Daily Shmutz | 050522

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

36.  !Healthy 43-Year-Old Man Develops Myocarditis After Jab  [13:26]

Clint Cherry has been a vegan all his life, has never smoked, taken drugs or drunk alcohol, and he lived a very active lifestyle — to put it simply, he was in perfect health. All of that changed after he was mandated by his employer to receive the Pfizer COVID shot and then developed chest pain due to acute myocarditis.

35.  !! Florida Approves Release of Billions of GMO Mosquitoes

In a shocking anything-goes decision, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) gave the go-ahead to release billions of genetically-modified mosquitoes into the Florida Keys.

According to Sustainable Pulse, the FDACS ignored concerns about health risks and long-term consequences of the state’s attempt to rid the Keys of mosquitoes that possibly might be carrying yellow fever, dengue, chikungunya and Zika.

With data from a previous release still not made public, and with data about allergenicity and toxicity redacted from public documents, Dana Perls, Emerging Technology Program Manager at Friends of the Earth, said the decision on the latest release showed that “Poorly done, secretive science and lack of transparency is once again being rewarded with a free pass by government officials who are ignoring the voices of concerned scientists and those most impacted.”

Florida isn’t alone in this, though: The EPA has approved releasing billions of GMO mosquitoes in California’s Central Valley, as well.

34. !! NEW DATA SHOWS TROUBLING TREND IN VACCINATED  [14:43]   The HighWire with Del Bigtree 

Covid case data now comes without the politics from a surprising source…Walgreens. And the truth is, we are no longer in a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Check out this shocking data!

33.   Man Who Died With Transplanted Pig’s Heart Had an Animal Virus  

 Physicians at the University of Maryland School of Medicine say the 57-year-old man who died after receiving a pig’s heart transplant was infected with a virus pigs can carry.

“The disclosure bolsters one of the most pressing objections to animal-to-human transplants, which is that widespread use of modified animal organs may facilitate the introduction of new pathogens into the human population,” The New York Times said.

The pig had been genetically altered to avoid transplant rejection and had been screened for the virus; the only problem was that the screening only detects active viruses, not latent ones. Doctors knew 20 days after the transplant that the patient was infected, but also suspected the positive test could have been a lab error.

32.   !!! 2022 Bird Flu Has Resulted in 36 Million Dead Chickens and Turkeys

More than 36 million chickens and turkeys in the U.S. have been put to death as officials order them culled when even a single fowl in a farming operation tests positive for the Eurasian H5N1 bird flu.

While this particular virus poses little d

anger to humans, health officials say it’s infectious and dangerous to birds, including those raised for meat and eggs. The problem with the mass culling, however, is the way the animals are being killed.

Although there are less cruel methods to exterminate the animals, instead farmers are “… using a variety of excruciating methods, including spraying birds with a suffocating water-based foam or closing off barn vents to raise temperatures so the birds die by heat stroke, a practice called ventilation shutdown, which can take 1.5 to 3.75 hours to kill them,” Vox reports.

31.  ! ‘I’ll Probably Never Fly Again’: Pilot Shares His Vaccine Story

Bob Snow, a pilot of 31 years, had no choice but to get the COVID vaccine —“Get the shot, or you’re fired,” he was told. Days after the shot, he suffered a heart attack after landing his plane. Due to his condition, he most likely will never be able to fly an aircraft again.

30.  ! Leaked Audio Exposes Level of Corruption in DC  [9:48]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Seats on the most powerful committees in Congress must be bought at prices of $1 million and more, and payment is often offered by lobbyists as part of a quid pro quo in exchange for political favors.


  • Leaked audio from an event held in March 2022 by Alabama U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks explains that seats on the most powerful committees in Congress must be bought, at a price of $1 million or more
  • The money for these seats comes from lobbyists, who offer to pay the price of the seat in exchange for political favors
  • “Special interest groups run Washington, and I don’t mean that metaphorically,” Brooks said. “I mean literally”
  • This arrangement corrupts debate on public policy, but while the national media is aware of the issue, and both political parties are guilty of engaging in it, no one is bringing it to the forefront as a major public policy issue

29.  ! Davos Man, his World Economic Forum, and his Servants   Robert W Malone MD, MS

Who are the ones trained to serve the self-appointed globalist overlords?

‘“All for ourselves and nothing for other people” seems in every age of the world to have been the vile maxim of the masters of mankind.’

