Daily Shmutz | 052922

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

30.  Wayne Root: The 14 Lessons Every Conservative Patriot Learned From the Tragic Texas School Shooting. Hint: Democrats Will Be Shocked and Horrified   By Wayne Allyn Root

Everyone has heard about the terrible, tragic Texas school shooting. As usual, Democrats see this as an opportunity to blame guns…and Republicans. They will demand gun bans, strict gun control and gun confiscation. So what else is new?

This tragic shooting is just more proof that we live in a country that is bitterly divided. So divided that the two sides- right and left, Republican and Democrat, conservative and liberal- can’t agree on anything.

We appear headed for a divorce. Because it’s clear neither side can live with the other. There is no way to compromise when two sides see things so differently. It’s like night and day. It’s almost as if…

Republicans are from Mars and Democrats are from Ur-anus.

Here are the 14 lessons I’ve learned from this tragedy. I’m certain tens of millions of conservative patriots see it the exact same way. Wanna bet?

[Ed.:  Lesson #15: The FBI must be disbanded and prosecuted for murder, mass murder, and treason.]

29.   George Soros Says He Worked with Biden “Who Was Very Deeply Involved in Ukraine”  [1:17]   By Joe Hoft

Creepy George Soros discussed his successful operations in Ukraine and he worked with Joe Biden.

Creepy George Soros is on his last legs.  He’s so bad that he’s starting to look like Biden.

In a recent interview at Davos the old man shared many things.  TGP reported that Soros shared that the Russian invasion of Ukraine could lead to the next world war.

28.   Man in Custody After 1 Person Killed, 7 Injured in Oklahoma Festival Shooting    By Cristina Laila

A 26-year-old man was taken into custody on Sunday after one person was killed and seven others were injured at a Memorial Day festival in eastern Oklahoma.

Skyler Buckner turned himself in to the Muskogee County Sheriff’s office.

According to witnesses, people ran for cover after gunfire erupted following an argument.

“Bullets were flying everywhere,” according to a witness who spoke to the Associated Press.


[Ed.:  “Bullets flying everywhere!” Those bullets were paid for by our tax dollars, paid by the FBI.  We already know their strategy and their style very well ever since they murdered JFK till now  The list is VERY long…]

27.  !! “Quite Misleading”: DuckDuckGo CEO Responds To Microsoft Tracker Controversy   BY TYLER DURDEN

Update: DuckDuckGo CEO Gabriel Weinberg took to Twitter on Saturday, calling our headline “quite misleading” since “this isn’t about our search engine and we actually restrict Microsoft scripts in our browsers, including blocking their 3rd party cookies.”

Weinberg links to a Reddit thread he created on Wednesday when the tracking controversy broke. In it, he explains: “this article is not about our search engine, but about our browsers,” adding that “When most other browsers on the market talk about tracking protection they are usually referring to 3rd-party cookie protection and fingerprinting protection, and our browsers impose these same restrictions on all third-party tracking scripts, including those from Microsoft.”

26.  [Please read and sign the declaration]  World Freedom Declaration

Read the Declaration       Sign the Declaration

We, the undersigned, oppose the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), an attempt to implement the public health equivalent of a “one-world government” in violation of individual nations’ and citizens’ inalienable rights and sovereignty.

25.   A sickness in once Torah-loving America    Jack Engelhard

Where once the Hebrew Bible’s value system was our guiding light…all of our early presidents knew and revered the Hebrew Bible…today we take orders from AOC, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar. Op-ed.

A sickness has infected America

Suddenly, the televised Johnny Depp-Amber Heard defamation trial is not the main event anymore here in America.

Something else happened.

Interesting how intrusively real-life steps in while you’re having fun.

Heard-Depp was a nightmare of a marriage made in Hollywood, presented for the pleasure of knowing that, in comparison, you have it pretty good.

We’ve been lapping it up on YouTube as a guilty pleasure because, come on, it’s ENTERTAINMENT. Nobody gets hurt except for those involved.

The rest of us are safe.

