BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).
‘Faith Not Fear!’
Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines! (B2EN THE//S)
40. !! Immediate Armed Response Saves Lives in Mass Shootings, Hillary Authorized Anti-Trump Dossier & MORE [53:52] Tom Fitton
20,300 views Premiered May 27, 2022 Judicial Watch President @TomFitton discusses Hillary Clinton authorizing the anti-Trump dossier used by the Obama FBI to target President Trump, documents we uncovered relating to protocol on school shootings, and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s racist interview policy with reporters. WATCH NOW!
39. !!! [Re-posting:] LIVE WORLD PREMIERE: WATCH THE WATER [59:37] Stew Peters
The True Dangers of mRNA Lipid Nanoparticles in the Vaccine
The plandemic continues, but its origins are still a nefarious mystery. How did the world get sick, how did Covid really spread, and did the Satanic elite tell the world about this bioweapon ahead of time? Dr. Bryan Ardis ( has unveiled a shocking connection between this pandemic and the eternal battle of good and evil which began in the Garden of Eden.
In this Stew Peters Network exclusive, Director Stew Peters, award winning filmmaker Nicholas Stumphauzer and Executive Producer Lauren Witzke bring to light a truth satan himself has fought to suppress.
Visit to learn how to protect you and your loved ones during this biological war.
38. ! Russia’s New Land Bridge To Crimea (Special Report) [6:05] Patrick Lancaster
36. ! Traitor Trudeau to freeze all handgun sales in Canada in latest act of WAR against citizens by:Mike Adams
(Natural News) Justin “Castro” Trudeau, a WEF puppet and traitor to the people of Canada, has just declared his intention to finalize legislation that would outlaw the sale, transfer and importation of all handguns in Canada. Following in the footsteps of Adolf Hitler who pushed strict anti-gun measures before initiating a massacre of millions of Jews, Trudeau clearly plans to disarm the citizens of Canada before unleashing the government to carry out arrests, executions and disappearances of those who disagree with government tyranny.
“It will no longer be possible to buy, sell, transfer or import handguns anywhere in Canada. In other words, we’re capping the market for handguns,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stated over the weekend.
35. !!! A single, brave district attorney or state attorney general could put an end to all of this Steve Kirsch
I talked to Bobby Kennedy yesterday. Turns out there is a way to end the madness with the help of a single brave district attorney or attorney general. The only flaw in the plan: finding one.
Executive Summary
Here’s the plan and the beauty is that it doesn’t even require a court proceeding to shut this down. Just one brave district attorney or attorney general.
If you find one who you have confirmed is interested in exploring this, please fill out this form.
We’ll find out very soon if there is a single DA or AG or Sheriff in the country who wants to be a hero and be on the right side of history.
If not, this country has just set a new low.
Here’s the plan:
34. !! VIDEO: Pamela Geller Discussing Massive Corruption in the FBI on OAN’s Tipping Point [9:21]
I joined Kara McKinney on OAN’s Tipping Point to discuss FBI involvement in any number of terror attacks in the United States.
Buffalo, NY Mass Shooter Had Been Mentored by Former FBI Agent
In 2015, a free speech symposium I organized, was the target of the the first Islamic State (ISIS) attack on U.S. soil. A “60 Minutes” special on CBS susequently revealed that an undercover FBI agent accompanied the terrorists in a separate car as they approached the Center. Many questions remain unanswered regarding his role in the attack and the FBI’s responsibility to forewarn in such cases. (Editor’s note: ISIS is also known as Islamic State, ISIL, and Daesh.)
The undercover agent, alias ‘Steven Jane’, had been communicating with jihadists Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi through encrypted messages for some time. According to “60 Minutes,” a few weeks before the attack he urged them to “Tear up Texas.” Simpson responded, “bro, you don’t have to say that … you know what happened in Paris … so that goes without saying. No need to be direct.”
The mastermind behind the Garland attack, Erick Jamal Hendricks, was also communicating with the FBI as well as with Ibrahim Simpson, who along with Nadir Soofi opened fire on the event.
Hendricks made it clear that he was an ISIS supporter and spoke of using acres of land to train recruits, the agent said.
“My work is for Allah. It is my full-time job,” said Erick Jamal Hendricks, making it clear once again what jihad violence is all about. It’s ironic that he said it to an FBI agent, with the FBI committed to the claim that Islam is a religion of peace that has nothing to do with terrorism. Did the agent try to convince Hendricks that he was misunderstanding Islam?
Obama’s FBI knew about impending attack and did nothing. They wanted us dead.
While I do believe that undercover FBI agents have to play along with the jihadis they’re dealing with, because in order to be in an informant you have to have credibility, it’s a whole other thing if you’re encouraging and cheering on the proposed murder of Americans who are standing in defense of the freedom of speech, and then not doing anything about it. Why did the FBI only have one agent there? And not a team waiting for them to shoot back?