Adam Smith. Chapter IV, p. 448. – The Wealth of Nations (1776) – Book III

What we are very proud of, is that we penetrate the global cabinets of countries with our WEF Young Global Leaders. (YGL)   Klaus Schwab (2017)

Who are the globalist members of the trade organization known as The World Economic Forum (WEF) and their servants, why should you care, and what can you do about it?

First, “who are they?”  The current 100 WEF full members (“Strategic Partners”) are drawn from the largest corporations in the world, together with their owners and managers (referred to as “Davos Man”).  The list of corporations, owners and managers who control the WEF is not disclosed and membership can only be inferred indirectly.  However, the WEF members do not act alone, but have developed various groups of globally distributed trainees who generally act in accordance with the detailed policies and positions developed and distributed by WEF leadership.  These training programs have been operating for over three decades, resulting in placement, distribution and rapid advancement of many thousands of WEF-trained operatives throughout the world.  WEF chairman Klaus Schwab has famously claimed that these operatives have been strategically inserted into key positions in various governments, as well as influential spots in key industries such as media, finance, and technology.

28.  !!! Russia Threatens to Nuke Britain, France, and Germany  Robert Spencer

A dramatic escalation.

Russia threatened a dramatic escalation of its war in Ukraine Thursday when Russia’s Channel One featured a video depicting Russian missiles reaching Berlin, Paris, and London.

Zhuravlyov declared: “One Sarmat [missile] and that’s it – the British Isles are no more.” The show’s cohost, Evgeny Popov, responded: “No one will survive in this war when you propose the strike with a Sarmat. Do you understand that no one will survive? No one on the planet.” Zhuravlyov, however, was undeterred, saying optimistically that “we’ll start with a blank slate,” and boasting that Russian missiles “can’t be intercepted. Their abilities are limited. They say they can shoot it down, we’ll see about that.”

[Ed.:  They are NOT bluffing. Nuclear war is precisely what the American swamp wants and needs to obfuscate their multiple culpabilities! Thanks Donald Trump for walking away after we elected you.  You own it.]

27.   An axe attack in Elad leaves 3 dead, one critical, two in serious condition

In a Palestinian terror attack, two armed men, one wielding an axe, killed three people, injured another four, one critically, on a street in the ultra-Orthodox town of Elad in central Israel, as the country’s independence day drew to a close on Thursday night, May 5. Police investigators estimate that there were two assailants, both of whom got away in a waiting vehicle and evaded the gunfire aimed at stopping them.

Families enjoying the clement holiday weather outdoors and in the parks were told to go home and lock their doors and windows. Boosted police and security forces are guarding the town and conducting raids in the Palestinian areas of Judea and Samaria in search of the killers. Following the killing last week of Viacheslav Golov in Ariel, security forces ran the terrorist to earth in less than 20 hours.

In the past five weeks, Palestinian terrorists have claimed 19 lives in murderous attacks perpetrated in important Israeli towns – Beersheba, Tel Aviv, Hadera, Bnei Brak and now Elad.


[Ed.:  These locations are all right in the center of Israel.  It’s hard to admit it, but Jewish blood is cheapest in the modern State of Israel.  It’s Israel In Name Only (IINO). This is what happens when leftists control the government, as they have in IINO since day one.]

26.    Moscow’s “doomsday plane” in May 9 Parade raises nuclear threat over Ukraine war. Ties with Israel plummet

The Il-80 exhibited on Wednesday, May 4, in the rehearsal for the May 9 Victory Parade was designed as a flying command post for President Vladimir Putin to lead a nuclear war – hence its designation as the “doomsday plane.” It was escorted by eight Mig-29 fighters forming the letter Z, the symbol of the Russian Ukraine operation. May 9 marks the anniversary of Russia’s defeat of Nazi Germany and an important day on its national calendar.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitiry Peskov dismissed speculation that Putin was planning to formally declare war on Ukraine – currently defined as “a special military operation” – and call for full mobilization. However, the IL-80’s appearance (see photo) on one of Russia’s most significant national days is loaded with dire significance, indicating that Russia would not hold back from using nuclear weaponry if necessary to attain victory in Ukraine.

