Daily Shmutz | 031522

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

30.  [Ed.:  And now, for some bonafide shmutz:]  ! Representative “Rim Job” Ousted: Graphic Texts, Congressman Affair With Isis Bride   [10:58]   Stew Peters Network

Despite the loss in the 2022 Texas Primary, some good news prevailed – perverted poser Republican, Van Taylor resigned. Cullen McCue joined the Stew Peters Show Tuesday to expose in depth details of Taylor’s devious voting record, his support for the J6 witch-hunt, and more. McCue warned about the lies of the press, their compliance, and the dangers of “Republicans” like Taylor.

29.  !! Putin’s Mission Harmful To Globalists: U.S. Deep State Running From Criminal Exposure In Ukraine  [7:18]    Stew Peters Network

Media elites and corrupt government figures are inching the U.S. closer to a nuclear war with Russia, dangerously sensationalizing the scenario. Edward Szall joined the Stew Peters Show Tuesday to discuss the details of oil crisis, relations with Saudi Arabia, and the active collapse of the U.S. Szall affirmed that Christianity is being threatened, as the Deep State meddles with the stability and foundational principles of America.

28.  !!!! [Please take action as instructed.]   Breaking: 10 Month Old Medically Kidnapped By CPC Child Trafficking Syndicate  [19:29]   Stew Peters Network 

The Stew Peters Show broke one of the most horrifying medical emergency cases yet – a 10-month-old is a hospital hostage, kidnapped from his family. Diego Rodriguez joined the Stew Peters Show Tuesday to detail the case from the perspective of a grandfather watching insanity unfold in front of his family. Diego listed the names of the individuals who stole Cyrus, leaving the family is shambles.
Visit FreedomMan.org to find more information on Cyrus and his family, and to see the contact information of the people who worked to kidnap Cyrus: https://freedomman.org/cyrus/

Meridian Police Department: 208-888-6678
Meridian Police Detective Hanson #3534
Meridian Police Detective Fuller #3138

St Luke’s Hospital, Boise, Idaho: 208-706-5437

Dr. Aaron Dykstra
Functional Medicine of Idaho

Support Baby Cyrus through this GiveSendGo:

27.  !! Pfizer Worker Knew About Covid Attack: Doctor Knew About Covid, Says “Far More is on the Way”                          [14:30]   Stew Peters Network

The secretes of the deadly injection and Big Pharma affiliates like Pizer are rapidly unfolding. Expert Dr. Christina Rahm joined the Stew Peters Show Tuesday to expose the inner workings of Big Pharma’s plandemic, their preparations, cures, and tactics. Dr. Rahm warns about smallpox and rabies outbreaks, the Deep State, and more genetically engineered warfare due to hit the world.

26. ! Why does the world care what Israel does about Ukraine?   JONATHAN S. TOBIN

Caught in the diplomatic and media crossfire caused by the Russian invasion, the disproportionate attention the Jewish state gets has many causes, but is also linked to anti-Semitism.

(March 15, 2022 / JNS) It has long been axiomatic that Israel—a tiny country whose people comprise a tenth of a percent of the world’s population and whose land mass is an exponentially smaller fraction of a percent of the planet’s land mass—gets the sort of media attention that would be appropriate for one of the largest nations. Anything that happens in Israel is considered big news, no matter what it is. Just as often, the same rule applies when events happen elsewhere in which Israel has no direct or even indirect involvement.

So when a land war takes place in Europe between vastly larger states—as has now happened as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine—we seem to take it for granted that somehow Israel is part of the story.

From the very beginning of the conflict, the world demanded to know what Israel’s position was on the war. Everyone wanted to know just how enthusiastic or vocal Israel would be in condemning Russian aggression. The international press was just as eager to find out if it would be in the lead in sending aid to the beleaguered Ukrainians, help isolate Russian oligarchs who were close to Moscow’s authoritarian leader Vladimir Putin or take in Ukrainian refugees?

