Daily Shmutz | 051122

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

29.  !CPS Weaponized To Abduct, Traffic Your Kids: Stealing Children Under The Threat of Arrest or Death  [22:18]   Stew Peters Network

C.P.S. used to stand to protect children, but as of late the only thing they truly do, is abduct children. Jamie & Lindsey Tweet join The Stew Peters Show to share their story of having Lindsey’s 5 year old child stripped from them unjustly by C.P.S. and are now faced with losing him forever.

Call Judge Myron Calvin Milford Jr about the case at this #(334) 864-4320

Watch this full segment now at StewPeters.com and consider donating to the Tweet family as well so that they can continue to pay for the legal fees that are keeping them in the battle to save Lindsey’s son:

28.  !LIVE: Maria Zeee UNLEASHES On The Globalists! Humanity’s Final Warning Approaching  [30:42]      Stew Peters Network

Free Journalist Maria Zeee joins the fight to spread truth among a world filled with corruption and lies.

27.  !!Jab Victim Discharging “Biological Creatures” 30 Yr Old Reports HORROR After Moderna Shot   [10:22]   Stew Peters Network

What are in these DEADLY injections?! Dr. Ariyana Love joins The Stew Peters show to discuss a patient of hers who is infested with parasitical clots that resulted from COVID jab!

26.  !!! Shocking Covid Shot ‘Shedding’ Effects: Acupuncturist Treating Vaxxed Starts Passing Parasites  [11:00]   Stew Peters Network 

The vaccinated are NOT the only ones who should fear for their well being. Ananda joins The Stew Peters Show to discuss her life-altering story behind the side effects she dealt with during her practice of curing vaccinated patients of blood-clots via medical cupping.

25.  Maryland Mom of Twins Worries over Baby Formula Shortage: ‘This Is Scary!’

A Maryland mom of four is furious at the Biden administration for the current state of affairs in the country — particularly the supply chain crisis and the impact it is having on her children, as she struggles to find formula for her 10-month-old twins.

“I have enough formula for two babies for 14 days,” Kayla Zurenko, a mom of four, told Fox News Digital, explaining that she has searched the tri-state area for formula for her babies. “Where am I going to find formula after that?”

This was not always an issue for Zurenko, as she breastfed her children up until January 2022, but stopped because she contracted the Chinese coronavirus, thrusting her among other parents who are facing similar panic over shortages of baby formula.

“I sent him [her husband] for a curbside order and the order got canceled,” Zurenko told Fox News Digital, explaining that they were eventually able to find some at Target. After that, she tried to breastfeed again, but she realized that her milk supply “just never came back to a sustainable level” after she contracted the virus.

According to Fox, the mom of four broke down in tears during the interview over the struggle to feed her children.

[Ed.:  How noticeable it is that they targeted baby food for the first stages of their ‘shortage’.]

24.  !!! Bidenflation Squeezes Parents and Pet Owners: Prices Up for Baby Food, Toddler Clothes, Breakfast Cereal, Milk, Juice, Snacks, and Pet Food

The last year of inflation has made it much more expensive to raise children or own pets in the United States.

The latest report on the Consumer Price Index showed that prices overall are up 8.3 percent compared with a year ago. That number may actually downplay the real toll of inflation because prices were already rising rapidly last April, so last month’s price increases are on top of already high prices.

Parents may be feeling especially squeezed because of rising prices on food, childcare, and even clothes for children.  Here are some of the 12-month changes in price hikes of stuff for children.

  • Baby food: up 13 percent.
  • Infant and toddler clothes: up 8.8 percent.
  • Breakfast cereal: up 10.3 percent.
  • Hot dogs: up 6.9 percent.
  • Fresh and frozen chicken parts (think: nuggets): up 17.9 percent.
  • Fresh whole milk: 15.7 percent.
  • Ice cream: up 4.7 percent.
  • Fresh fruit: up 8.3 percent.
  • Fresh vegetables: up 6.3 percent.
  • Canned fruits and vegetables: up 10.4 percent.
  • Juice: up 9.3 percent.
  • Snacks: up 9.8 percent.
  • Fast food: up 7 percent.
  • Boys clothes: up 3.8 percent.
  • Girls clothes: up 4.7 percent.
  • Boys and girls shoes: up 5 percent.
  • Bicycles: up 8 percent.
  • Sports equipment: up 6.8 percent.