Fast forward to Uvalde.
The massive evidence of corruption in the FBI that has come to light since 2015 only confirms that the organization is desperately corrupt, working against the American people, and in immense need of serious reform. If that reform is not forthcoming, it should be disbanded. In 2015, ISIS targeted me and other American civilians in an attack on U.S. soil for exercising our constitutional rights. All the evidence points to the fact that instead of protecting us, the FBI agent involved was egging on the attackers. Did Obama’s FBI want to make an example of those who supposedly insulted the prophet of Islam after Obama had said “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”? The FBI could have dispelled these suspicions immediately, but instead completely stonewalled our requests for information. The archives on this and other cases must be opened – and the whole place fumigated.
33. “Our Legal System Is Corrupt” – Trump Responds After Sussman ‘FBI-Russia-Hoax-Lie’ Acquittal BY TYLER DURDEN
Update (1600ET): Following the Sussman acquittal, Former President Donald Trump was quick to respond, raging that the legal system isn’t working properly…
“Our Legal System is CORRUPT,” Trump said in a post on Truth Social, adding that “our Judges (and Justices!) are highly partisan, compromised, or just plain scared” before lamenting that Michael Sussmann, the lawyer, was found not guilty.
Jason Miller, a former Trump campaign aide, also reacted to the verdict, writing on Gettr that Sussmann admitted to giving opposition research to the FBI and not telling the bureau that the research was conducted for Clinton.
“How did Sussmann get off??? RIGGED SYSTEM!!!” Miller wrote.
The jury unanimously found Sussmann not guilty.
32. ! World Health Organization Says It’s ‘Important’ That Pride Celebrations Do Not Change Over Monkeypox Concerns By Cassandra Fairbanks
The World Health Organization says that people should not change their plans to attend Pride celebrations over monkeypox outbreaks.
The leading theory for the reason for rapid spread of the virus is sex between men at two raves in Europe.
“It’s important that people who want to go out and celebrate gay pride, LGBTQ+ pride, to continue to go and plan to do so,” Andy Seale, a strategies adviser in the WHO Department of Global HIV, Hepatitis and Sexually Transmitted Infections Programmes, said during a press briefing on Monday, according to The Hill.
“There is no specific transmission route that we need to be worried about,” Seale said. “It really is connected to the fact there have been a couple of events that have perhaps amplified the current outbreak.”
[Ed.: Does this mean that they should continue to fuck African monkeys?]
31. !! 26-Year-Old Graduate Died from Blood Clots on His Brain Less Than Two Weeks After Receiving Covid Shot – Inquest Says Staff ‘Reassured Him’ of No Risks By Jim Hoft
A 26-year-old graduate from Coventry University died from a blood clot on his brain after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine. An inquest heard that the automotive design graduate was given out-of-date information about the risks of blood clots.
Jack Hurn, from Redditch, died in June last year, less than two weeks after receiving the jab at a vaccine hub in Dudley, county of West Midlands, England.
Hurn’s girlfriend, who also took the vaccine, claimed that the medical staff reassured them that the vaccine was safe. The couple asked the staff for an alternative vaccine as they were “aware of concerns around the use of AstraZeneca for younger people,” but they were told no other vaccines were available, the lawyers said last week.
A week-long inquest at Birmingham Coroner’s Court was told that a GP informed Jack Hurn the risk of blood clots on the brain for his age group was one in 250,000 when the latest NHS guidance estimated it to be one in 50,000, iTV reported.
30. !!! Why Is the US Military Rationing Meals? They Have a $770 Billion Budget. What’s Going On?
What is going on? The US Military is rationing food on at least one huge aircraft carrier. Why is this happening? Doesn’t the military receive hundreds of billions of dollars each year? Where is the money going?
This Memorial week we received information that the men and women on US aircraft carrier, the USS Harry Truman, are receiving food rations. This makes no sense.
29. !! What was our most viral video from our trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos? [9:20] Avi Yemini
This one here.
Watch our star investigative reporter, Avi Yemini, accost Dr. David Nabarro of the United Nations.
Dr. Nabarro is the World Health Organization’s special envoy for Covid-19 — he really is the top global bureaucrat for the pandemic.
Watch Avi’s questions.
Watch how Dr. Nabarro tries to evade answering.
Watch how he tries to distance himself from the more odious decisions of the WHO.
Watch how he repeatedly accuses Avi of being “aggressive”, simply for asking fair questions that aren’t the usual soft-balls.
And watch how he promises to talk with Avi in a formal interview — and see how that was just a lie to get out of a tight spot.
Avi is amazing. And we had six great journalists covering the WEF. It’s one of the most important journalistic projects we’ve ever done.
