Daily Shmutz | 041822

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

34.   Scientist Finds Venom in Vials: Evidence of Venom in Undiluted Pfizer Vials, Blood Cell Damage                    [5:39]  Stew Peters Network 

In this new segment of The Stew Peters Show, Dr. Jane Ruby unpacks the new scientific studies found on the TRUE origin of COVID-19!

Dr. Jane and Stew Peters discuss what this could mean for society, and how we can get past this shocking discovery!

33.   The Real War: EXPOSING the Globalist Agenda Behind the Anti-Russian Propaganda  [10:15]                              Stew Peters Network 

Monday, April 18th, The Stew Peters Show invited David Pyne on to discuss the truth behind the Russia VS. Ukraine war.

As over 15% of Ukraine’s citizens flee their country, Pyne explains his findings as to why this war is STILL going on, and where the truth lies in the miles of propaganda.

32.  ! Vaxxed Pilot Goes Into Cardiac Arrest in Cockpit: Freedom Flyers EXPOSE MASSIVE Airline Cover-up   [10:03]  Stew Peters Network 

This Monday, The Stew Peters Show features Joshua Yoder to talk about a vaccinated airline pilot’s heart stopping just minutes after landing.
This plane had 200 souls aboard, and we can only thank the Lord that this tragedy didn’t occur in the air!

Watch this full segment now at StewPeters.com to find out what this means for future air-bound traveling!

31.   The REAL Remedy that Stops the Wicked Communist Agenda  [12:19]   Stew Peters Network

In a powerful message to the Body of Christ, host Stew Peters addresses the solution to the political puppets running rampant. We the People will get them in line, and revive the nation, and let freedom ring louder than ever, or face terrible judgement from God.

Don’t miss this important address to Christians and patriots across the country!

30.   Global INTOXICATION explains the FALL of humanity  [1:14:00]   by: Mike Adams

 Humanity is intoxicated to the point of suicidal collapse.

Note the word root “toxic” found in the word “intoxicated.” It doesn’t just refer to consuming alcohol, but to a long list of behaviors, substances and desires that turn off rational thought and thrust people into bad decision making.

Here’s a short list of intoxication vectors affecting humanity right now:

  • Money (blinds people to rationality)
  • Medications (especially psychotropic drugs)
  • Social media (begging for likes)
  • Cult acceptance (LGBT cults, etc.)
  • Sex (addition, power, perversion)
  • Water supply (fluoride, other toxins)
  • Electropollution (5G, wifi, broadcast signals)
  • Air (aerosolized toxins, chemtrails)
  • Food (pesticides, GMOs)
  • Alcohol (addiction)
  • Recreational drugs (addiction, dumbing down)
  • Television (opiate of the masses)
  • Technology (blind worship of tech as your god)
  • Power over others (the power to control people)


Water glassing is a long-standing historical method that is very easy and very effective!  While there are several different water glassing mediums (the technical modern one being sodium silicate), here Carolyn shows you how to use the cheap and readily available hydrated lime (also known as pickling lime and slacked lime) to easily store your eggs for up to 2 years without refrigeration!

This is a historical food preservation method that has been used for centuries to keep eggs fresh.

28.   Exposing Some Myths About the Ukraine War    By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

All rational Americans agree that we shouldn’t get involved in the Russia-Ukraine War. The neocon warmongers with brain dead Biden as their figurehead want to destroy Russia, and they are willing to risk nuclear war to do it.  But this doesn’t negate what I’ve just said. These monsters are anything but rational. But speaking of monsters leads to another question. Everybody knows John Quincy Adams’s line: “America goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy.” Is this the reason we should stay out of the Ukraine war? Is Putin a monster, bringing death and destruction to innocent people, but someone whose actions we have to ignore because it’s too dangerous to act against him? Some people who say this don’t get what’s happening, although others don’t view Putin as a monster, but think he made a mistake. I don’t agree, but this isn’t my target. Putin is a rational statesman, with legitimate security interests and the supposed hero Zelensky is a dubious character.

