Daily Shmutz | 051022

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

25.  !He Needs an Intervention: Is Donald Trump Losing Touch With His Base?   JD Rucker

I still support Donald Trump for president in 2024. But recent actions tell me he’s starting to lose touch with his base, listening instead to feckless advisors and the Establishment donors.

By no means should we give up on Donald Trump. I say that up front because there are a lot of people reaching out to me asking if I heard the latest thing he said or did while wondering if I’m still going to support him. Yes I am. As of now, I see no reason to pull support. With that said, he definitely needs an intervention. He needs to be reminded about who his base supporters are and what we expect of him.

… “That brings us to the last major question about Trump’s understanding of what his base desires. He has continuously touted the jabs. What’s worse is that he has bragged on multiple occasions about how effective and safe they are. He even said they may represent his greatest accomplishment as president.

People have the right to feel how they feel about pretty much anything. If he likes the jabs and wants to keep getting himself boosted again and again, so be it. But the fact that he doesn’t recognize his base doesn’t think the jabs were a great accomplishment tells us he’s listening to the wrong people.

Proper advisors would tell him to avoid the discussion of vaccines. The only thing he should be saying is that he opposes vaccine mandates. If he wasn’t out of touch with his base, he wouldn’t need advisors to tell him that.”

[Ed.:  The answer to the question posed in the title isyes‘.   Trump lost me completely on the jab. Then he completely lost me when we elected him 11/3/2020, and then , when the Democrats announced that they won the election by theft, Trump walked away from his elected office and left the thieves to decimate our country, our schools, our borders, our economy, our medical system, and illegally detain our J6 patriots as political prisoners.   Once you love someone, it’s really hard to stop.  But after all of the above, it will be really hard for Trump to regain my trust.  The upcoming theft of the 2022 elections (if we even get that far)  will prove that it’s really already too late,  because of and full credit to Donald J. Trump.]

24.  7-Year-Old Boy Dies from Heart Attack After Pfizer Injection   BY RHODA WILSON 

On 16 February 2022, a 7-year-old boy in Seattle Washington died from a heart attack with blood clots in his coronary artery and liver.  He died 13 days after being injected with a Pfizer “vaccine.” 

He suffered shock and cardiac arrest. He could not be resuscitated and died in the emergency department, APAR TV reported.  His death was recorded on the US VAERS database.


23.  Biden sets up ‘Ministry of Truth’ to take U.S. Society another step closer to ‘1984’  [31:06]   By Dr J Mercola

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has quietly set up a Disinformation Governance Board to oversee what information is and isn’t “truthful”.

By now, you’ve probably heard that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has created a Disinformation Governance Board to oversee what information is and isn’t “truthful.”1 This includes information relating to elections.2 It’s so incredibly Orwellian, you’d think it was pure fiction, yet here we are. It’s real.

This “Ministry of Truth” will reportedly operate under and receive funding from the Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships (CP3), created by President Biden to “curb radicalization in the U.S.”3 It appears those in the Biden administration must have thought “1984” was an instruction manual rather than a warning.

Known Disinformation Spreader Made Head of Truth Ministry


22.  Rand Paul on Biden’s Disinformation Governance Board: ‘We’re Going to Shut It Down’  [4:46]

Monday, during an appearance on FNC’s “Jesse Watters Primetime,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said he was working with lawmakers to dissolve Biden’s so-called Disinformation Governance Board.

The Kentucky Republican lawmaker said he opposed policing news organizations and argued determinations about “disinformation” should be left up to the public.

“We’re going to shut it down,” he said. “And I’m busily getting signatures from other senators. There is a way that we can get it onto the calendar. And there is perhaps a way we can actually get a vote. It’s not very easy when the Democrats control things, but I’m going to do everything I possibly can to get a vote to defund this organization. Boy, is it any — is it not with amazement you see how far that they have come from Kennedy’s Democrat Party? This is not your grandfather’s Democrat Party anymore. So much for the marketplace of ideas. They have decided that they are going to determine what disinformation is.”

[Ed.:  We should shut down the entire government (which is a defacto enemy of The People,) and rebuild it from scratch.]

21.  !Democrats Aim to Spend $60B More Taxpayer Dollars During 40-Year-High Inflation

The Democrats’ plan to spend a massive amount of money after spending wildly in 2021. Last year’s spending included a $1.9 trillion coronavirus package and a $1 trillion infrastructure package, which many economists say fueled 40-year-high inflation in the same year.