That’s not just my opinion: many of the videos we published were viewed more than a million times. People are curious about this secretive meeting of powerful oligarchs, with their bizarre schemes to rule us.
28. ! Medical Tyranny Versus Authentic Torah – Part 2 Chananya Weissman
The Rambam (Maimonides) begins his magnum opus on Jewish law, the Mishneh Torah, with health advice. After all, if one is ill, weak, or in pain, he will be greatly limited in his ability to study the Torah, perform the mitzvos, and reach spiritual heights.
The Rambam was an ideal person to offer health advice in this context. Not only was he one of the greatest Torah scholars who ever lived, he was also a Renaissance man and the preeminent physician of his time. If the Rambam ran our health system without learning a thing about modern science, we would still be better off.
In chapter 4 of Hilchos De’os the Rambam outlines his primary rules for being healthy and strong. He advises us on diet, sleep, exercise, bathing, eliminating waste, and marital relations. The overall theme is to maintain equilibrium through proper diet and being attentive to our body’s needs. Illness is caused almost invariably by eating harmful foods, overeating, or otherwise failing to care for oneself.
The Rambam then makes a remarkable guarantee (De’os 4:20): “Anyone who conducts himself in these ways that we instructed, I guarantee him that he will not become ill all his days, to the extent that he will become very old and die without needing a doctor, and that his body will be complete and retain its health all his days. [This is true] unless his body was bad from the beginning of its creation, or if he conducted himself with one of the bad habits from his early days, or if a plague of pestilence comes or a plague of famine to the world.”
He adds one further disclaimer in the next law: “All these good practices that we mentioned are only appropriate for healthy people. However, a sick person, or one who has an illness in one of his limbs, or one who conducted himself with bad habits for many years – for each of these there are other ways and practices according to the particular illness, as explained in the medical books. And a change to one’s routine [or environment] is the beginning of illness.”
27. !!! IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Fighter Pilot Speaks Out on Discrimination Against Unvaccinated in US Military – Pilots Forced to Perform Janitorial Work (VIDEO 15:00) By Jim Hoft
In case you missed this — The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft interviewed Captain Tom Stewart USMC on Saturday, May 28, 2022.
Captain Tom Stewart:
- Served 13 year, 5 months and 20 days
- Flew CH-53Es in Hawaii from April 2013 to to December 2017
- Deployed to Darwin Australia with brief tour in Thailand during this time
- Following Hawaii, served as a Deputy Air Officer for 5th Marine Expeditionary Brigade until June 2019 setting up aerial refueling between French Mirages and Marine KC-130s along with supporting many more exercises all over the Middle East
- For 3 years helicopter flight teacher at Whiting field
- He started terminal leave Friday and is officially out on July 1, 2022.
Captain Stewart described his personal story of challenging the US Military vaccine mandates. This included the unlawful process they used to ground US pilots back in September wasting nine months of manpower and resources.
26. ! “The Ideological Purposes of the Elite Make Use of the Complicity of Economic Potentates Whose Aims Are Merely to Make Profit” – Archbishop Vigano on New World Order By Joe Hoft
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, a fearless opponent of the New World Order, where human rights are discounted and sacrificed for those in power, was interviewed recently by Attorney Reiner Füllmich.
Below are some key thoughts coming from Archbishop Vigano’s interview with attorney Reiner Füllmich.
- …the authors of the pandemic farce are the same people who today would like to push the world towards a total war and a permanent energy crisis.
- False accusations are one of the means used by those who want to eliminate an adversary whom they fear and cannot fight fairly.
- Even the recent Russian-Ukrainian crisis significantly finds the globalist elite, NATO, the American deep state, the European Union, the World Economic Forum, the entire media machine, and the Vatican all aligned on the same side. Putin’s intervention in Ukraine is considered a threat to the New World Order that must be neutralized even at the cost of a global conflict.
- …the Ukrainian crisis was deliberately provoked by the deep state in order to force the world to carry out the Great Reset reforms, in particular the so-called “technological transition” and the “green shift.” It is the second stage of the globalist technocrat coup, after the pandemic farce.
- Without a crisis, how could the increase in the price of gas and petrol be imposed as an instrument to force companies and individuals to make the famous “ecological transition” that no one has ever voted for and that has been imposed by bureaucrats who are enslaved by the elite?
- …the ideological – and infernal – purposes of the elite make use of the complicity of economic potentates whose aims are merely to make profit.
There is much more below.
25. ! Dr. Peter Navarro Sues Pelosi and Her Unconstitutional Jan 6 Committee By Joe Hoft
Dr. Peter Navarro is suing Speaker Pelosi for the unconstitutional Jan 6 Committee she put in place to harass President Trump and those who support to the President.