25.  !! SHAMRAK Report [Newsletter]: Remove Christians Proselytizers from Israel * Message to Christian Friends of Jews

Remove Christians Proselytizers from Israel

Missionaries Target Refugees from Ukraine in Israel

The Chosen People Ministries, a New-York based messianic Jewish non-profit that openly engages in Christian evangelism to Jews, is now targeting Ukrainian refugees fleeing to Israel. The messianic group is in fact taking advantage of the tragic situation in Ukraine by missionizing traumatized refugees while helping them settle in Israel. Ukrainian families find warm welcome in Israel with Chosen People Ministries, its website states. (Christian evangelists have been specifically targeting vulnerable Jews, in transition from the former Soviet Union, for over 50 years. When will the spiritual enemies be removed from the Jewish land?  When will this stupidity end and self-respect prevail?)

Evangelical Leaders Honor Mike Pence in Jerusalem

The Friends of Zion Heritage Center and Museum in Jerusalem held an event in honor of the former US vice president on Tuesday, where Pence was presented with the Friends of Zion (FOZ) Award. Many of the top Evangelical leaders that mobilized the vote that elected Donald Trump as president of the United States came together to honor former Vice President Mike Pence for his support of the State of Israel. The organization was commissioned by late President Shimon Peres, who at the time served as international chairman of FOZ. “No matter what, the future holds. I want to ensure that wherever I speak or give a speech I will say out loud that the United States supports Israel and will always stand by Israel,” Pence asserted. ( Unfortunately, support for Israel from Evangelical Christians often has a pungent smell and strings attached. They have been targeting vulnerable Jews for conversion to Christianity around the world, and even inside of the Jewish state, for many decades. With a friend like this who needs the enemy ! Why has Mike Pence begun his presidential campaigning in Jerusalem?)

Food for Thought. by Steven Shamrak

I welcome support from true Christian friends of Israel, but not at the cost of spiritual denigration of Jewish values and destruction of Jewish souls! Christian evangelism is not tolerated in most Muslim countries, as well as in some parts of India. It is time for the government of Israel to show some self-respect, start enforcing at least the existing laws, and remove our spiritual enemies from the Jewish land!

[Ed.:  Steven Shamrack speaks for me here!  Just LEAVE THE JEWS ALONE, and thus avoid getting in trouble with our Creator!]

24.   Purim 2022 begins Wednesday night, March 16 and continues through Thursday, March 17 (extending through Friday in Jerusalem)

The festival of Purim commemorates the Divinely orchestrated salvation of the Jewish people in the ancient Persian Empire from Haman’s plot “to destroy, kill and annihilate all the Jews, young and old, infants and women, in a single day.” It is celebrated with Megillah readings, gifts of food, charity, feasting, and merriment. Read more about Purim

23.  “I Forgive My Son for Working with the FBI to Convict Me” – Exclusive Interview with Convicted January 6th Political Prisoner Guy Reffitt from DC Gitmo! – MUST LISTEN HEARTBREAKING AUDIO!    By Cara Castronuova

In an incredible display of forgiveness and compassion, convicted J6er Guy Reffitt spoke to The Gateway Pundit about how much he loves and misses his teenage son Jackson Reffitt.

Jackson had secretly recorded his father at their home for eight days while working with the FBI and acted as the key witness for the prosecution to convict his father on all five charges the Biden Regime brought against him.

Reffitt spoke to The Gateway Pundit candidly for the first time about his son Jackson and his guilty verdict in an exclusive interview from DC Gitmo.

Listen to our exclusive interview with Reffitt as he speaks about his son Jackson for the first time in the video below:

22. ! 3 Days After They Bombed US: Biden Admin Reportedly Gives Guarantees to Iran on Ability to Trade with Tehran   By Jim Hoft

On Saturday, multiple rockets struck a US Army base in Erbil, Iraq, according to reports.

Videos reportedly from the scene immediately began circulating on social media showing multiple large explosions in the area.

The attack was confirmed by US officials, who reported there were no casualties. Officials are now looking into the matter with the government of Iraq and the Kurdish Regional Government, according to Axios.


[Ed.:  The whole world is laughing at us!]

21.   Israel’s Interest in Ukraine Goes Beyond Ukraine  Christine Douglass-Williams

The long-term strategic angle to Prime Minister Bennett’s trip.

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s visit to Moscow made him the first Western leader to sit down with Russian leader Vladimir Putin since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24. The visit was highly significant for Israeli interests. Although Israel, like most countries, is concerned about the humanitarian toll on Ukraine, there is a long-term strategic angle to the Bennett trip, which includes Russia and Iran.

