BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).
‘Faith Not Fear!’
Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines! (B2EN THE//S)
34. ! Biden Sends Dark Signal on Attempted Assassination of Justice Brett Kavanaugh; Says Nothing to Reporters, Issues No Official Statement, Instead Deputy Press Secretary Emails a Couple Journos By Kristinn Taylor
Joe Biden and his team at the White house have sent a dark signal on how important they believe is the attempted assassination of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh early this morning.
Biden once again turns his back, file screen image.
Biden has not issued a formal statement, nor have any comments condemning the attempted assassination been posted to the White House or POTUS Twitter accounts as of this writing. Instead Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates emailed a statement to reporters at Fox News and the Daily Wire while at the same time Bates spent time online denying that the Biden administration encouraged the recent protests at conservative justices’ homes following the leak of a draft decision overturning Roe v. Wade.
Incredibly Biden spoke to reporters for a minute Wednesday at Joint Base Andrews after the news broke and said nothing about the attempt on Kavanaugh’s life.
[Ed.: I Know Nothing!]
33. !! “You All Are Delusional If You Think This Is Going to Keep Us Safe” – MUST SEE: Lucretia Hughes Speaks to Congress and Gun-Grabbers After Her Son was Shot Dead Point-Blank in the Head by Criminal with an Illegal Gun (VIDEO 6:56) By Jim Hoft
Lucretia Hughes, with the DC Project Women for Gun Rights, spoke to the US Congress on Wednesday.
Lucretia told the lawmakers the story on how her son was shot and killed point-blank in the head while playing dominos with friends.
She then attacked the gun control lobbyists and politicians who claim that their policies will save lives and reduce violence.
“Those policies did not save my son. The laws being discussed are already implemented in cities across this country. We have decades of evidence proving they do not work. St. Louis, New York, Chicago, Washington, and Atlanta are gun control utopias and they are plagued with the most violent. Ten more laws, 20 more laws, a thousand more won’t make what is already illegal, more wrong or stopped criminals from committing these crimes,” Lucretia asserted.
32. Attorney General Garland Speaks on Attempted Assassination of Justice Kavanaugh After Biden Says Nothing to Reporters (VIDEO 0:44) By Cristina Laila
US Attorney General Merrick Garland on Wednesday responded to reporters asking questions about the attempted assassination of US Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
Joe Biden and his team at the White house have sent a dark signal on how important they believe is the attempted assassination of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh early this morning.
Biden spoke to reporters for a minute Wednesday at Joint Base Andrews after the news broke and said nothing about the attempt on Kavanaugh’s life.
Merrick Garland said this kind of behavior will not be tolerated.
“This kind of behavior is obviously behavior that we will not tolerate. Threats of violence and actual violence against the justices of court strike at the heart of our democracy and we will do everything we can to prevent them and to hold people who do them accountable,” Garland said. “Last month, I accelerated the protection of all the justices’ residences 24/7.”
31. Man Planned to Break into Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s Home and Kill Him: Court Filing on Arrest By Kristinn Taylor
The man arrested in the assassination attempt of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh told authorities he planned to break into Kavanaugh’s home in Maryland and kill the justice–and then kill himself. The incident started when the man was dropped off by a taxi in front of Kavanaugh’s home carrying a backpack and a suitcase but he was apparently deterred by the presence of two U.S. Marshals and walked away from the house. The man allegedly called 911 to report he was suicidal and had a firearm with him and had traveled from California to kill a Supreme Court Justice. He was soon taken into custody by Montgomery County police without incident while still on the phone with 911. Police seized the backpack and suitcase the man had with him. He has since been charged in federal court with attempted murder of a U.S. Supreme Court justice.
30. Biden Is Spending Millions Of Your Hard Earned Tax Dollars On His Lack Luster Social Media Presence By Michael Robison
According to a report by The Washington Examiner, President Biden’s social media existence may be costing taxpayers millions of dollars annually.
According to a recent story by CNN, details about staff issues in the White House revealed that more than 70 staffers help create and manage Biden’s social media content. Based on the salary data, the combined cost for those 70 White House staffers is about $6,695,436, not including equipment or other expenses.
29. Man Who Killed Retired Wisconsin Judge Dies From Self-Inflicted Gunshot By Cristina Laila
A retired county judge was zip-tied and killed in his Wisconsin home last Friday.
Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul said the shooting death of retired Juneau County Judge John Roemer was a “targeted act.”
The gunman, who was identified as Douglas Uhde, 56, had a ‘hit list’ that included Michigan Governor Whitmer, Senator McConnell and Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers.
Douglas Uhde was found in the basement of judge Roemer’s home with a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
After spending several days in the hospital in critical condition, Douglas Uhde has died.
28. Washington Commanders Defensive Coordinator Drops a Bomb on Pelosi’s Jan. 6 Hearings (VIDEO 1:28) By Jim Hoft
Washington Commanders defensive coordinator Jack Del Rio dropped a bomb on Nancy Pelosi and her minions after he spoke out against the planned congressional sideshow this week on the January 6th insurrection.
Del Rio went public in an interview this week when he told reporters, “I can look at images on the TV, people’s livelihoods are being destroyed, businesses are being burned down, no problem. And then we have a dust-up at the Capitol, nothing burned down, and we’re going to make that a major deal.”
Of course, Del Rio is correct. We are talking about hundreds of violent riots on the left in the summer of 2020 that caused dozens of deaths and billions of dollars in damages versus one protest where 4 Trump supporters were killed by authorities.
27. !! Healthy Young People Are Dying Suddenly and Unexpectedly from Mysterious Syndrome in Australia – Doctors Baffled and Seek Answers By Jim Hoft
Australia is famous for its totalitarian COVID restrictions and vaccine mandates. The Deputy Premier of NSW boldly declared that even businesses that accept unvaccinated people will be subject to exceptionally heavy fines back in 2021.
Australia’s Northern Territory has officially imposed an authoritarian lockdown on citizens who have not been ‘fully vaccinated’ against Covid-19 as officials scrambled to deal with the highly-mild Omicron variant back in January. Any individual 16 or older and who was not fully vaccinated will not be able to leave their homes until the middle of next week, even if it’s to go to work or to get exercise outdoors.
Now, the country is confronting an epidemic of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. The syndrome is striking down healthy and active young people in Australia.
[Ed.: Surprise, surprise, surprise!!]
26. ! Ukrainian Commander Defects To Russia (Special Report) 61,626 views Jun 8, 2022 [8:58] Patrick Lancaster
Ukrainian Commander Defects To Russia In Kherson Region Ukraine
[Ed.: May God bless and protect Patrick Lancaster!]
25. ! Soros PANICS as Woke D.A. RECALLED in SAN FRANCISCO!!! [10:15] Dr. Steve Turley
24. Canada’s now going fully BIO-FASCIST right before our eyes Mark Crispin Miller
They’re vaccinating for monkeypox, phasing out free speech online, starving wayward doctors, and planning to impound the people’s guns (while making opiates, cocaine and MDMA readily available)
Back when I was on the left—or, rather, way back when there was a left throughout the West—Canada was notable for offering asylum to Americans who didn’t want to serve in Vietnam.
That, of course, was only one side of the story. The other side concerned that government’s prior (and more covert) acceptance of a lot of Nazi war criminals, who were brought there in considerable numbers (just as they were quietly brought into the US).
From Rina:
After all, it might not be such a THEORY …
Heads are going to start falling
SHADY AND CORRUPTED OFFICIALS have and MUST be held accountable, responsible liable and culpable
No more pass when cheating and found guilty
Debra Wasserman-Shultz
Donna Brazil
Hillary Clinton
Should be in jail for cheating during the 2016 election
Loretta Lynch, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden for Lying to the American citizen
Michelle Obama for inciting violence and being openly unpatriotic
Bush for going to war for “nothing” and responsible for hundredth thousands of deaths in Iraq
Mitt Romney, MacCain, Pelosi, Schumer, Kerry, Al Gore for using their position to make themselves the receptacles of huge contracts
I could go on like that forever
From the right to the left it’s atrocious unbelievable unbearable
Scandale and no one still does anything of very little
And many many more others …
And let’s not forget
The 2020 presidential election
Could it be that one day
It’s starting to unfold:
PHILADELPHIA – United States Attorney Jennifer Arbittier Williams announced today that former U.S. Congressman Michael “Ozzie” Myers, 79, of Philadelphia, PA, pleaded guilty today to conspiracy to deprive voters of civil rights, bribery, obstruction of justice, falsification of voting records, and conspiring to illegally vote in a federal election for orchestrating schemes to fraudulently stuff the ballot boxes for specific Democratic candidates in the 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 Pennsylvania elections.
