BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).
‘Faith Not Fear!’
Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines! (B2EN THE//S)
23. Biden’s “Disinformation Board” THEME SONG!! | Buddy Brown | Truck Sessions [2:55]
[Ed.: That’s what I do all day is spread “misinformation”! Chronically, I work very hard and long each day to achieve this! If they ever stop calling me a “domestic terrorist” I will be insulted!]
22. !!!! ALERT! The WHO “pandemic treaty” will create a world of slaves, if We the People don’t refuse it Mark Crispin Miller
We’ll all miss national sovereignty, and badly, if/when we don’t have it any more
The following recommendation is from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)—an organization allegedly empowered to protect human rights. (The judges for the European Court of Human Rights are selected by this body.)
Scroll down for Dr. Mercola’s analysis of this dystopian proposal.
21. Haredi man spends Sabbath in jail – for visit to spring
21-year-old man from Beitar Illit arrest for planning pre-Sabbath immersion in local spring, spends Shabbat in jail. Judge blasts police.
A haredi man spent the Sabbath in jail, after he tried to immerse himself in a spring near the city of Beitar Illit, south of Jerusalem.
Israeli police arrested the man Friday afternoon outside of the predominantly haredi city of Beitar Illit, after he and a friend – both residents of the city – went hiking towards a nearby spring, intended to use the spring as a mikva, or ritual bath.
[Ed.: Only in IINO!]
20. !! Those cheering for “Ukraine” are cheering for the slaughter of Ukrainians (and others) Mark Crispin Miller
Thus “our free press” has millions on “the left” ferociously supporting neo-Nazi thugs (and pushing for an ever hotter war that’s threatening all of us with nuclear extinction)
If we don’t know where we’ve been, we can’t know where we are, or where we’re headed.
[Ed.: Mark Crispin Miller is repeating everything that I have been telling you here! But he is not even a Daily Shmutz reader… How did he do that?!]
19. !! US to drop ban on Rabbi Meir Kahane’s ‘Kach’ movement David Rosenberg
US State Department poised to remove five groups from its terrorism watch list, including Israeli based groups Kach and Kahane Chai.
The United States is preparing to remove two Israeli-based organizations from its terrorism watch list, as part of a larger move to remove defunct groups from the list.
On Friday, the United States State Department notified Congress of its plans to drop five groups current designated as terrorist organizations, including the political party founded by the late Rabbi Meir Kahane.
The five groups slated for removal from the terror watch list are all believed to be defunct, and include the Japanese-based doomsday cult Aum Shinrikyo, which was responsible for a series of sarin gas attacks and other terror attacks in the 1990s; the Basque separatist group Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA); the radical Egyptian Sunni movement Gama’a al-Islamiyya; and two Israel-based movements – the Kach party and an ISIS-aligned Islamic jihadist group.
The ISIS-affiliate, Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem, was established a decade ago, but was broken up by the Hamas terror group in 2013.
Kach, created in 1971 by Jewish Defense League founder Rabbi Meir Kahane, was a right-wing political party which was represented in the 11th Knesset, from 1984 to 1988, before being barred from taking part in the 1988 election. After Rabbi Kahane’s assassination in 1990, the party splintered into two factions, Kach and Kahane Chai, the latter being led by his son, Rabbi Binyamin Kahane.
[Ed.: I am not thankful to be removed from their ‘Terror List’ (since I am still a Kachnik,) they now have me newly documented as a ‘terrorist’ because I am a MAGA person. Oh well, their classifications do not change anything! Kahane was right when he said about the musloids in Israel: “THEY MUST GO!” He still is right today! That is the problem with their ‘War on Terrorism’. They never could adequately identify the actual enemy. If these idiots ever remove the terrorist classification from MAGA patriots, or Kahane patriots, we should all be insulted!! I certainly am.]
18. ! Shireen abu Akleh’s Blood is on Palestinian Hands by Victor Rosenthal
If the production called “the death of Muhammad al-Dura” is the Gone With the Wind of Pallywood,* then the recent extravaganza starring Shireen abu Akleh is on its way to becoming its Star Wars. Both of these affairs have been huge wins for the Palestinians in the world-wide arena of information warfare.
