Daily Shmutz | 052822

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)


19.  !“2000 Mules” Investigator Gregg Phillips Drops a Bomb: Investigators Discovered Multinational Player and Federal Agencies Involved in Operation – A “Multinational Deal Involving Billions of Dollars”   (VIDEO 1:02)    By Jim Hoft

Earlier this month Dinesh D’Souza and Salem Media released the much-anticipated movie “2000 Mules” on the 2020 presidential election heist. The movie revealed how thousands of ballot traffickers working in all of the battleground states stuffed hundreds of thousands of ballots into the ballot drop boxes in order to steal the presidential election for Joe Biden.

“2000 Mules” revealed the extraordinary work by True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht and business owner and election intelligence expert Gregg Phillips.

Catherine Engelbrecht is the founder of True the Vote, an election integrity project launched in 2009.  Gregg Phillips is the senior adviser with Get Georgia Right PAC.  Gregg has been in conservative politics for 40 years, working with committees, parties, campaigns, and election intelligence operations. He has built political apps including GROUND, ARC, and IV3. Gregg was also a founder and Managing Partner of the pro-Gingrich SuperPac, Winning Our Future, and election intelligence company, OPSEC Group. Gregg is currently working with Catherine Engelbrecht from True the Vote in their historic investigation of Democrat ballot trafficking in the 2020 election.

Catherine and Gregg told The Gateway Pundit that they discovered that 7% of mail-in ballots were trafficked during the 2020 election.   The investigators told us their evidence will be released following the movie launch next month.

18.   “Dirty Political Trick”: Bill Barr Says Hillary Clinton Guilty Of ‘Sedition’   BY TYLER DURDEN   SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2022 – 05:44 AM

Former US Attorney General Bill Barr says Hillary Clinton engaged in a “seditious” conspiracy against Donald Trump, and that he named Special Counsel John Durham to investigate what appears to have been a “dirty political trick” to paint the former president as a Russian stooge.

“I thought we were heading into a constitutional crisis. I think whatever you think of Trump, the fact is that the whole Russiagate thing was a grave injustice. It appears to be a dirty political trick that was used first to hobble him and then potentially to drive him from office,” Barr said on an upcoming episode of Glenn Beck’s Blaze TV podcast, adding “I believe it is seditious.”

It was a gross injustice, and it hurt the United States in many ways, including what we’re seeing in Ukraine these days. It distorted our foreign policy, and so forth,” he continued – while warning that those charges would be difficult to prove in court.

An FBI investigation into Trump’s campaign over alleged ties to the Russian government during the 2016 election, known as Crossfire Hurricane, was the source of unceasing controversy for Trump throughout his presidency. Leaks from the investigation were used by the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign to accuse Trump of colluding with the Russians to interfere in the election, spawning conspiracy theories that his victory was illegitimate. After Trump fired FBI Director James Comey in May 2017, congressional Democrats accused him of attempting to obstruct the Russia probe, demanding the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate Trump’s actions. -The Blaze

17.   TX Governor ‘Livid’ After He Was ‘Misled’ About Police Response In Uvalde Shooting    BY TYLER DURDEN SATURDAY, MAY 28, 2022 – 07:50 AM

Update (1705ET): Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) said he was ‘misled’ about the police response to the school shooting in Udvalde, and is ‘livid about what happened.’

In taped remarks delivered to the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting in Houston on Friday, Abbott also said that there was no law that would have stopped the shooter from procuring a firearm before this week’s elementary school shooting which left 19 children and two adults dead.

There are thousands of laws on the books across the country that limit the owning or using of firearms, laws that have not stopped madmen from carrying out evil acts on innocent people in peaceful communities,” he said, adding that the gunman committed a felony before “he even pulled the trigger” by carrying a gun on a school campus.

Well, just as laws didn’t stop the killer, we will not let his evil acts stop us from uniting the community he tried to destroy,” he added.

16.  !In Stunning Shift, WaPo Admits Catastrophic-Conditions, Collapsing-Morale Of Ukraine Front-Line Forces    BY TYLER DURDEN    FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2022 – 02:14 PM

With Russia’s war in Ukraine now in its fourth month, mainstream media consumers have been treated to seemingly endless headlines and analysis of Russia’s extensive military losses. At the same time Ukrainian forces have tended to be lionized and their battlefield prowess romanticized, with essentially zero public information so far being given which details up-to-date Ukrainian force casualties, set-backs, and equipment losses.

