Daily Shmutz | 051222

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

                                                                                                                                                      Clouds over Jerusalem

40. !! Is Bill Gates Behind BABY Formula Shortage?! Transhuman Vaccine agenda?  [12:38]   Stew Peters Network

Join DeAnna Lorraine on her new show Shots Fired! with DeAnna Lorraine with a deep-dive interview with prominent scientist and former WHO Researcher, Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger who discusses what is really in the toxic jabs, heavy metals, Graphine Oxide and the Transhuman agenda involved in it. Must-watch and share interview!

Plus DeAnna goes over the top hottest headlines of the day, including the horrific baby formula shortage and “random” fires attacking all the food processing plants across the country.

Watch the full show here 

39.  !  CPS Hunts Down, Terrorizes Foster Survivor: Government Trafficking Operation Weaponized For Satan  [21:59]   Stew Peters Network

As more stories come out EXPOSING Child Protective Services, The Stew Peters Show is stopping at nothing from sharing them with you! Asia Dewitt Nicholas joins The Stew Peters Show to share her story of having two, of her three, children stripped from her by CPS, based on unjust reasoning. Asia is trying her hardest to get her babies back, and to expose the corruption of Child ABDUCTION Services!

38.  Baby Formula Shortage Connected To Gates: Bill Heavily Invested into Lab-Produced Breast Milk  [5:20]   Stew Peters Network

From COVID lies, supply chain crisis, & inflation to BABY FORMULA SHORTAGES? Patrick Howley investigates the causes of the baby formula shortage in America, overseen by Sleepy Joe Biden’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Meanwhile, Bill Gates and a cabal of billionaires are trying to get artificial breast milk onto the market to compete with baby formula. Howley reports on the upcoming July 16 nationwide protests against the baby-snatching corruption of Child Protective Services (CPS).

37.  Tucker: There is something really wrong  [19:26] 1,620,298 viewsPremiered 23 hours ago

36.  The TRUTH About Ukraine Is Starting to Come Out!!!  [12:17]   Dr. Steve Turley

The truth about Ukraine is starting to come out! We’re going to look at just how outrageous the $40 billion dollar aide bill for Ukraine actually is, we’re going to see how Ultra Maga America First representatives are standing up against it, and stick with me to the end of this video when I’ll reveal how the truth about what’s really happening in Ukraine is starting to make its way into the mainstream, and completely demolishes any justification for this bill; you are NOT going to want to miss this!

35.  ! BREAKING: Evidence of Biden Payments from China Support Tony Bobulinski and Show the Bidens Made Millions Swindling America    By Joe Hoft

The MSM, Democrats and the Biden Campaign complained in October 2020 that the Tony Bobulinski story was a lie. 

They wanted Americans to believe that Hunter and Joe Biden are men of character and Tony Bobulinski was lacking integrity.  Unfortunately for this corrupt group, we provided evidence that proves Bobulinski correct.

34.  BREAKING: Senator Rand Paul Stalls Uniparty Bill Giving $40 Billion in More Funding to Ukraine   By Joe Hoft

Senator Rand Paul On Thursday stalled the bill for $40 billion more funding to Ukraine. 

Yesterday The Gateway Pundit reported on the House’s bill that passed and gave $40 billion to Ukraine. This bill passed with all Democrats voting yes and 149 Republicans.  There literally is no longer any pushback from the left on the war in Ukraine.

America First Candidates Under Attack: Candidate Ted Daniels Swatted, Set up by Rolling Stone  [16:07]    Stew Peters Network

The establishment is doing EVERYTHING they can to eliminate America First candidates! Teddy Daniels is an American Patriot who is running for office. He has been SWATTED in his own home, he has been threatened, sabotaged by his opponents, but through it all he VOWES that he will never back down!


33.  !! America First Candidates Under Attack: Candidate Ted Daniels Swatted, Set up by Rolling Stone  [16:07]    Stew Peters Network

The establishment is doing EVERYTHING they can to eliminate America First candidates! Teddy Daniels is an American Patriot who is running for office. He has been SWATTED in his own home, he has been threatened, sabotaged by his opponents, but through it all he VOWES that he will never back down!

