometrial and cervical cancer cases was higher than usual.

13.   Dying Wish: 33-year-old Dad Who Died from Covid ‘Vaccine’ Requests We ‘Raise Awareness    Amy Mek

Doctors admit that the “vaccine” caused the rare autoimmune disease that killed Brandon Pollet.

Last week, a 33-year-old Louisiana man died due to an autoimmune disease he developed after his second Covid “vaccine.” Brandon Pollett was perfectly healthy before he got his vaccines. He leaves behind his wife Jessica, a 1-year-old daughter Madison, his parents, Randy and Yvonne, and his two sisters, Jennifer and Danielle.

12.  Sales of Biden’s Murderous Covid Treatment Remdesivir Soar to $5.6 Billion    Renee Nal

Physicians decried remdesivir during Senator Ron Johnson’s panel discussion: “COVID-19: A Second Opinion”.

Remdesivir, sold as “Veklury” saw sales increase 98% from 2020 to 2021, netting $5.6 billion for Gilead Sciences. Remdesivir is ineffective against the coronavirus but is also dangerous, as reported at RAIR Foundation USA.

Despite the dangers, on January 21, 2022, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) expanded the use of remdesivir to include “certain non-hospitalized adults and pediatric patients for the treatment of mild-to-moderate COVID-19 disease.”

At $3,120 per patient, remdesivir is more expensive than known effective treatments for the coronavirus. Hospitals are incentivized to use the failed treatment remdesivir on coronavirus patients.

Notably, highly effective monoclonal antibodies have been seized by the Biden team.

11.  !  Unvaxxed (Exclusive Interview)    Renee Nal

“This is a big movement starting”, Dr. Pierre Milot said. “You haven’t seen anything yet. This is just the beginning”, he continued.

According to Dr. Pierre Milot, vaccine mandates need not stop a citizen from engaging in life. That is why he founded an organization where people can find products and services by companies that do not engage in medical discrimination.

“An alternate culture is happening fast,” Milot said. In addition to products and services, Milot and his allies in the freedom movement are creating “an alternative school network”. Physicians and nurses who were fired from their jobs are “starting clinics all over Canada”.

RAIR Foundation USA caught up with Dr. Milot in Ottawa, where patriots were awaiting the arrival of the Truckers for Freedom. Milot, a psychotherapist by trade, explained that “[P]eople felt isolated and were talking more and more about how the battle [against coronavirus tyranny] would be won locally…”

While Dr. Milot started his group “Friends of Eastern Ontario Vaxx Free Consumers & Local Business Association” as a Facebook page about six weeks ago, he is working on an official website. He has also compiled a list of businesses willing to serve unvaccinated people, as well as an email address of participants. Further, he and his partners are gathering security experts and a legal team.

10.  !! COVER UP: DOD Silent After Whistleblowers Expose Covid ‘Vaccine’ Injuries in Military   by Renee Nal

In a February 1, 2022 letter addressed to DOD leader Lloyd Austin, Senator Ron Johnson cites the “dramatic increases in medical diagnoses among military personnel,” as well as evidence that the “diagnoses of myocarditis had been removed from the database.”

Senator Ron Johnson has been fighting for answers from Secretary Lloyd Austin of the Department of Defense (DoD) after three whistleblower doctors represented by attorney Thomas Renz came forward under penalty of perjury.

The whistleblowers provided devastating information about likely “vaccine” injuries in the military, as well as a cover up of rampant myocarditis diagnoses that were scrubbed from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED).

In a February 1, 2022 letter addressed to DOD leader Lloyd Austin, Johnson cited the “dramatic increases in medical diagnoses among military personnel,” as well as evidence that the “diagnoses of myocarditis had been removed from the database.”

All Cause Mortality Skyrockets

The findings of the DOD whistleblowers are consistent with remarks from OneAmerica CEO J. Scott Davison, who stated during a call hosted by the Indiana Chamber of Commerce and the Indiana Hospital Association that “working age people (18 to 64) are dying at a rate that is 40% higher than pre-pandemic rates.”

9.  Scientists Deliberately Gave People COVID — Here’s What They Learned

During a first-of-its-kind COVID-19 human-challenge trial, healthy young individuals who were purposely subjected to the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 had minor symptoms, if any at all. This kind of trials offer a once-in-a-lifetime chance to research viral infections from beginning to end, but they are contentious due to the hazards they entail to patients. The study verifies findings from previous COVID-19 investigations.

8.   Maskless Obama Meets with Architects Working on His New Multimillion Dollar Hawaii Beachfront Mansion   By Cristina Laila

Isn’t Obama afraid of rising sea levels because of climate change?

A maskless Barack Obama was spotted meeting with contractors and construction workers on his new multimillion dollar Hawaii beachfront mansion.

The Daily Mail obtained photos of Obama meeting with architects at his new property on Oahu.

