Daily Shmutz | 030322

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

28.  Everything Is Fake: Hollywood Actors Treat U.S. Like Bad Theatre  10:35]   Stew Peters Show 

David J. Harris Jr. joins the Stew Peters Show to discuss Joe Biden’s State of Failure and the clapping seals of Congress who are happy to obsess and cry over Ukraine while ignoring the corruption at home.
The 2016 election woke David up, but the 2020 steal solidified his commitment to America First and battling the communist insurgency.

Check out David’s work through his website:

Don’t miss a moment of Tuesday’s edition of the Stew Peters Show, live on StewPeters.com

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com

27.  !!! Covid-19 Researcher Blows The Whistle On Data Integrity Issues In Pfizer’s Vaccine Trial  [13:53 especially the last 5 minutes]                                  Stew Peters Show

Covid researcher turned whistleblower Brook Jackson joined the Stew Peters Show on Thursday to share the never before heard dark details of Pfizer’s stage 3 vaccine trials in 2020. She worked on the trial for only a few days, but says the practices she witnessed were disgusting, but hasn’t been able to tell anyone due to overwhelming legal intimidation. That ended today, don’t miss her statement to Stew.


Don’t miss a moment of Tuesday’s edition of the Stew Peters Show, live on StewPeters.com

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS:

26.  !Putin’s Secret War: Ukrainian Bioweapon Labs Exposed  [19:46]   Stew Peters Show

Dr. Ariyana Love joins the Stew Peter Show to discuss Putin’s purging of bioweapon labs in Syria and now in Ukraine. Ariyana addresses the elephant in the room, and the question of whether Russia may be right to protect its country and conquer a corrupt government, especially after the Biden junta declared war on patriots and Christians at home.

Don’t miss a moment of Tuesday’s edition of the Stew Peters Show, live on StewPeters.com

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com

25.  !! NATO Expansion Provoked Putin: Kremlin Reacting To Offensive Posturing     Stew Peters Show 

27 year veteran Jarome Bell joins the Stew Peters Show to discuss the ongoing war in Ukraine, as NATO continues to feign intervention while Kiev spreads propaganda and refuses to surrender.
Jarome is running for Congress in Virginia and is using his experience to tell the truth about the horrors of the military industrial complex.

Check out his campaign through this website:

Don’t miss a moment of Tuesday’s edition of the Stew Peters Show, live on StewPeters.com

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com

24.  70 miles long, and with thousands cheering it along the way, the USA Freedom Convoy has (of course) been BLACKED OUT by the media   Mark Crispin Miller

Rob Williams talks to Claire Dooley and Ariana Victor, two (real) journalists traveling with the truckers (an interview that YouTube instantly took down)

No sooner had this video gone up on YouTube than YouTube took it down—claiming that it offers “medical misinformation,” at odds with the pronouncements, not of the CDC, which, throughout these past two years, YouTube has been invoking as the ultimate authority on health, but of the World Health Organization. This, clearly, represents a shift toward global censorship via Google.

In any case, this interview with Claire Dooley and Ariana Victor, two journalists traveling with the USA Freedom Convoy, is well worth watching, as it tells us much about that epic caravan, which “our free press” is largely blacking out, while VICE and Rolling Stone have variously slimed it.  https://vermontindependent.net/plan-v-tv-episode-128-covering-the-truckers-usa-peoples-convoy-with-claire-dooley-ariana-victor/

23.  Trudeau cites smear campaign against Freeland in justifying banishment of Russian diplomats | CBC  Apr 5, 2018

Trudeau cites smear campaign against Freeland in justifying banishment of Russian diplomats | CBC News

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has linked the recent expulsion of four Russian diplomats to last year’s alleged smear campaign directed against Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland. He offered it…

[Ed.:  The Deep State is not as deep as it is wide!]

22.   Tierney’s REAL News (3/3/22)

21.  !!  See how the media lies about what happened in New Zealand yesterday. So why believe a word they say about Ukraine?                                   Mark Crispin Miller

Riot cops used gas and fists to clear Parliament grounds of peaceful protesters—and “our free press” MAKES UP scenes of mob violence AGAINST the cops

Check out the gap between the media’s propaganda and what really happened yesterday in Wellington; then ask yourself if there are any US/Western “news” reports that any thinking person can believe.

20.  !!! Stuff to read, and watch, about what’s (really) happening in Ukraine  [1:30:43]   Mark Crispin Miller

Some antidotes to the Big Lie that ALL of “our free press” is pumping out non-stop

Russell Bentley, an American from Texas living in Donetsk, tells Max Blumenthal what’s happening there:

[Ed.:  Wow.  Things truly are not as they appear to be!]