20.   Channel 13 News poll: Religious Zionism Party is the third largest in the Knesset

Yamina wins eight seats and Ra’am does not pass the electoral threshold. The Likud has 36 seats.

Channel 13 News poll conducted by Prof. Camil Fuchs and published on Monday finds that Mansour Abbas’ Ra’am party would not pass the electoral threshold if elections were to be held today.

In contrast, after several consecutive polls in which it failed to pass the electoral threshold, Gideon Saar’s New Hope passes it and wins four seats.

The Likud and Benjamin Netanyahu continue to lead the way with 36 seats. Yesh Atid is the second largest party with 18 seats. Another surprise is in the form of Bezalel Smotrich and the Religious Zionism Party, which wins nine seats and is the third largest party in the poll.

The ruling Yamina Party, led by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, wins eight seats, followed by Blue and White, Shas and United Torah Judaism with 7 seats each.

The predominantly Arab Joint List Party wins eight seats, the Labor Party has six seats, and Yisrael Beytenu and Meretz each win five seats.

19.  ! Smotrich: Bury Arab terrorists in pig skin

Religious Zionist Party chief rips government for return of terrorists’ bodies .’If we can do something to make them think twice, we should’

[Ed.:  I second the motion!]

18.   Haredi interest in firearm permits skyrockets in wake of Elad attack  By  Itsik Saban

According to figures released by the Interior Ministry at the request of Israel Hayom, some more than 5,000 Israelis inquired by phone on the application process, which is three times higher than a week earlier.

17.   Haredi sect rejects 1,500-person limit at Lag B’Omer festivities on Mt. Meron    By  Hanan Greenwood

Dozens were killed in a stampede the result of overcrowding at last year’s Lag B’Omer celebrations at the site. Knesset Finance Committee transfers $6.5 million in compensation funds for victims of Mount Meron tragedy.

Despite the risk and in contrast with the position of the Israel Police and the organizers of Lag B’Omer festivities, Israel Hayom has learned that members of the Karlin-Stolin Haredi sect are pressuring law enforcement to allow 4,000 participants to attend events at Mount Meron’s Bnei Akiva compound this year.

16.  Poll: 75% of Arab citizens believe Jews have no right to sovereignty in Israel   By  Hanan Greenwood

Arab Israelis are constantly conflicted by questions of political and national loyalty, and the majority of them have little faith in Israel’s law enforcement agencies, a study by defense-oriented NGO Habithonistim shows.

Arab Israelis are constantly conflicted by questions of political and national loyalty, as the majority of them have little faith in Israel’s law enforcement agencies, a survey by Habithonistim–Protectors of Israel, a movement of Israeli defense officials advocating for Israel’s future security needs, revealed Monday.

[Ed.:  This means that 75% of them must be removed! (Kahane was right!]

[Ted Belman: The numbers are disturbing. The focus of this poll was what to do to quell the violence. I believe we should look at the cause of the problem.  The number one cause is that the Arab press, Arab curriculum and Imams are given too much latitude. Free speech must be curtailed because it is exercised in the service of propaganda with a seditious intent.

Israel must take greater control of the curriculum taught in Arab schools and should even require a much higher percentage of Jewish teachers to be employed there, perhaps 80% of them should be Jewish.  If that means that 20% of the teachers in non-Arab schools should be Arab, OK. Secondly the Arab narrative must be banned just as Holocaust denial is banned. Incitement by Arab leaders or Imams must be made criminal with big fines and jail terms. And all rioters should be given convicted and all felons should not be allowed into Israel to work.  And talk of a Naqba must be penalized.

Israel is governing like it is a bi-national state.  The Arabs are given too much autonomy  and are allowed to think they are a state within a state. And I haven’t even started on how the PA and Hamas should be curtailed.]

15.  !2000 MULES   [1:28:00]

14.   Doxing: White House Yields to a National Rage Addiction   Jonathan Turley

Below is my column in the Hill on the leak and the refusal of President Joe Biden to denounce such conduct. It is a defining moment for his presidency that, even in the face of such a disgraceful and unethical act, the President cannot muster the courage to condemn it. He then magnified that failure by refusing to condemn the doxing and targeting of justices and their families at their homes.