Then this happened… and an entire nation feels the pain.

The Israelis know the feeling. They know it almost every day from random or calculated attacks from Arabs against Israeli civilians.

Here, an 18-year-old punk named Salvador Ramos walks into Robb elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, guns blazing, and 19 kids, two adults end up shot to death.

24.   No rainbow’s end for the Jews of Oz   Melanie Phillips

New Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has called Israel an “oppressor” and accused it of collective punishment against the Palestinian Arabs. Op-ed.

Australian Jews woke up this week to a new and unsettling reality. Scott Morrison’s conservative, pro-Israel Liberal Party government was defeated, and the new prime minister is the Labour Party leader, Anthony Albanese.

Albanese has a history of anti-Israel positions. He has declared himself a “strong advocate of justice for Palestinians,” called Israel an “oppressor” and accused it of collective punishment against the Palestinian Arabs.

23.   Israel is being robbed from us as advanced technology puts us to sleep   Yehudit Katsover & Nadia Matar

In a series of tours in the Negev, Judea and Samaria, Jerusalem and more, we saw a harsh picture of loss of Israeli governance. We have the ability and duty to generate an immediate Zionist reversal. Op-ed.

The Sovereignty Movement has just completed five sovereignty tours for influencers of public opinion, in which the participants were exposed to the sad and painful reality of the loss of Israeli governance and sovereignty throughout the country.

In the tours, each of which had dozens of participants, we visited the Negev, the Jordan Valley, Judea and Samaria, Jerusalem, and Lod, and from all of them a disturbing picture of government impotence and burgeoning Arab extreme nationalism emerged, which necessitates an immediate awakening of the leadership in Israel.

We embarked on these tours with open eyes and a clear choice to examine what is going on right in Israel’s own backyard – the loss of governance and sovereignty that is continually escalating under the closed eyes of Israeli governments in recent decades.

[Ed.:  There is a problem with worshiping technology instead of our Creator...]

22.   Gilbert Gottfried’s Death: What They Don’t Want You to Know  [2:27]

Famed actor and comedian Gilbert Gottfried recently passed away due to a heart illness, but what most people don’t know is that he was triple-jabbed. Did these “gene therapies” play a role in his death?

21.   Kirk Herbstreit Sits Out NFL Draft Because of Blood Clot  [1:02]

ESPN analyst Kirk Herbstreit announced that he wasn’t going to be covering the NFL draft because of a more recent descovery of a blood clot, which was believed to be an adverse reaction to the shot.

20.   Man Develops Blood Clot on His Abdomen After AZ Shot  [3:28]

Seventeen days after getting the AstraZeneca vaccine, 43-year-old Shaun Mulldoon underwent surgery after he developed a blood clot in his abdomen. Over 6 feet of his small intestines had to be removed, and he also developed clots in his spleen, liver and lungs.

19.  !How Doctors Are Incentivized and Brainwashed To Be Puppets  [1:02:16]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Most medical students pursue medicine for the right reasons, but then they get left a few hundred thousand dollars in debt – and brainwashed into a single-minded focus, which walks them right into the hands of Big Pharma. Here’s why the system is designed to fail.


  • The U.S. health care system is riddled with inefficiencies. With an annual budget of $3 trillion, it’s the largest industry in the United States, so there’s financial motivation to capitalize on expensive treatments, even if they don’t work well
  • Price gouging, overtreatment and fraud are yet other problems plaguing the U.S. health care system, contributing to its inefficiency
  • Many prevention strategies and simple, inexpensive treatments are ignored and not used for the fact they do not generate income for the doctors
  • Switching the incentive model is part of the answer. Hospitals that pay their doctors a salary and bonuses for patient health outcomes see significant improvements and have lower health care outlays
  • Geisinger Health in Pennsylvania prescribed prediabetic and diabetic patients fresh, whole food, along with treatment and educational support. As a result, they reduced the annual cost for Type 2 diabetics by 80%

18.  !Mistletoe and the Emerging Future of Integrative Oncology  [1:14:38]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Plant Used in 60% to 80% of European Cancer Patients

Growing wild on tree branches around the world, this unusual plant has been used for thousands of years for pain, rheumatism, epilepsy and more. About 100 years ago, a famous philosopher noticed it looked a lot like a tumor – a keen observation that has transformed care for malignancies.