Yahoo news reported yesterday that Dr. Peter Navarro will sue the corrupt Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, for her unconstitutional Jan 6 committee and its actions today.
Peter Navarro, a former trade adviser to then-President Donald Trump, announced he would file a federal lawsuit Tuesday challenging a subpoena from the House committee investigating the Capitol attack Jan. 6, 2021.
The panel subpoenaed him for testimony about a plan called the “Green Bay Sweep” to delay certification of President Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 election. Navarro described the plan in his book “In Trump Time” as the “last, best chance to snatch a stolen election from the Democrats’ jaws of deceit.”
24. Steve Bannon on Uvalde Mass Murderer: How Did He Get the Guns? How’d He Get the Cash? How Does this Kid Get the Cash to Buy the Ammo? (VIDEO 6:15) By Jim Hoft
Ben Berquam from Real America’s Voice joined Steve Bannon Tuesday morning on The War Room.
Berquam is in Uvalde, Texas. This morning he was broadcasting outside Robbe Elementary School, the scene of the demonic mass murder of children and teachers last week.
During the interview, Steve Bannon asked the questions we still don’t have answers to.
Steve Bannon: Look the timeline doesn’t make any sense. That’s why it’s so important to have Ben there. It’s right down the street and off to the side from where he lived. He shoots the grandmother, sometime after 11. It wasn’t 11:30. Why crash in the ditch. Why does it take 20-25 minutes to get down there. Why does the door just magically get propped open at the very moment? Look, we’re not conspiracy theorists here. We don’t believe in them. But there are no coincidences. how does a door get propped open at the very moment a guy opens fire? How does a school officer drive by after a guy’s up there shooting and think a teacher is the guy? Nothing makes any sense… The other thing is Bor-Tech. The earliest they could have heard of it is 11:33-11:35… Maybe they came by helicopters? How do you get from Del Rio to Uvalde in 26 minutes?…
…For five days we haven’t gotten any word about this kid. How did he get those guns? How’d he get the cash? How’d he buy that kind of ammo? Everybody will tell you, one of the reasons we do Pro-Tech here is they’re using a laser because ammo is too expensive. How does this kid get the cash to buy the ammo? How does he get it that quickly? How does he get the guns that quickly?
[Ed.: (And,) who gave him the training, and was it for 3 or 4-years?]
23. !
22. !! “The Truth About January 6th” Documentary to Premiere Exclusively on The Gateway Pundit! Narrated by Political Prisoner Jacob Lang FROM SOLITARY CONFINEMENT! …Exclusive PHOTOS! By Cara Castronuova
A new documentary about January 6th will premier next week exclusively on The Gateway Pundit news website.
This film will be historic in the fact that it will be narrated by January 6th Political Prisoner Jake Lang from solitary confinement. Watch the intriguing trailer here [0:29]:
21. !! Special Counsel John Durham Releases Statement After DC Jury Acquits Hillary Clinton Attorney Sussmann for Lying to the FBI By Jim Hoft
Earlier today a Washington DC jury found Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann NOT GUILTY of lying to the FBI.
This was despite overwhelming proof that Sussmann Sussmann falsely told James Baker he wasn’t doing work “for any client” when he asked for a meeting with the FBI where he presented bogus evidence the Trump Tower was secretly communicating with Kremlin-tied Alfa Bank.
Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign manager Robby Mook recently testified that Hillary personally approved of the dissemination of the bogus Trump-Russia Alfa Bank accusations to the media.
With Clinton campaign-tied attorney Michael Sussmann having been acquitted for lying to the FBI, special counsel John Durham issued a statement thanking the jury for its service and his team for “seeking truth and justice.”
“While we are disappointed in the outcome, we respect the jury’s decision and thank them for their service,” a statement attributable to Durham read Tuesday. “I also want to recognize and thank the investigators and the prosecution team for their dedicated efforts in seeking truth and justice in this case.”
[Ed.: There we have it! Durham finally showed his hand. Durham has finally come out of the closet. He respects the jury’s decision?? Gimme a break John. We don’t expect anything good coming from your ‘special investigations’ at any point in the future! Words have meaning (and we must “read between the lines”!]
20. !! Trump Releases Statement After Jury Stacked with DNC Activists Finds Hillary Clinton Lawyer Sussmann Not Guilty By Cristina Laila
President Trump on Tuesday released a statement after Hillary Clinton’s 2016 lawyer Michael Sussmann was found not guilty of lying to the FBI.
… “The jury was stacked with Hillary and AOC donors.
Judge Cooper also denied a request by prosecutors to remove a juror from the panel because her daughter and Sussmann’s daughter are on the same crew team.
Chris Cooper, the Obama-appointed judge also had numerous conflicts of interest.