Baby formula, of course, is unavailable in many stores across the country thanks to a nationwide shortage.

[Ed.:  Pet Food?!]

23.  [Bulk Posting:]  More of Today’s Natural News Articles:

FDA finally admits that covid vaccines cause blood clots
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has altered its guidance for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” from Janssen (Johnson & Johnson), which the federal agency now …

More than 25,000 patients missing from Pfizer data… were they deleted on purpose?
Safety data on 35,706 patients who participated in Pfizer’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” trials has gone missing, more than likely intentionally as part of a massive …

Previously healthy gorilla dies of multiple organ failure following covid vaccination
Martha the gorilla, who lived at the Gladys Porter Zoo in Brownsville, Tex., recently died after getting “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). According to reports, Martha …

Pfizer, government regulators hid smoking gun data showing that covid jabs cause birth defects and infertility
A Freedom of Information (FOI) request out of Australia has revealed that pharmaceutical giant Pfizer hid the results of the only pregnancy and fertility study that has ever been conducted on its …

Action alert: Tell Congress to stop Sen. Dick Durbin from criminalizing supplements
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) is once again launching an assault on…

Fauci, Collins and others at NIH accepted hundreds of millions of dollars in secret payments prior to the plandemic
Government watchdog non-profit Open the Books has discovered that more than 350 M in secret payments were funneled to Tony Fauci, Francis Collins, and other government workers at the …

Ultra-rich Americans preparing “Plan B” by applying for citizenship or residency in foreign countries as the United States heads for collapse
The uncertain global situation has led wealthy Americans to apply for citizenship or residency in foreign countries, as they have done so in the past three years. U.S. billionaires, tech …

Where are the hate crime charges? Young black gang is terrorizing whites in Boston
A gang of young black teens is purposely targeting and terrorizing whites in Boston, but so far not only has the ‘mainstream media’ neglected the story, but there also have not been any …

Mike Adams and Dr. Gaston Cornu-Labat talk about health freedom and asserting individual rights against medical tyranny
The Health Ranger Mike Adams and veteran physician Dr. Gaston Cornu-Labat talked about fighting for health freedom and asserting individual rights against the medical system during a recent …

Spring wheat hits its highest price in 14 years, spurring higher food prices
Spring wheat, which is used as a main ingredient for various food items, hit its highest price in 14 years due to a combination of factors inside and outside the United States. ZeroHedge reported …

Former Marine Corps officer appeals to people of Finland, Sweden: Do not join NATO
Scott Ritter, a former intelligence officer for the Marine Corps, is begging the people of Finland and Sweden to talk to their leaders and reconsider plans to join the North Atlantic Treaty …

Millions could die from impending global famine, warns German development minister
The world is entering a major food crisis, the likes of which has not been seen since World War II, says German Economic Cooperation and Development Minister Svenja Schulze. And the reality is …

Merritt Medical Hour: Lack of fertilizer, food manufacturing plant fires will cause food shortages in the US – Brighteon.TV
The United States is heading toward a food shortage crisis because of the lack of fertilizer coming from Ukraine. There is no potash to grow crops, which means that Iowa, Nebraska and much of the …

Prepper projects: How to build a composting toilet
Preppers who live off grid or in an area that is frequently affected by natural disasters should prioritize waste management. If you’re worried about a long-term disruption of municipal …

Lawyer Brad Geyer tells Dr. Bryan Ardis: US Constitution, Bill of Rights are being trampled on – Brighteon.TV
Veteran lawyer Brad Geyer lamented the fact that key constitutional provisions and the Bill of Rights are being trampled on and rescinded these days. “The key constitutional provisions that …

Power grid operators warn of looming energy shortages thanks to Biden’s “clean energy” policies
The heads of different electric grid operators warned that American households may experience energy shortages. They issued this warning to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) amid the Biden …

Not so sweet: Study links artificial sweeteners to liver damage
More evidence has emerged linking artificial sweeteners to liver damage, specifically non-nutritive sweeteners like acesulfame potassium and sucralose, which are used as no-calorie sugar …

Pumpkin seeds: A nutritious, inexpensive and versatile snack with plenty of health benefits
Pumpkin seeds are flat, dark-green seeds encased in yellow-white husks at the center of the pumpkin fruit. The oldest pumpkin seeds were found in Mexico and were estimated to be around 9,000 …

