Daily Shmutz | 031422

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

26.  !Ed Dowd: “Millennial age group, 25 to 44 experienced an 84% increase in excess mortality”  Steve Kirsch

“It’s the worst-ever excess mortality, I think, in history.” Can you guess what caused it? I think I know…

25.  ![Ed.:  More milk and honey, and additional shit from the Land of IINO:]

Ukrainian refugees in Israel not eligible for healthcare benefits   By SHIRA SILKOFF

Refugees cannot afford to seek vital medical assistance as a result of being ineligible for healthcare benefits.

[Ed.:  Why bring refugees from Ukraine to Israel if Israel refuses to help them once they’re there?  But, IINO sends 15 tons of aid to arrive in Ukraine from Israel each week. That is merely PR for show.]


The West wants to conquer Ukraine in order to ensure that Putin does not control 29% of the world’s grain, which would effectively hand Putin the global reigns.


[Ed.:  Oh nice!]

23.  !Biden’s and Zelensky’s ‘Mutually Assured Delusion’ will bring MAD   by Mark Langfan 

Zelensky must have been assured of overt, full and active American military support that was never going to happen. Opinion..

22.  !!!   Killer Nurses: We Stayed For The Paycheck  [18:48]  Stew Peters Network

On today’s episode of the Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane rips off the proverbial bandaid of America’s death hospitals that would not be able to successfully kill everyone in their path without the help and compliance of nurses, the primary professional health care provider class charged by oath and ethics to be the red line between patient rights, well being and protection.

Nurses that stayed in Big Healthcare like hospitals and other corporate driven medical facilities have de facto abdicated their precious oath of ethics according to the American Nurses’ Association Code and by ditching The Nightingale Pledge, the oath of practice upon graduating from training. And the only way to truly understand the new Pfizer March 1st file leak is to understand the legal pathway and processes for getting to the LEGAL STATUS OF SAFE AND EFFECTIVE. Dr. Jane reveals HOW the FDA committed fraud, domestic terrorism and premeditated murder.

And, tired of watching your Federal tax dollars fund bioweapon labs working to kill you? Don’t miss her last segment with a legal expert who can help.

21.  !!! Terrorist Doctors Executing Hostages: Patient Advocate Details Escape Plan From Medical Mafia  [9:03]   Stew Peters Network

The corrupt corporate health care system has ripped people of their medical liberties and freedoms, prohibiting recovery and long-term health entirely. Founder of Graith Care LLC, Priscilla Romans joined the Stew Peters Show Monday to share her work as a medical advocate. She detailed the dangers of the COVID protocols, the failure of corporate healthcare, and how she saves hospital hostages from their untimely deaths.

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20.  !!!  Oath-Breaking Angels Of Death: Nurses Actively Harming And Killing Innocent Victims  [11:28]                                 Stew Peters Network

Doctors have jeopardized the credibility of their Hippocratic and Florence Nightingale Oaths through carrying out the COVID protocols. Dr. Jane Ruby joined the Stew Peters Show Monday to discuss the compliance of the doctors, the monetary incentives, and more. Dr. Ruby explains the due accountability towards nurses across the globe, as they are responsible for killing millions.

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Shedding Treatment, NOW AVAILABLE FOR KIDS: www.zStackProtocol.com

19.  The DC Trucker Convoy is REAL: Patriots Drive to DC to Demand Change from Congress  [12:45]                                  Stew Peters Network

The rumors swarming that the People’s Convoy has flopped are lies; the convoy is real and prevailing against all odds. Trucker Brian Brase joined the Stew Peters Show Monday to destroy the propaganda and lies surrounding the People’s Convoy and its efforts to encircle the D.C. Beltway with horns. Brase details everything from the convoy’s funding, the support they’ve received from individuals like Sen. Ted Cruz, and their plans to continue to fight for freedom.

Go to ThePeoplesConvoy.org to show support for the truckers and fighting affiliates: https://thepeoplesconvoy.org/

Get Dr. Zelenko’s Anti-Sheddi

18.  Live Update From The Freedom Convoy – The Daily Mojo [1:57:54 Freedom Convoy report starts at 1:07:00]                     Stew Peters Network

The Daily Mojo is 2 hours of news, commentary, comedy, and auditory deliciousness.

Serial killers in NYC and DC – who knew? And both Democrat havens? Coincidence? There’s a new “fact-checking” organization in town – and guess who’s running it? Kamala Harris serves up some tasty word salad that proves she’s completely out of her league.

And, we get an update from Michael Letts – Co-Chairman of the Freedom Convoy, live from Hagerstown, MD.

