Daily Shmutz | 033122

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

32.  !  Moscow Calls for U.S. Regime Change: Russia Tells Americans to Re-Install President Trump  [16:03]                Stew Peters Network 

Biden visited Poland and called for Putin’s removal, while American elites call for his death. Now, Russia calls for a regime change in America; they want Donald Trump. On Thursday Edward Szall and Lauren Witzke discussed the disasters caused by the Biden Regime, sanctions on gas exports, and more. Russia demands that Americans pay in rubles, as our own economy falls into rubbles, all while literal Satanist American mercenaries are being liquidated by Christian Russian soldiers fighting in Ukraine.

31.   Beast System EXPOSED in DC: Christians Call on Rep. Cawthorn to Name Names  [14:04]   Stew Peters Network

Christians have a conviction and an obligation to call out corruption, with our government being compiled of evil. Pastor Todd Coconato joined the Stew Peters Show Thursday to discuss how Conservative Christians can defend and preserve our God-loving America. Pastor Coconato affirmed that Representative Madison Cawthorn needs to name names to purge corruption from the Conservative Party.

30.   Groomer Teachers MELT DOWN Over Ban of Sexualization of Children  [10:50]    Stew Peters Network 

Florida is fighting against the LGBTQ cult, in defense of children facing torment from their perverted teachers. Lauren Witzke and Edward Szall detailed the anti-groomer Bill, it’s implications for radical teachers, and the trans-ified U.S. Airforce. Cory Bernaert openly stated he won’t abide by the law, and rather wants to share his perversions with his kindergarten class.

29.   REVENGE of the RED STATES! PATRIOTS Are WINNING Everywhere!!!  [11:01]   Dr. Steve Turley

Red State Revenge as patriots is winning, winning, winning quite literally everywhere! You are going to LOVE this! We’re going to look at a whole slew of legislation that’s being passed all across the country that’s awakening a springtide of faith, family, and freedom, and if stick with me to the very end of this video, I’ll reveal precisely WHY all of this legislation is happening right now as we speak, and I promise you, you’re not going to want to miss this reason!

[Ed.: Steve Turley is quite the optimist, no? Let’s just hope that he isn’t delusional when he says “the patriots are winning!”  We’re not. The next election is already stolen and the patriots are not going to win that. Let’s not live in illusions of winning when we’ve already lost!]

28.  What can I do to eliminate mRNA vaccines from my body? – ‘Nothing’; Dr. Malone finds dangerous mRNA modification   by Eliyahu Tulshinski

Your DNA is safe, your immune system is not

  • Creator of mRNA vaccine technology was injured by the vaccines
  • Reports dangerous modification of his technology
  • Insertion of added ingredient prevents normal break down of mRNA in the body
  • Inability to rid body of mRNA associated with severe side effects
  • Side effects include an AIDS like breakdown of the immune system
  • Affected cells too, spread out for targeted treatment
  • DNA strongly protected from attempts to change it

None other than the original inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, Professor Robert Malone, MD, is sounding the alarm about a dangerous modification to his technology.

[Ed.: I hate to disagree with Robert Malone when he says that there is ‘nothing we can do,’ so, I won’t.  But, if we build up our natural immunity using the nutrients in Dr. Zalenko’s Z-Stack, as well as other nutrients that are known to cleanse the system of toxins and in particular the  graphene oxide (like quercetin and ECGC,) our bodies are then given some of the available tools for defense, to the extent possible. So, do not conclude after reading this article that there is nothing we can do once we are jabbed.  If you carefully “read between the lines” here, Malone does say that our bodies will fight the invasion when given the right tools!]

27.  !  New world order announced at World Government Summit    by Yudi Sherman

‘We’re on the brink of a dramatic change’

The “new world order” was outlined and presented this week at the World Government Summit 2022 in Dubai.

The conference, which was held on Tuesday and Wednesday, had over 4,000 participants, including global officials, advisors, experts and industry leaders.

