Daily Shmutz | 021122

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

[Editor’s note:  It’s not that I have a one-track mind that almost all posts are about the damned scamdemic, but that this is the front line at the moment of the world-wide war against humanity.  (The next front line will likely be economic.) I therefore dedicate this day to the effort to ‘spreading vaccine hesitation’ with the best of my ability!]

42. !! Uniparty Globalists Ravage U.S.A, Media, Rinos, Commies Run Roughshod On America  [19:38]  Stew Peters Show

Within the past seven years, America has witnessed a flood of attacks aimed towards its fundamental values and virtues. On Friday, Ted Nugent joined the Stew Peters Show to expose the progressive attack on the GOP and the collective effort from the left to remove the prominent masculine strength that composes the American backbone. Monuments that document our history and signify the importance of patriots like Abraham Lincoln are being torn down, and Republican representatives such as Nikki Haley, a George Floyd worshiper with treasonous endorsements, have no intentions to uphold a manly America.

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com

41. ! Spontaneous Abortions Skyrocket: Genocidal Demons Focus On Global Depopulation  [8:28]   Stew Peters Show 

Mother of three, co-founder of the Health Freedom Summit, and a fierce fighter against the oppressive and unjust mandates, Alanah Newman joined the Stew Peters Show on Friday to discuss the rising infertility rate, the mRNA shot, and her focus to break through the mass formation that plagues our society.

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com

40.  !! Serial Murder Suspects Identified: Calculated Killing Continues In America’s Hospitals  [13:00]   Stew Peters Show

 Ever since Scott Quiner died, the Stew Peters Show has vowed to expose the truth about Mercy Hospitals and how they and other death care facilities have been treating patients. Scott, like thousands of nameless others, had absolutely zero reason to die. He died because he was left malnourished and put on the death protocol by doctors who thought he deserved it for not being vaccinated.
Sam Shirley was 47 years old, a successful salesman and baseball player who died tragically and unexpectedly on December 13th, 2021, in St. Gabriel’s Hospital, Little Falls, Minnesota.

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com

39.  !!! Unveiling The Mask Of Tyranny: Mask Pushing Nazis Must Be Held Accountable For Damage  [13:33]   Stew Peters Show

As mask mandates begin to dissipate in varying locations around the country, the masks and vaccines still withstand via the marks they have left on children and adults around the globe. ‘The science’ never supported the unlawful mandates, to begin with, and now America is being awakened to the harm that has been masked for the past two years.

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com

38.  !Cancer Exploding in the Boosted   Stew Peters Show

On today’s episode of the Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane reveals the incredible evidence flowing in on the emerging cancer diagnoses in the jabbed, now overwhelmed by the exploding cancers in the boosted and in the 2nd segment Dr. Jane explains how HIV proteins are embedded in all of the bioweapon injections mRNA codes that integrate with your own DNA that could be setting the stage for even more disability and death from the shots falsely referred to as C-19 vaccines. The show closes on a fun note with a visit from Clay Clark to update everyone on the ReAwaken America Tour and much more!

37.  !!! Breaking: Criminal Canadian Monopoly Dr. David Martin Exposes Why Trudeau Won’t Back Down  [22:21]   Stew Peters Show

In an emergency broadcast, Dr. David Martin joined the Stew Peters Show on Friday to expose the real reason why Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is refusing to negotiate with his constituents on the Canadian bioweapon mandates.
Stew Peters stated that in April of 2020, Martin highlighted a quote from Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, where he stated “Normality as it was before will not come back full-on until we get a vaccine for this.”
With no evidence that a vaccine has ever been successful since Pfizer’s first Coronavirus spike protein vaccine patented in 1990, this statement was unfounded. What Trudeau didn’t tell his Canadian constituents or the world was that Canada controlled the mRNA vaccine platform and was destined to become enriched by both Moderna and Pfizer’s partnership with BioNTech.
Trudeau knew that the gene therapy being promoted as a “vaccine” was an economic win for Canada and therefore Trudeau’s Canada had the monopoly on the world’s adoption of mRNA gene therapy shots. He wasn’t promoting science, he was promoting the Canadian economic interest in the gene therapy illegally promoted as a vaccine.
“Canada has a bad history of this,” Dr. David Martin told Stew Peters. “We’ve had our Kent States, and we’ve had our situations when the legal and then military actions taken against citizens end very badly.”
“These people wrote this because they knew tyrants would be here one day, and look, here they are,” Stew Peters told Dr. Martin, regarding the clear instruction given by the U.S. Constitution as to how Americans are to deal with a runaway tyrannical government.

