Daily Shmutz | 030522

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

Between a rock and a hard place

37.   from Bill Narvey (about freedom of thought):

Below is commentary from Jonathan Turley, a law professor with apparent politically liberal leanings whose socio-political views have in the past several years gained increasing attention and respect.

Turley provides keen insight into what free speech in America should mean by the Constitution and American values, but doesn’t.  It doesn’t because the socio-political left wing hordes in America including the main stream media, universities/colleges and social media giants have been allowed to determine what it means, who has such right of free speech and have assigned themselves the role of being the final arbiters of who has free speech and who doesn’t.

The measure these left wing hordes apply is if you hold conservative or other views that disagree with the left wing horde arbiters, then your right of free speech must be limited or outright censored – ie.  free speech for me”.  That is the refrain so often heard by those who have had their right of free speech limited or  shut down altogether.

Turley’s words ring with equal concern for Canada and us Canadians for this left wing socio-political herd movement is already here in Canada to the prejudice of those whose views challenge left wing horde views orthodoxy.

I therefore urge all to read Turley’s piece.

Getting the Hook: The Met Cancels Opera Singer for Refusing to Condemn Putin

[Ed.:  The tolerant, co-exist, inclusive, diversity crowd can’t help but to hate anyone who does not submit to their viewpoint. We, in their view, are 
NOT entitled to our own opinion, if it disagrees with what they (were told to) thinkThis is not the America that I grew up in. In those days,  we actually were tolerant, we co-existed with our differences, we were inclusive for all, and we lived with the diversity of people that made up our Republic! …For the most part...  But now, these intolerant freaks have a legitimate excuse!  They have been genetically modified and are commodities owned by the patents of their recent ‘Creator,’ and are literally “no longer human” (quoting Dr. Zalenko,) by definition, and by law!]

“Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out – David Horowitz]

36.   No, Authoritarians Are NOT Suddenly Dropping Covid Mandates and Restrictions Over Polling   JD Rucker

The prevailing narrative surrounding the sudden shift away from face mask and vaccine mandates by city and state governments is that they started reading the polls. This is absolutely not true.

“Somebody’s been reading the polls.”

The statement on a social media post from a popular user highlighting the lifting of face mask mandates across the country struck me as odd. The polls have nothing to do with why politicians, mostly Democrats, are suddenly dropping face mask and vaccine mandates across the country. I’ll explain the real reason behind the hasty — albeit temporary — retreat from authoritarianism in a moment, but first let’s debunk the common notion that the restrictions were lifted to help Democrats in the midterm elections.

35.  Deaths in New Zealand  [33:11]

New Zealand is a fascinating real-world experiment on vaccine safety. After locking themselves out from the rest of the world and thereby strictly eliminating Covid as a variable, they went about with a mass vaccination campaign. What did we learn?

Well, not very unexpectedly they had a surge in all-cause mortality in the 60+ cohort that almost perfectly correlates with vaccine delivery intensity. More jabs = more deaths and fewer jabs = fewer deaths. It deserves to be looked into more carefully, but responses from New Zealand’s health authorities indicates that maybe they don’t have any such interest. No surprise there.

Further, we’re being “trickle truthed” as the world comes to the realization that not only don’t two jabs work very well against omicron, but neither do three jabs and now four jabs.

While the U.S. mainstream media still hews to a stale campaign of trying to whip up more concern and fear over omicron, even the CDC has had to admit that omicron is a lot less deadly and far milder than delta.

The narrative is now fully shredded, but the agenda marches on. But for how much longer? People are waking up and the first large demonstration in the U.S. is planned for Jan 23 from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln memorial. Begins at 11:30 a.m. EST.

34.   US THREATENS India with SANCTIONS as the Globalist Order CRUMBLES!!!  [9:29]   Dr Steve Turley 

The United States is threatening India with SANCTIONS all as the Globalist Order CRUMBLES! In this video, we’re going to look at the latest threats against India coming out of DC, we’re going to see why the Bumblin’ Biden regime is targeting India, and stick with me to the very end of this video when I’ll reveal why such threats against India are only revealing nothing less than the end of the globalist order as we’ve known it

33.   The Great Reset Moves Forward: Visa, Mastercard Suspend Operations in Russia   JD Rucker

Pieces are being moved into and out of place much faster than I had anticipated. As financial institutions continue to engage in prompting an economic collapse, the need to prepare becomes urgent.