The participants included United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Gutteres, IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva, and World Health Organization Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, among many others.

The event included a discussion panel titled, “Are we ready for a new world order?” The panelists were Dr Anwar bin Mohammed Gargash, Diplomatic Advisor to Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Frederick Kempe, Chief Executive Officer of the Atlantic Council, Dr George Friedman, Founder and Chairman of Geopolitical Futures, and Dr. Pippa Malmgren, an economist, author and advisor to former US President George W. Bush.

Malmgren was very upfront about the agenda of global governments to make the entire financial system digital, which would allow more tracking and control of citizens.

“What underpins a world order is always the financial system,” said Malmgren. She said she was privileged that her father advised former US President Richard Nixon, who took the USA off the gold standard in 1971, because that showed “how important a financial structure is to absolutely everything else.”

26.   Israel’s Terror Surge: Will Bennett Step Up to the Plate?   by AFSI Staff

“We are currently dealing with a new wave of terrorism,” said Prime Minister Naftali Bennett in a statement issued in response to the horrific attack in Bnei Brak.

Within the last week, Israel has experienced one of the worst waves of terror attacks in quite some time. In the last 7 days 11 have been murdered (Jews, Druze and an Arab Christian). This illustrates a disturbing trend of terror carried out in cities with mixed residents as well as communities populated only by Jews.

MK Itamar Ben Gvir delivered a fierce message: “The enemy recognizes weakness. This wave of terrorism is reminiscent of the bloody days of Oslo, and the writing on the wall is inscribed in the name of Internal Security Minister Omer Barlev and Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai, the most failed people in charge in the history of the State of Israel.”

25.   How Israel should respond to the Iranian nuclear deal   by Dr. Mordechai Kedar 

Simple enough: Expand Jerusalem to the Jordan Valley and apply sovereignty now. Op-ed.

As these words are being written in late March 2022, the media are reporting that it is most likely that the United States will soon sign a new improved nuclear deal with Iran, one very much in Iran’s favor. This new deal would allow Iran to become a nuclear power within a few years, does not address the long-range missiles that Iran is developing, producing and using, and ignores the death and destruction that the Iranian Islamic Republic has sown throughout the Middle East. No doubt, Iran has come out the winner in Vienna.

One possible consequence of this Islamist victory is a surge in Hamas’s popularity among the Arabs of Judea and Samaria, who are already disgusted with the corruption of the Palestinian Authority and the PLO. It is almost certain that Hamas will win any future election, both in the Palestinian Legislative Council (as it did in January 2006) as well as in the presidential election. And if the PA becomes a state, Hamas in Judea and Samaria will replicate the Hamastan that has existed in the Gaza Strip since June 2007.

24.   TSA Announces New Woke Gender Neutral Screening Processes for Transgenders Using Advanced Imaging Technology to Screen Passengers    By Jim Hoft

Biden celebrated Transgender Day of Visibility on Wednesday by celebrating prominent transgender Americans. He announced new measures inclusive of transgender people on Thursday.

The U.S. Department of State announced on Thursday that U.S. citizens will be able to select an “X” as their gender marker on their U.S. passport application starting April 11.

On the same day, TSA announced a new screening procedure for transgender, nonbinary, and gender-nonconforming airline passengers. These people will be screened as he or she presents at the security checkpoint.

According to the TSA website, new advanced imaging technology will be used that has software that “looks at the anatomy of men and women differently.”

23.   “Bill Barr Broke the Law… The Fix Is In… Bill Barr Did Not Do His Job” – EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Tony Shaffer on Barr’s Actions After the 2020 Election  [30:14]  By Joe Hoft

Joe Hoft at The Gateway Pundit interviewed retired Lieutenant Colonel and trained CIA intelligence officer Tony Shaffer on Thursday morning.  Shaffer discussed the ‘permanent coup’ in Washington and the 2020 Election.  This led to a shocking story about former US Attorney General Bill Barr. 