2 Largest reservoirs in California at critically low levels even before summer
Two of the largest reservoirs in California have critically low water levels as the ongoing drought is expected to make the upcoming summer an even dryer one for the state. The report comes from …

America Unhinged: When people lose their freedoms bit by bit, they are headed toward slavery — Brighteon.TV
For Dr. Syed Haider, real freedom simply means being able to choose different things and go in different directions that you want. “So a lot of people are boxed in with debt and they’re …

Budget prepping: Ways to make your food budget last longer
If you’ve been paying attention to store items for the last few months, you may have noticed that food prices have been increasing. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food …

22.  Without evidence, FDA claims “misinformation” is LEADING cause of death in the USA, but won’t acknowledge deaths caused by vaccines or pharmaceuticals    by Lance D Johnson

(Natural News) According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the new leading cause of death in the United States is something called “misinformation.” FDA chief Robert Califf appeared on CNN to talk about the new leading cause of death. He said, “the reliable, truthful messages are not getting across, and it’s being washed down by a lot of misinformation, which is leading people to make bad choices that are unfortunate for their health.”

While this makes sense, Mr. Califf did not mention any of the harmful government misinformation that has come out of the FDA over the past three years, and he failed to define exactly the kind of information that is leading people on a path of sickness, mental illness and death. He also failed to quantify his idea of “misinformation” with the negative health outcomes that are occurring in the American population.

21.  It’s INTENTIONAL: “Climate change” fairy tale is simply an excuse to destroy the physical infrastructure that keeps civilization alive   by Ethan Huff

(Natural News) Almost everything being said about the “climate change crisis” is a hoax designed to deconstruct society via a “Great Reset” and usher in the new age envisioned by the “elites.”

If you really take the time to think about what each component of the “green” agenda entails, you will quickly realize that it all involves the destruction of civilization as we currently know it.

Eliminating fossil fuels, for instance, will ensure that no more fertilizer is available to grow food. It will also ensure that food is unable to get from farm to fork, since an electric semi-truck will not have the capacity to make it across the country without constant “refueling” – plus, electric semi-trucks do not exist and never will.

Then there is carbon dioxide (CO2), that “evil” gas molecule in the air that just so happens to make plants grow. Without it, there would be no more life on the planet. (Related: CO2 also has nothing to do with climate patterns.)

It turns out that a changing climate is also completely normal, despite every attempt by the climate brigade to paint it as a consequence of cow flatulence and human existence.

If the climate never changed, it would not properly function to sustain life. So once again, the climate agenda is exposed as being anti-life, which is all it ever was.

20.  !!USA Globalists Plan To Turn American Sovereignty Over To WHO  [24:06]

The Globalist war against the American people takes another step on May 22nd through the 28th They hope to use the WHO to get around the Constitution.

19.  !!! DIESELGEDDON – America’s diesel supply on verge of catastrophic collapse, leading to HALTING of food, fertilizer, coal and energy    by Mike Adams

(Natural News) In what we are now calling Dieselgeddon, the supply of diesel fuel in the United States is plunging. By the end of May or early June — unless something changes dramatically — diesel fuel will go into extreme scarcity and have to be rationed across America.

Because diesel is used by nearly all trains (because they’re “diesel-electric” trains), transport trucks, construction equipment and farming equipment, the crash in diesel availability will sharply affect all the following:

  • Food availability
  • Fertilizers for growing food
  • Coal for powering the electrical grid
  • Construction projects
  • Transportation of consumer goods to retail stores
  • UPS, Fedex, USPS and other package carriers

Few people realize how important diesel fuel is to the economy, but they’re about to learn this all-important lesson the hard way: Without diesel fuel, America’s economy ceases to function. Full stop.

Without diesel, UPS can’t deliver packages. Amazon.com shuts down. The USPS stops delivering mail.

[Ed.:  All of this can be attributed to Donald Trump walking away from office after we elected him 11/3/2020 when enemy forces fraudulently changed the results, and the press announced that Biden won. Putting this another way: if Trump had not deserted, this would not be happening to us.]

18.   Netanyahu ‘A government dependent on terror supporters can’t fight terror’

Opposition Leader Netanyahu blasts coalition members who condemned IDF soldiers for Al Jazeera journalist’s death.

