BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).
‘Faith Not Fear!’
Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines! (B2EN THE//S)
20. Biden’s ‘Minister of Truth’ Nina Jankowicz Called for Facebook to Censor Breitbart JOEL B. POLLAK
Nina Jankowicz, the chair of the new Disinformation Governance Board in the Department of Homeland Security, wanted Facebook to censor Breitbart News, joining the left’s calls for Silicon Valley to censor conservative news outlets in 2019.
[Ed.: To tell you the truth, America’s new ‘Minister of Truth’ is really the minister of censorship. Time to stifel ourselves!]
The prices of U.S. farm products continued to rise in March, reflecting the inflationary pressures gripping the U.S. economy and fears that the war in Ukraine and sanctions and Russia could lead to food shortages around the globe.
The Department of Agriculture said Friday that its index of prices received by U.S. farmers increased 6.3 percent from February and 31 percent from March 2021. The index tracks prices paid by initial buyers from U.S. farms, the first step of the food production chain in the U.S.
The index that tracks the costs farmers pay for commodities, services, taxes, interest and wages rose 1.4 percent from February and 13 percent from March 2021.
Crop prices were up 5.6 percent from last month and 23 percent from the previous year. Livestock prices increased 6.7 percent from February and were up 39 percent compared with a year ago.
[Ed.: I’m already real tired of enemies running my country, aren’t you? Did we learn the lesson Trump was trying to teach us when he walked away from office after we elected him and they stole the election? I know I learned my lesson! Thanks I needed that, Donald, for the education that the enemy is running our country.]
18. Dirtbag Bill Barr Who Willfully Ignored DOJ Criminal Spying on Trump and 2020 Election Fraud Says Trump Should Not be GOP’s Candidate in 2024 By Jim Hoft
Former Attorney General Bill Barr was out shooting his mouth off again on Thursday. The former failed Attorney General, who had an opportunity to clean out the corrupt Department of Justice and FBI but DIDN’T, has been making the rounds lately trying to resurrect his image after willfully ignoring the greatest crime of the century — the stolen 2020 election.
Bill Barr allowed the DOJ to get away with spying on candidate Trump, attempting a coup against President Trump, and pushing an impeachment against Trump based on a call to the Ukrainian leader based on Hunter Biden’s crimes when BILL BARR was in possession of the laptop from hell.
Before, during, and after the 2020 election Bill Barr ignored reports of ballot trafficking, ignored reports of GOP observers being pushed out of counting rooms, shut down the USPS trailer trafficking investigation, ignored the mysterious call to shutdown counting early in swing states, and ignored the late night ballot dumps.
Bill Barr needs to go away. [Emphasis added]
[Ed.: Bill Barr needs to go away. Send him away to Guantanamo Bay!]
17. !! Confirmed: Liz Cheney’s J6 Committee Is Now Holding Onto Evidence that FBI Was Running Operatives During the Jan. 6 Protests — WILL THEY LIE ABOUT THIS TOO? By Jim Hoft
On Thursday afternoon, September 30th, at 3:45 PM Eastern the FBI raided Jeremy Brown’s home and arrested Jeremy. The charge is trespassing. The FBI sent 20 vehicles for his arrest. DHS and Pinellas County law enforcement were also present. The FBI was in Jeremy’s home for 5-and-a-half hours looking for evidence.
The FBI searched his house, RV, and trailer. Then they arrested Jeremy and took him away.
Jeremy’s family contacted The Gateway Pundit the next morning.
[Ed.: That FBI can’t seem to stay out’a trouble!]
16. ! FBI Conducted Millions of Searches of Americans’ Electronic Data in 2021 without a Warrant By Cristina Laila
“In the first half of the year, there were a number of large batch queries related to attempts to compromise U.S. critical infrastructure by foreign cyber actors,” according to the report, Bloomberg reported. “These queries, which included approximately 1.9 million query terms related to potential victims — including U.S. persons — accounted for the vast majority of the increase in U.S. person queries conducted by FBI over the prior year.”
The ACLU called the FBI’s warrantless spying an invasion of privacy ‘on an enormous scale.’
[Ed.: The FBI is bad to the bone!]
