[This morning after my third post, suddenly I could not gain access to Krakennews or Daily Shmutz on my computer! So, I kept working and made the entries in my log! Mysteriously at 5:00PM the site opened back up. I will now copy, paste, and edit today’s work in to the blog! DO SEE #5!
P.S. I finally figured out what the word ‘blog’ means! It’s a crossing of the eyes resulting in a blur in the brain. One may say “my brain is blogged. Think: smog, fog, bog.]
BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).
‘Faith Not Fear!’
Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines! (B2EN THE//S)
43. ! EXPOSING The REAL Great Reset at WEF Davos 2022!!! Dr. Steve Turley
How would you like to EXPOSE the REAL Great Reset going on at the World Economic Forum in Davos! Well, that’s precisely what we’re going to do! We’re going to see what’s REALLY going on behind the scenes, we’re going to see how the legacy media is all a part of it, and stick with me to the very end of this video when I’ll reveal why the days of Davos are indeed coming to an end; you are NOT going to want to miss this!
42. CDC Expects More Monkeypox Cases in U.S.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said Monday that the federal public health agency expects more Monkeypox cases in the United States.
Dr. Jennifer McQuiston, an official with the CDC, confirmed that the U.S. has recently registered one case of Monkeypox in Massachusetts along with four Orthopox cases in New York City, Florida, and Utah. The cases of Orthopox, which is part of the family of viruses belonging to Monkeypox, are currently being analyzed at a CDC laboratory in Georgia, according to CNBC.
41. California Officials Investigating First Potential Case of Monkeypox in State
California officials are investigating the first potential case of monkeypox in the state, according to reports.
The Sacramento County Division of Public Health made the announcement on Tuesday, referencing a potential case via an individual who recently traveled to Europe. While more testing is needed, officials seem to think this could be the first case in the Golden State, but they also said the risk to the general public remains low.
“This case appears to be related to recent travel to Europe,” Sacramento County Public Health Officer Dr. Olivia Kasirye stated. “Public Health is working with CDPH to conduct contact tracing, and risk to the general public is extremely low.”
Cases of monkeypox, which is in the same family as smallpox, have now emerged in Europe, North America, Israel and Australia. While what specifically sparked the recent outbreak remains unclear, public health officials believe recent transmission and spread could be linked to sexual activity which took place at two raves in Europe.
[Ed.: The man obviously had sex with a monkey in Africa…]
40. ! Watch: ‘World Economic Forum Police’ Detain American Conservative Journalist Jack Posobiec at Davos
American conservative journalist Jack Posobiec was detained in Switzerland while he was covering the summit of globalist elites in the ski resort town of Davos, with commenters noting the Swiss local police wearing “World Economic Forum Police” patches on their uniforms.
Heavily armed Swiss officers, appearing to be from the Ordnungsdienst police force, allegedly “frisked” and detained Human Events Daily host and Turning Point USA contributor Jack Posobiec on Monday afternoon.
The officers, who also told independent journalist Savanah Hernandez not to film them, claimed they have a right to not be filmed in Switzerland, despite there not appearing to be a federal law prohibiting people from filming police.
Hernandez, who travelled to the summit on behalf of Canada’s Rebel News, questioned the officers about why Posobeic was being detained.
A police representative said in the footage: “We are just doing a normal police control because, you know, it’s WEF, everything is very sensitive.”
39. Tierney’s REAL News (5/24/22)
38. !! FLASHBACK: Pfizer CEO at Davos Brags About New Pill with Chip That Will Send Signal to Authorities that It’s Been Ingested FLASHBACK: Pfizer CEO at Davos Brags About New Pill with Chip That Will Send Signal to Authorities that It’s Been Ingested By Joe Hoft
Pfizer CEO who made millions pushing COVID vaccines is now excited about a pill with a chip that sends signals to authorities that the pill has been ingested.
These people are frightening monsters.
Pfizer’s CEO spoke about a pill that ensures compliance at Davos this week.
37. Australian Politician at Davos Explains that We Need a “Recalibration” of Freedom of Speech By Joe Hoft
Australian eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant told the World Economic Forum we need a “recalibration” of freedom of speech at Davos today.
Australian politicians moved citizens to gulags for not taking the COVID vaccine.
Australian politicians forced shutdowns and restrictions on citizens based on COVID. Their leaders have no regard for their citizens or their human rights.
