Daily Shmutz | 032322

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

29.  !Clots and Bots Were Always In The Plan  [19:26]   Stew Peters Network

On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane welcomes the amazing Karen Kingston, former Pfizer analyst-turned whistleblower with all the receipts, for a two-part interview and the two go beyond the science to the unseen realm of good and evil! And later, a deeper dive into the the real World War 3…the spiritual war we are all in whether we like it or not. And Dr. Jane closes the show with the TRUTH on the incoming Pfizer and Merck Bioweapons coming in pill form – don’t be fooled – this is just more deception, death and destruction!

28.  !! Military Threat From China: B2 Bombers Arrive in Australia as Premier Seeks Permanent Powers [6:13]              Stew Peters Network

The Doherty Institute of Australia is colluding with Premier Peter Malinauskas to throw Australia into a complete lockdown, mandating 5 boosters for all. Australia correspondent Maria Zeee joined the Stew Peters Show Wednesday to discuss Malinauskas’s upcoming dictatorship, Australia’s deal with Moderna, and extreme election fraud. Zeee warned of the plans from the Australian government for censorship, complete lockdown, and war with China.

27.  !Hard-Hitting Truth: “Virus” Never Isolated, Sepsis-Causing Shots, And Frontline Fakers  [11:39]                                  Stew Peters Network 

On Wednesday, Dr. Jane Ruby answered questions about vaccine-induced sepsis, the antibody testing hoax, and more. Dr. Jane elaborated on effective supplements that treat Covid, the validity of her sources, and the fibrous formations within the jabs.

26.   !Dr. David Martin: We Are Allowing Human Organisms To Become Bioweapon Factories  [18:16]                                     Stew Peters Network 

The Covid mandates are tools for desensitizing people to extensive gene editing and manipulation via the ‘vaccine’. Dr. David Martin, a speaker at the upcoming Let’s Go Brandon rally in Florida, jo ined the Stew Peters Show Wednesday to expose the dangers of the jab induced toxic spike protein, water contamination, and more. Dr. Martin detailed how Big Pharma acknowledges the illegality of their injections, yet they continue to test them on the masses, killing thousands.

25.   Gutless FL RINOS Allow Tranny Cult Child Abuse to Continue: Pass FAKE Bill to Trick Parents  [18:37]                     Stew Peters Network 

Republican lawmakers are failing the party and the people, while Democrats control the voting system and destroy the states with their disastrous policies. Florida House Representative Anthony Sabatini joined the Stew Peters Show Wednesday to discuss Florida’s House Bill 1557, its vulnerability to leftist manipulation, and the needed reform for election integrity. Rep. Sabatini affirmed that America needs stronger Republicans, and Floridians need to get involved in their Primaries to rid the Republican Party of the RINOs.


24. !  WATCH: Biden’s SCOTUS Pick Says She ‘Can’t’ Define What A Woman Is “I Can’t, I’m Not a Biologist” By Cassandra Fairbanks

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, Biden’s nominee for the Supreme Court, was eviscerated by Senator Marsha Blackburn in a series of questions that would have been so easy for anyone to answer just a few short years ago.

If you could travel back in time just fifteen years, it would be difficult to explain the line of questioning that left Judge Jackson stammering and unable to form a response.

[Ed.:  She’s not a biologist, and she’s also not a Supreme Court Judge.  She’s just another swamp creature. A deep state idiot trying to be placed into the SCOTUS in order to destroy the Constitution.]

23.  [Please read Mark’s excellent (short) article before you watch the Chomsky monster’s video, if you can stomach him…]                   !!  Chomsky explains why so many Americans will not get “vaccinated”  [13:40]   Mark Crispin Miller

Once again, America’s most famous “leftist” has many wondering if he was always such a dope.

Can someone who cares about him, and his legacy, not step in, for his sake, and get him to shut up? How one would do that I have no idea, since he thinks his every word is genius, and that anyone who disagrees with him is stupid. As one who’s tried to argue with him (about Bush/Cheney’s election theft), and who was privy to an epic back-and-forth with him on 9/11 (which he thinks went down as advertised), I can tell you from firsthand experience (nor am I the only one who can) that Chomsky never actually addresses counter-evidence, but, metaphorically speaking, just sails up high above it—high enough to gaze down at anyone who dares present it to him—and calls it wrong. It’s a mode of “disputation” all his own, which I call “argument by levitation.”

