Daily Shmutz | 041222

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

26.  !New Jersey to Force Second-Graders to Learn Explicit Details About ‘Gender Identity’   Robert Spencer

Welcome to “modern-day public school education.”  

The madness that is spreading through the land is coming to New Jersey second-graders: seven- and eight-year-olds with the misfortune of having to attend public schools will be forced this fall to learn all the latest fashionable insanity about how boys may really be girls and vice versa, setting up some of them to destroy their lives in the ensuing years. This is child abuse on a grand scale, otherwise known as a “modern-day public school education.”

[Ed.:  Democrats think children are sex objects,,,

25.  !The Left’s War on Childhood  Daniel Greenfield

Leftists demand safe spaces for themselves, but take them away from children. 

From Greta Thunberg to children put on puberty blockers, the victims of the war on childhood are everywhere. They show up at environmental or gun control rallies holding up giant signs in their little hands, they’re indoctrinated at school to enlist as child soldiers for the latest cause.

Engraving From 1873 Featuring Ancient God, Moloch And A Child Sacrifice.

24.   A Bird Just Sh*t on Biden While He Was Talking About Inflation in Iowa (VIDEO)

Inflation hit a record 8.5% today under Joe Biden.

Joe went to Iowa to discuss his record 8.5% inflation.

Nobody is buying his nonsense.

A bird just sh*t on Biden during his speech.
It’s sort of how we all feel.

23.   Durham CLOSING IN On Clinton as CONSPIRACY Against Trump EXPOSED!!!  [10:41]  Dr. Steve Turley

[Ed.:  Well, isn’t that special!]

22.   Tierney’s REAL News (4/12/22)

True the Vote revealed several videos showing MASSIVE ballot stuffing – some right in broad daylight! True the Vote estimates that at least 4.8 MILLION ballots were illegally created & stuffed in the 2020 election! That’s only part of the fraud!


PRESIDENT TRUMP: “This is 100% conclusive and determinative evidence. When will the Republicans finally act. Not only was the 2020 Election Rigged, but they’ll do it again. Leadership, for once, must step up to the plate and hit the ball out of the park. This is your chance. The people, who are disgusted with your weakness and indifference, are waiting.

Schumer and Pelosi would never stand for this if it were the other way around. This is “foolproof,” on video tape for everyone to see. Do something!”

21.   Emergency on a Tennis Court: Rehovot Man collapses mid-game

Nearby doctor and first responders perform successful CPR on tennis player ahead of ambulance’s arrival.

On Sunday night, a 52-year-old man was playing a heated game of tennis in a Recreation Center in Rehovot when he suffered a sudden cardiac arrest. As soon as the man fell to the ground, a physician who happened to be playing on the tennis court as well ran over to help, bringing a defibrillator that was available on-sight along with him. As he started to perform CPR, another passerby called emergency services for help.

20.  !! Live: 13 wounded in mass shooting at Brooklyn subway station

Police are investigating a shooting and an explosion at a Brooklyn train station where at least 13 people are feared injured.

Police are investigating a shooting and an explosion at a Brooklyn train station where at least thirteen people have been injured.

The incident occurred at 8:30 AM eastern standard time at the 36th Street station, when a man in an orange vest and a gas mask dropped a cylindrical object and then opened fire on commuters, witnesses reported.

Several undetonated explosives have been found on the platform, according to police sources and FDNY officials.

19.   Man Details His Booster-Related Skin Reactions  [0:53]

The man in this video shares his regrets for getting the COVID shots as a  “preventative” measure. Ever since he was boosted, he’s been struggling with recurring hives and extreme skin sensitivity.

18.   Biden Marches Out COVID Jab Boosters Despite Concerns  [34:31]

He’s pushing boosters without the science, and FDA officials have resigned over President Biden’s incessant calls for COVID jabs on top of COVID jabs.

And now, as Biden pushes a fourth shot (or second booster), Jimmy Dore is pointing a finger at the two biggest conspirators in this: government and the media, for not telling the truth about the pandemic, natural immunity, the shots and the FDA’s dishonest mode of decision-making.

“The source of lies and misinformation is the government; the second biggest source is corporate media,” Dore says.

