Daily Shmutz | 052522

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

                                                                                                           Shadow of a guitarist

37.  !!  Journalists Under fire As Shelling Hits Civilian Area In Ukraine – Russia War   Patrick Lancaster

Journalists Under fire As Shelling Hits Civilian Area Russian Controlled Village

A village under fire is what i found when investigating territory that had been captured by Russian and DPR Forces From Ukraine.  My team and I was in this captured territory to document what was happening and found an area and people decimated by shelling. The locals of course blamed Ukraine for shelling their homes. We found women and children living in bomb shelters hiding from the shells. While we were there we came under shelling as well. It almost seemed like the shells were aiming at us. My cameraman Sasha even commented they were firing at us. Luckily we met some very nice people and learned a lot about the situation there. We will be returning to help them as well.

36.   Bulk post from today’s Natural News:

More of Today’s Articles

!!! WHO corruption is one of the biggest threats to public health – and its power may be about to expand like never before
In recent years, many problems have been presented as posing the biggest threat to public health of our time, from antibiotic resistance to the pandemic and the effects of vaccines. However, we …

Government approves weather control “cloud seeding” operation in New Mexico in desperate bid to create rainfall
Extreme drought conditions in the American Southwest have prompted the government of New Mexico to approve a new cloud seeding operation in some parts of the state. The Interstate Stream …

No, covid vaccines are not “safe and effective” – these 10 surveys reveal the truth
Investigative reporter Steve Kirsch put together a series of surveys that show beyond a shadow of a doubt that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” are anything but “safe and …

Monkeypox detected in at least 11 countries; scientists claim to be puzzled over its spread
An Israeli man in his 30s has been hospitalized in Tel Aviv with the first suspected case of the monkeypox virus. The man previously visited Western Europe, where there had been dozens of cases …

!  Research funded by Fauci and Gates could see bird flu become the next deadly pandemic
As many parts of the world begin to return to a new post-pandemic normal, we’re starting to see signs of those who profited from Covid trying to position other illnesses as the next big disease …

!!!   Nearly 1.3 million adverse events linked to covid-19 vaccines, reveal VAERS reports
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Friday, May 20, released new data showing a total of 1,268,008 reports of adverse events linked to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) …

Doctors and scientific experts speaking up about covid-19 and alternative treatments are being silenced
The Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) isn’t a natural disaster. A recent report by the Expose, called it as “one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history.” It is …

!!! CDC triples down on child sacrifice, approves third dose of mRNA injections for children as young as five
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have practically endorsed CHILD SACRIFICE as an acceptable public health policy. The agency recently approved a third dose of spike protein mRNA injections …

Smart device that gives covid test results in 20 minutes also sends data to CDC and other government agencies
A Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) testing smart device sends data results immediately to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other federal and state health agencies. The device …

!! Epidemiologists, Indiana AG slam government for spreading covid misinformation
Epidemiologists Jay Bhattacharya and Martin Kulldorff joined Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita in criticizing the federal government for spreading Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) misinformation. …

!!!  No cash or cards allowed: Major supermarkets set to accept only BIOMETRICS payment
Major supermarkets are set to prohibit payment using cards or cash, instead requiring people to scan their faces or fingerprints. Such a manner of payment fits perfectly into an Orwellian …

Gasoline price in Los Angeles rises to as much as 7.83 a gallon – more than the federal minimum wage
Motorists in the United States are now grappling with sky-high gasoline prices that are reaching records daily. In some locations, a gallon of regular fuel is higher than the federal minimum wage …

Canada’s inflation rate reaches 31-year high; spike in grocery prices highest since 1981
Canadians who are living on government benefits are being forced to live with less as food prices soar. Canada’s inflation rate is at 6.8 percent, the highest in 31 years.