19.   Biden’s ‘Test to Treat’ Plan a Windfall for Pfizer, Merck — But Bad for Patients, Doctors Say     By Megan Redshaw

President Biden on Tuesday announced a new “Test to Treat” initiative which will allow Americans who test positive for COVID-19 to obtain free antiviral pills directly from pharmacies. Pfizer and Merck will reap billions from the taxpayer-funded plan, but doctors criticized the initiative.

President Biden on Tuesday announced a new “Test to Treat” initiative during his State of the Union address which will allow Americans who test positive for COVID-19 at a pharmacy to obtain free antiviral pills “on the spot.”

Biden said the new initiative is a key part of a revamped national strategy to return the country to normal.

But what he didn’t say is that the initiative is also a windfall for pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer and Merck.
Pfizer stands to make $54 billion in sales from its vaccine and antiviral COVID pill, Paxlovid. Merck expects to make up to $7 billion in profits from molnupiravir, a drug whose research and development was funded by taxpayers.

18.  Big Oil Funding Toxic Turf Playgrounds as Part of ‘America the Beautiful’ Conservation Initiative

A closer look at Biden’s “America the Beautiful” initiative reveals the plan includes subsidies, funded by federal offshore oil and gas royalties, for playgrounds that contain cancer-causing chemicals.

The Biden administration’s “America the Beautiful” initiative aims to conserve at least 30% of lands and oceans by 2030 in an effort to bolster the economy and “tackle the climate and nature crises” while addressing “inequitable access to the outdoors.”

But the plan may not be all it’s cracked up to be.

A closer look by investigative journalist Paul D. Thacker reveals the nationwide “conservation” effort includes subsidies for chemical grass playgrounds that contain a mix of harmful substances —  including heavy metals and per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances or PFAS.

17.  ! Why Aren’t U.S. Labs Required to Inform Public About High-Risk Experiments on Coronaviruses?

It’s high time for a new global architecture for life science governance that takes a comprehensive and coherent approach to biorisk management and revisits how high-risk life sciences research, funding and publication processes are conducted.

16.  ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Food: Is FDA Ready to Take a Tougher Stance?   By Carey Gillam

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is testing foods to determine what level of PFAS people may be exposed to in their daily diets and working with states to evaluate potential health threats from foods grown in places contaminated with PFAS.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is “responsible for protecting the public health.” Or so says the first line of the agency’s mission statement.

As part of that mission, the agency has been positioning itself as taking a tougher stance with companies involved in the manufacturing and use of a harmful group of widely used industrial chemicals called per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, short-handed as PFAS.

15.  !US Unprecedented Excess Death Toll Keeps Climbing    Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Excess deaths from heart disease, high blood pressure, dementia and other illnesses continue to rise during the pandemic, but health officials are only focusing on COVID-19.


  • More than 1 million excess deaths have been recorded since the COVID-19 pandemic began nearly two years ago
  • These deaths are not all due to COVID-19, as higher numbers of deaths from heart disease, high blood pressure, dementia and other illnesses occurred during the pandemic
  • In separate research, a 22.9% increase in all-cause mortality was reported from March 1, 2020, to January 2, 2021, and an increase in death rates from non-COVID-19 diseases — including heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s — was noted
  • As of January 27, 2022, U.S. excess mortality for 2021 was about 16%, compared to 13.6% in 2020; that is, excess mortality increased in 2021 — the year COVID-19 shots became prevalent
  • Former BlackRock portfolio manager Edward Dowd has documented a spike in mortality among younger, working-age individuals that coincided with vaccine mandates

14.  !2 Million Children Must Be Jabbed to Prevent 1 ICU Admission  [11:57]    Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

The Alarming Trends in COVID Jab Side Effects

The newest data from a large German health insurance company and the Israeli Ministry of Health continue to show side effects from the COVID jabs and boosters are anything but ‘rare.’ Further, a cost-benefit analysis shows this group is 51 times more likely to die from the jab than from COVID.


  • A cost-benefit analysis shows the COVID jab increases children’s risk of dying from COVID infection. Children under 18 are also 51 times more likely to die from the jab than they are to die from COVID infection if not vaccinated
  • Four million doses must be administered to children, 5 to 11 years of age, to prevent a single ICU admission in this age group. Assuming two doses per child, that means 2 million children must risk potentially serious side effects to prevent a single child from requiring intensive care due to COVID-19
  • The Israeli Ministry of Health recently surveyed people who had received a third booster to determine the actual rate of side effects. Of the 2,068 interviewed individuals, 0.3% required hospitalization for an adverse event; three times more women than men (6.9% versus 2.1%) experienced neurological problems; 9.6% of women under the age of 54 experienced menstrual irregularities; 26.4% of those with preexisting anxiety disorder or depression experienced a worsening of their symptoms, as did 24.2% of those with preexisting autoimmune disorders
  • German health insurance data also show an alarming trend. After analyzing the medical data of 10.9 million insured individuals, one large health insurance company concluded that 400,000 doctors’ visits could be realistically attributed to jab side effects. Extrapolated to the total population of Germany, the total number of jab side effects requiring medical care would be 3 million, about 1,000% higher than admitted by the German Ministry of Health
  • Two autopsies of teenage boys who died within days of their COVID jabs revealed the shot caused their deaths