[Ed.: Imagine arresting each of them for complicity with treason to their countries! … I do have a wild imagination!]
36. !! Three Unvaccinated Air Force Academy Cadets Won’t Be Commissioned as Military Officers By Jim Hoft
Three graduating cadets at the U.S. Air Force Academy who refused to take part in the experimental clot shot will not be commissioned as military officers but will graduate with bachelor’s degrees, according to the academy.
In a statement released to AP, Academy spokesman Dean Miller said that the three cadets will get a degree, but “they will not be commissioned into the United States Air Force as long as they remain unvaccinated.”
Miller added that the secretary of the Air Force will decide whether to require the three cadets to reimburse the United States for education costs in lieu of service.
It was previously announced that four cadets might not graduate or be commissioned as military officers after refusing the Covid vaccine. However, a week ago, one cadet had a change of heart and decided to get vaccinated and will graduate and become an Air Force officer.
35. Tragic: 15-Year-Old Freshman Student Dies Reportedly of Cardiac Arrest During Lawrence North Track Practice By Jim Hoft
A freshman student at Lawrence North High School died on Monday after EMT was called for a report of “cardiac arrest” at track and field practice.
Lawrence Township Schools has issued a statement confirming that a student, whose name was not released, was a 15-year-old freshman at Lawrence North High School in Indiana.
[Ed.: They are calling this an “unexpected death.” I beg to differ. Everyone who was clot-shot is expected to die. That’s ‘the plan’. Expect it.]
34. Corrupt FBI Lied About Hillary-Supplied Information Claiming It Came from DOJ and Not Hillary By Joe Hoft
The DOJ’s John Durham dropped another bombshell yesterday in the Michael Sussmann case.
We knew that Hillary was behind the fake Russia-collusion story. Last week her Campaign Manager, Robby Mook, said under oath that Hillary gave the approval to push the Alfa Bank story that they all knew was garbage.
Yesterday it was reported in the courtroom by John Durham’s team that the FBI knowingly passed along the faulty information from the Hillary campaign to fellow workers claiming it was from the DOJ while hiding the fact that it came from the Hillary gang.
33. Turncoat Mike Pence Building Presidential Campaign with a Group of RINOs and NeverTrumpers – Good Luck By Joe Hoft
Disgraced Former VP Mike Pence is building a team of RINOs and NeverTrumpers in an effort to run for President in 2024.
After stabbing America and President Trump in the back on Jan 6, President Trump’s former Vice President Mike Pence is gearing up for 2024, although he won’t come out and say it.
On Jan 6, Pence had the opportunity to save the nation by addressing the two sets of delegates from each of the states where the election was stolen. Instead of getting to the bottom of what happened and demanding more time to investigate or hold a recount, Pence gave the election to Joe Biden. That decision gave us 13 dead soldiers in Afghanistan, forced unconstitutional mandates, the destruction of the US economy, policies that only help China, and war around the world.
32. !! Governments Busted Rewriting History to Promote Monkeypox Mania JD Rucker
This whole monkeypox obsession by governments and media is concerning. Are they manipulating us again like with Covid or are they trying to kill us? We know for sure they’re editing the data.
Prior to last week, monkeypox was a disease that wasn’t on anyone’s radar other than the puppetmasters among the globalist elites and the scientists they hired to manipulate it. One might wonder why I’ve jumped to such a conspiratorial conclusion without direct evidence, to which I’d ask them if they’d been paying attention the last two-and-a-half years.
Yes, I’m jumping to the conclusion that this new version of a previously innocuous disease is manufactured and being intentionally spread across the globe. I detailed why I believe this in yesterday’s show. But whether you believe it was manufactured or just another random mutation that popped up at the exact right moment, you’ll have to acknowledge that whatever brought forth this monkeypox scare, the powers-that-be are using it to either distract us, control us, or both.
Just in the last 24-hours, I’ve seen information demonstrating the rapid editing of information on official government websites in multiple western nations regarding monkeypox. These edits haven’t been your run-of-the-mill updates on a disease that has emerged into the public consciousness. We’re talking about 1984-style complete rewrites of history, including at least two governments now claiming monkeypox should be treated like smallpox, a disease that killed over 300 million people in the 20th century.
31. !!
30. Looks Like CNN and Rest of The American Media Are Growing Weary of the War in UkraineB By Larry Johnson
There is no good news left to show on the nightly newscasts today. The media presstitutes are suckers for video showing a ship getting hit with a Ukie missile and sinking, or a Ukie jet strafing a line of stalled Russian tanks, or Ukie artillery raking the positions of entrenched Russian soldiers.
