Daily Shmutz | 051422

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)


42.   Clarence Thomas Warns Abortion Leak Could Usher In The END Of The Supreme Court    By Alicia Powe

The shocking leak of the Supreme Court’s draft decision to overturn Roe v. Wade earlier this month could mark the end of the high court’s legitimacy, warns Justice Clarence Thomas.

“I wonder how long we’re going to have these institutions at the rate we’re undermining them, and then I wonder when they’re gone or destabilized what we will have as a country and I don’t think the prospects are good if we continue to lose them, warned the conservative justice while speaking at the Old Parkland Conference on Friday in Dallas.

“When you lose that trust, especially in the institution that I’m in, it changes the institution fundamentally. You begin to look over your shoulder. It’s like kind of an infidelity that you can explain it, but you can’t undo it,” he continued.

In the past, “if someone said that one line of one opinion” would be leaked, the expose would be disregarded by the public as illegitimate, Clarence argued.

41.   ‘We Will Be Ungovernable’: Over 400 Pro-Abortion Protests Take Place on Saturday, Kicking Off ‘Summer of Rage’    By Cassandra Fairbanks

Over 400 pro-abortion protests were taking place nationwide on Saturday, kicking off what the media is calling the “Summer of Rage.”

The protests were organized by Planned Parenthood, the Women’s March, and other pro-abortion groups.

“For the women of this country, this will be a summer of rage,” said Rachel Carmona, president of Women’s March, according to a report from Reuters. “We will be ungovernable until this government starts working for us, until the attacks on our bodies let up, until the right to an abortion is codified into law.”

40. !! How Government Created the Baby Formula Shortage—and a Black Market for ‘Unapproved’ European Imports   By Jon Miltimore

As Christina Szalinski reported in the New York Times, “baby formula is one of the most tightly regulated food products in the US.”

As many know, the US is confronting a shortage in baby formula that has grown quite serious. What started as complaints on Twitter of “out of stock” messages on Amazon purchases has turned into a national panic.

39.  ! The EU and the Biden Administration Give in to Iran’s Mullahs   by Majid Rafizadeh

  • The European Union is basically admitting that it views the nuclear deal with Iran’s ruling clerics from the perspective of economic opportunity. That should not be the objective of the nuclear talks. Instead, European leaders ought to be seeking a strong deal that will prevent the Iranian regime from acquiring nuclear weapons, especially — as they should have learned from Russia by now — because those nukes may soon be aimed at their countries.
  • By revealing its desperation to buy oil, the EU is empowering Iran’s ruling clerics to gain the upper hand in the nuclear talks and obtain even more concessions to revive the nuclear deal. Desperation, to the Iranian regime, means weakness.
  • To appease Iran’s mullahs, the EU and the Biden administration are also turning a blind eye to China’s violating the sanctions on Iran… Reportedly, the Iranian regime is exporting more than 1.5 million bpd. The ruling mullahs of Iran are exporting approximately 80% of the oil they used to export before the sanctions. Iran’s revenues heavily rely on oil exports; the sale of oil accounts for more than 50% of the regime’s export revenues.
  • The EU, moreover, has yet to join the US in imposing sanctions on the Iranian regime. In fact, European countries are still trading with Tehran in spite of the US sanctions. Tehran Times reported: “The value of trade between Iran and the European Union reached €4.863 billion in 2021, registering a nine-percent growth compared to the previous year….”
  • It seems clear that the nuclear deal was never about stopping the predatory regime of Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. For the EU, the nuclear deal is about trade, making money and buying oil from the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism; for the Biden administration, it is about a “diplomatic win”. In return, the ruling mullahs will have a legal path to blackmail the world, using nuclear weapons and missiles, into sending Iran’s regime billions for their terror and militia groups to torment everyone.

38.  !!Who Owns the Companies Cutting Off Fertilizer to Farmers?   By Sarah Westall | SarahWestall.com

Food prices are skyrocketing. The reasons are numerous and many seem to be curiously suspicious. One main reason for increases is the limited availability of fertilizer. Recent sanctions on Russia have affected the supply chain because Russia is the world’s largest exporter of fertilizer. But it’s only part of the picture.

Recently Union Pacific Railway lines, a main shipper for fertilizer, has mandated that fertilizer companies must reduce their shipments by 20% (see story below). The timing could not be worse or more suspicious. So who are making these terrible decisions and who owns these companies?