Credit card companies Visa and Mastercard announced today that they will be suspending operations in Russia over the conflict in Ukraine. This will have a strong impact on the Russian economy, though mostly affecting private citizens and businesses rather than the government.

Here’s the press release from Visa:

[Ed.:  It is always distasteful and inappropriate when businesses take political positions. It also cuts into their profits.]

32.  !License to kill   Steve Kirsch

There’s no doubt about it: the vaccine companies have a license to kill. They can kill as many people as they want and nobody in America is going to stop them. It’s all perfectly legal.

The most frustrating thing about this pandemic is that there is no doubt that the drug companies have killed over 150,000 Americans, yet nobody with authority to stop these vaccines wants to talk about the evidence. The vaccine program is done under the pretext of saving 10,000 lives (the Pfizer Phase 3 trial showed the drug saved approximately one COVID life for every 22,000 people fully vaccinated for the COVID variants existing over 1 year ago), but nobody really wants to look at the excess all-cause mortality caused by the vaccines (aka “the collateral damage”).

Is there a viable cause of action to stop any of this? I haven’t found it.

The law shields the drug companies, and everyone associated with the vaccination process from all liability. They basically have a license to kill.

31.  Neo-Nazis in Ukraine’s Army is Being Covered up by Western Media/Governments  [13:23]   By Sarah Westall 

Western media has been denying the fact that Neo-Nazis exist in Ukraine and are a major threat to peace in the region.  Perhaps this is because they have long used this tactic as a way to dismiss their political enemies and are assuming Putin is attempting to do the same thing here. But, that would be a false assumption. Below is a great summary by Harley Schlanger summarizing the evidence showing the existence of Neo-Nazi’s in Ukraine and how the Ukrainian government has utilized them for various purposes.

It is important to realize that Putin is correct on many things he has said about Ukraine and that he has legitimate complaints such as Russians being targeted and slaughtered in the Eastern regions of Ukraine, Neo-Nazis spreading hatred for Russians in the region, Ukraine being used as a base for money laundering and human trafficking, and NATO using Ukraine to violate security treaties. That being said, it is important to not be naive about Putin’s ambitions to expand his power base and to restore the Russian Empire.

30.  LIVE: Putin’s War on Bio-Labs, Pfizer Witness Exposes Safety Trials, David J. Harris Blasts Biden  [59:01]   Stew Peters Show

Thursday on the Stew Peters Show, Dr. Ariyana Love returns to discuss Putin’s purging of bioweapon labs in Syria and now in Ukraine.
27 year veteran Jarome Bell joins Stew to discuss the ongoing war in Ukraine, as NATO continues to feign intervention while Kiev spreads propaganda and refuses to surrender.

He’s also running for Congress in Virginia:
Covid researcher turned whistleblower B
rook Jackson shares never before heard dark details of Pfizer’s stage 3 vaccine trials. She witnessed disgusting practices, but hasn’t been able to tell anyone due to overwhelming legal intimidation. That ended today!
And, David J. Harris Jr. addresses Joe Biden’s State of Failure and the clapping seals of Congress who are happy to obsess and cry over Ukraine while ignoring the corruption at home.

Check out David’s work through his website:

Don’t miss a moment of Tuesday’s edition of the Stew Peters Show, live on StewPeters.com

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com

29. !! LIVE: DARPA’s “Project DEFUSE” Bringing MORE of Fauci’s Bioweapons Against Americans  [16:55]   Stew Peters Show

The Dr. Jane Ruby Show is dedicated to Truth in Medicine and today’s show is no exception, Dr. Jane reviews the stunning expose brought forward by DRASTIC Research, the group that unveiled the illegal criminal activity by Anthony Fauci, Ecohealth Alliance President Peter Daszak, college drop out Bill Gates, and how EHA brokered deals with corrupt US Government officials in HHS to fund countless proposals for Gain of Function programs and proves that the Covid Pandemic was a premeditated, strategic plan for racketeering, money laundering, and death and destruction. Premium members will get a closer look at their criminal activity and how they planned phony variants and pushed bioweapon death and destruction all over the world. The show ends with a discussion with powerhouse physician and spiritual warrior, Dr. Stella Immanuel.

28.  !Breaking: Worm Eggs Found In Vials: German Doctors Report Hatching Eggs In Vaxx  [9:49]   Stew Peters Show

The bioweapon marketed as a ‘vaccine’ has proven to be an injectable death wish in many cases. Now, the US is expecting a new rollout of dangerous jabs with terrifying ingredients. Dr. Jane Ruby joined the Stew Peters Show Friday to expose these developing details and her plans to collaborate with experts to find out more.