But those videos are not available today. The best Ukraine can produce are clips pulled from realistic video games that even confuse hardened warriors (sarcasm alert) like Barry McCaffrey. Imagine my shock today to read this headline and story from CNN. (Note–The CNN story confirms as true the analysis that Andrei Martyanov and I have offered):
29. Pandemic Monkeyshines By Cherie Zaslawsky
While Bill Gates trumpeted his so-called “Decade of Vaccines” in 2010—apparently given a new lease on life with Covid—he’s been understandably quieter about his planned Decade of Pandemics. Of course the two go hand in hand, or perhaps hand in glove, as both are merely tools to further the Davos elites’ two-pronged attack on We the People: genocide and subsequent enslavement of those who survive.
Plandemics and their subsequent mRNA vaccines can maim and kill millions of people, while providing the psychopathic elites with plausible deniability. Here’s Gates’ disingenuous warning: “Also, related to pandemics is something people don’t like to talk about much, which is bioterrorism, that somebody who wants to cause damage could engineer a virus. “ [Italics mine.] Hmmm…now why would anyone want to do that, Bill?
In case you were wondering, Stephen Luby, professor of medicine and senior fellow at Stanford’s Wood Institute for the Environment, informs us that: There will be a Sars-CoV-3.
Not one to be outdone by pundits across the Pond, Sustainable Prince Charles offers this gem: There will be more and more pandemics, if we don’t do ‘the great reset’ now.
It seems the WHO is planning for ten solid years of pandemics, from 2020 to 2030. How does WHO know what, why and when? Unless, of course, Gates’ minions—the WHO included—are feverishly planning and executing these pandemics. What better way to accurately predict the future than by controlling it?
28. WHO Move Reveals Fear of Informed Masses by John Anthony
(May 23, 2022) — On January 18, 2022, the Biden Administration sent a letter requesting a series of changes to 13 articles of the International Health Regulations to the WHO. (The changes were not made public until April 12, just 6 weeks before they were to be voted on by the 75th World Health Assembly.)
Those changes ceded control of American’s health decisions to an unelected international board at the WHO.
Despite attempts by every major media outlet to bury the severity of Biden’s move, word of the amendments spread in alternative media, social media, and email lists. The cascade of information was seismic.
Friends told friends. The newly informed shared the information with their groups who in turn networked through podcasts and video channels. Soon massive numbers of Americans and people globally learned the truth about the WHO power grab.
27. As the U.S. moves into elections mode, the last thing the Democrats want to talk about is policy. Instead, they’re taking a page out of Saul Alinsky’s playbook and attempting to brand Republicans as racist and evil. Op-ed. By Caroline Glick
(JNS) Demonization, the effort to portray a political rival as an inhuman monster, has long been a means to mobilize public support. The ancient Romans did it. The Soviets didn’t know there was another option.
While negative campaigning is a tried and true method for winning elections in the free world, actual demonization was a fairly rare phenomenon, particularly in the United States, until after the turn of the century. But in recent decades, and with unprecedented intensity and venom since 2016, the Democrats have aped the Soviets and adopted demonization as their main political tool for winning elections. The primary object of their hatred is former President Donald Trump.
Last Sunday, Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi showed how it is done in an interview with CNN. The interview focused on the Democrat Party’s concern that the conservative majority in the Supreme Court will overturn Roe v. Wade, ending the federal mandate for abortions and letting states decide for themselves whether to place limitations on the procedure. Concerns among Democrats and the party’s progressive base rose exponentially earlier this month when, in a shocking break with the past, a source at the Supreme Court leaked a draft judgment on the issue authored by conservative Justice Samuel Alito to Politico.
26. ! Palestinians: A Vote to Destroy Israel by Bassam Tawil
These Palestinians are evidently fed up with the rampant corruption and bad governance of the Palestinian Authority leadership. Moreover, these Palestinians who no longer support Abbas are stating that they have no interest in any peace process with Israel.
- As the last poll showed, 70% of the Palestinians are opposed to an unconditional return to peace negotiations with Israel. Another 58% expressed opposition to the two-state solution.
- The truth is that Abbas called off the elections [in 2021] because he was afraid that Hamas would defeat his Fatah faction in the parliamentary election, as took place in 2006.