The curious thing is that Vanguard and Blackrock are not only the top 2 shareholders of Union Pacific Railway lines, but they are also the top 2 shareholders of CF Industries, one of the world’s largest fertilizer manufacturers (see source below).

What makes this whole thing even more curious, is that Vanguard and Blackrock are the top two shareholders of the top military contractors who are likely benefiting from the Ukraine crisis as well. According to Bloomberg Government and my research, the top 2 Federal Government military contractors and their top shareholders are:

  1. Lockheed Martin: Statestreet 14.88%, Vanguard 7.84%, Blackrock 6.69%
  2. Raytheon Technologies Corp: Statestreet 9.14%, Vanguard 7.55%. Blackrock 4.77%

Note: Top shareholders of Statestreet: Vanguard 9.33%, Blackrock 7.55

This evidence shows that Vanguard, Blackrock, and Statestreet, whose top two shareholders are Vanguard and Blackrock, control the top players on many sides of this issue. While this is not enough evidence to prove collusion and nefarious activities, it sure is curious and it deserves a further look.

37.   The Beginning of the End: Why Volodymyr Zelensky’s Upcoming Virtual Appearance at Davos Is a Bigger Deal Than Most Realize   JD Rucker

To those who aren’t prepared to fight the globalist elites or who believe we still have years or decades to get ready, we may be seeing the first public round of the next step of The Great Reset.

When news broke yesterday that the globalists at the World Economic Forum expected Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to attend their annual Davos conference, most conservative news outlets pounced on the notion that he’s going to be wasting his time with his buddy, Klaus Schwab, instead of focusing on bringing peace to his nation and protecting his people.

This is a valid argument, though one that has been made every time Zelensky appears to be doing something other than focusing on the war efforts. What seems to have gotten lost in all of this is that Zelensky is almost certainly going to be positioned as not just a victim, but also a potential leader to spearhead the stated purposes of this year’s meeting: Advancing the world toward The Great Reset, ending capitalism, and subverting Western domination over the world.

There was a time not too long ago when such devious plans were only fodder for conspiracy theorists listening to Alex Jones at Infowars. Today, the machinations of the globalist elites are being displayed proudly by the architects of The Great Reset. This New World Order no longer exists solely in the shadows. They’re branching out into the light and Volodymyr Zelensky is one of the keys to normalizing their plans to the masses.

36.  !500,000 Germans Severely Injured by COVID-19 Vaccines, Survey by Top Hospital Shows  By Josh Guetzkow, Ph.D.

Researchers at Charité Berlin, Germany’s top hospital and one of Europe’s largest, announced a high rate of COVID-19 vaccine severe side effects lasting months or longer based on a survey of about 40,000 Germans.

35.  !!COVID Vaccines for Kids Under 6 Won’t Have to Meet 50% Efficacy Standard, FDA Official Says   By Megan Redshaw

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s top vaccine official told a congressional committee on Friday that COVID-19 vaccines for kids under 6 will not have to meet the agency’s 50% efficacy threshold required to obtain Emergency Use Authorization.

[Ed.:  The FDA must be decommissioned!  While we’re at it, the entire government must be disbanded and reconstructed.   (Just sayin’.]

34.  !WWIII Precursor: Finland’s President Threatens Russia With Imminent NATO Membership Application   JD Rucker

It seems like both sides of the geopolitical aisle are itching for expansion of the regional conflict in Europe. If things do not deescalate soon, WWIII will be upon us all.

First, the disclaimers upfront. I’m not an apologist for Vladimir Putin. I am not a Russian supporter. It’s sad that such things need to be stated considering the years I have spent opposing Putin and treating Russia as the long-time enemy that they are, but some readers are new.

With all that said, the one major red line Russia has drawn for decades is the line NATO and Eastern European countries seem determined to cross at every opportunity. One can make a clear argument that Putin’s war in Ukraine would never have happened if NATO hadn’t pretended to entertain the idea of letting Ukraine join. Now, we’re seeing another nation that borders Russia telling them they’re going to try to join NATO as well.

33.  !20 AGs Demand Biden Disband ‘Orwellian’ Disinformation Governance Board, Threaten Legal Action

In a letter last week to U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, 20 state attorneys general demanded DHS immediately disband its Disinformation Governance Board and “cease all efforts to police Americans’ protected speech.”

Attorneys general (AGs) in 20 states last week threatened legal action unless the Biden administration immediately disbands its newly formed Disinformation Governance Board, which the group described as “Orwellian.”