On Wednesday, Alexander Sladkov, the prestigious Russian war correspondent covering the war, advised Moscow to take a leaf out of the American book. The US ended the second world war with Japan by dropping nuclear bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. By turning some provinces of Ukraine into a huge crater, Mocow could eliminate the threat posed by 40 nations replenishing Ukraine’s arms supplies, he said. Other Russian military correspondents commented a week ago that the UK by arming Kiev is playing with fire, noting that a a single Smart 2 supersonic ICBM dropped near the coast of England would send a 500m high tsunami flooding the British Isles and create a radioactive wasteland.

25.  !!! Twitter ban: Dr. Vladimir Zelenko suspended for questioning COVID vaccination for children  [1:55]   “According to the CDC, 99.998% of children recover without treatment, so what is the rationale for vaccination?” was the offending question.

At the end of April, billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk purchased Twitter, for $44 billion. Many were those who expected that the platform would alter its policies following the acquisition; thus far, however, few significant changes have been noted.

…”A few days ago, Dr. Zelenko reopened his account, thanking Musk for allowing him back. It was not to last long. In a video clip posted on Wednesday, he describes what happened next:”

[Ed.:  So much for Elon Musk and his BS of restoring “Free Speech” to Twitter. So much for Musk being a ‘hero of Free Speech’ as well. He just lost the majority of Americans.   For $44 Billion, he can keep the few lib-tards in his little chat group! That’s a pretty pricey chat group. Buh-bye liar! ]

24.    At least 3 killed in terror attack in Elad

2 terrorists go on stabbing spree with an axe and a knife in haredi city of Elad.

At least three people have been killed and four others wounded in a terrorist attack in the haredi city of Elad Thursday night.

Several Magen David Adom (MDA) and United Hatzalah ambulances were called to the scene of the incident. According to MDA’s statement, there are seven victims in total, three of whom have passed away. Of the other four victims, three are in serious condition, one is in moderate condition, and one is in light condition.

According to preliminary reports, the terrorist attacked people with an axe on a city street before moving to a nearby park to continue his killing spree. Police spokesperson Eli Levy said that there were reportedly two attackers, one armed with an axe, and one with a knife.

[Ed.: El’Ad is a small town near Tel Aviv, right in the center of Israel.]

23.  Joe Biden: ‘MAGA Crowd’ the ‘Most Extreme Political Organization in History’

President Joe Biden delivered a sharp political speech from the White House on Wednesday warning of the “extreme” agenda from “MAGA” Republicans.

“This MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that has existed in American history,” Biden said, referring to the Make America Great Again movement sparked by former President Donald Trump.

The president then clarified that he meant the most extreme political group in “recent” American history.

Biden repeatedly mispronounced “MAGA” as “mega” but corrected himself.

[Ed.:  He’s got that 180 degrees twisted!]

22.  Leftists Direct Protestors to Intimidate Conservative Supreme Court Justices at Their Homes

Leftist activists are directing protestors to confront conservative Supreme Court Justices at their homes in Maryland and Virginia.

Justices John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Amy Coney Barrett, Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh, and Neil Gorsuch are all targets by an organization called, “Ruth Sent Us.” The organization has published the justices’ supposed home addresses online for the radical protestors to locate.

Ruth seems to be a reference to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who was a ardent defender of the right to abortion. But this group’s use of her name is ironic, because Ginsburg was very collegial with her conservatives colleagues, including her best friend, Justice Antonin Scalia, and because Ginsburg criticized Roe as a bad decision, despite agreeing with its conclusion.

“Our 6-3 extremist Supreme Court routinely issues rulings that hurt women, racial minorities, LGBTQ+ and immigrant rights,” the group’s website states. “We must rise up to force accountability using a diversity of tactics.”


20.  “They Better Be Or They’re Gonna Be Out of Here!” – Biden Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy Threatens Airlines to Follow New Sustainable Energy Rules or Face Destruction (VIDEO) By Jim Hoft

Biden climate advisor Gina McCarthy recently bragged to her lunatic supporters at Tufts University about how the regime is going to force the airlines to follow their new green-style rules.

McCarthy, a complete lunatic former EPA Director, once blamed global warming for record cold in Boston.

[Ed.:  ‘My way, or the highway!’ That ought’a get the vote!]

19.  !! ANOTHER BIDEN RECORD: Diesel Hits New Record High on Thursday By Jim Hoft

Diesel prices hit a new all-time high on Thursday. Diesel fuel hit $5.47 per gallon. Last year it was at $3.09 per gallon. Expect the ripple effect to affect the price of consumer goods in the coming days.