Here is the column:

13.  !Goldman Trader: “The Set Up For An Equity Market Crash Is As High As I Have Seen It”   BY TYLER DURDEN

A few days ago, we brought readers’ attention to the one chart which we think is the most important in setting market tone and sentiment: that of emini liquidity, or lack thereof.

This morning, Goldman’s trading desk also brings attention to this most important market dynamic, and in an early note from trader Matthew Fleury, he writes that “this chart should be on everyone’s radar. This is the top of book depth of S&P futures divided by 1mo ATM vol. It is flashing red. The set up for an equity market crash is as high as I have seen it.”

12.   Tierney’s REAL News (5/10/22)

11.  In Less Than 12 Hours “2000 Mules” on Stolen 2020 Election Grosses More than a Million on Locals and Rumble  By Jim Hoft

The premiere of the much-anticipated movie ‘2000 Mules’ was held last week in theaters across the country and in a virtual premiere online on Saturday night.

In the film, Dinesh D’Souza and True the Vote investigators provide answers and evidence on the stolen 2020 Election.

True the Vote investigators Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips have identified over 2000 ballot trafficking mules in all of the battleground states.  These “mules” deposited hundreds of thousands of ballots into ballot drop boxes during the 2020 election. The ballot fraud scheme produced enough ballots to steal the election for Joe Biden.

According to the evidence discussed in the movie, if you factor in just the identified ballot trafficking, Trump won with 305 electoral votes. That does not even count all the other fraud that occurred during the election like the mysterious ballot drops at 3 in the morning or the questionable voting machines.

10.   Democrat Terrorism: Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Issues a “Call to Arms” in Reaction to Supreme Court   By Cristina Laila

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) on Monday night called for violence and issued a “call to arms” in reaction to the Supreme Court.

Lightfoot, like other Democrats, falsely claimed the Supreme Court’s impending decision to overturn Roe v Wade will also lead to ‘restrictions’ on the LGBTQ community.

Mayor Lightfoot called for violence Monday night as godless, pro-abortion activists protested outside of Justice Alito’s home.

“To my friends in the LGBTQ+ community—the Supreme Court is coming for us next. This moment has to be a call to arms.” Lightfoot, a lesbian, said on Monday.

[Ed.: But, but arms are illegal in Illinois!]

9.  Biden’s New White House Press Secretary Claimed Trump Stole the 2016 Election   By Mike LaChance

Democrats and the media have made it quite clear that no one is allowed to question the integrity of the 2020 election.

Doing so can even get you banned from social media platforms.

Yet Joe Biden’s new White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed that Trump stole the 2016 election.

How is that any different?


8.   Woman Finds Box of Over 100 Mail-In Ballots While Walking Her Dog in Hollywood   By Cassandra Fairbanks

A woman walking her dog in East Hollywood found a box of 104 unopened mail-in ballots on the sidewalk on Saturday evening.

Christina Repaci, the woman who found the ballots, said that she saw the USPS box just sitting there filled with envelopes. When she picked one up to investigate, she realized that they were ballots.

“I turned the corner and I just saw this box of envelopes, and it was a USPS box. I picked some envelopes up and I saw they were ballots,” Repaci told Fox 11.

Repaci told the news station that she then took the ballots home for “safe keeping” while she determined what to do with them. She then began sending videos of the ballots to popular social media accounts asking them to share the content.

7.  !PURE EVIL: Biden DOJ Is Threatening Jan. 6 Defendants With Life in Prison for Walking Inside US Capitol and Taking Pictures    By Jim Hoft

On January 6, 2021, several members of the Oath Keepers marched up the US Capitol steps, stood in a line, and sang the National Anthem with the tens of thousands of patriots outside the building.

Several members of the Oath Keepers, who were in Washington DC only to provide protection to speakers at the several organized protests that week, walked into the US Capitol. They were seen taking pictures inside the building.

Now the Biden Department of Justice, under the direction of Matthew Graves, the US Attorney for the District of Columbia, are threatening those same men with life in prison.

Evil is walking our government’s hallways and weak men and women are too afraid to speak out.

6.   HAPPENING NOW: Godless Pro-Abortion Activists Protest Outside of Justice Alito’s House Chanting, “F**k You Alito”       By Jim Hoft

Pro-abortion protesters gathered outside of Justice Kavanaugh’s home in the Washington DC area on Saturday.