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com

27. !! Top Secret Pfizer Documents Leaked: Pfizer Knew That Vaxx Would Kill Thousands   [22:57]   Stew Peters Show 

The scheme of lies, false data, and political divisiveness surrounding Pfizer jabs are finally collapsing. Friday on the Stew Peters Show, Dr. Robert Malone exposes confidential information from Pfizer containing fatal vaccine injuries and lists of extreme adverse events. In the premium interview, Dr. Malone evaluates the data and the consequences of the jabs.

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: http://zStackProtocol.com

26.   Tierney’s REAL News  (3/5/22)

Finally, the truth is coming out about Russia & Ukraine, slowly but surely, and has pretty much confirmed all my reporting over the past week. The fake news lies. You can pretty much discount everything they say the first 72 hours. That’s today’s newsletter. Enjoy your weekend. Peg

25.   Putin signs new law that will punish foreigners over Human Rights abuses

President Vladimir Putin has signed a law that will allow Russia to impose sanctions on foreigners found guilty of violating its citizens’ human rights.

On Friday 4th March, Putin signed an order that will allow authorities to impose embargoes against individuals from any country who commit offences against Russian citizens.

“The law extends the current legislative measures to foreign nationals and stateless persons who are placed on corresponding lists by the Russian Foreign Ministry,” Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Building Andrey Klishas said.

24.  Pics — New Zealand: Bricks, ‘Explosives’ Fly as Police Attack Anti-Mandate Protest with Water Cannons  [2:03]

New Zealand police cleared an anti-vaccine mandate protest outside New Zealand’s parliament building in Wellington on Wednesday after its participants resisted federal calls to disperse for nearly four weeks, Wellington’s Dominion Post reported.

Video footage of the security operation captured by New Zealand’s Stuff news site showed dozens of police officers marching in riot gear through protester encampments set up on the grounds of New Zealand’s parliament building on March 2.

[Ed.: ‘Trespassing” in their own country!]

23.  ! CARUZO – Maduro Stands with Putin; the People of Venezuela Stand with Ukraine

CARACAS — Venezuela is one of three Latin American countries that has expressed support for Russia and its invasion of Ukraine — or more specifically, the socialist regime of Venezuela is the one that has expressed its support of Putin.

The people of Venezuela have a completely different stance than that of its authoritarian regime.

Venezuelans are generally not well-versed in the political affairs of Russia, Ukraine, its government, and NATO. We are miles away, speak a completely different language, and live under different conditions. These differences, however, do not detract from the support Venezuelans have expressed for the citizens of Ukraine during these war times – a support that echoes throughout all corners of the world.

Different as we may be, there is a common denominator between our two countries: Russia and Vladimir Putin’s regime.

[Ed.: ‘From the frying pan into the fire!’]

22. Biden Wants $10B to Protect Ukraine’s Border After Spending $6M Every Day to Not Build U.S.-Mexico Border Wall

President Joe Biden is looking to spend more than $10 billion in American taxpayer money to protect the borders of Ukraine even as he spent $6 million every day to not build a wall along the United States-Mexico border.

[Ed.:  Every time I hear the oxymoron ‘President Joe Biden,’ I cringe!]

21.   Nolte: Ukraine War Fever Could Kill GOP Midterm Chances   by JOHN NOLTE

How does any rational or caring human being watch us lose a 20-year war against cave-dwelling barbarians, and not just lose that war, but lose it in the most humiliating fashion imaginable, and less than a year later already have a war-boner for Ukraine?

I’m convinced the unholy alliance between Neocons, the corporate media, and the Democrat party is the Seventh Seal.

For a moment, let’s forget about the fact that America is incapable of liberating anyone; let’s ignore that our definition of “liberating”  is to spend $4 trillion killing hundreds of thousands of innocents and then abandoning them to the enemy. Instead, how about these apples: 1) Putin is not a cave-dwelling barbarian, and 2) Putin has nuclear weapons.

Well, those apples have been met with what is, without question, the single-most irresponsible thing a public official has uttered in my lifetime…

“So let me say this to the GOP… It’s a trap, dummies! [Emphasis added] It’s a neocon/MSM/Democrat trap built by people who could not care less about Ukraine. To them, this war is just a convenient way to move their hate/blacklisting/virtue-signaling supremacism to another cause now that the COVID moral panic has run its course.”

