Daily Shmutz | 032022

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

                                                            Putin: “I wish I had that many troops!”  Xi: “I have the troops, Vlad!”

24.  !! OUTRAGE: To Date Not One Single Independent, Objective and Complete Audit of Dominion Voting Machines Used in the 2020 Election Has Taken Place   By Joe Hoft

Dominion voting machines were used across the country in various states and counties.  Yet, since the 2020 Election, not one single independent, objective and complete audit of the Dominino machines used in the 2020 Election has taken place.

Dominion voting machines were used across the country in the 2020 election, not in all states but in many.  But these machines have not been completely audited by independent and objective experts at any location since the 2020 Election.

We reported today that in the small audit of the county in New Mexico, the state is threatening the county with having to buy new machines if the county dares have anyone investigate these machines.

[Ed.:  The 2022 elections will be stolen just in exactly the same way as the 2020 election was stolen. Surprise. surprise, surprise!  …And AOL, MIA Trump is coming back in 2024!  Right. Tell me more sweet lies.]

23.  !! VAX PURGE CONTINUES: US Army Officially Begins Dishonorably Discharging Soldiers Who Haven’t Taken The Experimental Vaccine   By Julian Conradson 

Last week, the U.S. Army joined the other branches of the US military in their efforts to purge the ranks of all vaccine dissenters announced the separation of three soldiers who refused to take the experimental jab. This is the first time the military branch has dishonorably discharged soldiers over the mandate.

Also included in this initial round of cuts were six Army leaders who were stripped of their ranks, including two battalion commanders. There were also over 3,250 citations handed out to soldiers who are still refusing to comply with the mandate, according to a US Army statement released on March 18th.

Dishonorable discharges are expected to ramp up over the coming weeks as the military brass look to finally enforce the mandate after months of it being in place.

[Ed.:  They need ‘population reduction’ in the US military as much as everywhere else, right?  Makes sense. ‘America Last,’ and all that…]

22.  !! SHOCKING Reports Ukrainian Nazi Azov Battalion Setting Up Offensive Positions in Civilian Areas and Using Women and Children as “Human Shields” (VIDEOS)

As Russia’s invasion intensifies, countless Ukrainians are being displaced from their homes and fleeing for their lives, but, according to some of them, it’s not necessarily just Russia that they are worried about.

It’s their own army.

No one is saying that these people wouldn’t be in danger if Putin had not decided to make his move into Ukraine, but nobody anticipated that Zelensky’s armed forces would be the ones terrorizing innocent civilians and refusing to allow them to flee the war zone, and that’s allegedly exactly what they are doing, some refugees have claimed.

Dozens of shocking video testimonials have emerged over the past few days alleging that Ukrainian soldiers, including the Nazi-aligned Azov Battalion, have been setting up offensive military positions within civilian areas, like neighborhoods and apartment buildings, to launch attacks on Russian troops – essentially using the citizens, including women and children, as “human shields” by guaranteeing return fire will hit populated areas.


As Putin’s Russia bombs targets close to the Polish border, the current conflict between NATO backed Ukraine and the Russian Federation appears to be set to expand beyond the current players.  German Military Patriot Air Defense Systems Heading to Slovakia

20.  !! Sanctions war against Russia is failing. China and India harden their stance [25:36]                                                           Alex Christoforou interviews Alexander Mercouris

19.  [Re-posting:]  !!! Covid Apology Letter     Chananya Weissman

As a public service, I present this letter as a template for the many people who need to repent for their covid-related sins. We cannot just move on and pretend this never happened. Those who harmed others are obligated to repent, and those who were harmed deserve proper amends. Every individual is encouraged to customize and personalize this letter as appropriate.

Dear ______________

I owe you a tremendous apology. It would be easy for me to blame other people, but ultimately I am responsible for my actions.

The Torah teaches that repentance requires three components: confession, regret, and a resolution to change. The Torah also teaches that when one sins against his fellow, God will not forgive him until he makes amends to the person he harmed. I am sending you this letter as the first step of my repentance.

I am deeply sorry for having done the following (select all that apply):

18.  !!! Rabbi Weissman: COVID Apology Letter.  [50:49] 

I was a guest once again on The Glazov Gang, which you can find at https://rumble.com/vxwvnh-rabbi-weissman-covid-apology-letter..html.