So there’s actually no way to tell Noam Chomsky that he’s (please forgive my rudeness) full of shit, because he knows everything, so if you tell him something that he doesn’t know, it must be wrong, there being nothing that he doesn’t know. Thus Chomsky knows that “vaccine hesitancy” is a “far-right phenomenon,” and that the FDA and CDC are honest regulators of Big Pharma, just as he’s always known that JFK’s assassination didn’t matter (“Who cares?” he once said on that subject, publicly), and that 9/11 went down as advertised, and that Bush/Cheney’s election theft was no big deal (he once told me this himself), and—astoundingly—that “January 6th” was an “attempted coup,” which he’s compared to Hitler’s Beer Hall Putsch, asserting, with his usual clueless over-confidence, that “historians of fascism” all agree with that ridiculous equation. (What “January 6th” does recall from Hitler’s meteoric history is the burning of the Reichstag.) Chomsky also knows that the Republican Party—not, say, the CIA, or the Nazis, or the World Economic Forum—is “the most dangerous organization in human history,” and (of course) that Donald Trump is just like Adolf Hitler.

22.  Ukrainian Biolabs Linked to EcoHealth Alliance, Which Helped Create and Unleash COVID-19    JD Rucker

This article by Ethan Huff, cross-posted from Natural News, tells a very different story from the official narrative coming out of Washington, DC. It should add to the notion of “question everything.”

The web of lies surrounding the Pentagon-run biological weapons laboratories in Ukraine and elsewhere continues to unravel with new evidence showing that Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance (EHA) is also involved.

Along with Metabiota, EHA is a longtime partner of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which has been funding its bioweapons operations in Africa and elsewhere.

21.  !URGENT WARNING For Los Angeles Jewish Community  [4:33]

20.   Will Hunter take jail time to protect his father?  [2:50]

‘Red-Handed’ author Peter Schweizer discusses what would happen to the Biden family if Hunter Biden is indicted over laptop scandals on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime.’

19.   Israel Will Bomb Iran, Guaranteed
1. Summary: JaFaJ has learned from most senior Western intelligence sources that Israel has decided to attack Iran on an extensive scale. Israel is frustrated by the Biden administration’s tolerance of Iran and the increasing likelihood of Iran enhancing its nuclear program. The source claimed the Israeli attacks would have come sooner rather than later, and if it was not for the war in Ukraine, the attacks might have already happened, and the likelihood of the Israeli attacks on Iran higher is even higher now, as the world is focused on the Ukraine war and oil prices. The upcoming Israeli attacks will be massive and are meant to bring the Iranian nuclear program to an end, hence, phasing out the possibility of Iran rebuilding it after the bombing.

Israel Will Bomb Iran, No Ifs, Ands or Buts

18.   Zelensky is “Jewish” in a George Soros Way    by Janet Levy

At this point, any sentient being who has been paying attention knows that Ukraine has a Nazi problem and that Zelensky has received support from this vile quarter.

Andrea Widburg tells it like it is:

“…this neo-Nazi issue was no surprise to Jews, who will never forget that, during WWII, the real Nazis were shocked at the ferocity with which Ukrainians slaughtered their Jewish neighbors. And yes, the Ukrainians did elect as president a Jewish man, but Zelensky seems to be Jewish in a George Soros way—genetically, but not religiously, ethically, culturally, or emotionally:

He has described his childhood as an “ordinary Soviet Jewish upbringing,” which has been taken to mean that the family was not religiously observant, as was common under the repressive Communist regime. “I never speak about religion and I never speak about God because I have my own personal opinion about it,” he has said. “Of course, I believe in God. But I speak with him only in those moments which are personal for me.” He has described himself as a Ukrainian “with Jewish blood.” According to press reports, the two children he has with his non-Jewish wife — Olena Zelenska, a former schoolmate — have been baptized.

17.  Florida Aims to End Sexualization of Children  Larry Sand

All the usual suspects are furious.  