18.  !! What is Luciferase?  Emerald Robinson

How a firefly enzyme that glows might herald the end of the world

As most of my followers on social media and Substack must know by now, I have spent a considerable amount of time the last two years trying to discover the actual ingredients of the new COVID vaccines. The reason is simple: Big Pharma has gone to considerable trouble to hide them.

Do the Big Pharma companies want to submit the vaccines to independent analysis? They do not! Do the Big Pharma companies want to disclose all the ingredients? They do not! Do the Big Pharma companies have any liability for lying to the public about the proprietary ingredients in their vaccines? They do not.

We have a leaked copy of the legal agreement that Big Pharma companies (allegedly) have forced nation-states to sign in order to get the new COVID vaccines. These contracts include indemnification clauses that no sane human being would ever sign. This copy leaked from Albania:

17.   The Treachery of VP Mike Pence Explained   Emerald Robinson

Who fired General Flynn and started the Russia Hoax in the first place?

Finally, President Donald Trump chose to lob a verbal grenade in the general direction of his old VP Mike Pence last Sunday night — regarding Pence’s ability to formally contest the results of the stolen 2020 election. This was, for many Trump supporters, long overdue. Here is Trump’s statement on the matter:

16.  !!!  The Great Reset: Cyber-attacks on America’s Food Supply Have Started  Emerald Robinson

The FBI warned the Ag Industry on April 20th about ransomware cyber-attacks

Last night, there was a fire at a food processing plant in America. It was the 18th such “accident” to hit our food processing plants and distribution centers in 2022.

[Ed.:  I hope that I did not get this right:  So the FBI is now committing cyber attacks on the food industry? If so (and even if not if so,) we need to terminate and eliminate the FBI from our system of government. Not forgetting to include all of the other enemy departments!]


15. !! Pfizer’s New 80,000-Page Data Dump Is A Nightmare   Emerald Robinson

Pfizer tested their COVID vaccine on rats and then let pregnant women take it

You probably didn’t know that Pfizer dumped 80,000 pages of documents this week.

That’s because the American corporate media refused to cover it — and that’s because almost all of them took money from the Biden regime to promote the experimental vaccines and kill any critical coverage of them.

Anyway, it turns out that Pfizer’s COVID vaccine was not 95% effective: the data shows it has a 12% efficacy rate.

14. !! 

13.   !! FOI reveals Pfizer and Medicine Regulators hid the dangers of Covid-19 Vaccination during Pregnancy because Study found it increases risk of Birth Defects & Infertility

A ‘Freedom of Information’ request alongside an in-depth dive into the only pregnancy/fertility study performed on the Pfizer Covid-19 injection has revealed that Medicine Regulators and Pfizer chose to publicly cover-up alarming abnormalities of the developing fetus and falsely downgraded the actual risk of Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy by suppressing documented findings of the clinical data.

These decisions led to medical professionals, who are far too trusting of Medicine Regulators, to wrongly inform pregnant women that the Covid-19 injections are perfectly safe during pregnancy, leading to many pregnant women feeling pressured to get vaccinated.

This fraud and deception has caused at least 4,113 fetal deaths due to Covid-19 vaccination in the USA alone, and a further study shows Covid-19 vaccination actually increases the risk of suffering a miscarriage by at least 1,517%.

12.   Jordan is Palestine   Ted Belman

West of the Jordan was to be a Jewish State. East of it was to be an Arab State named Jordan where most are Palestinian Arabs. Op-ed.

Yes it is.

The Arab propaganda machine aided and abetted by the UN, EU, US and the mainstream media, which is just about everybody, would have you believe otherwise.

11.   ! Zelenskyy: Russia is following the concept of Goebbels  [4:52]   Elad Benari

Ukrainian President blasts Russian FM’s remarks: They are using the same methodology as Goebbels.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy blasted Russia in an interview with Fox News on Wednesday, after Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov compared him to Adolf Hitler.

Russia, the Ukrainian President said, is “following the concept of [Nazi propagandist Joseph] Goebbels and they are using the same methodology and the reaction I think is to weaken the world to these phrases of Lavrov.”

Lavrov caused an uproar after saying on Sunday that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler had Jewish blood.

In an interview with an Italian news channel, Lavrov referred to the fact that Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is Jewish and said, “In my opinion, Hitler also had Jewish origins, so it doesn’t mean absolutely anything. For some time we have heard from the Jewish people that the biggest antisemites were Jewish.”

