Daily Shmutz | 022622

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

24.  Scientists Currently Developing Controversial “Contagious Vaccines” That Can Spread From Vaccinated to Unvaccinated   By Jim Hoft

Groups of scientists are currently developing ‘self-spreading vaccines’ that could infect others from vaccinated to unvaccinated people or between vaccinated to unvaccinated animals, according to National Geographic.

The experiment was designed to spread the vaccine to unvaccinated people in vaccinated person’s close proximity.

“The idea is that instead of a vaccine staying in one person’s body, the vaccine itself would infect them in such a way that they could pass on vaccination to others around them, much as they would otherwise pass on a disease. Scientists could vaccinate one person or animal in a community, and the vaccination would spread to those around them,” per Newsbreak.

According to the report, scientists are currently developing ‘contagious vaccines’ for Ebola, bovine tuberculosis, and Lassa fever, a viral disease spread by rats.

[Ed.:  Oh rats!]

23.   Victor Davis Hanson Issues Warning To The Elites – “Will Soon Reap The Whirlwind Of An Angry Public”

The elites are in deep trouble.

Victor Davis Hanson issued a stern warning to them about the backlash to the disastrous policies they have enacted.

Victor Davis Hanson wrote in American Greatness that the elites “will soon reap the whirlwind of an angry public.”

He pointed out that the American people are tired of the “incompetence, arrogance, and ignorance” of the elites.

22.   Minneapolis Mosques Will Be Allowed to Blast Call to Prayer on Outdoor Loud Speakers All Year Round              By Cassandra Fairbanks

Minneapolis mosques will now be allowed to blast the call to prayer outdoors on loud speakers all year round.

City Council Member Jamal Osman, a very involved member of the Muslim community, was behind the push for mosques to be allowed to play the adhan several times a day, every day.

The call to prayer that will be bellowing from mosques around the city four times a day includes Arabic words like “Allahu akbar,” which means “god is great,” but is also a reminder to some of deadly terror attacks.

“For the faith of Christians in Minneapolis, the tolling of church bells is an affirmation of their faith and the comfort that brings that’s exactly the same purpose of adhan service for Muslims,” Osman told the Star Tribune. “Thousands of Muslims in Minneapolis now have their faith acknowledged the same as everyone else.”

[Ed.:  Well isn’t that special!]

21.  ‘Black Lives Matter’ Accused of ‘Clear Violation of IRS Rules,’ Charity Status Reportedly at Risk  By Jack Davis

New concerns are being raised over the actions of the organization that raises money to promote the message that black lives matter.

The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, the charity that represents the national BLM movement, has been beset with questions over what it is doing with millions of dollars in donations.

Reflecting widespread dissatisfaction with how the organization was accounting for what it took in, what it was spending and who was overseeing the money, the website CharityWatch last month wrote, “It is extremely concerning that the national public charity entity of arguably the largest social justice movement in the United States has not done a better job of communicating its financial activities to the public in a timely manner or of adequately addressing other questions related to its governance.”

Concerns led Amazon to remove the group from its charity platform as multiple states banned the foundation’s activities because it did not comply with the rules. As of Thursday, Washington, which ordered BLM to “immediately cease” its activities, was joined by New Jersey, North Carolina, Maryland and Virginia in banning the group from raising money, according to the Washington Examiner.

The outlet reported Friday that new concerns arose this week after Black Lives Matter sent a message to its supporters that called for support for Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson and included a button to donate to the charity.

20.   Chemist Niels Harrit: Explosives, thermate, and nano-thermite were all used on 9/11  [57:33]  AE911Truth

This week on 9/11 Free Fall, chemist and eminent 9/11 researcher Niels Harrit joins host Andy Steele to discuss a number of scientific points related to the World Trade Center’s destruction.

Harrit lays out what he calls a “consistent and coherent model” for the demolition of the Twin Towers, which involves the use of explosives, thermate, and nano-thermite, and he expresses his optimism that a major awakening on the scale of the Renaissance will take place in his lifetime.

