Daily Shmutz | 041322

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

16.  These people deserve the credit for the deaths of nearly a million Americans   Steve Kirsch

Introducing the members of the NIH COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines committee

The members of COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel of the NIH apparently doesn’t seem to place any value on human life. In this article, I will show several examples of this. Unfortunately, they aren’t accountable to anyone, so they will never have to defend their recommendations. Nearly a million people have died in the US due to their failure to correctly assess what the data says. I’ve invited any of them to discuss this in a recorded meeting with me and a few of my colleagues, but even with a “name your price” incentive, none of them will accept because they know their decisions are not defensible.

In an email to a professor of medicine at a top university, I noted that no matter what the evidence says, they won’t change their recommendations. The professor wrote back, “Suspect you may be correct.” I won’t reveal his name so he doesn’t get fired. That means that fact checkers can’t attack this article with ad hominem attacks on my credentials. And they can’t attack this article on the data either.

If you are fact checking my article, please let’s have a recorded conversation about it before you write your fact check. If you don’t do that, you are being disingenuous.

15.  !!  Crimes Against Humanity: Covid Killing Quota: PCR Testing Quotas Used By Facilities To Murder  [9:17]                   Stew Peters Network

The tragic horror stories of the Covid-19 Pandemic continue. Matt Throckmorton’s Father was murdered in a nursing home and another family member was killed by the Remdesivir and ventilator protocol. Matt joins the Stew Peters Show to sound the alarm on nursing home murders, the death count of Remdesivir, and the PCR Test conspiracy to achieve the established ‘death quota’.

14.  540 Athletes Die After Receiving Covid Injections, Hundreds More Develop Serious Health Conditions                    JD Rucker

There should have already come a point when corporate media became willing to report on the inexplicable increase in healthy athletes collapsing and dying. But they’re a part of it all.

Article by Kevin Hughes from Natural News.

The so-called health professionals pushing for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine programs around the globe have repeatedly said the vaccines are safe and effective. But hundreds of young and healthy athletes are dying because of them.

The Liberty Daily reported: “Just as we’ve noted for several months, most major sports have been hit with ‘inexplicable’ medical conditions popping up in young and otherwise healthy athletes, including our report that three cyclists fell in March alone.”

As of the end of March, the Good Sciencing website has recorded 833 athletes worldwide who had cardiac arrests or other serious issues – with 540 confirmed deaths post-COVID vaccination. (Related: Why are covid outbreaks still happening in professional sports if the athletes are all vaccinated?)

[Ed.:  They must have a better way to kill us all off, right?   This is a bit too slow.  Why don’t they just nuke us and get it over with? That would be much more ‘humane’, no?]

13.  ! ‘The Kids Are Not All Right’: Private Equity Psychiatric Facilities Prioritize Profits Over Patient Care                         By Lauren Sausser

“More than any other part of the health care services industry, private equity is pouring money into behavioral health,” said Eileen O’Grady, a researcher for the watchdog group Private Equity Stakeholder Project.\

South Carolina children who need immediate, around-the-clock psychiatric care risk being stranded for days — even weeks — waiting for help, only to be sent hundreds of miles away from home for treatment.

When no psychiatric residential treatment beds are open in South Carolina, some children must travel across the Southeast to facilities in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Alabama or Kentucky — anywhere a bed might be available.

The problem in South Carolina isn’t a shortage of psychiatric residential treatment beds, state agency leaders say, but that so many of the state’s 518 licensed beds for children are filled by patients from other states. At last count, according to the state Department of Health and Human Services, about half the children assigned to a psychiatric residential treatment bed in South Carolina weren’t South Carolinians.

The reason comes down to the bottom line of the facilities, which are driven by states’ reimbursement rates since Medicaid often covers such patients’ care. South Carolina’s rate has been about $330 a day, one of the lowest for these services in the country, said Deborah McKelvey, executive director of Windwood Family Services in rural Charleston County. North Carolina’s Medicaid rate is closer to $500 a day, she said, and other states pay as much as $800.

12.  Why Shrimp May Be the Most Dangerous Seafood You Can Buy   By Dr. Joseph Mercola

Researchers who tested imported shrimp found E. coli. antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant bacteria, also known as superbugs. Some of the batches tested carried the “Best Aquaculture Practices” certification.

This article was previously published July 27, 2019, and has been updated with new information.


  • A new investigation by CBC News Marketplace found potentially harmful antibiotic-resistant bacteria in imported shrimp sold in various supermarkets in Canada
  • Investigative reporters purchased 51 packages of shrimp imported from Vietnam, Thailand, China, India and Ecuador
  • Investigators found 17% or 2 out of every 10 packages were contaminated with antibiotic-resistant bacteria, also known as superbugs; of that 17%, 89% showed resistance to multiple antibiotics
  • Superbugs, one of the greatest threats to human health, may kill more people than cancer by 2050
  • The overuse of antibiotics in factory farm animals and the heavy spraying of pesticides on food crops is the number one driver of deadly superbugs

11.  ‘Watch the Water’ Right on Remdesivir, But Snake Venom Theory Is a Stretch   ByMadhava Setty, M.D.