- The results of the Birzeit University elections prove that Abbas’s fears were not unfounded. Had he insisted on proceeding with the presidential and parliamentary elections, it is most likely…. that Hamas would have taken control of the Palestinian presidency and parliament.
- Hamas, for its part, said that it sees the results of the university election as a vote of confidence in its policy of pursuing deadly terrorist attacks against Israel.
- The students who voted in support of Hamas fully identify with the terrorist group’s covenant, which states that “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.”
- Palestinians have been radicalized by their leaders and media to a point where they do not want to hear anything about a peace process with Israel. In fact, they want to see Israel vanish from the map, as the results of the student council elections and the polls clearly illustrate.
- The results of the Birzeit University elections and the polls stand in sharp contrast to the views expressed by the Biden administration concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Over the past year, Biden administration officials have repeatedly stated their commitment to the “two-state solution” while totally ignoring the widespread support among the Palestinians for the elimination of Israel.
- The Hamas victory at the university’s student council should sound alarm bells in the Biden administration, especially the State Department, regarding the true intentions of the Palestinians – that their sole commitment is to have a state that would replace Israel, not one that would exist peacefully alongside Israel. That is why it is nonsensical to pressure Israel to make any territorial (or non-territorial) concessions to the Palestinians, who are openly proclaiming that they want to establish a Palestinian state on the ruins of Israel and the bodies of dead Jews.
[Ed.: So, it’s up for a vote! Get those Jews now!]
25. Mesa County Clerk, Tina Peters, Jailed for Exposing Dominion Fraud [9:53]
24. ! A high-ranking Iranian Guards officer assassinated in Tehran
Iran’s state TV reports that two assailants on a motorbike shot Col Sayyad Khodai five times outside his Tehran home on Sunday, before escaping. The state news agency IRNA identified the officer as a “defender of the shrine” – namely a member of the Revolutionary Guards Corps elite al Qods brigades that fought against the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. In a separate item, Iran’s ISNA reported that members of Israel’s intelligence service networks had been uncovered and arrested by the IRGC.
23. Russia strikes US missile shipment for Ukraine, blocks world’s grain supply
Russia blockade Ukraine ports, Russia strikes US arms shipment
Russia is blockading Ukraine’s Black Sea ports, choking off a primary world source of wheat, corn and fodder – Vladimir Putin’s payback for Western sanctions. International food experts foresee this blockade of Ukraine’s exports causing extreme food shortages and even famine in at least 36 countries, the worst hit being Egypt, Lebanon, Qatar, Pakistan, Indonesia, Jordan, Malaysia, Thailand and parts of Africa.
Ways of countering the Russian blockade and releasing for export the roughly 22 million tons of grain held in Ukraine storehouses are under urgent discussion in Washington and Brussels. One proposal is for US and Western warships to escort the laden freighters sailing out of Ukraine’s ports. However, those vessels would have to break through the effective stranglehold maintained by 20 warships of the Russian fleet over Ukraine’s export ports from Snake Island, a tiny kilometer-square scrap of land situated in the northwest of the Black Sea.
22. Tensions are rising between Israel and its northern borders By SETH J. FRANTZMAN
Israel is seeing some tensions growing with Hezbollah and Iran in Syria as Iran continues to plot against Israel.
On Thursday morning, an error in identification caused Israeli air defenses to launch interceptors in the North. Alarms were heard in several communities. Analysts believed a drone flown by Hezbollah might have been the culprit, but it all turned out to be a false alarm and apparently a mistake.
Two days before, however, Hezbollah had indeed launched a drone and Israel had to down the threat.
The context is that Israel is seeing some tensions growing with Hezbollah and Iran in Syria. These two issues are related because Iran is a growing threat to Israel and continues to plot against Israel. This week Defense Minister Benny Gantz flew to the US to meet with American officials. His trip came as the new head of US Central Command flew to Israel to meet with Israeli counterparts.21. Military Crisis Donbass, Ukraine Admits Heavy Losses, Arguments about Resuming Peace Talks in DC [45:36] Alexander Mercouris
20. ! Ten different surveys all show the vaccines are not “safe and effective” — not even close Steve Kirsch
This is my most important article since I started writing on Substack. It shows how anyone can prove to themselves that I’ve been telling the truth the whole time.
