Daily Shmutz | 030622

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

30.  Box of Human Heads Stolen From Truck in Denver   By Cassandra Fairbanks

A box of human heads has been stolen from a truck in Denver, Colorado.

The box of heads was being transported for medical research.

The Denver Police Department announced on Saturday that they were looking for the box and information on the person who had stolen it from the parked freight vehicle.

The thief stole the box, which was labeled “Exempt Human Specimen” and a dolly — in broad daylight.

29.   Russian Banks to Replace VISA and Mastercard with New “Mir” System in Partnership with China’s Union Pay

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation announced on Sunday that several banks will switch to the Chinese card system following the suspension of Visa, Mastercard, and Paypal in Russia.

It can be recalled that Visa, Mastercard, and Paypal announced on Saturday they will suspend all operations in Russia.

“We are compelled to act following Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, and the unacceptable events that we have witnessed,” said Al Kelly, chairman and chief executive officer of Visa Inc.

On Sunday, several banks in Russia will start to issue new cards with the new Russian payments system “Mir” and China’s UnionPay.

[Ed. Visa, Mastercard, and Paypal  shouldn’t voice their stupid opinions about politics.  Looks like they really shot themselves in the foot this time. Crocodile tears!]

28.  !!Freedom Med CEO Kevin Jenkins: We Are Creating Freedom Med To ‘Break Away From Tyrannical Medical System,’ ‘Build A New World Where Healthcare And Human Life Are Valued’     By Alicia Powe

The vast majority of COVID-19 related deaths occur in hospitals. But they’re not dying from the disease.

Numerous doctors warn that hospitals across the United States have been adhering to dangerous CDC protocols throughout the pandemic that coerce health practitioners to essentially murder COVID 19-infected patients.

In addition to insisting patients get dangerous experimental Covid 19 vaccinations, doctors are reportedly providing hospitalized COVID 19 patients Remdesivir, a drug that causes renal failure and pulmonary edema and then putting them on mechanical ventilators, a procedure that typically results in death.

Now, Americans who no longer trust the medical establishment have a new option.

Freedom Med launched this week, a telemedicine company that is “uniting medical professionals to protect your constitutional medical rights and enable you to take back your health.”

27.  !! American Truck Convoy Encircles DC on Capital Beltway During First Day of Protests   VIDEO [031]   By Julian Conradson

After changing up the plan and overcoming a brief delay yesterday, ‘The People’s Convoy’ began their protest in the Nation’s Capital on Sunday.

The 70+ mile-long caravan departed from the speedway in Hagerstown, Maryland in the morning, arriving a short while later to the DC Beltway.

Take a look at the line of trucks before they headed out this morning – it’s absolutely astonishing!

[Ed.:  I counted 13 lanes wide!]

26.  Stock Futures Drop as Oil Soars with Brent Crude Up to $130 a Barrel – Biden Still Refuses to Implement President Trump’s Energy Independence Policies    By Joe Hoft

The markets are down as the price of crude oil reaches a 13-year high. 

Thank you Joe Biden.  The media may tell you that the high price of oil is due to the Ukraine – Russia conflict but they forget that America was energy independent only a year ago under President Trump.

Under President Trump the US was an oil producer for the first time in nearly a century.   President Trump recently reminded us of where America would be without the stolen election.25.  FDA Declines to Issue Emergency Authorization of India-Made COVAXIN for 2 to 18 Year-Olds   By Jim Hoft

Ocugen, Inc., an American biopharmaceutical company focused on innovative therapies including the Covid-19 vaccine, provided an update on Friday that the Food and Drug Administration had declined its application for Emergency Use Authorization request for its Covid-19 vaccine for children ages 2 to 18 years old.

According to its news release, COVAXIN™ (BBV152) is a whole-virion, inactivated vaccine, manufactured using a Vero Cell manufacturing platform, as has been used in the production of the inactivated polio vaccine for the past 35 years, as well as of other traditional childhood vaccines.

This new vaccine was partnered and developed with India’s Bharat Biotech.

More from their news release here and below:

[Ed.:  Isn’t that benevolent! But, are we worthy?]

24.  ! Biden Brings the Pain: National Average for Gallon of Regular Gas Breaks $4 Per Gallon      By Jim Hoft

Elections have consequences.
Stolen elections have catastrophic consequences.

Joe Biden and Democrats bring the pain.

