Daily Shmutz | 042322

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)


Although it was not Jerusalem Day, Jews held a Jerusalem flag march to the Old City as a protest against the rising tide of arab terror in Israel – especially in Jerusalem.

Although the flag march was rerouted to go through Shaar Yaffo instead of Shaar Shchem, the march still went on. About 400 marchers took part. Prime Minister Bennett banned MK Ben Gvir of Otzmah from reaching Shaar Shchem. He countered by establishing a makeshift office just outside of the Old City.

With Jerusalem on edge as Ramadan and Pesach converged together, Hamas threatened to start a fresh round of violence if the Bennett government allowed the march. As of this morning Hamas has already fired three rockets at Sderot.

PM Bennett’s government is on track to disintegrate after the Pesach recess is over, ultimately proving that a diverse coalition, dependent on arabs does not work in Israel.

[Ed,:  Oh-oh!  We incited the bastards!  Now we’re in trouble...]

21.  !!!  WATCH: Tucker Carlson Discusses Food Processing Plants Across the Country Catching Fire, Over a Dozen Factories Destroyed, Including Two THIS WEEK in Plane Crashes  [3:39]  By Julian Conradson

With the cost of energy skyrocketing and record-breaking inflation, the Biden administration came out last month and warned the public about “food shortages” hitting the US.

Naturally, like with the ‘Putin price hike’, fingers were pointed at the war in Ukraine for causing the shortages.

Biden himself was even trotted out by his handlers, warning that the shortages in the US would be nothing short of “real.”

[Ed.: Planned and deliberate ‘food shortages’ by our government against us!  Imagine that!  Imagine that we go along with that!  Imagine if we didn’t…]

20.   Charges Dropped Against Memphis BLM Founder Convicted of Illegal Voter Registration, Will Not Have to Serve Her Six Year Sentence     By Cassandra Fairbanks

Charges have been dropped against the founder of Black Lives Matter Memphis who was convicted of illegal voter registration, despite the fact that she was already sentenced to six years in prison.

Tennessee prosecutors dropped all charges against Pamela Moses on Friday.

Moses was sentenced to six years and one day in prison in January for her 2019 scheme.

After being granted a new trial, prosecutors opted to drop the charges entirely — claiming that the 82 days she served in prison was sufficient.

[Ed.:  Wadda’ pisser, no?  Black lives do not matter to Black Lives Matter any more than fascists matter to Antifa.  Both names are a misleading ‘play on words’ meant to deceive the public by reversal.  White people (ofays/crackers) fall for it though because we’re NPR listening suckers!  ‘Black Lives Matter,’ my ofay/cracker ass!]

19.   The New York Times’ latest “news” on Tanzania shows (again) that the Gray Lady is a racist liar                    Mark Crispin Miller

The Big Lie about John Magufuli’s death, and the true toll of COVID in his country, is fake news at its very worst, and the Gray Lady will be held accountable for telling it (and not just that one)

If you want to know what’s really happening today, and what isn’t really happening, you can do no better than to read the New York Times—not as “America’s newspaper of record,” providing “all the news that’s fit to print,” and doing that essential job “without fear or favor,” but as a negative oracle, whose loudest claims are always false, and which either misreports or totally blacks out the news that matters most to all the rest of us.

It is amazing—after all we’ve been through I still can’t believe it—how consistently, and brazenly, the Times “reports” as truth what is not true, and with such smug conviction, as if it always were correcting what it calls “fake news,” instead of spreading it like poison gas. Those “journalists” who churn out such poisonous crapola (and not just for the Times) are perfectly equipped for it, not so much by a psychopathic aptitude for lying (though there is that among them), as by the functionary’s readiness to think what s/he’s been told to think (and what assures him/her a salary and prestige); and that flexibility has been enhanced by their indoctrination with “woke” ideology in high school, college and j-school, leaving them less interested in the craft of journalism, and in using it to seek, and tell, what we might call “the truth,” than in hammering the gongs of “social justice.”