32. !! President Trump Releases Statement on Pennsylvania Senate Race – Sticks with Dr. Oz, Says Kathy Barnette Cannot Win   By Jim Hoft

The Pennsylvania Senate race continues to heat up.

President Trump endorsed Dr. Oz weeks ago.  But the Trump base did not role out the red carpet for the famous and rich TV doctor.

The race today in Pennsylvania is a toss-up.

Dr. Oz is leading the race by only two points over Kathy Barnette and 3 points over David McCormick.

According to RCP Averages.

[Ed.:  Kathy Barnette is a true Conservative. Oz is a phony Republican swamp creature.   If Trump endorsed her, she would certainly win over Oz in a fair election (which we will never see again in our lifetime thanks to Trump.)  The thing about Trump is that when he makes a mistake, he then doubles down on it.  How many RINOS has he endorsed that stabbed him (and our Republic) in the back? How much has our nation deteriorated since he walked away from office after we elected him in 2020?  It’s already unrecognizable.]

31.   New DOJ Notes Reveal FBI Panic After Trump Tweeted He Knew He Was Being Spied On  [12:34]   Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov

30.   Democrat County Supervisor in Virginia Indicted on 82 Counts of Voter Fraud Related to Ballot Harvesting    By Joe Hoft

Democrat County Supervisor, Trey Adkins, was indicted on 82 counts of voter fraud related to ballot harvesting. 

LawOfficerr.com reported:

A county supervisor in Virginia has been accused of dozens of counts of voter fraud in a case in which prosecutors allege he showed up at the homes of voters, with absentee ballot applications and ballots, to ensure he would have their vote.

According to WJHL a grand jury indicted Knox District Supervisor for Buchanan County Trey Adkins on 82 felony charges.

29.   Days After Biden Unveils New Dystopian “Disinformation Governance Board” Newly Released Documents Confirm CDC Catalogues and Tracks Social Media Posts by Elected Officials That are Vaccine Related   By Julian Conradson

Newly released internal documents from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reveal the agency has been tracking and cataloging the social media posts of elected US officials.

The records were obtained earlier this week through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request and were posted online by investigative journalist Sheryl Attkisson.

According to the documents, the social media posts, which are all CDC or vaccine-related, are logged into a database and broken down by party affiliation. The logs include information like the text of the post, the date it was sent, a link, and even notes about what was said.


28.   Biden Gang Shuts Down the Largest Producer of Baby Formula in the US Causing National Crisis    By Joe Hoft

The Biden Administration is not for Americans.  Now we find out that the largest producer of baby formula was shut down by Biden/Obama for 3 months. 

We reported on the fact that baby formula is in short supply across the country and is being rationed as a result.

27.  !!  BIDEN REGIME J6 PRISONER Forced To Eat & Sleep for DAYS in Cell with Overflowing FILTHY TOILET  By Cara Castronuova

Surrounded by “TONS OF HUMAN FECES”! Readers – Please File a Complaint With WARDEN JONES & DOC Director Thomas Faust! INFO BELOW!

A DC Gitmo Detainee that has been arbitrarily thrown in “the hole” of DC Gitmo was left for an entire weekend in a cell with a backed up toilet and surrounded by built-up, black colored and “terrible smelling” human feces.

January 6th defendant Brandon Fellows was forced to urinate in the black moldy sink (where he obtains his drinking water from) for the duration of the weekend and eat his food and sleep three feet away from the filthy overflowed UNSANITARY toilet.

Although he pleaded with guards he was LITERALLY not allowed outside of the tiny feces filled cell for, even to shower, from Friday afternoon until Monday.

*See Fellow’s shocking and honest yet quite frankly stomach lurching statement below in this article or scroll down.

26.  !! EXCLUSIVE: Oath Keepers Stewart Rhodes Releases First Statement from Alexandria Prison to The Gateway Pundit – Feds Are Threatening Life in Prison (AUDIO)   By Jim Hoft

On January 6, 2021, several members of the Oath Keepers marched up the US Capitol steps, stood in a line, and sang the National Anthem with the tens of thousands of patriots outside the building.