27.  !!!  Why Food Prices Are Expected to Skyrocket  [6:41]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Skyrocketing Food Price Mystery Exposed

The global food price index hit its highest recorded level in March 2022 and, on average, food prices are one-third higher than in March 2021. Is the Ukraine war the cause, or was it instigated by the government? What is the long-term answer for turning it around?


  • Food shortages and skyrocketing food prices now appear inevitable. The global food price index hit its highest recorded level in March 2022, rising 12.6% in a single month. On average, food prices were one-third higher than in March 2021. In the U.S., food prices rose 9% in 2021, and are predicted to rise another 4.5% to 5% in the next 12 months
  • Inflation was already ramping up well before Russia went into Ukraine, thanks to the uncontrolled printing of fiat currencies that occurred in response to the COVID pandemic. Governments’ COVID responses have also wreaked havoc with global supply chains, causing disruptions that continue to this day
  • Ukraine has ceased exports of wheat, oats, millet, buckwheat and cattle, and Russia has banned exports of fertilizer
  • Together, Russia and Belarus provide nearly 40% of the global exports of potash, a key fertilizer ingredient. Russia also exports 48% of the global ammonium nitrate, and combined with Ukraine, they export 28% of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium fertilizers. Experts are now predicting fertilizer prices may double as a result of Russia’s ban on fertilizer exports
  • The long-term answer lies in regenerative biodynamic farming, which does not use any chemical inputs

26.   Baruch Dayan HaEmet

Americans For A Safe Israel mourns the loss of William K. Langfan, father of AFSI Chairman, Mark Langfan. William passed away at age 100.

William participated in WWII as a soldier in a US Anti-aircraft unit (1943-1945), fought in the Battle of Britain, landed in Normandy, fought across France, Belgium (including the Battle of The Bulge), continued through Germany to a few miles from the German-Czech border when the war ended. He marched into Buchenwald being exposed to the horrific images moments after it was liberated. There and throughout the war,

He embarked upon a personal crusade to unequivocally prove that the Palestine Liberation Organization (Fatah) never actually accepted Israel’s existence through the amendment of their charter which calls for Israel’s destruction. Despite all the media coverage to the contrary, William gathered the evidence and calmly presented his case. He showed step by step that following the highly-publicized declarations of the PLO changing its charter, the actual amendments to the charter got lost in the details, and armed struggle against Israel remains to this day as a central theme therein.

AFSI extends its deepest condolences to the Langfan family on this enormous loss. May Mark and his family be comforted among those who mourn for Zion and Jerusalem and may they know no more sorrow.

Read the full obituary in Arutz Sheva.

Visit Mr. Langfan’s website to learn more about him.

[Ed.:  Blessed is the True Judge!]

25.   Out of Control! Jews Attacked on Passover, Political Tensions Grow

On Shabbos morning a terrorist armed with a knife was stopped while attempting to breach the security fence around the Jewish community of Beit El. The individual was apprehended and admitted he was looking to carry out a terror attack. On Sunday Jews walking in the Old City of Jerusalem towards the Kotel were beaten by Arab assailants.

On Sunday, Arabs attempted to block Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount by placing stones at the passageways used by Jews. Five people were injured when stones were thrown at buses carrying worshipers to the Kotel.

As tensions at the Temple Mount continue, reports are coming in that southern Israel is under rocket attacks.

24.    Why Wokeness Will Fail   BRET STEPHENS

American history is, in many ways, a story of grand protests. They generally come in two types.

There are protest movements that, even in ferocious dissent, believe that the American system is ultimately geared to fulfill its inner promises — of equality, unalienable rights, the pursuit of happiness, e pluribus unum, a more perfect union. This is what Frederick Douglass had in mind when, in an otherwise scathing indictment of America’s hypocrisy, he called the Constitution a “glorious liberty document.”

And there are protest movements that have turned against the system, either because they don’t think the system can meet its promises, or because they never agreed with the promises in the first place. “We didn’t land on Plymouth Rock,” Malcolm X said memorably. “The rock was landed on us.”

