Daily Shmutz | 040722

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

31. !  This is how the Israeli Parliament decides on our health  [1:49]    AviBarakMedia  8/5/22

“I am in favor, no one is against, no one abstains – That is how the health committee decides to keep harming our kids with useless masks that never prevented a thing, except the flow of oxygen, and are damaging our kids health.


29.  !Feds Can’t Hide: Video Evidence Forces Jan 6 Acquittal, Proof of Orchestrated Bolshevik Overthrow                  [16:32]   Stew Peters Network

Reasonable judges are acquitting some lucky J6 attendees, as the fake media continues to spread the lies about Patriot Day, as the corrupt courts suspend cases and discriminate against Americans. Politically persecuted patriot and J6 attendee Nick Ochs joined the Stew Peters Show Thursday to expose how protesters were ushered into the Capital by cops, his journalism, and more. Ochs detailed how he has been banded from hundreds of services, his family’s struggles, and how he is preparing to go to prison.

28.  !Liberals are Child Sex Groomers: Nose Ring Freaks Use “Teaching” as Cover for Child Rape  [8:43]                      Stew Peters Network 

Gov. DeSantis’s anti-indoctrination bill has sent the radical left into a frenzy, as they plot to continue sexualizing children – Florida will fight back. Deanna Lorraine joined the Stew Peters Show Thursday to talk about Florida’s stance on the transgender craze, Disney’s dirty secretes, and the groomers in office. Lorraine detailed how important to retaliate against the grooming of America’s next generation, protecting the vulnerable at all costs.

27.  !Fed Govt Nurse: “I’ve Witnessed Horror” Deadly Protocols Willfully Designed to Kill Americans                            [15:38]   Stew Peters Network 

The hospitals are filled with vaccine injured of all ages, and those who speak out are shunned from the workforce and society. Registered Nurse Jodi O’Malley joined the Stew Peters Show Thursday to expose the horrors of the hospitals, propaganda messages, and the fear mongering from elites. O’Malley detailed the lack of care for patients, the lies of the plandemic, and how remdesivir administering doctors should be tried.

26.  !!  Whistleblowers Confirm Nanotech and Graphene Oxide in COVID-19 Injections   [18:16]                                               Stew Peters Network

Maria Zeee delivers hard-hitting investigative journalism from Australia, the epicentre of the testing ground for the New World Order in the West. Fearlessly exposing the plans of the elites, she warns the world of what is coming if the masses don’t wake up to the reality of the incoming technocratic totalitarianism we are speedily progressing towards.

25.  !! BREAKING: Scientists Deliver Proof of Nano-Tech Maria Zeee Exclusive Bioweapon Evidence  [13:30]   Stew Peters Network 

The corrupt media elites are working hard to conceal the truth, suppressing the terrors of the bioweapon injections loaded with nanotech, and the horrors of radical ‘sex education’. Maria Zeee joined the Stew Peters Show Thursday to expose the details of Pfizer injections, blood contaminations, and more. Zeee shared that $1.3 billion will be used to expand the covid camps, and the loss of democracy down under.

24. !!! !!! JUST IN: Senate Votes 53-47 to Confirm Radical Marxist Ketanji Brown Jackson to Supreme Court   By Cristina Laila

The Senate on Thursday voted 53 to 47 to confirm radical Marxist Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court.

A simple majority vote was needed to confirm Jackson and three RINOs helped carry her across the finish line.

RINO Senators Mitt Romney (UT), Susan Collins (ME) and Lisa Murkowski (AK) joined the Democrats and voted in favor of confirming Jackson to the Supreme Court.

Democrats Manchin and Sinema also voted to confirm Judge Jackson to the highest court of the land.

[Ed.:  Wow, that was fast!  How come we didn’t have long, drawn out hearings like we had for the last two SCOTUS appointments?  …How fast can we take down the government?  Not fast enough!]

23.  Between hyperinflation and World War III, most of humanity doesn’t stand a chance   by: Ethan Huff

As the world inches closer towards another world war, food shortages, social unrest, and hyperinflation are following suit. And when all is said and done, much of the world’s population will likely not make it.

Ever since Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine, the stability of the global economic climate has gone off a cliff. It was bad before that, of course, but things seem to have gone into hyperdrive since February.