Several members of the Oath Keepers, who were in Washington DC only to provide protection to speakers at several organized protests that week, walked into the US Capitol. They were seen taking pictures inside the building.

Now the Biden Department of Justice, under the direction of Matthew Graves, the US Attorney for the District of Columbia, are threatening those same men with life in prison.

Evil is walking the halls of government and weak men and women are too afraid to speak out.

25.   Biden Regime Shipping Pallets of Baby Formula to Border Facilities For Illegal Aliens as American Babies Go Hungry   By Cristina Laila

The Biden Administration is not for Americans.

The largest producer of baby formula was shut down by Biden/Obama for 3 months.

Biden is to blame because his FDA shut down a huge plant that makes baby formula in Michigan.

Baby formula is out of stock in stores across the United States.

[Ed.:  The Biden administrations apparently does not like babies…]

24.   HUGE EXCLUSIVE: Voting Systems Used Across the Country Have Functionality to Create Ballots and Fill Them Out – Why Are They Allowed?     By Joe Hoft

This week auditors in New Mexico uncovered a number of material issues in their work to date.  One item that we learned is that the voting system is able to fill out ballots.  Combined with what we knew some time ago, this is devastating. 

This past week auditors in New Mexico identified that the voting systems used in the counties under review have the ability to fill in ballots.  This was noted in the presentation before officials in Otero County, New Mexico.  We then learned earlier today that a prior New York state investigation identified malicious code that could do this.

23.   ‘I Was Disabled After Taking the Vaccine’  [3:04]

Alexa Quinter got the vaccine so she can start traveling for work again. Weeks after she got the shot, she started feeling strange symptoms, and was blacking out. She dismissed the problems as fatigue and anxiety — until she landed in the hospital one night.

[Ed.: She’s still stupid even after learning she was stupid in the first place!  This girl is one very stupid millennial!]

22.   UNC’s Fluoride Experiments on Babies Questioned

The University of North Carolina is conducting a questionable study with infants as young as three months old. The study proposes to administer bottled water with fluoride in it over a period of four years.

The purpose is to see if drinking the water will prevent cavities and tooth decay, with the aim of justifying the use of fluoride in drinking water systems in the U.S.. However, critics say the university isn’t giving proper, legally-required consent forms informing parents that fluoride has shown to reduce IQ in children.

Editors at the Journal of the American Medical Association say fluoride’s effect on the brain is equivalent to that of lead, Yahoo! Finance reports. 

21.  Worried Parents Share Their Daughter’s COVID Jab Story  [26:09]

Kim and Rob are concerned parents who share their worries after their 21-year-old daughter developed a blood clot after getting the Pfizer COVID vaccine. They say the clot has disappeared — but now they fear it may reappear in another part of her body.

20.  Hidden Jeopardy of Vegetable Oils That Few People Suspect   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Soaring disease rates are no mystery. Between 1970 and 2014, consumption of this product rose by 87%. Imbalance caused by this food has been linked to heart disease, gastrointestinal diseases, inflammatory conditions and more.


  • Replacing dangerous vegetable oils such as corn oil, soybean oil and canola oil with healthy fats such as lard, butter or coconut oil is a simple way to boost your health and reduce your risk of chronic disease, including cancer
  • Vegetable oils are a concentrated source of omega-6 linoleic acid, which has led to a severe imbalance between the omega-6 to omega-3 ratio in most people’s diets. This imbalance appears to be why vegetable oils promote cancer
  • Consumption of saturated animal fats such as butter, lard and beef tallow fell by 27% between 1970 and 2014, while consumption of vegetable oils rose by 87%
  • Historically, mankind consumed omega-3 and omega-6 at a ratio of 1-to-1. Today, most get 25 times more omega-6 than omega-3, and this imbalance has been linked to heart disease, gastrointestinal diseases, inflammatory conditions and cancer, especially neuroblastoma, breast, prostate, colon and lung cancer
  • Your body metabolizes omega-3 and omega-6 PUFAs into eicosanoids (hormone-like substances), and as a general rule, omega-3 eicosanoids are anti-inflammatory while omega-6 eicosanoids have proinflammatory effects. Part of the benefits of omega-3 fats is that they block the proinflammatory effects of omega-6 eicosanoids

19.  Is Ivermectin a Cancer Solution?   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

An Antiparasitic That Can Combat Cancer Cells?