23.  Food Price Index Hits All-Time High in February — Up 24% From One Year Ago — And It’s Going Higher

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations reported last week that the international food price index hit an all-time high in February. Food prices are up 24% from one year ago.

And it’s only going to get worse.

22.  !WAKE UP AMERICA: Here Are 10 Actions by the Biden Regime That Purposely Hurt America and Threaten Your Children’s Future   By Joe Hoft

We elect leaders to protect us, our families and our communities.  We elect leaders to act responsibly with our tax dollars, to make our lives better, and to uphold our Constitution.  The Biden Administration has done none of this.  

Below is an inventory of major actions taken by the Biden Administration that have hurt America.  Not one action makes America better – Not one!

1. Our elections are sacred and the cornerstone of our republic.  If they are stolen our republic is nothing.  It’s over.

Biden’s first major act against America was to steal the 2020 Election.  You may not agree with this but the majority of Americans do.

21.  Over 3,000 Americans have applied to join the Ukrainian military and help fight against Russia.     By Cassandra Fairbanks

A defense official at the Ukrainian embassy in Washington, D.C., told the Military Times that several hundred have already arrived.

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy created “The International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine” on Sunday for foreign volunteers willing to help them in battle.

Over 16,000 people from all over the world are heading to the war-torn nation.

[Ed.:  They are not going to fight because of ‘patriotism’ or ‘loyalty’ to Ukraine, they are going as mercenaries, because of the money.]

20.  !Wisconsin Supreme Court Sides with Democrat Governor’s Redistricting Map    By Jim Hoft

The Wisconsin Supreme Court approved congressional election maps drawn by far Democrat Governor Tony Evers on Thursday.

The leftist court ruled 4-3 in favor of Evers.

WRN says the maps will take seats from Republicans.

[Ed.: ‘Help, help! I have a wonderful answer!  Does anyone have the question?’  The question is ‘what the hell are we going to do now to save our Republic from the Commies and the NWO?’  (The answer to a question always lies hidden within the question!) The question was about a redistricting map. The answer is “A Two-State Solution” new map. One State for the American Patriots, the other for the Commie, GMO (non-human,) zombies. One state can wear their masks, and the other can show its smiling face!]

19.  !!! HORRIFIC! Prosecution Calls Teenage Kids of January 6’er to the Stand As Witnesses Against Him! THE BIDEN REGIME HAS NO CONSCIENCE! Exclusive Letter from Wife!!    By Cara Castronuova

Only in Biden’s America would the FBI and DOJ use a man’s own teenage children to record and testify against him!

Guy Reffitt, pictured in the courtroom drawing below, wept uncontrollably as he listened to his son Jackson Reffitt testify against him this past Friday.

[Ed.:  This is such a tragically sad story.  I’m afraid that this problem is being experienced my most American families today because of the social pressure from their peers, their school, and the press. The Commies have succeeded in destroying the American family.  They have also taken over our children altogether. Now our children are the enemy as wellThis is one of the signs mentioned in the Bible of the presence of the anti-Christ and  the End of Times.

And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death.

And:  Matthew 10:21 ]

18.  WAYNE ROOT: Here’s Your “Red Pill” Moment About the Russia-Ukraine War    By Wayne Allyn Root

It’s time for your red pill. Something smells rotten in Ukraine. The story is rotten, rancid, hinky, the story just doesn’t add up.

Biden and the media desperately want you to believe Russia is the bad guy and Ukraine is a little angel. They want you to fall in love with underdog Ukraine. They want you to support America getting involved on behalf of Ukraine.

To get your support, they need the media to sell you a bill of goods. But it just doesn’t add up. First, Biden is the one who funded Russia’s invasion. Biden killed our pipelines, killed coal, banned drilling, which made us dependent on Russian oil, which made Russia filthy rich and arrogant. Biden paid for this war.

17.  If Obama Already Had a Real Birth Certificate, Then Why Did He Conspire to Have a Bogus Hawaiian Birth Certificate Forged and Released to the American Public?    APRIL 27, 2011   by Tom Arnold, ©2022 

(Mar. 5, 2022) — The answer, my friends (and those others of you), is OBVIOUS!  Obama did NOT have a real authentic American (Hawaiian) birth certificate!  His real birth certificate, as many have reported (including even the publisher, Acton & Dystel, of an abbreviated biography of Obama), seems to be in KENYA, not HAWAII.