Tony Shaffer began by discussing the permanent coup in Washington and the takeover of the government by the Democrats.  He mentioned how he shared this in a talk in St. Louis a few years ago.  He predicted what we are now seeing – major elements of the federal government are not adhering to their major purpose of defending the American people.

How do you all not recognize that whole elements of the federal government are compromised to their primary purpose of defending the interests of the American people?  How do you not get that?..One of our parties no longer supports the fundament concepts of our republic.”

22.   Rudy Giuliani: “Evidence Against Joe Biden on the Hard Drive is Stronger than Against Hunter Biden” (VIDEO 8:30)    By Jim Hoft

The Washington Post and NY Times finally confirmed the authenticity of the Hunter Biden laptop sixteen months after the 2020 election. They felt it was safe now to tell the truth on Hunter’s laptop now that the election is over and their man Joe Biden is in office.

The corruption of the Democrat-Media complex has no limit.

Rudy Giuliani joined Steve Bannon on Thursday to discuss the recent developments and what he knew way back in October 2020.

21.   ‘Islamophobia’ Is as Old as Islam   by Raymond Ibrahim

The United Nations recently named March 15—also rather ominously known as the Ides of March—as “the International Day to Combat Islamophobia.”  In doing so, they have accepted and seek to mandate the idea that whatever fear (literally, phobia) non-Muslims have of Islam is unfounded and irrational, and therefore must be “combatted.”

In reality, aversion to Islam is not new or something that “just happened”; nor is it a byproduct of temporal circumstances (say, resentment towards Muslims due to the terror strikes of 9/11, etc.).  Instead, it is something that all rational non-Muslims have felt from the very inception of Islam in the seventh century.

Western peoples, for instance, including many of their luminaries, have always portrayed Islam as a hostile and violent force—often in terms that would make today’s “Islamophobe” blush.  And that wasn’t because Europeans were “recasting the other” to “validate their imperial aspirations” (to use the tired terminology of Edward Said that has long dominated academia’s treatment of Western-Muslim interactions).  Rather, it was because Islam has always treated the “infidel,” the non-Muslim, the same way ISIS treats the infidel: atrociously

[Ed.:  A ‘phobia’  is defined as being an irrational fear of something. So, I am not really ‘Islamophobic,’ I am Islamo-shittin’-in-my-pants-FOR REAL-ic!]

20.  !  Tierney’s REAL News (3/31/22)

The FEC has finally fined Hillary for using the fake dossier to try to take down President Trump. So, in other words, the fake Russia Russia scandal was election fraud – and now it’s on the record. This will not only help with his RICO case against her and the DNC and her lawyers, but will also help with his defamation case against every body in the fake news who pretended it was real and used it to try to destroy his reputation and steal the White House!

19.  !  Some actual reporting from Mariupol, under fire by Ukrainian forces (and more about the Nazis over there)   [16:01]    Mark Crispin Miller

Please watch and read all this, and share it far and wide, while it’s still (barely) legal

With the BBC now pounding out a bogus narrative about the “Russian attack” on that theater in Mariupol, and all the other media (led by the New York Times) maintaining the Big Lie about Ukraine, it’s helpful to tune in to what the residents of Mariupol have to say about what’s happening there; so here are two helpful videos, followed by several items on the lethal Nazi element in Ukraine’s recent history, extending right up to this moment.


Because the military situation over there is complicated and confusing, I asked Patrick Henningsen, of 21st-Century Wire, for an explanation as to why, with Russian forces now in East Ukraine, Mariupol is still vulnerable to Nazi shelling. Here is is reply:

18.  High Alert (March 30, 2022) : China and Russia’s Military Joined to Attack Ukraine  [8:06]                                      US DEFENSE LINE

As a teenager in northwestern China during the tumultuous Cultural Revolution, Yu Bin was drafted into the army, where for four years his training focused on how to repel a feared Russian invasion.