But for the first time The Washington Post is out with a surprisingly dire and negative assessment of how US-backed and equipped Ukrainian forces are actually fairing. Gone is the rosy idealizing lens through which each and every encounter with the Russians is typically portrayed. WaPo correspondent and author of the new report Sudarsan Raghavan underscores of the true situation that “Ukrainian leaders project an image of military invulnerability against Russia. But commanders offer a more realistic portrait of the war, where outgunned volunteers describe being abandoned by their military brass and facing certain death at the front.”

15.  ! Plato and The Big Picture   Robert W Malone MD, MS

Logic, structure and rationale underpinning my upcoming book.

For the vast majority of us, COVID-19 has been experienced as a river formed by the confluence of mass media and government-promoted stories, infectious disease threat alerts, and economic disruptions (at times disasters) which has flowed by and through our daily lives since the early months of 2020.  Only a small minority have been carefully, perhaps obsessively following every twist and turn of the ebb and flow of subsequent events, and among these are a few that have been able (for whatever reason) to perceive the mis- dis- and mal-information which has been propagated globally. The majority have willingly consumed and believed the story line of the “Great Reset” and “Great Narrative” (titles of two books authored by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret) which has been so aggressively promoted since the start. Almost all, whether or not they have accepted an inoculation labeled as a vaccine, have been infected by SARS-CoV-2 at some point.  Each has their own story and experience, and each of these stories are facets of individual and collective truth which transcend all attempts by media, governments, non-governmental organizations, pharmaceutical companies and other stakeholders to manage and manipulate the “Great Narrative” to advance a wide range of agendas.  For some, the tide of events has cost their lives or those of friends and loved ones. For others they have destroyed their businesses or livelihoods.  And for a small subset, particularly those dissidents that have raised alarms about the many breaches of fundamental medical ethics, human rights, freedom of speech, clinical research and regulatory norms and guidances, it has cost them reputations and careers as they have been bombarded by withering and highly coordinated attacks in their places of employment, by their medical licensing boards, on social media, and in a bewilderingly coordinated array of legacy mass media outlets.

[Ed.:   ‘What we think, we are,’ metaphorically speaking!  This is a very helpful article by the brilliant Robert Malone. Although he is connecting it to covid, masks and jabs, it applies to all aspects of our lives. if and when we can update our perceptions of our earlier conclusions, we are capable of re-evaluating today, in the here and now,  how we may have evaluated (issues) earlier in our lives. This offers us the opportunity to free ourselves of heavy burdens we have carried from childhood, or from traumatic wounds we may have accumulated along the way. This article is greater than the sum of its parts. If we can read between the lines, we can apply what Malone is saying here as a key to unlock the shackles we have carried around for much of our lives.]

14.  !Shocking Pfizer Study Data Reveals 82% of Jabbed Pregnant Women Had Miscarriages, So They Stopped Counting    JD Rucker

When the data is so bad that it betrays the desired narrative, honest companies will adjust to the numbers. Dishonest companies like Pfizer will simply manipulate the numbers to match the goal.

Pfizer’s court-ordered compliance with a FOIA request has resulted in tons of damaging data being dropped every month. Their Covid-19 “vaccine” research, development, and implementation were pocked with warning signs that the drugs were neither safe nor effective.

But the most recent release may be the most damning of all as it not only reveals the drugs are unsafe, but that Pfizer tried to cover it up by manipulating the numbers. It’s so blatant that it’s highly unlikely it was just an error.

Life News reported their study included 270 pregnant women. The first 34 had outcomes reported, but the numbers were so hideous that they did not follow the remaining 236 test subjects. Considering they were on the verge of the greatest pharmaceutical windfall in history, Pfizer decided it was better to run away from a problem rather than reveal it further.

13.   Women’s avatars are being gang-raped, groped, sexually harassed in Metaverse platforms   Mark Crispin Miller

Oh, brave new world, that has such “people” in it!