17.  !  True Greatness     by Chananya Weissman

Officially there are close to seven million Jews in Israel. Nearly one million of them poured into Bnei Brak to attend the funeral of Rav Chaim Kanievsky, and most of the rest probably feel some measure of guilt that they didn’t.

Think about that. It’s staggering.

There is not a single rock star, movie star, professional athlete, or other celebrity on the planet whose loss would be felt by such a high percentage of ordinary people. They have tens of millions of “followers” who idolize them, but that’s the thing – they are idols, not the real deal. Idols are a dime a dozen and are easily replaced when they fade from glory or pass from this world.

Even during their lifetimes, they have a short period of greatness during their prime years, after which they coast on the fame they achieved. If they pass away in their nineties, very few people outside of historians will be moved by their death. After all, it will have been many decades since they were relevant. The longer a secular celebrity lives, the fewer people will care when he dies. His true death occurs when a younger star eclipses him, and his physical passing is a mere technicality.

Rav Chaim Kanievsky was 94 years old. He was not eclipsed by younger rabbis. If a Jew studies in his entire life what Rav Kanievsky studied in a single year, he will be considered a great scholar.

Torah scholars do not retire after a few years of greatness and then rest on their laurels. They continue to learn and grow, making the most of every precious moment until their very last. Even if physical frailty prevents them from public activities – even if they can barely speak – they remain relevant just as they were decades earlier in their physical primes. Probably more.

This is why a million Jews went to the funeral of an elderly sage. They understand that a Torah sage cannot be replaced. They understand that Rav Kanievksy achieved a level of Torah greatness that is simply unfathomable to ordinary people. They understand that everything there is to know about everything is contained in the Torah, and Rav Kanievsky absorbed about as much of this divine wisdom as is humanly possible in our time.

16.   [This came from a friend, and it presents another view of the war than what I have tried to post here.  He says:                         “Gonzalo (he is from Chile but married and doing business in Ukr) is right there in the middle of the events. I find him very brave. If you have time, watch everything they posted during the last two weeks. Alex is from Cyprus, Alexander from Greece (but lives in the UK.)”   I am going to watch it, but use my curser to fast forward in small section and skim it.]

Russia-Ukraine SITREP. 21 days [and 8 years] of fighting (Live) [1:45:34]

[Ed.”  More from this source: ! https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/theduranlive 

15.  Ukraine’s Lessons for Israel     by Caroline Glick

In the months and weeks that led up to Russia’s Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine, Western powers signaled clearly that they were prepared to accept the disappearance of Ukraine as an independent state. U.S. President Joe Biden virtually invited Russian President Vladimir Putin to invade in late January when he said that a “minor incursion” would leave NATO flat-footed. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, like his predecessor Angela Merkel, served as the Kremlin’s unofficial spokesman in Europe.

But once Russian forces invaded, the West’s plans to yell a bit and look away went awry. The Ukrainians failed to play their assigned role of Paschal lambs. Instead, they rallied around their flag and their president, Volodymyr Zelensky.

For his part, Zelensky captivated the hero-starved West. His rejoinder, when the Biden administration offered to evacuate him from Ukraine on the second day of the war, “I don’t need a ride, I need ammunition,” reminded Americans of a time when they weren’t being attacked for being transphobic or systemically racist, a time when patriotism was permitted.

14.  [Excellent report on Russia-Ukraine war:]  Tierney’s REAL News (3/20/22)

So, what’s really going on in Ukraine? It’s complicated. My research shows that almost NOTHING you are hearing on the TV news is accurate. I’ve watched dozens of videos and listened to testimony from dozens of people who actually live there and I’ve listened to assessments from all sides. This is what I think:

IMHO, the Western media and politicians are feeding us a narrative that is FAKE – and they have many reasons to do that. Some good. Many bad.

Remember that Ukraine was once part of Russia. Remember that Putin is in Ukraine to rid it of the brutal and genocidal NAZI Azov forces, which were trained by the CIA to overthrow Putin, and have murdered 14,000 Ukrainian Russians in Ukraine since 2014 – and have literally threatened to attack Russia with nuclear weapons or bio-weapons from Ukraine. I’ve seen the evidence. So, Putin has a VALID REASON to get rid of them in Ukraine – which is right next door to Russia.