17.  Episode 49 Propaganda on Overdrive for Covid and Ukraine with Mark Crispin Miller  [Audio 51:15]

Mark Crispin Miller taught a course on propaganda for over 20 years at New York University, until merely suggesting his students look into the research regarding the effectiveness of masks in mitigating the spread of respiratory viruses. This led to a backlash that eventually resulted in the course being canceled. How convenient for the propagandists. He joins Tom to discuss the propaganda machine on overdrive regarding both Covid and the Ukraine War.

16.  The Inquisitorial injustice that Portugal struggles to address  by Faith Quintero 

Acts of Faith – the name for the church’s celebration at condeming ‘heretics’ is a new novel reviewed by a writer on the Inquisition. Op-ed.

It hasn’t even been seven years since the Portuguese government enacted their citizenship law to bring some semblance of justice to the descendants of Portuguese Jews who were expelled from their homes in the 15th century, when antisemitism has reared its ugly head again. A daily Portuguese paper, Público, recently reported concerns of wealth that benefits the Israeli Community of Porto (CIP) which previously, “did not have enough money to hire a rabbi, or put a new roof on the synagogue.” Público supports the concern with reports that the CIP now has a rabbi, repaired the roof, and has a ”kosher hotel, a ritual bath, a soloist for the synagogue, security and a new museum.”

Petty concerns regarding how much the Portuguese Jewish community benefits from today’s descendants of ancestral victims, don’t bode well when considering the country’s religiously violent and violently religious history. Ironically, it’s quite possible that many of the communities’ detractors have descended from some of the same victims, but assimilated their original identity out of memory. Genetic research data has revealed that close to 20% of the people living in the Iberian Peninsula have Jewish ancestry. And, an estimation of 200 million do throughout the world.

Sephardic Jews, who maintained their ancestral identity, are not the only people descended from victims of medieval legal discrimination. Millions of Christians are descended from those who accepted Catholicism in the hopes of escaping legal discrimination, just to succumb to the jurisdiction of the Inquisition.

15.   Soon in America, Russia-Ukraine to be just another show on US TV   by Jack Engelhard 

America, the land of “silken worries,” as my mother used to say. Who wants to worry about war when there is basketball? Op-ed.

As the world teeters on the verge of nuclear war, meanwhile, back in the USA, people are upset because at “Wheel of Fortune,” host Pat Sajak was rude to a contestant.


America, the land of “silken worries,” as my mother used to say.

Or, “America is a picnic, only the Americans don’t know it,” as I used to say…and if you think March madness is about Ukraine, and what’s going on there, yes, but the official March Madness happens in America every year, from March into April, when day after day the best college basketball teams vie for the national championship.

So it’s tip-off time again.

Millions will be watching. Millions will be wagering…and the real world will just have to wait. We have other business to attend.

Gone fishing.

14.   Reality and Resilence: A Zionist Jewish author’s lament    Howard Rotberg 

Can we compare how the Israelis counter the demoralizing effects of terrorism and how Ukrainians counter the effects of the invasion? Op-ed.

Right now, we are just weeks, if not days, away from the signing of a new nuclear deal with Iran. The base assumption with Iran is the same as with Russia: If we just economically engage them with large and attractive enough deals, their economy will grow and they will just give up their plans to annihilate Israel and America – the ‘Little Satan’ and the ‘Great Satan.’…Today, any economic benefits dangled in front of Iran must be accompanied by a strong unified stand from the international community denying it any type of nuclear program whatsoever.– Dr. Jurgen Buhler, Jerusalem Post, March 2, 2022

The great Melanie Phillips has recently written:

“Biden’s muddled comment last week that “no-one expected the sanctions to prevent anything from happening” to Ukraine suggested that the US wrote off that country long ago. The suspicion is that it has done the same with Israel over Iran. The fate of Ukraine tells us that Israel will have to fight its existential foe in Tehran alone.”

13.  Moscow may cross into NATO turf to stop arms/fighters reaching Ukraine     DEBKAfile

An armed clash with the US came a step closer with Russia’s air strike on Sunday, March 13, on Ukraine’s Yavariv military training center near the Polish border. The attack came after Russia’s Dep FM Sergei Ryabkov warned the US that the convoys bringing weapons from a number of countries to Ukraine were “not just a dangerous move but legitimate targets.”

The Russians were targeting Western volunteers for the support of Ukraine as well as incoming weapons.  Despite denials, military sources reveal that present at the base were volunteers from the US, Ireland, Germany and the UK. There is no information on whether foreign personnel were among the 35 people killed and 130 injured in the Russian long-range missile strike at the Ukraine military center west of Lviv.

Washington’s counter-warning was delivered by White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan, who said: “If there is a military attack on Nato territory, it would … bring the full force of the Nato alliance to bear in responding to it,” he said.