13.  !  When Did the Germans Decide to Murder the Jews of Europe?   By Alex Grobman, PhD | March 03, 2022

‘The Twisted Road to Auschwitz’

According to German historian Christian Gerlach, Hitler made the decision “in principle to murder all the Jews in Europe, either on or around December12, 1941. … At least that is when it was made public.” During a speech on December 12 to approximately 50 regional and “sectional” leaders of the Nazi Party, Joseph Goebbels, Reich minister of propaganda, reported: “Regarding the Jewish Question, the Führer has determined to clear the table. He warned the Jews that if they were to cause another world war, it would lead to their own destruction. They were not empty words. Now the world war has come. The destruction of the Jews must be the necessary consequence. We cannot be sentimental about it.”

On December 16, Hans Frank, governor general of the General Government in Poland, (Kraków, Warsaw, Radom and Lublin), who attended the December 12 meeting, informed his administration in Kraków that an organization would be established in the future in the General Government, to produce a “destructive result” against the Jews. During the war, the Jews had to vanish because they were “useless eaters.”

Alfred Rosenberg, Reich minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories, urged Hitler on December 14 not to mention extermination publicly, which Hitler agreed not to do, and said the Jews would pay dearly for having caused the German people such harm.

Significantly, Rosenberg wrote to the Reich commissioner for the Ostland, who also had been at the December 12 speech, that with regard to “the Jewish question, clarity has meanwhile presumably been provided through oral conversations. Economic considerations shall not be taken into account in solving the problem.” (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, the northeastern part of Poland and the west part of the Belarusian SSR).

12.  !US Army Announces Mandatory Training on Pronouns and Gender Dysphoria — While Russia Invades Ukraine, Surrounds Kiev      By Jim Hoft

While Russian invades Ukraine and bombs civilian centers the US Army is putting soldiers through mandatory training on pronouns and gender dysphoria.

And they wonder why the barbarians in Afghanistan were able to hand them a humiliating defeat?

Maybe they should be holding mandatory leadership training instead?

US Army Announces Mandatory Training on Pronouns and Gender Dysphoria — While Russia Invades Ukraine, Surrounds Kiev

11.  !Torture Wins! US Veteran and Oath Keeper Joshua James Pleads Guilty to “Seditious Conspiracy” After He Entered US Capitol and Screamed at a Cop   By Jim Hoft

Torture Wins!

US veteran and Oath Keeper Joshua James pleaded guilty for “seditious conspiracy” on Wednesday.

James was one of the Oath Keepers who formed a stack on the US Capitol Steps that day and then entered the US Capitol without any weapons. The group later told Stewart Rhodes the Oath Keeper founder that they entered the US Capitol after they heard someone had been shot, a woman later identified as Ashli Babbitt who was shot dead by Capitol Police in cold blood.

The charges against him were based on text messages where the members were talking smack. That is enough to send him to prison for 40 years.

The Gateway Pundit wrote about Joshua James a year ago after his arrest and helped his family raise $100,000 from conservative supporters.

10.   The US And NATO Have Never Been Sanctioned For Starting Wars. Why?

The West has taken an extreme stance against Russia over its invasion in Ukraine. This reaction exposes a high degree of hypocrisy considering that US-led wars abroad never received the punitive response they deserved.

If the current events in Ukraine have proven anything, it’s that the United States and its transatlantic partners are able to run roughshod across a shell-shocked planet – in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria, to name a few of the hotspots – with almost total impunity. Meanwhile, Russia and Vladimir Putin are being portrayed in nearly every mainstream media publication today as the second coming of Nazi Germany for their actions in Ukraine.

9.   January 6 Panel Says Trump May Have Engaged in ‘Criminal Conspiracy’ to Overturn 2020 Election   By Cristina Laila

It appears Liz Cheney and the Marxists on the January 6 panel are gearing up to ask federal prosecutors to charge Trump.

The sham January 6 Committee on Wednesday said Trump may have engaged in criminal conduct to overturn the 2020 election.

“Evidence and information available to the Committee establishes a good-faith belief that Mr. Trump and others may have engaged in criminal and/or fraudulent acts,” the committee said in a court filing, Reuters reported.

“The Select Committee also has a good-faith basis for concluding that the President and members of his Campaign engaged in a criminal conspiracy to defraud the United States,” the filing said.

[Ed.: Examples of Leftist thinking include: bad is good, boys are girls, cooling is warming, lies are truth, and even that God doesn’t exist; they think this despite the fact that they have noses on their faces, and eyes to see!]