Putin is also fighting against the GREAT RESET trans-humanist atheist globalists like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates & George Soros and has partnered with Communist China, India & Brazil to combat them. However, Communist China is a major threat to the world on it’s own! See the problem? We are caught in the middle between a global battle for control!

This is the most accurate assessment I’ve heard so far – and it’s been confirmed by many people I trust:

– – – – – –

[Ed.:  A friend of mine sent me the following comment to this post:  “This is the most inane rambling, repeating Russian propaganda. I was born in Kiev, I take my news from friends and relatives in Ukraine and not from American media. This Turney guy doesn’t know whereof he speaks.”                                                                                                                                                                                     My friend is very politically astute, and I respect his opinion, and appreciate his input. However, after following this closely and taking in as much information as I can about it, my opinion seems to differ from my friend’s opinion; I go with Peggy Tierney’s summary. Why? Because I really don’t like NAZIs, and I really know that Biden and his ‘administration’ are the real bad guys here.  I also know that Putin has been telling us for the past eight years, and then even for six years before that, not to put NATO on his borders, or to put bio-labs or weapons on his borders. We ignored his (polite) requests, and did exactly that, anyway. I also know that if Putin wanted to decimate Ukraine, and clear his borders once and for all, he could have done that in two hours (like the US would have done.)  But, instead, he wanted to minimize civilian deaths and property damage to the extent possible, which is why the war has gone on this long. Putin has his enemy encircled, but is not moving in.  When his enemy advances, he retreats a bit (to avoid killing conscripted civilians. The Americans and Ukraine are using Putin’s care in favor of civilian life, and telling us that they are winning the war against Russia.  Bad guys lie a lot. I am satisfied that the war news that I have presented here every day is accurate.]

13.  Sovereign ‘Democracy’ Ukraine: Zelenskyy Suspends 11 Opposition Parties Becoming Head Of A One-Party State   By Cassandra Fairbanks

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, with the backing of Ukraine’s National Security and Defence Council, declared that all opposition parties would be suspended indefinitely until martial law is declared over.

In a statement issued yesterday evening, President Zelenskyy announced the following decree: political parties who his party, “Servants of the People,” has identified as being pro-Russian would be suspended until the nation-wide martial law is lifted. The list essentially includes every opposition party.

[Ed.: “Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out” – David Horowitz]

12.  Part XXII: The Riegner Telegram- How it Evolved  By Alex Grobman PhD.

*Editor’s Note: This is part XXII in a series. You can read Part XX, here

Aside from the question of how many Jews had been murdered thus far in Europe, a distinct pattern appeared regarding the goal  to have emerged Lacquer concluded. At the highest levels of the German hierarchy, the decision had been made to murder all the Jews of Europe, but when had this been decided? Dr. Gerhard M. Riegner, representative of the World Jewish Congress in Geneva, Switzerland, provided the answer.

In his memoir, Never Despair: Sixty Years in the Service of the Jewish People and of Human Rights, Riegner says the saga began on July 29, 1942, when he received a phone call from his friend Benjamin Sagalowitz, press officer with the Fédération communautés juives de Suisse (Federation of Jewish Communities of Switzerland) in Zurich. Sagalowitz said he had to meet Riegner “with the utmost urgency.” At their meeting in Lausanne on August 1,1942, Sagalowitz informed him that a friend had been in touch with a prominent German industrialist, the head of a company with thousands of employees, actively involved in the war effort. This function afforded him access to the most senior German military personnel. We know from historians Walter Laqueur and Richard Breitman, this German corporate leader was Dr. Eduard Schulte, chief executive officer of Giesche, one of Germany’s leading mining firms.

11.   The Purge: Call Me Ishmael   BY GEORGE O’HAR 

For the last 27 years I have been a professor at Boston College, teaching a mix of literature and writing courses to thousands of students. Then along came the booster mandates.

When the initial vaccines came out, my wife and I received ours. We had strong reservations about the mRNA vaccines and had decided we weren’t going to get one. However, my getting a vaccine was a condition of employment. We weighed our decision carefully. It was the J&J, or early retirement.