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com

[Ed.:  As I said yesterday:  “annul them!“]

36.  !Dr. Michelle Perro’s warning about children and the shots  [6:46]    Chananya Weissman

35. !!  R&B Medical War Crimes #26 Panel on the murder of unborn children   Chananya Weissman

Apologies for the short freeze in the recording in the middle. Both Lowell and I lost our Internet at some point. If I can get a perfect recording I will replace this one.

Joined by:
Mrs. Cecily Routman, President of the Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
Rabbi Noson Shmuel Leiter, Executive Director, Tomim Tih’yeh & Help Rescue Our Children
Rabbi Jonathan Gross, civil rights attorney practicing in Baltimore, MD and former Chief Rabbi of the State of Nebraska

34.  !!!  [Re-posting]  How bad is my Covid-19 Vaccine Batch? – Find out now


An investigation of data found in the USA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has revealed that extremely high numbers of adverse reactions and deaths have been reported against specific lot numbers of the Covid-19 vaccines several times, meaning deadly batches of the experimental injections have now been identified.

Now, Craig-Paardekooper has created an online app that we have chosen to host at The Expose, allowing you to search for the batch code of Covid-19 vaccine that you received (or any batch code) and see how many deaths, adverse reactions, disabilities and hospitalisations are associated with that code.

33. Heart Attacks & Strokes doubled among Young Adults in 2021 following Covid-19 Vaccine roll-out

Official data published by Public Health Scotland shows that cardiovascular incidents increased significantly in 2021 against the 2018-2019 average, with 15 to 44 year-olds seeing the largest increase in cases such as myocarditis, heart attacks, cardiac arrest, and strokes.

Public Health Scotland (PHS) host a ‘COVID-19 Wider Impacts on the Health Care System’ dashboard on their site that draws on a range of national data sources to provide statistics on the changes in health and use of healthcare during the Covid-19 pandemic in Scotland.

One of those changes in health that PHS have published statistics on is the number of cardiovascular incidents throughout 2020 and 2021 compared to the 2018-2019 average.

32.  !!  Deaths among Triple Vaccinated increased by 495% in January with the Vaccinated accounting for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 Cases, Hospitalisations & Deaths since December

Nicola Sturgeon the First Minister of Scotland has insisted that mask wearing and vaccine passports will remain in Scotland despite Boris Johnson the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom scrapping both requirements at the end of January, and pledging to possibly scrap all remaining restrictions towards the end of February.

Mask wearing, as anyone with an ounce of intelligence should know, is of course completely pointless because the virus is small enough to penetrate the holes found in surgical masks and FFP3 masks. So the cloth masks sold by Dr Julia Grace Patterson (an unregistered doctor who is really a psychiatrist) and her EveryDoctor venture are just borderline idiotic.

But what’s fast becoming even more idiotic is the idea that a vaccine passport system is the way forward, because official Public Health Scotland data shows it is the vaccinated who are most likely to spread Covid-19, it is the vaccinated who are most likely to be hospitalised with Covid-19, and it is the vaccinated who are most likely to die of Covid-19.

31.   UK Government data proves the Covid-19 Injections cause damage to the innate Immune System that worsens by the week

UK Government data proves that the Covid-19 injections damage the innate immune system to a point where the not-vaccinated populations immune system if far superior to that of the fully vaccinated.

The Covid-19 figures for England are produced by the UK Health Security Agency (see here).
Their latest data is available as a downloadable pdf here.