In a May 5 letter to U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the AGs demanded DHS “cease all efforts to police Americans’ protected speech.”

They wrote:

32.   Nigeria: Imam justifies murder of Christian student, “we the Muslims have red lines which MUST NOT be crossed”

What was that you were saying about how the Muslims who condone violence are a tiny minority of uneducated extremists, not those who are well-versed in the faith?

[Ed.: Yeah, don’t blame Islam for being murderers.  It’s their religion.  They’re supposed to kill us. If you are not yet Islam0phobic, you just don’t get it!]

31.  ! Since the Debut of Disney/Marvel’s Muslim Superhero, 159,715 People Have Been Murdered for Islam  BY BOSCH FAWSTIN

(See TheReligionOfPeace.com for the jihad body count, day by day, week by week, month by month, and year by year, since 2001)   [Emphasis added]

The only reason we began to discuss Islam was jihad, and the one thing that Disney/Marvel have completely kept out of their Muslim superhero comic book is jihad, which debuted in 2013. And since Disney/Marvel will be releasing a live-action series featuring their Muslim superhero, Ms. Marvel aka Kamala Khan, this month, it’s time, once again, to call out these enemy propagandists in wartime. And keep in mind that there was a time when our enemies paid off sellouts in America to promote enemy propaganda, but now we’re so corrupt that companies do it on their own, without any possibility of reciprocation on the other side. While Disney/Marvel and WarnerBrothers/DC Comics/Discovery promote their Muslim superheroes, there are no such American superhero counterparts in Islamic dictatorships.

I was born to Muslim parents in the Bronx, New York, and I was raised Muslim. We ended up moving to New Jersey, which is where Marvel’s Muslim superhero lives with her family from Pakistan. Growing up, while my family would have been considered “moderate Muslims,” there was nothing moderate about the Jew-hatred in my Muslim family, or of the contempt shown towards females. Some members of my family even idolized Hitler, because he killed more Jews than anyone. And yet this casual hatred of others, of almost all others outside of the home, even by what are referred to as “moderate Muslims,” doesn’t appear at all in Disney/Marvel’s Muslim superhero comic book, which makes it nothing short of enemy propaganda for a foreign enemy, produced by a domestic enemy.

30.  FBI labels dozens of investigations into parents with threat tag created by Counterterrorism Division   BY ROBERT SPENCER

While ignoring and denying the existence of actual jihad terrorists, the FBI is treating parents who protest against the Leftist indoctrination of their children in public schools as if they were terrorists. If we still had a functioning political system, Merrick Garland would be forced to resign over this. Instead, he’ll probably get some award.

29.   Former FBI counterintelligence top dog likens Trump supporters to ‘violent jihadists’   BY ROBERT SPENCER

Of course, Trump supporters aren’t flying planes into buildings and all that, but such minor details are lost on deep thinkers such as Frank Figliuzzi. This clown’s fact-free and hyper-partisan ravings indicate why the FBI so catastrophically mishandled and willfully misunderstood the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat. With Figliuzzi as Assistant FBI Director for Counterintelligence, the bureau’s failure and willful ignorance was preordained.


28.   Tierney’s REAL News (5/14/22)

27.  ! Red pill vs. purple pill: a discussion   Steve Kirsch

I am trying to move a purple piller (a red pill wanna be but is having trouble letting go of the narrative) to become a full-fledged member of the red pill community.

I had an interesting email exchange with a purple piller I have great respect for. Purple pillers are people in-between who are smart and persuadable.

I’m omitting his name since this isn’t about him. It would be interesting if you can guess who he is. It isn’t Vinay Prasad or Jay Bhattacharya, but those were excellent guesses.

His beliefs are highlighted with the red bars. My response follows.

If you agree with me on all the issues, you can get an official red pill Club membership card. If not, let me know in the comments and see if you can persuade the crowd.

26.  ! Overview Video of mRNA Vaccine Technology:    Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fundamentals of Mechanisms and Risks, New Research on the Efficacy of the Vaccines  [26:49]   

This 25 minutes video explains in detail the mechanisms of action for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, as well as highlighting some of the known risks. If you wish to have a better understanding of the technology or wish for a refresher on the tech, as well as to learn a bit of cellular and molecular biology – this is a great primer. So, sit back, relax and open your mind to a bit of science.