23.   Woke Disney Admits DEFEAT as Patriot BACKLASH Surges!!!   Dr. Steve Turley

The Woke Warriors at Disney are admitting defeat as the patriot backlash surges against their radical leftist agenda! In this video, we’re going to take a look at some of the measures that Florida Republicans are prepared to take in retaliation against Disney’s wokeness, we’re going to see how patriot parents are pushing back as well, and stick with me to the very end of this video when I’ll reveal why Disney’s defeat is nothing less than the beginning of the end for Wokism as a whole! You are NOT going to want to miss this!

22.   SECOND bus from Texas loaded with ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS arrives in Washington, DC                                   by: Ramon Tomey

 A second bus from Texas carrying illegal aliens arrived in Washington, D.C., less than a day after the first one reached its destination. The buses loaded with illegal migrants were part of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s efforts to address the crisis at the southern border.


[Ed.:  Poor guy realized that we’ve been had, and kills himself. Wow.  I knew that, but since I didn’t kill people, including my own family, I didn’t kill myself.  At one point in my life, I did consider a medical profession…]

20.   6 companies control 90% of what you read, watch and hear. Here’s why you should care.

(Article republished from RebeccaStrong.Substack.com)

In a recent Twitter survey I conducted, nearly 90% of people rated their trust in mainstream media as either “very low” or “low.” And is it any surprise? Ever-mounting media consolidation has narrowed the perspectives the public is privy to, ownership and funding of these corporations are riddled with conflicts of interest, crucial stories keep suspiciously getting buried and big tech companies are outright censoring and demonetizing independent outlets trying to break through the noise. The media is supposed to function as a power check — and a means of arming us with vital information for shaping the society we want to live in. It’s never been a more important industry. And it’s never been more at risk. In this series, I’ll tackle each factor threatening the media’s ability to serve our democracy — with input from journalists, media critics, professors and other experts.

19.  !! Shanghai descends into hellscape as COVID lockdown triggers martial law, arrests and suicides                        by: Ethan Huff

It appears as though a mass genocide is currently taking place in Shanghai as government officials starve residents to death in order to keep them “safe” against the latest strain of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

Reports are flooding in depicting troops and tanks on the streets, people screaming in terror, people jumping out of windows to commit suicide and farmers being arrested. And Big Tech platforms such as Weibo are censoring videos and picture evidence of all this horror.

In the below video, agonized locals can be seen and heard screaming about how Xi Jinping’s latest lockdown measures are causing people to starve as they are unable to leave their homes to buy any groceries.

“We are starving to death!” some are heard screaming. “We haven’t eaten for a very long time. We are really starving to death!”

18.  Dutch journalist In Donbass: ‘Western media is lying about what is happening in Ukraine’

A Dutch journalist on the ground in Ukraine has an urgent message for the Western world: Stop believing the fake news and endless lies served up by mainstream media.

(Article by Baxter Dmitry republished from NewsPunch.com)

According to Sonja van den Ende, an independent journalist from Rotterdam, Netherlands, the mainstream media “lie continuously about everything just to implement their own agenda.”

Unlike mainstream media hacks who are reporting on the war from their comfortable inner-city broadcast studios in Western capitals, Van den Ende is reporting from Ukraine and watching how the Russian military operation is unfolding on the ground and with her own two eyes.

17.  !!Situation Update, April 17, 2022 – CROP CRASH COUNTDOWN: Fertilizer shipments by rail HALTED in America     [42:49]   Health Ranger Report

NaturalNews videos would not be possible without you, as always we remain passionately dedicated to our mission of educating people all over the world on the subject of natural healing remedies and personal liberty (food freedom, medical freedom, the freedom of speech, etc.). Together, we’re helping create a better world, with more honest food labeling, reduced chemical contamination, the avoidance of toxic heavy metals and vastly increased scientific transparency.

16.  !!EMERGENCY ALERT: On the heels of rail carriers canceling grain shipments, CF Industries warns that FERTILIZER rail shipments are now being halted during spring planting   by: Mike Adams

(Natural News) As you may recall, ten days ago I warned that rail carriers were declaring “force majeure” and halting shipments of grain to dairy herds and other cow herds across America. In that announcement, I also warned that this was an engineered collapse of the food supply, where rail carriers were essentially being ordered to drop certain loads in order to maximize the coming wave of food scarcity and famine.