The Great Recession Blog put together a broad picture of some of the most notable areas where either background inflation (rising producer costs) or consumer inflation is rising significantly, one of the big ones being oil.

[Ed.:  Too bad, eh? We had a good thing going!  It was called “Life.”]

22.  ! Global populist UPRISING is accelerating as people of the world reject tyranny, lockdowns, corruption and perversion    by: Mike Adams

 Humanity may be finally coming to its senses. Although a great many are still mentally suckered into every “next thing” being pushed by the corporate media, more and more people are waking up and realizing how they’ve been living under a global criminal cartel their entire lives. They’ve reached a “That’s enough!” point and are now actively opposing tyranny, lockdowns, corruption and perversion — all of which define the globalist crime cartel that pretends to be supported by “democracy.”

In Peru, the uprisings against inflation caused by money printing are now spreading. In Shanghai, the brutal lockdowns that have seen authorities murdering the pets of “covid-positive” residents are only adding to a growing feeling of discontent against an authoritarian regime.

In America, the perverted, child-grooming school boards are being taken over by commonsense parents who are removing the perverts from power, and in Florida, Gov. DeSantis has signed a law that forbids the grooming of children in public schools. (This has caused numerous pedophile perverts pretending to be teachers to publicly claim they will leave Florida and move to New York so they can prey on children there, by the way. Good riddance!)

21.  !!! !!! Ketanji Brown Jackson Confirmed To Supreme Court   BY TYLER DURDEN

After weeks of private meetings and days of public testimony, Ketanji Brown Jackson was confirmed to the US Supreme Court on Thursday, becoming the first black woman to join the panel, just as President Joe Biden promised.

Jackson, who currently serves on the US court of appeals for the DC Circuit, will become the 116th Supreme Court Justice in US History after Justice Stephen Breyer retires in a few months.

[Ed.:  First we lost our electoral system.  Now we’ve lost our Supreme Court. Next we lose our currency.  Other than our lives, is there anything left to lose?  Let’s rumble! Or, perhaps we should continue waiting until there is no food and we are starving? Then we should rise up?  Maybe we should wait for Donald Trump (who ran away the last time we elected him,) to return in 2024 after the “election”?  (Poor Trump!  He probably was told that they would kill him and his family if he didn’t walk away from the Presidency!) Or, better yet, we should wait for the Messiah to come, before we actually try to stop them? Theoretically, the Messiah should take care of everything for us, no?]

20.   Hunter’s Laptop Is “Totally Irrelevant” Now That It’s Been Validated: Atlantic Journo   BY TYLER DURDEN

“Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to attend a fire prevention speech delivered by an arsonist? Or perhaps a child safety seminar led by a pedophile? Well, that’s exactly what it felt like Wednesday during the University of Chicago’s “Conference on Disinformation and Erosion of Democracy,” featuring some of the greatest promulgators of disinformation and illiberalism in American history.” –The Federalist

Self-proclaimed arbiters of ‘disinformation’ from CNN and The Atlantic made fools out of themselves this week, after college freshmen at the University of Chicago asked several bombshell questions that went largely unanswered.

19.   Move out of the way, Europe, Islam is taking over   Giulio Meotti‏, Italy

Germany as a prototype: Christian symbols disappear as Europeans discard them, but there is no vacuum. Islam takes their place. Op-ed.

Cologne Cathedral, known as the “German Rome”, is the landmark of the city and has been declared a World Heritage Site since 1996. It is one of the most visited places in Germany and one of the most important in Christianity (it was visited by Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI). The first stone of the cathedral was laid in 1248. On old black and white photos you can see how the towers of the cathedral protrude from the rubble of the historic center completely destroyed during the Second World War.

Now the city of Cologne is deleting the iconic cathedral from its new logo. “My 92-year-old mother is stunned, my 11-year-old son is crying and my friend in London doesn’t understand it,” writes sculptor and painter Cornel Wachter.

Die Welt explains that even the head of the Jewish community, Abraham Lehrer, also spoke out in favor of keeping the spires in the city logo. And the president of the German-Hungarian Society, Gerhard Papke, commented on Twitter: “Cologne’s choice to remove the cathedral from the city logo is not surprising, since recently mosques have been expressly authorized to call the muezzin.” Papke refers to the decision by the mayor of Cologne last October to allow the “call to prayer” in the city. from its 50 mosques.

