BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).
‘Faith Not Fear!’
Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines! (B2EN THE//S)
36. LIVE: Bird Flu Transfers to Humans: Capitol Infested With Paranoid Demons [35:46] Stew Peters Network
CrossTalk News addresses the outbreak of H5N1 bird flu across the Americas, as even Bald Eagles succumb to this deadly, potentially bioweapon mutated, new plague. It has even transferred to humans in China. We also discuss the emergency lockdown of the Capitol, after demonically possessed feds consider shooting U.S. paratroopers performing for the Washington Nationals out of the sky in a case of a mistaken DC coup. The team also provides an update on the Russian victories in Ukraine, as Putin’s Christian army vanquishes the Nazi’s in Mariupol, and begins the final decimation of Zelensky’s remaining hordes in Donbass. [Emphasis added.]
35. !! When is MRNA Not Really MRNA? Dr. Malone Explains Why He’s Not Responsible for Shots [31:14] Stew Peters Network
Creator of the mRNA injection, bioweapon gene therapy, Dr. Robert Malone joined the Stew Peters Show Thursday to answer drilling questions on construction of the jab, Moderna, peptides, and more. In the premium segment, Dr. Malone detailed the inflammation caused by the injection, the dangers of mRNA, and puss formations in the body. Watch the premium segment to hear more about the WHO, vaccine injuries, and transhumanism.
34. !! BREAKING: Plan To Replace World Constitutions WHO Pandemic Treaty for Force Vaccination [11:23] Stew Peters Network
Tyranny in Australia is expanding and the government is cracking down on purebloods, as hospitals commit mass fraud, the elites freeze more bank accounts, and WHO plans to destroy all constitutions and overrule with vaccines. Maria Zeee joined the Stew Peters Show Thursday to expose the tyrants’ intentions for world vaccination, the establishment of digital cities, and the Australian government’s attack on flood victims.
33. !! Army Whistleblower Exposes Military Ideological Purge: “I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This” [12:59] Stew Peters Network
The US military is forcing vaccination as extreme discrimination takes place in the ranks, vaccine injuries become 10-fold, and the ideological purge damages our armed forces. A military whistleblower, soldier of 20 years, joined the Stew Peters Show Thursday to expose the hypocrisy of the military, the dangers of mandates, and the threats facing our men and women in service.
32. Israeli police block Jewish protest flag march in Jerusalem
Members of the Israeli government called the march, which was joined by Knesset member Itamar Ben-Gvir, a “provocation.”
[Ed.: Right, we wouldn’t want to provoke the musloids to more violence against us, right?]
31. DeSantis CRUSHES Woke Disney as Redistricting WIPES OUT Dems!!! [10:43] Dr. Steve Turley
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis absolutely CRUSHES Disney all as Florida’s new redistricting map completely wipes out any and all gains made by the Democrats! In this video we’re going to look at the latest bill that will soon become law that is pushing back against Disney’s wokeness, we’re going to see how the new redistricting guarantees Florida will be deep, deep red for the next decade, and stick with me to the very end of this video when I’ll show you how this recipe for crushing the Democrats is being repeated over and over again; you are NOT going to want to miss this!
30. !! Maybe we should enforce the First Amendment, instead of bowing down to Elon Musk Mark Crispin Miller
Is a transhumanist and technocrat (with a Satanic wife) the proper choice to safeguard our free speech?
He may be preferable to (say) Bill Gates in certain ways, but Musk is finally just another oligarch with crackpot views and too much money.
Tweet This: Will The Real Elon Musk Please Stand Up?
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The title is the conclusion of the old TV game show To Tell The Truth, after several contestants would try to convince you that they were the real person in question. Like a chameleon, Elon Musk can simultaneously play the role of all the contestants and have the audience twisted in a knot of confusion. Who is this guy, anyway; and, will the real Elon Musk please stand up?
Identity #1: Transhumanist
In 2017, Musk spoke at the World Government Summit in Dubai: “Think of the limbic system — the animal brain and the cortex as the thinking part of the brain, and your digital self as a third layer… If you die, your digital ghost is still around. All of their emails, and social media – that still lives if they die.” Musk can fix this by inserting a chip into your brain to interface to the digital world, putting all knowledge at your instant disposal. It would also put all of YOUR information at their disposal. Oh, Musk already has a company called Neuralink ready to chip the world.