The image of the frightened 12-year old al-Dura, allegedly under fire by Israeli soldiers, became the inspiration for the violence of the Second Intifada. In the words of journalist Nidra Poller, it
…instantly ignited anti-Israel and anti-Jewish passions all over the world, provoking a wave of violence from the lynching of two Israeli reservists in Ramallah to synagogue burnings in France. In the ensuing years, the story of Muhammad al-Dura has attained near-mythic stature in the Arab and Muslim world. …
17. Jordan is Palestine By Ted Belman
Yes, Jordan is Palestine.
The Arab propaganda machine aided and abetted by the UN, EU, US and the main stream media, which is just about everybody, would have you believe otherwise.
They demand that the Palestinians living in Judea and Samaria and Gaza be granted statehood on all lands not controlled by Israel when the cease fire lines were agreed upon in 1949. This is referred to as the Two-State Solution. This solution is at the heart of the Arab Peace Initiative which was agreed to in 2002 at the Beirut Summit which provided
“(a) Complete withdrawal from the occupied Arab territories, including the Syrian Golan Heights, to the 4 June 1967 line and the territories still occupied in southern Lebanon; (b) Attain a just solution to the problem of Palestinian refugees to be agreed upon in accordance with the UN General Assembly Resolution No 194. (c) Accept the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian state on the Palestinian territories occupied since 4 June 1967 in the West Bank and Gaza Strip with East Jerusalem as its capital.”
16. Singapore Woman Shares Her Booster Shot Story [10:40]
Ashley Chu talks about the adverse effects she experienced after getting the Moderna booster shot, including feeling “sometimes cold, sometimes hot,” as well as fatigue and soreness in her arm. She coped with the side effects by “manifesting” — visualizing that she’s healthy to get positive energy — and by drinking coconut water to help speed up her recovery.
15. ! Journalist Accuses WHO of Plan to Commit Mass Murder [28:59 and 10:05] Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
This article was previously published July 23, 2009, and has been updated with new information.
In 2009 Austrian investigative journalist Jane Burgermeister1 filed criminal charges against the World Health Organization, the United Nations, and several of the highest ranking government and corporate officials, including Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush, charging them with bioterrorism and attempts to commit genocide.2
She also filed charges against Baxter AG and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology of Austria for producing and releasing live bird flu virus,3 alleging it was a deliberate act to cause and profit from a pandemic.
14. Daughter of top doctor who became voice for nurses struggling during Covid pandemic DIES suddenly in her sleep – with absolutely no warning signs something was wrong By AIDAN WONDRACZ
- Daughter of one of country’s top doctors has died unexpectedly in her sleep
- AMA South Australia president Michelle Atchison posted news on her Twitter
- She revealed her 26-year-old daughter had died while sleeping on Wednesday
13. !! Biden Sent Baby Formula to Ukraine After He Learned About U.S. Shortage By Pamela Geller
The Democrats hate you – but more than that, they despise your children. Democrats are obsessed with killing our babies not feeding them.
12. !!! BRAIN JABBED [57:45]
Evidence is mounting by the day, which shows that every make of COVID-19 jab contains graphene oxide and carbon nanotubes. In today’s show we present evidence from many independent studies, produced in several different countries, which have carefully examined the contents of the so called vaccines. From this evidence we are confident that the main purpose of recent jabs is not a vaccine. In the show we explain several of the major developments within intra body nano technology, and describe the characteristics of various components that are now in use or have been developed, which could be put inside jabs.
Evidence for the presence of graphene oxide and carbon nanotubes in most of the jabs is very strong.
We cannot say whether nano technologies such as quantum automata, nano antennas or self assembly are present, because the visual evidence that has been suggested by various groups so far, could be explained as salt crystals, however we don’t rule out the possibility.
It’s important to know about these developments in nano technology, because it is possible to put them inside jabs covertly.
11. !!! Vaccinated People Emitting MAC Addresses; What’s Causing This Phenomenon? BY RHODA WILSON
The phenomenon of MAC emissions from people “vaccinated” against Covid is an alarming fact which demonstrates a cause-and-effect relationship, Corona2Inspect wrote. Corona2Inspect has made a short video to explain how it is happening and what the possible effects could be. But before you get to the video at the end of this article, a bit of background to the contents of Covid injections as they relate to the MAC phenomenon.
[Ed.: Notice to all jabbed GMO zombies: Please remove my MAC address from all of your future transmissions!]
