Daily shmutz | 060222

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)


24.  Cluster Bomb Kills 3 In Kherson Ukraine (Special Report)   Patrick Lancaster

Ukraine forces have shelled the Kherson region killing 3 civilians with cluster bombs⚡️📣

A man lost his mother and father and their neighbor lost his wife. Very bad day.

23.  !The Media’s Ukraine Narrative CRUMBLES as Russian Forces ADVANCE!!!  [9:42]   Dr. Steve Turley

22.  Dr Fauci’s NIH Funded Monkeypox Treatment Research Just Before The Outbreak

Just before the outbreak, the NIAID, headed by Dr. Fauci, funded a grant for monkeypox treatment research, especially tecovirimat.

Shortly before the virus spread in a global outbreak, Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health organization was sponsoring research to find treatments for monkeypox.

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which Fauci heads, has previously been criticized for sponsoring bat coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which many public health professionals and intelligence officials believe is the source of COVID-19.

21.  Michael Avenatti Sentenced to Four Years for Ripping Off Stormy Daniels, Tells Judge He Took Stripper’s Case to “Take Down a Sitting American President”    By Kristinn Taylor

Liberal media darling Michael Avenatti was sentenced to four years in prison Thursday by U.S. District Court Judge Jesse Furman for embezzling nearly $300,000 from his Anti-Trump former client Stephanie Clifford–better known by her stripper name Stormy Daniels. Avenatti told the judge in court in the Southern District of New York as he pleaded for a lenient sentence that he took Daniels’ case against Trump because, “I believed we could take down a sitting American president who was the biggest threat to our democracy in modern times.”

Avenatti was convicted in February of charges stemming from him forging Daniels’ signature on a letter to divert nearly $300,000 in her book royalties to himself.

20.  Bombshell: Georgia Election Fraud Revealed In Democrat Primary Race!   Emerald Robinson

Dekalb County election results just flipped after a hand count revealed voting machine “mistakes”

There’s an incredible election story developing in Georgia right now — in the same week that the U.S. Federal Government has been forced to admit that Dominion Voting machines (used in all of Georgia’s counties) are vulnerable to hacking and should be fixed!

According to the local paper Decaturish: DeKalb County (GA) just released the results of a hand count in the District 2County Commission primary race — and the hand count revealed such massive discrepancies between the May 24th machine results and the June 1 hand count that it has flipped the race!

Here are the initial May 24th election results.

[Ed.:  Election fraud is the rule not the exception.  Democrats can’t win if they don’t cheat.]

19.  Is This How They Stole Arizona in the 2020 Election?   JD Rucker

One does not need to watch 2000 Mules (though everyone should) to see how the 2020 election was stolen. We can find reports buried by corporate media outlets like the AP to see it clear as day.

“An Arizona woman indicted in 2020 on accusations of illegally collecting ballots apparently ran a sophisticated operation using her status as a well-known Democratic operative in the border city of San Luis to persuade voters to let her gather and in some cases fill out their ballots, according to records obtained…”

That was not the opening paragraph to an article on The Gateway Pundit or Valiant News. It wasn’t written by people who work for Steve Bannon, Mike Lindell, or Dinesh D’Souza. The first paragraph of this article was part of a bombshell news report from The Associated Press.

18. ! 18 USC Section 1001: “Two-Tiered” Justice System   by Tom Arnold

(Jun. 1, 2022) — Why is it a crime to lie to a federal official, but when they lie to the American people, it is not?  Why can the FBI and other federal law enforcement officers lie to you during an interrogation (not to mention at any other time they please)?  Why do I always have to ask myself after a mass shooting, bank robbery, act of terrorism, political malfeasance, etc., “What did the FBI know, and when did they know it?”

Why did the FBI participate with its lies and silence in what possibly is the greatest cover-up and treasonous act in American history (the unlawful and unconstitutional rise to the US presidency of a communist-mentored, anti-American, Muslim, ethnically Arab-American, CIA- and NWO-sponsored Manchurian Candidate, which, by the way, marked the beginning of the destruction of our sane society and democratic constitutional government)?