20.   PM Bennett meets Putin at the Kremlin

PM Bennett traveled secretly to Moscow in the Mossad’s private jet, source says.

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Saturday night is meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin to discuss Ukraine crisis, a Kremlin spokesperson said.

Bennett arrived at the Kremlin approximately two-and-a-half hours ago, a statement said. The Israeli Prime Minister left Israel in the Mossad’s private jet early on Saturday morning, when Jewish law usually forbids travel, in light of a conversation held between himself and Putin on Wednesday.

19.  UK community raises $1.6 mil for Ukrainian Jewish orphanage and school

Over 2,000 UK donors help Jewish orphanage and school in Odessa whose students fled to a mountain camp due to the Russian invasion.

The British Jewish community has raised £1.2 million ($1.6 million USD) for a Jewish orphanage and school in Odessa, Ukraine whose students had to flee due to the Russian invasion.

According to the Jewish Chronicle, children from the Tikva Jewish orphanage and school had to flee Odessa on 14 buses, travelling to an area near the Carpathian Mountains that remains safe.

Over 400 children and other people were evacuated by Tikva last week, with another 50 children travelling this week to safety.

18.  120 children arrive safely in Berlin from Odessa Jewish orphanage

Children make 1,000 mile journey from Odessa to Berlin on five school buses and have permission to stay in Germany.

On Friday morning, 120 children from a Jewish orphanage in Ukraine arrived in Berlin, the Juedische Allgemeine reported.

They arrived on buses from Odessa with the help of the Jewish Education Center Chabad Lubawitsch Berlin, which organized the rescue. They are now in the Charlottenburg section of Berlin.

17.  Supreme Court reinstates death sentence for Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev   Elad Benari, Canada

The Supreme Court on Friday reinstated the death sentence for Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, The Associated Press reports.

The justices, by a 6-3 vote, agreed with the Biden administration’s arguments that a federal appeals court was wrong to throw out the sentence of death a jury imposed on Tsarnaev for his role in the bombing that killed three people in 2013.

“Dzhokhar Tsarnaev committed heinous crimes. The Sixth Amendment nonetheless guaranteed him a fair trial before an impartial jury. He received one,” Justice Clarence Thomas wrote for the majority, made up of the court’s six conservative justices.

16.   He’s Back! Bill Clinton Relaunching Clinton Global Initiative After 5-Year Hiatus   By Cristina Laila

He’s back!

Bill Clinton announced the Clinton Global Initiative will be hosting a leadership summit in New York in September after a 5-year hiatus.

The Clintons are back as 1 million Ukrainian refugees flee to Poland, Moldova and other neighboring Eastern European countries amid the Russian invasion.

The Clinton Global Initiative mentioned Ukraine, Climate Change and Covid in its newsletter on Friday (shocker).

15.  Ukrainian Security Service Assassinates Own Delegation Member At Talks With Russia On Suspicion Of High Treason

It has been reported that the Ukrainian Security Service has assassinated its own delegation member at talks with Russia on suspicion of high treason.

The Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) shot and killed Denys Kyreyev, a member of the Ukrainian negotiating team at the first round of negotiations with Russia in Belarus, while attempting to detain him, Ukrainian parliamentarian Oleksiy Honcharenko said, reported Interfax.

“During an attempt to detain Denys Kyreyev, a member of the Ukrainian negotiating delegation, the Ukrainian Security Service shot and killed him. He was suspected of high treason,” Honcharenko wrote on Telegram.

Kyreyev was among the members of the Ukrainian delegation at the first round of the talks with Russia in Belarus.

14.  Ukraine Update–The Russian Offensive   By Larry Johnson

(The following is from Patrick Armstrong. He was an analyst in the Canadian Department of National Defence specialising in the USSR/Russia. He served as a Counsellor in the Canadian Embassy in Moscow 1993-1996. )


So far the Russian military operation in Ukraine has been a reconnaissance in force preceded by the destruction of the supplies and headquarters of the Ukrainian Armed Forces by standoff weapons. The object being to suss out where the Ukrainian forces are, to surround them, to check existing Russian intelligence against reality and, at the same time, destroy known headquarters, air and naval assets, supplies and ammunition depots. And, perhaps, there was the hope that the speed and success (Russian/LDPR forces dominated an area of Ukraine about the size of the United Kingdom in the first week) would force an early end (aka recognition of reality).