Page 43 contains data on Covid-19 cases in England by vaccination status from 3rd Jan 22 to 30th Jan 22 and reveals that the majority of cases in January were among the triple vaccinated.

30.   Breaking the Silence About Covid – Dr. Dave Cartland   BY RHODA WILSON 

GPs have been warned that criticising the Covid vaccine or other pandemic measures via social media could leave them ‘vulnerable’ to GMC investigation, The Pulse reported in November 2021.

Dr. Dave Cartland, an NHS doctor, tweeted the article above on Wednesday morning, commenting: “And that right there is why no one speaks out – the veiled threats.  Must say though, looking forward to seeing all the safety data presented to me at the GMC to explain away my ‘propaganda’. All that defending of ethics too!! And valid consent!! I fear they will throw away the key.”

29.   Grand Jury Proceeding for Covid-19 Crimes Against Humanity – You Are the Jury  [4:48]   BY RHODA WILSON 

Before proceedings began a week ago, Ana Garner, a United States attorney, briefly explained the Grand Jury Proceeding by the People’s Court of Public Opinion.

The People’s Court of Public Opinion finds its legitimacy in natural law.

Natural law exists independently of “positive” laws – laws enacted by courts or governments.  Natural rights, rights endowed by birth, are integral to natural law and while positive law may be inspired by natural law, natural law may not be inspired by positive law.

Natural law recognises that certain rights, moral values, and responsibilities are inherent in human nature, and that those rights can be understood through simple reasoning.  It understands law as a remedy against the great evils of: on the one side, anarchy (lawlessness); and, on the other side, tyranny.

One of tyranny’s characteristic forms is the co-optation of law to deploy it as a mask for fundamentally lawless decisions cloaked in the forms of law and legality. When this happens, as has been the case for the past two years, we must turn to natural law.

28.   Grand Jury Proceeding for Covid-19 Crimes Against Humanity – A Lie Cannot Become Truth, No Matter How Often It Is Repeated   [20:50]   BY RHODA WILSON

On Saturday 5 February 2022 lawyers gave their opening statements at the Grand Jury Proceeding by the People’s Court of Public Opinion, an international natural law court.  Attorney at Law Dexter L-J. Ryneveldt from South Africa gave an opening statement on violations of international codes, the pLandemic and the false narrative of “follow the science.”

27.   [David] Horowitz on Newsmax TV: Why Radicals Don’t Like Religion [1:41]

Freedom Center founder explains the Left’s war against the faithful.

26.  The Mullahs Close in on the Bomb  by Bruce Thornton

Darkness descends on a region’s stability.   

While we try to figure out Russia’s intentions for Ukraine, Iran is getting closer to a deal that will leave it a nuclear power. Discussions in Vienna are back on, and hopeful dispatches are sent out by Western diplomats. But given Iran’s maximalist demands, and the Biden administration’s fetish of “diplomatic engagement,” things aren’t looking good for the region’s stability.

25.  ! Countdown to National Bankruptcy  by Daniel Greenfield

How to destroy the economy with this one weird socialist trick.

On Feb 1, the New York Times ran an article warning that the national debt had topped $30 trillion for the first time, leaving us in so much debt that “the government would need to spend an amount larger than America’s entire annual economy in order to pay it off.”

That’s a problem.

Five days later, the same paper ran a puff piece touting Modern Monetary Theory and its claim that you can just print as much money as you want to fund an infinite welfare state.

24.   Tucker Carlson and Rep. Troy Nehls SHRED Pelosi’s “Weaponization” of Capitol Hill Police – CPD “Has Become a Secret Police Force that Acts on Behalf of The Democratic Party” – (VIDEO 5:30)

Earlier this week, GOP Rep. Troy Nehls revealed that Capitol Hill police, dressed as construction workers, broke into his office during the November break. While inside, the officers took photos of the Texas congressman’s office, and then came back two days later to question and harass his staff using the illegal photos they took.

It’s like Watergate but in the daylight.

