Daily Shmutz | 050122

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

23.   “You Can Never Think to the Future Until We Solve the Past, Because It Will Just Happen Again.” – President Trump on Those Who Want to Move On from 2020 Election    By Joe Hoft

President Trump released a statement regarding the media, the election, and their lack of effort to address the 2020 Election steal.  

President Trump shared (emphasis added):

The New York Times said today, in a major article, “Segments featuring Fox’s own reporters consistently drew lower ratings, especially if they were covering stories the audience deemed unfavorable to Mr. Trump.”

The primary thing they don’t want to talk about is the 2020 Rigged Presidential Election. It’s all about that from the Laptop from Hell, to the ballot harvesting scandal, to the Zuckerberg Facebook Unlocked boxes, to cancellation by Big Tech. It’s all having to do with the Election, the most important thing they have ever done, because that’s the one subject they just don’t want to talk about. It was too corrupt, it’s now been proven, and they just want to skate by—they just want this subject to end.

Mitch McConnell and his RINO friends would rather see a Democrat like Biden be president than a Republican like me. It works better for him and his agenda, but it doesn’t work better for our Country. He should have done something about it, and he still should. When a thief robs a jewelry store and gets caught, they have to give back the jewelry. Think of it: The election was rigged and stolen, we found out how, and Republican leadership doesn’t want to do anything about it. They say, “Sir, you’re winning in a landslide, both against Republicans and Democrats. Think to the future, sir. Think to the future.” To which I say, “You can never think to the future until we solve the past, because it will just happen again.”

Everybody go out and study True the Vote and all of the information about illegal ballot harvesting, millions of votes, that’s coming out next week. Also, check out the Dinesh D’Souza documentary, “2000 Mules,” about this scam. You will come away a different person, and say to yourself that our Country’s elections are run worse than those of a third world nation.

[Ed.:  Thank you so very much, Mr. President, for this valuable lesson.  I certainly have learned my lesson, Sir!  So, can we arrest these bastards already, and release our political prisoners, or do you need us to learn more for two and a half more years until you run away from office again, and our country no longer exists? What’s the plan, Sir?   Just askin’!]

22.   “You Cannot Let These Guys Control Discourse in This Country Or We Are Headed to Hell” – CNN Analyst Melts Down Over Musk’s Purchase of Twitter (VIDEO 1:27)    By Cristina Laila

The same leftists who claimed social media isn’t censoring conservatives are melting down over Elon Musk’s decision to buy Twitter.

Elon Musk purchased Twitter for $44 billion dollars last week and the left is not taking it well.

Musk has stated that he believes ‘free speech’ on social media should match the law of the country.

“I am against censorship that goes far beyond the law,” Musk said.

The Biden Regime is so frightened over Musk’s decision to buy Twitter that they responded by creating an Orwellian, unconstitutional “Ministry of Truth.”

Twitter censored the Hunter Biden laptop story shortly before the 2020 election so Joe Biden is working overtime to make sure he has full control over the internet.

The lunatics at CNN are also melting down.

[Ed.:  This guy and I are thinking the exact same thing about each other!  What a coincidence!]


20.   RINOs and Democrats Just Stole Future Elections in Deep Red Alaska — And the Republican Party DID NOT LIFT A FINGER to Stop It    By Jim Hoft

In the coming days Dinesh D’Souza and Salem Media will release the much-anticipated movie “2000 Mules” on the 2020 presidential election heist. The movie will reveal how thousands of ballot traffickers working in all of the battleground states stuffed hundreds of thousands of ballots into the ballot drop boxes in order to steal the election for Joe Biden.

“2000 Mules” will focus on the extraordinary work by True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht and business owner and election intelligence expert Gregg Phillips.

During a recent interview with The Gateway Pundit and 100% Fed Up, Catherine and Gregg shared that they discovered that 7% of mail-in ballots were trafficked during the 2020 election. There were over 2,000 ballot trafficking mules in 2020 and they were able to steal the election in every single battleground state for Joe Biden.

So, it goes without saying that if you want free and fair elections in your state you would not allow mail-in voting.

19.  !!Inflation, Food Shortages, and Supply Chain Collapse: Skyrocketing Diesel Is the Existential Threat Nobody’s Talking About   JD Rucker

Well, I shouldn’t say NOBODY is talking about it. We are, obviously, as are a few others. But if more people knew how bad this really could be, they wouldn’t be watching Johnny Depp and Amber Heard.