Furthermore, when Obama directed his RICO-like Perkins Coie law firm co-conspirators to go to Hawaii and obtain the FORGED birth certificate (April 2011), he was running for re-election.  The so-called “birthers” (of which I was one, and still am) were raising serious doubts and objections to reelecting someone who, according to the US Constitution in Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5, was NOT a “natural born American citizen.”  Then future president Donald Trump was one who was dubious about Obama’s claims of being constitutionally eligible for the presidency.  Trump even offered Obama 5 million dollars, which, he, Obama, could give to charity(s) of his choice, if he would release his bona fides.  Obama, as you probably know, turned down the offer (could it have been because Obama had plenty of money anyway!).

Remember what Obama told the media and the television audience (April 27, 2011, when he finally presented his “birth certificate” publicly):  “WE DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS KIND OF SILLINESS!”  Obama was an accomplished orator, but it was he who was “silly” this time, with such a pandering and juvenile remark.

Lastly, the whole plan (of the CPUSA, DNC, NWO, Deep State, and CIA?) of Obama being a Manchurian Candidate (a person who is not loyal to, or who harms, his own country or political party because he is under the control or influence of another country or party), who would rally the Democrats to endless election victories and transform them into a radically progressive New World Order machine, depended on Obama’s reelection in 2011, followed in years to come by Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and other radical wanna-be heads of state.  Things, however, didn’t exactly work out that way, but Obama and his comrades made 45th President Donald Trump’s political life a nightmare (and still are doing so).

16.  Tierney’s REAL News (3/6/22)

POSOBIEC: “Biden is now cutting oil deals with Iran and Venezuela. He doesn’t want America to be energy independent. You’re being played.” Correct!

VIENNA: “Realistically speaking, Iran got more than frankly others expected. The Biden administration won’t admit this publicly, but their plan is not to increase the US oil supply to lower gas prices. They’re trying to push through the Iran deal as fast as possible to lower the price of oil. They’re buying oil from our enemies – like Venezuela, Russia & Iran.

They are also depleting America’s strategic reserves to lower the price of oil and leave the US defenseless against those same enemies. All this in an attempt to appease the progressive climate change movement & secure the mid-terms.”

BTW – oil and gas from Iran, Russia & Venezuela and coal from China is 30 percent DIRTIER than oil & gas & coal produced from America! Explain why Biden wants the world to keep belching dirty energy if he is so concerned about emissions! Makes no sense!

15.   [Re-posting!  Because hemorrhagic fever is new new, up and coming bioweapon-attack on humanity, which is already underway.]

!!   Exclusive: Dr. Li-Meng Yan Reveals CCP Plans to Spread Hemorrhagic Fever Bioweapon Via Olympics, and She Shares the Cure             JD Rucker

The powers-that-be have attempted to debunk her claims for over two years. Invariably, they turn out to be accurate. This latest bombshell is the most concerning yet.

Watch the interview on Rumble.

After doing over 350 interviews in my career, I rarely get shaken by a guest. That rare event occurred today when I interviewed Dr. Li-Meng Yan. She told me things from her various sources, many of which are in China with direct knowledge, that blew my mind. Is the CCP developing another bioweapon? The answer to that is almost certainly yes, but Dr. Yan went a step further. She explained that they are already unleashing one onto the world through the Olympic games in Beijing today.

Before I get into the details, it’s important to understand that she and her sources are highly credible. There have been concerted efforts to discredit her, but her claims as far back as early 2020 have invariably been proven accurate. The powers-that-be attempted to debunk her claims that Covid-19 was developed in a lab. They tried to disprove what she’s said all along, that Peter Daszak and Anthony Fauci had intimate knowledge of the gain-of-function research that was going on in Wuhan. They even tried to prove she was wrong about the inefficacy of the vaccines. All of her claims have been verified and she has been vindicated multiple times.

14.  Putin Being the Bad Guy Doesn’t Mean Zelensky Is a Good Guy   JD Rucker

The sordid history of Volodymyr Zelensky isn’t as bad as Vladimir Putin’s. Zelensky isn’t a thug. Putin is. With that said, the globalist future of a rising Zelensky should be a major concern.

Most of my readers didn’t trust corporate media’s portrayal of Russiagate or the alleged pee tape that was manufactured for effect by Hillary Clinton’s operatives. You laughed when they tried to tell us the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. You were skeptical of the narratives surrounding the after-dark counting of ballots following the 2020 election, as well as the dismissal of mountains of evidence of massive, widespread voter fraud. You didn’t buy the January 6 “insurrection” narrative. You haven’t fallen for Pandemic Panic Theater.