23.   Texas Sophomore and Illinois Senior High School Students Tragically Pass Away After Collapsing During Basketball Games on Same Night (VIDEO)

A 15-year-old high school basketball player from Alto, Texas, and a 17-year-old basketball player in Chicago, Illinois both died on Tuesday night after collapsing during a basketball game.

22.   Michigan Moms Raise $39,000 to Feed Convoy Truckers in Detroit as Biden Regime Tells Justin Trudeau to Drive Out Convoy with an Even TOUGHER Clampdown

The Biden White House urged Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to use federal powers to quell the truck blockade that has halted flow of commerce on the Ambassador Bridge from Detroit, Michigan to Windsor, Ontario.

The Associated Press reported that DHS Secretary Mayorkas and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg urged Canadian officials to help resolve the standoff.

21.  In December Marc Elias Announced Marxist Tactic to Prevent GOP Reps from Getting on Ballot — Last Week Democrats Enacted this Communist Tactic Against Rep. Madison Cawthorn            By Jim Hoft

If you can’t win, cheat.

On December 20th Marc Elias tweeted out a shocking Un-American plan to use the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution to prevent conservative Republican stalwarts from running in the 2022 elections.

If they can’t run they can’t win.

China does the same thing in Hong Kong.

20.  !Combat Veteran Criminally Prosecuted in DC Federal Court After Picking Up Trash Inside US Capitol and Asking Police How He Can Help (VIDEO) – Please Help Donate   By Jim Hoft

A decorated combat veteran – who received numerous medals and awards, including the Purple Heart, a Navy Commendation Medal with Valor, and a Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal with Valor for actions in combat – is being criminally prosecuted in DC federal court for his role in the January 6 protest.

In a viral video, Chris Kuehne and some patriots were seen picking up trash inside the US Capitol after two trash cans were tipped over.  It should be noted that not a single statue was toppled, not a single painting was damaged, not a single arsonist attack took place.  That’s why the Capitol Police and Biden Justice Department will not release the full 14,000 hours of security camera footage from that day.

19.   WATCH: Children in Las Vegas JUMP FROM THEIR SEATS and CHEER after They Find Out Democrat Mask Mandates were Lifted  (VIDEO 0:27)   By Jim Hoft

Children in Las Vegas were told they no longer had to wear their face masks.

The Democrat mask mandates were finally lifted in the state.
Watch these kids jump up and down and scream after hearing the news.

18.   Single Mom of Five Jailed and Handcuffed In Front of Children For Allowing 14-Yr-Old To Babysit During COVID Lockdowns   By Patty McMurray

100 Percent Fed Up – Over 16,000 childcare providers permanently closed their doors during the pandemic due to covid restrictions and rising labor costs caused by the Biden regime’s inflation.  The closures have left many working parents without childcare, causing them to stay home or come up with alternate solutions.  One single working mother allowed her 14-year-old daughter to babysit her 4-year-old son while she was at work.  The child got out of the house for a brief 15 minutes to visit his friend, the parents of his friend called the police.  The police took down her information and returned two weeks later, arrested the mother in front of her children.

17.   What Changed? Last Night Ontario Premier Reportedly Said He Was Going to Drop Vaccine Mandates But Today He Declares a State of Emergency?   By Joe Hoft

What a difference a day makes. Last night it looked like Ontario’s Premier Doug Ford was going to side with the Freedom Convoy protests on the streets. But this morning he announced that he’s going to declare a state of emergency while threatening the protesters.  What happened?

This morning we woke to the news that the Ontario Premier Doug Ford was on tape saying that he was going to announce that he was going to drop the vaccine passports.

16.   UPDATE: Trudeau Holds Panicked Press Conference, Blames Americans, Consequences to Joining Convoy “To Get More Severe”    (VIDEO 0:31)    By Julian Conradson

Following a night of frantic meetings with cabinet officials to discuss crackdowns on protesters, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau vowed on Friday to do “whatever it takes” to shut down the grassroots Freedom Convoy that has gridlocked the country’s Capitol city and several major ports of entry along the US-Canada border.