19.  [Re-posting:]  !!!  Dr. Vladimir Zelenko: The Globalists’ Transhumanist Agenda.  [1:38:02]   The Glazov Gang 

18.  !  Steve Kirsch Testifies About Spike in Deaths Since Jabs Rolled out  by JD Rucker

He said, “This is the biggest killer of mankind. This is the worst coverup in human history.” He’s absolutely correct.

“Follow the science” is a notion that was abandoned long ago by vaxx-nannies in government and corporate media. Why? Because the science tells us to question everything about Pandemic Panic Theater, particularly the push to vaccinate every man, woman, and child on earth.

Expert Steve Kirsch gave his opinions to Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate and sitting state Senator Doug Mastriano, discussing the unprecedented 40% jump in deaths for people under the age of 64 since the jabs were rolled out. It’s a video that needs to be shared far and wide before it’s taken down, because it will be. Thankfully, we’re posting it on freer speech platforms (like Substack) for posterity.

Most of the concern over vaccines, face masks, lockdowns, and other mandates have dwindled over the last month. Democrats started dropping them in February in preparation for the Russian invasion, which I believe is Stage Two of The Great Reset agenda. But we’re already seeing signs that Pandemic Panic Theater is being ramped up again. Meanwhile, there is still a strong push to get people triple-jabbed… at least until the fourth jabs are approved when the push will get even louder.

17.   Wouldn’t you know it? “Russian rockets” hit Lviv, near Polish border—just when Biden is in Poland, ramping up the “Putin = Hitler” propaganda   Mark Crispin Miller

Those who’ve read their history may observe that this apparent false flag near Poland calls to mind the one that Hitler used as a pretext to smash into Poland on Sept. 1, 1939

No doubt it’s a waste of breath to note that Putin would not carry out so bold a provocation, when he’s clearly winning in Ukraine (any more than Syria’s Assad would have “gassed his own people,” in 2013 and again five years later, when he was, with Russia’s help, winning in the “civil war” with the US/UK’s jihadist “freedom fighters”).

It’s a waste of breath to note that Putin is already winning in Ukraine because that fact has been totally blacked out by the “free press” doing everything it can to keep its audience from knowing anything about what’s really going on, in Ukraine as everywhere else.

Missiles Hit Lviv in Major Air Attack, Injuring 5 People: Ukrainian Officials    By Tom Ozimek and Ivan Pentchoukov  March 26, 2022 

LVIV, Ukraine—Powerful explosions rocked Lviv, in western Ukraine, on Saturday, creating plumes of thick black smoke and causing at least five injuries, according to Ukrainian officials, with the air attack on the city coming as President Joe Biden was on a state visit to neighboring Poland.

16.   Biden’s Attempt at Canceling Russia Is BACKFIRING!!!  [10:24]  Dr. Steve Turley

15.  !! Tierney’s REAL News (3/24/22)

BREAKING: Trump just filed a racketeering (RICO) lawsuit against Hillary & the DNC & the coup plotters. HUGE. I’ve been praying for this for 5 years. More on that tomorrow! Remember that Rudy invented RICO. Rudy took down the mob with RICO!

Here’s the court filing

So Trump announced his RICO case right before Truth Social is about to launch and at the same time Don Jr’s news site MxM was unveiled, Dinesh’s new movie about the stolen election is ready to go, the New York Times admitted the laptop was real and decertification is being pushed in swing states.

Coincidence? I think not.

Not only that but Durham is quite active, Dominion dropped its lawsuit against Powell, Fox News is counter-suing Dominion, Colorado has proven beyond a doubt that voting machine fraud exists and the fake news is being sued by Project Veritas & Rittenhouse for defamation.

Momentum is everything. Timing is everything. Trump wants damages and a trial by jury. BTW – Stormy Daniels was just ordered to pay Trump $300,000 in attorney’s fees for LYING about him – another hoax that the coup plotters came up with to try to rig the 2016 election. Nice precedent!