I’ve written over 700 articles on my Substack. This is my most important article to date because it provides objective proof, that anyone can verify with their own surveys of their own friends, that I have been telling the truth since I first became a “misinformation spreader” on May 25, 2021 with an article on TrialSite News entitled “Should you get vaccinated?”.
Here is a summary video of the two most recent surveys I did which show the vaccines increase cancer, cause excess deaths comparable to COVID deaths, and dramatically increase miscarriage rates.
If you only watch one video this year, that is the one to watch.
19. ! WHO Update TWO, Real Estate Corruption: More Land Grabs, Money Laundering, & Includes another WHO update Sarah Westall
Marie Mcdonnell, real estate expert and analyst, joins the program to discuss her systematic analysis of the real estate industry. She explains how the mathematical patterns show that a 50 to 100 year plan has been in operation to shift land ownership, launder money, and destabilize millions. You can learn more about Marie Mcdonnell and sign up for her seminars at mcdonnellanalytics.com
18. Gene-Edited Crops to the ‘Rescue’?
With looming food shortages predicted due to the war in Ukraine, the British government is speeding up creation of gene-edited crops they say will allow farmers to grow more, faster, and with less water.
Claiming these crops will also require fewer pesticides and fertilizers, authorities said the GE crops will address climate change’s impact on food security. “The use of the technology was initially scuppered by a 2018 ruling from the European Court of Justice that determined it should be regulated in the same way as genetic modification (GM),” The Telegraph said.
17. Taylor’s Story: ‘She Can No Longer Go to School’ [2:06]
This woman shares the story of Taylor Devereaux, a student from Ontario who experienced adverse side effects after getting the first Pfizer jab. But doctors dismissed her symptoms, and said they were due to anxiety. As a result of not getting the second dose, Taylor is no longer allowed to enter her university campus.
16. Monkeypox: Truth Versus Fearporn
Is the monkeypox outbreak a real threat or is it just another weaponized form of controlling you? Dr. Robert Malone weighs in with his ideas on what’s really going on.
First of all, monkeypox is like a cousin to smallpox but not on the same public health threat level as smallpox, Malone says: “Anyone who implies otherwise is basically engaged in or otherwise supporting weaponized public health-related propaganda. In other words, spreading public health fearporn.”
In fact, he adds, the symptoms are much milder than smallpox with flu-like symptoms of “fever, body aches, chills — together with swollen lymph nodes. A rash on the palm of the hand is often observed. In the latter stage of the disease, which may last for up to a month or more in some cases, may involve small lesions which develop a crust, and which can result in a small depigmented scar.”
15. What’s Your Score on This Heart Attack Predictor Test? [30:56] Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Age is usually said to be the No. 1 risk factor for cardiac disease risk. But this other test score takes precedence for identifying your real risk. It’s very powerful and transcends other heart risk factors. Yet there’s a good chance you’ve never heard of it, let alone done the test.
- A primary hindrance to extended health span is the process of atherosclerosis, the hardening of your arteries, which is the No. 1 cause of heart disease
- Your coronary artery calcium or CAC score is a powerful measure of your cardiac disease risk. Having a CAC score of zero in middle age means you have a very low risk (1.4%) of heart attack in the following decade; above 1,000, your risk of a heart attack within the next 10 years is 37%
- While age is typically seen as the primary risk factor for CVD, the CAC score takes precedence when it comes to identifying your real risk, and transcends other risk factors
- High LDL particle count can be a significant risk factor for CVD, but several factors also play a role, and will determine whether high particle count is contributing to atherosclerosis. These include oxidized LDL, damaged glycocalyx, endothelium damage, proteoglycan reactivity and poor HDL functionality
- Factors that drive atherosclerosis and should be avoided or addressed include glucose spikes, insulin resistance, inflammatory drivers, high blood pressure, oxidative stress, nutrient deficiencies, iron overload, heavy metals, autoimmune issues, infections and smoking
14. Latest Bad News About COVID Vaccines Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
From deaths due to vaccine-induced myocarditis to a significant increase in heart attack risk among youth, the risks tied to COVID-19 shots continue to grow – while their effectiveness in children reached an embarrassing low.