15. ! The University of Pennsylvania’s China Connections and the Alleged Attempted Assassination of Chinese Whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan Guest post by Lawrence Sellen, PhD
According to Peter Schweizer, author of “Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win,” the Chinese Communist Party undermines the United States through a strategy Beijing calls “elite capture, whereby, American business, political and academic leaders are offered sweetheart deals and other benefits, making them unresponsive to the threat posed by China or even supportive of its global ambitions.
Joe Biden has been long criticized for his family’s past coziness with China, most notably his son Hunter Biden forging deals with Chinese firms.
14. !! R&B Medical War Crimes #37 – Israeli Lawyer Yair Biran [1:07:37] Chananya Weissman
Yair Biran is an Israeli lawyer and activist who was involved in the protest against this oppression from the beginning. He has written and performed rap songs of protest and reggae songs of praise to God. As a lawyer he recently started an initiative to replace the current justice system, which he describes as based on the values of the Tanakh and the prophets, which is called “mishpat shalom” – judgement of peace (Zechariah 8:16).
[Ed.: I am uplifted by this interview.]
13. How the World Economic Forum Uses Newspeak to Wage War Analysis by Tessa Lena
For centuries, invaders and reformers have been using ‘newspeak’ as a weapon. Today’s ‘newspeak’ of the World Economic Forum is a weapon against all of us.
- The use of “newspeak” is a military grade methodology of “hacking” our instincts and tricking us into acting against our best interests
- In the natural world, the method of “disguising as a friend” exists strictly as a hunting technique — but today, it is applied by the power holders to the entire population
- For centuries, invaders and reformers have been using upside-down language to confuse the enemy and recruit loyal supporters
- Since 2020, we have seen many definitions changed, from medical terms to things like “compassion” and “freedom”
- World Economic Forum’s Global Shapers Community is a recruitment effort designed to eventually misplace those who want to live in the “old normal”
12. !!! Parents Beware: They’re After Your Children [9:46] Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
The Psychological Tools They’re Using on Us, Cradle to Grave
If you’re a parent, watch out, these government-endorsed predators want to shape and mold your children’s minds. They’ve got the tools to do it, too, including programming that relabels and changes words to alter perception of reality. Here’s how they’re building prison walls around you using your own money.
- Psychological obedience training is being used to control the global population, from cradle to grave. The technocratic elite are after our children, and they’re using a variety of psychological tools to shape and mold them. The more we know about their strategies, the better we can protect ourselves and our children from these predators
- The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (HR 3684) grants control over what and when you drive to the transportation system. It will control the type of vehicle you can use and when you can drive. It will control the vehicle-to-grid 5G technology and its kill switches (which will be built in). The bill also includes an integrated payment system and a per-mile driving fee
- The effort to control you starts from birth. Social emotional learning (SEL) is a programming effort that uses the relabeling and changing of words to alter perception of reality and mold children’s beliefs and behaviors
- Companies are collecting and analyzing your child’s personal data to build their social credit score. In addition to demographics and grades, the data collection also includes behavioral information, such as scientific, financial, cultural and civic literacy, and competencies such as critical thinking skills, problem solving, creativity, communication and collaboration, plus character qualities such as curiosity, initiative, persistence, grit, adaptability, leadership, social and cultural awareness
- Unless we refuse to comply or participate, our social credit scores and climate scores will soon dictate everything we can and cannot do in life
11. The Jews who fought back during the Holocaust By Gabriel Groisman, Mayor of Bal Harbour, Florida. Courtesy of Lay of the Land.
Our communal sense of history and peoplehood, and our ties to our religion and traditions, will continue to give us the strength to continue being a light unto the nations while our enemies fall by the wayside.
Last week, leaders from around the world commemorated those who perished at the hands of the Nazis during International Holocaust Remembrance Day. This year, like most, there were statements recognizing and remembering those who were taken from us by people all over the globe. The recognition is critical and something appreciated by all from the Jewish community worldwide.
10. Biden: “Basically, We’re Out Of Money” But Vows Another $33 Billion More For Ukraine By Pamela Geller
Make it stop. The country is falling apart. We are taxed up to our eyeballs and government just make things worse.
We cannot sustain another two years of this fraudulent regime.