[Ed.:  Yes, things are converging toward multiple convictions.  No wonder they need a war!  They’d much rather have a nuclear war and wipe out the planet, than to pay the piper… ]

14.   AFP Applauds Sen. Braun and Rep. Arrington for Their Newly Introduced Balanced Budget Amendment

Arlington, Va. – Today, Americans for Prosperity applauded Sen. Mike Braun (Indiana) and Rep. Jodey Arrington (Texas) for a constitutional amendment proposal aimed at putting an end to Washington’s wasteful and irresponsible spending.

The Business Cycle Balanced Budget Amendment (BCBBA) would limit federal spending to a rolling average of the three prior years’ revenues, adjusted for inflation and population, with a 10-year transition to balance. The amendment would require two-thirds of both houses of Congress to approve emergency spending.

The pandemic has kept budget reform on the back burner, but the fact is, the federal debt has ballooned to more than $30 trillion – about $92,000 for every American. This ocean of red ink boosts inflation, increases interest rates, threatens national security, and makes Americans poorer.

“The Business Cycle Balanced Budget Amendment is one of the smartest, most innovative solutions yet to getting our exploding debt under control,” said Kurt Couchman, senior fellow for fiscal policy at Americans for Prosperity. “Congress’ addiction to runaway spending has jeopardized Americans’ financial security. This legislation would restore our country’s fiscal sanity and help end Washington waste.”

Rep. Arrington and Sen. Braun’s new effort should attract broad, bipartisan support. 46 House Republicans and 14 House Democrats – conservatives, moderates, and progressives, alike – supported an earlier version of this legislation.

13.  Hunter Biden’s Connection To Ukraine Biolabs

There were previous reports that exposed how these Ukrainian labs were handling “especially dangerous pathogens” through US government-funded initiatives in early March. But what has recently come to light is Hunter Biden’s connection to these Ukraine biolabs.

An investment firm directed by US President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden was a major financial supporter of a pandemic monitoring and response firm that engaged in identifying and alienating lethal pathogens in Ukrainian labs while obtaining funds from the Obama administration‘s Department of Defense.

Both Biden and Heinz were managing directors of Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners (RSTP), an affiliate of Hunter Biden and Christopher Heinz’s Rosemont Capital. Heinz is the stepson of John Kerry, the present US Secretary of State and previous Secretary of State.

12.  Aussie Billionaire Clive Palmer Saved By Ivermectin And HCQ Refusing ICU Treatment

The ability of general practitioners to provide Ivermectin and HCQ treatments was restricted last year. However, an Aussie billionaire Clive Palmer was saved by Ivermectin and HCQ after he refused ICU treatment.

To save billionaire Clive Palmer from double pneumonia and the more lethal Delta Covid variant, a group of specialists who treated former US president Donald Trump injected him with a mix of five antiviral medications, reports Sky News.

11.   NATO and Russia — Whistling Past Each Other’s Graveyards   By Tom Luongo

What we have here, is a failure to communicate.”  – Cool Hand Luke

There are so many angles from which to view the war in Ukraine. I’ve tried my best to cover them to get a sense of why we are where we are… which is headed towards a much larger conflict.

Despite my deep cynicism, I am essentially an optimist. I tend to see opportunities for end games that result in humanity walking away from any kind of final solution. And sometimes that means having to look beyond the boundary conditions of the current conflict and see it in the grander context of what humanity is trying to achieve.

So remember, this is my bias. There’s a solution even if things look bleak because humanity has always recoiled from the worst of its excesses when personally confronted with them, at least for a few generations until the memories fade.

In WWII the nominal good guys, the Allies, defeated the nominal bad guys, the Axis, but mainly the Nazis. I’m not one to subscribe to that caricature of events. I know the issues are far deeper than that.

During war both sides’ propaganda becomes the height of reductionist. The other side is bad.