25.  !!! Governor Abbott and Border Patrol Council blast Biden for hoarding baby formula at migrant detention centers during a national shortage

As American families face a national shortage of baby formula, news broke that migrant detention centers on the border had pallets full of formula hidden away in reserve. Pictures of the baby formula were released by an anonymous whistle blower and brought to light by Rep. Kat Cammack.

24.   What Trump’s Last-Minute Endorsement of Doug Mastriano Really Tells Us   JD Rucker

Few have done more to earn Donald Trump’s endorsement than Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano. So why did the endorsement not come until days before the primary?

Supporters of Donald Trump won’t want to hear this. As a supporter of Donald Trump myself, I don’t want to write it. But there’s a reality that needs to be explained for the sake of understanding why Donald Trump is endorsing certain people. It may be uncomfortable for some to hear, but it needs to be said.

Throughout this primary season, Donald Trump has made a few questionable endorsements. Dr. Mehmet Oz, who is AT BEST a milquetoast centrist and at worst a RINO globalist, is arguably his worst endorsement and the most noteworthy in the upcoming Pennsylvania primary.

23.   Disinfo Diva Nina Jankowicz Refuses to Discuss the DHS Disinformation Governance Board  [2:46]  csthetruth

The recently announced Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board has been shrouded in secrecy and met with great controversy. I called the musical director of the board Nina Jankowicz to determine what her role will entail and what action the DHS intends to take against accused purveyors of disinformation.

22.  !! Texas Supreme Court Allows Child Abuse Investigations Over Mutilative Sex Surgeries To Proceed   BY ELLE REYNOLDS

The Texas Supreme Court on Friday found that the state may continue to pursue child abuse investigations against parents who subject their children to radical and irreversible puberty blockers or mutilative surgeries under the auspices of “changing” the child’s sex.

The court’s ruling comes amid a lawsuit brought by the parents of a 16-year-old child, who were investigated by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services after Gov. Greg Abbott sent a directive to the agency explaining how “surgeries that can cause sterilization, mastectomies, removals of otherwise healthy body parts, and administration of puberty-blocking drugs or supraphysiologic doses of testosterone or estrogen” would amount to child abuse under existing state law.


‘The Jerusalem Report’ Season 3 Episode 3: Turn Off, Tune Out and Unplug

20.   6-Year-Old Suffered Myocarditis and Serious Injuries After Pfizer Injection  [0:47]  BY RHODA WILSON

Milo Edberg, who in early December, before the Pfizer Covid “vaccine” was administered, was alert and walking independently, despite birth problems. He is now confined to a hospital bed after being diagnosed with myocarditis – heart muscle inflammation.

Milo is a 6-year-old living in Minnesota, USA.

On 10 Dec 2021, Milo received the Pfizer “vaccine” and shortly thereafter suffered breathing difficulties. Two days later, he was admitted to Masonic Children’s Hospital in Minnesota, where he was intubated and diagnosed with myocarditis.

He remained intubated for a month and a half and was still in the hospital nearly two months later. Milo is unable to sit up on his own or even swallow his saliva.

Watch the video on Rumble.

19. !  Johns Hopkins Child Sex Abuse Center Hires Transgender Professor Who Previously Defended Pedophiles    By Cristina Laila

A Johns Hopkins University child sexual abuse center has hired a transgender professor who previously defended pedophiles.

What could possibly go wrong?

“We are excited to share that Allyn Walker, PhD, will be joining the Moore Center as a postdoctoral fellow on May 25,” the Moore Center for Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse tweeted.

18.  !  HUGE: Arizona Election Fraud Investigation Is A “Direct Response” To ‘2000 MULES’ Investigation And Whistleblower Interview

Dinesh D’Souza’s “2000 Mules” documentary exposed massive evidence of illegal ballot trafficking during the 2020 Presidential Election in key swing states nationwide, and law enforcement is now investigating these crimes in Arizona. 

According to Dinesh, “2000 Mules” is the most successful political documentary in a decade with over $10 million in revenue! The Gateway Pundit reported that the movie will be coming back to theaters due to high demand.

17.   WATCH: Joe Rogan On Jan 6 Capitol Protest – “How About The F*cking FBI Agents Who Were Inciting Violence? They Had People That Were There. For A FACT, We Know That.”  [1:25]

In a new episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, Joe Rogan boldly called out the FBI for inciting violence on January 6th and targeting patriots with podcast host, Hotep Jesus.