Matrixxx Grooove: Documentary about how 2020 election was stolen from Trump now showing in theaters nationwide – Brighteon.TV
The smoking gun documentary by Dinesh D’Souza about how the 2020 election was stolen from President Donald Trump is now showing in 400 theaters nationwide. Jeffrey “InTheMatrixxx” …

Celebrity-endorsed NFTs lose value, leaving investors with virtually nothing
The value of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) is decreasing rapidly, leaving investors with virtually nothing. One of those investors is Tyler, 35, a property manager from Florida whose family runs a …

European central bank president says crypto is “worth nothing” and calls for more regulations
European Central Bank (ECB) President Christine Lagarde recently called for more regulations on cryptocurrencies after claiming that they have no real value. Lagarde made these comments during an …

Connecting the Dots: CCP leaders are making tons of money by harvesting organs of political enemies — Brighteon.TV
Host Dan Happel and investigative journalist Mitchell Nicholas Gerber talked about the cruelty of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) during the May 17 episode of “Connecting The Dots” …

Matrixxx Grooove: True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht says 2020 election was a free for all – Brighteon.TV
True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht said Americans should uphold the integrity of elections if they don’t want a repeat of 2020. “The big story around all of this is just the …

Female skateboarder speaks out following loss to MTF trans competitor
A biological female skateboarder voiced out her disappointment after losing to a male-to-female (MTF) transgender competitor. She also pushed back against the transgender takeover of women’s …

35.  Monkeypox is another simulation SCAM brought to us by the same psychopaths who unleashed covid   by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) Last year, an international biosecurity conference was held in Munich that simulated a “global pandemic involving an unusual strain of monkeypox.” And guess when monkeypox was scheduled to appear on the world stage? Mid-May 2022.

Just like Bill Gates’ Event 201 pandemic simulation exercise announced the novel coronavirus just months before it appeared, this simulation exercise in Munich predictively programmed monkeypox a few months before it started appearing in the media.

Attendees at the conference were told that by May 15, 2022, monkeypox would appear out of nowhere and begin spreading. At first, the fallout would be minimal, but by January 10, 2023, the death toll is scheduled to reach 1.3 million people. And by the end of 2023, hundreds of millions of people will be dead from monkeypox.

By the end of 2022, it is to be revealed that the unusual monkeypox strain in circulation is resistant to all vaccines. This is to add more fear and paranoia surrounding the virus, allowing “national responses” that likely include even more medical tyranny than what was seen throughout the covid plandemic.



34.   CNN now publicly asking whether mRNA injections have CAUSED the current covid wave – exactly as we’ve been saying since day one   by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) Pigs might be about to fly now that fake news giant CNN is admitting, in a surprising turn of events, that Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” may actually be causing the constant and continual waves of covid infection that are being reported all around the world.

After denying, denying, and denying some more that the jabs are doing anything other than “saving lives,” CNN is beginning to question the legitimacy of the baseless government claim that Fauci Flu shots are “safe and effective.”

According to CNN, scientists are “urgently trying to solve … another piece of the immunity puzzle” concerning mRNA (messenger RNA) technology and its apparent propensity for making things worse rather than better as far as public health is concerned. (Related: One of the ways the jabs are making this worse is by giving people AIDS.)

CNN speculates that the “drop off in our protection” against the Chinese Virus might be the result of the mRNA injections from Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech, “which were the first in the world to use this platform.”

Tony Fauci has decided to chime in as well, but in a much more deceitful way, of course. He says that “we got a really great platform with mRNA,” but that we need to “try to be better” with it because this version of it is not exactly producing the health outcomes he long promised.

“The United States is at a point in the pandemic now where health officials are grappling with the fact that to maintain immunity against Covid-19 in the community, the nation will either need to administer booster shots on a regular – or possibly annual – basis, or will need to rollout [sic] an entirely new vaccine altogether,” CNN now admits.

33.   Conspiracy? Ex-cop killed in Buffalo shooting had just invented a powerful “water powered engine”  [11:46] by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) Aaron Salter Jr., a security guard at the Tops Friendly Markets store in Buffalo who was killed in the recent mass shooting, had reportedly just patented a new type of vehicle engine that runs on water instead of gasoline.

Describing his invention as a “newly discovered energy source,” Salter, just prior to his death, had been working on and speaking publicly about environmentally sustainable vehicles that have the potential to replace existing ones that rely on either internal combustion (gas) or battery-powered (electric) engines.

Was Aaron Salter Jr. targeted by the deep state for coming up with a free energy solution to gas- and electric-powered vehicles?