We were prepared to live with whatever the gods had in store, and had actually started thinking about how to fill in the hours. As luck would have it, the vaccine on offer that day was the J&J.

We sat down and rolled up our sleeves.

Subsequent information about vaccine efficacy and side effects, of the J&J as well as the others, made us regret getting that injection. But it was done. And I was still employed.

10.   Anatomy of the Hong Kong Disaster    BY IAN MILLER  

It’s hard to believe that after two years of government policies completely failing to prevent the spread of COVID, there hasn’t been universal acceptance that attempting to control a highly infectious respiratory virus is nearly impossible.

Nearly every country that was once praised for their “response” to COVID has seen their numbers rise dramatically over time.

The mitigation commands — mask mandates, vaccine passports, mandatory vaccinations, lockdowns and lockdowns for the “unvaccinated” have all been disastrous blunders; hopeless flailing borne out of a desire to “do something” and to coerce desired behavior.

So it should come as no surprise that Hong Kong has joined the long list of jurisdictions to see their much praised policies collapse.

9.   NCAA Swimming Champ Caught In Possession Of Performance-Enhancing Testicles   BabylonBee.com

ATLANTA, GA—Celebrations for winning the 500-yard freestyle at the NCAA Women’s Swimming and Diving Championships were short-lived for convincingly female athlete Lia Thomas, as authorities caught her in possession of performance-enhancing testicles.

“Investigators will need time to sift through the trail of evidence right now,” said NCAA’s Head of Testicle Enforcement, Bob Huevos, while holding up a jock strap, the device suspected to have been used to conceal the contraband from rigorous testing protocols. “We suspect the swimmer used this contraption to keep the performance-enhancing testicles secured between her legs.”

Blood tests of the disgraced, obviously-female swimmer have led Huevos to believe Thomas had a long history of using testicles to dose with powerful testosterone, perhaps beginning in early childhood.

“Long term testicle use like this may explain the female swimmer’s towering height, powerful muscles, dense bone structure, deep voice, and bulging crotch,” explained Huevos, “These permanent mutations from testosterone abuse would have given her a lifetime advantage over other female athletes even if she were to quit and go on estrogen. For that reason, Lia Thomas should be disqualified from competition.”

8.   Lia Thomas and the destruction of women’s sports | Linda Blade joins Ezra Levant  [5:07] By Rebel News

Former track and field champion and author Linda Blade joined Ezra to discuss transgender swimmer Lia Thomas’ victory at the NCAA Women’s Swimming Championship.

On last night’s episode of The Ezra Levant Show, former track and field champion and co-author of Unsporting: How Trans Activism and Science Denial are Destroying Sport Linda Blade joined Ezra to discuss transgender swimmer Lia Thomas’ victory at the NCAA Women’s Swimming Championship.

Here’s a bit of what Linda had to say:

7.  !NEW: ‘My name is Spartacus’: COVID-19 Deep Dive Part II: ‘Vaccine Complications’                                                          By “Spartacus” – one of the authors of the orginal ‘Spartacus’ paper that went viral in 2021

The second in a series of articles exploring each aspect of the pandemic in detail.  Read Part 1 here

Our governments are compelling us to inject poison into our bodies

The Historical Failure of SARS Vaccines

Ever since SARS-CoV was discovered, vaccine researchers have attempted to develop a SARS vaccine. For two decades, this research has failed to produce any results.

One SARS vaccine study dated to 2012 shows the results of employing an inactivated whole virus or virus-like particle vaccine in a murine model. The animals developed Th2 immunopathology and eosinophilia in their lungs upon challenge with the live virus.

PLOS One – Immunization with SARS Coronavirus Vaccines Leads to Pulmonary Immunopathology on Challenge with the SARS Virus

6.  !Official Government of Canada data is truly terrifying; it suggests the Triple Vaccinated have developed AIDS & are now 5.1x more likely to die of Covid-19 than the Unvaccinated

The latest official Covid-19 figures from the Government of Canada are truly terrifying. They show that the double vaccinated population across Canada have now lost on average 74% of their immune system capability, and the triple vaccinated population across Canada have now lost on average 73% of their immune system capability compared to the natural immune system of unvaccinated people.