Why, then, are so many people buying into the notion that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is some sort of good guy in the Russia-Ukraine fiasco? The answer is found in human nature; we tend to look at things as “A vs B.” If Vladimir Putin is the bad guy, then his opposition must be the good guy. Governments and corporate media networks across the globe are playing on this false notion and compelling even lucid patriots into thinking that Zelenksy is fighting the good fight.

I’m not taking a side in the regional conflict. It’s not because I’m indecisive; my long-time readers know I take a strong stance on just about every important issue. In this situation, neither side is worth supporting. Zelensky is not a good guy, and while it’s extremely unfortunate that Ukrainian civilians as well as reluctant members of both militaries are being victimized by their two leaders, I don’t see Zelenksy’s actions serving the interests of his people. Most importantly, I don’t see an upside for America to get involved.

[Ed.:  I give an ‘Amen’ to thatThis article reflect my opinion, exactly.]

13.   More Mass Psychosis: America Falls For Post-Covid Enemedia Liars’ Calls For WAR, Anti-War No More    By Pamela Geller

After the past two years of media lies, deliberate disinformation and attacks on average Americans that led to the seizure of our freedoms, the destruction our way of life and invariably the Republic, it shocks me that America is still being led by the nose by the corrupt Democrat media complex.

We went from the media’s daily mantra “Covid, Covid, Covid!” to “Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine!”

Ukraine? Not the millions invading the border, inflation, supply chain crisis, election theft, skyrocketing oil and gas prices,  etc….. Ukraine. Yes, the media says so. Why the American people continue to follow these destroyers will leave future historians scratching their heads. “Advocacy journalism” is not journalism, it is pure propaganda.

12.   WHERE IS DR. FAUCI?  [8:28]  by BOBBY BURACK

Where is Dr. Fauci? After two years of leadoff hitting on Meet the Press, the guy has seemingly disappeared.

There had been a growing list of theories on Fauci’s whereabouts, including the Wuhan lab where COVID probably originated. Naturally, everyone wants to know where he has been. And luckily, SubStack writer Jordan Schachtel found the answer.

It turns out that Fauci vanished soon after a polling article warned Democrats that Americans are fed up with COVID hysteria and it might cost them the 2022 midterms.

Here’s the memo.

11.  !Leftists Demand Big Tech Preemptively Censor Trump’s Truth Social    BY: JORDAN BOYD

‘The campaign by the left and the mainstream media to censor and suppress other viewpoints is a shocking threat to democracy,’ Nunes told The Federalist.

Former President Donald Trump’s Truth Social wants to make itself cancel-proof against leftist demands that Big Tech preemptively deplatform it.

So far, the increasingly popular free speech platform has already survived attacks from the corporate media hellbent on smearing anything associated with Trump. Now, leftists are wielding Jan. 6 as an excuse to demand Big Tech companies such as Apple thwart Truth Social before it even becomes fully operational at the end of the month.

[Ed.:  With Google and Apple hosting Truth Social, can we guess how long ‘free speech’ will last?  Maybe, just maybe, they are using it to collect data on Patriots…  Why would Trump entrust his social networking site with the actual enemy, placing the fox in charge of the chicken coup? Something doesn’t ring true about ‘Truth Social’!]

10.   This year’s sudden war is a distraction from the bigger war they’ve planned, for years, to wage against us all   Mark Crispin Miller

Right now, they plan to force their “vaccine” passports on us, not through city, state or national governments, but as a GLOBAL imposition

Was this sudden war in Ukraine planned as a distraction from the larger war waged by the globalists on all the rest of us? Probably. But whether it was planned that way or not, it surely is distracting us—just as the authors of this nightmare are quietly endeavoring to globalize the “vaccine” passports that, we’ve been assured, will not be rolled out by the (merely) national governments that had been threatening to impose them on us.

9.  Western News Organizations Pull Out Of Russia Fearing 15 Years Jail For Spreading Fake News

Putin has recently passed a law punishing the deliberate spread of fake news with up to 15 years in jail which has caused several western news organizations to pull out of Russia fearing the penalty.