In a more general sense, why does it seem that practically all politicians lie?  In fact, it almost seems to be a prerequisite for the presidency!  Is Joe’s mouth moving?  Somehow, I don’t see this behavior and deceit as being good for our country, either at home or abroad, not to mention that it is a bad example for individual American citizens (and millions of immigrants, of course).  Have you noticed the moral decline and sacrilege around you?  Have you looked in the mirror lately?    

17.  Tierney’s REAL News (6/2/22)

Biden’s DOJ wants to bring back mask mandates on planes. They asked an Appeals Court to OVERTURN a Federal Judge’s order (a Trump appointee) that declared the travel mask mandate illegal and unconstitutional.

Numerous LARGE scientific studies now prove, as I’ve said from the beginning, that masks do NOT stop viruses from spreading! In fact, they make the wearer sick – both physically & emotionally – and are causing an entire generation of school children to be literally scared stupid!

So, why does Biden want the Federal travel mask mandate reinstated? It’s about POWER. He wants to make sure that the CDC has “the power” to enforce widespread mandates for “future pandemics” of any kind!

16.   CEO of large Spanish pharma company bought a fake vaccine card     Steve Kirsch

See this story which is all over the news in Europe, but not in the US. Here it is in Spanish. This is not fake news.

Now, here’s what you ask your blue pill friends:

Why would the chief executive of a very large pharma company in Spain pay a huge fee (it was set based on ability to pay) and risk a long prison sentence to avoid taking a perfectly safe vaccine that will keep him from dying from COVID?

All my readers know the answer: because he didn’t want to die.

Please, let us all know how your blue-pilled friends answer this question. Maybe we got it wrong.

15.  Man Got Vaxxed for His Job, but Jab Injuries Made Him Lose It  [1:46]

Right after getting the COVID shot to avoid losing his job, a once-fit and active Australian man started to experience muscle spasms, which only got worse with the succeeding mandated shots he took. He ended up resigning from his labor-intensive job. “I couldn’t speak, I stuttered my words, walking became an impossible task,” he shares.

14.  Gene Editing Turns Fluffy Hamsters Into ‘Aggressive’ Rage Monsters

Researchers at Northwestern University, who were studying how gene editing might reduce both aggression and social communication, were shocked to learn that the process produced exactly the opposite.

Not only that, the fluffy hamsters turned into “mutant rage monsters” with “high levels of aggression toward same-sex individuals.”

According to Metro, “All hamsters, regardless of genotype or sex, exhibited aggression (including chasing, biting and pinning) when exposed to a nonaggressive, same-sex conspecific in a neutral arena.”

13.  What You Need to Know Before Getting an Implant or Hip Device  [42:25]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

If you’re looking at getting an implant, artificial spine disk, insulin pump, hip replacement or bone graft device, do your homework first: Faulty device implants can turn your life upside-down.


  • In 2019 Europe’s medical device industry was so poorly regulated that U.S. regulators compared it to a system where “patients are treated like guinea pigs;” three years later, the devices fall under new regulations “evaluating the quality, safety and efficacy” of the products
  • Faulty medical device implants, including artificial spine disks, breast implants, hip replacement devices, bone graft devices and insulin pumps have caused serious health problems
  • Medical device implants in Europe are not regulated as strictly as medications and therefore often undergo little or no safety testing
  • Medical device makers set up shop in Europe where they can get their products approved simply and cheaply
  • Medical device manufactures are legally required to report problems that damage people’s health, but they often don’t and face no penalties

12.  !CDC Tracked Americans’ Cell Phones During Lockdowns     Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

The CDC spent taxpayer money to track you during lockdowns and vaccine campaigns, focusing on schools, churches and pharmacies. You are being tracked every day without your knowledge.


  • A Freedom of Information Act request to the CDC revealed documentation that the organization had freely received, and later purchased, location data with the stated intent of monitoring activity in curfew zones or visits to pharmacies
  • A review of the documents also disclosed a list of 21 cases where the data could possibly be used, not all of which involved tracking COVID-related efforts. The data were gathered by SafeGraph after the company’s code was installed in a variety of apps commonly downloaded to smartphones
  • The data are reportedly anonymized, yet SafeGraph decided to no longer share data location about clinics that offer abortion services, which begs the question “Why?” if the data are anonymous?
  • Google banned SafeGraph code in the Play Store in July 2021, just six months before four attorneys general filed a lawsuit after a three-year investigation showing Google has been secretly tracking people since 2014

11.  !Fake Meat, Fake Breastmilk and Food Shortages  [11:38]     Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Bill Gates’ Latest Attack, Now Targeting Moms

Vaxxing the planet isn’t enough for this tyrant – now he’s on the warpath to stop mothers from doing this. The media are onboard as his paid puppet too – just look at the title of the The Guardian’s latest hit piece.