- A previously healthy 36-year-old mother of two died 11 days after receiving a Pfizer COVID-19 shot; her death was deemed to be caused by myocarditis due to the shot
- Emergency calls for cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome increased more than 25% among 16- to 39-year-olds from January to May 2021, compared to the same time period in 2019 and 2020
- Pfizer deliberately excluded pregnant women from COVID-19 shot trials; the recommendation that the shots are safe and effective for pregnant women was based on a 42-day study involving 44 rats
- Research conducted by the New York State Department of Health found the shots’ effectiveness declined rapidly among 5- to 11-year-olds, falling from 68% to just 12%
- Considering the adverse effects and lack of effectiveness, many have called for an immediate withdrawal of the shots
13. ! Why It’s Time to Give Up on Government [1:40:12] Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
As Energy and Finance Collapse, What Lies Ahead?
It’s almost like falling dominoes. First, the collapse of affordable fuel and food – the necessities of life – followed by a caving of the stock market and crypto currency. This mass destruction of Western values suggests all this is no accident, but a premeditated plan set to converge in the not-so-distant future.
- Many are now starting to realize that we’re facing a multitude of catastrophes, sort of pancaked on top of one another
- Gas prices are skyrocketing, the crypto market recently cratered, the stock market is starting to cave and inflation is rapidly rising
- According to some financial analysts, our only choices now are prolonged inflation or a global economic meltdown
- In 2016, the World Economic Forum (WEF) published several “predictions” for the future that are now starting to take shape. This indicates the WEF is responsible for, and is carrying out, an agenda to fulfill its own predictions or wishes
- We have now passed over the energy cliff, and are rapidly approaching a situation in which there will be no surplus energy left over for society to function on. This is likely why all the globalist plans converge on the year 2030
12. ! Belgium Begins Monkeypox Quarantines
UK health officials have cautioned that the country is facing a “significant” increase in infections, and that the government’s reaction is “critical” in halting the spread. Meanwhile, Belgium has begun monkeypox quarantines.
EXPLOSIVE DOCUMENTS Show Wuhan Lab Recently Assembled Monkeypox Strains Creating Contagious Pathogens
BIG STORY: Genetically Modified Strain Of Monkeypox Kills 250 Million People In War Game Simulation Prompting New Pandemic Warning
After three instances of monkeypox were reported in Belgium, the country became the first to implement a compulsory 21-day monkeypox quarantine for people who come into contact with the virus.
According to the Daily Mail, the infections were all connected to a festival in Antwerp, Belgium’s port city, and Belgium is now one of 14 nations where the virus has been verified (in addition to suspected, but not confirmed cases in Austria and Greece).
11. Here’s Your Primer On The Clinton Russia Hoax Trial Heading Into Week Two By Pamela Geller
Here’s A Play-By-Play Of The Special Counsel Criminal Case Heading Into Week Two
By: Margot Cleveland, The Federalist, May 23, 2022
Today starts week two in United States v. Sussmann, Special Counsel John Durham’s false statement case against Michael Sussmann. According to the grand jury indictment, Sussmann lied to former FBI General Counsel James Baker when he told Baker he was not acting on behalf of any client when he provided Baker with data supposedly establishing an Alfa Bank-Trump connection, when in fact Sussmann represented both the Hillary Clinton campaign and Rodney Joffe.
10. Antifa Democrat CONVICTED of 4 Counts of Attempted Manslaughter Gets NO JAIL TIME By Pamela Geller
Justice is no longer blind. Hell, it doesn’t even exist in these United States under Democrat totalitarian rule hijacked in the 2020 election.
A second revolution is coming……’the restoration’.
9. It’s Long Past Time For Congress To Break Up The FBI By Pamela Geller
The FBI is irretrievably broken. Having weaponized its immense power against law abiding Americans, It is a threat to our democracy.
It’s Long Past Time For Congress To Break Up The FBI
The D.C. bureaucracy and specifically the intelligence agencies have long become powers unto themselves, and a threat to our democracy.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s long history of abusing its power is once again prominent amid the continued expose by Special Counsel John Durham. His prosecution is demonstrating the FBI’s use of its power to deploy federal intelligence assets against political opponents of Democrats.
The FBI routinely intervenes in politics, such as when the FBI assisted the Hillary Clinton campaign in painting former President Donald Trump as a Russian intelligence asset, as Durham’s investigation is emphasizing with more evidence. By getting a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant on Carter Page, the FBI also likely spied on Trump and his inner circle via something called the two-hop rule.
Stunningly, it appears the FBI’s animus for Trump was rooted in disagreements about the foreign policy that Trump campaigned on. Spygate, however, is only a more recent manifestation of a long history of FBI abuses that Congress must rein in as soon as possible.