A story out today from Yahoo! Entertainment, which is one way of looking at it:

Women’s Avatars Are Being Sexually Assaulted in Mark Zuckerberg’s Metaverse Platforms                    By Antoinette Siu   Thu, May 26, 2022, 2:24 PM·3 min read

12. There’s a Reason for Cowardly Cops (RR)   by Roving Reporter©2022  (May 27, 2022) — “God Bless America” (2:49)

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to ‘The Pulse of the Nation,’ the place to hear it here first. Today’s guest is Madam Shylock, our fortune-teller extraordinaire, who requested a little airtime which we were more than happy to give her. Welcome back to ‘Pulse,’ the most-watched information show in its time slot.”

“Glad to be here, Roving, and thank you for giving me the time to speak to America unimpeded by hovering FBI goons who follow illegal orders unquestionably.”

“But safe to say that they’re listening and reading the transcript of the show in The P&E.”

“No doubt. Too bad they didn’t use the same enthusiasm on 9-11. I wanted to come on the show to remind people what happened on January 6 and who the real insurrectionists are.

“First of all, anyone who doesn’t believe that thousands upon thousands of illegal votes were counted in the early morning of Nov. 4 has one heck of a serious reality problem that needs to be addressed before it festers to the point of becoming a Liz Cheney or a Joy Behar, undoubtedly two of the stupidest people on our planet today.

“Yes, there was an insurrection but not who the committee is investigating. The committee needs to focus on the real perpetrators, starting with Biden-Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell and all the other swamp creatures who turned their backs on the Constitution and thrust the dagger of misery in each of our hearts. Gone, with one thrust, is the Beacon of Freedom; gone is the dream of ‘One Nation, under God’; gone is the middle class; gone are our libraries* that haven’t been censored to the gills; gone will be our First and Second Amendments, for they will STOP AT NOTHING TO GET OUR GUNS.

“And once they confiscate our weapons to defend ourselves from a tyrannical government, all is lost. Once we give in to ‘The Lie’ and the ‘Clot Shot,’ we will have squandered the freedoms that so may have died and suffered for. Our politicians seem to be hopeless in instigating the enforcement of the laws on the books: it is a felony to falsify a vote; it is against the law to falsify information on an application for citizenship; it is against the law to be in our country illegally.”

11.  ! TruetheVote to Present Its Evidence of “Ballot Harvesting” to Members of AZ State Senate   by Sharon Rondeau

(May 27, 2022) — On Thursday the Arizona State Senate Republican Caucus announced that members of the voter-integrity organization TruetheVote.org will appear in Phoenix on Tuesday, May 31 to present their findings of “ballot harvesting” which were incorporated into the film, “2000 Mules” released earlier this month.

The film, produced by commentator Dinesh D’Souza and TTV executive director, Catherine Engelbrecht, and others, depicted individuals captured on video depositing multiple ballots into drop boxes during the 2020 election cycle, purportedly in violation of various state laws.

In Arizona, TTV has identified Maricopa and Yuma Counties as jurisdictions where ballot harvesting took place.

10.  Have Authoritarians Used ‘1984’ as a Handbook?   by Dr. Joseph Mercolapublic domain

Have Authoritarians Used ‘1984’ as a Handbook?

9.   Trudeau cancels fancy fundraiser appearance due to protesters wanting freedom back  [16:19]  Rebel News

8.  Brazil: Police Kill a Man in Back of Police Vehicle Using Makeshift Gas Chamber   BY RHODA WILSON

In broad daylight, police in Brazil stuffed a man with learning difficulties into an improvised gas chamber, killing him immediately. His name was Genivaldo de Jesus Santos and the story is causing a storm of outrage in Brazil, tweeted MintPress writer Alan MacLeod.

Genivaldo de Jesus Santos, 38, died of mechanical asphyxia and acute respiratory failure after a violent approach by the Federal Highway Police (“PRF”) on Wednesday, 25 May. The PRF is responsible for road safety and repression of crimes on federal highways. The man did not resist after being arrested by two police officers inside a kind of “gas chamber” mounted in the trunk of the PRF vehicle.

The Legal Medical Institute (“IML”) report stated that the causes of death were mechanical asphyxia and acute respiratory failure.