Trump released a statement on Truth Social: “Our Legal system is CORRUPT, our Judges (and Justices!) are highly partisan, compromised or just plain scared…”
19. !! They Got Away With It JD Rucker
Despite what seemed like insurmountable evidence against the defense, Crooked Hillary Clinton’s corrupt attorney Michael Sussmann has been found not guilty of lying to the FBI.
Justice has not been served.
Michael Sussmann, the corrupt attorney for Hillary Clinton who helped oversee the Russiagate hoax, was found not guilty of lying to the FBI.
18. ! Mastercard CEO: SWIFT Payment System May Be Replaced By CBDCs In Five Years BY TYLER DURDEN
There has been a long list of revelations coming out of the recent World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, but one issue that might have gone under the media radar involves comments by Mastercard CEO Michael Miebach during a discussion on the future of cross-border payments between nations.
Miebach, participating in a panel on Central Bank Digital Currencies at the WEF and hosted by the Global Blockchain Business Council, was one of the few participants that was willing to suggest that the SWIFT system, long dominated by western interests, might be made obsolete along with the proliferation of digital currencies among central banks.
Initially dismissed as “conspiracy theory” only a few years ago by the media, whispers of CBDCs have suddenly gone mainstream and blockchain technologies took center stage at Davos in 2022. The Federal Reserve has even started active public discussions assessing the case for retail digital currency products.
Few at Davos were willing to admit to the outcome that Mastercard’s CEO suggested, arguing that SWIFT would continue its prevalence for decades. Yet, almost every major central bank in the world is now pursuing a digital currency program, and the IMF has been exceedingly vocal about the need for a global digital currency system in the near future to provide “stability” in the face of national inflationary crisis events.
17. !! Kremlin Makes Announcement Amid Rumors On Putin’s Health by Jack Phillips
A top Kremlin official on Monday disputed reports that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s health is getting progressively worse amid rumors that he may have cancer.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov issued a response to the reports, saying that Putin “makes public appearances on a daily basis.”
“You can see him on TV screens, read, and listen to his speeches. I don’t think that a sane person can suspect any signs of an illness or ailment in this man,” he added. “I’ll leave it on the conscience of those who disseminate such rumors despite daily opportunities for everyone to see how he and others look like.”
Lavrov, who was speaking to a French TV station, did not address claims that Putin is suffering from an undisclosed form of cancer.
Christopher Steele, the former UK spy and reputed author of the infamous and discredited “Steele dossier,” told Sky News earlier this month he believes Putin is “seriously ill” and claimed that factored into the Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine.
Notably, Steele was hired by organizations on behalf of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign to conduct opposition research against then-candidate Donald Trump, creating the dossier accusing Trump of having connections to Moscow. Most of the claims within Steele’s notes have been debunked by U.S. intelligence officials, although those allegations ultimately made it to corporate American news outlets such as MSNBC and the New York Times.
16. Iranian Cyberwar Grows Aggressive With Russia and Hizballah’s Help by Maria Zuppello
Iranian cyberwar has gone global, thanks to Tehran’s strategic alliances with some of the worst geopolitical players. Analysts say that Russia has helped Iran become a cyber-power by supplying it with cyber weapons, information, and capabilities. In turn, Iran passed its expertise to its terrorist proxy Hizballah. Due to Iran’s development of cyber power, the United States, which could contain this threat for years, is now under attack.
15. !! Stop the Thrift Savings Plan Board’s “treacherous sedition” Frank Gaffney, Jr.
Incredibly, at the stroke of midnight tonight, an obscure federal agency will enable the retirement savings of military men and women, past and present, and their civilian counterparts to be invested in companies controlled by the Chinese Communist Party.
Worse yet, the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board is not going to warn the participants in its Thrift Savings Plan that they are making such investments.
What could possibly go wrong?
14. The Perfidious Global Main Stream Media’s anti-Israel Bias By Bill Narvey
The American liberal left and left wing main stream media (MSM) such as CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS and ABC and here in Canada most prominently CBC, long have joined the global MSM in mischaracterizing the so far interminable conflict between Arab Palestinians and Israel as being a tit for tat cycle of violence situation, thus disingenuously assigning equal responsibility to both sides.
Here is just a brief comment in that regard: CNN, ABC, AP, Vice Dredge Up ‘Cycle of Violence’ Myth
When they are not so mischaracterizing that conflict, the global MSM often takes it a step further to portray Israeli self defence efforts as being somehow villainous while ignoring that Arab-Palestinian leadership’s incitement of and acts of terrorism are fueled by their unremitting murderous genocidal minded Jew-Israel hatred. Worse still, some of the MSM often report expressly or impliedly that the terrorism of the Arab-Palestinians is somehow justified resistance against Israelis as the Arab-Palestinians falsely claim.