8.   Why Should India Fight NATO’s War?

The West has bombarded India with practically everything they have in the last month, demanding that we participate in their war. But, Why should India, of all countries, fight in NATO’s war?

7.   Ukraine Holding Indian Students Hostage In Kharkiv To Use Them As Human Shields

There have been several Indian students who have released recordings in which they claim to be mistreated by Ukrainian officials. This combined with the reports from Russian President Vladimir Putin that Ukraine have been holding Indian students hostage in Kharkiv to use them as human shields is quite alarming in the current scenario.

6.  !Moderna CEO Admits It’s Possible that the Vaccine Maker Patented DNA Three Years Before the Pandemic Could Match Genetic in the COVID-19 Virus   [13:09]   By Jim Hoft

In a shocking interview with Maria Bartiromo on Sunday, Moderna CEO admitted that it is possible that the gene sequence patented by the vaccine company three years before the pandemic could be in Covid-19’s spike protein.

Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel told Maria Bartiromo that it’s likely that a lab in China was working on virus enhancement or gene modification. And the hypothesis of an escape from the lab by accident is also feasible.

[Ed.: The patent Moderna has on the DNA in the jab means that all the recipients whose DNA has been replaced by Moderna’s DNA are actually and literally owned by Moderna! Vaccinated people are now Moderna productsIsn’t  THAT special!]

5.  FDA Releases Thousands of Pages of Documents Related to the Experimental Covid-19 Vaccines through FOIA Request — Animal Studies Showed Adverse Affects   By Jim Hoft

The Gateway Pundit previously reported — Texas Northern District Judge Mark Pittman made the decision to release documents after the group behind the FOIA request, Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, filed a joint status report.   The FDA then reached an agreement with the government on how fast the documents will be produced.

The FDA had originally asked for 75 years, but Judge Pittman shot down the ridiculous request in January, setting a schedule that would see the documents turned over in a matter of months.

The original timeline for the documents to come out required the FDA to release over 12,000 documents on January 31st and 55,000 every 30 days after that, which would have taken a total of about 8 months. Thankfully, the new schedule does not prolong the overall timeline, but it does backload it significantly, leaving the information in the hands of an agency that has been deceptively hiding information for months.

4.  George Soros Speaks Out: US Must Do “Whatever Possible” to Back Ukraine    By Jim Hoft

Globalist George Soros urged Joe Biden, Democrats to do “whatever is in their power” to support Ukraine against Russia in a series of tweets today.

This is concerning.

[Ed.:  Note: ‘Tsoros’ in Yiddish means ‘troubles‘!!]

3.   EXCITING NEWS FOR ELECTION INTEGRITY: New Fractal Voter Registration System (FPEIS) Is Now Able to Detect Voter Anomalies BEFORE an Election — And After Election   By Jim Hoft

After a decade of frustration over the ERIC voter information center, election jurisdictions and other groups now have an alternative to cleaning registration systems. Everything’s Bigger in Texas!

There is now a substitute for the partisan ERIC voter information center. Election jurisdictions and other qualified groups have a new alternative to cleaning registration systems. Everything’s Bigger in Texas!

A group in Texas is successfully exposing the numerous flaws in our voter registration data. They intend to provide views of voter registration data from every State while targeting the anomalies. They recognized the lack of access or transparency in voter rolls is a major problem. Some election jurisdictions charge from $12,500 to $30,000 for the voter data. Some provide it free, daily, weekly, or monthly. More importantly, the new system includes “Micro Apps” programmed to look at areas where voter anomalies occur. The team prefers the word “anomalies” instead of “fraud”. The speed of the systems is stunning and called “Fractal Programming”, a tech discussion for another day.

2.  !  “Empire of Lies” Speech Following Invasion of Ukraine – Vladimir Putin – Feb 24, 2022  [28:00]

Putin describes the motives behind Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, what they hope to achieve, and warns the world not to interfere.

1. !! Ilana Rachel Daniel: Israel, The Canary in the Coal Mine  [33:09] BY RHODA WILSON 

On Day 6 of the Grand Jury Proceeding by the Peoples’ Court of Public Opinion, Ilana Rachel Daniel gave an outline of what has happened in Israel during the “pandemic,” particularly in regards to covid injections.

“The Jewish people have historically served the world as the canary in the coal mine. We act as a reflection. When it’s bad with and within us, that’s a sign of where there’s brokenness in the world,” she said.

Netanyahu bought 60 million Covid injection doses at the very onset for Israel’s population of 9 million. It was obvious there was not going to be one but multiple injections. “As we’ve yelled from the beginning, ‘four doses per person’, but even I didn’t think would be within only one year’s time,” said Daniel .

Ilana Rachel Daniel, is an Israeli health advisor, health and safety researcher, activist, and writer.  Her testimony to the Grand Jury included the following:

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.