And while such “journalists” have by-lines in the New York Times, which pays them well to re-affirm the Big Lies propagated through “our free press” overall, real journalists are mostly here on Substack, most barely scraping by, their work known only to a relatively few discerning readers. This is, of course, not just a drag (to say the least) for those real journalists, but an ongoing disaster for the rest of us worldwide, as millions all throughout the West have no idea what’s really going on, because they’ve either never heard of those reporters who would tell them, or, if they have, are likely not to trust them, having been warned off them by the character assassins at the Times (and all the other “liberal media”).

18.  55-Year-Old Man Develops Nasty Skin Rashes After COVID Jab  [4:00]

The man in this video shows the severe skin reaction he developed after getting the COVID shot: red, itchy and flakey rashes that appeared all over his legs, along with spots on his abdomen.

17.   When You Cook with This, Toxic Compounds Are Released    Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

It’s sold under nine different brand names, so be careful as it’s also been shown to promote diabetes and metabolic syndrome – opposite to what you’ve been told. Want the untold truth? Read this.


  • Cooking with sucralose generates chloropropanols, part of a class of toxins known as dioxins, which have been linked to cancer and endocrine disruption. Other toxic compounds created when sucralose is exposed to heat include polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans
  • Research shows sucralose — sold under brand names such as Splenda, Splenda Zero, Zero-Cal, Sukrana, Apriva, SucraPlus, Candys, Cukren and Nevella — is metabolized and accumulates in fat cells
  • Many studies have linked artificial sweeteners to an increased risk for obesity, insulin resistance, Type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome — the very conditions for which the sweeteners are promoted
  • Sucralose reduces gut bacteria by as much as 50%, preferentially targeting bacteria known to have important human health benefits. Splenda has also been shown to exacerbate gut inflammation and intensify symptoms in people with Crohn’s disease
  • Research published in 2016 found male mice experienced a significant dose-related increase in malignant tumors and cancer of the blood, bone marrow and the lymphatic system when fed higher doses of sucralose

16.   What Is COVID Injection Fatality Rate?  [32:20]    Analysis by Tessa Lena

A great ‘Perspectives on the Pandemic’ interview with Dr. Spiro Pantazatos.


  • Dr. Spiro Pantazatos is a researcher at Columbia University who recently co-authored a study on “vaccine-induced fatality rate”
  • His initial reaction to the COVID pandemic was 100% mainstream, and it was the data (and his scientific integrity) that compelled him to change his mind
  • Dr. Spiro Pantazatos believes that the risk associated with COVID injections is comparable to the risk associated with getting COVID in 2020, with the injection risks increasing with each dose
  • His message for the fellow scientists is to find their voice and stop being silent

15.   The Biological Weapons Convention does not prohibit biological weapons.   Robert W Malone MD, MS

An overlooked loophole allows development, manufacture and stockpiling for prophylactic, protective or other peaceful purposes


13.   ‘The Jerusalem Report’ With Ilana  [23:49]   Rachel Daniel

‘The Jerusalem Report’ Season 2 Episode 15: How Far We’ve Come, Season Finale

In the season finale of “Jerusalem Report,” host Ilana Rachel Daniel takes viewers through a season of powerful moments, critical headlines, jaw-dropping data and two years of Israeli COVID policies. “Overnight they created a second-class citizenry and a true medical apartheid.”

12.  ‘Financial Rebellion’ With Catherine Austin Fitts  [43:15]

The revolution will not be centralized. Financial Rebellion is a weekly show featuring Catherine Austin Fitts and attorney Carolyn Betts, General Counsel of Solari, Inc. who call upon their years of experience in the financial and legal sectors to provide us with the tools we need to powershift our money and reclaim financial independence from the monopolizing grip of the central banks and digital currency titans.