Now, devastating news from CF Industries — one of the largest fertilizer producers in the world — confirms the engineered food collapse plan is being expanded to include fertilizer shipments.

According to an April 14th announcement from CF Industries, Union Pacific is halting the delivery of fertilizer shipments right in the middle of peak planting season for farmers. CF Industries warns that, “railroad-mandated shipping reductions [will] result in nitrogen fertilizer shipment delays during the spring application season and that it [will] be unable to accept new rail sales involving Union Pacific for the foreseeable future.”

Even more alarmingly, CF Industries warns that, “it is one of only 30 companies to face these restrictions.”

This means that Union Pacific is essentially dropping fertilizer shipments and grain shipments all across America. Put another way, America’s food infrastructure is being deliberately shut down.

15.   Something Is Rotten In The State Of Shanghai’s Latest COVID Lockdowns    BY TYLER DURDEN

Make no doubt about it, there’s something seriously disturbing about the state of the recent Covid lockdowns taking place in Shanghai. Even for China.

Here is what the outbreak looks like, if we are to believe the numbers coming out of China. You’ll have to excuse me for being frank, but I simply don’t believe them. China has lied about nearly everything since the beginning of the pandemic, and they certainly don’t have the rest of the world’s best interest in mind now that they are allying with Russia economically.

14.  How Much Radiation Is Emitted By Popular Smartphones?   BY TYLER DURDEN

Smartphones have become an integral part of our everyday lives. From work and school to daily tasks, these handheld devices have brought everything into the palm of our hands.

Most people spend 5-6 hours on their phones each day. And, as Visual Capitalist’s Anshool Deshmukh and Sabrina Lam detail below, given that our phones emit a tiny amount of radiation, we’re exposing ourselves to radiation for hours each day.

But different phones emit different amounts of radiation.

With the help of data collected by the German Federal Office of Radiation Protection, we visualize the radiation emissions of some popular smartphones in the market today.

13.   Massachusetts School Sued By Parents for Allegedly Secretly Promoting Gender Transition of Both Male and Female Pre-Teen Siblings     By Cassandra Fairbanks

A Massachusetts school district is being sued by parents who allege that they secretly promoted gender transition of both their pre-teen son and daughter.

Stephen Foote and Marissa Silvestri Ludlow filed their lawsuit against Ludlow Public Schools last week.

The parents allege that school officials “impermissibly inserted themselves into the private realm” of their family, superseding their “rights to make decisions regarding their children’s upbringing, mental health, and well being,” according to a report from the New York Post.

“They had asked Paul L. Baird Middle School staff not to have private conversations with their kids about gender issues — but claim in court papers that the superintendent, principal, guidance counselor and teachers ignored the request, even referring to their biological daughter and son by other pronouns without the parents’ knowledge,” the report explains.

12.   Illinois Now Providing Illegal Immigrants With Free Healthcare   By Cassandra Fairbanks 

In a privilege not granted to most Americans, illegal immigrants in Illinois between the ages of 55 and 64 can now receive taxpayer funded healthcare.

On July 1, the program will expand to cover eligible illegal immigrants between the ages of 42 to 54 as well.

The initial program was approved by state lawmakers in 2021 and has now gone into effect.

Illegal immigrants who qualify will not have to pay for doctor and hospital visits, lab tests, physical and occupational therapy, mental health, substance abuse disorder services, dental and vision services, or prescription drugs.

[Ed.:  They do this with our tax money!  Solution:  DEFUND THE STATE!]

11.  !!  Tierney’s REAL News (4/18/22)

  Yuval Noah Harari, the chief adviser to the GREAT RESET WEF Davos crowd, said “free will” is dead, God does not exist, that humans can be injected, chipped, hacked and controlled – and he’s the guy to do it! EVIL.

WEF’s Yuval Noah Harari: “We don’t just want to monitor people, we need to monitor what’s happening under their skin. Humans are hackable. Free will is over.”