It’s been vilified as being dangerous, useless or both, but extensive research shows that’s not true. This study demonstrates potential for its use against a broad range of cancers. Along with direct cytotoxic effects, it’s believed to help regulate the tumor microenvironment, mediating immunogenic cell death.


  • Ivermectin has notable antitumor effects, which include inhibiting proliferation, metastasis and angiogenic activity in cancer cells
  • Ivermectin may target cancer in multiple ways, including inducing apoptosis and autophagy while also inhibiting tumor stem cells and reversing multidrug resistance
  • Along with direct cytotoxic effects, it’s believed that ivermectin regulates the tumor microenvironment, mediating immunogenic cell death
  • The development of an injectable form of ivermectin, or liposomal ivermectin, could help overcome some of its limitations regarding solubility, and open its use to a broader range of cancers
  • Considering that the “war against cancer” has been ongoing for decades, with little to show in terms of lives saved, repurposing existing drugs with favorable safety profiles and notable anticancer effects — like ivermectin — makes sense

18.   My schizophrenic and chaotic life   Robert W Malone MD, MS

An ode to old mares and doing good work

The last three days were a marathon and it isn’t over yet.

On the farm, we had a series of events last week involving a herd of neighbor’s cows finding their way off the road and onto our farm. That set in motion horses freaking out, busting down fences and running around like crazy animals. Who knew that cows killed horses? According to a few of my mares cows do kill horses, and in fact, it turns out that became a self-fulfilling prophecy on the part of my horse herd. An old veterinarian friend once told me that horses are constantly finding ways to kill themselves, and it is our job to stop them. No truer words were spoken on this day. Because of the cows, our blind and older mare named Aqua ran into a gate and suffered a nasty wound. By Sunday, it because clear that the kindest thing to do was euthanasia.

17.   Nakba   by Eli E. Hertz

 The Arab Self-Inflicted Catastrophe

 As the British began to dismantle their Mandate [The British Mandate] and leave western Palestine, Israel’s War of Independence began (November 30, 1947 – May 14, 1948). During the war, Palestinian Arabs became belligerents in the conflict, and by its end, rather than accept a Jewish state after five-and-a-half months of warfare, Palestinian Arabs called upon their brethren from seven surrounding countries to invade and crush the nascent Jewish state. Six thousand Jews – 1 percent of Israel’s Jewish population – lost their lives during the War of Independence.

 The Arab League’s April 10, 1948 decision to invade Israel and “save Palestine,” marked a watershed event, for it changed the rules of the conflict. With the pending invasion following Israel’s declaration of independence, it is no exaggeration to say that the new Jewish state’s very existence hung in the balance. Dislodging all Arab inhabitants from sensitive areas in proximity to Jewish settlements, establishing territorial continuity between blocs under Jewish control, and ensuring control of key transportation arteries were military necessities.

 The cost of defeat was hammered home by a stream of dire warnings from Arab capitals, with perhaps the most chilling for Israel coming from Jamal Al-Husseini as vice-chairman of the Arab Higher Committee [AHC], who publicly declared:

 “The Arabs have taken into their own hands, the Final Solution of the Jewish problem. The problem will be solved only in blood and fire. The Jews will be driven out.”

 Three years after world Jewry had lost a third of its people in the Holocaust, Israelis were not about to test whether Al-Husseini’s words were merely rhetoric or a real threat, and so they prepared for the worst.

 Objectively, the claim that Palestinian Arabs were innocent bystanders ignores the facts: The sides in the conflict were not two rival empires, outsiders, or rival caliphs. It was a conflict between two national or ethnic groups. Palestinian Arabs represented one side in the conflict – the side responsible for starting the war. By their own behavior, Palestinian Arabs assumed the role of belligerents in the conflict, invalidating any claim to be hapless victims. Explains scholar Benny Morris:

 “One of the characteristics of the Palestinian national movement has been the Palestinians’ view of themselves as perpetual victims of others: Ottoman Turks, British officials, Zionists, Americans.”