Editor’s Commentary: Truckers, loaders, and machine operators have been taken for granted. Their efforts are absolutely crucial to our economic infrastructure and supply chain stability. Even incremental shortages of labor or equipment can cause massive chain reactions, which we’ve seen playing out as the supply chain crisis of 2021-22.

It’s about to get worse. Much worse. Diesel drives more than just the trucks. It’s the fuel that powers much of the equipment without our supply chain as well, and its cost is skyrocketing much faster than unleaded gasoline. No other component of the American economy has a more direct effect on the prices of literally every physical good transported anywhere in the nation than the trucking industry.

18.   They’re Causing Food Shortages?!  [9:04]   AwakenWithJP

17.   Part I : Were the Sinti and Roma (Gypsies) Destined for Total Destruction like the Jews?   By Alex Grobman PhD.

*Editor’s Note: After running Dr. Grobman’s very well-received series on the Final Solution, The Jewish Press Online is proud to begin Dr. Grobman’s new series discussing other groups persecuted in the Holocaust.

The Germans did not create racial ideology and theories, yet the Third Reich established the first country in the history of the world whose tenets and practice were founded on racism. The Germans alleged that differences in the physical and psychological nature of individuals and races were a symptom of their intrinsic ‘value,’ and proceeded to develop an entire racial hierarchy reflecting this dogma. Racial -anthropological theories provided the legitimacy to justify domination over the European races and to legitimize “claims to hegemony by particular classes within society.” The ultimate of goal of the Nazi regime was to construct a “utopian society” designed in harmony with the principles of race. In the process, it sought to demolish the prevailing social structure by repudiating their European heritage, and form a society founded on race rather than class. [1]

16.  !!FDA Rubber-Stamps Remdesivir for Infants Without Evidence of Safety, Efficacy   By Madhava Setty, M.D.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Monday approved the use of the antiviral therapy, remdesivir, to treat COVID-19 in infants 4 weeks and older, despite having no evidence the treatment is effective or even safe for young children.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Monday approved the use of the antiviral therapy, remdesivir, to treat COVID-19 in infants four weeks and older.

15.  !!!  Food Processing Plant Fires: Conspiracy Or Coincidence?    BY TYLER DURDEN

In the midst of unprecedented inflation, skyrocketing commodity prices and projected food shortages and supply chain issues arising as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, an interesting story has started to surface: food processing plants globally appear to be catching fire and burning down at a notable rate.

First, lets examine what seems odd. For weeks, social media users and bloggers have been throwing around the story that dozens of food processing facilities have mysteriously burned down over the last few months.

It’s a phenomenon that has even caught the attention of top rated cable TV news host Tucker Carlson, who spoke about it this week.

“This is the second time in a week something like this happened,” Carlson said about breaking news after a plane crashed into a food facility in Georgia.

14.  22 Countries Drop Mask Mandates

The mask mandate has been dropped in a total of 22 countries, with health care facilities remaining the only exception to the decision.

Since January of this year, mask mandates have been lifted in 22 nations throughout the world.

Following a judge’s decision to overturn a federal mask regulation for interstate travel, the United States has joined almost two dozen other countries in ending broad mask and pandemic measures this year.

13.   French Elections: The Bad And The Not So Bad   by Amir Taheri
At the other end of the spectrum, Macron’s camp branded Le Pen as “extreme-right” or even “fascist”, labels that may suit juvenile student politics but need to be used with care by adults. The millions who voted for Le Pen could not be branded as “fascist”. Many with whom I talked turned out to be responsible citizens in a justified or unjustified angry mood for various reasons. Instead of dismissing them with a label, Macron and the governing elite must identify and try to address the sources of that anger.

12.   What To Do About China   by Gordon G. Chang

Since about 2018, Chinese officials have been talking about the moon and Mars as sovereign Chinese territory, part of the People’s Republic of China. This means that China considers those heavenly bodies to be like the South China Sea. This also means that China will exclude other nations from going to the moon and Mars if they have the capability to do so. We do not have to speculate about that: Chinese officials say this is what they are going to do.

11. ! Tierney’s REAL News (5/1/22)


1) In select theaters on May 2 and 4. Click HERE to find a theater near you and purchase tickets. Theater tickets are sold exclusively on 2000mules.com.