Identity #2: Technocrat
At his company, Tesla, Musk crowned himself with the title of “Technoking” in addition to his role as CEO. This is probably not surprising in that he grew up in a Technocrat home in South Africa before eventually ending up in the United States as the richest person in the world. Musk’s grandfather. Joshua Haldeman, D.C., was the Grand Poobah of Technocracy, Inc. in Canada during the 1930s and 40s. Musk has repeatedly said that robots are going to take over all the meaningful jobs in society, which will necessitate Universal Basic Income (UBI) for everyone. UBI was an original concept of Technocracy from the 1930s.
Identity #3: Space pioneer
Elon Musk doesn’t believe in man-made global warming. Instead, he thinks the real danger is the expansion of the sun that will cook everyone on earth. The only answer, he says, is to leave planet earth and flee to outer space. First stop: Mars.
Musk puts his money where his mouth is, having built his own rocket ship company, SpaceX.
Identity #4: Eccentric fatherhood
Currently at age 50, Musk has fathered 8 children. His first marriage to Justine Wilson produced five children but the first-born died. The next two (Griffin, Xavier) were twins and the next 3 (Kai, Saxon, Damian) were triplets.
[Ed.: Wow! didn’t know all that! I was starting to think he was a good guy! This article goes (or leads to) very deep. Do check out the comments to the post!!]
29. !! Zero Tolerance For Jews As Bennett Caves to PA Demands by AFSI Staff
400 youths and adults holding Israeli flags started the march from Safra Square in central Jerusalem toward the Damascus Gate of the Old City.
Police refused to authorize the planned route of the march, citing security considerations and positioned squad cars and trucks at Tzahal Square, between Safra Square and the Old City, to prevent marchers from progressing. Despite efforts by the marchers to circumvent the blocks, they met with no success.
Yesterday, Prime Naftali Bennett Minister decided to bar MK Itamar Ben Gvir from the site: “We will not permit MK Itamar Ben Gvir to approach Damascus Gate, and from a legal perspective, we are entitled to prevent him from going there,” the police commander said, contradicting Ben Gvir’s insistence that his parliamentary immunity accords him the right to go wherever he pleases.
On Tuesday Bennett decided to close the Temple Mount to Jews – the Jewish people’s holiest site – until Ramadan concludes. Conveniently, the closure also coincides with the first demand by Mansour Abbas and his Islamic Ra’am party as a condition for their return to Bennett’s coalition. That demand is the end to all Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount.
[Ed.: Oh, NICE!]
28. ! Billions in US Weapons Sent to Ukraine Disappear Into a “Black Hole” By Kyle Anzalone |
A US official said the White House has “almost zero” ability to track the weapons it is sending to Ukraine. So far, President Joe Biden has approved over $3 billion in arms shipments to Kiev.
Speaking with CNN about the weapons, one source said, “we have fidelity for a short time, but when it enters the fog of war, we have almost zero. It drops into a big black hole, and you have almost no sense of it at all after a short period of time.”
[Ed.: Yes, a black Nazi hole!! Worse yet, those are our tax dollars! “A trillion here, a trillion there, a trillion everywhere!”]
27. !! VERY URGENT: WHO World Domination, Amendment May 2022 Vote for Tyranny & World Dictatorship Sarah Westall
James Roguski, author and activist, joins the program to share an urgent message about the new amendments proposed to the World Health Organization which would take away the U.S. sovereignty to control our health care. This is similar to the proposed Treaty scheduled to be formed and implemented by 2024, except this will be voted on during the international WHO meeting in May 2022 and will take effect November 2022. It is urgent you share this video and message with others. You can see more at
26. Given our experiences under PM Trudeau and America’s experiences under Obama and now Biden, wherein we have been encumbered by liberal-left policies that hurt far more than help our nations and people, there seems to be more than a little truth in this political cartoon. from Bill Narvey
25. ! Why would Union Pacific Railroad reduce U.S. fertilizer shipments by 20% & jeopardize food supply? [12:24] Michael Lewis
After the Russian military managed to control the waters of the Black Sea region by attacking Ukraine, the world immediately responded with cut-throat sanctions on Russia that crippled its economy on one side and resulted in skyrocketing oil and gas prices worldwide. However, while imposing sanctions on the Russian citizens, the world leaders failed to realize a massive food crisis that is slowly approaching their doorstep.
[Ed.: Michael does not exactly answer the question posed by the title of this presentation. “Why would Union Pacific Railroad reduce U.S. fertilizer shipments by 20%?” At 7:27 he mentions briefly the Union Pacific statement on the matter: “The delay is caused because they are addressing problems in the supply chain, that are heavily effecting the railroad’s shipments.” The sky is blue, and the ocean is deep. I was hoping to learn about any connections between CF Industries and the U.S. Deep State, or where the order to reduce shipments of fertilizer originated. Michael Lewis did not shed light on the question he asked in his title: “WHY?” But, we know the answer to the question, don’t we! It’s part of the larger plan to destroy the economy, and the deliberate effort to tie our ability to buy food to our Social Credit Score given to us at the discretion of the government. This, of course, will be directly linked to our degree of compliance with our governments’ orders to be vaccinated (with whatever they wish to put into the vaccination,) vaccinate our children, wear masks, relinquish our guns, and not be MAGA. Etc., etc., etc!]