Here is yet another example and global MSM’s perfidious anti-Israel bias.
Regarding the shooting death almost 3 weeks ago of Al Jazeera’s reporter Shireen Abu Akleh, the MSM were quick to rely on the immediate Arab Palestinian accusations that Akleh was deliberately shot by the IDF while pretty much ignoring IDF were defending against Arab-Palestinian terrorist forces. Secondly, the MSM pretty much ignored Israel’s position that it was likely Akleh was shot by Palestinian terrorists in their indiscriminate attack on the IDF and that this incident at least, warranted an objective unbiased investigation as called for by Israel, which Arab-Palestinians refused to be part of and further refused to provide Israel access to the alleged bullet that killed Akleh.
Then the MSM reported on the funeral of Akleh noting the IDF attacked the casket carriers (implying without justification) almost causing the casket to drop to the street while failing to note it was Arab-Palestinians who were trying to disrupt the funeral procession and that the IDF was justifiably trying to restore order as per the request of the family.
While the pernicious anti-Israel-antisemitic bigotry of the global MSM is palpably offensive to both pro-Israel Jews and non-Jews, the rest of the world are largely ignorant of the truth, have sympathy for the Palestinians having been taken in by their propaganda big lies, share MSM’s anti-Israel bigotry, are themselves virulently antisemitic or simply doesn’t care. In the result these global voices vastly outnumber those who are pro-Israel and informed on historical and current truths.
While vastly outnumbered, Israeli, pro-Israel leading global, national and local leaders and the many independent advocate/activist organizations have learned to punch well above their weight in getting the truth out into the socio-political-educational public square. The challenge to be even more effective to that end, is ever present and demanding of all of us.
With that, below is an exclusive PMW report on the truth pertaining to the death of Akleh and the disruption of her funeral procession. It brings to mind however, the famous saying that a lie can travel half way around the world before the truth wakes up.
If the MSM should report these truths reported by PMW, how many of their audience will even bother to read such belated truth report, already having been fooled to accept the Arab-Palestinians lies having been quickly related by the MSM as truth and who have since moved on to other matter of interest.
13. Brazen attack on ‘collaborator’ has Jerusalem Arabs worried By Dana Ben-Shimon
The victim was beaten and humiliated on the Temple Mount in broad daylight, and the video was uploaded to social media.
The Palestinian street is abuzz at a video published on social media showing an eastern Jerusalem resident being attacked and humiliated on the Temple Mount for allegedly “collaborating” with Israel.
The man, a resident of Wadi Joz, belongs to a large and well-known clan. He was accused of submitting information, pictures and video regarding events at the mosque to Israeli authorities. He denied it, but his family members turned their backs on him, fearing retribution.
Eastern Jerusalem residents say the incident has sparked a widespread sense of fear among the population.
“Today, everyone pulls out their phone and takes pictures. That’s what the guy who was attacked did. In a situation like this, every one of us could become a target. It causes fear. A person filming video becomes a suspect, and now people are more frightened,” one eastern Jerusalemite said.
There is concern that such attacks will not remain limited to public humiliation, and that those accused of cooperating with Israel will be executed.
12. Gantz supports ‘terrorist’ designation for aggressive anti-Arab organizations By Batya Jerenberg
Members of far-right groups Lehava and La Familia hurled epithets and fought against Arabs in the capital during Jerusalem Day celebrations.
Defense Minister Benny Gantz supported the idea of designating two far-right Jewish organizations as terrorist groups after their members got into physical and verbal confrontations with Arabs on Jerusalem Day Sunday.
“As defense minister, I believe that the time has come to consider ‘terrorist organization’ designations for groups like La Familia and Lehava,” Gantz said at a Blue and White party faction meeting in the Knesset Monday. “I know that the subject has been brought up with security organizations, and I trust the heads of the organizations to make that consideration in the cleanest and best way possible.”
La Familia is technically a fan club of Jerusalem’s Beitar soccer team. The team’s ownership disavowed it years ago, as its members’ racist chants at opposing Arab players and general hooliganism, especially before and after games against Israeli Arab teams, cost the team both financially and socially.
Lehava is a religious Jewish group that works against Muslim-Jewish intermarriage. Its head, Bentzi Gopstein, has been taken to court several times over the last several years on charges such as incitement to violence, racism and even terrorism due to his vehement anti-Arab rhetoric.
[Ed.: When the ‘Palestinians’ shout “Death to Jews” all day, every day, they are not called terrorists. It seems only fair that Jews could shout “death to Arabs” and be permitted the same freedom of speech, no?]
11. !! How will they explain the poll I just did? Steve Kirsch
The FDA claims that VAERS is over-reported and the COVID vaccines are super safe. OK, so explain this poll I just did…
Executive Summary
Here’s a simple poll that shows instantly that the COVID vaccines are more deadly than all 70+ vaccines combined over the past 32 years.