The stories are jaw dropping, infuriating, and plentiful. The school district in St. Paul, MN is partnering with an organization that offers LGBTQ-affirming curricula for students as young as three years old. In Idaho, an 11-year-old girl was coached by her Coeur d’Alene school into a sex change without notifying her parents. As reported by Abigail Shrier, the California Teachers Association held a conference in October 2021, where it advised teachers “on best practices for subverting parents, conservative communities and school principals on issues of gender identity and sexual orientation. Speakers went so far as to tout their surveillance of students’ Google searches, internet activity, and hallway conversations in order to target sixth graders for personal invitations to LGBTQ clubs, while actively concealing these clubs’ membership rolls from participants’ parents.”

16.  If you die from the vaccine, your life insurance company may not pay out  [2:00]  Steve Kirsch

I’ve heard this many times. Here’s a video on it. What are your experiences with this?

Watch this very short video which explains why insurance companies may not cover you if you die from taking an EUA vaccine:

15.   One out of every nine people testing for coronavirus is positive

Infection coefficient continues to rise, nears one, as Purim approaches.

Israel’s Health Ministry on Wednesday morning reported that on Tuesday, 6,310 new coronavirus cases were diagnosed in Israel, representing 10.93% of the coronavirus test results received that day.

[Ed.:  Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!  Hilarious! No one believes (or trusts) them any more!]

14.  [Funny from IINO News (not Babylon Bee):] Coronavirus outbreak: Nearly 13,000 new cases diagnosed within 24 hours

Number of ECMO, intubated, COVID-19 patients rises, along with lagging indicators and real-time number of new cases.

The number of new coronavirus cases diagnosed Sunday skyrocketed in comparison to the previous week, Health Ministry data shows.

On Sunday, 12,869 new COVID-19 cases were diagnosed, compared to 7,799 new cases the previous day and 7,080 new cases on Friday.

As of Monday morning, there are 49,349 active coronavirus cases in Israel, with 800 coronavirus patients hospitalized.

Among the hospitalized are 328 whose condition is serious or worse, a slight rise from Saturday’s 326. That number includes 160 whose condition is critical, 143 COVID-19 patients who are intubated, and 20 patients who are on ECMO (heart and lung) machines.

[Ed.:  But did the PCR test tell them that it was actually covid, or was it flu instead?  Actually it could have been just Coca Cola, or water.  Perhaps it was pawpaws, sheep, but not necessarily covid?  One thing is certain:  we’ll never know…]

13.   Biden’s Israel ambassador tells BDS group he wants Jews out of Jerusalem    by Daniel Greenfield 

“Your agenda is where my heart is,” is what Nides told APN, which opposes Jews living in Jerusalem and opposes anti-BDS legislation. Op-ed.

(JNS) Biden’s ambassador to Israel recently told participants in a pro-BDS group’s webinar that the real problem with the Palestinian Authority funding terrorism is that “it gives the ‘haters’ an excuse not to support the P.A. based on the argument that it is ‘paying for people who killed Jews.’”

He also told the anti-Israel group, whose CEO has described Israel as an “oppressive regime” and which cheered the Ben & Jerry’s boycott, that “your agenda is where my heart is.”

At this rate, Thomas Nides will be hugging and kissing Hamas leaders by the end of the year.

Expectations for Nides were already pretty low when the Biden administration announced that it had picked Obama’s former deputy secretary of state as its ambassador to Israel.

12.  New POLLS Indicate RED WAVE Landslides EVERYWHERE!!!  [10:01]  Dr. Steve Turley

The new polls coming out are indicating that we’re about to see red wave landslides everywhere come November! In this video, we’re going to look at the latest generic ballot poll, we’re going to compare it with a number of other equally devastating polls for the Democrats, and stick with me to the very end of this video when I’ll reveal the two most important predictive indicators for a November bloodbath that signal the end of days of the Democrats; you are NOT going to want to miss this!

[Ed.:  It’s nice that the professor correctly predicts a red wave landslide in the next election. But, IMHO, the Democrats do not need even one legitimate vote in the next election to win, since their victory is already ‘predestined’…]

11.   Biden Declares The Rise of a NEW WORLD ORDER!!!  [10:57]   Dr. Steve Turley

Did Alex Jones just get proven right? What on earth is Biden talking about with the rise of a new world order? Well that’s what we’re going to explore in this video! We’re going to look at what Biden said, we’re going to see how it relates to what’s called the Fourth Turning espoused by Steve Bannon, and stick with me to the very end of this video when I’ll reveal what the new world order that’s rising really is; you are NOT going to want to miss this!