16.  !!! Remdesivir ‘Disastrous’ as COVID Treatment, But Government Pays Hospitals to Use It     By Dr. Joseph Mercola

Remdesivir, the primary COVID-19 drug approved for use in U.S. hospitals, routinely causes severe organ damage and, often, death, but U.S. government pays hospitals a 20% upcharge, plus an additional bonus, for using the remdesivir protocol.

So far, all of the drugs developed against COVID-19 have been disastrous in one way or another. Remdesivir, for example, which to this day is the primary COVID drug approved for use in U.S. hospitals, routinely causes severe organ damage, and, often, death.

Despite its horrible track record, the U.S. government actually pays hospitals a 20% upcharge for sticking to the remdesivir protocol, plus an additional bonus. Hospitals must also use remdesivir if they want liability protection.

Incentives like these have turned U.S. hospitals into veritable death traps, as more effective and far safer drugs are not allowed, and hospitals are essentially forced to follow the recommendations of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

15. ! Roe v. Wade Leak Was Deep State ‘Propaganda Operation’ to ‘Radicalize’ Abortion Debate, Influence Justices   By Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

‘The embarrassing silence of the Hierarchy’ on ‘Catholic’ politicians like Joe Biden who support abortion, said Archbishop Viganò, ‘reveals itself as a confirmation of the sense of inferiority of those who ought to be wisely leading the people entrusted to their care, but who instead are following them off the edge of a cliff along with the politicians whom the bishops supported in the last electoral campaign.’

In recent days, the media has leaked the news that, according to a draft obtained from the Supreme Court of the United States, the justices of the Court are about to declare that the Roe v. Wade decision of January 22, 1973, is unconstitutional and must be overruled.

First of all, a widespread misunderstanding needs to be clarified: this potential decision of the Supreme Court does not address the moral legitimacy of abortion, but rather whether the 1973 decision conforms to the Constitution of the United States with respect to the sovereignty of the individual states. It is not therefore addressing an ethical or moral question with regard to the legitimacy of abortion, but rather a question of jurisdiction of the Supreme Court under the Constitution.

The vulnus [wound] that the Roe v. Wade decision inflicted on the sovereignty of the states of the Union is a constitutional matter, and the justices will have to make a ruling on it as such.

14.   Why Funding Ukraine Is Just Dead Wrong

Quietly, thoughtlessly, and ominously, America is sleepwalking towards a nuclear war.

Two weeks ago, the Biden Administration asked Congress for $33 billion to support Ukraine in its fight against Russia. But in a divided Washington, the Uniparty has united in agreement that $33 billion is not enough. On Monday, Republicans and Democrats in Congress struck a deal to send Ukraine $40 billion in aid. Leaders unveiled the bill text on Tuesday, and voted on it within hours.

The bill raced through the House in the dark of night, with unanimous Democratic support. Of course, the phony left-populist poser Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her “Squad” were on board. Republican support was overwhelming as well, but a few members did bravely stand against the tide.

[Ed.:  I think that we should call $40 billion as a bit more than merely “funding”!  Why not call it “deliberately breaking the back of the US deficit economy”!]

13.   That Sinking Feeling    By James Howard Kunstler

What will avail in the face of these treacheries and hardships? Oppose. Refuse. Resist. This is getting personal….

You might ask yourself: Why is it “important” that we spend thirty, forty, fifty billion dollars pounding sand down the rat hole that is post-Maidan Ukraine, grift central for the sketchy nexus of US politicians and their sponsors in the warcraft industry? Answer: Aside from one final magnificent payday, they are producing a grand opera of distraction to direct the American public’s attention from the sinking of our own ship-of-state in the waters of Babylon.

That giant wad of money, you understand, goes mainly to the likes of Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Raytheon, Textron, Boeing, et cetera, and a substantial portion re-circulates through the K-Street laundromat into the congressional campaign finance wishing well, while billions more get creamed off by Mr. Zelenskyy & Co. — providing self-reinforcing incentives to, how shall we say, blow more shit up on the global landscape.

12.   CRYPTO CARNAGE and market mayhem foreshadowing the “mother of all collapses” to come  [23:37]  by Mike Adams

The absurd but often-hyped claim that “crypto is digital gold” has collapsed. Bitcoin has plunged nearly 60 percent from its highs, and the bloodbath of crypto carnage that unfolded this week was psychologically jolting to crypto “investors” who have long thought that crypto would go up forever, never facing corrections or reality checks.