[Ed.:  “A special kind of stupid“:]

18.  2 dead, 8 wounded in Tel Aviv terrorist attack

Shooting incident at multiple locations in central Tel Aviv, leaving at least 2 dead, 8 wounded, including 4 seriously. Terrorist at large. [Videos]   David Rosenberg

Terrorist shooting attacks were reported at several sites in central Tel Aviv Thursday night.

The terrorist managed to fire 12 bullets and fled the scene.

The Israel Police released a description of the terrorist: He was wearing a black T-shirt, black pants and a blue backpack and was armed with a gun.

It is believed that the terrorist is a Palestinian Arab from the northern Samaria region.

[Ed.:  They’re just practicing their “religion.”  “One of the worlds Three Great Religions”!  Allahu Akbar, baby! It is crucial for Israel to allow Musloids to live in Israel, so that we can show the world how “inclusive,” “Tolerant” and “Diverse” our “open society” is.  The good PR is harder to come by than the worthless lives the Jews! However, in my not-so-humble opinion, Meir Kahana was right!  He said:  “They must go!”  But the government of Israel called Kahane a “terrorist,” and had him killed.  The musloids must be removed from the land, and with them, the entire governmental structure of this farce of a “Holy Landcalling itself “Israel!”!]

17.   The Kasztner Report: The Report of the Budapest Jewish Rescue Committee 1942-1945                                             By Alex Grobman, PhD 

Reviewing: “The Kasztner Report: The Report of the Budapest Jewish Rescue Committee 1942-1945” by Rezső Kasztner. Yad Vashem, The International Institute for Holocaust Research. 2013. 393 pages. ISBN-13: 978-965-308-443-8

‘Blood for Goods’

In the introduction to “The Kasztner Report,” historians László Karsai, professor of history at the University of Szeged in Hungary, and Judit Molnár, deputy director of the Hungarian research group of the Yad Vashem Archives, explain that one of the most contentious, divisive and debated episodes of the Shoah involved Rezső (Rudolph) Kasztner. As they pointed out, you either glorified Rudolph Kasztner or “despised him as a traitor of the persecuted.” During the German occupation in 1944, Kasztner negotiated with Adolf Eichmann, “a central figure” in implementing the “Final Solution,” and Kurt Becher, chief of the economic department of the SS Command in Hungary, to exchange Jews for military trucks and “other goods of great quantity.”

16.  Peru: Attempted Curfew Ends with Mob Looting, Urinating on Lima Superior Court

Angry mobs stormed various government buildings in Lima, Peru, on Tuesday night, attempting to burn down the Superior Court of Justice of Lima and fighting police with bricks and sticks.

The violent protests followed a turbulent 24 hours in which communist President Pedro Castillo abruptly announced a “curfew” stripping citizens of their constitutional rights, then repealed the curfew when thousands disobeyed it. The curfew, Castillo claimed, was an attempt to subdue nationwide protests against skyrocketing gasoline and food prices, an increasingly common phenomenon in the world’s most vulnerable economies. Outraged political observers told local media that the curfew was baffling given that the government did not implement such measures even at the height of the terror spree by largely defunct Marxist gang Shining Path, and suggested Castillo had lost control of the country.

Castillo announced the curfew in a nationally televised address on Monday, minutes before midnight on Tuesday. He lifted the curfew at 5 p.m. Lima time on Tuesday after Public Defender of Peru Walter Gutiérrez filed a habeas corpus petition regarding the move, arguing it was unconstitutional. The mayor of Lima, Jorge Muñoz, similarly challenged the curfew through a habeas corpus petition.

“Peru today is capsizing socially, politically, and economically, and there seems to be no way out,” Muñoz said. “A solution should immediately be sought to end this situation. You [Castillo] said you would hold early elections if you did not meet expectations – what are you waiting for?”

15.   Report: U.S. Banks Flagged Over 150 Suspicious Financial Transactions from Biden Family

U.S. banks flagged over 150 suspicious financial transactions from Hunter and James Biden, according to CBS News on Wednesday.