2) Sign up HERE to be a part of the movie’s VIRTUAL PREMIERE on Saturday May 7 at 8pm EST. Join Patriots across the country streaming the movie live online, then stay for Live Q&A with Director and Producer Dinesh D’Souza and True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht.

3) Pre-order the DVD HERE or Stream the movie from your home on SalemNow HERE or Rumble/Locals starting May 8.

Interested in learning more? Watch the trailer HERE.

10.  Six years of BLM Killed More Blacks than 86 Years of Lynchings   By Ronald J. Kozar

In 2014, the number of black American murder victims was 6,095. Then, after the August 2014 killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, anti-police protests and riots began, federal officials and mass media sympathetic to rioters brought heightened scrutiny to police practices, BLM began its career, “broken windows” policing was curtailed, and police morale plummeted.  The number of murders thereupon began to surge, never to return to 2014 levels.

The “excess” murder victims from 2015 through 2020 who were black — that is, the additional black victims each year beyond the 2014 baseline — add up to 11,005.  Compare that to the number of lynchings during the heyday of Jim Crow.  According to the Tuskegee Institute, the number of blacks lynched from 1882 through 1968 was 3,446.

Here are the numbers of black murder victims from 2014 through 2020:

[Ed.:  People in my town (all Democrats,) still think ‘Black Lives Matter’ is a civil rights movement! Then they have the chutzpa to call me a ‘racist’ for disagreeing!]

9.  Israeli Man in his 20s killed in Palestinian jihadi terror attack

The combination of the weak Israeli government, and the pro-Palestinian Biden Administration is lethal for Israel. Palestinian terrorism in Israel is once again out of control. Israel’s Leftist government must go down. [Emphasis added] Benjamin Netanyahu must regain power to restore security in Israel.

[Ed.:  We have them in Israel too! This is how you spell ‘Democrats’ in Hebrew:]

8.   ! Ron DeSantis just announced plans to take action against Biden’s Ministry of Truth    Harris Rigby

Ron DeSantis just announced that he is going to be fighting back against the Biden administration’s new “Ministry of Truth.”

The other day, Biden announced a “Disinformation Governance Board” which was an obvious reaction by The Left to Elon Musk purchasing Twitter.

Twitter was happily controlling speech on behalf of the Democrats and now that there’s a new sheriff in town, the Dems have decided they have to be the thought police themselves.

But if DeSantis has anything to say, that is not going to happen.

7.   Death Toll During The Holy Month Of Ramadan 2022    By Jean Patrick Grumberg


I have followed and report Ramadan Bombathon for 9 years. It has always amazed me to see that no mainstream media ever dared to report the killing that happens during this spiritual and holy month, when Muslims around the world are supposed to pray and meditate. I am not surprises any more. I am not expecting that it will change.

[Ed.:  Some “Religion”, huh!]

6.  Israeli security guard murdered by terrorists in Samaria

The victim is credited with saving his fiancee’s life.

A 23-year-old security guard was shot dead by Palestinian terrorists Friday night at the entrance to the city of Ariel in Samaria.

Vyacheslav Golev (Vladi), a resident of Beit Shemesh, was standing guard together with his fiancee, Victoria Fligelman,also a security guard, when two terrorists passed by in a vehicle and fired at close range.

Footage from the scene shows a passenger in a blue Suzuki opening fire. Both the driver and the passenger then exited the car and continued shooting before driving off.

“When we arrived at the scene, we saw a man in his 20s unconscious with gunshot wounds. He was not breathing and had no pulse,” Magen David Adom medic Tomer Fine said.

The Hamas terror group called the attack a “heroic operation.”

Golev reportedly protected his girlfriend with his body.

5.   Car-ramming in central Israel, victim in serious condition

Police are searching for the suspect, who was driving a stolen car. 

An appromimately 30-year-old police officer was seriously injured in a car-ramming incident in central Israel.

United Hatzalah emergency medical service volunteers responded to the incident and treated a man  after he was struck by a car on Highway 444 near the intersection with road 4613, between Elad and Shoham in the country’s Central District.

United Hatzalah volunteer EMT and head of the Elad chapter was one of the first responders at the scene.