But crypto isn’t the only bubble around. By any honest measure, we are currently in the “everything bubble,” with perhaps only gold and silver representing any real bargain that can be found. Nearly everything else is in a bubble: Stocks, bonds, real estate, crypto, used vehicles and of course fiat currencies backed by nothing. The bubble is, of course, epic in scale and soon to be devastating in its unwinding. No bubble in history has been this large and widespread, and no crash in history can compare to the crash that’s coming.

11.   Natural News Bulk Post | More of Today’s Articles

Global reset fully underway as 90 percent of central banks push for digital currency that governments can control
If you’ve been paying any attention at all to the stock market over the past several days, you are aware that stocks have been rapidly declining. Individual retirement accounts have lost …

Workers at Apple factory in Shanghai revolt against draconian covid measures
Workers at a factory in Shanghai revolted following weeks under draconian measures to curb the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). Footage that went viral on Chinese social media showed staff members …

It’ll be at least another 10 weeks before Abbott reopens and starts getting baby formula back in stores (though Romney wants them to reopen now and sell contaminated product)
Once the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) decides to allow Abbott Laboratories to reopen its Sturgis, Mich., plant, it will take at least another 10 weeks for baby formula to get back on …

Russian claim: Democrats, Soros and Gates set up Ukraine biolabs to make money for elections
The Democratic Party, including the Clinton and Biden families, with the cooperation of friendly foundations led by George Soros and Bill Gates, set up biological weapons research laboratories in …

2000 Mules documentary by Dinesh D’Souza finally reveals PROOF that 2020 election was completely stolen from Trump
For the past couple of years since the installation of Joe Biden as president, his supporters have pushed back on any claims by Republicans or Democrats that the 2020 election was stolen from …

As crypto bubble bursts, Wall Street appears to be following suit
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No end in sight for Shanghai covid-19 lockdown as CCP keeps pushing failed “zero-covid” strategy
Shanghai has entered its seventh week of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown, and the city’s residents see no end in sight as Beijing keeps pushing its failed “zero-COVID” …

EMP attack could wipe out two-thirds of the US population within a year
At least two-thirds of the American population could perish from starvation, disease and societal collapse within a year following an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack. This was according to Dr. …

CoinDesk outs Terra stablecoin founder as the same person behind failed “Basis Cash” experiment that crashed and burned
Terra creator Do Kwon is apparently a longtime scam artist who also put together the failed algorithmic stablecoin “Basis Cash” (BAC), which was launched through Ethereum in 2020. Just …

“Stablecoins” Terra and Luna crater, exposing some cryptos as highly unstable Ponzi scams
UST, a so-called “stablecoin” that also goes by the name of TerraUSD, along with its “sister” token Luna, have both pretty much collapsed, demonstrating that the idea of a …

If Coinbase goes bankrupt, all of its users’ funds could disappear
Coinbase, an online cryptocurrency holding and exchange company, warned that if it goes bankrupt, all of its users could lose all of their assets. Coinbase is the largest cryptocurrency exchange …

US proposes amendments to give WHO total control during health emergencies
The Biden administration quietly proposed early this year a series of amendments seeking to strengthen the World Health Organization’s (WHO) ability to unilaterally intervene in the affairs …

The Sheriff Mack Show: Early intervention could have prevented thousands of covid-19 deaths – Brighteon.TV
Dr. Eric Feintuch, president of wellness consultancy firm Picture Perfect Health, lamented the fact that tens if not hundreds of thousands of Americans died in hospitals because of the Wuhan …

Chicago mayor pushing real insurrection: Lightfoot urges “call to arms” over SCOTUS draft opinion on Roe
Once again, the Democrat left has proven that it is truly the party of violence and ‘revolution.’ The mayor of one of the most violent cities in the country has actually issued a …

Abbott Nutrition’s infant formula was recalled after claims of bacterial contamination, infant deaths
A major product recall by Abbott Nutrition, which pulled from shelves three of its powdered baby formula brands, has exacerbated the baby-food crisis in the United States. The brands were pulled …

Global hunger crisis on the horizon as US, Britain, Australia, others deliberately demolish their own food production
The United States and many other countries are deliberately shutting down food production, increasing the possibility of a global hunger crisis. In the United Kingdom, businesses and government …

Alpha-gal Syndrome: Tick bites make millions of Americans allergic to red meat
As the summer season begins and people head out into nature to take some time off, the government has warned that tick bites could lead to a disease that may have already affected roughly 10 …