10.  Virtue Signaling About Ukraine!   AwakenWithJP

9.  Silent War Ep. 6183: Millennial Deaths 2x (Vax) as Army Purges, Ukraine’s Dictator & US BIOLABs.  [22:39]         Dustin Nemos

In this episode of The Silent War:

Sovereign ‘Democracy’ Ukraine: Zelenskyy Suspends 11 Opposition Parties Becoming Head Of A One-Party State.

Russia Challenges US: If Biolab Documents are Fake Then Ask Head of the DTRA Office at the US Embassy in Kiev Joanna Wintrol Why She Signed Off on Them?

Ukrainian Azov army has been using civilians as human shields.

Ukrainian Officials Keep Getting Caught Fleeing Country with Suitcases Full of Cash and Euros.

VAX PURGE CONTINUES: US Army Officially Begins Discharging Soldiers Who Haven’t Taken The Experimental Vaccine.

Millennials Experienced the “Worst-Ever Excess Mortality in History” – An 84% Increase In Deaths After Vaccine Mandates Introduced.

Another Food Price Increase Expected: This Time It’s Eggs.

Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Orders Suspension of Telegram Because President Bolsonaro’s Supporters Can Get Free and Uncensored Information on the Platform.

Soros-Backed Secretary of State Katie Hobbs Violates Arizona State Election Law by Shutting Down Election Petition System for Certain Candidates.

President Trump Puts AZ Attorney General Mark Brnovich On Notice – Asks When Ruling On Election Fraud and large-scale Election Irregularities Is Coming.

Pennsylvania Video Shows Ballot Trafficker Dumping Handfuls of Ballots into Ballot Drop Box in Montgomery County – Video Shows More than 100 People Dropping More than 1 Ballot into Drop Box in Just a Few Hours.

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Hospitalized.  All of this, and more.

8.  !It Got Worse! UK Reports 92% of Covid-19 Deaths are Vaccinated!  [23:34]

Triple Vaxxed are 262% more likely to be infected with Covid-19 in the UK. That is what leads to a 92% death rate of the vaccinated. Also, Fort Bragg lost over 80 soldiers from “sudden” and “unexplained” causes, so they stopped reporting the deaths in June 2021. Many more have likely died, and I explain so much more in the video.

7.   Dr. Jane Ruby interviewed by the Health Ranger  [45:47]  Mike Adams

NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.

6.  Situation Update, March 22, 2022 – Chemical false flag is IMMINENT to thrust USA into war with RUSSIA  [1:48:10]  Mike Adams

0:00 Intro, 0:50 False Flag, 14:33 Insane News, 31:04 Good News, 32:23 Doom, 50:45 Food Shortage, 1:00:39 Economic News, 1:17:15 Dollar Collapse, 1:33:06 NATO

It’s happening more quickly than I had predicted. Although I’ve been openly predicting a global uprising due to skyrocketing food and fuel inflation — which is really just a representation of the collapsing value of fiat currencies — I was surprised to see how rapidly the revolt is exploding.

Read more at https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-03-22-global-uprising-begins-fiat-currencies-melt-down-food-and-fuel-inflation.html

5.   COVID Jab Messed Up This Woman’s Menstrual Cycle  [1:01]

Menstrual irregularities, worsened PMS, daily headaches and nausea — these are just some of the adverse effects this woman experienced after being given the Pfizer shot. “My youngest is 5 years old, and since getting the second shot, my breastmilk has started coming back in. I’m not pregnant,” she adds.