A Long History of Impropriety
8. !! DHS Combats Potential Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack
Release Date: September 3, 2020
Releases: Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Program Status Report
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) continues to prepare against ever evolving threats against the American homeland, most recently highlighting efforts to combat an Electromagnetic Pulse attack which could disrupt the electrical grid and potentially damage electronics. Today, the department is releasing the Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Program Status Report as part of an update on efforts underway in support of Executive Order (E.O.) 13865 on Coordinating National Resilience to Electromagnetic Pulses. E.O. 13865 establishes resilience and security standards for U.S. critical infrastructure as a national priority.
Extreme electromagnetic incidents caused by an intentional electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack or a naturally occurring geomagnetic disturbance (GMD), caused by severe space weather, could damage significant portions of the Nation’s critical infrastructure, including the electrical grid, communications equipment, water and wastewater systems, and transportation modes. The impacts are likely to cascade, initially compromising one or more critical infrastructure sectors, spilling over into additional sectors, and expanding beyond the initial geographic regions adversely impacting millions of households and businesses.
For these reasons, the potential severity of both the direct and indirect impacts of an EMP or GMD incident compels our national attention.
6. !! John Moore joins Mike Adams to warn about the systematic DISMANTLING of the infrastructure that’s keeping Americans alive [26:04]
5. !!! !!! The Liberty Man John Moore warns Mike Adams about China’s impending INVASION of the United States [46:22]
4. Monkeypox just the latest engineered distraction as controlled demolition of human civilization accelerates[1:15:10] byMike Adams
(Natural News) Monkeypox, a very mild contagious disease that deserves no panic whatsoever, is reportedly spreading across the world among attendees of a gay pride gathering of 80,000 people in Gran Canaria.
As The Sun (UK) reports, “The Canaria Pride festival, held in the town of Maspalomas between May 5 and 15, has become a hotspot for the monkeypox outbreak, reports El País.”
It turns out that engaging in gay sex activities with thousands of strangers spreads disease. (Who knew?) Even the WHO now says monkeypox is spreading mainly through sexual contact among gay men.
Note that there isn’t a single corporate media outlet in the world that will admit such a fact. They cover up the filthy sexual habits and pretend that anal intercourse among multiple sex partners is perfectly normal, perhaps even preferred.
3. Frontline Battle Rages For Control Of Donbass In The Ukraine – Russia War (Special Report Under Fire) [27:05] Patrick Lancaster
US Navy veteran and independent crowd-funded journalist.
Over the 8 years of the Ukraine War I made more video reports in anti-Ukraine Government controlled territory than any other western journalist. All so covered the Armenian Azerbaijan war reaching over 8 million on his youtube channel with his reports there.
2. “Kyiv Evacuates” 1700 Ukrainian Soldiers From Azovstal In Mariupol [4:46] Patrick Lancaster
Over 1700 Ukrainian military members have been “evacuated” from the Azovstal plant in Mariupol with the “assistance of Kyiv” is what Kiev is telling the world but it’s a lie.
I’m Patrick Lancaster and in this report, we’re in Mariupol at the location where the Azov and Ukrainian military members have been surrendering in mass.
Let’s talk about the facts. 3 days ago there were well over 2000 Azov and Ukrainian soldiers in the last stand, the last position of the Ukrainian military in Mariupol, the Azov Azovstal Plant.
3 days ago there was a temporary ceasefire called to allow the Azov Ukrainian military to surrender. Let’s talk about what the word is surrender: to stop resisting an enemy and submit to their authority
and that is what 1700 Azov battalion members and Ukrainian military members have done. They have walked out of this plant and submitted to the
authority of the Republic people’s republic and Russian forces. Yes there was a small amount that was injured and one could say can a person that is totally
incapacitated surrender? Maybe those handfuls of injured Azov battalion Ukrainian military that was
totally incapacitated and injured one could say they might have been evacuated(by definition) by the Donetsk People’s Republic and Russian forces but certainly not the Ukrainian authorities. So the fact that Kiev keeps trying to push the fact that they’ve done all this to help the Azov and Ukrainian military evacuate the Azov plant here in Mariupol is a total lie and misinformation created to just mislead the world.
Facts are facts and Kiev continues to try and lie about them to fit their agenda
1. Elon Musk DITCHES DEMS as Disinformation Board IMPLODES!!! [12:09] Dr. Steve Turley