Daily Shmutz | 050422

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

23.  !MAGA Candidates SWEEP Primaries in Trumpian BLOWOUT!!! [11:15]  Dr. Steve Turley

MAGA Candidates SWEEP their primaries in an America First BLOWOUT! We’re going to look at the astonishing wins last night, we’re going to see what President Trump had to say about it, and stick with me to the very end of this video when I’ll reveal how and why the Republican Party is changing like never before; you are NOT going to want to miss this!

[Ed.:  In the 2020 elections, MAGA won hands down, and we all saw that at 11:59 PM November 3rd.  When we woke up on November 4th, we found out that the Democrats won the election.  In the primaries yesterday, we saw the MAGA movement win across the country clearly showing that we will win the 2022 election, gaining back the Congress and the Senate.  But, after we win the elections (you know what,) the Democrats will win the election, just like they won it last time!  The good news is, that the Democrats will most likely go to WWIII before November 3, 2022, and we don’t have to watch them steal another election.  It’s what we can call ‘Cold Comfort’.]

22.  !THEY’RE ON THE OTHER SIDE: FOX News Joins Mainstream Media in Boycotting Coverage of “2000 Mules” Documentary on Nation-wide Ballot Trafficking Conspiracy to Steal 2020 Election  By Jim Hoft

The movie ‘2000 Mules’ is set for release this week in over 200 theaters across the country. 

In the film, Dinesh D’Souza and True the Vote provide answers and evidence of the stolen 2020 Election in this documentary released on Tuesday at select theaters across the nation.  

Here is a list of theaters where you can see the movie tonight if there are still seats available.

The movie proves through geo-tracking and video confirmation that Democrats used ballot trafficking to steal the 2020 election in a conspiracy that involved every single battleground state.

21.   How the Biden Administration Creates Policies  [11:57]   AwakenWithJP

20.  ! Will Abortion Riots Be More Destructive Than the George Floyd Summer of Love?

We are about to see the worst rioting our nation has seen in decades. Yes, it’s going to be worse than the 2020 riots following the release of the George Floyd video. Buckle up, folks.  JD Rucker

The short answer is yes, the riots that are coming, including those happening right now, will be more widespread and destructive than the riots of 2020’s “summer of love.” The biggest reason is obvious as the likely overturning of Roe v Wade has added regular leftists (who we used to call the far left before the radicalism became normalized within the Democrat Party) to the mix of Antifa and Black Lives Matter domestic terrorists.

But it’s more than just an increase in the number of rioters. Unlike the George Floyd riots, these ones have legitimate emotional backing. While we adamantly disagree with the cause of allowing for the murder of pre-born babies, the left has embraced the notion as the hill upon which they’re willing to die. The “outrage” that caused the riots in 2020 was mostly manufactured from a combination of virtue signaling and a desire by criminal elements to take advantage of the situation in order to loot for personal gain.

This is different. The left may be unhinged over Roe v Wade, but they feel they’re righteously unhinged. That makes them even more dangerous than the rioters of 2020.19.   Has the Bioweapon Made the Vaccinated ‘Radioactive’ and Crazy?  [12:49]  Stew Peters Network

Are the unjabbed in danger from the jabbed? Are the vaxxed experiencing personality changes? Should we be afraid if we need to get a blood transfusion, and the only option is jabbed-blood? Dr. Jane Ruby joins The Stew Peters Show to answer all of these questions and more!

18.  !!PREPARE OR STARVE: Basic Steps Every American Must Take to Survive the Coming Famdemic  [11:29]  Stew Peters Network

Food plant facilities are in grave danger. Paul Helinski joins The Stew Peters Show to help us prepare for the worst. Helinski is here to help us prepare for mass food shortages, and an ultimate planned-famine!

17.  !Dr. Zelenko – WWIII – Civil War on the Horizon & More Viruses Coming  [22:46]  Stew Peters Network

Dr. Zelenko joins Maria Zeee to discuss World War III, the fact that he sees civil war as a real possibility due to the masses waking up to the reality of the Great Reset, the psychopaths behind the NWO and more viruses coming (backed by Bill Gates)

16. ! Close observers shoot down still more propaganda missiles fired off by, and for, the Nazis in Ukraine   Mark Crispin Miller

Two videos expose still more Big Lies that are stupefying countless people as completely as the COVID propaganda did, and does

Though Russia too is surely pumping out its share of propaganda vis-a-vis Ukraine, since all combatant states do so, what now has millions upon millions all around the world beside themselves with rage, demonstrably whipped up by outright lies, is not the propaganda out of Russia, but the propaganda fictions pumped out by the Nazis in Ukraine, and by the West in favor of the Nazis in Ukraine.