4.   Do Statins Actually Extend Life, or Cut It Short?  [1:07:59]                                                                                                                Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola interview with Dr. Malcolm Kendrick


  • A 2015 systematic review of statin trials found that in primary prevention trials, the median postponement of death was just 3.2 days. In secondary prevention trials, death was postponed 4.1 days
  • A 2018 review presented substantial evidence that total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels are not an indication of heart disease risk, and that statin treatment is of “doubtful benefit” as a form of primary prevention for this reason
  • Tactics used in statin studies to exaggerate benefits include excluding unsuccessful trials, cherry-picking data, ignoring the most important outcome — an increase in life expectancy — and using a statistical tool called relative risk reduction to amplify trivial effects
  • If you look at absolute risk, statin drugs benefit just 1% of the treated participants. Out of 100 people treated with statins for five years, one person will have one less heart attack
  • Statin trials minimize health risks by using a run-in period. Participants are given the drug for a few weeks, after which those who suffer adverse effects are simply excluded, thereby lowering the perceived frequency and severity of side effects

[Ed.:  A number of statins are available for use in the United States. They include:

  • Atorvastatin (Lipitor)
  • Fluvastatin (Lescol XL)
  • Lovastatin (Altoprev)
  • Pitavastatin (Livalo, Zypitamag)
  • Pravastatin (Pravachol)
  • Rosuvastatin (Crestor, Ezallor)
  • Simvastatin (Zocor)

Sometimes, a statin is combined with another heart medication. Examples are atorvastatin-amlodipine (Caduet) and ezetimibe-simvastatin (Vytorin)]

3.   FDA Gives Green Light to Gene-Edited Cattle   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola


  • While a lengthy approval process is typically necessary for gene-edited animals to enter the food market, the FDA streamlined the process for gene-edited cattle, allowing them to skirt the regular approval process
  • The FDA announced in March 2022 that Recombinetics’ gene-edited cattle received a low-risk determination for marketing products, including food, made from their meat
  • This marks the FDA’s first low-risk determination for enforcement discretion for an intentional genomic alteration in an animal for food use
  • The animals have genes modified to make their coats shorter and slicker, which is intended to help them better withstand heat stress, allowing them to gain more weight and increase the efficiency of meat production
  • In 2019, Brazil stopped its plans to allow a herd of Recombinetics’ gene-edited cattle after unexpected DNA changes were uncovered
  • Long-term safety studies have not been conducted, and experts are calling for long-term safety and toxicity studies

2. !!  Phase 2 of The Great Reset: War  [9:59]    Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Russia/Ukraine Analysis, Are We on the Brink of a World War?

We’re being hit with one crisis after another, but there’s nothing ‘organic’ or natural about these crises, which seem manufactured and intentional. Is the Russian invasion Stage 2 of The Great Reset, and how can you prepare for what’s ahead?


  • We’re being hit with one crisis after another, but there’s nothing “organic” or natural about these crises. They seem manufactured and intentional because they all strengthen, support and further the technocratic plan for a Great Reset
  • Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, has relaxed its hate speech policies in certain countries — but only as long as the hatred is directed against Russians. While hatred against an attacker is normal, one day, the designated target for “justifiable hatred” may be you
  • We cannot continue to accept the idea of “justifiable hatred” — that it’s OK to hate and call for violence against any one group — because the target group of the day is decided by powers that ultimately seek to destroy us all
  • World war is Phase 2 of The Great Reset plan, which includes the destruction of supply chains, the energy sector, food supply and workforce, to create dependency on government, which in turn will be taken over by private interests and central banks through the collapse of the global economy
  • Pandemic lockdowns have sped up the Fourth Industrial Revolution — the transhumanist dream to merge man and machine, which will allow the technocratic elite to control all of mankind — and disruptions caused by war will speed it up even further

1. !! BREAKING: Biden DOJ Spied on Project Veritas Journalists with Sealed Search Warrants – Then Concealed Communications from Federal Judge  (VIDEO 3:44)    By Cristina Laila

James O’Keefe on Tuesday revealed the Biden DOJ spied on Project Veritas journalists with sealed search warrants then concealed the communications from a federal judge.

Project Veritas obtained legal documents from Microsoft Corporation revealing the DOJ obtained an extension on two sealed search warrants after a federal judge denied the Department’s efforts to “unsupervised and unfettered access to privileged emails and contacts of eight PV journalists.”

According to O’Keefe, Judge Torres ruled that federal prosecutors must be supervised by a Special Master to protect the journalists’ First Amendment rights.

The documents obtained by Project Veritas prove the DOJ went behind Judge Torres’ back, ignored the order and tried to hide the fact that they obtained communications from PV journalists.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.