Palestinian Arabs fail to recognize that they are victims of their own doing.

[Ed.:  The same is true for the Jews!  What a coincidence.  Maybe it runs in the family?]

16.   Democrats Urgently Want to Hold “Covid Origin Hearings” before November Defeat   Igor Chudov

What are they Trying to Hide?

This tweet speaks for itself:

Democratic and Deep State operative Jamie Metzl wants hearings on Covid-19 origins to be held ASAP before Republicans take the Congress in November. Obviously, Jamie is not alone in this, and they wants the hearings held now, to hide something.

What would he want to hide?

[Ed.:  The Dumbocrats never learn!  Their Muller investigations revealed more shmutz about themselves than it revealed about Trump.  Give them enough rope, and they will hang themselves.  But, it doesn’t matter, because after we win the 2022 elections, they will have won the 2022 elections, just like last time. They don’t have to panic.  They don’t even have to vote (like they didn’t bother to vote in the Primaries!)  They control elections in the US, and everywhere else on the planet.  They are in control, and they will not relinquish it.]

15.   Tierney’s REAL News (5/12/22)

Hi all,

 If you haven’t realized it by now – we are in the middle of a global social experiment, engineered by the atheist elites. It’s called the GREAT RESET – and we are all their little lab rats. That’s today’s REAL newsletter!

The baby formula shortage is big news. It was planned! Just like the gas shortages and food shortages & lumber shortages. This was caused by Biden – on purpose – a premeditated government planned shutdown of a large Abbott laboratories factory in Michigan along with Biden shipping OUR baby formula to the border! Stolen elections have consequences, they WANT this crisis.

14.   Israel authorizes plans for 4,427 West Bank settlement homes   By JACOB MAGID

More than half of units got final approval for construction; interior minister hails retroactive legalization of two outposts as a ‘celebration for the settlement movement’

[Ted Belman:  I do not believe this. “Roughly 330,000 Palestinians and 450,000 Israeli settlers live in the 60 percent of the West Bank that makes up Area C”. The Israel High Court has virtually ordered Israel to give building permits to Palestinians also. Israel is hoping the US will OK the 4,400 Jewish homes because their is approval for 1000 Arab homes.  The Arabs have built thousands of illegal homes in Area C.  Why give them permits while this is going onLast time such approvals were granted, the majority of the 1,300 were for houses already built; this move comes as Defense Ministry greenlights 4,400 new Jewish settlement homes]

13.  From Muhammad al-Durrah to Shireen Abu Akleh  By  Ariel Kahana

We may have lost in the international media arena, but only there and only temporarily. In terms of the diplomatic arena, an Israeli official summarized succinctly: “There’s no crisis.” That’s what’s important.

There are battles where the most you can hope for is to mitigate the damage. This was the goal of Israel’s public relations campaign on Wednesday morning.

Immediately after the reports of Al-Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh’s death, the IDF Spokesperson’s Office, the Foreign Ministry, the Government Press Office, the Israel Police, and the Public Diplomacy Directorate in the Prime Minister’s Office, which coordinates between the various bodies, shifted to an emergency footing.  It was obvious that the incident was not good for Israel, and that a quick and clear response was imperative.

Unlike the Palestinians, however, who took the liberty of unequivocally determining that Israel was responsible without providing any factual evidence – Israel is an orderly country. To get caught in a lie down the road would be worse than claiming things right now that sound beneficial. Due to all the complexities involved, this was the chosen PR approach.

As a lesson learned from the Muhammad al-Durrah fiasco, Israel on Wednesday avoided the same trap of Arab propaganda and didn’t admit that our soldiers were the ones who killed Abu Akleh. Moreover: At 8 a.m., just one hour after her death, the IDF Spokesperson had already issued a statement whereby, apparently, the Palestinians themselves murdered her in the midst of the gunfight. By 9 a.m. his words had been translated to Arabic and English and sent to international news outlets and foreign reporters. At the same time, a video was released intended to support the Israeli claim.


12.  Palestinians block probe into journalist’s shooting death, refuse to hand over bullet   By Lauren Marcus

Palestinian officials refuse to cooperate with Israeli investigation into slaying of Al Jazeera journalist, will not turn over the bullet that killed her.