7.   Natural News Bulk Post – More of Today’s Articles

This is what happens if you give up your guns: Australia announces two years in prison for violating covid rules
There is some good news Down Under: South Australia’s extreme Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) restrictions as provisioned under the Emergency Management Act are on the verge of being repealed. …

The dirty little secret about monkeypox and infectious disease: They’re all rapidly spread via gay acts, but the media won’t touch the topic
Try as they might to scare the entire world into fearing monkeypox, the reality is that the disease, like many others, is primarily a risk within the LGBT community – and particularly among …

Americans outraged as Biden tries to paint skyrocketing gas prices as an “incredible transition” away from fossil fuels
With Memorial Day on the horizon, gas prices are on the minds of many Americans with travel plans. Unfortunately, the bad news at the pumps has only been getting worse lately…

Globalists want to track your “individual carbon footprint” for total control over your travel, food and consumption of goods
The World Economic Forum (WEF) met in Davos, Switzerland to discuss the future of controlling humanity. J. Michael Evans, president of the Alibaba Group, talked about the development of an …

Dr. Robert Malone: Wartime gardens key to beating food crisis
American physician and biochemist Dr. Robert Malone recommends starting a backyard garden to reclaim self-sufficiency as food crisis looms due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, the lingering Wuhan …

Twelve of Biden’s “sovereignty” amendments to WHO’s International Health Treaty tabled – but they could return
A small victory has been won in the fight against the World Health Organization’s (WHO) highly oppressive International Health Treaty (IHR). Reports indicate that 12 of the 13 amendments to …

!  Monkeypox is a coverup (distraction?) for covid “vaccine” adverse events, including AIDS
The media’s new obsession over monkeypox could be a planned diversion away from the many adverse effects that are now appearing in people who took Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) …

! Biden administration warns Americans: Another pandemic is coming around the midterm election
The Biden administration is warning Americans that another pandemic is coming and it could happen just around the November midterm election. Or, maybe, Biden and his gang will just intensify …

Arizona bans mandatory covid-19, HPV vaccines for K-12 students
Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey signed House Bill (HB) 2086 into law on May 20, effectively banning mandatory Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination for K-12 students in …

American ambassador to the UN: Global food crisis has reached “highest level of alarm” because of Russia
The United States ambassador to the United Nations warned that the global food shortage caused by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has reached the highest level of alarm. “I can tell …

WFP executive director: We have no choice but to take food from the hungry to feed the starving
David Beasley, executive director of the United Nations’ (UN) World Food Program (WFP), recently said that the global food crisis has gotten so bad that the WFP has had no choice but to take …

Despite media claims, Americans shouldn’t be concerned about monkeypox – Brighteon.TV
The media frenzy surrounding monkeypox is making the disease out to be extremely deadly and the current outbreak to be far larger than it actually is. “How scary is it? Should you be scared …

Dwindling wheat supply may kick off global famine, expert warns
A food insecurity expert warned that there’s only 10 weeks of wheat supplies left in the world as Russian invasion disrupts production. This was reported by Harrison Smith during the May 23 …

Bhutan facing food shortages following India’s wheat export ban
Global grain shortages, the rising cost of importing fuel and export bans on food have led to a surge in domestic food…

Food crisis looms: Sanctions against Russia threaten global food security
Russia’s war with Ukraine could potentially lead to millions of people going hungry as soaring food…

Ukrainian official claims U.S. “drawing up plans” to sink Russia’s Black Sea Fleet
There are those in the U.S. deep state who are champing at the bit to go to war with Russia, but because they know that the vast majority of Americans oppose that lunacy, they are looking for …

NAC supplement ban may not be enforced, FDA suggests
One of the more unsettling effects of Big Pharma’s COVID-19 cash grab was the demonization of…

Collapse incoming: Fed to raise interest rates more than the market initially anticipated
The Federal Reserve is expected to raise interest rates far higher than what earlier pronouncements claimed, increasing the likelihood of a slowdown and the collapse of the American economy. In …

Clown world: UK NHS removes the word woman from web pages about cancers affecting biological females
The United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS) removed all mentions of the word “woman” from its web pages about ovarian and uterine cancer. The Daily Mail reported that the …

Doug Billings: Democratic Party has been replaced by the Communist Socialist Party — Brighteon.TV
For “The Right Side” host Doug Billings, the Democratic Party is no more. There’s not the slightest hint of what it used to be and what it used to represent. “I’ve told …