Opposition Leader and former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu castigated the Bennett government Wednesday, after several coalition members blamed the IDF for the death of an Al Jazeera journalist during a firefight with terrorists in Jenin.

Speaking in the Knesset Wednesday afternoon, Netanyahu gave his “full backing” for the Israeli soldiers involved in the operation in Jenin early Wednesday morning.

“I want to give my full backing for the IDF soldiers and their officers, both in their fight against terrorism, and against the dishonest Palestinian propaganda campaign.”

17.  !Passenger lands plane after pilot passes out  [1:46]

Passenger with no flight experience safely lands plane at Florida airport after pilot has medical emergency mid-flight.

In a scene from a Hollywood movie, a passenger with no flight experience was forced to make an emergency landing at West Palm Beach International Airport in Florida after the aircraft’s pilot suffered a medical emergency and passed out during the flight.

The incident occurred aboard a single engine 12-seat Cessna Caravan aircraft which took off from the Bahamas. The pilot and single passenger were the only people aboard.

[Ed.  Wow!  The is same thing can easily happen with drivers on the road.  Trucks, busses, civilians, can suddenly lose consciousness and lose control.  Now that people have been genetically modified by the vax, we must be on guard from them at all times!]

16.   Fact Checking the Fact Checkers: Debunking AP’s ‘2000 Mules’ Hit Piece    By Jennifer Van Laar 

Many of us were alarmed on Election Night 2020 when, while the results were looking good for Donald Trump, multiple states suddenly stopped counting votes. As the night wore on and went into the next day, it seemed that every update was favorable for Biden until he was ultimately named President-Elect.

15.  !Democrats’ 2022 Midterm Playbook: Falsehoods and Fear  Will an act of judicial sabotage provoke another summer of rage like the one that helped elect Biden?     By Gerard Baker

They’re going to do it again, aren’t they? It worked so well for them in 2020 that they can hardly be blamed for thinking they can repeat it in 2022.

[Bill NarveyRecall when in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd, Black Lives Matter incited many riots in many cities which turned violent in the forms of arson destroying many businesses and other property as well as injury and death to cops and others.  Few of the many who committed these crimes were charged.

BLM was then already known as a Marxist black activist racist/bigoted movement that was anti-white-anti-cop-antisemitic-anti-Israel and anti-American values.  Notwithstanding that, BLM drew much support from left wing virtue signalling and so called social justice (injustice) warriors who served as BLM’s useful idiots and also helped on the front protest/riot lines.

Further what was even more troubling is that the Democrats supported these BLM  protests/riots and incitement to riot by not speaking out against those crimes.  Add to that you will recall Pelosi, Schumer and a number of other Democrat party members making a big show of wearing Kente cloths, kneeling for 9 minutes in support of BLM which bestowed on BLM the approval of the Democrat party.

Not only did the Democrat party by its silence give BLM and their useful idiots tacit consent to riot as they were doing, they showed America that the Democrat party supported BLM and its lawlessness.

The Dems that heed only the principle of doing and saying whatever it takes to gain and hold power (the Machiavellian Principle), thus quicky saw this as a political opportunity to use to its benefit against Pres. Trump and the Republicans. 

Well, Biden and the Democrats, so bereft of morals, scruples, honesty, values and decency again are playing the same Machiavellian hand, this time by refusing to call out the illegal leaking of SC Justice Alito’s draft February opinion that was for overturning Roe V. Wade.  Worse still, Biden and the WH also refusing to call out the pro-abortion mobs that located and are protesting at the homes of conservative SC justices and their families under the banner Ruth Sent Us.  These outraged pro-abortionists are publicly stating  that they were in front of these SC justices homes to force the SC justices to change their minds and keep Roe v. Wade.

Under 18 U.S.C. 1507, it is a federal crime to protest near a residence occupied by a judge or jury with the intent to influence their decisions in pending cases.  That is exactly what these pro-abortion protesters are doing.

By Biden as repeated by Jen Psaki refusing to condemn the illegal leaking of SC Justice Alito’s draft decision more so refusing to call out the mobs at the SC justices homes as committing a federal crime and demanding they disperse as well as having the FBI/AG take action, they are not only consenting to these mobs protest actions, they are endorsing and helping to incite it. 