  • Mistletoe, a semi-parasitic plant that grows in the branches of trees all over the world, has been used in herbal medicine for thousands of years for conditions such as epilepsy, spleen disorders, pain and rheumatic conditions
  • In 1917, Rudolf Steiner, a philosopher with keen observation skills, noticed that mistletoe looks a lot like a tumor, and proposed it might have anticancer properties. Dr. Ita Wegman confirmed Steiner’s suspicion, and the plant has since enjoyed over 100 years of consistent application in oncology, both standalone and as adjuvant support
  • Intravenous or subcutaneous mistletoe appears beneficial as an adjunct therapy for all cancers, and there are no drug or health contraindications. Even the most toxic treatments work better and with fewer adverse effects when combined with mistletoe
  • Mistletoe is the most studied integrative oncology therapy in the world, and it is utilized in upward of 60% to 80% of all cancer patients in Europe
  • Your immune system and metabolic function are both integral parts of addressing cancer, and mistletoe works on both

[Ed.:  And here I was all this time thinking that mistletoe was for standing under in order to get kissed!]

17.  The Davos World Impoverishment Scheme   By Tom Woods

As you know, the worst people in the world have gathered to decide how they can further make our lives miserable.

One of my most provocative guests just returned to my show, with a brand new book that takes direct aim at one of the elites’ most cherished projects.

It’s Alex Epstein, and his book is Fossil Future: Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas — Not Less.

His argument is extremely convincing, and introduces considerations most people never think about.

He recently wrote:

16.  The Globalists’ Race Against Time   By Eamon McKinney
A Great Reset will happen, just not the one intended by the Globalists. They may have to settle for the Great Decoupling instead.

The green economy, de-industrialisation, digital health passports, Central Bank digital currencies, these are all core components of the Globalists’ plan for the Great reset. The WEF has painted a picture of their proposed future via Klaus Schwab and his acolytes. “We will have nothing, own nothing and be happy”. The main obstacle to this grand vision is that not surprisingly very few countries wish to go along with it. The Globalists know their game is coming to an end and the Great Reset is their way of ensuring that the same financial cabal that has brought the world to its current lamentable state will continue to rule over all in the next world order. The most prominent objectors to this insidious plan are of course Russia and China. Unlike their western counterparts both have strong leaders who enjoy popular support, have strong economies and are optimistic about future prospects for growth. Neither intends to sacrifice their countries so that Western elites can maintain their control over the Global economic system and impose their self-serving will on weaker nations. Which in its simplest terms is why both countries need to be destroyed, at least economically before the Great Reset can be imposed on the world. Time, however, is not on the Globalists’ side, recent events have demonstrated that they are aware of this and are accelerating their timelines.

The Great Reset and its stated objectives have been in the planning for several years, those plans however are now seriously behind schedule. The election of Trump in 2016 wasn’t supposed to happen. He was to Washington the ultimate “Black Swan” event. An outsider without the backing of a political party and with seemingly the entire mainstream media against him, his victory was considered all but impossible. Yet win he did, and it seemed he spent the entire four years of his presidency battling against the Globalist faction, both internationally and within America. Washington felt cheated, not only was Trump an “outsider” he was also a disrupter. Opinions on the divisive Trump aside, he was indisputably an “America First Nationalist”, he was anti-NATO. and a vocal anti-Globalist. There would be no Great Reset under Trump, he was an obstacle to the agenda and had to be removed. Which in 2020 in a blatantly fraudulent election he was. Should Trump run again in 2024 and all indications are that he will, he would likely win an honest election in a landslide. The return of Trump would provide another major obstacle to the Globalist agenda. Expect that all efforts will be expended to prevent another Trump presidency. With an angry populace and increased electoral scrutiny next time around, they may have to turn to other measures to foil a Trump return. Should Trump re-enter the White House in 2024, the notoriously vindictive Trump is expected to seek accountability against those who he believes robbed him of his rightful election. Nerves are frayed in Washington and they know the clock is ticking.