The great number of wire transfers included “large” amounts of money tripped for further review by American banks, CBS News reported about the Biden family business operations.

For years, wire transfers have been the tool of choice for money launderers. To mitigate the risks to the financial institutions, suspicious wire transfers over $10,000 are flagged for review. Wire transactions involving more than $10,000 are also to be reported to the Internal Revenue Service.

Moreover, international wire payments, such as those to James and Hunter, are monitored by the Office of Foreign Assets Control to ensure the money is not a part of corrupt business schemes.

A grand jury is currently investigating the Biden family for tax fraud, money laundering, and the violation of lobbying laws in relation to corrupt business deals undertaken while President Joe Biden was in top positions in the U.S. government.14.  OUTSTANDING: Rep. Jim Jordan Summarizes Perfectly the Nightmare the Democrats and Elites Created in America  (VIDEO 5:17)   By Joe Hoft

Rep. Jim Jordan gave one of the best speeches in recent history yesterday on the US House floor yesterday when he summarized the crimes, projections and destruction of America created by the current gang running this country and currently in place. 

Jim Jordan presented an excellent list of crimes, projections and corruption over the past few years in a presentation yesterday on the House floor.  While the Democrats and elites fight to steal the country, Americans can see these crimes and it is comforting to know that a few in Congress see them too.

Jordan shared:

13.   Watch: Hour-Long Video Shows Multiple COVID Jab Victims  [1:07:49]

If you’re still unconvinced that the COVID jab has affected a significant number of people, watch this hour-long video of victims suffering from the shot’s side effects. How many more need to be hurt before we stop this insanity?

12.   Tierney’s REAL News (4/7/22)

Update on Arizona election fraud & Arizona AG Brnovich’s investigation. He just filed an interim report to the Arizona Senate:

AG BRNOVICH: “I just dropped off our initial review of the 2020 election audit to President Fann. We can report that there are problematic system-wide issues that relate to early ballot handling and verification.”

AG Brnovich confirmed that MANY violations happened in Arizona during the 2020 election.

AG Brnovich says 100,000 to 200,000 ballots in Maricopa County broke chain of custody in an election called by 10,457 votes – and 20% of drop box ballots were missing critical information on transfer forms, like HOW MANY ballots were picked up.

Will members of the Arizona Congress call for decertification? I don’t know – but Brnovich just removed their “cover.” They can no longer claim there were no irregularities and illegalities. They have no excuses to hide behind now.

Here’s the letter:

11.  ! THE ANATOMY OF A VERY, VERY BIG LIE   Brucha Weisberger



Many have questions about the old-but-newly-published TOGETHER trial that just came out in the New England Journal of Medicine and is making gleeful headlines in mainstream media, telling one and all “Ivermectin doesn’t work.”



There is so much to say about this severely flawed trial. Let’s start with the credibility issue.

10.  !  Gravitas: Shanghai: Residents beaten up by healthcare workers  [6:32]

China’s latest Wuhan virus outbreak has led to chaos. In Shanghai, residents are being beaten up and forced into centralised quarantines. Palki Sharma Upadhyay brings you 5 videos that expose the truth about China’s Zero Covid strategy.

9.  Medical Ethics and Amalek   Chananya Weissman

The Gemara in Sanhedrin 74A discusses the situations in which a Jew must martyr himself rather than violate the Torah. Under ordinary circumstances, most mitzvos are temporarily pushed aside to save a life. There are three notable exceptions: idolatry, sexual immorality, and murder. These are hills to die on.

The Gemara provides scriptural sources for the obligation to martyr oneself rather than commit idolatry or sexual immorality. The Gemara then asks how we know the same obligation applies when it comes to murder. The answer is as follows:

It is logical. A man came before Rabba and said to him, “The master of my village said to me ‘Go kill a certain man, and if not, I will kill you.’” [Rabba] said to him, “They should kill you, but don’t murder. Who says that your blood is more red than his blood? Maybe the blood of that man is more red.”

Rashi elaborates that if it is inevitable that a life will be lost, the general allowance to transgress a mitzvah to save a life no longer applies. After all, who can possibly know that his life is more precious to his Creator than the life of his fellow? Therefore, the word of God not to murder cannot be pushed aside in order to save a different life.