Marty Nesbit, a friend of the Obamas and current chairman of the Barack Obama Foundation, purchased the estate in 2015 for $8.7 million.

[Ed.:  If the sea level does not rise due to global warming, at least we can always hope for a tsunami…]

7.  !! [Re-posting]  How bad is my Covid-19 Vaccine Batch? – Find out now

An investigation of data found in the USA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has revealed that extremely high numbers of adverse reactions and deaths have been reported against specific lot numbers of the Covid-19 vaccines several times, meaning deadly batches of the experimental injections have now been identified.

Now, Craig-Paardekooper has created an online app that we have chosen to host at The Expose, allowing you to search for the batch code of Covid-19 vaccine that you received (or any batch code) and see how many deaths, adverse reactions, disabilities and hospitalisations are associated with that code.

Search the ‘How bad is my batch’ app now

6.  !! Grand Jury Proceeding for Covid-19 Crimes Against Humanity – “The Court is Open”  [2:34]   BY RHODA WILSON

On Saturday 5 February 2022 lawyers gave their opening statements at the Grand Jury Proceeding by the Peoples´ Court of Public Opinion, a natural law court with the motto: “Injustice to one is an injustice to all.”

Through this court, a group of international lawyers and Judge Rui da Fonseca e Castro, are conducting a criminal investigation modelled after the United States Grand Jury proceedings. This Grand Jury Investigation serves as a model legal proceeding to present to a jury (consisting of the citizens of the world) all available evidence of Covid-19 Crimes Against Humanity to date against “leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices” who aided, abetted or actively participated in the formulation and execution of a common plan for a pandemic.

… “During the Opening Session of the Grand Jury aired live on YouTube, the following gave their opening statements:

  • 00:10:00 Attorney at Law N. Ana Garner, USA (opening remarks)
  • 00:16:50 Judge Rui da Fonseca e Castro, Portugal (opening remarks)
  • 00:19:20 Attorney at Law Deana Sacks, USA
  • 00:29:25 Attorney at Law Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Germany
  • 00:47:50 Attorney at Law N. Ana Garner, USA
  • 00:56:20 Attorney at Law Dipali Ojha, India
  • 01:10:40 Attorney at Law Dexter L-J. Ryneveldt (Adv.), South Africa
  • 01:31:05 Closing remarks by Attorney at Law Viviane Fischer, Germany and Dr. Fuellmich
  • 01:35:25 End

5.  !! Could a molecule found in broccoli help the brain repair spike protein damage?   BY RHODA WILSON

It turns out that, contrary to popular belief, damaged brain tissue can be regenerated naturally, possibly even after getting ravaged to death by the Covid “vaccine” spike proteins.

For decades it was believed that brain regeneration was not possible. But compelling evidence for brain regeneration began to surface in the 1960’s and research continues to show that common foods like broccoli contain sulforaphane (USA) or sulphoraphane (UK) compounds that can stimulate the renewal and repair of nerve tissue in the brain.

(Related Broccoli Stimulates Brain Regeneration and 5 Other Top Brain FoodsBroccoli can stimulate brain regeneration, new research suggests and Abstracts with Broccoli Research on Green Med Info)

4.  !! Dr Vernon Coleman: “It’s time to be terrified…”  [16:53]

3.   VIDEO: BLM Activist Sentenced to Six Years in Prison for Illegally Registering to Vote  [2:41 and 2:23]

Pamela Moses, a Memphis-based Black Lives Matter activist, has received a sentence of six years behind bars for illegally registering to vote in 2019.

The 44-year-old was sentenced Monday inside the Shelby County Criminal Court by Judge Mark Ward, the Daily Memphian reported Friday.

He sentenced her to six years and a day but explained that if she finished programs in prison and also “maintains good behavior,” he would consider putting her on probation following a nine month period.

2. !! Obama’s New World Order Proclamation

“… For the International Order, that we have worked for generations to build. Ordinary men and women are too small-minded to govern their own affairs. That Order and progress can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all-powerful sovereign.”

1.    Police hacked phones of top ministry officials, CEOs, protesters

New report reveals massive list of targets whose phones were hacked by Israeli police using Pegasus spyware.

Israeli police used a controversial spyware system to hack into cellphones of a long list of public figures, ranging from government ministry chiefs to prominent businessmen, relatives of politicians, protesters, and residents of outpost communities in Judea and Samaria, according to a report released Monday morning.

The report, published by Calcalist, cited a list it had obtained of targets whose devices were hacked by police using the NSO Group’s ‘Pegasus’ spyware.

Among those targeted by police with the Pegasus spyware were directors-general of a number of government ministries, including Keren Turner, who served as chief of the Transportation Ministry; Shai Babad, former director-general of the Finance Ministry; and Emi Palmor, former Justice Ministry director-general.

Other targets included activists from a variety of protest movements, including groups advocating for increased government benefits for the disabled and activists from the Ethiopian community.

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