22. ! Judicial Watch Forces Release of DOJ Memo Declining Criminal Prosecution For Ashli Babbitt Killer Michael Byrd: Babbitt Shooting Evidence Missing! By Cristina Laila
Judicial Watch on Tuesday forced the release of a DOJ memo declining the criminal prosecution for Ashli Babbitt’s killer Michael Byrd.
Ashli Babbitt, a 14-year veteran from San Diego who served 4 tours with the US Air Force as a high-level security officer was shot and killed by Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd on January 6, 2021.
Ashli Babbitt was shot through a window on a closed door by an officer.
Babbitt appeared to be standing behind a group of people who were attempting to gain entry into the chamber.
21. ! Laying Siege to the Institutions Christopher F. Rufo
Why do I say that we need to lay siege to our institutions? Because of what has happened to our institutions since the 1960s.
The 1960s saw the rise of new and radical ideologies in America that now seem commonplace—ideologies based on ideas like identity politics and cultural revolution. There is a direct line between those ideas born in the ’60s and the public policies being adopted today in leftist-run cities like Seattle, San Francisco, and Chicago.
The leftist dream of a working-class rebellion in America fizzled after the ’60s. By the mid-1970s, radical groups like the Black Liberation Army and the Weather Underground had faded from prominence. But the leftist dreamers didn’t give up. Abandoning hope of a Russian-style revolution, they settled on a more sophisticated strategy—waging a revolution not of the proletariat, but of the elites, and specifically of the knowledge elites. It would proceed not by taking over the means of production, but by taking control of education and culture—a strategy that German Marxist Rudi Dutschke, a student activist in the 1960s, called “the long march through the institutions.”
This idea is traceable to Italian communist Antonio Gramsci, who wrote in the 1930s of “capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches, and the media by transforming the consciousness of society.”
This march through our institutions, begun a half-century ago, has now proved largely successful. Over the past two years, I’ve looked at the federal bureaucracy, the universities, K-12 schools, and big corporations. And what I’ve found is that the revolutionary ideas of the ’60s have been repackaged, repurposed, and injected into American life at the institutional level.
Most Americans are shocked to discover this. We’ve all seen the outrage of parents over the past two years as they learned that their young children were being divided according to their skin color and deemed oppressed or oppressors in public school classrooms. Parents began expressing their outrage against critical race theory not only in school board meetings, but at the polls. This made big news in last year’s gubernatorial election in Virginia, and the demographic of the now-widespread voter rebellion shows that it crosses party lines.
20. !! Iran crosses nuclear threshold as Israel, US fight among themselves [1:23:16] Caroline Glick
“Mideast News Hour” with Caroline Glick and guest Dr. David Wurmser
Glick and Wurmser discuss why the International Atomic Energy Agency’s announcement that Iran has crossed the nuclear threshold, has mastered the nuclear fuel cycle and can independently develop nuclear weapons has gone virtually unremarked by Israeli and American media. Instead, there are reports that the United States—in the interest of lowering fuel costs—may allow Iran to expand its export of oil.
“Since Joe Biden came into office, the United States has stopped effectively enforcing the sanctions on Iran oil exports,” said Glick. “They are already up to a million barrels a day, and they’ve gone past their revenue levels from before 2019 when the Trump administration reinstated the embargo on Iranian oil exports.”
The reason, said Glick, is that both Israel and the United States are struggling for their national survival.
On the one hand, both countries are now governed by post-nationalist governments, whose members are hostile to their respective national identities. On the other hand, the majority of citizens in both countries wish to protect and preserve their nations and their ways of life.
19. ! Democrats Admit the True Purpose of J6 Hearings BY MATT MARGOLIS
The Democrats’ partisan January 6th Committee hearings are going prime time this week, and Fox News is getting flak from the usual left-wing suspects.
“Fox News won’t air the January 6 hearings because they prefer their sedition made fresh on-site,” Hillary Clinton quipped on Twitter. I think she should hire a new joke writer.
“FOX won’t televise the hearings of the greatest Crime in Presidential history,” tweeted Rob Reiner. “Our Democracy is hanging by a thread.” Cry me a river, Meathead.