This fundamental Gemara, with its irrefutable logic, obliterates pretty much the entire moral foundations of modern science and modern medicine. The Torah’s objective morality – which is the only morality that doesn’t inevitably lead to tyranny – is predicated on the fundamental truth that God created the world and is the Master of all life. That simple fact alone makes it inconceivable for one man to take the life of another to save his own. There is nothing to discuss, no calculations to be made. We don’t get to decide that our blood is more red than the next person’s, no matter what – and vice versa.

Today we have an entire field called “medical ethics”, which tends to be little more than a sanitized term for eugenics. After all, the people who refer to themselves as medical ethicists (based on what?) exist primarily to rationalize medical experimentation, killing those deemed unfit to continue living, and other horrors for the presumed benefit to society and even the victims themselves.

8.   450GB Of ‘Deleted’ Hunter Biden Laptop Material To Be Released Within Weeks   BY TYLER DURDEN

A whistleblower who’s fled the United States for Switzerland has vowed to drop ‘450 gigabytes of deleted material’ from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop, which he says he also gave the the Washington Post, New York Times, and Sen. Chuck Grassley – all of whom he says sat on it for months.

For the past two weeks, former Steve Bannon War Room co-host Jack Maxey has been hiding in Zurich, where he told the Daily Mail he’s been working with IT experts to dig more data from Hunter’s ‘laptop from hell,’ and that he’ll post it all online in a searchable database in the coming weeks.

Maxey says the data includes 80,000 images and videos, and more than 120,000 archived emails.

[Ed.:  I don’t see why they didn’t include Maxey’s street address in Zurich to make him easier to suicide...]

7.   Disney is Grooming Your Children?!  [10:01]   AwakenWithJP

Is Disney grooming your children? In this special report we look into the “Secret Gay Agenda” of Disney employees to indoctrinate your children. Also Governor Ron DeSantis is fighting back!

6.   Demand peace, receive terror    Yshai Amichai  

Why do we have this new wave of terror in Israel? Opinion.  

Terrorists are willing to die just to murder innocents. They so fully reject the reality they are forced to live with that they are willing to die in violent protest.

What terrorists seem to reject most is peace. They are unwilling to make peace with their reality. They might bear it begrudgingly while they think it is only temporary, but violently revolt at the threat of peace, at the thought of lending their situation any permanence.

Talk of Peace Brings Terror

This latest wave of terror is the result of this latest wave of peace summits. First Israel met with Egyptian and UAE leaders in a trilateral summit in Sinai, then Bahrain, Morocco, and the US joined in as well at the Negev summit.

Arab leaders lavished warmth and affection upon Israel, seeking to expand regional trade and cooperation. This placed Israel in the spotlight as a respected Middle Eastern nation, accepted by other Arab states.

Then US Secretary of State Antony Blinken declared a desired resumption of the “two-state solution,” for Jews and Arabs to live side by side in peace. Such pompous talk does not go well with terrorists. Why should it?

Israel’s enemies are bent upon Israel’s destruction. The Arab terrorists are not looking to make peace with Israel; they have yet to recognize its existence. They are not looking to finalize their defeat in 1948 with a peace treaty. They would rather die fighting.

5.   25-Year-Old Preschool Teacher Dies After Getting COVID Jab  [0:59]

In a Facebook post, preschool teacher Desiree Penrod said the vaccine is “killing” her, as she suffered from fatigue, headaches, stomach cramps and earaches after getting the J&J jab. Days later, she passed away.

4.   Don’t Buy a Pair of Jeans Before Reading This   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Once you really grasp these dirty little secrets about jeans and other fashion wear, you’ll never shop the same way again. There is way more to modern fashion (and all the glitz and glam portrayed in store windows) than meets the eye.