10.   NATO Is Propagandizing Itself Into War   By Paul Craig Roberts

Those who rely on Western media have the impression of a stalled Russian campaign in Ukraine with demoralized Russian soldiers deserting and surrendering to Ukrainians in order to get something to eat.  Russian soldiers are even allegedly shooting holes in the gasoline tanks of their motorized equipment so that they cannot advance, out of sympathy for the innocent Ukrainians.

This propaganda has been so effective on NATO that NATO is considering deploying troops in Western Ukraine where Russian troops are not operating.  This would be a fatal mistake, but propagandists usually end up believing their own propaganda.

To prove our solidarity with the official narrative, we in the West are supposed to believe only the narrative and not anything knowledgable commentators or the Russian Ministry of Defense say.  Only Russian agents and dupes believe the truth.

As I watch NATO blunder into war, I again dissent from the official narrative and present below the facts as announced today, March 25, by the Russian Ministry of Defense:

The results of the 1st month of the SVO from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

9.   Designing a New Currency Is Impractical   By Alasdair Macleod

Rising interest rates threaten to destabilise both financial asset values and the fiat currencies in which they are priced. This outcome is feared by the chattering classes who increasingly speculate about currency resets.

So far, we have seen cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, plans for the introduction of central bank digital currencies, plans to de-dollarise Asian trade, and even El Salvador adopting bitcoin as legal tender. But are these resets valid?

Except for a new currency mooted for cross-border trading purposes between Russia, its former Central Asian satellites and China only at the conceptual stage, all these plans fail in one important respect: as things stand, legally none of them can have the status of a currency. Money, that is physical gold and silver, banknotes and bank credit are exempt from property law with respect to stolen goods which otherwise can be seized from innocent parties who have subsequently acquired them.

Without this exemption embodied in lex mercatoria a currency replacement is useless. The only replacement for fiat is a currency credibly backed by gold. And that is the legal position!

8.   Two Weeks To Flatten The World   By Michael Bryant

“All this is a digression. The real power, the power we have to fight for night and day, is not power over things, but over men. How does one man assert his power over another? …By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own? Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing. Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating?
George Orwell, “1984”

“We become slaves the moment we hand the keys to the definition of reality entirely over to someone else, whether it is a business, an economic theory, a political party, the White House, Newsworld, or CNN.“
B.W. Powe

COVID-19 has magically disappeared.

After more than two years of non-stop bombardment with Covid “news”, there has been none at all in mainstream headlines for over a week. The media giveth and the media taketh away.

7.   Muddling The Way To War    By Eric S. Margolis

Those familiar with Russian history know that wars usually begin with disastrous muddles.  It’s the Russian way.

But Russians are also renowned for surmounting great obstacles after enormous sacrifices and finally achieving victory.  World War II, in which the Soviet Union lost around 8.6 million soldiers killed, is a mighty example.

Right now, Russia is in its typical early war muddle in Ukraine, which not so long ago was an integral part of the Soviet Union/Russia.  The initial Russian offensive in Ukraine has broken down and ground to a halt.  NATO spokesmen and anti-Russian Ukrainians are crowing about an apparent military defeat for Moscow’s invasion forces.  Most estimations are absurdly exaggerated.

There is lots of loose talk about chemical and nuclear weapons – all designed to scare the other side. The deeply anti-Russian British establishment is using its influential BBC to whip up sentiment against Moscow – as the Brits have done since 1917.

So have the forces of light and good in Ukraine really defeated Russia’s army of wicked ‘orcs’?

6.   The Globalists’ Insidious Strategy For Russia and Ukraine   By Vasko Kohlmayer

In his recent appearance on Face the Nation, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told Margaret Brennan:

“The Ukrainians have killed more Russians in three weeks than we lost in Afghanistan and Iraq in 20 years. I think we ought to go into this believing the Ukrainians can actually win. And the way they win is for us to get these defensive weapons system to them as rapidly as possible.”