20.  !  Ukrainian Chutzpah   Daniel Greenfield

What does Israel owe Ukraine?

Ukraine’s ambassador to Israel is not happy. Ambassador Korniychuk has demanded that Israel cut off all business dealings with Russia. Meanwhile Ukraine’s business dealings with Iran rose over 30% and reached nearly $2 billion. Iranian exports to Ukraine increased by 40%.

That means Iran is literally financing Islamic terrorism against Israel. And genocide.

Is Ukraine ready to stop all business dealings with Iran in exchange for Israel ending its business dealings with Russia? Don’t be silly. These demands only go one way.

19.  China Says No One & No Force Could Stop It From Taking Taiwan As 13 Jets Breach Taiwan Airspace

After 13 Chinese jets recently breached Taiwan airspace, Chinese authorities responded by saying “No One & No Force” could stop it from taking Taiwan if it wanted to.

[Ed.:  They’re right about that! No one would try to stop them.  Donald ran away from his office, after we elected him!  Thanks Donald. Now, we don’t even have an election system in the US.  His declaration that he will run in 2024 is some very dark humor.  Why run for office, win the election, and then run away from office?  He’s stringing us along. He is exactly who the Bible is referring to when they predict “false leaders.” There will be nothing left by 2024…]

18.  SEC Issues Heightened Volatility Warning for Markets and to Prepare Accordingly   By Sarah Westall 

 On March 14th the Securities and Exchange Commission issued a warning to all brokers and dealers to ensure strong risk management practices were in place. They specifically warn to “remain vigilant to market and counterparty risks that may surface during periods of heightened volatility and global uncertainties”.

Considering that oil prices are surging and war is heating up, this warning is likely a message to prepare for the incoming central bankers anticipated global reset any time now.

Biden just announced his executive order exploring the creation of a digital currency, right in step with the central bankers desire for a global digital currency. This is another indication that their global reset is in process and to be prepared.

Below is the actual released statement by the SEC.

17.   Italy’s Problem with Palestinian Terrorist Financing      by Maria Zuppello

Italy faces an increasing risk of illicit financing activities for Palestinian terrorist groups. Italian prosecutors recently launched an investigation into the bank transfers of the country’s largest Palestinian organization. Yet some Italian politicians appear to be blind to the threat, even funding Italian non-governmental organizations that engage with Palestinian terrorist organizations.

16.   How Zuckerberg Helped Zelensky Wage Propaganda War Against Russia

There has been a slew of massively faked tales on social platforms in the last several weeks, majority of which have been anti-Russian agenda. This is exactly how Zuckerberg is helping Zelensky wage a propaganda war against Russia.

Facebook stated it would tolerate ‘calls for violence against Russians’ after allowing admiration for the pro-Ukraine neo-nazi Azov Battalion last week.

15.   Tierney’s REAL News (3/15/22)

Today’s newsletter topic is fake news.

George Orwell wrote a book called “1984” warning about global totalitarianism – a world run by just a few people called THE PARTY. He basically predicted the GREAT RESET and what’s happening in the world right now. THE PARTY is the NEW WORLD ORDER. He wrote that book in 1949. He was WAY ahead of his time.

He wrote about fake news. He wrote about Big Brother watching and controlling every move – think about how they did that with COVID.

He wrote about how Governments used “fake revolutions” to scare people & intimidate people into believing that life under a Marxist dictator, where you were watched constantly and spoon-fed propaganda, wouldn’t really be that bad – just like the BLM-ANTIFA-BLACBLOCK-OCCUPY riots they’ve subjected us to.

He wrote about how The Party would divide people and brainwash people until the point they would believe lies and turn against their own families & friends just to save themselves.

14.  New Israeli COVID drug offered to patients at Ziv Medical Center

All 18 patients to receive AMOR-18 in hospital study recovered from the virus within days. Ahead of Purim holiday, Health Ministry data shows coronavirus reproduction rate on the rise.

Hospital staff at Ziv Medical Center in Safed have begun to offer a new Israeli coronavirus medicine to all patients hospitalized in moderate to serious condition with COVID-19.

The medication had previously been administered at the hospital as part of a controlled study.