11.   Dr. Scott W. Atlas: An American Hero     By Cherie Zaslawsky

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. –George Orwell

They say crises bring out the best and the worst in people. They also often inspire a few gallant men and women to rise to the occasion at great cost to themselves—whether that involves risking their livelihoods, reputations, or even their lives—to fight for the rest of us.

Dr. Scott Atlas, Senior Fellow in Health Policy at Stanford’s highly acclaimed Hoover Institute, former professor and Chief of Neuroradiology at Stanford University Medical Center,  Founding Fellow of Hillsdale College’s Academy for Science and Freedom in Washington, D.C., is one such hero, as he sounded the alarm over the nation’s disastrous lockdown/shutdown policies to fight a microbe.

When President Trump got wind of Atlas’ scientific and rational approach to keeping the vulnerable safe while sending everyone else back to school or work, he invited the doctor to come to the White House to enlighten the Task Force and the public as to how to proceed for the good of all.

Predictably, Atlas was subsequently roundly condemned in our national Pravda media, and perhaps even more disgracefully, by no fewer than ninety-eight of his colleagues at Stanford, who couldn’t wait to virtue signal by distancing themselves from one of their peers who dared to challenge the group think Covid narrative by speaking the truth.

10.  ! Participants In Moderna’s mRNA Booster Shot Clinical Trials Keep Dying

Participants in Moderna’s clinical trials for its mRNA booster Covid shots keep dying.

And Moderna keeps obscuring their deaths.

9.  Russian Forces Eliminate Ukraine [Nazi] Forces Using Apartment As Firing Position  [5:13]                                 Patrick Lancaster  674,753 views  Apr 20, 2022

The Remaining Ukrainian Forces in Mariupol have groups of soldiers In and around the Azovstal plant  using civilian buildings as firing position and in this special report I am with Russian Forces as they engage and Eliminate Ukraine Forces Using an Apartment Building As Firing Position. In this report the Ukrainian firing position inside and apartment building appears to be destroyed by Russian heavy fire including airstrikes, tanks, RPGs, cannon and small arms fire.

8.   Fraudulent Studies And Arson: Bill Gates & Company Did Everything Possible To Kill Early Treatment   [VIDEO 5:56]    BY ZACH HEILMAN

“You cannot grant an emergency use authorization for a vaccine if there is an existing drug…”


[Ed.:  This is the side that Israel and the U.S. are supporting! But us Jews in Israel, and us Americans in the U.S. don’t like Nazis.  So why are our governments using our tax money to fortify Nazis?  It’s a paradox!]

6.  !!! Rockefeller Foundation President Starts Countdown Until All Hell Breaks Loose    BY TYLER DURDEN

Rockefeller Foundation President Rajiv Shah told Bloomberg Television’s David Westin a “massive, immediate food crisis” is on the horizon.

Shah provides what could be a timeline for the next global food crisis that could begin “in the next six months.” 

He said global fertilizer supply disruptions caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine would have an “even worse” impact on the crisis, slashing crop yields worldwide.

Shah said debt relief and emergency aid for emerging market countries are needed to mitigate the effects of the food crisis.

Shah’s appearance on Bloomberg is interesting because of the foundation’s repetitive talk about the need for the global food supply to be reset to a more sustainable one. The foundation has closely aligned views with the World Economic Forum (WEF), advocating for a ‘global reset‘.

[Ed.:  Deliberate and planned food shortages!]