Two worthwhile videos:

15.  !!Manufactured Food Shortage: Even MORE “Coincidences” Keep Happening at Food Plants and Bird Farms Across America  JD Rucker

We’ve been fact-checked by the “arbiters of truth” and called “alarmists” by corporate media. That doesn’t change the fact that odd events keep hitting our food supply chain almost daily.

When a Twitter DM came in from someone at a corporate media juggernaut, I knew what the topic would be before even reading it. For the last couple of weeks, we’ve been hit hard for exposing the inexplicable number of “coincidences” happening to our food infrastructure. From late-night food processing plant fires and explosions to bird flu that keeps popping up hundreds of miles from the last outbreaks to decisions made by food companies that make no sense, the series of events keep happening.

Or, as Jeff Thompson at The Organic Prepper noted in the article below, the hits keep coming.

The journalist I spoke to claimed to be “investigating” the string of events, but just as “fact-checkers” and other corporate journalists have continuously reported over the last couple of weeks, I knew that this was going to be another attempt to debunk the notion that the powers-that-be are manufacturing the food crisis in America and across the globe. But even this journalist was noticeably surprised at the coincidences that I laid out for her, claiming that she would have to verify certain things that she didn’t know before. These things included the properly placed explosions and fires that seem indicative of sabotage rather than coincidence, the fact that they seem to only happen at night when the most damage can be done, or the demonstrable truth that we have had more “accidents” in the last few weeks than the previous decade combined.

14.  !  [Re-posting]   Here’s the main reason why Russia has to completely neutralize Ukraine!

Russia was forced to launch its “special military operation” in Ukraine to terminate the raging
biowar waged by the US-UK-NATO-UKRAINE
bioterrorist group — from its secret 
underground operational headquarters located at the Azovstal
Iron and Steel Works in Mariupol, Ukraine —
against the people of Donbass and western Russia.

13.   Hey Jew: What’s that? That? That’s my emotional support bat!  by Diane Bederman

Dear Jews,
We have a great history of defending ourselves yet, today we sit back and allow the bullying to take place over and over and over. Why?

How about a different tactic?
There are emotional support dogs and cats. How about an emotional support bat? Maybe we can “encourage” the Jew haters to take a step back.

Here is the latest attack on our young people.

There is a very large youth hockey association in Toronto, Canada. There are Jews on these teams.  It seems there have been three incidents involving one particular team spouting Jew hatred. Well, the parents of the players. It seems the latest slur thrown at a player was: “You F***ing Jew.” Quite the Jew-hating slur shared at a hockey game for 13 year old’s. So, a complaint was lodged and the organization is busy looking into it. Oh, looking into it.

Ever notice how often Jewish people lodge complaints to various organizations? We always send letters, share objections and concerns. We do the same thing over and over expecting a different result. What was that our “peep” Einstein said?

“Do the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.”

12.   CDC Restates Recommendation For Masks on Planes Despite Court Ruling That Struck Down Biden’s Mandate By Cristina Laila

The CDC on Tuesday restated its recommendation for masks on planes despite a court ruling that struck down Biden’s travel mask mandate.

[Ed.:  What?  They don’t adhere to the law?  Whadda’ surprise!]

11.  ! Pope Francis Went from Backing Ukraine in War with Russia to Now Saying NATO Caused Russia to Respond in Ukraine – Why the Sudden Change?   By Joe Hoft

… “Why the sudden change from Pope Francis?  This Pope goes from backing Ukraine in the war with Russia to seeing Russia’s side in the matter.  You would think the Pope would call for peace.”

[Ed.:  The same thing happened to Dennis Prager!  What a coincidence!   Gateway Pundit does not answer the question posed in the title.  But, the answer is obvious:  they both have been reading too much Daily Shmutz and learned what’s really going on!]