Like I’ve said for years, the end game of COVID was to convince people to willingly accept regular injections or chips in the name of “science” – so that the Globalist atheists & Satanists could control our bodies and minds and shut us down if we did not comply. The One World Order believes they ARE God – and have the power to control us and the universe. Every time you take a COVID test or strap on a mask or hang your head and cower in fear – you are enabling this EVIL.

NBC basically finally admitted that the 2020 election was stolen from President Trump.

NBC is shaping the narrative that Trump could “steal” the election in 2024 just like Biden stole it in 2020. Are they nervous that 2020 will actually be decertified? I think so. Trying to get ahead of it now.

Either way, there’s NO doubt that the Democrats and RINOs will attempt to steal the White House again in 2024, then say Trump is “undermining democracy” if there are any efforts to contest the results. It’s so OBVIOUS. They ALWAYS tell us what’s ahead.

“There might well be another attempted coup in 2024, and January 6th supplied the blueprint for pulling it off. After watching 2020 unfold, some elected officials and election experts fear the Electoral Count Act could be exploited in ways that might give Trump or someone else a victory in 2024, whether they win enough votes or not. No laws even need be broken.”

[Ed.:  There will be nothing left by 2024…]

10.  !!What Is Going On? Union Pacific Rail Lines Begin Restricting Rail Shipments of Nitrogen Based Fertilizer During Spring Planting Season   By Jim Hoft

In early March, Tucker Carlson invited Iowa Corn and soybean farmer Ben Riensche on his top-rated program to discuss the massive inflation we are about to see in food prices here at home.

According to Rienshe, grocery prices may increase up to $1,000 per month due to Russia’s sanctions on fertilizer.

A leading manufacturer of hydrogen and nitrogen products was informed Union Pacific rail lines were reducing and limiting shipments of fertilizer during the planting season this year.

Who made this decision?

9.   Emergency rooms stretched and overflowing; a huge big LIE, FRAUD, they are doing it again, LOCKDOWNS, they asked for 2 weeks, got 2 years 1 month, and billions; so senators, congress, MPs stole money?   Dr. Paul Alexander

CHINA? Which senators and congresspeople, MPs, and MPPs, who stole money? Whose family and buddies got bogus contracts? Who stole money for they got billions/trillions, so can’t say OVERRUN.

This is all a fraud, a huge fraud and now the dog and pony begun again, sending out crooked doctors to tell us the ER is over run….many of my friends who are ER doctors say to me it’s a lie…US and Canada… Okay, let’s buy that for a moment. Let’s say these crooked doctors who are easily bought off for thats the issue… Those who failed to treat people with early treatment and have the death of hundreds of thousands on their hands, lets pretend… So okay, if so, what did you do with 2 years and 1 month when you asked for 2 weeks to ‘bend the curve’ to prepare hospitals? You thought we forgot? What did you do with the billions and trillions and the PPE????

[Ed.:  Dr. Alexander is good, his heart is in the right place, and he is a prolific contributor to this topic.  However, he is not from here, he has never taken an English composition class, and that explains why his writing has errors in every sentence.  I corrected this first paragraph, so you can see roughly what he is trying to say.  I.E.  his writing has an accent!]

8.  The Military Situation In The Ukraine   Jacques Baud

Part One: The Road To War

For years, from Mali to Afghanistan, I have worked for peace and risked my life for it. It is therefore not a question of justifying war, but of understanding what led us to it. I notice that the “experts” who take turns on television analyze the situation on the basis of dubious information, most often hypotheses erected as facts—and then we no longer manage to understand what is happening. This is how panics are created.

The problem is not so much to know who is right in this conflict, but to question the way our leaders make their decisions.

Let’s try to examine the roots of the conflict. It starts with those who for the last eight years have been talking about “separatists” or “independentists” from Donbass. This is not true. The referendums conducted by the two self-proclaimed Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk in May 2014, were not referendums of “independence” (независимость), as some unscrupulous journalists have claimed, but referendums of “self-determination” or “autonomy” (самостоятельность). The qualifier “pro-Russian” suggests that Russia was a party to the conflict, which was not the case, and the term “Russian speakers” would have been more honest. Moreover, these referendums were conducted against the advice of Vladimir Putin.