15.   If You Think We Are Done With Masks, Lend Me Your Ear   By Allan Stevo

A reader pointed out to me a few days ago that masks had come to an end. This they have not.

 If they had, they would be eliminated from all society.

 The masks they hope to place back on you, place back on your children, are waiting in a holding pattern.

14.  MSM Offers Rare Glimpse Into How Bad Things Are Really Going For Ukrainian Forces   By Caitlin Johnstone

While everyone’s focused on the latest mass shooting in the US, The Washington Post published what may be the first major acknowledgement from the mainstream western media that Ukraine’s war against Russia has not been nearly the cakewalk they’ve been leading the public to believe.

In a new article titled “Ukrainian volunteer fighters in the east feel abandoned,” WaPo reports that contrary to the triumphant narratives the western world is being spoon fed, many troops in eastern Ukraine have been surviving on one potato per day and deserting their posts because they feel their leaders have turned their backs on them and they’re being sent to certain death.

“Stuck in their trenches, the Ukrainian volunteers lived off a potato per day as Russian forces pounded them with artillery and Grad rockets on a key eastern front line. Outnumbered, untrained and clutching only light weapons, the men prayed for the barrage to end,” The Washington Post reports, citing multiple named sources.

“Ukrainian leaders have projected and nurtured a public image of military invulnerability — of their volunteer and professional forces triumphantly standing up to the Russian onslaught,” the article reads. “But the experience of Lapko and his group of volunteers offers a rare and more realistic portrait of the conflict and Ukraine’s struggle to halt the Russian advance in parts of Donbas. Ukraine, like Russia, has provided scant information about deaths, injuries or losses of military equipment. But after three months of war, this company of 120 men is down to 54 because of deaths, injuries and desertions.”

13.  !!Yikes: The Brave New World of Genetically Modified People   [5:28]  By Dr. Joseph Mercola

This story is about the hubris of conquest and genetic modification. Let’s start with the ugly. The richest people of the world, as well as their loyal servants from the World Economic Forum, are on the Genetic Modification team. According to the World Economic Forum, “the evolution of gene testing and gene editing will drive the future of healthcare.”

They really can’t sleep at night knowing that they have not yet stuck their fingers into every nook and cranny of the human body and efficiently monetized them! Here is a technical video from 2016 on “Harnessing Gene Editing for Multiple and Permanent Genetic Changes.”

12.   Childhood’s End   By James Howard Kunstler

America has become a malfunctioning pageant without feasible roles that children can realistically project themselves into….

The phoniest trope in American life goes like this: We must find the cause of X so that it never happens again. Of course, it will happen again. We only pretend that the cause is a mystery. Let’s count the ways that school massacres happen.

American schools are fantastically depressing places. They are designed to look like medium security prisons and insecticide factories. They send the message: Enter here and be psychologically brutalized. They are too big, overwhelmingly alienating, ugly, devoid of visible symbolism signaling the value of being human. The interiors of the schools are designed for the convenience of janitors, hard surfaces of tile and linoleum that can be hosed down easily like the quarters of zoo animals. Children act accordingly.

The “facilities,” as we call them, are deployed in the illegible landscape of a demolition derby, separated from all the other activities of daily life, which themselves have reached a culminating state of meaninglessness: big box shopping, national chain franchise food installations, strip malls of empty storefronts, parking lot wastelands, nothing that will excite a child’s imagination with emotions other than bewilderment, anxiety, and aversion.

The “teaching” that supposedly goes on in schools is a broken remnant of preparation for an economy that no longer exists. We’re no longer a society of people who do things, but rather a society of people to whom things are done, many of them harmful, humiliating, and arbitrary. America’s demoralized teaching corps is so unhinged by their own anomie that they resort to imposing sadistic fantasies on the children in their charge.