Their obvious Machiavellian objective is to deflect attention away from Biden’s many serial failures such as inflation and border insecurity to name just 2 that are harming Americans in the hope that when the mid term elections arrive, the American voters will still be distracted enough to let the Democrats hold power or at least not lose nearly as much as is currently predicted in the polls.  

With that, here is very informative insightful article that lays out the dishonest unscrupulousness of the Democrat Party.]

14.  Iran’s Ayatollahs in the US’ own backyard    Yoram Ettinger

(More data available here and here)

“…. Iran is helping Venezuela build combat drones…. Iranian precision-guided missiles are being delivered to Venezuela to be fitted into advanced Iranian [predator] Mohajer drones and similar models…. Iran could provide Venezuela with parts for a future combat drone that would have an even longer range than the Mohajer-6 [reaching the shores of Florida]….”

Iran’s Ayatollahs in Latin America – Quo Vadis?

*Since their February 1979 toppling of the Shah of Iran, Iran’s Ayatollahs have considered Latin America, all the way to the US-Mexico border, the soft underbelly of “The Great American Satan.”  Hence, their intense collaboration – along with their proxies, Hezbollah and Hamas – with the leading drug cartels of Mexico, Columbia and Bolivia, Latin American terror organizations, and all staunchly anti-US governments in South and Central America: Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Bolivia and Chile.  In fact, Iran’s Ayatollahs have contributed to enhanced coordination among the anti-US Latin American governments.  They have co-led the effort to establish joint anti-US Latin American intelligence facilities. In addition, they have recruited Latin American terrorists, training them in Iran.

13.  Tierney’s REAL News (5/11/22)

Hi all,

 Today’s newsletter is mostly about President Trump – so if you are a Never Trumper you probably don’t want to read it! Enjoy your day! Peg

12.   Watch: Shanghai ‘health workers’ drag people from their homes  [0:29]

As the COVID-19 spread grows worse in China, residents are being told to stay indoors ‘or else.’

11.  Godless globalist cartel to target churches and mothers in final drive to impose technocratic beast system by Leo Hohmann

The globalist left are planning to unleash their mobs on Catholic and Evangelical churches nationwide from May 8 through May 14, with Mother’s Day being a particular day of interest on their protest calendar.

This is being done to express anger over an anticipated ruling overturning Roe v. Wade and legalized abortion.

An organization called “Ruth Sent Us” announced on Twitter that it plans to “disrupt” Catholic and Evangelical church services starting on Sunday, Mother’s Day. I would not be surprised if this type of targeted action continues and even escalates throughout the summer and fall leading up to the midterm elections on Nov. 8.

10.   Militant Activist Group Takes Credit for Arson at Wisconsin Pro-Life Organization, Promises ‘Increasingly Extreme Tactics’   By Cassandra Fairbanks

A militant pro-abortion group has claimed credit for the Molotov cocktail arson attack at the office of a Wisconsin pro-life nonprofit organization.

The group, calling themselves “Jane’s Revenge,” promised to “adopt increasingly extreme tactics” against those who are pro-life.

The Madison office of the Wisconsin Family Action was attacked on Sunday.

According to WFA, the arsonists threw two Molotov cocktails into the office, after breaking windows, and then proceeded to light a fire.

9.  LISTEN: Bombshell Audio Reveals Lindsey Graham Claiming Nation Will Unify Around Biden After Jan. 6, Saying He’s ‘Maybe the Best Person to Have, Right?’   By Cassandra Fairbanks

Newly-released audio shows Sen. Lindsey Graham telling a New York Times reporter that Joe Biden is “maybe the best person to have” and that he will unify the nation after the protest on January 6.

8.   Nonprofit Watchdog Uncovers $350 Million In Secret Payments To Fauci, Collins, Others At NIH    by Mark Tapscott

An estimated $350 million in undisclosed royalties were paid to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and hundreds of its scientists, including the agency’s recently departed director, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, according to a nonprofit government watchdog.

“We estimate that up to $350 million in royalties from third parties were paid to NIH scientists during the fiscal years between 2010 and 2020,” Open the Books CEO Adam Andrzejewski told reporters in a telephone news conference on May 9.

“We draw that conclusion because, in the first five years, there has been $134 million that we have been able to quantify of top-line numbers that flowed from third-party payers, meaning pharmaceutical companies or other payers, to NIH scientists.”