17.  Is This Bathroom Staple Dangerous?   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

You think it’s beneficial and that you’re doing the right thing, but what about that little poison warning sign on the fine print of the label, which was made mandatory back in 1997? Here’s why you should pay more attention when using this bathroom staple.


  • According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 40% of children between the ages of 3 and 6 use potentially dangerous amounts of toothpaste
  • The CDC and American Dental Association (ADA) recommend using no more than a pea-sized amount for children in this age group, and those younger than 3 should use no more than the size of a rice grain on their toothbrush
  • Fluoride-containing toothpastes have a warning on their label stating that “If you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, seek professional help or contact a poison control center immediately”
  • While swallowing toothpaste is recognized as a cause for concern, health officials say drinking fluoridated water not only is safe, but beneficial for your teeth
  • Fluoridated water is a far more significant source of fluoride exposure than toothpaste. Research shows the prevalence of dental fluorosis among 10- to 12-year-olds in three Ecuadorian provinces is nearly 90%; a positive statistical relationship was found between dental fluorosis and consumption of bottled beverages

[Ed.:  We don’t have to buy fluoridated toothpastes!  Check some of these out!]

16.  50% of Women Had a False-Positive Mammogram After 10 Years   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Mammogram screening does not prevent disease and results in many false positives and biopsies without effectively saving lives. You have other choices for screening and options for prevention.


  • Data once again show mammograms don’t deliver on the promise of effective breast cancer screening as more than half of women in one study had a false positive after 10 years of testing
  • In addition to the added risk from radiation in mammograms that triggers fatal cancer in up to 25 of 100,000 women, the screening does not efficiently identify all cancers, especially in women with dense breasts
  • Women have choices for screening that do not involve radiation, including thermography, ultrasound and clinical breast examination
  • They can also practice healthy lifestyle choices to reduce risk and maintain optimal levels of omega-3 fatty acid and vitamin D

15.   You Cannot Boost Your Way Through COVID     Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

‘Booster Lunacy,’ Real Facts on This Unprecedented Experiment

COVID-19 booster shots’ effectiveness reduces rapidly, with protection plummeting after the fourth month. Pushing this ongoing assault when natural immunity is superior is nothing short of criminal – and can only lead to one outcome.


  • A preprint study posted April 3, 2022, reports high rates of infection with BA.1, BA.1.1 and BA.2 — variants of Omicron — among triple-jabbed health care workers. In all, the incidence rate among the triple-jabbed with one of these variants was 22%, and only 10% remained asymptomatic
  • March 29, 2022, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized a second booster (dose No. 4, for those taking Pfizer or Moderna) for adults over age 50, as well as a third booster (dose No. 5) for immunocompromised people aged 12 and older. The additional boosters are to be given four months after the last dose
  • The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is also recommending adults who have received two doses of Janssen’s viral vector DNA shot to get a third shot using either Pfizer or Moderna, despite there being no data on the safety or effectiveness of mixing the various shots
  • FDA authorized doses 4 and 5, without input from its expert voting panel, based on data showing the Moderna shot was only 11% effective, and caused side effects in 40% of recipients, and the Pfizer shot was 30% effective and caused side effects in 80% of people
  • The lead author of that paper, Dr. Gili Regev-Yochay, an infectious disease specialist at Sheba Medical Center in Tel HaShomer, Israel, has publicly stated that “Not a third dose, not a fourth dose, not a fifth dose will do anything to stop infections [long-term]”

14.  ! Reading the Psyops Tea Leaves in Ukraine – Americans are Focused on Challenges at Home  [1:17:26]                         By Larry Johnson

If you are looking for sound military analysis of the situation on the ground in Ukraine set aside an hour or so and watch Gonzalo Lira’s interview of Scott Ritter. Scott has the best grasp of the military strategy and tactics at play in the Donbas.

I want to focus on the Ukrainian’s attempt to stage horrific attacks to gin up Western hatred of Russia. This has been the most “effective” component of Ukraine’s failing effort to fight Russia. But I put “effective” in quotes because the propaganda pushed about Bucha and the missile attack on Kramatorsk has not compelled NATO to intervene with ground and air forces inside Ukraine. The big show of sending tanks, outdated air defense systems and weapons to Ukraine is not changing the tactical situation on the ground. It just makes us feel better.