11. ! New research shows wearing face-masks increases inhaled CO2 to dangerous levels   Y Rabinovitz

Effect even more pronounced in children, after just a few minutes of mask-wearing & without physical exertion.

A new study conducted by researchers from a number of Italian universities strongly suggests that wearing face masks (either surgical or respirator-type) for extended periods of time exposes wearers to dangerous levels of carbon dioxide (CO2).

The study’s results are particularly relevant to school-age children who are, in some parts of the world, forced to wear masks for long hours, as carbon dioxide levels in mask-wearers were shown to be significantly higher in people under the age of 18.

Baseline levels of inhaled CO2 without a mask for healthy adults are around 458 ppm. After wearing a surgical mask for just a few minutes during the trial, without any physical exertion whatsoever, levels rose to an average of 4965 ppm, and among minors, the levels were significantly higher at 6439 ppm.

[Ed.: Two and a half years later, even the Israelis are figuring it out!  Surprise, surprise, surprise!!]

10.  WHO Releases Updated Document on Its Plan to Access Power Over Member Nations During International Emergencies   By Jim Hoft

The World Health Organization (WHO) released an updated document on its plan to access power over member states during international emergencies.

The updated proposals were released on Friday by the corrupt organization that still has not held China responsible for the origins of the Wuhan Coronavirus.

On Saturday The Gateway Pundit spoke with Den Michele Bachmann on the latest negotiations at the World Health Organization’s 75th Annual World Health Assembly.

According to Dean Bachmann, “It could very well mean we dodged a bullet.  The amendments to turn over US sovereignty to the WHO was not agreed upon on Friday.  According to the rules of the WHA Assembly, they have to introduce amendments four months before they meet for the WHO so this may be months from now.  But what is interesting is what they adopted yesterday nobody had ever seen before. So it hadn’t been proposed four months ahead of time. They just put it up and they passed it. And it’s vague.  This was the only proposal that got adopted for Agenda item 16.2.  So at this point, it appears as a close of business yesterday, we dodged a bullet.”

The good news is that there are Republicans in Congress fighting this insane anti-American resolution.

9.  “It Could Be Tomorrow, Steve” – Chinese Expert Bradley Thayer on China Invading Taiwan on Steve Bannon’s War Room    By Joe Hoft

Steve Bannon held a number of experts on this holiday weekend on his War Room to discuss the probability of China’s military action against Taiwan. 

One of Steve’s guests this morning was Bradley Thayer.

Thayer is a founding member of the Committee on the Present Danger: China and is the co-author of “How China Sees the World: Han-Centrism and the Balance of Power in International Politics.”

This excellent discussion started with Steve talking about China’s economy, which is in terrible trouble.  We’ve discussed this at TGP for a few years now.

Now even China is admitting that its economy is slowing.  Next Thayer discussed the probability of China invading the tiny island nation of Taiwan.

8.   Former justice minister: Bennett and Gantz are wrong, Homesh settlement can stay  By Batya Jerenberg

The Disengagement Law allows Jews to return to the destroyed communities under certain circumstances, says Likud MK Tzachi Hanegbi.

Former justice minister Tzachi Hanegbi pointed out in an official query to the defense minister that contrary to what the country’s top politicians and left-wing groups have claimed, the Disengagement Law — regarding the expulsion of Israelis from the Gaza Strip and parts of northern Samaria in 2005 — allows Jews to return to the destroyed communities under certain circumstances, and therefore the yeshiva in Homesh could remain untouched.

The current Likud MK, who is a lawyer himself, sent the parliamentary query to Defense Minister Benny Gantz on January 26 in which he stated the pertinent section of the law.

“The ‘Implementation of the Disengagement Plan Law, 2005’ gives the commander of the IDF forces in the Judea and Samaria area or the commander of the Central Command the authority to grant permission to Israelis to stay in the area from which the disengagement took place – including in the Homesh region,” he wrote.

7.   Part V: Did the Germans Treat the Jews and the Gypsies in the Same Manner?    By Alex Grobman PhD.

*Editor’s Note: This is Part V in the author’s second series with JPRESS ONLINE, dealing with Nazi persecution of Jews, Gypsies, and other minorities.