7.   [Re-posting]  Watch: Autonomous Chinese Drone Swarm Flies Through Forest Hunting For Humans  [1:38]

This footage is truly terrifying when you consider the prospect that should scientists transfer the technology to Beijing, or perhaps even the military, they may utilize the superior drone technology to target humans. Watch as the autonomous Chinese drone swarm flies through forest while hunting for humans.

6.  Tucker: This is the road to chaos and collapse  [12:24]

Fox News host gives his take on pro-abortion protesters targeting Supreme Court justices over the possible overturn of Roe v. Wade on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’

5.  !  This Is Where WORLD WAR 3 Could Be BREAKING OUT!!!  [11:33]   Dr. Steve Turley

Are we about to see the Ukraine war spill out into Europe and the beginning of World War 3? We’re going to see how a small breakaway republic may indeed be the theater for an expanded war, we’re going to see who the major players are, and stick with me to the very end of this video when I’ll show you exactly how to make sense of this crazy mess that threatens to engulf the world; you are NOT going to want to miss this!

4.  !!!

Horror: Atrium Health Levine Children’s Hospital to Launch Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine Trial for Young Children Ages 6 Months to 5 Years


4.  ![Re-posting] Watch: Autonomous Chinese Drone Swarm Flies Through Forest Hunting For Humans  [1:38]

This footage is truly terrifying when you consider the prospect that should scientists transfer the technology to Beijing, or perhaps even the military, they may utilize the superior drone technology to target humans. Watch as the autonomous Chinese drone swarm flies through forest while hunting for humans.

3.  ! Judicial Watch: Court Orders FBI to Disclose Details on Officials Who Opened Illicit Spy Operation on Donald Trump   By Jim Hoft

In December 2020 Bill Barr’s Department of Justice refused to release the Obamagate text messages between Lisa Page, Peter Strzok and Andrew McCabe. This was under Trump Attorney General Bill Barr.

Bill Barr was protecting Hillary Clinton for some reason.

Last week Judicial Watch announced a federal court ordered the FBI to disclose additional details about FBI and other officials “cc-ed” on the memo used to justify launching the “Crossfire Hurricane” spy operation.

2.  !! Bulk Post of the New Videos from Brighteon.com

Situation Update is now Citizens’ Log – May 10, 2022 – How the fall of human civilization was pulled off   Watch this video

Don’t Worry About Your Bad Dirt Here’s How to Make an Instant Garden and Start Gardening today   Watch this video

4 Reasons to try fermented foods for better digestive health    Watch this video

Western economic suicide: G7 bans imports of Russia oil, including to U.S., as punishment for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine   By Ethan Huff | Read the full story

Planned Parenthood workers support child abuse, trafficking and pedophilia   By Ethan Huff | Read the full story

California to become the first “abortion tourism” state, luring pregnant women to the state with funds for airfare, lodging, meals   By Lance D Johnson | Read the full story

Mindblowing: Pfizer admits in own documents it likely can’t demonstrate sufficient efficacy or safety of its covid-19 vaccines to get permanent use approval   By S.D. Wells | Read the full story

“I can’t feed my son” Baby formula shortage reaches critical stage in US as desperate parents search for rationed supplies   By JD Heyes | Read the full story

1. !! How the fall of human civilization has been achieved by the anti-human globalists   [1:15:46] Mike Adams

Under the camouflage of “climate change,” the world’s Western nations have dismantled their energy infrastructure, shutting down pipelines, halting drilling, punishing coal miners and waging economic warfare on the entire energy infrastructure. As the collapse accelerates, the globalists order people to, “Go green” but offer no practical way to actually transition from oil to anything else.

The deliberate dismantling of the infrastructure that keeps civilization functioning is now leading directly into mass starvation and economic collapse. This will only be exacerbated by the currency collapse that’s about to be sprung on the world, leading to a rapid, global collapse of the world’s dominant fiat currencies.

In our estimation, the Euro will likely collapse in the next year, and the Yen won’t be far behind. The US dollar is on its way out and is facing a global repudiation scenario where 100+ countries simultaneously denounce and abandon the dollar, leading to a near-instant wipeout of dollar-denominated assets, followed by the collapse of the US government empire.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.