What are they hiding?

The Palestinian Authority is refusing to allow an Israeli investigation into the shooting death of Shireen Abu Akleh, and will not turn over the bullet that killed her for an IDF ballistic examination.

Despite a preliminary statement from Wednesday from the Palestinian Health Ministry saying that it was unclear who fired the shot that killed Abu Akleh, PA officials blamed Israel and said there was no need for additional investigation.

11.   Chaos in Jerusalem: Arabs riot, ambulance hijacked

Police clashed with Arab rioters in eastern Jerusalem on Wednesday, with one man commandeering an ambulance in order to evade arrest.

On the heels of the shooting death of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, Arab demonstrators took to the streets in Beit Hanina, the eastern Jerusalem neighborhood where she lived, and other areas nearby on Wednesday afternoon.

Videos circulating on social media show a rapid deterioration into violence and bedlam, as protesters clashed with Israeli security forces and blocked major intersections in the city.

10.   An American Unsung Hero of the Shoah: Stephen Klein   By Alex Grobman, PhD

Part I

Against the background of turmoil in post-war Europe, the Vaad Hatzala had been established in November 1939. At the urging of Rabbi Hayyim Ozer Grodzinski, the leading rabbinical authority in Lithuania and world Jewry, Rabbi Eliezer Silver established the Orthodox Rabbis’ Rescue Committee/ Vaad Hatzala in response to the overwhelming number of refugees from yeshivas inundating Vilna and other cities in Lithuania.

After the war, the Vaad, with the financial backing of William I. Alpert, sent Rabbi Nathan Baruch, a newly ordained rabbi from Yeshiva Torah Vodaath, to direct their relief and spiritual rehabilitation program for observant Jews in Germany. As the war ended, Germany was divided into Soviet, American, British and French zones of occupation. The British were in the northwest, France in the southwest, the US in the south and the Soviet Union in the east. Berlin, the capital city situated in Soviet territory, was also divided into four occupied zones.

The American military expected the Jews, like the millions of non-Jewish Displaced Persons (DPs) in post-war Europe, would be eager to return to their native lands. Many Jews were loath to do so, especially those from eastern Europe, who comprised a significant share of the Jewish survivors. Some returned home to search for loved ones and friends. Once they finished their quest, they returned to Germany. In their former homelands, they encountered scorn, and were often harassed. Some were arrested on the trumped up charge off allegedly collaborating with the Germans. Many Jews found themselves without homes, since their residences had been appropriated by former friends and neighbors.

A number of laymen in the Vaad were involved in the process of selecting the schlichim (emissaries) and developing the post-war program. One of them was Stephen Klein, CEO and founder of the Barton’s Bonbonniere, a chocolate factory in Brooklyn (the first Shabbos-observant retail chain store in America—that grew into the leading maker of kosher candy). Klein was the chairman of the Vaad Hatzalah’s immigration committee, a former refugee who fled Vienna after the Anschluss in March, 1938. Klein, who was very close to Rabbi Aharon Kotler,(a Torah giant, who escaped Europe, and founded Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, NJ), was a founder of the Chinuch Atzmai, an independent Torah school network for Charedim in Israel in 1953.

9.  !! How The Atlantic Council Pulled Over The COVID-19 Matrix On The World

Not many are aware that the Big Tech, Big Government, Big Pharma censorship of the truth about COVID-19 is actively coordinated by NATO’s war propaganda arm, the Atlantic Council. This is how the Atlantic Council pulled over the COVID-19 Matrix on the world.

8.   Documents Reveal How US Biolabs In Ukraine Attempted To Create Controlled Epidemics

The Russian Defence Ministry continues to study materials on the implementation of military biological programs of the United States and its NATO allies on the territory of Ukraine. Explosive documents reveal how these Ukrainian biolabs attempted to create controlled epidemics including coronavirus.

7.  !! URGENT: Speak your mind NOW   James Roguski

If you are opposed to the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations, then NOW IS THE TIME TO SPEAK YOUR MIND.

Every citizen of the United States has the opportunity to voice their opinion regarding the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations.