7.   From Bill Narvey:

To all,

Victor Rosenthal who has for years written under his blog pseudonym Abu Yehuda as well, sometimes under his own name, has announced he will no longer be regularly writing under his blog Abu Yehuda.

 Rosenthal’s writings have been long admired for his clear eyed objective fact based common sense analyses and insights on issues concerning and challenging, often existentially so, to Israel, to Israeli Jews and to diaspora Jews.

 Rosenthal, whose regular blog commentaries and articles will be sorely missed begins his long collection of short topics with:

“I don’t want to be one of those writers who keeps writing long past the point at which he should have stopped. This piece will be my last regular blog. It may be the outline for a book. In any event, it summarizes the issues that have occupied me in recent months.”

With that, I urge all of you, including very slow readers like myself, to read Rosenthal’s collection of short topics at: http://abuyehuda.com/2022/04/a-long-collection-of-short-topics/

Rosenthal’s views are as informative and persuasive as they are insightful and well worth your time.

6.  US, EU sacrificing Ukraine to ‘weaken Russia’: fmr. NATO adviser    Aaron Maté

As the Russia-Ukraine war enters a new phase, former Swiss intelligence officer, senior United Nations official, and NATO advisor Jacques Baud analyzes the conflict and argues that the US and its allies are exploiting Ukraine in a longstanding campaign to bleed its Russian neighbor.

Guest: Jacques Baud. Former intelligence officer with the Swiss Strategic Intelligence Service who has served in a number of senior security and advisory positions at NATO, the United Nations, and with the Swiss military.

Jacques Baud’s article on the Ukraine war: https://www.thepostil.com/the-militar…

5.  UK Gov. report admits 19.2 million people in England have not had a single dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine, and another 12 million have refused a 2nd or 3rd Dose

For months the British public have been deceived with tales that there are just 5 million people in the United Kingdom who have refused to take up the offer of a Covid-19 vaccine. But this is a complete fabrication that has no doubt been used to make those who have refused the jab feel as if they are part of a minority.

Because an official UK Government report proves that in England alone there are at least 19.2 million people who have not had a single dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, 21.8 million people who have not had two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine, and 31 million who have not had 3 doses of a Covid-19 Vaccine, meaning nearly half of England’s population has become wise to the propaganda and lies spouted by the Government and mainstream media over the past two years.

[Ed.:  YAY!!]

4.  The PLO Charter Amendment that never was    William K. Langfan

They seem to have fooled the world. If you read this, they will not have fooled you anymore. Op-ed.  


The “Peace Process” which began with the Declaration of Principles (DOP) in 1993 and continued with the Oslo Accords was actually an Israeli divestiture of land in exchange for promises of peace from the Palestinian leadership.

One of the major and probably the most important Palestinian obligation in the “Peace Process” was a promise to annul the onerous clauses of their formal original 29 clause 1964 Charter (the “Charter”)which was amended into a 33 clause charter in 1968 after the 1967 War. Click here to see relevant clauses.

The importance of the Charter to the Palestinians can not be exaggerated. To the Palestinians, it is virtually their “Junior Koran.” These clauses in the Charter, in sum, declared the establishment of Israel illegal and void and called for armed resistance until Palestine was liberated.

It is the opinion of the writer, predicated upon the facts which follow, that not one word of the Charter has ever been changed. Arafat and the subsequent Palestinian leadership instituted a series of steps to indicate that the Charter had been changed; however, there is not one shred of evidence that any change has ever occurred.


The “Peace Process” which began with the Declaration of Principles (DOP) in 1993 and continued with the Oslo Accords was actually an Israeli divestiture of land in exchange for promises of peace from the Palestinian leadership.

One of the major and probably the most important Palestinian obligation in the “Peace Process” was a promise to annul the onerous clauses of their formal original 29 clause 1964 Charter (the “Charter”)which was amended into a 33 clause charter in 1968 after the 1967 War. Click here to see relevant clauses.