  • Bill Gates appears to be behind the push to stop breastfeeding and encourage uptake of BIOMILQ, a cell-cultured “human milk” made in a lab, along with other varieties of fake food
  • Nearly every large meat and dairy processor/manufacturer has also acquired or developed plant-based meat and dairy substitutes
  • This “protein” industry convergence is jeopardizing the resilience of the food system and reducing genetic diversity of livestock and crops
  • When you factor in soy production as well as the use of conventional energy sources, lab-grown meat may be worse for the environment than conventionally produced chicken and pork
  • There are signs that the fake meat industry may be failing before it ever gets off the ground; shares of Beyond Meat lost $6 billion since March 2020 due to weak sales growth
  • To save the planet and support your health, skip all the fake meat alternatives and opt for real food that’s being raised using regenerative, grass fed methods

10.   You can’t “check” people with no known background    Frank Gaffney, Jr.

Another day, another mass casualty shooting. Inevitably, federal legislators will redouble efforts to give the appearance of “doing something” to stop such violence. One idea under consideration is “universal” background checks.

There’s a significant problem that arises from what is, arguably, the most enduring impact of Team Biden’s wrecking operation: namely, the two million-plus illegal aliens it has let into this country that now live in neighborhoods like yours all across it.

9.  4 killed in shooting at Tulsa medical building, shooter dead

Police Capt. Richard Meulenberg also said multiple people were wounded and that the medical complex was a “catastrophic scene.”

A gunman carrying a rifle and a handgun killed four people Wednesday at a Tulsa medical building on a hospital campus, police said, the latest in a series of deadly mass shootings across the country in recent weeks.

Tulsa Police Department Deputy Chief Eric Dalgleish confirmed the number of dead and said the shooter also was dead, apparently from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

[Ed.:  Every time they get into a gun-grab frenzy, we get daily mass shootings!  They would think that we’re on to them by now, no?]

8.   Palestinians killed Shireen abu Akleh   Elder of Ziyon 

If you don’t want to watch my 33 minute video explaining all the evidence in detail, this poster summarizes how we know that #ShireenAbuAkleh was killed by Palestinian terrorists, not by the @IDF

But if you want all the details….


7.  The Great Reset Snakes Are Slithering Together in Davos  [25:59]   By Dr. Joseph Mercola

In the video above, which is part of a larger “Great Reset” documentary series, Rebel News highlights the origins of the World Economic Forum1 (WEF), its founder Klaus Schwab, and other key players, and the WEF’s central role in The Great Reset, which promises (read: threatens) to overturn society and life as we know it in ways that are hard to imagine.

In summary, The Great Reset involves the demolition and radical overhaul of several interlocking pillars of civilization: technology, society, economy, environment and geopolitics. Food and health also fall within these categories. Through control of these core pillars, the WEF and its globalist allies intend to seize control of all the nations of the world and centralize all power and wealth.

The WEF’s Plan

As noted by Rebel News, the WEF is an organization that profits from famine and disease; it uses tragedies and fear to further its own agenda — “one that dictates what you eat, what you own, what you think, under the guise of a ‘sustainable future.’”

6.   From Chananya Weissman

A discussion on Aish (don’t mention the T-word) and much more is now available here.

An important exposé on the “Haredi Health Commission” plotting to infiltrate Jewish communities has just been released.  See it here.  Don’t think for one minute this sort of thing isn’t going on all over the world, or that it’s anything new.

Now that you know, do what you can to share the information, speak out about it, and help banish these Erev Rav from our midst.  The more Jewish they look and sound, the more dangerous they are.

Part three of my series on Medical Tyranny Versus the Torah is finished, and I will share it after Shavuos.  There will probably be four parts in all. 




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5.   I AM SO PISSED OFF!   James Roguski

The people who are associated with the World Health Organization are a bunch of deceitful, evil liars.