Ziv Medical Center’s Helsinki Committee authorized the cessation of the study of the drug, known as AMOR-18, after it was shown to have clear and positive results in participating patients.

13.   Nixon’s grandson rewrites Israel’s history    by Moshe Phillips

Christopher Nixon Cox appears to have a six-day gap in his historical memory. Op-ed.

(JNS) Richard Nixon had his infamous 18-minute gap. Now, Nixon’s grandson seems to have a six-day gap.

In an op-ed this week, Christopher Nixon Cox urged U.S. President Joe Biden to airlift weapons to Ukraine, recalling his grandfather’s airlift of weapons to Israel during the 1973 Yom Kippur War. That airlift is not the model to which the Biden administration should look.

12.   Ukraine is no saint    by Yshai Amichai

Zelenskyy is an actor caught in his own show, building towards a spectacle of horror that could lure the world into a major conflict.  Op-ed

Western media depict Ukraine as the victim of a savage attack, with Russia specifically targeting helpless civilians and children. I do not think it is wise to accept this narrative. Accepting such a narrative could only make things worse for everyone.

Ukraine is arming civilians and training them to shoot at Russian soldiers. They are fighting in urban areas, firing from residential buildings, and possibly from more sensitive locations, such as nurseries, schools, and hospitals. Russian soldiers will obviously shoot back at them. Civilians will inevitably die.

11.  !Large cyber attack downs government sites

Israel’s government sites taken down in biggest cyber attack in the nation’s history. Iran suspected of involvement in the strike.

A number of Israeli government websites crashed tonight (Monday), in what officials suspect to have been an attack perpetrated by Iranian hackers.

According to a Haaretz report, a state of emergency was declared within the defense system and the national cyber headquarters was tasked with determining the extent of damage to Israel’s security.

Government sites downed during the attack included: the Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Welfare, as well as the Prime Minister’s Office. Operation was resumed after over an hour’s time.

10.  Portuguese Jewish community suspends Sephardic certification effort after rabbi’s arrest   by Cnaan Liphshiz

Jewish Community of Porto announces it will no longer certify Sephardic ancestry, after rabbi arrested for certifying Roman Abramovich.

One of two groups charged with certifying citizenship applications from Sephardic Jews around the world said it would no longer do so following the arrest of its rabbi on suspicion of fraud.

The Jewish Community of Porto, which represents Jews in Portugal’s second-largest city, announced Sunday that it is “no longer interested in cooperating with the state in the certification of Sephardic Jews,” according to a statement reported by the Lusa news agency.

[Ed.:  IMHO, the community is making a mistake by discontinuing the certification of the descendants of literally millions of Jews who fled the Inquisition.  This story of the Jews fleeing persecution is complex and very detailed.  But to close down the operation completely because of a scandal is not the answer here. They are shooting themselves (ourselves) in the foot, while at the same time cutting off their (our) nose to spite their (our) face!]

9.   Israel destroyed hundreds of Iranian drones in massive attack    by David Rosenberg 

Israel reportedly attacked airbase in western Iran, wiping out hundreds of Iranian drone aircraft.

Israeli forces devastated an Iranian airbase recently, destroying hundreds of drone aircraft in a massive airstrike, Ha’aretz reported Tuesday morning.

According to the report, six Israeli drone aircraft carried out an attack on an airbase in western Iran near Kermanshah in mid-February, destroying hundreds of drones.

The incident went unreported until this week, and was first disclosed by Al Mayadeen, a Beirut-based media outlet aligned with the Hezbollah terrorist group and the Iranian government.

8.  How Biden Has Forced Israel to Attack Iran

You think things are bad in Ukraine? Well, you ain’t seen nothin yet. The Biden Administration is about to sign off on a nuke deal with Iran, that has been brokered by Russia and China. A deal that will guarantee war in the Middle East, because Israel will never allow Iran to go nuclear. And when Israel finally bombs Iran’s nuclear facilities, the Biden Administration and the Democrats will attempt to turn Israel into a pariah state. Watch below.

7.  CDC data: Millennials experienced ‘a Vietnam War’ in 2nd half of 2021   By Pamela Geller

The only thing worse than the horror of this democide is the left’s cover-up of it.