10.   David Siegel: “It’s clear that CO2 has almost nothing to do with climate”  BY RHODA WILSON

Last week Climate Intelligence, “CLINTEL,” announced the thousandth signatory of their World Climate Declaration.  The thousandth signatory was David Siegel who has been following the climate debate for a long time. He recently uploaded an interesting 40-minute video presenting his current view on climate change. For this presentation, he used a lot of input from the international CLINTEL network.

CLINTEL, a global network of critical scientists and engineers, has a simple message: “There is no climate emergency.”

Yes, climate change exists and cannot be ignored, but CLINTEL emphasises that there is NO cause for panic and NO cause for alarm. The CLINTEL scientists strongly oppose the misleading, unrealistic, and destructive global net-zero CO2 policy (“NetZero”).

“CO2 budgets are not based on science, but they are based on fear. They destroy the energy system, limit human rights, feed extremism and push mankind into a deep physical, mental, and financial crisis,” CLINTEL wrote.

To sign the World Climate Declaration, follow this LINK. Go HERE for instructions.

9.   Covid Is the Biggest Lie in The World’s History and Prof Michel Chossudovsky proves it  BY RHODA WILSON 

The biggest lie in World history: there never was a pandemic. The database is flawed. The Covid mandates including the “vaccine” are invalid.

Destabilising the social, political and economic structure of 190 sovereign countries cannot constitute a “solution” to combating the virus. But that was the imposed “solution” which was implemented in several stages from the very outset of the corona crisis in January 2020.  It’s the destruction of people’s lives. It is the destabilisation of civil society.

Fake science was supportive of this devastating agenda. The lies were sustained by a massive media disinformation campaign. 24/7, incessant and repetitive “Covid alerts” in the course of the last two years.

The historic 11 March 2020 lockdown triggered economic and social chaos worldwide. It was an act of “economic warfare”: a war against humanity. 

This diabolical agenda has undermined the sovereignty of nation-states.

It has contributed to a wave of bankruptcies. It has impoverished people worldwide.

It has led to a spiraling dollar-denominated global debt.

The powerful structures of global capitalism, Big Money coupled with its intelligence and military apparatus are the driving force.

Using advanced digital and communications technologies, the lockdown and “closure” of the global economy is unprecedented in World history.

8.  Tierney’s REAL News (5/4/22)

President Trump’s endorsed candidates all won last night. Including some that the “establishment” said could never win. Even Bill Kristol, who is the biggest Never Trumper of them all, had to admit that Trump is a winning FORCE for the Republican party! HUGE!

BILL KRISTOL: “When Trump endorsed Vance, on April 15, Vance was third at about 10%, behind Mandel and Gibbons each at 21%. Without Trump’s endorsement, Vance almost certainly stalls out at 10%, and finishes fourth. When Trump talks, Republicans listen.”

[Ed.:  Remember that when we won the 2020 election, the Democrats won the election?  If we ever get to the November 2022 election (and that is a very big ‘IF’,) and we win the election, the Democrats will win the election again! Even if they get zero votes, they will still win the election, just like last time.]

7.  !! Official Data suggests the Covid-19 Injection is killing more people than it is saving

Across the world, death rates have also risen in tandem with COVID shot administration, with the most-vaccinated areas surpassing the least-vaccinated in terms of excess mortality and COVID-related deaths.

With official data now showing that the boosted have a higher risk of developing Covid-19 infection than the unvaccinated, and that the vaccinated have a much higher risk of death due to all causes than the unvaccinated, is it time to admit the Covid-19 injections kill more people than they save?

6. !! A New Study Provides Evidence of Vaccine “Shedding”  BY RHODA WILSON

A pre-print study, yet to be peer-reviewed, by the University of Colorado provides evidence of aerosol transfer of antibodies between Covid vaccinated and unvaccinated people.  In other words, evidence of person-to-person vaccine transmission or what some may call “vaccine shedding.”

The study ‘Evidence for Aerosol Transfer of SARS-CoV2-specific Humoral Immunity’ was published in medRxiv on 1 May 2022.  It set out to investigate whether constituents of the nasal or oral fluids, other than infectious particles, can be passed between “hosts.”