Below is a summary of the written contributions to the first round of public hearings which were held April 12-13, 2022:

4.   Rabbi Alexander Rosenberg and the JDC: Kosher Food and Kosher Kitchens in Post-War Germany   By Alex Grobman, PhD 

Part I

When Rabbi Alexander S. Rosenberg, director of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) religious activities for the American zone, arrived in Germany in September 1945, he reported that “there was no organized effort to have kosher meat available” for the survivors. Just before he arrived, the Synagogue Council of America and the National Council of Young Israel sent letters to the JDC asking for a response to a cable from an American Jewish survivor in Europe alleging that the JDC made “no provision for urgently needed religious requisites and kosher food for liberated Jews in Germany.” The author sent the cable to “protest the inefficacy and apparent callous disregard.”

Given all that the JDC had done from its inception to promote and support the religious life of the Jews in Europe, the JDC leadership was “surprised” and disturbed by these accusations. In a letter to the Synagogue Council America, Joseph C. Hyman, executive vice chairman of the JDC, assured the Council that the “JDC has never purchased one ounce of non-kosher food for distribution…in overseas countries. We have consistently adhered to their policy of purchasing the type of food about which there can be no question as to kashruth…”

3.   Israeli Data Explains Why Pfizer Excluded Vaccinated People from Trials   Igor Chudov

Paxlovid Works much WORSE in the Vaccinated and NOT AT ALL in the younger ones!

A new study from Israel tried to assess the real-world benefits of Paxlovid and tried (clumsily) to separate patients by “vaccination status”.


All patients were classified into one of two categories according to their Covid-19 immune status; participants with no prior immunity (unvaccinated or vaccinated with only one mRNA vaccine dose and also with no previous documented SARS-CoV-2 infection) or participants that had already acquired prior immunity (vaccine-induced, infection-induced, or hybrid).

You can see why I think that this is a clumsy way to stratify patients: in my own mind, there is a huge difference between a no-dose patient who never received any Pfizer vaccine, and a one-dose patient who received one dose, and possibly was injured by it and declined subsequent doses. Unfortunately, we are stuck with the way this study stratifies the patients into immunity-free and immune subgroups.


Racial justice, gender justice, and economic justice. These are the 3 terms that “The Squad” throws around as there rallying cry for the policies they promote day and night. What does this truly mean?

It means that “The Squad” wants the Federal Government to give hundreds of millions of dollars to black people because they are black. It means that they want the Federal Government to give millions of dollars to minorities because they are minorities. It means that they want the Federal Government to fund gender studies to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in order to promote the destruction of the family unit.

1.  The Right Way to Win the Debate Over Gun Control   JD Rucker

It’s easy to use crime statistics as a way to make an argument in favor of the 2nd Amendment. But the easy way isn’t always the best way. We must defend against tyranny first and foremost.

Listen to this show on Apple Podcasts or Rumble.

In recent years, I have been turned to by multiple politicians, candidates, and political organizations seeking consultation on their messaging. My past life in advertising combined with my current penchant for politics has prompted several to seek my counsel. I don’t own a consultancy and I don’t proclaim to be an expert, but for some reason, my name keeps getting dropped to various conservative campaigns.

This often gets me thinking from a strategy perspective on how to win on issues against the radical left. It was this strategic side that had me initially looking towards crime as a way to get more people on the side of defending the 2nd Amendment. Thankfully, I  learned yesterday that my strategic thinking was wrong. It would be disingenuous of me to use glaring crime statistics and logic to defend the 2nd Amendment because that’s not what I truly believe.

Does the 2nd Amendment play a major role in our ability to defend ourselves against criminals? Absolutely. But that’s not the truest intent of the 2nd Amendment, nor is it the most important role of our right to keep and bear arms. Tyranny is the real threat that the 2nd Amendment addresses, which is why I’ve reversed course on talking about crime.

From a strategic perspective, it is easier to use crime facts to catch the ear of a moderate or leftist who can be made to understand the importance of the 2nd Amendment. When you try to talk to them about tyranny, they glaze over. For some reason, far too many Americans have been indoctrinated into two false beliefs. First, they cannot imagine a need for American citizens to defend themselves against a tyrannical American government because they think it could never happen. Second, they cannot picture a scenario where the United States is invaded by foreign powers that would prompt the need for citizens to defend our homeland.


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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.