  • If you think buying new clothes is a fun activity with few consequences on human health and the environment, you may want to watch the BBC documentary “Fashion’s Dirty Secrets”
  • According to BBC investigative reporter Stacey Dooley, fashion is second only to oil on the list of the top five most polluting industries in the world
  • It can take 4,000 to 5,000 gallons of water to conventionally grow the cotton needed to make a single pair of jeans
  • Waterways around the world are being irreversibly harmed by textile growers and manufacturers, who are collectively creating climate change, human health risks and environmental damage
  • You can do your part to help fix this broken system by selecting organic fabrics, refusing to participate in “fast fashion” and buying only the clothes you truly need and will wear for a long time

3.  Evidence of Pandemic and Bioweapon Cover-Ups   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

The Shady Link Between Ukraine Bio Labs and SARS-CoV-2

As evidence emerges of a potential bioweapons cover-up, the players along with some of their motives are being revealed. Why does Russia appear to be targeting locations of US-funded bioweapon labs in Ukraine – is the US the bad guy? [Emphasis added] Did these Ukraine labs help create SARs-CoV-2?


  • As evidence of a potential bioweapons cover-up has started emerging, a company called Metabiota is gaining prominence
  • Metabiota’s mission is to make the world more resilient to epidemics by providing “data, analytics, advice and training to prepare for global health threats and mitigate their impacts.” Its founder is a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader graduate
  • Metabiota investors include In-Q-Tel, a CIA venture capital firm that specializes in high-tech investments that support or benefit the intelligence capacity of U.S. intelligence agencies, Hunter Biden’s investment fund, Rosemont Seneca and the U.S. Department of Defense’s Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), which contracted Metabiota to run operations in U.S.-connected labs in Ukraine
  • In addition to having close ties to the WEF and its Great Reset agenda, Nathan Wolfe, the founder of Metabiota, has also served on the EcoHealth Alliance’s editorial board since 2004. In 2017, he co-wrote a study on coronaviruses in bats together with EcoHealth president Peter Daszak, Ph.D. EcoHealth worked closely with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China, where SARS-CoV-2 is suspected of having originated
  • Metabiota’s Global Partnerships are led by Andrew C. Weber, former assistant secretary of defense for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Defense, who created the DTRA

2.  BREAKING: Arizona Attorney General Releases Maricopa County 2020 Election Interim Report – Individuals To Be Prosecuted For Election Fraud

The Arizona Attorney General has finally released an interim report on his investigation into the Maricopa County November 3rd, 2020 General Election.

The entire investigation has been delayed by Maricopa County’s ‘document preservation & production issues.’ The Attorney General reported to Arizona Senate President Karen Fann that his office is still receiving new information and that Maricopa County has still not fully complied with document requests.

This is similar to noncompliance issues faced by the Arizona Senate and Cyber Ninjas while conducting the full forensic audit of Maricopa County’s 2020 election.

What have they been hiding? 

 1.   Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Says He Will Bus Illegal Immigrants Dumped in Florida to Biden’s Home State of Delaware    By Jim Hoft

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced on Wednesday that he would send the illegal immigrants dumped by Biden’s administration in Florida to Biden’s home state of Delaware.

Governor DeSantis vowed to transfer the illegal immigrants to sanctuary states like Delaware, saying they now have the funding for rerouting.

It can be recalled that DeSantis introduced a proposal last December to add $8 million to the state’s budget in order to send those illegals out of the Sunshine State and into Democrat areas such as Marthas Vineyard and Biden’s home state of Delaware.

“If businesses or contractors are dumping people who are illegal into Florida from Southern Texas, you know, we’re going to go after their ability to do business in Florida,” Gov. DeSantis said Wednesday after he signed the No Patient Left Alone Act into law in Naples, Florida.

Texas Governor Orders Buses to Transport Released Migrants to D.C.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced orders Wednesday for state officials to charter buses to transport migrants to Washington, D.C. in response to the Biden Administration’s plans to end the Title 42 coronavirus protection protocol and begin large-scale mass releases.

Governor Abbott ordered the Texas Division of Emergency Management to prepare to use buses to transport migrants released by the Biden administration to Washington, D.C.

“To help local officials whose communities are being overwhelmed by hordes of illegal immigration who are being dropped off by the Biden administration, Texas is providing charter buses to send these illegal immigrants who have been dropped off by the Biden administration to Washington, D.C.,” Governor Abbott said during a press conference on Wednesday afternoon in Weslaco, Texas. The governor said the first drop off location will be the U.S. Capitol steps in the nation’s capital.


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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.