In 1969, the height of the Sino-Soviet split, skirmishes between the two nations over an islet in the Ussuri River threatened to escalate into a wider conflict as each side deployed troops and artillery to the border region.

If war had broken out, Yu, now a political scientist at Wittenberg University in Ohio, says he probably would have faced advanced Soviet battle tanks with little more than a machine gun.

His experience shows how far China-Russia military ties have come since that dispute. “If you talk about the military-to-military relationship, it’s not just about arms sales or joint exercises; it’s very comprehensive and gradually developed,” he said.

17.   !! Act For America – TAKE ACTION:

No Zuckerbucks, No Private Funding of Elections, PERIOD!
No Zuckerbucks, No Private Funding of Elections, PERIOD!

Georgia: In March of 2021, Georgia state scored a victory, prohibiting ‘Zuckerbucks and Private Funding’ ONE-PARTY interference in ou…   TAKE ACTION

STOP Big Tech Censorship
STOP Big Tech Censorship

GEORGIA: Stop Big Tech from deleting content and banning users! The GA Senate just passed SB 393, a bill prohibiting social media platform…   TAKE ACTION

Voter ID in Every State!
Voter ID in Every State!

Stop illegal voters from interfering in our elections! Only Alabama State provides citizenship verification security, with the remaining 4…   TAKE ACTION

Stop Domestic Spying on Civilians!
Stop Domestic Spying on Civilians!

Prohibit Domestic Spying on Civilians! It’s time to amend the National Security Act of 1947 and Limit the Intelligence Community from En…   TAKE ACTION

Stop Zuckerbucks! No Private Funding of Elections.
Stop Zuckerbucks! No Private Funding of Elections.

Partisan Big-Tech and Private Entities Greatly Impacted Our 2020 General Election! The Zuckerberg founded and funded ‘Center for Tech a…   TAKE ACTION

Support Enhanced Election Security Procedures
Support Enhanced Election Security Procedures

ARIZONA: Support state sovereignty and authority over elections from unconstitutional federal interference. Tighten security for polling p…   TAKE ACTION

Secure Our Voter Rolls and Voter Registration Now!
Secure Our Voter Rolls and Voter Registration Now!

ARIZONA: Hold our election officials accountable to secure ‘One Man, One Vote’! Secure the voter registration process and clean up the…   TAKE ACTION

Stop Illegal Votes!
Stop Illegal Votes!

ARIZONA: Hold our Election Officials Accountable and Keep our Voter Rolls Clean, Transparent, and Current. Safeguard our Voter Rolls and …   TAKE ACTION

End Fauci’s Medical Tyranny and Break the Medical Monopoly of His Politically Appointed Office.
End Fauci’s Medical Tyranny and Break the Medical Monopoly of His Politically Appointed Office.

Fauci, as Director of the NIAID, has wielded uninhibited, and unlimited power over the American people, abusing the position of his office…   TAKE ACTION

Save Our Precinct Committeemen Elections!
Save Our Precinct Committeemen Elections!

ARIZONA: On March 3rd, the Arizona Legislature passed emergency bill HB2839 to eliminate precinct committeemen elections. They did this wi…   TAKE ACTION

 Make Energy Affordable Again!
Make Energy Affordable Again!

Call on our lawmakers to put Americans first, not ‘Green Energy’ special interest groups and ‘Green New Deal’ crusader politicians…   TAKE ACTION

STOP the Senate from Confirming Radical Supreme Court Nominee
STOP the Senate from Confirming Radical Supreme Court Nominee

The Radical, Critical Race Theorist Organization, Demand Justice, has funded a ONE MILLION DOLLAR campaign for their top pick SCOTUS Nomin…   TAKE ACTION

Defend Freedom! Condemn Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Emergency Orders!
Defend Freedom! Condemn Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Emergency Orders!