The study notes that high levels of antibodies, IgG and IgA, are found within the nasal cavity and saliva of vaccinees and hypothesised that droplet or aerosolised antibody transfer might occur between people, similar to the transfer of aerosolised virus particles from one person to another.

The researchers tested nasal swabs of parents and their children at a vaccine centre in Aurora, Colorado, who were attending vaccine appointments, not limited to Covid “vaccination.”

5.  Schools Continue To Be Targeted In Russia – Ukraine War Attacks  Filmed 05/03/2022  [8:19] Patrick Lancaster

Schools continue to be targeted in Russia Ukraine War Attacks.

A school near Donetsk has come under Ukraine Grad rocket shelling.

4.  !!! Ukraine: NATO and US’s aim is to destroy the Russian military  BY RHODA WILSON

Nothing like a coherent strategy emerged from 20 years of NATO’s war in Afghanistan; at best there were long lists of aspirations with no clear objectives or assessments of the resources needed to achieve them. But, two months after the Russian invasion, it looks very much as if the US and NATO are beginning to develop a coherent plan for Ukraine. Military strategy has been described as a synthesis of ends, ways and means. Last week, senior US and UK officials clarified the objectives – the ends.

[Note: This article is the opinion of the author.  Some readers may agree with it while others only agree with aspects of it.  We have republished it, without edit, from The Conversation as, as well as containing a lot of interesting information, it seems to indicate that the UK and US’s overarching aim is to destroy Russia rather than support the citizens of Ukraine whose needs and desires may not be the same as NATO’s aims.]

3.  !!!  USA / NATO gearing up for counterattack against Russian forces in July or August, with high risk of escalated retaliatory strikes by Russia using EMP or nuclear weapons   by: Mike Adams

(Natural News) Based on facts that have now been made public, it is clear that the USA and NATO are gearing up for a massive military counterattack against Russian forces in Ukraine. Based on the idea that it takes a few months to build up logistics, hardware and personnel, the likely timeline for this counterattack appears to be around the July / August time frame.

Keep in mind that the overarching context of all this is the plan to cancel the 2022 mid-terms by placing America into a world war before November, accompanied by a domestic police state / martial law response that now includes an actual Ministry of Truth run by Homeland Security (DHS).

Some of the information supporting the coming counterattack includes the recent revelation that military pilot cadets from Ukraine were secretly moved to the United States in March in order to undergo intensive F-16 fighter pilot training in preparation for deployment against Russia. We understand that Ukrainian military teams are undergoing similar training in artillery and tank command as well. Seasoned military observers would correctly point out that you can’t train an effective F-16 fighter pilot in just a few months (nor a tank commander, etc.), yet this only speaks to the desperation of USA / NATO / Ukrainian efforts to try to throw almost anything at the Russians in an effort to stop the seemingly unstoppable, grinding advancement of Russian forces across southern Ukraine.

2.   SCOTUS poised to overturn Roe vs. Wade – Baby murderers to ERUPT with demonic ANGER and VIOLENCE as their “right” to violently murder their own children about to be stripped away   by: Mike Adams

(Natural News) And now the demons come out for all to see.

The pro-abortion, baby murder advocates are already erupting in madness and anger over a leaked draft of a US Supreme Court decision that, if published, would overturn Roe vs. Wade and end federal protections for abortion.

Because the “right” to murder their own babies is the pillar of the violent, demonic, life-destroying Left, they are right now losing their minds over this, organizing protests and taking to the airwaves to denounce anyone who seeks to protect the life of an unborn human child.

Now, we are all getting to see the horrifying truth about the political Left in America: They are out for blood.

1.   A single nuclear sub strike would “drown” Great Britain in a “radioactive tsunami,” warns Russia          by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) “Channel One,” a Russian state-run media outlet, ran a feature piece the other day outlining how easy it would supposedly be for Russia to “drown” the United Kingdom in a “radioactive tsunami.”

Aleksey Zhuravlyov, the chairman of Russia’s nationalist Rodina political party, explained during the segment that the Russian navy’s nuclear submarines could take out all of Great Britain with one single nuclear bomb.

“One Sarmat missile and the British Isles will be no more,” Zhuravlyov declared. (Related: Russia also says that the threat of nuclear war is very “serious, real.”)

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.