[Ed.:  Zalensky ought to be much more frugal with his comparing others to Nazis, when his military are the real Nazis today.  When Putin spoke of the “de-Nazification of Ukraine,”  he was referring to Zalensky’s army! But, Israel, and Israel’s news reporters don’t quite grasp this!  They are “A Special Kind Of Stupid”. ]

10.  Bereaved relatives shout down Prime Minister Bennett during Memorial Day address    David Rosenberg

Family members of Israelis killed by terrorists jeer Prime Minister Bennett, delaying start of his address honoring victims of terrorism.

A number of bereaved relatives who lost loved ones to Arab terror attacks shouted down Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett Wednesday afternoon, as he took the stage at the state ceremony commemorating victims of terror.

Multiple bereaved family members participating in the event jeered Bennett, with some shouting: “You are a criminal, you should be ashamed.”

While some other participants at the event who had also lost loved ones to terror called on the protesters to be quiet, Bennett expressed sympathy.

9.   At the close of Memorial Day, Yehuda Dimentman’s parents prevented from reaching Homesh   Yoni Kempinski

Despite being promised entry, soldiers kept bereaved parents waiting for 4 hours at the barrier, until they were finally allowed through.

8.   Independence Day: Hatikva & an Israeli flag on the Temple Mount    Yehonatan Gottlieb

Singers told to be quiet, flag confiscated.

Hundreds of Jews waited outside the Temple Mount entrance on Thursday to enter the plaza, after 14 days during which it was closed, for the end of Ramadan.

MK Yomtob Kalfon (Yamina) was among those who ascended only to be heckled for “sitting in a government with Arabs and giving in to Hamas.”

7.  !! Israeli Study finds 25% increase in Heart-Related Emergency Calls for People aged under 40 since mass Covid Injection Campaign began   BY RHODA WILSON 

A study from Israel has confirmed a strong correlation between a massive increase in emergency cardiovascular events among people under the age of 40 and the beginning of the country’s mass Covid vaccination program.

“While not establishing causal relationships,” the authors wrote, “the findings raise concerns regarding vaccine-induced undetected severe cardiovascular side-effects and underscore the already established causal relationship between vaccines and myocarditis, a frequent cause of unexpected cardiac arrest in young individuals.”

The study, ‘Increased emergency cardiovascular events among under-40 population in Israel during vaccine rollout and third COVID-19 wave’ published in Nature on 28 April, used data from Israel’s National Emergency Medical Services (“EMS”) between 2019 and 2021 and evaluated emergency calls among 16- to 39-year-olds across Israel “with potential factors including Covid-19 infection and vaccination rates.”

[Ed.:  Israel’s covid numbers have been wildly exaggerated for two and a half years.  Now that they begrudgingly confess to notable increases in cardiovascular events, their claim of 25% is merely a credible lowballing of the situation, in an effort to minimize their culpability for their vanguard genocide against their own people. Israel’s covid numbers have always been lies!]

6.  !! Iceland: Stillbirths and Neonatal Deaths increased by 80% in 2021   BY RHODA WILSON 

The rate of stillbirths in Iceland almost doubled compared with the average for 2011-2020 and first-year infant deaths more than doubled.  Taken together there was an 82% increase, as reported by Icelandic daily Frettin based on new data from Statistics Iceland.

No infant deaths have been attributed to Covid according to official data. The Mass Covid injection campaign began in early 2021 and by 15 July, 70% of the population had been fully vaccinated. Eleven cases of foetal damage post-Covid injection had been reported to the Icelandic Medicines Agency by the end of April 2022, wrote Thorsteinn Siglaugsson.  He continued:

“A study published in early 2021 purportedly proving vaccination to be safe for pregnant women turned out to be so poorly designed its conclusion was invalid and had to be corrected. This didn‘t prevent its findings from being used around the world to justify the vaccination of pregnant women … It must also be kept in mind that all indications of safety concerns for pregnant women are vigorously suppressed by so-called ‘fact-checkers’ and scientific and [corporate] media.”

5.  !! Dr Robert Malone: Time to Flush Out All WEF Members from Our Governments  [2:20]  By Alexandra Bruce

Robert Malone sat down with the Epoch Times’ Roman Balmakov to expose the WEF’s agenda of total control through the WHO and their plan to take over countries under the premise of a health crisis, which of course they can fabricate anytime to suit their NWO goals.