10. Part III: After the Anschluss By Alex Grobman PhD.
After the Anschluss, the annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany on March 12, 1938, approximately 11,000 Gypsies came under Nazi control. About 8,000 of them lived in the Burgenland, where they experienced pervasive hostility, and occupied “the lowest ranks of the social scale.” The press criticized them for their high crime rate and even charged they were infected with syphilis. [1]
On March 17, 1938, the Gypsies were prohibited from voting in the referendum of April 10. They were forbidden from begging, vagrancy, and playing Gypsy music since they used the music as a cover for begging. Their children were prohibited from attending school. A family camp for Gypsies was established in November 1940 at Lackenbach in the Burgenland, a state in eastern Austria bordering Hungary. By October 1941, there were 2,335 Gypsies confined there. Most of the Gypsies from Burgenland were murdered during the war, but the precise number cannot be determined. Many were sent to Auschwitz in 1943. [2]
9. Lebanese Election and the Broken Oar by Amir Taheri
To win that referendum, Tehran last month wrote a $25 million cheque in “extra help” for Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.
- More money was raised through a number of concerts in Iran, where mullahs also invited “the believers” to dig into their pockets to help Hezbollah and its allies in all Lebanese communities secure “a glaring victory” (fath al-mobin). Nasrallah was portrayed as a caricature of Khamenei, who is himself a caricature of the late Khomeini.
- In contrast, Najib Mikati, Lebanon’s ephemeral Prime Minister, hopes that the election will persuade the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to sign its promised cheque of $5 billion in “emergency aid”.
- Pie-in-the-sky projects such as reviving the Beirut port, building a railway hub, and removing Bank of Lebanon from the life-support machine may never go beyond after-dinner talks.
- Lebanon’s problem is fundamentally geopolitical in the sense that those who hold the reins of power regard the country either as a bunker or a glacis where the interest of outside powers trump those of the nation-state.
- Worse still, those who exercise power have proved their utter incompetence, not to mention their corruption, for almost two decades.
- [R]eal decision-making is centralized in Khamenei’s office in Tehran.
- Regardless of the results, likely to be “arranged”, Sunday’s election may yet turn out to be a referendum on resistance: the resistance of the Lebanese people against forces that try to de-Lebanize their country.
8. !!! DANGER: The WHO’s Death Trap for the US by Pete Hoekstra
Act Fast: They Vote Next Week
This is a plan that Congress and the public need to fight vigorously.
- The Biden administration, it appears, unless stopped immediately, is tee-ing up America to make it easy for the Chinese Communist Party to defeat it, and other nations, through biological warfare.
- “On May 22-28, 2022, ultimate control over America’s healthcare system, and hence its national sovereignty, will be delivered for a vote to the World Health Organization’s governing legislative body, the World Health Assembly (WHA).” — Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Ross Breggin, America Out Loud, May 4, 2022.
- “This threat is contained in new amendments to WHO’s International Health Regulations, proposed by the Biden administration, that are scheduled as ‘Provisional agenda item 16.2’ at the upcoming conference on May 22-28, 2022.” — Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Ross Breggin, America Out Loud, May 4, 2022.
- “These amendments will empower WHO’s Director-General to declare health emergencies or crises in any nation and to do so unilaterally and against the opposition of the target nation. The Director-General will be able to declare these health crises based merely on his personal opinion or consideration that there is a potential or possible threat to other nations.” — Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Ross Breggin, America Out Loud, May 4, 2022.
- “The targeted nation is also required to send WHO any relevant genetic sequence data.” — Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Ross Breggin, America Out Loud, May 4, 2022.
- “Under the new regulations, WHO will not be required to consult with the identified nation beforehand to “verify” the event before taking action.” — Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Ross Breggin, America Out Loud, May 4, 2022.
- Unfortunately, this “next pandemic” is neither far off nor a hypothetical “conspiracy theory.” According to multiple credible reports from the U.S. Department of State, to the executive director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Peter Jennings, China has been preparing for bio-warfare using pathogens for more than six years.
- A WHO with expanded authority is a terrifying concept. Can you envision providing an international organization with the power to dictate how the U.S. should respond to a future pandemic? Perhaps by forcing the U.S. to turn over supplies and equipment to China because of its larger population? How about an international organization that would have the power to mandate whether we should be required to be vaccinated with a particular vaccine, say China’s inferior SINOVAC vaccine? Or imagine a WHO that has the power to impose what mandates or lockdowns a country would be required to impose, say like China’s current lockdown of Shanghai? Unfortunately, the WHO already has proven itself to be a willing organ of China’s Communist leaders. Providing it with international, legal binding authority over global pandemic response must never be allowed to happen.