The importance of the Charter to the Palestinians can not be exaggerated. To the Palestinians, it is virtually their “Junior Koran.” These clauses in the Charter, in sum, declared the establishment of Israel illegal and void and called for armed resistance until Palestine was liberated.

It is the opinion of the writer, predicated upon the facts which follow, that not one word of the Charter has ever been changed. Arafat and the subsequent Palestinian leadership instituted a series of steps to indicate that the Charter had been changed; however, there is not one shred of evidence that any change has ever occurred.

3.  !!! The Ugly Economic Wakeup Call All Americans Need to Hear   JD Rucker

For years, I’ve preached how we need to reverse course on our national debt and solidify America’s financial standing with physical assets and resources. Now, it may be too late.

I’ve always ebbed and flowed between optimism and warning when it comes to the United States economy. I saw disaster coming in the early years of the Clinton administration, but then acknowledged that the rising digital economy may be a reprieve if Clinton didn’t muck it up. The Bush years reinvigorated my concerns as the “Republican” engaged in idiotic fiscal liberalism to compensate for his wars in the Middle East.

The Obama regime was an absolute disaster for the economy, but I didn’t think we were doomed. We weren’t. Donald Trump’s economic policy set the groundwork for a recovery that, if followed and enhanced over years and decades, could reestablish something close to the solid financial footing we had in the years following World War II.

Then, Pandemic Panic Theater prompted two weeks to slow the spread which, of course, turned into two years of lockdowns. Adding insult to injury, the powers-that-be installed Joe Biden and Kamala Harris into the White House, at which point I became more concerned than I’d been since Obamacare was passed.

The reason I spent these first few paragraphs setting the stage for the meat of the article is because it’s important that readers understand I haven’t been screaming about economic collapses for years. I’ve often tried to calm others down who thought we’d all be in breadlines at any moment as far back as the early 1990’s. Our economy has been vulnerable due to very poor fiscal decisions since the 1970’s but I’ve always felt we could fight for better policies and turn it around.

Today, I’m not convinced that’s even possible. Today, I’m joining the ranks of those who believe economic collapse is imminent.

On today’s episode of America First Report, I discussed the article below from Free West Media. It’s an eye-opener, so much so that I chose to sacrifice part of my Easter day off to get the show out. We’re in the strangest of times and it behooves us all to start making strong personal decisions about our own financial future. Even if the dollar sinks and the economy starts tanking, we can take measures now to get ahead of it as best we can.


2.  Is Islam Fail-Safe?    William Kilpatrick

“Deeply-held” beliefs are not always as deeply-rooted as they seem.

“Is Islam too big to fail?”  I raised that question ten years ago in Christianity, Islam, and Atheism.  I pointed out that, like Islam, Soviet communism once had an air of inevitability about it. Like Islam, it seemed too big to fail, yet the Soviet Union did fail; and it collapsed more quickly than anyone had anticipated.

1.  Will the Left Send Us Into Exile?   Don Feder

At the Seder Friday evening, I thought of a mystery.   

At the Seder Friday evening, I thought of a mystery – the remarkable parallels between the Jewish people and the American people, and how the decline of one in Biblical times could presage the decline of the other today.

Jews started as a family (Abraham’s). Then we became a tribe. Genesis says we went down into Egypt at the time of Joseph 70 in number. There we became a nation. At Sinai, we became a people when we accepted the Law.

With the Law, we took possession of the Land and prospered. Then we lost the Law (fidelity to the word of God). Then we lost the Land and spent almost two thousand years in exile before the return.

Americans started as colonists. Many believed that God had led them here, just as the Jews were led to the Promised Land. They came yearning to breathe free air and to practice their religion in peace

They were castoffs of the Old World. Who wanted the Pilgrims and Puritans who settled New England – not the Church of England and the English Crown – or the Quakers in Pennsylvania or the Catholics in Maryland?

Americans also received a law — not at Sinai, but at Philadelphia – a Constitution based on rights bestowed by our Creator and enunciated in the Declaration of Independence.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.