The protesters were chanting, “No Uterus, No opinion!”

Suddenly, the Democrat party can define what a woman is.   [Emphasis added]

5.  [Re-posting]  !SEND THIS EMAIL TO CONGRESS   James Roguski

Congress is asleep at the wheel. They need to investigate this clear and present danger to our sovereignty. Please help us wake them up and get their attention. ALERT THE MEDIA TOO.





CONTACT YOUR STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL:   https://www.naag.org/find-my-ag/


4.  Thousands of Women Are Reporting the Same Vax Side Effects  [1:49]

Missed periods, painful cramps and more severe bleeding — is there a connection between the COVID jab and these changes to women’s monthly cycles? These researchers are now conducting a study to determine if COVID vaccines can have an effect on female reproductive health.

3.  !! How Did 274,000 Babies End Up on Psychiatric Meds?   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

It’s unfathomable how infants who can’t even talk or walk yet could end up on addictive and mind-altering anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants. But that’s exactly what’s happening, according to this mental health watchdog group.


  • An estimated 21 million American adults experienced at least one major depressive episode in 2020. The highest rates reported for the past several years have consistently been among those aged between 18 and 25
  • The vast majority are prescribed antidepressant drugs, despite the fact there’s virtually no evidence to suggest they provide meaningful help, and plenty of evidence showing the harms are greater than patients are being told
  • Hundreds of thousands of toddlers are also being medicated with powerful psychiatric drugs, raising serious ethical questions, along with questions about the future mental and physical health of these children
  • There’s no scientific evidence to suggest depression is the result of a chemical imbalance in your brain. A lot of the evidence suggests unhealthy living conditions are at the heart of the problem
  • Antidepressants are not beneficial in the long term and antipsychotic drugs worsen outcomes over the long term in those diagnosed with psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia

2.  !! FDA Just Fast-Tracked a Vaccine for Alzheimer’s   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

A vaccine that targets amyloid beta in the brain to treat Alzheimer’s disease has been granted fast-track designation by the FDA. In addition to concerns about adverse effects, targeting amyloid beta may not be the answer to curing Alzheimer’s.


  • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted fast-track designation to UB-311, a vaccine for Alzheimer’s disease made by biotechnology company Vaxxinity
  • Aside from the potential problems that can arise when a vaccine is rushed to market, the vaccine may be problematic from the get-go because amyloid beta may be a symptom of Alzheimer’s, not the cause
  • Researchers have even suggested that amyloid beta is a response to neuronal stress, one that functions as a protective adaptation to the disease
  • Fast-tracking a vaccine that’s targeting an isolated element of Alzheimer’s disease that is not the underlying cause is destined to be a massive disaster
  • Overall, nourishing your brain health is best done with a comprehensively healthy lifestyle, including the use of exercise, ketogenic diet, time-restricted eating, optimized vitamin D and other hormones, increased sleep, meditation, detoxification and elimination of gluten and processed food

1.   !!!  What You Need to Know About the WHO Pandemic Treaty   [1:19:27]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

The Next Phase of the New World Order: Absolute Power

In June, we have an opportunity to give public comment on one of the World Health Organization’s most harrowing proposals to date. Get your statement ready now, as this may be our last chance to stop travel restrictions, digital IDs, mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports.


  • The World Health Organization has started drafting a global pandemic treaty on pandemic preparedness that would grant it absolute power over global biosecurity, such as the power to implement digital identities/vaccine passports, mandatory vaccinations, travel restrictions, standardized medical care and more
  • The WHO is not qualified to make global health decisions. As just one example, the WHO didn’t publicly admit SARS-CoV-2 was airborne until the end of December 2021, yet scientists knew the virus was airborne within weeks of the pandemic being declared. The WHO also ignored early advice about airborne transmission
  • More importantly, a one-size-fits-all approach to pandemic response simply does not work, because pandemic threats are not identical in all parts of the world. Even people in the same region do not have identical risk and may not need or benefit from identical treatment
  • The WHO will accept two more days of public comment on the treaty, June 16 and 17, 2022, so prepare your statements now. The World Health Assembly will also vote on amendments to the International Health Regulations, May 22-28, 2022, which may also strip away more individual rights and liberties
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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.