7. Poll: Majority No Longer Worried About ‘Experiencing’ the Chinese Coronavirus
Most Americans are no longer worried about “experiencing” the Chinese coronavirus, a YouGov/The Economist survey released this week found.
“Taking into consideration both your risk of contracting it and the seriousness of the illness, how worried are you personally about experiencing COVID-19?” the survey asked.
Overall, most Americans, 57 percent, said they are not very worried about contracting the virus, and among those, 27 percent are “not worried at all.” In comparison, 43 percent are at least somewhat worried, but among those, only 15 percent are “very worried.”
The survey also asked respondents to reveal how often they have worn a mask outside of their home in the past week. Well over one-third, 39 percent, said they “never” wear a mask, followed by 25 percent who said they do “some of the time,” 19 percent who said “always,” and 16 percent who said “most of the time.”
What is more, most Americans, 53 percent, believe the “worst part of the pandemic is behind us, while only 15 percent believe it is “going to get worse.”
[Ed.: That’s surprising to me. I thought that the percentage of idiots was much greater than 15%! What a relief!]
6. Poll: David McCormick Takes Lead as Kathy Barnette Plateaus in Pennsylvania Senate Primary
David McCormick has taken a narrow lead in the contentious Republican Senate primary race in Pennsylvania, according to an internal tracking survey shared just three days out from election day.
The survey, taken by the pro-McCormick super PAC Honor Pennsylvania, showed McCormick up one point over Kathy Barnette and Dr. Mehmet Oz, according to a screenshot of the survey shared by GOP consultant Mark Harris.
The survey showed McCormick at 25 percent and Barnette and Oz tied with 24 percent each. Harris noted Oz did not appear favorably among undecided voters while both McCormick and Barnette did.
5. !! Russian – Ukraine War: Civilians Under Fire Everyday (Special Report) [21:09] Patrick Lancaster
Civilians in Gorlovka are coming Under Fire Everyday In the Russian – Ukraine War (Special Report)
Ukraine Has been firing on Gorlovka Everyday for many months. In this Report we went to the site of several attacks as they happened and then spoke to the mayor of Gorlovka Ivan Prihotko about the over all situation in the city.
[Ed.: ‘The Biden Administration’ is sending weaponry that is being fired by the Ukraine (all Nazi) army, at Ukraine civilians. In other words, our tax dollars are sending arms to those who are shooting at Ukraine civilians. When you see US idiots placing Ukraine flags on their houses, realize that they are a special kind of stupid.]
4. ! Clarence Thomas on SCOTUS Leak: ‘I Wonder How Long We’re Going to Have These Institutions’
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas spoke out about the leaked draft opinion on abortion Friday, saying such a breach brings into question how long our country’s institutions will last “at the rate we’re undermining them.”
Thomas, the longest-serving justice on the nation’s high court, was speaking at a conference for black conservatives in Dallas when he addressed the issue of the leak, saying “I do think that what happened at the court is tremendously bad.”
3. Texas Governor’s ‘Operation Lone Star’ Has Transported Over 900 Illegal Migrants To Washington, DC By Cassandra Fairbanks
Governor Greg Abbott has announced that the “Operation Lone Star” effort has shipped 35 buses of 922 illegal migrants to Washington, DC — in just one month.
In protest of “Biden’s reckless decision to end Title 42 expulsions,” Governor Abbott directed the Texas Division of Emergency Management to charter buses to transport migrants from Texas border communities to Washington, DC.
2. ! “Somebody’s Going To Get Killed” – “2000 Mules” Investigator Says Georgia’s GBI Officials Are Intimidating Witnesses in “Dangerous Escalation” (VIDEO 1:58) By Jim Hoft
“2000 Mules” investigator Gregg Phillips joined Emerald Robinson on Absolute Truth on Thursday to discuss the historic documentary that reveals the organized ballot trafficking operations in the 2020 election behind the stolen election.
During the interview, Gregg Phillips revealed how the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger are harassing the True the Vote investigators to get at their informants.
Phillips says he will never turn over his sources and that “somebody’s going to get killed” because of the actions by these state agencies.
1. Listen: AFLDS Frontline Roundup [5:35]
Frontline News Director Mordechai Sones presents this week’s top stories