32.  !War drums: Chinese Communist Party warns elites to get rid of overseas assets following Western sanctions on Russia   by: JD Heyes

(Natural News) For years, Chinese leaders have sounded bellicose warnings over Taiwan, pledging to bring the island democracy back within Beijing’s fold voluntarily or by force, if necessary.

And for just as long, Taiwanese leaders have essentially ignored or rejected China’s statements.

But now, China has become infinitely stronger than at any time in modern history, essentially mimicking Japan’s rise in the 1920s and 1930s, and as such, it is becoming clearer that Beijing is set to make good on its decades-old pledge to unify its “renegade province.”

The Wall Street Journal reported this week that Chinese Communist leaders have essentially warned the country’s monied elite to divest themselves of assets in the West after sanctions were placed on oligarchs and other wealthy Russians following Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.

31.  !!! Usual GMO suspects seize upon engineered Ukraine food crisis to demand more genetically engineered crops   by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) Right on cue, the biotechnology industry is seizing upon the new manufactured food crisis to push for more genetic engineering in global agriculture.

In order to solve the broken food supply chain, says George Eustice, Great Britain’s Environment Secretary, “gene-edited” crops will need to be grown and their yields brought to market as quickly as possible.

In just a few months, the British Parliament is expected to vote on approval for gene-edited food, which Eustice claims will benefit both producers and consumers, despite warnings from scientists about unknown health effects.

Because Russia invaded Ukraine, Eustice maintains, gene-edited crop production needs to increase at warp speed in order to tackle the global food crisis that is rapidly unfolding.

As you may have seen, many major producers of food crops, including both Ukraine and Russia, are no longer exporting their goods to countries that have traditionally relied upon them for imports. Consequently, food shortages are occurring that threaten to starve hundreds of millions, if not billions, of people in the coming months and years.

30.  !!Ukraine = Gene Edited Crops  [11:05]

29.  !!! Red Alert: UN and WEF Trigger Worldwide Collapse Of Food Supplies  [44:54]

28.  !IT’S NOT THE GUNS: America’s left-wing culture of DEATH and self-mutilation is a FACTORY that produces mass shooters  [1:26:13]  by: Mike Adams

(Natural News) In the wake of the mass shooting yesterday in Uvalde, Texas, we must remember that on the very same day, over 2,700 human babies were murdered in America via abortion factories, according to reliable abortion estimates.

The same Leftists who demand abolishing the Second Amendment by falsely claiming it will stop shootings also celebrate the mass slaughter of human babies as they’re being born… or even after they’re born, via “post-birth abortions” that the Left celebrates. (See Abortions.news for full coverage.)

Don’t pretend for a second that the Left cares about the lives of children.

What they care about is stripping armed Americans of their last remaining line of defense against tyranny: The Second Amendment. Left-wing Marxists and tyrants know that if they can successfully take away firearms from the American people, they can then run whatever totalitarian scenarios they want, including rounding up conservatives and throwing them into concentration camps under the cover of an “outbreak.”

If Americans give up their guns, the radical left-wing fascists will treat the American people in the same way Australia’s government treats their citizens: Like prisoners in a giant prison camp.

Australia has just announced two years in prison for anyone breaking covid rules.

27.  !EXCLUSIVE: Over 500 Military Service Members Sue the Government for Mandating a Vaccine that Was Not FDA Approved and Should Not Have Been Administered   By Joe Hoft

Over 500 service members filed a suit against the government on Monday.  These individuals argue that the vaccine mandate forced on the military was not approved and therefore should never have been administered to the military. 

Around 520 military service members filed a suit on Monday against the government.  Their primary argument is that the vaccine mandate is illegal because there is no approved vaccine available in the US. This means that approximately 55% ( amount vaccinated since the August 23, 2021 mandate from the Secretary of Defense (SecDef) ) of the military have been vaccinated illegally and under duress.

See the court filing below.