24. [Posting this as he wrote it. His English is atrocious!]
This was a lie, day 1, by deepstate and FAUCI and WHO that mislead Trump and he bought it: China’s aggressive measures have slowed the coronavirus. They may not work in other countries” Dr. Paul Alexander
This was a catastrophic lie & the reality is that right there, I, Bhattacharya, Kulldorff, Atlas (deserves huge credit), McCullough, Risch…we said no, no, no, you are ONLY denying natural immunity
This was March 2020, but I wanted to share again:
We said very early, to end lockdowns and locking down denies the base population getting to natural immunity/herd immunity, you destroy the economy, you suffer your people, you drive variants, you cause suicides in people, business owners, laid off people, children, and leave the population susceptible to coming variants…
all that is needed is to:
1)strongly protect your vulnerable
2) use early treatment as needed
3)PSA healthy living, vit D, body weight control
4) allow the vast majority of low-risk population to live free unfettered as close to normal lives as possible
23. Shanghai, China is now officially INSANE with its ZERO-Covid; now they have children going to school in full HAZMAT Dr. Paul Alexander
I am trying to find additional reporting for if this is true as shown, then this is a clear example of insanity & derangement; China does not need to go to this extreme, the US Dr. Ashisha Jha is sold
22. Tierney’s REAL News (4/21/22)
21. [This is NOT SHMUTZ] ! How do these rocks move on their own in the desert? [14:28] 8,184,999 views Mar 31, 2022 99 Years Later… We Solved It
20. Reports of Gonzalo Lira’s death may be greatly exaggerated [6:24] Mark Crispin Miller
Before we mourn his murder, let’s wait and see if he’s been murdered
19. Where is Gonzalo Lira? And how is it okay that he’s been missing for five days? Mark Crispin Miller
“Our free press” hates dissidents as much as Ukraine’s Nazis do
Gonzalo Lira, the Chilean-American journalist/novelist/filmmaker, whose excellent commentaries on the Ukraine conflict (under the name Coach Red Pill) I’ve shared here, has disappeared. He has not been heard from for five days. Have the Nazis captured him? They surely would, as that is what they’ve done to many “traitors”; and Lira has been highly critical of their regime, offering reasonable analysis of Putin’s motives, and the actual success of Russia’s military operation.
Here is how the Nazis have been dealing with their enemies:
If he’s been kidnapped, and is under torture, or dead, you can blame the Daily Beast, as Lira himself has said. Watch this:
18. It’s all virtue-signaling with Netflix [6:04]
Former far-left activist tells Laura Ingraham you cannot find a piece of Netflix content without leftist ideology in it.
17. WOKE NETFLIX IMPLODES!!! [12:01] Dr. Steve Turley
Wall Street gets shocked as perhaps the single most woke company on the planet implodes! In this video, we’re going to look at the astonishing loss in market value suffered by Netflix, we’re going to see why people like Elon Musk are blaming their implosion on wokeism, and stick with me to the very end of this video when I’ll reveal precisely why the backlash against wokeism has indeed finally crushed Netflix; you are NOT going to want to miss this!
An investigation of official figures published by Public Health Scotland show there has been a 67% increase compared to the historical average in the number of people aged 15 to 44 suffering heart attacks, cardiac arrest, myocarditis, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases, since this age group was first offered the Covid-19 injection.
But further analysis shows this issue is actually getting worse, with the numbers for 2022 so far revealing a 73% increase against the historical average.
With myocarditis; an autoimmune condition that causes inflammation of the heart, a known side-effect of the Covid-19 injections, is it time for the authorities to suspend the administration of these experimental injections to the public? And is it time for them to also publicly admit the damage they have done?
[Ed.: The best advice is to never trust the medical establishment again, and do not go to a hospital (at all costs) where they are in business to kill you!! Just sayin’.]
15. ! Dr. Sam White Calls on Doctors to Stop What They’re Doing and Speak Out BY RHODA WILSON
In a hard-hitting interview, Dr. Sam White calls for other doctors to stop injecting people with the Covid experimental injections and to speak out.