Trudeau declared himself Dictator-In-Chief, turning Canada into a dictatorship overnight! Polls show that two-thirds of Canadians are pro-…   TAKE ACTION

Stop Iran Nuclear Deal!
Stop Iran Nuclear Deal!

Urge Congress not to reenter the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran! The decision not to recertify the Iran Nuclear…   TAKE ACTION

Defend our Kids from Partisan Censorship in Public Schools.
Defend our Kids from Partisan Censorship in Public Schools.

Stop Public Schools and Teachers from Restricting Free Access to Conservative News and Media Content Through Left Wing ‘NewsGuard’, a …   TAKE ACTION

Secure Florida Elections!
Secure Florida Elections!

Support Security Enhancements for Voter Registration, Clean Voter Rolls, and Mail-in Ballot Handling Including Enhanced Identificat…  TAKE ACTION

Decertify and Reassign Arizona 2020 Electoral Votes!
Decertify and Reassign Arizona 2020 Electoral Votes!

The results of the Arizona 2020 general election audit requires immediate reassignment of the 2020 electors to reflect the true outcome of…   TAKE ACTION

Defend Election Integrity. Stop Radical One-Party Take Over in New Mexico
Defend Election Integrity. Stop Radical One-Party Take Over in New Mexico

Stop SB 8 Voter’s Rights Provisions! Defend Our State from Allowing Ineligible, Illegal, and Minors to Vote! Defend Against Automatic Vo…  TAKE ACTION

16.   BBC Shaping a False Narrative About the Bombing of Mariupol Theatre   BY RHODA WILSON

BBC reports on the suspicious destruction of a theatre in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol were co-authored by a Ukrainian PR agent tied to a firm at the forefront of her country’s information warfare efforts.

Before serving as a fixer and reporter for the BBC in Ukraine, Orysia Khimiak handled PR for a start-up called Reface which created what the Washington Post called a “reality distorting app” now serving as “a kind of Ukrainian war-messaging tool,” Max Blumenthal wrote in The Gray Zone.

Article source: BBC correspondent-fixer shaping Ukraine war coverage is PR operative involved in “war-messaging tool”The Gray Zone, 25 March 2022

Khimiak broadcasts her political bias in her Twitter bio, stating that she is “a fixer in Lviv for journalists for reporters who show honest image of Russian war against Ukraine. Ukraine will resist.”

15.   What Happens If Russia Turns Off The Gas Taps To Europe

President Vladimir Putin suggested that natural gas may be the first Russian resource to be supplied in rubles. But this proposal has been declined by several nations which prompts the question of what happens if Russia turns off the gas taps to Europe?

14.  Documents Reveal Pentagon Plans To Use Ukraine Biolabs To Attack Russia

Allegations of Pentagon-funded biolaboratories in Ukraine have long been dismissed by Washington as Russian disinformation. But as more information comes to light including documents revealing Pentagons plan to use Ukraine biolabs to attack Russia, it becomes increasingly complicated to keep denying the charges.

Moscow alleged on Wednesday that records and other proof from US-funded labs in Ukraine indicate Kiev planned to employ drones to deliver pathogens against the Donbass as well as Russia itself.

The Defense Ministry reportedly claims to have discovered particular US personnel engaged in bioweapons development in the East European country. There was no tangible proof to substantiate the claim.

“Documents testifying to the plans of the Kiev regime to use unmanned aerial vehicles capable of carrying and spraying deadly substances” are of special importance to Russian authorities, according to military spokesperson Major General Igor Konashenkov during a conference.

13.   How A Top Commander At US Air Base Led Child Sex Abuse Ring

According to documents examined by the Associated Press, the US Army and the State of Arizona disregarded repeated red signals that enabled a top civilian commander at an air base in Afghanistan to oversee a child sex abuse ring for a decade.

12.   “Liquidate the Galuth or the Galuth will liquidate you.”   Dr. Alex Grobman

What is a major signs to be aware of in ascertaining the present danger of antisemitism? German Jews did not want to overreact…  Op-ed.