26. ! The Truth About the $40 Billion in US Aid Ostensibly Being spent to arm Ukraine   By Larry Johnson

I think Scott Ritter jumped the gun in calling the $40 billion dollar Ukrainian aid bill a “game changer.” Once you take time to parse the details you quickly realize the media is misleading the American public on the reality of the $40 billion dollars ostensibly designated to buy weapons and equip Ukraine with a cornucopia of lethality. Mark Cancian at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (aka CSIS) provides an excellent breakdown of what was actually appropriated. Here is a quick summary:

$19 billion for immediate military support to Ukraine

$3.9 billion to sustain U.S. forces deployed to Europe

$16 billion for economic support to Ukraine and global humanitarian relief

25.  !!EXCLUSIVE FOOTAGE: Secret Video Recordings LEAKED from Inside “The Hole” of DC Gitmo — First Footage Ever Released of Cockroach and Mold Infested Cell of J6 Political Prisoner bCara Castronuova

Secret video recordings have been leaked exclusively to The Gateway Pundit from deep within the walls of the DC Gulag. See the series of eight videos below.

This filthy facility is notorious for inhumane and torturous conditions. It is where many Political Prisoners from January 6th are being unconstitutionally detained by the United States Government pre-trail.

The video recordings below feature Brandon Fellows, a 27 year old January 6th prisoner who has been in the Gulag since last June of 2021. According to Fellows, his crime was “taking two hits of marijuana in the Capitol after having a conversation with police who told him he could go inside.”

Help Brandon Fellow’s legal team HERE.

The first video shows Fellows, excited to be talking to a camera and civilization, collecting what appears to be black mold from the faucet of his sink where his drinking water comes from. He places it in a tiny bag and shows it to the camera:

24.  With Tuesday Primary Losses, Has Trump Lost His Mojo?  [27:57]    JD RUCKER

The short answer is, “no.” But there are some troubling signs within the Republican Party as establishment candidates continue winning over America First patriots. We need to fight harder.

Tuesday’s primary election results were generally bad for President Trump and America First patriots. Two of his most important endorsements failed miserably, underperforming even compared to their dismal poll numbers. David Perdue and Jody Hice were trounced by voter-fraud-deniers Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger in Georgia. This established a string of losses for Trump-endorsed candidates taking on GOP Establishment incumbents.

23. !! Defending Sovereignty: The Fight of our Lifetime   Robert W Malone MD, MS

Continuous vigilance and vigorous support of States’ Constitutional rights is critical

A gradual and silent encroachment of our freedom and Federal, States’ and individual sovereignty by a globalist financial corporate cartel continues to proceed. One key aspect of our current political reality in the US is that many of our laws at the Federal level have been placed there by corporate stakeholders. Corporate lobbyists work tirelessly and relentlessly to insert legislation that benefits their industries and increases the wealth of their corporate clients and associated “stakeholders” into our federal laws and regulations, and to twist existing legislation so that it becomes a more perfect tool of their clients’ corporate interests. In parallel, within the many branches of the US Federal bureaucracy, regulatory capture has become the norm. Furthermore, it has become increasingly clear that it is grossly naive to expect solutions to these corrupting influences to come from either Congress or the entrenched and captured bureaucracy. And one hard truth learned by the first Trump administration is that the executive branch lacks the power and authority required to replace the entrenched bureaucrats that have become the ruling lords and ladies of the new inverted Totalitarian reality which is the entrenched Federal bureaucracy.

22.   Judge permits publication of name of man accused of attempting to kill his wife  29.09.20 

District court overrules judge who banned publication of name of man accused of stabbing his wife 20 times on eve of Rosh Hashanah.

The Be’er Sheva District Court today allowed the publication of he name of the man suspected of attempting to murder of his wife in Mitzpe Ramo on the eve of Rosh Hashanah. The suspect was identified as 45-year-old Aviad Moshe.

District Court Judge Ariel Vago reversed the decision of Magistrate Judge George Amorai to keep the name of the suspect confidential – a decision that led to a series of protests and the filing of the appeal to the district court.

[Ed.:  Comment from a friend in Israel:

This story is dedicated to Judge George Amorai from Be’er Sheva (the judge who granted an order of anonymity, since overturned, to Aviad Moshe who brutally attacked his wife in front of their son just before Rosh Hashana) A lawyer passed on and found himself in heaven, about to be judged but not at all happy with his accommodations. He complained to the angel in charge, who told him that his only option was to appeal. The lawyer immediately said that he intended to appeal, but was then told he would be waiting at least three years before his appeal could be heard. The lawyer protested that a three year wait was a ridiculously long time, but his words fell on deaf ears. The lawyer was then approached by the satan, who told him that he would be able to arrange an appeal to be heard in a few days, if the lawyer was willing to change the venue to Gehnom. When the lawyer asked why appeals could be heard so much sooner in Gehnom, the satan replied  “there we have all of the judges.”]