4.  !! The Global Kidnapping of American Medicine Turns Hospitals into Killing Fields   By Ginger Ross Breggin and Peter R. Breggin MD

Leading doctors like writer Peter Breggin and his journalist wife Ginger, author of this piece, say Americans must fight for the Hippocratic Oath or lose all faith in medicine and U.S. sovereignty.

The terror campaigns, the bullying, the arbitrary and ever-changing orders coming from the World Health Organization and our federal and state administrations have resulted in the destruction of the world-class system of American medical care.

In the U.S., in March 2020, we were told that we needed to lock down for two weeks to protect our hospitals from being swamped with sick and dying covid-19 patients. We were also told assertively that the new pandemic could cause up to 2.2 million deaths in the U.S. alone. That model was flawed at the outset. Author Neil Ferguson of the Imperial College London was known for his earlier “sensational death estimates from mad cow disease, bird flu, and swine flu.” Three strikes, and he should have been out. Instead of striking him out, his flawed model provided much of the justification for establishing and enforcing the draconian lockdown rules.

Since then, citizens have been betrayed again and again by the public health system, representatives of medicine and public health in the U.S., including Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, directors of the CDC, NIH, and executives with the Department of Health and Human Services. We have learned of multiple betrayals and manipulations of data by international medical journals, universities, medical centers, and public health officials. The pandemic prevention and treatments were ordered by the World Health Organization, a specialized agency chartered by the United Nations to protect global health and coordinate international health issues, including epidemics or pandemics.

If medical professionals had held the line, had upheld their ethics and the Hippocratic Oath, had demanded rational treatments for their patients, and had stood up to bullying by their administrators and state public health officials, the local health care quality would have been preserved, and the cold, heartless quality of assembly line medical “care” would have been rejected.

3.  Devin Nunes: President Trump Encouraged Elon Musk to Purchase Twitter   By Joe Hoft

Devin Nunes was on with Stuart Varney and he dropped a bomb about Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter. 

President Trump encouraged Elon Musk to buy Twitter.  According to Truth Social CEO Devin Nunes, former President Donald Trump encouraged billionaire Elon Musk to purchase Twitter to help bring free speech emphasis back to social media.

Nunes shared:

President Trump before Elon Musk bought it, actually said to go and buy it because the goal of our company is to build a community where people are in a family-friendly safe environment – very much different than Twitter and that’s why we encouraged Elon Musk to buy it because someone has to continue to take on these tech tyrants.  Donald Trump wanted to make sure the American people got their voice back.

2.   THEY’RE ON THE OTHER SIDE: FOX News Joins Mainstream Media in Boycotting Coverage of “2000 Mules” Documentary on Nation-wide Ballot Trafficking Conspiracy to Steal 2020 Election   By Jim Hoft

The movie ‘2000 Mules’ is set for release this week in over 200 theaters across the country. 

In the film, Dinesh D’Souza and True the Vote provide answers and evidence of the stolen 2020 Election in this documentary released on Tuesday at select theaters across the nation.  

Here is a list of theaters where you can see the movie [Sold out] tonight if there are still seats available.

The movie proves through geo-tracking and video confirmation that Democrats used ballot trafficking to steal the 2020 election in a conspiracy that involved every single battleground state.

1.  !! [Re-posting]  !! MAGA Candidates SWEEP Primaries in Trumpian BLOWOUT!!!  [11:15]  Dr. Steve Turley

MAGA Candidates SWEEP their primaries in an America First BLOWOUT! We’re going to look at the astonishing wins last night, we’re going to see what President Trump had to say about it, and stick with me to the very end of this video when I’ll reveal how and why the Republican Party is changing like never before; you are NOT going to want to miss this!

[Ed.:  In the 2020 elections, MAGA won hands down, and we all saw that at 11:59 PM November 3rd.  When we woke up on November 4th, we found out that the Democrats won the election.  In the primaries yesterday, we saw the MAGA movement win across the country, clearly showing that we will win the 2022 election, gaining back the Congress and the Senate.  But, after we win the elections (you know what,) the Democrats will win the election, just like they won it last time!  The good news is, that the Democrats will most likely go to WWIII before November 3, 2022, and we don’t have to watch them steal another election.  It’s what we can call ‘Cold Comfort’.]

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.