“I maintain that when governments acted unlawfully it was duty-bound on doctors to do something about it – not to be the pawns in their game to subvert the rights and liberties of every man, woman and child in this country. Now, come forward. Stop what you’re doing and speak out. You’ll more than amply be supported,” Dr. White told Journalists Against Covid Censorship.
Dr. White touched on many aspects of what he believes are Covid crimes and discussed his legal action against the UK government. During his interview he explained:
He had been hounded by medicine regulators since speaking out about the dangers of the Covid injections and was branded by colleagues as being mentally ill.
14. ! Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency and Recommended Dietary Intake BY RHODA WILSON
Vitamin D deficiency can result from inadequate exposure to sunlight; malabsorption; accelerated catabolism from certain medications; and, in infants, the minimal amount of vitamin D found in breast milk. In children, vitamin D deficiency can result in rickets, which presents as bowing of the legs; in adults, it results in osteomalacia, which presents as a poorly mineralised skeletal matrix.
A 2011 paper published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism aimed to provide guidelines to clinicians for the evaluation, treatment, and prevention of vitamin D deficiency.
“Considering that vitamin D deficiency is very common in all age groups and that few foods contain vitamin D, the Task Force recommended supplementation at suggested daily intake and tolerable upper limit levels, depending on age and clinical circumstances,” the authors concluded.
13. ! My interview with Josh Yoder about American pilot Bob Snow’s cardiac arrest after landing Steve Kirsch
Captain Snow was injured by the vaccine; he almost died minutes after landing. Yoder thinks we may need to disqualify 30% of pilots due to vaccine injury. There is no one to take their place.
Quick summary
Vaccine injury cover-up is in the interest of all affected parties (except the flying public), so don’t expect a solution anytime soon. Flying will be Russian roulette for a while.
For passenger safety, every cockpit should have at least one unvaccinated pilot. When the truth gets out, expect a huge pilot shortage, and lots of class actions by pilots that lose their license to fly.
The same vaccine injuries are happening to our military. Did you notice that they never explained the cause of the crash of the Navy F-35 fighter jet? They know that if they can keep it out of the news, the problem just “goes away” (along with a $100M plane).
[Ed.: There is a relatively small amount of jabbed airplane pilots compared to the number of jabbed drivers on the roads! Talk amongst yourselves…]
12. From Healthy to Disabled, All Because of the COVID Jab
The young girl in this video regrets getting the COVID shot. After just one vaccine, she went from being perfectly healthy to disabled — she’s unable to walk and has to be hospitalized for her injuries.
11. 13-Year-Old Dies From Cardiac Arrest Days After Pfizer Shot
This video footage shows paramedics as they try to resuscitate 13-year-old Weverton Silva, who had collapsed due to cardiac arrest, but their efforts were in vain. Just days before, Silva received the Pfizer COVID shot.
[Ed.: Murdered by mandate…]
10. E-Cigs Alter the Inflammatory State of Brain, Heart, Lungs, Colon
New research done at the University of California, San Diego, shows that daily use of e-cigarettes changes the inflammatory status of numerous organs in the body.
The study concentrated on the JUUL brand and its most popular flavors, mint and mango. Effects of the pod-based cigs varied depending on the flavor. The most striking effects, the study’s authors said, were seen in the brain.
In the colon, gene expression increased, while in the heart inflammatory markers decreased — an issue that worried the researchers: “This state of immunosuppression could make cardiac tissue more vulnerable to infection,” they wrote in a review.
9. It Tastes so Good, but Is It Poisoning Your Loved Ones? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Could you be doing everything you’ve been told is healthy and still be poisoning your loved ones? This former triathlete’s experience says yes, but she made this switch and saw dramatic results within weeks – and all the chronic health problems disappeared in just six months.
- A documentary film by Jeffrey Smith and Amy Hart shows the dramatic effects an organic diet can have on those with chronic conditions
- Prenatal exposure to ambient pesticides has been linked to autism spectrum disorder with comorbid intellectual disability
- Infertility and precocious puberty may improve with an organic diet
- Glyphosate depletes important nutrients in humans, plants and animals that eat the plants
- Even nonfood crops like cotton are now sprayed with dangerous chemicals, and 300 million acres worldwide now have herbicide-resistant weeds
8. ! Mental Health Crisis Driven by Public Health Policy Trauma Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
The COVID ‘Side Effect’ Almost 1 in 3 Now Suffer
To treat everyone, each of these 33,000 specialists would have to see approximately 3,000 patients a year – which simply isn’t feasible. Here’s how you can help, if you’re not a victim.