The precipitous increase of antisemitism in the US has alarmed American Jews. Their reaction to this rise of assaults, vandalism and harassment, which “remain at near-historic levels in the U.S,” according to the ADL, has been instructive. Some of these incidents remind Jews of Germany of 1933- 1934 or even Kristallnacht. In response, some Jews intend to move to Florida, increase their involvement in Jewish defense organizations and lobbying groups like NORPAC and AIPAC or simply wait for the Messiah to come to and rescue them. Still others, are obtaining Israeli citizenship as an insurance policy— as a hedge in case the situation in the US deteriorates significantly.

11.   Modern Medicine: A Castle Built on Sand?   BY PATRICIA HARRITY 

By A Biomedical Scientist

Dangerous Dogmas

All scientific research is built on particular dogmas including, or perhaps especially, biomedicine. It’s easier for some “scientists” to perpetuate falsehoods than it is to admit they were wrong, abandon long standing ideas, and start again from scratch. Many scientists would rather pursue trendy research areas in order to win accolades and secure grant money than question long-held beliefs and dogmas.

This is exactly what has happened with modern medicine because too much money and too many reputations are at stake. If you’re not allowed to question it, then it’s not real science.

Erroneous theories in medicine have wasted billions and caused untold harm. Imagine if they had to admit that so many years of research and countless academic careers have been wasted pursuing ideas that have no basis in reality.

Thanks to the covid pseudo pandemic, the corrupt state of the medical establishment has never been more obvious to so many people.

10.  !!Todd Callender: The Role of Hospitals, Covid Injections And 5G In Genocide  [17:00]                                                 BY RHODA WILSON 

Last week, during Session 97 of the Corona Investigative Committee, Todd Callender discussed the role US hospitals, midazolam, remdesivir, so-called vaccines and 5G are playing in the genocide.  He also refers to his lawsuits against the US Department of Defence and much more.  It is a real eye opener and a wake-up call, not to only Americans but, to the world.

Todd Callender is an American lawyer. He has worked in the disability, health and life insurance industry for more than 20 years and focuses on the international convergence of biomedical, morbidity and mortality risks in the global legal context. He is currently serving as lead plaintiff’s counsel in the ongoing federal litigation relating to the compulsory Covid vaccination of members in the US Armed Services.

Todd told the Corona Investigative Committee:

“The short answer to this whole thing is that everybody that got the [Covid injections] was given some form or level of AIDS, autoimmune deficiency syndrome.

“The ones that got the one shot, it seems that they have about 30% of their natural immunity destroyed. By the time they get three shots, all their natural immunity is completely gone. And we’re seeing that with our doctors, experts who are testifying, in their practices.

“The real epidemic is, now … based on what it is we are seeing the rates right now: excess mortality, 84%; excess, every kind of disease at 1,100%. We are expecting a 5,000 or so percent increase in excess mortality for this year. An enormous number.

“Almost worse than that … experts have figured out that there’s an electromagnetic connection to all of this … 5G is like a butcher knife. It’s a dual use item. You can use it to communicate, but at the same time, you can use it to kill … a lot of the tests that we looked at in the scientific world focussed on the 18 GHz signal and this interplays with the lipid nanoparticle [in the Covid injection].

“The pathogens inside of the lipid nanoparticles, the ones that were created and are inside of the nanoparticles, inside of vaccinated people right now, are also chimeric. In some cases, they are Marburg mixed with E. Coli. They are Ebola mixed with staphylococcus. When those lipid nanoparticles are exposed to an 18 GHz signal, they swell and become porous, which means that they will literally pour out those illegal nucleotides, the proteins, that cause people’s bodies to produce these pathogens. That was the whole point of the messenger RNA technology was to genetically modify people for the purpose of having them produce synthetic proteins. In the case of Covid, it was synthetic S proteins. After the 18 GHz signal, it will be other proteins, perhaps M proteins. They also produce, of course, the same HIV proteins.”