“Everything is on the table,” he claimed during a press briefing on Friday, including the eventual use of military force if protesters continue with their blockades.

15.   Developing: Justin Trudeau Warns Freedom Truckers from Hidden Bunker that Crackdown Is Coming after Late Night Meeting   By Jim Hoft

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the Little Castro, warned that a crackdown is coming to end the anti-vaccine Freedom Convoy protests that are crippling Canada and disrupting the elites in Ottawa from getting to their city restaurants.

Castro reportedly held late meetings on Thursday with his cabinet ministers.

The Biden regime also urged Trudeau to act against the protesters.

It could be an exciting weekend.

14.   Is Christianity Dangerous?

(Feb. 10, 2022) — Is religion, particularly Christianity, dangerous?  Is it “the source of all the war, ignorance and intolerance in history,” as the New Atheists are so fond of telling us?  Do we need to be afraid of religious people in public office?  (Since John F. Kennedy they have been assuring us that they will not actually act on their religion in office.  Is that a good thing?)  Should we fear a born-again Christian Taliban trying to institute a theocracy in America?  Who’s afraid of the Religious Right?  Trick questions.  Loaded to expose nonsense.

Of course, religion is dangerous!  If you take it seriously, it can change your life, expose your purposeless narcissism and unethical behavior, and give meaning and direction to your existence.  Sure, if you get it wrong, it can have tragic consequences (don’t drink the cool-aide), but if you find the Truth, it can set you free.  But atheism isn’t exactly safe, either.  It leaves you in a self-referent swamp, without moral direction – any rational or reliable standard of good and evil.  Atheists killed more people in the 20th century than religion ever did.

13.  !Public Health Child Abuse: Masks, Fear and Harmful Vaccines                                                   by Dr. Joseph Mercolapublic domain

(Feb. 11, 2022) — As Stephen Petty, certified professional engineer, industrial hygienist and safety professional, points out in this short 11-minute podcast, the truth about masks and the Plandemic is slowly leaking out. However, since mainstream media are not universally covering these stories, it is incumbent on us to ensure that our friends and family are informed.

January 2, 2022, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, who had served as the commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration until 2019 and is now a special partner at Pfizer, was interviewed on Face the Nation. When asked about cloth masks, Gottlieb said they “aren’t going to provide a lot of protection, that’s the bottom line. This is an airborne illness. It could protect better through droplet transmission … but not something like this coronavirus.”1

Despite documentation from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as of January 26, 20222 that just 770 children aged 17 and under had died in two years, between 2020 and 2022, from COVID-19 — 0.00023369% of the U.S. population — Gottlieb continues to promote the idea that COVID-19 may be a serious threat to young children.

12.   “Not the Santa Claus of Humankind” – Eric Zemmour Defends ‘France First’ Immigration Policies  by Allan Wall


The 2022 French presidential election is only two months away, with a whopping 39 (!) candidates in the running.

How do French voters sort through 39 candidates?

It’s a two-round election, scheduled April 10th for all 39 participants and then April 24th for the top two vote-getters.

Four of those 39 candidates are polling in double digits: incumbent President Macron, Valerie Pecresse (Les Républicains), Marine Le Pen (Rassemblement National), and Eric Zemmour of Reconquête! (Reconquest Party), which he founded.

11.  !Unsilenced (2021) Theatrical Trailer  [1:54]

In Select Theaters, January 21, 2022

10.  New Jersey Dem Governor Ends School Mask Mandates    by Josh Christenson 

Phil Murphy joins other Democratic officials who want to end politically fraught mandates   

New Jersey Democratic governor Phil Murphy is ending his state’s school mask mandates, signaling that some Democratic officials are ready to move away from politically fraught coronavirus restrictions.

9.  !HALF A MILLION SOULS: Biden’s COVID Death Toll Passes 500K  by Andrew Stiles 

The Butcher of Scranton has blood on his hands   

[Ed.: Five times] More than half a million Americans have died from COVID on President Joe Biden’s watch, the Washington Free Beacon can exclusively report (because no one else is keeping track or even cares now that Democrats are in power).