If you have a Gab or Twitter account, please replicate my poll for your followers and then enter the URL of your poll into this form so I can publish the results.
I’ll make a video that will be very compelling with all the polls.
I just posted a survey on Gab 6 hours ago, and here are the results:
10. Christopher James and Marcus Ray drop bombshells about upcoming pro-freedom event in Canada [40:57] Mike Adams
[Ed.: There is hope, but without any legal rights to speak freely, Pierre Elliott Jr. can order in the forces at his disposal to halt, arrest and of course confiscate the bank accounts of who ever, as he is already infamous for. Christopher James and Marcus Ray drop bombshells about upcoming pro-freedom event in Canada.]
9. Trudeau takes another major step toward totalitarianism By Olivia Murray
(See also Andrea Widburg’s “Canada plans to follow in the path of the world’s worst dictators.”)
Last week marked the conclusion of the annual conference of the World Economic Forum in Davos, an event with particular focus on the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. These goals, collectively known as Agenda 2030, are a set of objectives designed to be a “shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.” The Agenda includes seventeen goals, like “No Poverty” and “Zero Hunger.” However, underneath the façade of humanitarianism is a malevolent truth: Agenda 2030 is nothing more than an assault on national sovereignty and common people by the power-hungry global aristocracy. As you may recall, Klaus Schwab, president of the Forum, said, “The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.” Goal 16, Target 8 of the SDGs is this: “Broaden and strengthen the participation of developing countries in the institutions of global governance” (emphasis added).
Enter Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau.
According to Schwab, more than half of Justin Trudeau’s Cabinet are members of the Forum. Just yesterday, Trudeau announced that his regime would be implementing a “national freeze” on gun ownership, ultimately capping the number of legal guns within Canadian borders. From his statement:
[Ed.: More than once in the past, when the politicians were out of control, their subjects rose up, went to Ottawa and their house of ill repute burned to the ground. Today the electorate is apparently satisfied NOT to have any “Bill of Personal Rights and Freedoms” as an integral part of “their(?)” constitution. They must be satisfied as there is no clamor, no public outcry for such measures.]
8. The AstraZeneca Shot Made Walking Difficult for This Man [0:40]
The man in this video, Kevin Street, suffered walking difficulties after getting the AstraZeneca shot May 6, 2021. A year later, his condition has yet to improve and every step is still a challenge.
7. Dad Shares His Daughter’s Recovery After Pfizer Jab Injury [1:08]
In this video, a father proudly records his daughter take her first steps without a walker, after being unable to walk because of the COVID jab. She was once athletic, but her second Pfizer shot disabled her for two months.
6. ! This 500-Plant Edible Garden Mostly Cares for Itself [3:24] Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
This unconventional garden takes only a few hours of maintenance per month. Yet it grows 500 different edible plants and trees. Its master shows you how to create your own self-sustainable and renewable ecosystem without making a full-time job of it. Don’t envy him – copy him.
- When an area is left to its own devices, it will naturally turn into a forest over time, replete with a wide variety of plant species, and this diversification occurs unaided by man
- You can mimic this kind of naturally occurring ecosystem by planting a “forest garden” where fruit and nut trees grow intermingled with shrubs, herbs, vines and a variety of perennial vegetables in a seemingly wild-grown setting
- U.K.-based Martin Crawford is a pioneer of forest gardening. Despite growing 500 different edible plants and trees, his garden only requires a few hours of maintenance per month, as the wide variety of plants and trees all work symbiotically to eliminate pest problems and support optimal growth
- “System plants” help the system as a whole thrive. These include nitrogen-fixing plants, mineral accumulators and plants that attract pollinators and predator insects
- Aside from being low-maintenance, plant and tree diversification protects crops from being decimated by inclement weather. While some may fail, others may benefit, but in many cases, a majority of your crops will thrive regardless of weather conditions
5. Overview Video of mRNA Vaccine Technology [26:49] Analysis by Dr. Robert Malone
Detailed explanation of the mechanisms of action for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and a highlight of some of the known risks.
- Taken together, this work clearly demonstrates that vaccine-induced protective antibody responses following a second and third dose of BNT162b2 are both very low and transient in older people
- The authors conclude that “additional booster doses may be necessary, particularly in older people.” … One has to wonder, whether the study authors really mean to imply that a total of 13 boosters per year are needed (52 weeks/four weeks = 13 boosters)? Or are they just writing this to get through peer review?