21.   If People Believe This, They’ll Believe Anything!  [4:05]   Mark Dice

20.  !!  Situation Update, May 24, 2022 – An empire that can’t feed its babies is an empire in COLLAPSE  [1:28:49 – 0:00 Fake Biology; 16:30 Serious Topics; 22:45 Insanity; 37:10 Food Shortage; 41:25 BBC Story; 50:05 Insane Policies]    Mike Adams

The American empire is in a state of accelerating collapse, and there’s no turning it around. This once-great empire now cannot achieve the most basic of tasks that even isolated jungle tribes can still manage to do: feed their own babies.

Somehow, with all the high-tech dazzle, iPhones, high-frequency Wall Street trading, electric vehicles, space rockets and all the rest, America still can’t figure out how to feed babies … something that ancient homo sapiens have been doing for hundreds of thousands of years.

Read more at https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-05-24-an-empire-that-cant-feed-its-babies-is-an-empire-in-collapse.html

19.   Shavou’ot (Pentecost) guide for the perplexed, 2022   Yoram Ettinger

  1. The significance of Shavou’ot (June 5, 2022)

Shavou’ot is one of the three liberty-oriented Jewish pilgrimages to Jerusalem (Passover, Shavou’ot and Tabernacles).

Shavou’ot is celebrated 7 weeks following the second day of Passover. It is a historical, national, agricultural and spiritual extension of Passover. Passover highlights the physical liberty from slavery in Egypt; Shavou’ot highlights the spiritual liberty, embracing the values of the Ten Commandments and the Torah, in preparation for reentry into the Land of Israel.

Shavou’ot is also called the Holiday of the Harvest (ביכורים), since it concludes the harvesting season, which starts during Passover.

Shavou’ot (שבועות) means “weeks” in Hebrew and its spelling is identical to the Hebrew word “vows.”


18.  !! “Civilization May Not Survive” – George Soros Tells Davos Crowd, Defeat Putin (And Xi) Or Else    BY TYLER DURDEN

In his first appearance in person at Davos since Slamming Trump as a “conman, narcissist” and claiming Mark Zuckerberg was conspiring to get him re-elected in March 2020 (and warned that “the overheated US economy can’t be kept boiling for too long”), billionaire George Soros unveiled his traditionally anticipated annual address, taking aim squarely at China (nothing new there) but adding Russia to his hit list.

The 90-year-old puppet-master is certainly not getting any younger (looking older than 98-year-old Henry Kissinger who made headlines earlier in the day), warned that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has rattled Europe and could be the start of another world war.

“Other issues that concern all of humanity — fighting pandemics and climate change, avoiding nuclear war, maintaining global institutions — have had to take a back seat to that struggle,” Soros said,

“That’s why I say our civilization may not survive.”

17.   Videos: Davos Elites Warn ‘Painful Global Transition’ Should Not Be Resisted By Nation States   Steve Watson

Elitists drool over possibilities of their ‘Great Reset’

As World Economic Forum head Klaus Schwab proclaimed that “the future is built by us” at the opening of the annual Davos gathering, two other European elites declared that the global energy crisis is a “transition” that will be “painful” for most, but should not be resisted by nations tempted to preserve their own sovereignty over the “global agenda.”

Schwab called those summoned before him a “powerful community,” and declared “We have the means to improve the state of the world, but two conditions are necessary: The first one, is that we act all as stakeholders of larger communities, so that we serve not only our self-interests but we serve the community. That’s what we call ‘stakeholder responsibility.’”


16.   Swollen Eyes and Ugly Rashes: Woman Shares COVID Jab Effects  [0:38]

It started with redness on her arms and neck — and then it became worse. One and a half weeks after getting the jab, this woman experienced severe swelling around her eyes. Watch the video and see what the jab did to her.

