Daily Shmutz | 042422

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

11.   ! Genetically modified mosquitoes, a potential antidote to deadly diseases

The US approved the release of billions of genetically modified mosquitoes to reduce the transmission of diseases but critics point to possible unintended consequences.

Can genetically modified animals combat the spread of deadly diseases? The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EFA) thinks so.  The agency has approved the release of over 2 billion mosquitoes that were genetically altered specifically to reduce the transmission of deadly transmissible diseases such as Zika, chikungunya, dengue, and yellow fever.

The program in Florida and California will be put into action by the British biotechnology company Oxitec that genetically modify the mosquitos, mainly male Aedes aegypti eggs, in a lab. The mosquitos then will mate with females, only to pass the modified gene that would kill the female offspring. As a result, only the male offspring will stay alive as only the female ones spread the disease. The project also needs the approval of both states’ regulators and will be carried out in partnership with the Delta Mosquito and Vector Control district in Tulare county.

The company said in a statement on March 8 that the technology’s effectiveness will be demonstrated in different climate settings.

The program is considered experimental but the idea isn’t new. Last year in April, workers from the company released 12,000 male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in the Florida Keys as the first leg of the trial.

May disrupt the ecological system

Oxitec calls the program safe and sustainable and claims it effectively controls the disease-transmitting Aedes aegypti mosquito, which has invaded communities in Florida, California, and other US states.

But critics of the program doubt that the program’s possible unwanted consequences are well thought out and fear that the company may fix a problem while creating another.

[Ed.:  We’re supposed to believe their claims.  Right. The question arises though:  would a genetically modified humanoid itch of a genetically modified mosquito bit them?]

10.   !! Dr. Zalenko  [2:50]

9.   Meet the Guys That Censor You!  [6:40]  AwakenWithJP   Co-starring @Brent Pella

For the first time ever, meet the guys that censor you! The mission of the people working the censorship on social media and main stream media will touch your heart!

8.  !!! As Speculation Grows That Rash of Food Facility Fires Are Intentional, Here’s a List to See for Yourself   JD Rucker

There have been more fires and other major accidents at food processing facilities in the last few weeks than in the previous decade. The odds of it all being a coincidence seem infinitesimal.

There’s been an unexpected reaction to the story and show I posted recently about my suspicions that over a dozen food processing facility “accidents” across North America have been intentional. Generally, these types of theories get supported by the more conspiratorially minded folks while the more mainstream thinkers object. With this particular story, I’ve seen an odd mix. Some of full-blown conspiracy theorists have ignored or refuted the claim while some mainline conservatives have embraced it.

To me, it seems very clear that it’s far beyond the realm of possibility that these are random events. My search for food processing plant fires, explosions, and other industrial “accidents” in the decade prior to this year yielded far fewer results than we’ve seen in recent weeks. Considering the penchant of the globalist elites to want to dismantle capitalism by sending western society into an apocalyptic spiral, this would be right up their alley.

Most who give credence to the notion that these haven’t been accidents tend to blame Russia. As has been demonstrated through many hacks over the years, it’s possible to cripple entire Iranian nuclear facilities by simply bypassing safety protocols and ordering machines to intentionally overheat. Russia has arguably the most adept hackers in the world. The sanctions against them following the launch of the Ukraine war would be all the incentive they’d need to try to hurt us and other western nations as a way to indirectly pressure us to lift sanctions for the sake of self-preservation.

However, I’m not ready to jump on the “blame Russia” bandwagon. It isn’t just because most “blame Russia” narratives have been proven false in recent years. It’s because the globalist elites at the World Economic Forum seem just as likely to perpetrate these evil acts as Russia would.

A List Of 16 Major Fires That Have Occurred At Key Food Industry Facilities In The U.S. Since The Start Of 2022

[Ed.:  All speculation aside, let there be no doubt about it:  the fires at the food processing facilities are intentional and deliberate.  So too, are the reduction in fertilizer transport by rails.  The Deep State is systematically creating a food shortage in the U.S., period. Additionally, they are creating energy shortages, monetary devaluation, and population reduction at the same time.  IE, they are creating decimation of old-world nation states to enforce their “New World Order”. I am unanimous about this!]

7.  !! Official Government reports prove the Fully Vaccinated have been suffering Antibody- Dependent Enhancement since the turn of the year

Intensive research conducted by health experts throughout the years has brought to light increasing concerns about “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement” (ADE), a phenomenon where vaccines make the disease far worse by priming the immune system for a potentially deadly overreaction.

Unfortunately, official data published by the UK Health Security Agency strongly suggests the fully vaccinated population in England have been suffering Antibody-Dependent Enhancement since the beginning of 2022. With figures showing the fully jabbed are up to 2 times more likely to be hospitalised with Covid-19, and 2 times more likely to die of Covid-19.