9. “Disinformation Governance Board”: Biden’s ‘Ministry of Truth’ To Police Internet Speech By Pamela Geller
This is straight out of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugs where the government annuls the rights of American citizens, and freedom is steadily eroded. Ellsworth Toohey on steroids. it goes against every precept of our first amendment.
The left cannot permit the free exchange of ideas because their failed ideas cannot stand up to scrutiny and challenge. Does it need pointing out that the Democrats are imposing this only after Elon Musk bought Twitter in the defense of free speech?
Freedom of speech is the foundation of a free society. Without it, a tyrant can wreak havoc unopposed, while his opponents are silenced.
8. Muslim Pharmacist Berates, Slaps Coptic Christian Woman for Not Observing Ramadan by Raymond Ibrahim
A Muslim man berated and beat a Coptic Christian woman because she entered his establishment with her head uncovered during Ramadan in Egypt.
According to the Apr. 27, 2022 Arabic language report, Nevin Sobhi, a 30-year-old married mother, went to her local drugstore to pick up some medication for her young son, who accompanied her. On entering, she noticed that the head pharmacist, Dr. Ali Abu Sa‘da (pictured above), was giving her “the evil eye.” Before long, what was in his eyes reached his tongue: he launched into a loud and “hate-filled tirade” against her for daring to enter his store during Ramadan without any head covering and while wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt.
It should be noted that Ali was aware that Nevin was Christian and, therefore, not obligated to observe Ramadan’s rules. When the Copt told him as much, he responded with a violent slap to her face. When the startled woman responded with shock and anger, he slapped her again—all while her scared, young son cried.
7. Tesla Loses $126 Billion Amid Musk Twitter Deal
During the Musk-Twitter deal Tesla lost $126 billion due to a difficult atmosphere shared by many technology-related stocks.
6. Tierney’s REAL News (4/29/22)
Don’t forget. Next week it begins. Please make a plan to see it and share it!
5. BREAKING! Elon Musk Buys Twitter – The Left Melts Down [8:49] Awaken With JP
Elon Musk has bought Twitter! What does this mean for free speech? The left is not happy about it.
4. !!! Imploding IRS Empowers Americans: Cutting Off The Deep State [9:59] Stew Peters Network
The acceptance of Communism has destroyed American society.
Peymon Hottahedeh joins The Stew Peters Show to speak about his thoughts on the matter, and where we move on from here!
3. !!! VAERS Database Hijacked: Vaccine Data Tracker Compromised, Adverse Events Deleted [18:15] Stew Peters Network
Albert Benavides Joins the Stew Peters Show to discuss the truth behind covering the vaccine genocide of children.
2. ! Ominously, Denmark Halts COVID Vaccination Igor Chudov
Denmark Realized the Danger of Vaccination
Hat tip to Steve Kirsch, who wrote about Denmark stopping its COVID vaccination program.
The original article is here. And here. And here. Rejoice.
1. Natural News / Mike Adams
Engineered supply chain shutdowns are “clot shots” against the global economy | |
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If you think of shipping containers as red blood cells, the jamming up of these containers at the locked-down ports in China is the equivalent of blood clots in the human body. For an individual or a society to survive and thrive, resources must smoothly flow and be distributed across the system. Clot shots (covid vaccines) kill people by blocking that flow, just as deliberate shutdowns of port cities creates an economic arterial blockage with devastating effects.
It’s fascinating that the globalists, in their desire to tear down human civilization and achieve mass extermination on a global scale, have resorted to the exact same practice at both the nanotechnology (biological) scale as well as the global macro scale. Meanwhile, the International Energy Agency is calling for “climate lockdowns” to reduce fossil fuel usage, apparently realizing that since the covid lockdowns didn’t exterminate enough people or crush the economy with the desired level of carnage, they need a whole new excuse for yet more lockdowns. It’s all about destroying the global economy and exterminating the human population. Get the full details in today’s feature story and podcast here. P.S. Also today: We’ve announced that we’re engaging in mass donations to health freedom causes for any revenues we receive on the “Propaganda Exposed” docu-series project. The bombshell docu-series begins May 4th and you can watch the episodes at no charge. Get full details here. |
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