13.  !INCREDIBLE EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Capitol Police ALLOW Protesters to Enter Side Door – WILL BE USED IN COURT – “Dream Team” of Lawyers Including Alan Dershowitz Set to Defend January 6’ers   By Cara Castronuova

New professionally edited video has emerged of police officers allowing protesters into the Upper West Terrace Doors of the United States Capitol on January 6th, 2021.

A trusted source exclusively released the video below to The Gateway Pundit. Tightly edited with markers and commentary narration, it is meant to be presented in court to defend Brady Knowlton and Patrick Montgomery. Both men are facing felony charges for “Obstruction of an Official Proceeding” on January 6th.

This new video will indisputably exonerate Brady Knowlton, Patrick Montgomery and all the rally-goers seen entering these doors by any reasonable jury or fair judge.

See video of Capitol Police Officers letting Trump Supporters in The Capitol:

12.  !Israeli researchers tout ‘healthy weapon’ against COVID

Peas and Pumpkins to battle coronavirus? Team at Tel Aviv University say supplements based on fruits, vegetables can protect against COVID.

… “Prof. Gazit, who also heads TAU’s BLAVATNIK CENTER for Drug Discovery, said: “To address the rapid changes of the virus, we decided to develop active vaccines made of safe and easily obtainable dietary supplements that would reduce the viral load in the body and cut down contagion. We have known for years that food supplements containing zinc can enhance immunity to severe, viral, and chronic infections and their potentially grave consequences.”

The researchers found that the consumption of zinc alone achieves a relatively low cellular content. To enhance the effect, they combined the zinc with flavonoids – polyphenolic compounds found in many fruits and vegetables. They also added copper – in order to prevent an ionic imbalance and improve the treatment’s effectiveness.

11.  !Watch: China imposes draconian ‘Zero Covid’ measures in Shanghai

For over two weeks China’s capital city, Shanghai, has been locked down, with about 26 million people trapped in their apartments, many of them starving.

For over two weeks the financial hub and capital of China, Shanghai, has been locked down as part of China’s no-tolerance Covid policy. Some 26 million people languished in their apartments, many without access to food. Those who left home risked arrest and incarceration by an army of government workers dressed in hazmat suits. Those with Covid were shipped off to quarantine facilities, as reported by Reuters.

A video posted to Twitter Saturday shows people screaming from their homes:

10.   Why would a Jew support payments to Arab terrorists?  Moshe Phillips

An MK supporting financial rewards for terrorists and their families is not a matter of freedom of opinion. It crosses a line. Op-ed.

Fringe politicians in every country occasionally say crazy things, so perhaps we shouldn’t get too alarmed over the fact that Gaby Lasky, a Jewish member of the Knesset, last week expressed support for the Palestinian Authority’s payments to families of terrorists.

But when the U.S. arm of Lasky’s party is treated as a legitimate and accepted part of the mainstream American Zionist community—well, then it’s time to start asking some serious questions. Especially given that Lasky’s shameful comments came while Israel is reeling under what, on April 1, even the New York Times had labeled a “rash of terrorist attacks”.

9.  Gantz signs another administrative detention order against Samaria Jew

“Jews are being slaughtered in the streets, and the Minister of Defense of the State of Israel is working with organizations of the extreme left in a campaign against settler violence – pitiful. Who will protect the Jews?”

Defense Minister Benny Gantz signed another administrative detention order against a Jew Monday morning, ordering a Jewish resident of Samaria to be imprisoned for 3 months without trial at the Shikma Prison in Ashkelon.

This is a person who was recently arrested on suspicion of a price tag incident, but the court ordered his release after the police were unable to provide evidence to prove their suspicion.

8.  !  Study: ‘Palestinian’ children learn to murder Jews

In Palestinian Authority schools, textbooks’ incitement to violence and terror increasing.

A new study by IMPACT-se examined the new textbooks written by the Palestinian Authority’s education department and taught in both Palestinian Authority and UNRWA schools, and found that they contain more extremist material than previous textbooks.