15.  !Microplastics From Masks Found Deep in Lungs of the Living   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Microplastics used to make surgical masks were found in 11 of 13 patients undergoing lung surgery. Data demonstrate how these particles may cross into the bloodstream and could enter organs, the brain and developing babies.


  • Researchers found 39 microplastics in surgical lung samples from 11 of 13 people. There were 12 types that would commonly be found in plastic bottles, twine, clothing and surgical masks
  • A respirator specialist says surgical masks don’t meet the legal definition of a mask but rather are “breathing barriers.” He was emphatic they are shedding microplastics small enough to be inhaled
  • A data analysis of cases, hospitalizations and deaths in Kansas revealed counties with mask mandates had higher mortality rates than those without mask mandates
  • Once inhaled or consumed, microplastics can be found in your bloodstream in particles small enough to cross membrane barriers. It’s also found in an infant’s first stool, suggesting maternal exposure; an animal study found nanopolystryene particles in fetal brain, liver, kidney and lung tissue 24 hours after maternal exposure

14.  !Bill Gates Lays Out Plan for Global Takeover  [1:21:12]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Who Is Seizing Control Over the Next Pandemic Plan?

If this is approved, health remedies may be the same for everyone everywhere – eliminating individualized medicine by providing blanket rulings from an inept and corrupt institution for how a given threat is to be addressed, and how decisions about when to suspend civil liberties to prevent spread of an illness are made.


  • The World Health Organization is attempting to seize control over global pandemic monitoring and response and, ultimately, all health care decisions
  • Bill Gates intends to play a key part in this takeover. He’s building a pandemic response team for the WHO, dubbed the “Global Epidemic Response & Mobilization” or GERM Team, which will have the authority to monitor nations and make pandemic response decisions, such as when to suspend civil liberties to prevent spread of an illness
  • The globalist cabal plans to seize control through biosecurity governance, and they’re attempting to do this using two different avenues. If we fail to fight off both attacks, we’ll end up under totalitarian governance
  • The first attack comes in the form of amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), which are currently being voted on by the World Health Assembly. These amendments will strip member nations of their sovereignty and give the WHO unprecedented power to restrict your medical freedoms and civil liberties in the name of biosecurity. Get involved and urge your nation’s leaders to reject the amendments if passed. Unless rejected, they will become binding law in November 2022
  • The second attack comes through a new international pandemic treaty with the WHO. They intend to eliminate individualized medicine and provide blanket rulings for how a given threat is to be addressed, and this can only result in needless suffering — not to mention the loss of individual freedom

13.  Biden Admin: K-12 Schools Must Put Boys In Girls’ Bathrooms To Get Federal Lunch Money   BY JOY PULLMANN

Joe Biden and Democrats weren’t kidding about their pledge to transform public institutions into gender dysphoria contagion zones.

K-12 schools must allow boys into girls’ private areas to obtain federal funds for lunches, breakfasts, and snacks, the Biden administration announced this month. A U.S. Department of Education spokesman told The Federalist the Biden administration’s press releases from several agencies announcing this policy will be followed by formal rulemaking in June.

“It seems to be playing politics with feeding poor kids, which is really unfortunate,” John Elcesser, executive director of the Indiana Non-Public Education Association, said via phone amid weeks of attempting to sort out these new demands with government officials on behalf of private schools in his state. “Because if a school feels like they cannot participate because it’s in conflict with their mission or values, if a religious exemption is not granted, you’re taking away a program that’s feeding low-income kids.”

12.  Indiana GOP Rebukes Republican Governor, Overrides Veto To Protect Female Athletes   BY OLIVIA HAJICEK

After Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb vetoed a bill to protect girls from unfair male competition in sports, the legislature overrode him.

The Indiana General Assembly on Tuesday overrode Republican Gov. Eric Holcomb’s veto of HB 1041, a bill forbidding males from participating on female sports teams in most K-12 schools.

HB 1041 is the second bill Holcomb vetoed from this session but the first to be passed over his veto. The bill applies to public schools, charter schools, and teams that compete against them.