“This was a difficult and complicated scene. Eye-witnesses told us when we arrived that the man was injured by a speeding car. He was suffering from a severe head injury and injuries to his limbs. We treated him at the scene after which he was transported in a mobile intensive care unit to the hospital,” the volunteer said.

4.   WATCH: IRGC terrorists show off…but fail  [0:18]

Watch what happens at a performance by the Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps!

[Ed.: Here’s another example:


2.  !  China’s Weaponizing Water – Another Means To China Achieving Her Global Supremacist Goal  by Bill Narvey  

 China has for some time been heavily investing in its military/air force/navy/missiles, its nuclear and other technologies, its intelligence gathering and garnering global influence including infiltrating Western institutions for their advantage and to the West’s prejudice and its internal and global economies.

 This latter Chinese internal and global economic ambition includes their longstanding policy of inducing Western companies moved only by greed, to establish in China which due to far less production costs, serves that greed.  There is a trade off.  Companies establishing in China  affords China many opportunities to steal those companies’ newest technologies or to make it a condition of doing business for those companies’ to free of charge, share those technologies with China.

 This fact has been long known and been a sore point for Western leaders and various concerned groups as reflected in media reports.  Notwithstanding those growing concerns, Western leaders have done little to nothing about it.  By the same token, Western companies that establish in China as noted are motivated by greed.  Greed trumps any sense of patriotism and nationalism to their home Western nations which are being disadvantaged by the advantages China gains from Western companies establishing in China.

 Now it is revealed by Gravitas News, that China is building a great many tens of thousands of damns along rivers originating in China which flow southerly to serve southwest Asian nations including Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.  With that China, has by these dams been controlling the flow of these river waters to these nations that are reliant on that water. That control of course gives China power and influence over these South East Asian nations.

 The attached video by Gravitas News explains China’s actions and the power she is acquiring over those South West nations that rely on river water originating in China.

 In so many ways China has been increasing its socio-political-economic influence outside of China, all in the cause of advancing her goal of displacing the U.S. to become the world’s leading superpower by any means necessary, which China has openly declared she expects to achieve by 2030.

 While China has pursued this supremacist policy, the Western world appears to have slept as they have done little or nothing to resist China advancing towards its supremacist goal.  Likely it is more a case of the West fearing what was happening, but hasn’t figured out what to do about it so they did little to nothing to counter China’s advance.  Western leaders have also tried to hide or minimize these concerns from their people.

 The media it seems only in the last several or so years has been taking greater note of this Chinese global power ascension.  The media however has done little to challenge or call on Western leaders to take measures to counter China’s efforts towards reaching their goal.

 The U.S. and the EU have displayed weakness in the face of China’s aggressive moves towards global supremacy as they have it appears, chosen to say little and not to do much if anything about it.

 There was one recent brief exception to that lack of Western will to resist China when former Pres. Trump showed one effective way through strategic sanctions to slow China down and he spoke of other means to push back on China if China continued to push forward on its objectives to the prejudice of America.

 Unfortunately, Western liberal-left leaders  have no balls and cannot see beyond their own immediate political interests which are to gain and hold power.

 In so doing, they of course turned a blind eye to what Trump showed them could and must be done to hold China in check to slow or ultimately stop China’s goals aforesaid.  They ignored that Trump lesson because they all so reviled Pres. Trump, that they never ever would dare to follow Trump’s lead and risk being denounced by their fellow Trump hating Western leaders as God forbid, a Trump lover.

 This short sighted Western liberal-leftist focus on their own immediate selfish political interests is serving China’s interests as she pursues her grand supremacist ambitions, but not the best interests of the Western people that these Western governments were elected to serve.

Gravitas: How China is weaponising water  [5:13]

1.  Beware the Fact-Checkers  Robert W Malone MD, MS

A guest testimonial on censorship in the age of COVID. A windy city example of what Obama, the US Intelligence community and legacy media advocate.

<People are entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts. This essay provides a great illustration of how “fact checkers” are not checking facts, but have been acting to police opinion and thought. This is the Orwellian reality that the US Intelligence community and former President Obama advocate for America, and which their legacy media lapdogs gladly endorse – RWM>

Guest Author: Leonard C. Goodman, JD

<Leonard C. Goodman is a Chicago criminal defense attorney and co-owner of the for-profit arm of the Chicago Reader. This article was first published in the ScheerPost. Published in this substack by permission of the author.>

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.