While it’s true there is some overlap between the effects of poisonous peptides present in some snake venom and those of SARS-COV2 spike protein, claiming COVID is ultimately derived from snake venom is a poorly substantiated hypothesis.

10.  !! Polypropylene, a key ingredient in the ubiquitous disposable blue hospital surgical face masks; confirmed ‘detection of this microplastic in human lung tissue using μFTIR spectroscopy’ (Jenner et al.)            Dr. Paul Alexander

“…In summary, this study is the first to report MPs within human lung tissue samples, using μFTIR spectroscopy. The abundance of MPs within samples, significantly above that of blanks, supports human inhalation as a route of environmental exposure…The microplastics (MPs) levels within tissue samples were significantly higher than those identified within combined procedural/laboratory blanks (n = 9 MPs, with a mean ± SD of 0.53 ± 1.07, p = 0.001). Of the MPs detected, 12 polymer types were identified with polypropylene, PP (23%), polyethylene terephthalate, PET (18%) and resin (15%) the most abundant. MPs (unadjusted) were identified within all regions of the lung categorised as upper (0.80 ± 0.96 MP/g), middle/lingular (0.41 ± 0.37 MP/g), and with significantly higher levels detected in the lower (3.12 ± 1.30 MP/g) region compared with the upper (p = 0.026) and mid (p = 0.038) lung regions. After subtracting blanks, these levels became 0.23 ± 0.28, 0.33 ± 0.37 and 1.65 ± 0.88 MP/g respectively. The study demonstrates the highest level of contamination control and reports unadjusted values alongside different contamination adjustment techniques. These results support inhalation as a route of exposure for environmental MPs…”

9.  !!! Dr. Bryan Ardis releases huge allegations: The covid-19 virus, vaccines and some treatments are all derived from SNAKE VENOM   by: Mike Adams

(Natural News) Dr. Bryan Ardis has been making waves this week with allegations that the covid-19 virus, covid “vaccines” and at least one covid treatment all originated from snake venom molecules (the King Cobra, to be specific).

The first interview on this was released yesterday by Stew Peters at Red Voice Media in a documentary-style video called, “Watch the Water.” In the video, Bryan Ardis expresses concern that snake venom-related molecules (peptides or proteins) could have been dripped into the water supply (or released via other methods such as aerosolization) in order to create a covid-19 “outbreak” fear scenario that ultimately drove people into covid vaccines, lockdowns, mask mandates and other forms of mass medical hysteria.

We also interviewed Dr. Ardis about this same topic. In a largely unedited interview, Dr. Ardis shared with us his extensive research linking snake venom to antibodies, vaccine production, and eerily similar side effects observed from mRNA vaccines and covid treatments. As Dr. Ardis explains in the video (below), every single side effect attributed to covid-19 is also a known effect from toxic venom exposure.

8.  ! Tierney’s REAL News (4/13/22)

UPDATE: The man accused of donning a gas mask, detonating smoke grenades and opening fire inside a New York City subway train and station in Brooklyn has been IDed as Frank James, 62, and he was well-known to the FBI. He lost his credit card at the scene. Right. He had financial problems and PTSD. Another patsy.

James was an FBI informant with a long rap sheet – just like George Floyd. Darrell Brooks (the man who ran over people in the Waukesha parade) & and Frank James are both from Milwaukee. Hmm. Is Milwaukee FBI inciting & setting up & framing these guys? This is what they do.

Frank James published numerous racist rants on Facebook and YouTube and the FBI did nothing. Over the past three years James has made more than 450 YouTube videos ranting about racism, police brutality, homelessness in New York, climate change and the invasion of Ukraine.

James posted calls for violence and was an avowed BLM black supremacist – posting anti-white rants to his YouTube channel like: “White people are sick…White motherf****** better not talk to me about no motherf***** stealing.” James was a fan of Don Lemon of CNN.

Guys like this make perfect patsies for the FBI.

[Ed.:  Do you remember when we read about this yesterday, that the camera’s were “glitching” when the incident occurred?  I opined that it bore the signature of FBI ‘incidents’ like Epstein killing himself right when the cameras “glitched”!  Peg Tierney thinks so too!]

7.   Family Of 4 Lives Destroyed By Shelling In Russia – Ukraine War  [11:29]    Patrick Lancaster

While I was On the way to Mariupol we came across a home that had been hit by a Ukrainian Shelling attack. The man of the house received heavy burns but thankfully everyone lived but this family lost everything:(

I ask you to support this family in any way you can. They have nothing left and need your help. All contact info and bank info is below. Help them now, PLEASE




SBERBANK # 2202 2015 8567 9869 and / or +79897194730

6.   Passover Guide for the Perplexed 2022   Yoram Ettinger

  1. 3,600 hundred years ago, the Passover Exodus catapulted the Jewish people from the lowest ebb of spiritual and physical servitude in Egypt to the highest level of liberty in the Land of Israel.
  2. According to Heinrich Heine, the 19th century German poet, “Since the Exodus, freedom has always spoken with a Hebrew accent.”
  3. In 1850, Harriet Tubman, who was one of the leaders of the “Underground Railroad” – an Exodus of Afro-American slaves to freedom – was known as “Mama Moses.” She embraced Moses’ “Let my people go”.