6.  !! Moderna’s Covid “Vaccines” Are Injecting Toxic Lab-Grade SM102 into People   BY RHODA WILSON 

Moderna’s Covid injection — which has been administered more than 121 million times since the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) granted it an emergency use authorisation in December — includes 10 ingredients,” Factcheck.org wrote in May 2021, “it uses an ingredient called SM-102 to deliver the mRNA.”

So, what is SM-102 and is it harmful? Let’s find out wrote Jessica Rose.

5.  !!!  FBI Warns of Targeted Cyber Attacks On Food Plants After Mysterious Rash Of Fires                                            BY TYLER DURDEN

The FBI’s Cyber Division published a notice this past week warning about increased cyber-attack threats on agricultural cooperatives, which comes at a time when a curious string of fires and explosions damage major food processing plants across the country.

“Ransomware actors may be more likely to attack agricultural cooperatives during critical planting and harvest seasons, disrupting operations, causing financial loss, and negatively impacting the food supply chain,” the notice read, adding 2021 and early 2022 ransomware attacks on farming co-ops could affect the current planting season “by disrupting the supply of seeds and fertilizer.”

The agency warned, “A significant disruption of grain production could impact the entire food chain, since grain is not only consumed by humans but also used for animal feed … In addition, a significant disruption of grain and corn production could impact commodities trading and stocks. “

The FBI’s warning comes as “nearly two dozen food processing facilities across Canada and the US” have experienced a “string of fires, plane crashes and explosions,” according to The Western Standard.

4.   Paraguay is seeing a surge in German migrants, fleeing Islamic migrants in their own country and onerous coronavirus restrictions.

“We have a problem in Germany with Muslims,” said one of the exiles, adding: “Islam and vaccinations are big, big problems in this world.”

The German, named as Michael Schwartz and said to have arrived in Paraguay in November 2021, told the BBC that he had avoided taking coronavirus vaccinations — which the German health minister wants to make compulsory, although there is resistance to the policy in the federal legislature — because there are “many questions” around them, suggesting that “many Paraguayans” share his stance.

Stephan Hausen, another German emigrée who arrived in Paraguay with his family in the same month as Schwartz, raised similar concerns, in particular about “continuous” lockdowns which had left him “dumbfounded”.

“That was the final straw,” he said — although like Schwartz he also expressed concerns about Islamic migration to Germany.


“SECRET Gender Transition Closets,” Where Young Children Can “Trans” Without Their Parents’ Knowledge, Are Popping Up At Schools Across the Country

2.   Part XXVI: Conclusion to Press Report   Alex Grobman PhD.

When American Jews finally accepted that Jews in Europe were being systematically annihilated, it did not dampen their belief in the ultimate defeat of Hitler or in the inevitability of Jewish survival. In the Contemporary Jewish Record, The American Jewish Committee placed events in perspective: “no amount of bad news from the battlefront can dim the hopes for the success of an eventual peace conference nor still the discussion of postwar problems and solutions.” Until that time, most Jews believed their only recourse was to intensify their efforts for postwar preparations; increase their help to the US and its Allies; extend more aid and relief to European Jewry, and remind the Nazis their atrocities against the Jews would be punished at the end of the war.

Although the American press gave only sporadic attention to the condition of Polish Jewry during the four months of the war in Europe in 1939, this improved somewhat throughout the war. While space allotted for reports of Jewish persecution varied, the American press provided some essential information, especially about the atrocities. Publicly acknowledging this information in the American press, was important, since many Jews became skeptical about the veracity of the reports if they were not published in the American press. The JTA, which reported on murders in Eastern Europe, and the Yiddish press provided almost daily accounts of Jewish suffering. Information was also available in the Anglo-Jewish press. At times, reports were exaggerated and fragmentary, but enough data was available to form a general idea of the tragedy occurring to the Jewish people. Information was neither limited to upper echelons nor its dissemination restricted. The Jewish press continually admonished American Jews for failing to adopt a more aggressive response. The press did not believe this weak reaction was based on ignorance of the facts.

Though it can be argued that only a small fraction of American Jews read the JTA, the Yiddish and Anglo-Jewish press, the editorials reflect the view that information was common knowledge in the American Jewish community. Reports of the mass murder of  Russian Jews began to appear in July 1941. By late 1941, it was accepted fact by some that Jewish communities were systematically and methodically murdered. S. Bertrand Jacobson, a JDC representative in Eastern Europe, reported the use of poison gas in March 1942. and that it was Nazi policy to exterminate all the Jews under their control.

1.  WATCH: Tucker SHREDS Obama Following Thursday’s ‘Disinformation’ Speech: “He’s a Full-Blown Fascist Who Hates You”     By Julian Conradson

Tucker SHREDS Obama

On Thursday, Barack Obama called for more government oversight aimed at censoring free speech online.

As if it isn’t bad enough already with just Big Tech trampling on America’s first amendment rights, Obama wants to take things to a whole new level and unleash the corrupt deep state to silence dissent.

Unsurprisingly, Hillary was nipping at Obama’s heels, also parroting the same dystopian agenda this week.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.