8.   Melinda Exposes Bill Gates Relationship With Israeli Spy Jeffrey Epstein

“I did not like that he had meetings with Jeffrey Epstein. I made that clear to him.” These words from Melinda Gates clearly exposes Bill Gates’ relationship with Israeli spy Jeffrey Epstein. She also also hinted at that this was a factor that ultimately led to their divorce.

[Ed.:  I just don’t understand where this “Israeli spy” allegation is coming from.  I really doubt it.]

7.  China Buys 700K Barrels Of Iranian Oil Every Day, Violating US Sanctions

The US will penalize any country that violates its sanctions, albeit it will not go after China because it is fearful of what an escalation would look like. Knowing this full well China is buying 700K barrels of Iranian oil every single day, as they violate US sanctions.

6.  Shell Buys Russian Oil At A Record Discount Of $28 A Barrel Amid Sanctions

One takeaway from the current situation around Russian crude oil is that if the price reduction is cheap enough, Russia would still find potential buyers in businesses that rely on Urals crude. There have been reports that Shell bought Russian oil at a record discount of $28 a barrel amid sanctions.

5.  Biden Ditches Ukraine. Pledges Not To Send American Military To Fight Russian Army

US President Joe Biden seems to have ditched Ukraine. Biden reportedly guaranteed US lawmakers that the US army would not be involved in the conflict in Ukraine, and that no service man will be deployed to the Eastern European country to battle the Russian Army.

4.  !!!  Shocking Numbers out of Ultra-Vaxxed Israel Debunk the Notion that Adverse Reactions to Covid Jabs are “Rare”   JD Rucker

There’s a reason doctors across the nation have been instructed to downplay potential adverse reactions to the Covid jabs. They’re so frequent, it would be terrifying if people knew the truth.

It feels like we’ve reached the end of Pandemic Panic Theater… at least temporarily. Mask mandates are lifting. Joe Biden didn’t even mention his beloved vaccine mandates during his State of the Union address. Anthony Fauci seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth.

But there’s a very good chance that in the near future, likely no later than mid-autumn, Pandemic Panic Theater will rear its ugly head again. It will likely pop back up because of a new variant of Covid-19 that is more deadly than Omicron but just as transmissible, but there are other possibilities. One particularly dreadful theory I’ve recently pieced together from various sources points to a new hemorrhagic fever spreading across the globe.

3.  !COVID Apology Letter     Rabbi Chananya Weissman

A template for the many people who need to repent for their COVID-related sins.

As a public service, I present this letter as a template for the many people who need to repent for their COVID-related sins. We cannot just move on and pretend this never happened. Those who harmed others are obligated to repent and those who were harmed deserve proper amends. Every individual is encouraged to customize and personalize this letter as appropriate.

Dear ______________

I owe you a tremendous apology. It would be easy for me to blame other people, but ultimately I am responsible for my actions.

The Torah teaches that repentance requires three components: confession, regret, and a resolution to change. The Torah also teaches that when one sins against his fellow, God will not forgive him until he makes amends to the person he harmed. I am sending you this letter as the first step of my repentance.

2.  As Russia Invades Ukraine, U.S. Army Gives Mandatory Training on Gender Identity

Woke and stupid.    Robert Spencer

We can only hope that the madness in Ukraine doesn’t escalate to the extent that the U.S. military ends up getting involved. It’s clear that Gen. Mark Milley and the rest of the brass have learned absolutely no lessons from Afghanistan and are determined to repeat the same mistakes that led up to the catastrophically mishandled withdrawal from Kabul. If the Army were called upon to move into Ukraine, which would be an indication that the situation there had gotten wildly out of control, it isn’t at all clear that today’s woke force would pose a significant threat even to the manifestly weak and sluggish Russian forces. An American army presence in Ukraine would likely herald World War III, and we hope it won’t come to that, but if it does, look out.

1.  !  Islam is the Only Winner in the Ukraine War    Daniel Greenfield

A tough choice between Muslim Europe and Muslim Russia.

Russia, with a birth rate of 1.5 children per woman, has invaded Ukraine, where the birth rate is 1.2 children per woman, to determine which nation with below replacement birth rates will go extinct the fastest. In the long run the only winners of the war to determine whether Ukraine will belong to the 1.2 or 1.5 people will be the Chechen and other Muslim soldiers doing the fighting.

The Chechens have a birth rate of 2.5. Their religion and mosques are more likely to inherit the territories they are fighting over than either the Russian or Ukrainian Orthodox churches.


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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.