The study, reported by Yediot Aharonot, examined over 10,000 pages of material from the Palestinian Authority’s new curriculum, and found a significant rise in the amount of material inciting towards killing Jews, violence, and anti-Semitism.

A significant portion of the curriculum writers receive their salaries from the European Union.

All of the Palestinian Authority’s school subjects are taught by means of violent terrorism. In grade 10, Palestinian Authority children learn in official materials that “jihad for the freedom of Palestine is the personal obligation of every Muslim.”

[Ed.:  Israel has condoned and enabled this for the past 53 years! The “Palestinians” have been teaching their children to kill us from when they were babies. We have known about the books used all through their schooling. But, it is not only the books that we have known about, but their television and radio programing, their children’s shows on TV, their cartoons about killing us, their plays, and the daily incitement in their mosques. We have not lifted a finger to stop them, almost as if we were saying ‘it’s none of our business what they are teaching their children in their schools.’ So, who is to blame? Is it the children? Is it the PLO? I don’t think so. That’s who they are. It’s what they do. We can only blame ourselves for it all, including allowing them to live in our midst in the first place!]

7.   TECHNO FOG: Special Counsel John Durham Continues His Focus on the Hillary Clinton Campaign               By Cristina Laila

Special Counsel John Durham has asked high ranking officials from the Clinton Campaign and Hillary for America, including the Clinton Campaign’s Chair (who we believe to be John Podesta), about their awareness of the activities conducted by Fusion GPS on Hillary’s behalf.

This confirms an important avenue of Durham’s investigation: whether the Hillary Campaign or Hillary for America were part of a conspiracy to traffic false information to the FBI and other governmental entities.

6.  Exclusive: Here Is the Statement from John Paul Mac Isaac on Recent Hunter Biden Laptop Reports that Was Rejected by a Media Distribution System from Being Sent Out   By Jacob Engels

John Paul Mac Issac, the owner of the computer repair shop where Hunter Biden abandoned his now infamous laptop, is addressing the news reports about an additional 450GB of information existing relating to Hunter Biden. 

The mainstream media and Democrats have spent years claiming that the contents of the hard drive from Hunter Biden’s laptop were “lies and Russian disinformation.” Now, they are magically verifying the contents and legitimacy of both the laptop and it’s contents. Bill Maher recently unpacked the recent about face, saying that the Democrats and media squashed it because it “didn’t fit their narrative.”

5.  ! Naomi Wolf Fires a Warning Shot: A Resounding Defeat of Biden at Midterms Will Not Be Allowed, Look for an Impending Emergency to Unfold  (VIDEO 5:32)   By Jim Hoft

Naomi Wolf warned the Tucker Carlson audience on Monday to beware of an unfolding emergency in the weeks ahead to help Joe Biden and Democrats in the upcoming election.

Watch for more Fauci lockdowns from the globalist left in the weeks ahead.

4.   Food inflation has now reached 12.6% PER MONTH, corporate media blames Putin, not money printing                    by Ethan Huff

(Natural News) Since its inception in 1990, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization’ (FAO) Food Price Index has never been higher than it was in February, compliments of endless money printing and many decades of corrupt monetary policy.

The corporate-controlled media, however, is blaming Vladimir Putin as it always does whenever the financial terrorists find themselves in another bind.

Food inflation is soaring around the world by about 12.6 percent monthly, at this point, and the only thing the talking heads in the media are allowed to say is that it’s Russia’s fault for invading Ukraine.

3. !WATER WARNING: Municipal water systems may be distribution vector for pandemic toxins  [12:38]                          Health Ranger Report | Mike Adams

NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.

2.  !! VACCINE REGRET: Is there a way to REVERSE mRNA vaccine damage?  [18:34]                                                                         Health Ranger Report | Mike Adams

NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.

1.  ! CCP forcing Chinese people to kneel in submission while scanning covid passports   by Ethan Huff

(Natural News) Video footage is circulating to show that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is taking Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine passport” enforcement tyranny to a whole new level.

In the clip – watch below – Chinese people are seen kneeling before their overlords as passports are scanned. The recording was apparently captured in Jinan City, located in Shandong Province, on April Fool’s Day.

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.