13.   Ukraine and the US Have One Thing In Common – Obama/Biden Ran Coups in Both Nations   By Joe Hoft

In 2014, the Obama Administration was behind a coup to install a leader in Ukraine.  Less than a decade later, the same group installed Biden in the US with a coup. 

We shared yesterday the actions that Obama and Biden took in 2014 to rid Ukraine of its Russia-leaning President and replace him with a leader picked by the Obama regime and others in Obama’s State Department.   This was discussed at length in 2014 after a phone call from Victoria Nuland was leaked showing that the Obama Administration, including Joe Biden, was picking the next leader for Ukraine after being behind the riots and violence that led to the Russian-leaning President’s demise.

12.  Demons at Meta-Facebook Whine About Russia Restricting Their Reach After They Eliminated 90% of Conservative Content on Their Platform Since 2017 and Banned the US President

On Friday Russia blocked access to Facebook after imposing partial restrictions on the social media giant last week for refusing Russia’s request to stop fact-checking the state media.

Telangana reported — The Russian government said on Friday that it will begin to “partially restrict” access to Facebook, after the social network put restrictions on four Russian state-linked media outlets — the television network Zvezda, news agency RIA Novosti, and the websites Lenta.ru and Gazeta.ru.

On Friday afternoon Facebook, Meta President of Global Affairs, Nick Clegg, tweeted out that “soon millions of ordinary Russians will find themselves cut off from reliable information…”

This is rich coming from Facebook — the far left company that stifled free speech in America and destroyed the right to free speech in the USA.

11.  ! Russia-Ukraine has opened the door to World War III, & Western Leaders are to blame for giving away the key; now we need to close it

The worst thing a crowd of people can do is to watch a gang of thugs beating a man or raping a girl and do nothing about it. Especially when the crowd is much larger than the gang.

Yet this is the precise position we are in with Ukraine and Russia with whole nations rather than with individual people. And in Ukraine children are being killed too.

10.  !! Avital Livny: Personal Testimonies from Israel   BY RHODA WILSON 

On Day 6 of the Grand Jury Proceeding by the Peoples’ Court of Public Opinion, Avital Livny described the patterns of adverse effects from Covid injections that she was encountering as well as giving some personal stories of vaccine-injured people from Israel.

Avital Livny is the initiator of The Testimonies Project in Israel.  A project created to provide a platform for all those who have suffered adverse effects from Covid injections. A platform to ensure victims’ voices are heard because they are being ignored by the Israeli media.

Livny began her testimony:

“When [the injection campaign] started in Israel, soon after, I think two months or three months after, I started hearing about people experiencing side effects, people that I know around me. The numbers went up as time went by. And I also started noticing people on Facebook posting posts talking about what happened to them after getting the shots. And the dozens became hundreds. And yet in the Israeli media, there was nothing – ‘everything is perfect, no side effects’.

“And also, I noticed that whenever somebody posted a post talking about what he experienced, the side effects he experienced, he immediately got comments like ‘fake news’, ‘lies of unvaccinated people’, ‘anti-vaccine’. And I knew right away that the only way to stop this and to bring the truth out is only with video testimonies. Because once you see the person’s face, speaking from his heart about his tragedy, in your guts you know when it’s not fake, you know.”

So, Livny messaged some vaccine-injured people who were posting on Facebook groups, introduced herself and told them about the Testimonies Project. At first, “almost all of them didn’t want to do it. They were too afraid to come out with their stories,” Livny testified.

“You have to understand that the atmosphere in Israel since the so-called vaccination started is so violent, so toxic, a lot of hate, fear, families are falling apart, getting divided between vaccinated and unvaccinated.”

Below is the video of Daniel’s testimony and the transcript.

9.  NATO Announces They Will Not Fight for Ukraine on the Ground or in the Air — Rejects No-Fly Zone (VIDEO)   By Jim Hoft

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg announced on Friday the alliance of Western nations will not fight for Ukraine. NATO will not send in ground troops and will not close the Ukrainian air space.

Whatever promises were made to Zelensky and the Ukrainians in the past were just tossed out a window.

8.  Pfizer COVID Vaccine Has 1,291 Side Effects Reveals Released Documents

When Pfizer applied for FDA approval, they were aware of almost 158,000 adverse events. This really does not paint them in a favorable light. And now, it’s been officially reported that Pfizer’s COVID vaccine has 1,291 side effects.