The fact is, there’s only one reason why any network will air the hearings of these pointless, blatantly partisan hearings—and it has nothing to do with the so-called insurrection. It has to do with helping the Democrats in the upcoming midterms.
This isn’t a guess. They’ve already admitted to this. “Jan. 6 Hearings Give Democrats a Chance to Recast Midterm Message,” reads the headline at the New York Times about the hearings—showing absolutely no shame that government resources are being used for blatantly partisan purposes.
“With their control of Congress hanging in the balance, Democrats plan to use made-for-television moments and a carefully choreographed rollout of revelations over the course of six hearings…to persuade voters that the coming midterm elections are a chance to hold Republicans accountable for it,” the report explained.
The article goes on to quote Democrat lawmakers and operatives all but admitting the purpose of the hearings is to distract voters from astronomical gas prices and historic inflation.
18. Israel contemplating 5th Covid vaccine as number of infections rises By Aryeh Savir
Over 19,019 Israelis tested positive in the past week, a 27.7 % increase over the previous week.
Israel’s health system is contemplating the administration of a fifth Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine, as the number of new cases has significantly risen in recent days.
The country’s Corona Supervisor, Professor Salman Zarka, stated on Wednesday at the 2042 Medicine Conference in Tel Aviv that “unfortunately, it seems that we are starting a new corona wave in Israel, the BA.5 wave, we are considering giving a fifth vaccine.”
The BA.5 is a sub-lineage of the Omicron variant. BA.5 was first detected in South Africa in February 2022, and since has become the dominant variant there together with the BA.4.
[Ed.: Genocide is habit forming!]
17. Dead or alive? Palestinian leader Abbas absent from key event
Palestinians on social media demanded the PA president post a picture holding today’s newspaper in order to prove that he’s still alive. By Lauren Marcus
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas failed to show up for a press conference in Ramallah on Wednesday morning, where he was expected to make a public appearance in order to dispel rumors that he is dead or very ill.
Although the reports cannot be independently confirmed, the Palestinian street is buzzing with rumors that the wildly unpopular octogenarian – whom the vast majority of his constituents believe should resign – is in poor health.
16. COVID Shots Going to Waste Across America
Across the U.S., pharmacies, including CVS, Walmart and Rite Aid to name a few, have been stuck with disposing of excess COVID-19 shots, as fewer people line up to take them.
The amounts being thrown away are staggering: 82.2 million doses between December 2020 and mid-May 2022. Oklahoma and Alaska pitched the highest percentage of those doses. The waste has left infectious diseases persons aghast “when less than half of fully vaccinated Americans have a booster shot,” NBC News reported.
Walgreens, which threw away 8.3 million doses, blamed it on “no-show appointments, cancellations and open vials expiring.”
15. ‘There’s No Warning’: BBC Presenter Details ‘Vax Attacks’ [5:13]
Headaches, fatigue, eye drooping and facial numbness — these are just some of the unpleasant side effects that BBC radio presenter Jules Serkin now struggles with after she got the AZ COVID jab in March 2021. She narrates how she reached out to AstraZeneca to get their reaction to these reported effects, but she only received confusing and conflicting responses.
14. 26-Year-Old Football Player Dies After Two Heart Attacks [1:07]
Former CBC offensive lineman Brian Wallace has passed away after suffering from two heart attacks. Was his death a result of getting the COVID jab?
13. !! Toxic To-Go Containers Linked to Liver Disease Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Harmful ‘forever’ chemicals used in fast food packaging may be a significant contributor to liver disease, including nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which is rising at an alarming rate in the US.
- Fluorinated chemicals known as polyfluoroalkyl or perfluoroalkyl chemicals (PFAS), which include PFOA and PFOS, are known to accelerate metabolic changes that lead to fatty liver
- Higher ALT levels — a marker of liver injury — in humans were associated with exposure to PFOA, PFOS and PFNA, another type of PFAS
- Exposure to PFOA was also linked to higher aspartate aminotransferase and gamma-glutamyl transferase levels — two widely used markers of liver disease — in humans
- PFAS may damage the liver via promotion of liver inflammation and triglyceride accumulation as well as altered lipid metabolism
- Grease-resistant to-go containers, papers and wrappers often contain PFAS; this includes fast food containers and wrappers, microwave popcorn bags, pizza boxes and candy wrappers
- You can also be exposed to PFAS via contaminated drinking water and soil, as well as via exposure to consumer products that contain PFAS, including nonstick cookware, stain resistant clothing and upholstery, cleaning products and personal care products
12. !! WHO and WEF Globalists Coordinate Their Global ‘Reset’ [8:20] Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Was the Pandemic the Perfect Cover for This Plot?