11.  Two Years In, Black Lives Matter Has Prompted More Americans To Reject White Guilt    BY MIKE GONZALEZ

The committed Marxists who created Black Lives Matter have been incredibly successful at deeply altering life in this country.

Today marks two years since the killing of George Floyd, and one thing can be said with certainty: the committed Marxists who created Black Lives Matter and orchestrated the violent disorders that upended our cities in 2020 have been incredibly successful at deeply altering life in this country. And not for the better.

That should not surprise in the least those who have followed closely what the BLM founders have said and done. “Changing how we’ve organized this country … dismantling the organizing principle of this society,” as BLM architect Alicia Garza put it in 2019, has always been the goal.

10.   Only legislatures can rein in Congress    JOHN HOOD

To paraphrase the old saying, you may not be interested in the federal debt, but the federal debt is interested in you. There’s abundant evidence for this proposition across the economy right now as prices continue to soar for food, fuel, housing, and other necessities.

Inflation consists of too much money chasing too few goods and services. So President Joe Biden is right to observe that limitations on supply, some originating with the COVID-19 pandemic, are part of the problem. His observation is doing himself no political good, however, because Biden seems unwilling to deregulate key economic sectors or do anything else of consequence to boost the supply of good and services.

Moreover, Biden has taken no responsibility for his role — first as a senator and vice president, and now as president — in causing the first part of the problem, that of too much money, via many years of massive federal deficits financed by the Federal Reserve. In shirking his responsibility, Biden is hardly alone. Federal politicians of both parties share blame for deficit spending. Although they talk a good game about fiscal discipline, they rarely practice it.

9.  Sandy Hook Proved The Need To Enhance K-12 Security. Congress Armed Ukraine Instead   BY TRISTAN JUSTICE

Ten years ago, the deadly massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School proved the need for armed security protecting K-12 classrooms.

Ten years ago, the deadly Connecticut massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School wherein a gunman killed 26 people, including 20 children, proved the need to secure U.S. K-12 institutions. Around noon on Tuesday, a similar tragedy was repeated after a decade of failing to protect American schools and deal with America’s mental health crisis.

In Uvalde, Texas, an 18-year-old gunman killed 19 children and two adults at Robb Elementary School as he went on a rampage from classroom to classroom after shooting his own grandmother. President Joe Biden was quick to address the nation in prime time, eager to exploit the episode of violence as a rallying cry for gun control.

8.  As Texas Families Get The Worst News Imaginable, Biden’s Attention is On The ‘Gun Lobby’   BY KYLEE ZEMPEL

On a day of tragedy, Biden confirmed where his heart really is, and it isn’t with Texas victims. It’s with the DNC’s to-do list.

Only two and a half minutes into President Joe Biden’s address following the horrific elementary school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, the unity president injected divisive and frankly irrelevant politics into what should have been a somber moment of weeping with those who weep.

“As a nation, we have to ask, when in God’s name are we going to stand up to the gun lobby?” Biden said, later tweeting the same thing. “When in God’s name will we do what we all know in our gut needs to be done?”

7.   At Least 15 Killed in Texas Elementary School Shooting

(Reuters)—A gunman opened fire at an elementary school in South Texas on Tuesday, killing 14 students and one teacher, Governor Greg Abbott told reporters.

Abbott said the suspect, who the governor identified as 18-year-old Salvador Ramos, was himself killed, apparently by police officers responding to the scene.

Official details on the circumstances of the midday shooting remained sketchy in the immediate aftermath of the violence, which unfolded at Robb Elementary School in the town of Uvalde, Texas, about 80 miles west of San Antonio.

[Ed.: ‘Normal mass shootings’ did not seem to produce enough of an outcry against gun ownership, so they’re now targeting children in hopes of a stronger reaction.]

6.  !! Biden Takes Blind Sheikh’s Terror Group Off Terror List   by Daniel Greenfield

▪The State Department is not removing Gamaat Islamiya from the terror list because it is defunct. Just the opposite. It’s being removed from the terror list because the Biden administration expects it to be active again. And wants to be able to provide support for it.