6.   Maduro Regime Tells Beggar Joe Biden to Pound Sand – Psaki: Importing Venezuela Oil “Not an Active Conversation at This Time” (VIDEO 1:28:40) By Cristina Laila

The Biden Regime last week sent delegation to Venezuela to beg Marxist dictator Maduro for oil.

Now that Biden shut down access to oil drilling projects, pipelines and production projects in the US they are reaching out to America’s enemies to import oil and gas.

According to White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, importing Venezuela oil is “not an active conversation at this time.”

So Saudi, Emirati and Venezuelan leaders have all told beggar Joe Biden to pound sand.

5.  REPORT: Israel Comes Under Largest-Ever Cyber Attack in History   By Jim Hoft

Israel came under a massive cyberattack on Monday. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)’s cyber army is suspected of being behind the attack. The government website along with the websites of the interior, health, justice and welfare ministries went down earlier today.

The Israeli defense establishment claims that the attack hit all websites using the “.GOV.IL” domain, except for those belonging to the defense establishment.

The Iran International Twitter page reported.

4.  NATO Moves Ahead With Military Drills in Norway – Deploys 30,000+ Troops, 50 Warships and 220 Aircraft Near Russia’s Border As Tensions Flare in Ukraine     By Julian Conradson

As tensions rise between the West and Russia over Ukraine, the catalyst of the conflict – The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) – kicked off a major military exercise just miles away from Russia’s border on Monday.

The military drill, dubbed ‘Cold Response,’ will test “NATO’s ability to respond decisively to any threat, from any direction,” according to a press release by the organization. More than 30,000 NATO troops, including UK Royal Marines and US forces, have been deployed to Norway, along with at least 50 warships and 220 military aircraft.

From NATO:

“Around 30,000 troops from 27 nations, including NATO’s close partners Finland and Sweden, are taking part in the exercise, as well as about 220 aircraft and more than 50 vessels.”

3.  China Locks Down 51 Million People Amid ‘Major’ Covid Outbreak    by Cristina Laila

Remember Covid?

The media got the war they wanted so Covid has taken a back seat in recent weeks.

However, a major Covid outbreak in China has led to another lockdown.

China locked down 51 million people amid a Covid outbreak in the northeastern province of Jilin and the southern cities of Shenzhen and Dongguan, ABC News reported.

2.  Russians, Ukrainians Take Advantage of Biden’s Free-for-All on the Southern Border as They Flee Eastern Europe – Thousands have Already Come to the US Through Mexico    By Julian Conradson

Ever since Biden took office, he has opened the floodgates on the US Southern Border, catching the attention of the entire world in the process.

In short, he hung a welcome sign on the door, marked the floor to direct invaders where to pick up their taxpayer-funded plane tickets, and sent them on their way with some more goodies – like hotel rooms, food, supplies, and even cash – all, again, paid for by the US taxpayer.

It’s no wonder a record number of people have illegally crossed the border in the past 13 months. Not to even mention the countless number of invaders who are able to sneak through undetected. This is a foreign invasion, the likes of which America has never seen.

And it’s not just people from countries south of the US, people from all over the world have been showing up in droves on America’s southern border to take advantage of the free-for-all – including Ukrainians and Russians, who have started to show up more frequently as the ongoing conflict worsens between their home countries.

1. !! This Is Big: Naomi Wolf Confirms Big Pharma Was Adding Varying Amounts of Active Ingredient to Batches of COVID Vaccine (VIDEO 6:37)    By Jim Hoft

Former Clinton adviser and COVID Vaccine critic Naomi Wolf joined Steve Bannon on The War Room on Monday morning. Naomi shared her latest bombshell from her investigation into the Pfizer vaccine documents released by the US government on their COVID vaccine testing. Naomi’s team of investigators, doctors and attorneys identified several US government documents that confirm that Pfizer was adding varying amounts of active ingredient to their experimental COVID vaccines. According to the data, the range of dangerous active ingredient went from 3μg, to 10μg, to 30μg, to 100μg depending on the batch they happened to inject you with.

As Naomi mentioned, this ties in directly with the website “How Bad Is My Batch” that was created so you could track how many adverse reaction incidents were linked to the vaccine batch you were given.

Now there is proof via AMA documents that they are distributing different doses of the active ingredient in the COVID vaccines based on batch number.
What the hell?

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.