Details: Despite promising to “shut down the virus” as commander in chief, Biden has presided over the deaths of 503,804 Americans from COVID since he took office on Jan. 20, 2021. That is almost 100,000 more than the number of Americans who died from COVID under former president Donald Trump. On average, more than 1,300 Americans have died from COVID every day that Biden has been president.

Be smart: Our calculation is based on “the best available global dataset on the pandemic,” published and updated daily by Johns Hopkins University. It is the primary source of COVID data for both Google and the New York Times.

[Ed.:  Keep in mind that the John’s Hopkins estimate of 500,000+ deaths is coming from Johns Hopkins! Their numbers are about as credible as the VAERS data, which represent no more than 1% of the true figure!  The actual tally is closer to 2.5 million, and counting.  The de-population plan is working out better than expected!]

8.  Republican Senators Move To Bar Federal Spending for Crack Paraphernalia   by Patrick Hauf

Follows Free Beacon report on Biden admin plan to fund crack ‘smoking kits’

More than a dozen Republican senators introduced a measure Thursday that would ban a pandemic relief program from funding the distribution of crack pipes and other drug paraphernalia.

7.  The Ayatollahs’ Men in Washington   Caroline Glick

Former Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif recently co-authored a book in Farsi about the 2015 nuclear deal that tells us a great deal about how we should be assessing the nuclear negotiations taking place in Vienna between Iran and the P5+1 (the U.S., Russia, China, France, Germany and France). Titled, The Nuclear Deal: The Untold Story of the JCPOA, Projecting Iran’s Security, Rights and Development, the book sheds light on a critical question. How did the U.S. come to accept Iran’s negotiating terms on all the major issues despite bipartisan opposition to Iran’s illicit nuclear program?

6.  !Israel’s Deep State is Exposed   [50:25]   Caroline Glick

On Sunday morning, Israelis awoke to the headline in Calcalist, an business newspaper, reporting that the legal fraternity used counter-terror spyware to remotely seize the contents of the cellphones of 26 Israelis, including then prime minister’s son, his closest advisors, journalists, businessmen, several mayors, senior government officials, and others. The story was an earthquake of epic proportions and the police, attorney generals office, state prosecution and the senior officials responsible for the investigation of Netanyahu all went from denying the story, to minimizing the significance of the story, to blaming one another. No one ordered the opening of a criminal probe.

In Episode 38 of the Caroline Glick Mideast News Hour, Caroline and co-host Gadi Taub discussed what happened, who knew what, when, who had to have ordered the illegal data seizures, and what the implications of the revelations will be on Israeli politics, society and legal system.

Watch, listen, and share this essential distillation of events with everyone you know.

You can watch the episode on YouTube here.

5.  Alberta Cancels Vaccine Passports After Pressure From Truckers

Alberta has cancelled vaccine passports after pressure from freedom truckers. The truckers who had been obstructing the Coutts border were unsatisfied with the resolution.

Premier Jason Kenney of Alberta stated Tuesday night that his province will end vaccine separation measures on February 9 at midnight.


4.  Silent War Ep. 6163: Truckers WorldWide, Foodflation, Terrorist “Conspiracy Theorists”  [16:38]  with Dustin Nemos

3.  Brave Canadian Trucker In Ottawa Gives Swift Powerful Speech! [2:21]

2.  !! How 5G turns your body into a molecular WEAPON of destruction and brain damage  [9:24]     by: Mike Adams

1.    The globalists have LOST – Humanity withdraws consent from the tyrants and lets the system crash and burn    [1:15:19] by: Mike Adams

The Canadian truckers and freedom protesters deserve huge credit for bringing humanity to a tipping point against tyranny. Thanks to the courage, determination and dedication to peace that’s demonstrated by Canada’s protesters, humanity is withdrawing its consent from government tyrants all over the world.

0:00 Intro, 2:25 Neil Young vs Joe Rogan, 5:05 Karma, 8:55 BOMBSHELL Interview, 31:52 Globalists have LOST  [Emphasis added]

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.