12.  !‘2 Nukes in 4 Weeks’: UN Rings Alarm Over Iran’s Nuclear Capabilities   By Pesach Benson, United With Israel

Disclosure casts doubt on U.S. insistence that the JCPOA would leave Iran months, rather than weeks, away from a nuclear weapon.

According to data from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), a United Nations agency, Iran has enough highly enriched uranium to build two nuclear bombs in just four weeks.

The data was recently disclosed to the Jewish Chronicle (JC) and indicates that the Iranian nuclear program is more advanced than has been previously reported. It also casts doubt on U.S. insistence that the JCPOA would leave Iran months, rather than weeks, away from nuclear weapons. Conventional wisdom posited that Iran would need six months until it had enough fissile uranium for just one nuclear weapon.

The Washington-based Institute for Science and International Security analyzed the IAEA’s latest findings. The institute’s director, David Albright, told the JC, “Due to the growth of Iran’s 20 and 60 per cent enriched uranium stocks, breakout timelines have become dangerously short, far shorter than just a few months ago.”

11.  !‘Burned Beyond Recognition’: Muslim Persecution of Christians, January 2022    by Raymond Ibrahim 

The following are among the abuses Muslims inflicted on Christians throughout the month of January, 2022:

10.  Biden Offers Grant Money to Investigate Israel   by AFSI Staff

The Biden administration is offering nearly $1 million for groups to investigate alleged human rights abuses in Israel, the “West Bank,” and the Gaza Strip.

The State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) is soliciting nonprofit groups to apply for grant money up to $987,654 to “strengthen accountability and human rights in Israel and the West Bank and Gaza,” according to a grant notice first posted online in mid-February.

Groups applying for the grant money will investigate alleged crimes inside Israel and these territories and “collect, archive, and maintain human rights documentation to support justice and accountability and civil society-led advocacy efforts, which may include documentation of legal or security sector violations and housing, land, and property rights,” according to the State Department.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) summed it up best: “This is disgraceful. The Biden administration wants to use American taxpayer money to subsidize the international NGO campaign to demonize and isolate Israel, which then serves as a basis for anti-Semitic efforts to boycott and wage economic warfare against Israeli Jews.”

9.  !What ever happened to the writ of habeas corpus?

https://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com › writ+of+habeas+corpus

writ of habeas corpus is authorized by statute in federal courts and in all state courts. An inmate in state or federal prison asks for the writ by filing a petition with the court that sentenced him or her. In most states, and in federal courts, the inmate is given the opportunity to present a short oral argument in a hearing before the court.

PDF Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus Under 28 U.S.C. § 2241

https://www.uscourts.gov › sites › default › files › AO_242_0.pdf

AO 242 (Rev. 09/17) Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus Under 28 U.S.C. § 2241 PETITION FOR A WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS UNDER 28 U.S.C. § 2241 Instructions 1. Who Should Use This Form. You should use this form if • you are a federal prisoner and you wish to challenge the way your sentence is being carried out (for

Writ of Habeas Corpus – 950 Words | Coursework Example

https://ivypanda.com › essays › writ-of-habeas-corpus

As said elsewhere, a writ of habeas corpus is a court order requiring a detained or imprisoned person to be brought before court and reasons be given stating why he is being detained. We have also seen that it is a significant safeguard of an individual’s freedom. This article demonstrates the premise upon which the habeas petition is applicable.

8.  !15 tons of aid to arrive in Ukraine from Israel each week    By  Hanan Greenwood

Initiative by International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, and Latet aims to assist Jews fleeing the war and send a message of solidarity to refugees.   

Fifteen tons of food, hygiene products, heating equipment, and medicine will be sent to Europe from Israel every week thanks to an initiative by the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, and the Latet nongovernmental organization.

[Ed.:  1/4 of all Israeli children go to bed hungry, every night, always.  While for those who are among the worst of Jew killers: 15 tons of aid to arrive in Ukraine from Israel each week  Mar 14, 2022.  Initiative by International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, and Latet aims to assist Jews fleeing the war and send a message of solidarity to refugees.]


7.  !!! The Holocaust in Ukraine   Georgia Commission on the Holocaust

Ukraine is in the news.  Beginning with the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, almost 1.5 million Jews in Ukraine were shot by mobile killing units consisting of German SS, army, police, and local collaborators. We will learn the stories of some of the Jewish victims – men, women, and children – who were executed near the places they lived, with their neighbors as witnesses. Today, how will events unfolding in Ukraine impact the work of Holocaust scholars, who continue their work to learn about the murders of one of the largest Jewish populations in Europe?

6.  !Here’s How To Prepare Your Home To Survive A Disaster   BY: BETH BAILEY

Creek Stewart’s new book, ‘The Disaster-Ready Home,’ is an invaluable resource for making sure your household has the supplies and know-how to survive the worst.