- A more unbiased conclusion based on these data is that the Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2 vaccine has exceptionally poor durability of neutralizing antibody response (using a non-validated or “academic research” level test) against currently circulating viral strains
- The failure to address these data clearly demonstrates, once again, both the failure of the peer review process, the irrational pro-vaccine bias of the authors, and the pro-vaccine bias of the editors of the Journal of the American Medical Association
4. !! FDA Authorizes Pfizer Boosters for Kids 5 to 11 Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
107 Times the Risk, Are ‘Boosters’ Designed to Kill?
It’s true. Research has shown there is no benefit of a COVID shot for this age group, and the chance of death from the shot is actually 107 times higher than death from COVID. So why did the FDA just authorize the use of a booster, despite these 81 studies?
- The FDA has authorized the use of a booster COVID-19 shot in children ages 5 to 11; less than one-third — only 28.8% — of U.S. children in this age group have received the first two doses of this experimental gene therapy
- Effectiveness of COVID-19 shots in children wanes rapidly; a CDC study found that two to four weeks after the second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 shots, effectiveness was 60.1% among 5- to 11-year-olds, but this fell to just 28.9% by month two
- There is still no data on whether the booster is effective against COVID-19, and whether the effectiveness will quickly wane, as it has with all previous shots as well as booster doses in adults
- Artificially inflated antibodies triggered by booster shots signal to your body that you’re always infected, and the resulting immune response could prove to be detrimental to your health
- COVID-19 shots are associated with liver injury, including liver failure that led to a liver transplant
- Children are at an extremely low risk of serious illness from COVID-19, and CDC data show that COVID-19 case rates among children who received two COVID-19 shots are now higher than rates in children who did not get the shots
3. ! Monkey Pox Update Robert W Malone MD, MS
May 31, 2022. There has been a significant development.
Will the blatant fearporn ever stop? The controlled media have no shame.
If Ronald Reagan were still with us, I suspect we would be hearing “There you go again” replays. First came the coordinated media blast of public health-related fearporn. For example, the image from Jake Tapper’s CNN broadcast program “The Lead” of May 20,2022 (above) which appears to me to be a case of smallpox, not monkeypox. Another example involves the self-explanatory paired images below.
And of course the Bill and Melinda Gates – funded GAVI text which is quite blatant, claiming 10% mortality, which I covered in my prior substack article concerning Monkeypox and fearporn.
I almost cannot believe that I am writing this, but since my original substack article on this topic, we had the reveal of an Event 201-style wargame exercise modeled around a bioterror-related release of an engineered Monkeypox virus “caused by a terrorist attack using a pathogen engineered in a laboratory with inadequate biosafety and biosecurity provisions and weak oversight.” With amazing (coincidental?) prescience, the “table top exercise” of March 2021 (one year and three months into the Covidcrisis) models a Monkeypox bioterror attack initiated on May 15, 2022. Note the date of the CNN/Jake Tapper fearporn piece – May 20, 2022. The modeling deployed in the scenario upon which the “exercise” was based predicts 3.2 billion cases and 271 million deaths by December 01, 2023. Of course, the predictive accuracy of the simplistic public health models such as that used to support this scenario have repeatedly proven to be absolutely horrid, and these types of models should be either relegated to the trash heap (or ongoing dumpster fire) as unscientific speculation which is all too frequently weaponized by the fearporn peddlers such as CNN, MSNBC, NYT, Washington Post. By now we all know the usual USG and WEF-controlled media players.
2. Situation Update, May 30, 2022 – Monkeypox release is PSYCHOLOGICAL TERRORISM to keep humanity paralyzed with FEAR [1:21:38 – 0:00 Intro, 3:50 Monkeypox, 21:20 Mass Shooting, 37:45 Report, 50:55 Roe v. Wade, 1:06:25 Economic News, 1:10:30 Flamethrower, 1:14:30 Tactical Mom] Mike Adams
1. California to Make Prescribing Ivermectin for Covid a Crime by JD Rucker
The powers-that-be are so desperate to get everyone jabbed eventually, they are doing everything in their power to prevent people from receiving drugs that reveal Covid is treatable.
In what may be the saddest state of affairs we’ve seen regarding medical tyranny in months, California is pushing forth a bill that would criminalize the prescription of Ivermectin and other drugs for use against Covid-19. They want people jabbed. They want them ventilated. They want them to take Remdesivir instead.
Of course, Anthony Fauci is at the center of this even if he’s not associated with California Assembly Bill 2098. And it’s not just his name behind the government’s push for jabs and Remdesivir use. Rumors are he’s been working behind the scenes with members of the California legislature to craft the wording properly.
This isn’t just a California problem, as I detailed in the latest episode of End Medical Tyranny. This will spread to other blue states. And if/when another pandemic pops up, whether it’s a new strain of Covid, the Monkeypox, or something we haven’t seen yet, they will get some red states to adopt the draconian, anti-science measure as well. Such is the state of affairs in America today.