Pastor Paul Blair tells Dr. John Diamond: Most Christians that run for office don’t have biblical worldviews – Brighteon.TV
Most Christians that run for office don’t have a biblical worldview, according to Pastor Paul Blair of the Fairview Baptist Church. “Our good friend, George Barna, has done some very …

Dr. William Mount: “United States Corporation” is causing the wheat distribution problem
For Dr. William Mount, the wheat shortage is just an illusion created by the “United States Corporation” working in concert with the World Economic Forum and the United Nations. …

Outdated weaponry sent by US to Ukraine prone to breaking down quickly and will be difficult to repair, expert fears
The recent moves by the U.S. to send weaponry to Ukraine to support its defense against Russia may seem positive on the surface, but experts fear that the country won’t be able to use these …

Biden cancels two key gas exploration leases in deliberate takedown of America’s energy infrastructure
The cold, calculated takedown of U.S. energy is being carried out through the puppet regime of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Barack Obama. Just two years ago, the United States was …

Stephen Colbert catches covid for second time in the space of 3 weeks after thanking vaccine efficacy
Talk show host Stephen Colbert has caught COVID for the second time in the space of three weeks after previously thanking the efficacy of the vaccine when he contracted the virus last month. …

Possibility of poor wheat harvest in China increases fears of global food collapse
Wheat harvests all over China are increasingly becoming inconsistent, raising fears of potential crop failures. China leads the world in wheat production. However, concerns have been raised about …

Doug Billings slams Biden administration for not protecting Supreme Court justices – Brighteon.TV
Brighteon.TV host Doug Billings denounced the Biden administration for allowing demonstrations in front of the homes of Supreme Court justices. “The violent communist-socialist Left gathered …

Steel Truth covers Donald Trump’s endorses Dr. Mehmet Oz for Pennsylvania Senate race – Brighteon.TV
President Donald Trump has endorsed media personality Dr. Mehmet Oz to replace retiring Republican Senator Pat Toomey in the Pennsylvania Senate. But Trump’s endorsement of Oz for the state …

Friends with health benefits: Laughing with friends helps reduce risk of disability among the elderly
Having a good laugh can help cheer you up when you’ve had a very stressful day. According to research published in the journal Preventive Medicine, laughing with your friends may also help …

10.  RUSSIAGATE: New York Times attorney asked that his testimony be protected in trial Durham’s case against Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer

That’s rich. The doxxers, smearers, libelers, destroyers want protection for their skulduggery.

This was treason. This was the insurrection.

9.   Crazed Biden Screams About People Waiting in Line for Food, Blames MAGA Crowd  [0:40]

Nuts. The crazy aunt in the attic is running the country. This is not going to end well.

8.  !!Fully Vaccinated Young Adults are 92% more likely to die than Unvaccinated Young Adults according to Office for National Statistics

Official figures published by the UK’s Office for National Statistics show that deaths per 100,000 among double vaccinated 18-39-year-olds were on average 91% higher than deaths per 100,000 among unvaccinated 18-39-year-olds between January 2021 and January 2022.

This means it can no longer be denied that the Covid-19 vaccines are deadly because even the official Government published figures now prove it.

7.  !!! FDA Approved Covid-19 Drugs cause Organ Damage, Cancer & Death

All of the drugs developed against COVID-19 have been disastrous in one way or another.

Remdesivir, which to this day is the primary COVID drug approved for use in U.S. hospitals, routinely causes severe organ damage and, often, death Despite that, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved remdesivir for in-hospital and outpatient use in children as young as 1 month old.

Another COVID drug, Paxlovid, will in some cases cause the infection to rebound when the medication is withdrawn. Molnupiravir (sold under the brand name Lagevrio) also has serious safety concerns. Not only might it contribute to cancer and birth defects, it may also supercharge the rate at which the virus mutates inside the patient, resulting in newer and more resistant variants.

The fact that U.S. health authorities have focused on these drugs to the exclusion of all others, including older drugs with high rates of effectiveness and superior safety profiles, sends a very disturbing message.

They’ve basically become extensions of the drug industry, protecting the drug industry’s interests at the cost of public health.

6.  !!Survey shows over 500,000 killed by the COVID vaccines so far   Steve Kirsch

A simple survey anyone can do provides convincing evidence that the COVID vaccines have killed over 500,000 Americans. They should be halted. Now.