  • “Bin Laden will become a symbol of resistance to occupation,” Tarek Al-Zumar ranted after the Al Qaeda leader’s death. “The U.S. killing of bin Laden will undoubtedly galvanize reaction and retaliation attempts.”
  • This is what Biden’s decision to remove Gamaat Islamiya from the terror list is whitewashing.
  • Gamaat Islamiya is not defunct. It has longstanding ties to Al Qaeda and now ISIS, even while its political arm seeks power by copying the Muslim Brotherhood’s political strategy.
  • The Biden administration wants another Arab Spring in Egypt and it hopes that Al-Zumar and other Gamaat Islamiya Jihadists will help restore its Islamist allies to power. It’s embracing Tarek Al-Zumar, the author of such key Jihadist tracts as, “Our Struggle” and “Bonds of Jihad” to pave the way for supporting his new Jihad.
  • And above all else, Biden has once again betrayed America.

[Ed.:  At the same time that he removes the blind sheik from the terror list, he put American patriot citizens on the terror list!  So much for terror lists!]

5.  !! National Security Crisis: Russia’s and China’s Nuclear Threats   by Judith Bergman

▪Russia has not only been modernizing its nuclear triad; it has also been developing new types of nuclear systems….

  • Russia, of course, is not the only nuclear threat to the United States. China has accelerated its nuclear buildup to the extent that Admiral Charles Richard, Commander of U.S. Strategic Command told the Senate Armed Services Committee last April, “For the first time in our history, the nation is on a trajectory to face two nuclear-capable, strategic peer adversaries at the same time, who must be deterred differently. We can no longer assume the risk of strategic deterrence failure in conflict will always remain low.”

4.   What it means that Hillary Clinton did it   By David Zukerman

The Wall Street Journal ran a scathing editorial on May 20, called “Hillary Clinton Did It“.

This editorial began: “The Russia-Trump collusion narrative of 2016 was a dirty trick for the ages — and now we know it came from the top — candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.” The editorial quickly explained: “That was the testimony Friday by 2016 Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook in federal court [in Washington, D.C.], and while this news is hardly a surprise, it’s still bracing to find her fingertips on the political weapon.” (Also not surprisingly, The May 20 print edition of The New York Times did not include a story on Mook’s testimony.)

Mook’s testimony was heard at the trial of attorney Michael Sussman, charged with lying to the FBI in calling to their attention a story that Donald J. Trump, by means of connections with Russia’s Alfa Bank, was colluding with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

3.   Kissinger BOMBSHELL! Zelensky Should SURRENDER Eastern Ukraine!!!   Dr. Steve Turley

Well, gang, it didn’t take long for the media’s narrative on Ukraine to crumble! Henry Kissinger dropped a bombshell at Davos telling Zelensky’s faithful that he needed to sign a peace deal and accept the loss of Eastern Ukraine to Russia! We’re going to take a look at what Kissinger had to say, we’re going to compare it with what’s REALLY happening in Ukraine, and stick with me to the very end of this video when we’re going to see how scholars predicted precisely what’s happening as we speak; you are NOT going to want to miss this!


2.   ‘Blue-Checks’ Furious After Henry Kissinger Says Ukraine Should Cede Territory For Peace With Russia   BY TYLER DURDEN

Veteran US statesman Henry Kissinger has urged the West to stop trying to inflict a crushing defeat on Russian forces in Ukraine, warning that it would have disastrous consequences for the long term stability of Europe.

“I hope the Ukrainians will match the heroism they have shown with wisdom,” Kissinger warned an audience at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, adding with his famous sense of realpolitik that the proper role for the country is to be a neutral buffer state rather than the frontier of Europe.

As The Telegraph’s Ambrose Evans-Pritchard reports,  Kissinger’s comments came amid growing signs that the Western coalition against Vladimir Putin is fraying badly as the food and energy crisis deepens, and that sanctions may have reached their limits.

The former US secretary of state and architect of the Cold War rapprochement between the US and China told the gathering of elites that it would be fatal for the West to get swept up in the mood of the moment and forget the proper place of Russia in the European balance of power.

“Negotiations need to begin in the next two months before it creates upheavals and tensions that will not be easily overcome.

Ideally, the dividing line should be a return to the status quo ante.

Pursuing the war beyond that point would not be about the freedom of Ukraine, but a new war against Russia itself,” he said.



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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.