Paul Robeson and Louis Armstrong leveraged the liberty theme of Passover through the lyrics: “When Israel was in Egypt’s land, let my people go! Oppressed so hard they could not stand, let my people go! Go down Moses, way down in Egypt’s land; tell old Pharaoh to let my people go….!”

On December 11, 1964, upon accepting the Nobel Prize, Martin Luther King, Jr., “the Moses of his age”, said: “The Bible tells the thrilling story of how Moses stood in Pharaoh’s court centuries ago and cried, ‘Let my people go!’”

5.  [Ed.:  On the other hand, here is a dissenting view to ‘Watch The Water’:]                                                                                                      !!! SNAKE VENOM DEBUNK – AMANDHA VOLLMER   [1:06:30]

4. !!! World Premiere: Watch The Water   [56:37 starts at 9:04]  STEW PETERS SHOW  

[Ed.:  Is “COVID-19” really snake venom and not a virus? We already know that the “vaccine” is not really a vaccine… ]

3.  Re-posting:   [Ed.:  I recommend watching the following long documentary in 15-20 minute segments, as I have been doing for the past several days!  It’s a thriller!]

!!!  The Mena Connection (1995) | Clinton, Bush and the CIA  [2:22:13]

This is the story that couldn’t be suppressed. An investigative report into a scandal that haunts the reputations of three presidents – Reagan, Bush, and Clinton.

An insider’s documentary describing the CIA’s use of Mena, Arkansas as a staging area for covert activities which involved the Reagan-Bush administration and Governor Bill Clinton which resulted in the subversion of our judicial system.

Terry Reed:

Hear the ‘Fat Lady’ Sing…..

This revealing documentary contains rare and unauthorized footage of C-123 coded-named “The Fat Lady” – The plane that nearly brought down the Reagan/Bush Administration when it was shot down in Nicaragua loaded with guns while piloted by an ex_air American crew. Her her astonishing life story. For the first time ever The Fat Lady sings….

The Mena Connection takes you into the dark history of CIA’s covert operations in Arkansas – Back to a time in which a young Governo, desperate to build power base from which to launch a bid for the Presidency, made a pact with the real power brokers behind America’s secret goverment.

all in the name of National Security, Bill Clinton ‘rented’ his state to CIA for covert arms manufacturing and shipment – at a time in which Congress had banned support for Nicaraguan Contras.The illegal activity led to subversion of our Judicial System, which then allowed drugs and drug profits to freely flow through America’s heartland.

Follow the trials and tribulations of former CIA asst Terry Reed and his family as they valiantly attempt to bring this saga to Federal Court. Told through a multitude of interviews and rare footage. The Mena Connection tells of those individuals whose lives have been changed forever as a result of the ongoing cover-up and containment of what is perhaps America’s darkest secret – the successful, silent coup that set up the unelected, elitist micro-government now firmly enriched in power

LBRY URL:  lbry://@QuantumRhino#9/The-Mena-Connection-(1995)#5


Further reading:   Attorney General William Barr aka “Robert Johnson”

2.   Camera System at Brooklyn Subway Station Was Not Working at Time of Shooting Due to Computer Glitch

10 people were shot earlier Tuesday in the 36th Street subway station in Brooklyn, New York.

At least 29 people were injured in total.

Multiple undetonated devices were also found in the area.

Police said the person of interest in this shooting attack, 62-year-old Frank James, rented the U-Haul connected to the mass shooting attack.

[Ed.:  Right!  ‘A computer glitch’!  We’re supposed to believe that.  The American People have see so much of this, that we know their style.  No one is fooled any more about the red flags that they put up to deflect our attention away from their inevitable prosecution for their crimes.]

1.  !  Baking Soda May Reduce Premature Death Risk   By Stephen Seifert, TheAlternativeDaily.com

Research published this month in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology found that having balanced baking soda, or bicarbonate, levels in your body could reduce your chances of an early death.

The study examined data compiled in the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study for 2,287 participants. Participants were healthy adults who, at the onset of the study in 1997, were between the ages of 70 and 79, and were followed for approximately 10 years. Survival data were gathered through February 2014.

[Ed.:  Adding a pinch to coffee lowers the acidity of the coffee and makes it more alkaline.  Same thing happens when cooking other foods.  For example, when making a tomato sauce, it is quite acidic.  Adding as little as 1/4 -1/2 teaspoon neutralizes the acidity of the sauce.]

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.