Creek Stewart’s The Disaster-Ready Home is an indispensable guide to preparedness

If there is one important takeaway from off-and-on grocery shortages during the coronavirus pandemic and the deadly freezing conditions that hit Texas in Feb. 2021, it is the importance of self-reliance. For survival expert Stewart, this means devoting resources to preparedness.

5.  Former Hardee’s CEO Andy Puzder decries impact of ‘woke’ capitalism  [9:56]  by Mitch Kokai

In a market-based economy, businesses aim to sell products and offer services at the best value for the customer. But customers and the economy as a whole suffer when business leaders inject a political agenda into their calculations. Andy Puzder served more than 16 years as CEO of CKE Restaurants, the parent company of Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. Puzder discussed the dangers of “woke” capitalism during an interview with Mitch Kokai of the John Locke Foundation at the 2022 Carolina Liberty Conference.

4.   Woman Got Vaccine to ‘Save’ Her Job  [1:53]

The woman in this video only got the vaccine so she can keep her job, but in return she developed an outbreak of adverse reactions. Now, she’s experiencing tremors throughout her body, hoping it will go away.

3.  ! Moderna Plans Three More mRNA Vaccines, Not All for Infection    Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Moderna announced the development of three new vaccines using mRNA technology. Yet, the current shot has not proven successful. Experts have a special warning for parents


  • Moderna announced they were developing three vaccines using mRNA technology for cancer, shingles and herpes. Yet, the current mRNA shot has not proven to be successful, nor are the long-term effects of genetic therapy known
  • Moderna and BioNTech, the two companies that developed mRNA vaccines with emergency use authorization in the U.S., had not produced an approved product before the COVID injection
  • Some authorities believe the shot is successful. Yet, it doesn’t stop recipients from getting the illness or from being hospitalized, and it has a significant risk of adverse side effects, including permanent disability and death
  • Dr. Robert Malone, who discovered how to prepare mRNA so human cells could incorporate the genetic code and use it, warned the FDA that the shot could be dangerous, and he is warning parents they should carefully consider injecting children, which is an irreversible decision

2.   Massive Conflicts of Interest at the NIH   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

How the US Government Hides Its Shady Deals

Ever wonder why the CDC has made so many senseless and harmful health recommendations over the last two years? It may be due to this shifty pay-for-play scheme Congress created in the 1990s. Now with blood on its hands, Congress is enabling Pharma and its players to reward themselves at your expense.


  • One of the primary vehicles for kickbacks and fraud seems to be foundations associated with federal agencies. The reason they’re so frequently used for questionable transactions is because foundations are private entities and not subject to Freedom of Information Act requests and other open records laws
  • The board of directors of the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (FNIH) is heavily populated with Big Pharma players. This raises serious questions about conflicts of interest, as the foundation oversees the distribution of hundreds of millions of dollars — unregulated funds that typically go right back into the coffers of the drug industry
  • This conflict of interest also, at least in part, helps explain the actions of Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and now-retired director of the NIH, Dr. Francis Collins. Both have gone out of their way to protect the makers of COVID shots and dismiss evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was created in and escaped from a lab
  • Dr. Julie Gerberding became the FNIH CEO March 1, 2022. She was formerly director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. After leaving the CDC, she became the executive vice president of strategic communications at Merck
  • The FNIH’s board of directors includes seven current or former drug company executives, the FDA, the Sackler family (notorious for its creation of a deadly opioid epidemic), Johns Hopkins (co-sponsor of Event 201, which “predicted” COVID-19 and the subsequent destruction of human rights), and two major investment bankers, Goldman Sachs and BlackRock

1.  How to Improve Your Immune Function    Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

A Flu Bug’s Worst Enemy, It Chews Them Up and Spits Them Out

Bump your levels of this to above 10% and you’ll make your body virtually flu-proof – causing these cells to basically chew up and spit out any infected cells it is in contact with. Here are 9 simple ways to ramp up your levels.


  • Natural killer (NK) cells are a specific type of white blood cell. They’re an important component of your cell-mediated (innate) immune system and are involved in both viral diseases and cancer
  • NK cells are cytotoxic; they induce apoptosis (programmed cell death), which destroys the virus along with the infected cell
  • NK cells — which are not antigen-specific — contain the infection while your adaptive, humoral immune response generates T cells containing antigen-specific cytotoxins to clear the infection
  • KLRD1 is a receptor gene found on the surface of NK cells, and the level of KLRD1 found in a person’s blood prior to exposure to the influenza virus can predict whether that individual would contract the flu with 86% accuracy
  • People whose immune cells consisted of 10 to 13% NK cells remained disease free after exposure to the flu virus, whereas those below 10% became ill
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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.