Monkypox outbreak traced back to two LGBT festivals in Europe
Dr. David Heymann, former World Health Organization (WHO) emergencies department head, revealed that the current monkypox outbreak was traced back to two LGBT festivals in Europe. “We know …

6.  ! Was the Uvalde school shooter previously arrested for plotting a “mass casualty” event in 2018?    by JD Heyes

(Natural News) As the nation mourns and tries to deal with yet another senseless slaughter of innocent children and adults at the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, earlier this week, in which 19 fourth-graders and two adults were gunned down by an 18-year-old shooter, a report has surfaced suggesting the same suspect may have been involved in a similar plot four years ago.

According to a 2018 report by KENS5, two students, ages 13 and 14, were arrested by police after a plot to commit a “mass casualty” event was uncovered:

[Ed.:  So, Salvatore Ramos was known to the FBI  (as a potential patsy) for four years before the incident.  Then, the incident coincided with the NRA annual meeting in Houston!.  VERY interesting!]

5.   Major retailers, e-tailers preparing for economic implosion as they shed massive amounts of warehouse space    by JD Heyes

(Natural News) In another sign that a major economic downturn is coming fast in the era of Joe Biden — Walmart, Target and other major wholesalers and retailers are shedding warehouse space and drawing down inventories.

And so is the world’s biggest e-tailer, Amazon.

The online selling behemoth is reportedly “stuck with too much warehouse capacity” now that the spending spree seen during COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns and closures is easing. As such, Amazon will seek to end leases with some of its current landlords, Bloomberg News reported.

4.  [Infomercial, but important]    Are You a Victim of Heavy Metal Toxicity? Here’s the Signs  [4:53]

Heavy metal toxicity is far more common than most realize, and creates signs and symptoms that are impossible to ignore. Find out how you can be infected, what symptoms heavy metals create, and some ways you can chelate them out of your body.

[Ed.:  One heavy metal that many have been exposed to is the graphene oxide included in the clot-shot.  NAC, glutathione, quercitin, and EGCG  (Green Tea extract) are a few of the nutrients that help rid the body of graphene oxide.]

3.  ! Government data proves that people “fully vaccinated” for covid are developing AIDS, which is part of why you’re being distracted with Russia-Ukraine propaganda   by Ethan Huff

(Natural News) Do Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” cause AIDS? A growing body of government data from all around the world suggests so, and that the Russia-Ukraine conflict is largely a distraction from it.

Public Health Scotland (PHS), the New Zealand Ministry of Health, the Canadian government, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), the Office for National Statistics (ONS), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and many other government agencies are quietly publishing data that reveals the truth, but the media is ignoring it.

Vaccine-induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (VAIDS) is arguably a best-case scenario for those who took the jabs. Exposé News says that “something much worse” could be happening that will soon manifest as the worst public health crisis the world has ever seen.

2.  Klaus Schwab issues THREAT to Brazilian president for refusing to sign WHO pandemic treaty [0:40]   by Ramon Tomey

(Natural News) World Economic Forum (WEF) founder and Executive Director Klaus Schwab issued a thinly veiled threat toward Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro after the strongman refused to sign the World Health Organization‘s (WHO) pandemic treaty.

“Let’s also be clear: The future is not just happening. The future is built by us, a powerful community – you, here in this room. We have the means to impose this state [of the future] on the world,” Schwab said in a video posted on Twitter.

The German globalist’s message came amid remarks made by Bolsonaro on May 15. The strongman leading the Portuguese-speaking nation voiced out Brazil’s explicit refusal to sign the WHO’s pandemic treaty, which grants the global health body overarching powers in the guise of addressing public health issues. (Related: Stunning plan devised by Klaus Schwab, founder of World Economic Forum, to hand globalists control of the world using COVID pandemic.)

1.  !!  Uvalde massacre was a PLANNED STAND DOWN operation – law enforcement saved their own children while parents were pepper-sprayed and handcuffed  [1:09:28]   by Mike Adams

(Natural News) It’s now 100% clear that the Uvalde mass shooting was a “stand down operation,” meaning law enforcement was deliberately ordered to stand down so that the massacre could take place. The goal? Gun control, of course.


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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.