7.   Study Reveals Traditional Large Households Fend Off Dementia

A new study published on March 4th by researchers from University of Adelaide has revealed that traditional large households help fend off dementia.

A strong social network is widely recognised to benefit an adult’s well-being, mental health, and longevity, but University of Adelaide researchers discovered a substantial link between persons living in larger households and a lower risk of dementia death.

6.   Russia Sinks The Pride Of Ukraine Navy Frigate Hetman Sahaidachny

Reports are surfacing that Russia has sunk the symbol of pride for the Ukrainian Navy Hetman Sahaidachny. The Ukrainian navy flagship was taken out at Nikolaev, as per images.

5.   “Let Them Fly On Broomsticks”: Russia Stops Rocket Engines Supply To US

In retaliation for US sanctions over Ukraine, Russia has chosen to suspend delivering rocket engines to the US, according to Dmitry Rogozin, the director of the national space agency Roscosmos.

“In a situation like this we can’t supply the United States with our world’s best rocket engines. Let them fly on something else, their broomsticks, I don’t know what,” Rogozin stated on Russian official television.

Ever since 1990s, Russia has supplied a sum of 122 RD-180 engines to the United States, 98 of which were utilized to power Atlas launch vehicles, as per Rogozin.

Roscosmos will also discontinue repairing rocket engines it earlier sold to the United States, according to Rogozin, who added that the United States still possessed 24 engines that would be left without Russian technical support.

In response to Western sanctions over Ukraine, Russia has already stated that it would cease collaboration with Europe on space launches from the Kourou spaceport in French Guiana.

4.  Russia’s Ultimate Goal For War In Ukraine

Many observers speculate that Putin invaded Ukraine because he wanted to prevent NATO from expanding to Russia’s border. He felt increasingly threatened by a Ukrainian government formed in the aftermath of a 2014 Obama-backed coup. It is highly unlikely that Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine without first receiving the approval of China’s Xi Jinping.

What did Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping think Western Nations would do in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine? The United States and the European Union would most likely refuse to join a kinetic war against the world’s greatest nuclear power. Therefore, they would be limited to sending military aid, imposing economic sanctions, and at the very most, excluding Russia from the SWIFT financial system.

3.  FOOD WARS: Russia Bans Fertilizer Exports to Crush Global Markets – Hungary bans All Grain Exports   By Jim Hoft

Earlier this week Tucker Carlson invited Iowa Corn and soybean farmer Ben Riensche on his top-rated program to discuss the massive inflation we are about to see in food prices here at home.

According to Rienshe, grocery prices may increase up to $1,000 per month due to Russia’s sanctions on fertilizer.

2.  LET FREEDOM ROLL: 70 Mile Long ‘People’s Convoy’ to Descend on Washington, DC SATURDAY – Thousands of Vehicles Gear Up for the Final Stretch (VIDEOS)    By Julian Conradson

Thousands of American Truckers from across the country will reach the DC Swamp tomorrow morning for a massive protest to pressure Biden to end the national state of emergency that was declared at the start of the pandemic, along with all the other public health mandates that have been used to restrict Americans’ constitutional rights.

They’re so close, DC can practically hear the honking already.

On Friday, the largest group, ‘The People’s Convoy,’ merged with another massive group when it arrived at its final rest stop in Hagerstown, Maryland, which is just 75 miles (90 minutes) away from the nation’s capital.

The convoy is now well over 10,000 vehicles long, including thousands of trucks. There are so many participants in the caravan that it has taken over three hours for them to get off the highway, and there is still no end in sight.

1.  Ukrainian President Zelenskyy… Yes, Really   By Alexandra Bruce

Before he ran for the presidency, Volodymyr Zelenskyy was a comedian. Here’s a video from 8 years ago that was wiped from YouTube but which was resurrected on BitChute on the Plazma channel.

Zelenskyy starred in the hit television series Servant of the People, where he played the role of a high-school history teacher in his 30s who won the presidential election after a viral video showed him ranting against government corruption in Ukraine. The series, which ran from October 2015 – March 2019 will soon be airing on British Channel 4.

The political party, Servant of the People, named after the show was founded in March 2018 by Zelenskyy and members of his production company.

In March 2019, Zelenskyy told Der Spiegel magazine that he went into politics to restore trust in politicians and that he wanted “to bring professional, decent people to power”. If that sounds like it came straight out of the World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders program, it did. Zelensky graduated in 2000.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.