9.  CEO of BlackRock demands Russian Invasion is used to accelerate introduction of Government controlled Digital Currency

The CEO of BlackRock thinks the war in Ukraine and the events surrounding it could be used to accelerate the adoption of digital money controlled by central banks.

Along with Vanguard and State Street, Blackrock is considered one of the “Big Three” index fund managers that dominate corporate America, and ultimately the world.

By November 2020, the “Big Three” managed US$15 trillion in combined assets, equivalent to more than three-quarters the size of the US economy and combined, they were the largest owner in 88% of the S&P 500 companies. By January 2021, the “Big Three” had almost US$18 trillion in assets under management.

[Ed.:  Vanguard Group and Blackrock also happen to own the server for Donald Trump’s new ‘Truth Social’ (and all that that implies…)  If you forgot who Donald Trump is, he’s the guy we elected in 2020 to be President, and then ran away from office leaving it to America’s enemies. Trump assures us that he will run again in three more years when most of his constituents will be dead, and the country will no longer be recognizable Please do not believe what I just said; research it!]

8.  UK Government plans to launch new Digital ID Technology in April 22 as part of Dystopian Nationwide Digital Identity Push

The UK government is pushing ahead with its nationwide digital ID plans, despite half of the responses to its public consultation on digital identity opposing the idea.

On April 6, 2022, new digital identity document verification technology (IDVT) that enables data sharing between public bodies and businesses for the purpose of identity verification will be introduced. It will be made available to UK employers, landlords, and letting agents who can use it to digitally carry out pre-employment criminal record checks, right to work checks, and right to rent checks.

7. !  Government of Canada reveals Fully Vaccinated account for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 Deaths over the past month; the majority Triple Jabbed

The latest official data from the Government of Canada paints an extremely concerning picture for those who have decided to succumb to three doses of a Covid-19 vaccine.

The triple vaccinated now account for the majority of Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations, and deaths. With the vaccinated population as a whole now accounting for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 deaths, all of which are among the triple and double jabbed.

The Canadian Covid-19 figures are produced by the Government of Canada (see here).

Their latest data is available as a downloadable pdf here.

Page 20 onwards of the downloadable pdf contains data on Covid-19 cases, hospitalisations and deaths from the very start of the Covid-19 vaccination campaign in Canada on 14th Dec 20 all the way through to 13th March 22.

6.   Why a Light While You Sleep Can Be Bad for Your Health    Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

You may know that light at night affects your melatonin production, but this study shows how it affects your metabolism and heart rate, and sabotages your efforts to slim down.


  • Researchers from Northwestern University found even a moderate amount of light exposure while sleeping has a negative effect on your heart health and metabolism, increasing your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes
  • Light controls your internal clock known as your circadian rhythm, which is influenced by melatonin production in the pineal gland. Light exposure at night inhibits melatonin, which plays a role in many health functions
  • Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant with anticonvulsant, antiviral, antibacterial and antiexcitotoxic properties. It has the rare ability to enter the mitochondria and prevent impairment; melatonin has been used in the treatment of sepsis, and as an adjunct treatment for COVID
  • Consider making changes to your routine that lower your nighttime light exposure, such as not turning on the lights if you get up at night, using a dim light near the floor if you need light to navigate at night, avoiding white or blue light in the evening and using blackout shades or an eye mask

5.  Why People Are Rushing for Iodine Amid Nuclear Concern    Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

The Deficiency Millions Are Suddenly Frightened Of

It’s been linked to poor information processing, diminished fine motor skills, visual problems, fatigue, depression, and more. And suddenly the supplement is flying off the shelves, with thousands stocking up on it just in case this happens. Do you need to prepare for it, too?