Send your comments to the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Global Affairs (OGA).

6.  Biden’s Student Loan Fraud

Student loan debt is a serious issue. Millions of young Americans have gone to college without realizing how much it will cost them, and millions more are still doing so. Here we take a look at how Biden’s student loan fraud works.

5.  !! From Chananya Weissman

Last night I was joined via phone by Rabbi Ephraim Luft from Bnei Brak for a candid discussion on the Erev Rav’s state-sponsored mass murder of Jews at the grave of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai last year on Lag Ba’omer.  This was and still is portrayed by their propaganda tools in the “Jewish media” as a “tragic accident” or a stampede, despite overwhelming evidence that this attack — and there is no doubt it was an attack — was meticulously planned and viciously executed.

As I predicted at the time, this also served as a false flag operation to be used as a pretext for the Erev Rav to seize control over the holy site, all in the name of “public safety”, of course.

May God keep us safe from those who cynically purport to keep us safe, and may He unleash vengeance upon them without any further delay.

Here’s the link to R&B Medical War Crimes #39 – The Meron Terrorist Attack – Rabbi Ephraim Luft [48:39]:


The recording is available here.  Please share it, since many people are not going to hear the truth anywhere else.  Also be sure to check out the links in the description.

My most recent Torah class is available here.  Tonight’s Torah class will be at 5:30 PM Israel time, and the link to register for the live program is here.  For those who are interested in the shidduch world, I recently added two more articles to my site from ancient times (pre-covid):  EndTheMadness 8th Anniversary State of the Madness Address (2010) and EndTheMadness State of the Madness Address (2015)




If you received this from someone else and want to receive future articles directly, please send a request to endthemadness@gmail.com.

[Ed.:  Just like the United States, the Israeli government commits mass murder on it citizens.  The videos contained in this post clearly document this. 

One would think that a government that mass murders its own citizens cancels out their legitimacy, and must be taken down and replaced.  But, just like in the United States, totalitarians who are in power do not relinquish their power.]

4.   Woke PROTESTS At PELOSI’S HOUSE As Leftist CIVIL WAR Erupts!!!  [12:18]   Dr. Steve Turley

We’re going to look at the protests that have broken out in front of Pelosi’s home, we’re going to see the backlash that’s rising up against the Democrats’ lawlessness, and stick with me to the very end of this video when I’ll reveal precisely why a civil war is breaking out on the political left; you are NOT going to want to miss this!

3.  !!New Study & Confidential Pfizer Docs. prove COVID “Vaccine Shedding” has been and still is occurring with dangerous consequences

A new study conducted by scientists at the University of Colorado confirms the vast majority of humanity have had absolutely no choice in the matter of whether they wish to get the Covid-19 injection or not because the vaccinated have been transmitting antibodies generated by the injections through aerosols.

The findings should however come as no surprise, because a confidential Pfizer document had already confirmed exposure to the mRNA injections was perfectly possible by skin-to-skin contact and breathing the same air as someone who had been given the Covid-19 jab.

They also unfortunately add weight to the claims made by Dr Phillipe van Welbergen, who demonstrated that graphene, an alleged undisclosed ingredient of the Covid-19 injections, is being transmitted from the vaccinated to the not-vaccinated and destroying red blood cells and causing dangerous blood clots.

[Ed.: Oh nuts.]

2.  !!Voices From The Grave with More Embalmer’s Mystery Clots  [20:11]    Dr. Jane Ruby Show

On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane brings back Board Certified Embalmer, Richard Hirschman for a stunning 2 part interview – he is busier than ever pulling out more mystery white fibrous clots, this time exploding out of the arteries as he reaches for them! He has the receipts, the pictures and a new shocking video demonstration – are the dead trying to warn us from the grave? Then Dr. Jane reviews the known facts about Marburg illness and a serious warning from atty Todd Callender.

1.   !!Ask Dr. Jane: Swimming With The Vaxxed, And Contaminated Blood Transfusion  [10:15]   Stew Peters Network

Are swimming pools safe to swim in with the jabbed? If we needed a blood transfusion & the only option was contaminated blood by the jabbed, what would happen? What is causing Hepatitis in children?

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.