5.   Why Is the Biden Administration Determined to Help Terrorist Iran Get a Bomb?     by Majid Rafizadeh  

  • Why would any administration in its right mind permit an official state sponsor of terrorism, the Islamic Republic of Iran, to have nuclear weapons, as well as billions of dollars that will assuredly not be used for a “GI Bill for returning members of the Revolutionary Guard”?
  • Just this week, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan called Iran, a “sponsor of terrorism.”
  • With Biden’s deal, restrictions on the regime’s nuclear program would be lifted only two years after the agreement is signed, permitting the regime to enrich uranium at any level it desires and spin as many uranium enrichment centrifuges as it wants.
  • Astonishingly, Russia will be trusted to be the country that stores Iran’s enriched uranium, and Moscow will get paid for this mission. More uranium for Russia? How nifty: maybe Putin can use it for his next “Ukraine” — in Poland, Sweden or France?
  • The new deal will not address Iran’s ballistic missile program, meaning that the Tehran regime will continue attacking other nations with its ballistic missiles, provide missiles to its proxy militias in other countries, and advance the range of its intercontinental ballistic missiles to reach the US territories. Iran could even use shorter-range ballistic missiles to reach the US, perhaps launched from Venezuela or Cuba, where Iran is already deeply entrenched.
  • To meet the Iranian leaders’ demands, the new deal will most likely include removal from the terrorist list of the IRGC, which has killed countless Americans, both on American soil and off.
  • The Islamic Republic of Iran began murdering Americans in Beirut in 1983, and also had a hand in the 9/11 attacks.
  • The Biden administration, if it actually cares about peace in the region — a subject that seems open to question — would do well to listen to the warnings of these many US military leaders and Congressmen, and refuse to revive the disastrous nuclear deal. It will only a make even more dangerous a country that the US State Department itself has called “the world’s worst sponsor of state terrorism,” as well as frankly creating an unnecessary security threat in the region, Europe and the US.

4.   NIH Spent $246 Million Getting Animals Stoned

According to a new analysis by a group opposed to publicly-funded animal research, federal grant winners breached the law by investing an approximate $246 million in taxpayer cash on cannabis and e-cigarette animal tests. Taxpayers paid an approximate $1.5 million for pregnant mice to be treated with marijuana metabolites in the research.

3.   Italy Creates New Social Credit App To Reward Citizens For Virtuous Behavior

Social credit apps, if poorly developed or used, can lead to serious limitations on, and violations of, citizens’ rights and freedoms, as well as discriminatory practices. Nevertheless, Italy has created a new social credit app to reward citizens for virtuous behavior.

2.   Inflation, Quick and Dirty    By Jeff Deist

All of a sudden everyone is an expert on inflation. Your brother-in-law, your local paper, and even dilettantes at dubious outlets like the Washington Post or The Atlantic feel compelled to explain our current predicament. With the admitted rate of consumer inflation running somewhere around 8 percent, and the real rate much higher, even central bankers can’t hide the reality from us. So the commentariat has to explain to us why this is happening and make sure we blame the mysterious workings of capitalism for our troubles.

In other words, economics is back. Covid was a nice diversion, and Ukraine took up all the media’s oxygen for a few months. But now we must deal with the economic devastation caused both by lockdowns and two years of crazed fiscal and monetary policy. Everyday Americans, stubborn as they are, care more about rising gas and food prices than the political class would like. So they trot out Nancy Pelosi to explain how government spending actually reduces inflation and push pseudoeconomic ideas like modern monetary theory to explain why more federal spending is always the cure.

But what is really happening?


1. !!! Pattern of fires striking food facilities across the USA suggests ARSON TEAMS are burning down America’s food production infrastructure    by: Mike Adams

(Natural News) A pattern of fires striking food facilities across the United States suggests that arson team are targeting food facilities for destruction. This theory, if confirmed, is consistent with other engineered tactics now being deployed to destroy food abundance in America:

  • The partial halting of grain and fertilizer deliveries by Union Pacific railroad, which is largely owned by Blackrock and Vanguard investment funds.
  • The mass culling of chickens and turkeys, using fraudulent PCR testing to claim there’s another “bird flu epidemic” that requires the mass destruction of egg-producing chickens (and other birds used for meat).
  • The government paying farmers to plow their crops under, effectively incentivizing the destruction of the food supply.
  • Joe Biden’s dismantling of America’s energy infrastructure (pipelines, drilling, etc.) which directly impacts agriculture, creating vastly increased prices for farming inputs such as fuel and fertilizer.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.