- The United States is facing a mental health crisis, experts say, noting we’re in dire need of more mental health professionals
- Nearly 1 in 3 — 27.3% — of American adults now struggle with depression and/or anxiety
- This is the price society is paying for ill-conceived, irrational pandemic measures and nonstop fear-mongering
- To treat everyone, each of the 33,000 practicing psychiatrists in the U.S. would have to see approximately 3,000 patients a year — a patient load that simply isn’t feasible
- Those of us who have not succumbed to irrational fear (or worked our way out of it) can act as a lifeline to others by sharing information that empowers rather than enforces fear, and by being role models in the way we live our lives
7. ! For Anyone Under 80, Covid “Vaccines” Are Deadlier Than Covid Itself JD Rucker
The data makes it clear that for just about every American, there is no reason to get the jabs. Some would argue that it doesn’t make sense for anyone. But for some reason, the data is being ignored.
Editor’s Commentary: It doesn’t take a scientist to be able to look at the statistical data surrounding the Covid jabs and come to the conclusion they’re more dangerous than the disease itself. For the vast majority of Americans, this is crystal clear. For even those who are considered to be the most vulnerable, arguments can be made that their vulnerability is not enough justification based on the risks.
These jabs are not what we’re being told they are. This is why they had to change the definition of the word “vaccine” itself. Otherwise, they have no resemblance to the immunity-building purpose of getting inoculated. That fact seems to have been lost on the masses. I covered all of this on the latest episode of End Medical Tyranny based on the article below by Ethan Huff from Natural News…
6. After rocket fire: IAF attacks structure with chemical materials Elad Benari
IAF attacks terror targets in Gaza Strip following rocket attack on Sderot. Meanwhile, sirens again sound in south.
IAF fighter jets on Wednesday night attacked a military post and the opening of a terrorist tunnel which leads to a central underground structure with chemical raw materials used to manufacture rocket engines.
5. Arabs riot on the Temple Mount, fire explosives at police officers
Arab rioters clash with security forces before Jews ascend Temple Mount for the last time until Ramadan ends.
The clashes on the Temple Mount have resumed, ahead of the last time Jews will be permitted to ascend the Mount until the end of the Muslim holiday of Ramadan.
On Wednesday, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett announced that due to the Arab violence on the Temple Mount, the site would be closed to Jews beginning Friday and through the end of Ramadan.
4. Inventing Palestinian Arab History, destroying biblical evidence Dr. Alex Grobman
What more inventive way can there be to delegitimize the Jewish state? Especially since the Bible jclearly says whose land it is. And where the Temples stood. Op-ed.
In the face of clear historical evidence, Arabs often deny the Jewish historical connection to the land, especially the city of Jerusalem. They do this rhetorically and have used heavy equipment to destroy archeological sites of immense importance. “Today, both the U.N. and Palestinian leadership are seeking to erase the Jewish and Christian heritage of Jerusalem,” asserted Ze’ev Orenstein, director of International Affairs for the City of David, an archeological site for ancient Jerusalem in a report to Fox News.
“The Palestinian Authority has undertaken a very carefully and purposefully orchestrated program of historical revisionism, in an attempt to blur and eventually erase the Jewish connection to the Land of Israel,” according to Naomi Kahn, Regavim’s international spokesperson. “Because Judea and Samaria are the cradle of Jewish history, these areas are quite naturally the focal points of this insidious campaign.”
Journalist David Sidman reported the Palestinian Authority (PA) paved a new road adjacent to the altar of Joshua on Mt. Ebal, north of Shechem in Samaria. Stones that are part of one of the sides of an ancient fence were destroyed. Samaria Regional Council chairman Yossi Dagan said that “Joshua’s altar isn’t the only archaeological site being demolished: “From the National Park of Ancient Samaria through Tel Aroma to the altar of Joshua son of Nun, it is shocking to see how the Palestinian Authority brazenly destroys the archeological sites dear to all mankind.”
3. Situation Update, April 20, 2022 – America is RUNNING OUT of military munitions and can’t replace them FOR YEARS [1:07:59 0:00 Intro, 8:05 News section, 15:00 Suicide, 26:15 Military crisis] Mike Adams
Just as Russia has now completed the test firing of its global ICBM “Sarmat” missile system — which can reach any target anywhere in the world with a dizzying array of re-entry (nuclear) vehicles — alarm bells are being sounded over America’s rapid depletion of munitions due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
2. Tucker Carlson BLASTS The Washington Post Over Attack on Libs of TikTok Account [11:21] Brigitte Gabriel
‘We ofays submit to, and also support Black Racism. So, please don’t attack our house!’
[Ed.: Let’s step up to the plate and finally face it: nobody’s lives matter, today.]