  • Fear of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine causing a nuclear incident has resulted in Europeans stockpiling iodine. In the case of a serious nuclear accident, radioactive iodine can be released into the air, increasing your risk of thyroid cancer and acute radiation sickness when inhaled
  • Non-radioactive iodine supplements help to prevent the radioactive iodine from concentrating in your thyroid gland, thereby reducing the risk of thyroid cancer
  • The conventional recommendation to ward off some of the health dangers of radiation exposure is to take supplemental potassium iodide. In addition to potassium iodide tablets, you could use Lugol’s solution, which includes both potassium iodide and iodine in water
  • The recommended daily dosage of potassium iodide for an adult in the case of acute nuclear radiation exposure from a nuclear reactor accident or a nuclear weapon detonation, is 130 milligrams (mg), which is relatively high and far in excess of the normal daily requirement of 1 mg or less per day
  • For optimal protection, the iodine would ideally be taken one hour before the radiation exposure, and no later than 12 hours’ post-exposure
  • Other supplements that can help reduce damage associated with radiation exposure are vitamin D3, spirulina and molecular hydrogen

4.   Fr. Kramer discusses The Approaching Digitizing of Humans, explaining how digital money will soon be used to corrupt and enslave the world.  [6:10]

This new Glazov Gang episode features Father Paul Kramer, an expert on the Vatican, president of The Fatima Center and author of the new book, On the True and the False Pope, Vol II. Visit him at: sjmfatimacrusade.com.
[See Fr. Kramer’s discussion on Russia-Ukraine, The Great Reset and The Deep ChurchHERE].

3.  !“Sudden death” – Coming to grips with the planet-scale extermination that’s being unleashed [33:24]                 Mike Adams

Today’s Situation Update podcast is entitled, “Sudden Death.” It’s both a description of what I just experienced with the loss of a beloved ranch animal late last night, as well as an observation about the globalists waging total war on humanity and thereby achieving the mass extermination of billions of human beings.

The sad, blatant truth is that we are all going to have to come to grips with people dying all around us. This includes people you know, people you love and people you once considered friends, neighbors or coworkers.

Then there’s the engineered food scarcity. At the federal level, every effort is being made to destroy food production, including the USDA paying farmers to destroy their own crops, as the video below reveals.

It’s all part of the engineered, weaponized food scarcity that’s being unleashed on the world in conjunction with planned bioweapons attacks, spike protein biological assaults and a global economic collapse.

Get full details in today’s feature podcast here.

2.  !  Ukraine Shows Hating Israel Isn’t About the Palestinians     Daniel Greenfield

Any war, anywhere, is always Israel’s fault.

A war is raging three thousand miles away from Jerusalem between two nations that share no borders with Israel, and in which it has no troops, no interests, and no involvement.

And yet somehow the war between Russia and Ukraine has come to be about Israel.

“Israel Needs to Make Up Its Mind on Ukraine,” a Foreign Policy Magazine op-ed blares as if the Jewish State were somehow a major player in a war between two much larger countries thousands of miles away. It’s as absurd as demanding that the Dominican Republic (which is still larger than Israel) make up its mind on the border clashes between India and China.

“Israel’s reaction to #Ukraine will have bearing on future aid from the US to #Israel,” Rep. Adam Kinzinger warned on Twitter. Whatever “bearing” it has won’t come from the Never Trumper ex-Republican who is retiring after becoming unelectable. But that hasn’t stopped him, or assorted politicians and media outlets, from threatening Israel anyway.

1.    The Lynching of Justice Clarence Thomas    Daniel Greenfield

A hospitalized justice, a racist campaign, and the media heckler’s veto.    

Even as Justice Clarence Thomas was hospitalized, a leftist lynch mob rallied on social media calling for his impeachment or death. They weren’t especially picky about which one it would be.

The same radical faction championing Biden’s selection of a black woman for the Supreme Court as a groundbreaking step forward and berating Republicans for refusing to support her were simultaneously demanding that the only sitting black justice on the court step down.

The calls for Thomas’ death are based on pure unadulterated hatred. And so are the calls for his impeachment. None of them have even the faintest basis in anything resembling the law.

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