So much damage has now been done that the figures show the double vaccinated population are on average 3.8 times more likely to be infected with Covid-19 and 3.3 times more likely to die of Covid-19 than the unvaccinated population.

But it’s even worse for the triple vaccinated population in terms of their risk of death. The official figures show that they are on average 3.7 times more likely to be infected with Covid-19 but 5.1 times more likely to die of Covid-19 than the unvaccinated population.

These figures therefore suggest that both the double and triple vaccinated population in Canada have now had so much damage caused to their immune systems by the Covid-19 injections that they have now developed Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.

5.   Switzerland: Muslim migrant beheads his wife because a car mechanic wanted to repair her car for free              BY ROBERT SPENCER

This migrant is a product of a culture of violence that mandates the beating of disobedient women (cf. Qur’an 4:34). If she was unfaithful to him, as he suspected, she was disobeying the order mandated by Allah, and consequently was an unbeliever, to be beheaded (cf. Qur’an 47:4).

Did Swiss authorities really think that he would leave at the door the attitudes and assumptions that he had imbibed for years?

[Ed.: Don’t be mechanicophobic!]

4.  India Buys More Russian Oil Despite US Threats

India is the world’s third-largest consumer of energy, relying on imports for nearly 80% of its crude oil requirements. As Russia is being sanctioned from all sides owing to the situation in Ukraine, India has stepped up to buy Russian oil at a huge discount despite threats from the US.

3.  These Women Got the Jab — Here’s What Happened After  [2:31]

The women in this video detail the adverse reactions they developed after being vaccinated and what they experienced when they asked doctors for help. “If you say you got the ‘j’ … it’s immediately just brushed off,” one of them shares.

2. Could Eating Too Many Vegetables Wreck Your Health?   [1:25:35]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Everyone ‘knows’ plant foods are good for you and a crucial part of a healthy meal plan, right? This notion has just been turned on its head, as it’s been found to cause an imbalance of this ratio in your body – which can trigger autoimmune problems.


  • Dr. Paul Saladino, a functional medicine practitioner, advocates the use of a nose-to-tail carnivore diet to heal many autoimmune conditions, and points to evidence suggesting the notion that all plants are beneficial may need to be revisited and revised
  • Plant lectins can have harmful effects by binding to specific receptor sites on your intestinal mucosal cells and interfering with the absorption of nutrients across your intestinal wall. Lectins act as antinutrients and can have a detrimental effect on your gut microbiome by shifting the balance of your bacterial flora
  • In studies where rodents were given very high amounts of methionine, an amino acid found in animal protein, a shortening of lifespan was observed, leading to the oft-repeated claim that animal protein shortens lifespan
  • Follow-up studies revealed it was not the methionine that caused this effect but, rather, an imbalance of methionine to glycine in the rodents’ diet. A nose-to-tail carnivore diet has a well-balanced methionine to glycine ratio, and appears to provide all the nutrients your body needs
  • A nose-to-tail carnivore diet may be optimized by combining it with intermittent fasting or other periodic fasting regimen

1.  !!!  What Mothers Should Know About COVID and COVID-19 Vaccine for Children  [57:0]                                                   Analysis by Barbara Loe Fisher

Your Choice: Potential Death – or a Cold?

Despite the SARS-CoV-2 infection being asymptomatic or mild for almost all healthy children, the government wants to inject your child with a ‘vaccine production plant’ when there’s been over a million adverse events, including death. Read this closely before you decide.


  • Public health officials want doctors to give the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine to the most vulnerable age group, tiny babies and young children under 5 years old
  • It is the fastest development and mass administration of an experimental vaccine to healthy humans in history, and the first vaccine to be distributed and recommended for mass use under an Emergency Use Authorization
  • In June 2020, Congress completely shielded vaccine manufacturers and anyone administering the COVID vaccine from product liability and malpractice lawsuits in civil court
  • Studies have shown that most healthy infants and children with COVID disease either have no symptoms or much milder symptoms than adults, which last about a week
  • As of February 4, 2022, there were over 1.1 million adverse event reports following COVID-19 vaccinations filed with the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
  • You have the moral right and must have the legal right to gather information, consult with a health professional and follow your gut instincts when making a decision about whether or not your child should get vaccinated — without being coerced or sanctioned by anyone for the decision you make


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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.