Executive summary

simple survey of my readers provided some extremely compelling evidence that 1) the US government has killed over 500,000 previously healthy Americans and 2) that the vaccine actually caused the deaths.

It took me around 30 minutes to create the survey and 11 hours to wait for highly statistically significant results.

I was able to accomplish something in less than 12 hours that the CDC has been unable to accomplish in 18 months: prove causality. We see both dose dependency and enormous changes in ACM deaths pre- vs. post-vaccine. We satisfy all five Bradford-Hill criteria applicable to vaccines.

We used 400 independent observers. I should note that all follow my Substack so they are correlated: all have excellent judgment, high intelligence, and immunity from mass formation effects. So they have the ability to see what is truly going on.

5.  !!Deaths Reported to VAERS Following Covid Jabs Nears 30,000 and That’s Just the Tip of the Iceberg     JD Rucker

VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show 1,261,149 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 27,968 deaths.

Editor’s Note: Data from the CDC’s VAERS database has been acknowledged as incomplete by government officials for years. They say that the vast majority of actual incidents is anywhere from ten to a hundred times higher because most adverse reactions simply go unreported. [Emphasis added] This is especially true in the age of Covid with Big Pharma doctors and hospitals discouraging patients from making reports. That’s very concerning when we learn in Megan Redshaw’s article below what’s being reported. Based on expert opinions, that means there have been anywhere between 300,000 and 3,000,000 deaths in America from the Covid jabs, [Emphasis added] which jibes with reports of massive increases in non-Covid mortality since early 2021.

4.  From Hives to Palpitations: Woman Shares Pfizer Jab Effects  [7:15]

“My whole body was itchy,” in this video call, a young woman shares how she developed hives and intense itching all over her body after getting her second Pfizer dose. From living her best life, she now suffers from constant fatigue and other adverse effects.

3.  !! Are These Chemicals Part of a Depopulation Agenda?  [25:15]    Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Sperm Counts Drop in Half, Are We Going Extinct?

Referred to as the ‘1% effect,’ it’s the reason why testosterone has also declined, miscarriage rates have soared and erectile dysfunction has been steadily rising. The culprit is this substance – here are 7 examples of where you’ll find it, so you can avoid it.


  • In 1992, researchers published data showing the quality of sperm counts in men had been cut nearly in half over the previous 50 years. A 2017 systematic review confirmed this trend, showing a 50% to 60% drop in total sperm count among men in North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand between 1973 and 2011
  • Testosterone has also declined in tandem with lower sperm counts, while miscarriage rates among women and erectile dysfunction among men have been steadily rising
  • We can rule out genetics as the cause, because the decline in sperm count is simply too rapid. That leaves us with environmental causes. Environmental causes can be broadly divided into two broad categories: Lifestyle and chemicals
  • Lifestyle factors that negatively impact fertility include obesity, smoking, binge drinking and stress
  • A great number of chemicals can impact fertility either directly or indirectly, but the most concerning class are endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) such as phthalates. EDCs disrupt hormones, including sex hormones necessary for reproductive function, such as testosterone

2.  !! CDC’s pregnancy advice is terrible   Steve Kirsch

I’ve always told people to listen carefully to what the CDC says… and then do the opposite. [Emphasis added]  Here’s what happens if you don’t follow my advice and follow their advice.


If you are pregnant or are thinking of getting pregnant, you should do the opposite of what the CDC says, i.e., do not get vaccinated. They gave that advice using no data. Look at the survey below I just did on Gab at the urging of a reader.

1.    Kathy Barnette Can Win in the General Election    JD Rucker

There are several issues that make some Republicans skeptical of Kathy Barnette. Many of them are valid whether I agree or not. But there’s one “issue” that gets my blood boiling.

When Republicans make choices to vote for a candidate based on their stances, credentials, personality, or any other valid criteria, I never hold it against them. We may disagree, but one of the beauties of our constitutional republic lies in the way individual voters judge candidates. It’s the job of candidates, their campaigns, and their supporters to make cases for them and against their opponents. Whoever does the best at this generally wins.

There is only one criteria that chaps my khakis when cited by conservatives as their reasoning for voting for or against someone: Electability. While I completely understand the surface-level logic behind it, the Republican Establishment uses this as their primary angle of attack against America First patriots they don’t like. That’s why when I hear people say U.S. Senate candidate Kathy Barnette from Pennsylvania is unelectable, I shake my head.

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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.