Listening to this one is seized with despair, because McConnell’s words reveal the monstrous strategy that is being adopted by the western ruling elites regarding the Ukrainian war.

These elites now smell blood in the water. They hope to drag the war on Ukraine for as long as possible, get Russia bogged down and bleed it out, both in terms of human life as well as financially.

This is an inhuman and misguided strategy that is likely to backfire.

5.   Washington Is Delirious With War Fever – For No Reason of Homeland Security   By David Stockman

Economic, social and political dangers abound. That’s because Washington and its subservient mainstream media are delirious with war fever like at no time in the last seven decades.

The resulting reckless pursuit of an unhinged Sanctions War against Russia poses a dire threat to the global economy and domestic prosperity and does so for no good reason of homeland security whatsoever.

4.   AstraZeneca Injury Victim Still Awaiting Compensation  [2:10]

After getting the AstraZeneca shot, Shaun Mulldoon suffered a rare condition that led to numerous surgeries, months in the hospital and dozens of medications. Now, he’s fighting another battle to get compensation from the government.

3.   Is the Great Reset for Energy Compatible With Life?   Analysis by Tessa Lena

While the WEF is talking about ‘redesigning’ core planetary and cellular processes, Bill Gates and other oligarchs are looking to build up nuclear energy; we should be very concerned.


  • Due to the tremendous profitability of the energy industry, it has historically attracted the most ruthless individuals who robbed and murdered without any qualms
  • Unfortunately, both the “old normal” and the “new normal” methods of energy production are on the destructive side
  • The same players who have been destroying nature and polluting for decades are now pretending to care about the environment, and are using new messaging to continue dominating the market and create new markets for themselves out of thin air
  • The World Economic Forum says that they want to “redesign” core planetary and cellular processes
  • Bill Gates and other oligarchs are heavily invested in nuclear energy, while its safety is questionable

2.   Ukraine on Fire: 2016 Documentary by Oliver Stone  [1:36:53]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

        Ukraine Exposed, What’s Really Going On?

It’s far more complex than most imagine, and it’s global. In a recent update, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists reported the world is ‘at doom’s doorstep’ with a civilization-ending apocalypse imminent. The moment is both perilous and unsustainable, and the time to act is now.


  • Ukraine’s rich land has historically been used as a pathway for Western powers as they attempted to conquer the East
  • As a result, Ukraine, being surrounded by greater powers on all sides, had to master the art of changing sides
  • The Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), founded in 1929, had the ultimate goal of creating an ethnically pure, independent Ukraine
  • U.S. intelligence agencies kept watch on Ukrainian nationalist organizations as a source of counterintelligence against the Soviet Union; declassified CIA documents show close ties between U.S. intelligence and Ukrainian nationalists since 1946
  • U.S. meddling during the Maidan Revolution encouraged demonstrators to overthrow Ukraine’s democratically elected government
  • A leaked phone call, intercepted by Russian intelligence, between Victoria Nuland, the assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian Affairs, and U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Geoffey Pyatt openly discussed their plan for a new Ukraine government

1.  There’s going to be a very rude awakening from this vast Western propaganda dream of “the invasion of        Ukraine”   by Mark Crispin Miller

Some truths about the current carnival of lies now being pumped out by “our free press”

Is this real fakery, or fake fakery? At this point, it’s easy to believe that it’s the former: https://t.me/realCRP/3977

Zelensky looking bravely “presidential,” “in Kiev”: https://t.me/realCRP/3833

Paul Craig Roberts on the “fake news matrix” of “Ukraine”:

An excellent overview of the PR (i.e., propaganda) juggernaut behind the spectacle (a system evidently run by Brits):

In total, as noted in the material, about 150 communication and lobbying structures are working on the information campaign.  To support this information operation, they dedicate entire teams within their agencies.

Ukraine’s Propaganda War: International PR Firms, DC Lobbyists and CIA Cutouts (mintpressnews.com) 

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.