A number of leading Holocaust historians refute the notion the Germans dealt with the Gypsies in the same manner they did with the Jews. Historian Lucy S. Dawidowicz said, when we refer “to the murder of the Six Million Jews as a distinctive, as unique, [it] is not an attempt to magnify the catastrophe that befell them nor to beg tears and pity for them. It is not intended to minimize the deaths of the millions of non-Jews that the Germans brought about, or to underplay the immeasurable and unendurable suffering of the Russians, Poles, Gypsies and other victims of the German murder machine.” By rejecting “the particularity of the Jewish experience under the German dictatorship , and still more, the enormity of the Jewish loses, by equating the destruction of European Jews with other events, they succeed in obscuring the role of antisemitism in accomplishing that murder. ” [1]

6.  Tierney’s REAL News (5/29/22)

Lara Logan is working on a new documentary called [S]ELECTION CODE about how the voting machines choose who wins elections! It will premiere July 16, 2022. I told you Mike Lindell was doing great work!

Was 2020 stolen? It’s deeper than that. They say: “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.”

What about those who “code the vote” and SELECT who wins? Once you see [S]ELECTION CODE you’ll never again let a machine near your vote!   https://selectioncode.com/

There are numerous OTHER discrepancies with the Uvalde shooting besides the delay in response. Turns out the “school police chief” who told the officers to stand around for 90 minutes and do nothing while the children were murdered was just elected and is well trained in school shootings. Ringer? Did they need 90 minutes to rig the crime scene?

Turns out a teacher left a door open to let the shooter in. Even though teachers have all been trained to keep the facility locked. On purpose?

Turns out that Uvalde officers are well trained in how to handle school shootings and they are instructed to go in immediately and yet they did none of it.

Turns out that school has been breached 50 times by illegal aliens in the past year and there are lots of lawsuits against the Government – Uvalde is a dumping ground for illegals and the city was fighting it. Was this a warning to the city leadership – either accept illegals or we’ll kill more of your children?

In any event – we are being told a BIG FAT LIE and I still believe that kid killed nobody. A hired killer likely killed those kids. Another patsy. Another frame job!

Here’s a map and timeline. NONE OF THIS MAKES SENSE unless you were TRYING TO HELP THOSE KIDS BE KILLED.

[Ed.:  A teacher propped open the door six minutes before Ramos entry?]

5.  “It’s Too Dull to be Disinformation…They’re Calling This the Final War” – Jeff Nyquist Discusses Details from Recent CCP Meeting About Invading Taiwan First Reported by TGP     Joe Hoft

Expert Jeff Nyquist discussed the validity of the tapes coming out of China’s Guangdong Province that were first reported by TGP.  This was another excellent discussion regarding the efforts China is making to attack and invade Taiwan. 

On May 14 The Gateway Pundit (TGP) was the first to report on a leaked tape coming out of China that was an hour-long and that discussed plans for the Southern province in the case of China invading Taiwan.

The first question about this tape was whether it was legit or not.  Nyquist said that he believed it was.  Nyquist is an expert on China as well.

4.  China Is “Now Moving Out Apparently to Begin the Process of Taking Control of the World” – Frank Gaffney on China’s Recent Actions    By Joe Hoft

On Saturday morning Steve Bannon held a discussion on the situation with China and Taiwan and China’s efforts to rule the world.  Frank Gaffney was one of the War Room’s guests to warn about China’s recent actions. 

Earlier this week Gaffney warned about how the US under Biden is taking actions to support China while at the same time China is at war with the US.

Gaffney in his Secure Freedom Minute discussed how China was being bolstered by the Biden regime:

As Team Biden continues to flail publicly about what, if anything, it will do if the Chinese Communist Party attacks Taiwan, the CCP’s menace is becoming ever clearer.


2.   We Treat You Like a Moron: News Update! (on rumble) [13:16]   AwakenWithJP


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About the author

Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.