Each year, the self-proclaimed ruling class spend a week in Davos, Switzerland, discussing how to impose their visions of the future on the rest of the world. Among their plans is to track your carbon footprint. They want to track where you travel, how you travel, what you eat and any other resources you might use in your day-to-day life.
- Each year, the self-proclaimed ruling class spend a week in Davos, Switzerland, discussing their visions of the future and how to impose their ambitions on the rest of the world
- They believe the future is theirs to create. They believe they, the attendees in that room, have all the power. And. by extension, they think that the rest of the world, those unfit to wear a Davos Forum badge, have no say in the matter
- Among their plans is to track your carbon footprint. They want to track where you travel, how you travel, what you eat and any other resources you might use in your day-to-day life
- To start, individual carbon footprint tracking will be sold to you as a way for you to be a responsible citizen and track your own carbon footprint. In time, your carbon footprint will be part and parcel of your social credit score, and used to place restrictions on your way of life
- They also openly admit that their plans will cause pain for the populace. We have to expect shortages of food and energy, for example, because they’ve decided societal changes need to occur faster than what the “green” technology sector can keep up with
11. !!! 1,287,595 Injuries Reported After COVID Shots Show VAERS Data
The data released by VAERS shows 1,287,595 injuries were reported after COVID shots, but it is unreliable as VAERS has been demonstrated in the past to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events, so the actual number could be even higher. [Emphasis added]
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revealed new data on June 3 revealing that between December 14, 2020, and May 27, 2022, a total of 1,287,595 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). That’s a 9,615 rise from the prior week.
In the United States, VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions.
During the same time period, there were 28,532 reports of deaths, up 220 from the previous week, and 235,041 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, up 2,347 from the previous week.
Between December 14, 2020, and May 27, 2022, 825,454 adverse events were reported in the United States, including 13,150 deaths and 83,454 serious injuries.
10. Former Pennsylvania Democrat Congressman Pleads Guilty to Fraudulently Stuffing Ballot Boxes For Democrat Candidates By Cristina Laila
A former Democrat congressman pleaded guilty in a ballot stuffing case this week.
Michael J. “Ozzie” Myers, an “old school” Philly Democrat pleaded guilty Monday to violations of election law, conspiracy, bribery and obstruction.
The federal government said ballots were stuffed in the 2014, 2015, and 2016 primary elections and Myers was the the mastermind behind that ballot stuffing scheme.
9. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro Casts Doubt on Joe Biden’s Legitimacy Just Days Before Meetings in Los Angeles By Jim Hoft
Brazilian leader Jair Bolsonaro cast doubts on Joe Biden’s legitimacy just days before he travels to the US for meetings in Los Angeles.
During Donald Trump’s administration, President Jair Bolsonaro always praised the conduct of the American government and signed economic agreements that benefited both countries. However, the relationship with Brazil was weakened after the election of Joe Biden.
Bolsonaro had doubts about the legitimacy of Biden’s election. The Brazilian president was one of the last world leaders to congratulate the democrat on the election result.
The meeting between Bolsonaro and Biden – the leaders of the two largest democracies in the American hemisphere – will be the first between them since the U.S. president took over the White House, in January last year.
8. !!! RED ALERT: Russia and China planning simultaneous attack to ELIMINATE the United States and occupy North America by Mike Adams
(Natural News) Academic researcher and author JR Nyquist has conducted a bombshell interview with “Mr. Wang” from LUDE Media — the same group that acquired a secret audio recording from high-level CCP / PLA military leaders in Southern China — that reveals China and Russia are teaming up to eliminate the United States and occupy North America.
Today’s podcast (below) discusses the details of this plan. The transcript of the full interview between Nyquist and LUDE Media (Mr. Wang is the direct interviewee) is available at the website.
The summary of that interview is stated here, from the website: (emphasis ours)
According to Mr. Wang, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is financing Russia’s war in Ukraine. However, he says, Russia’s best forces are not being used in Ukraine. They have been deployed in the Far East, prepared for action against America.
According to Lude media sources, China will try to use nuclear blackmail and unrestricted warfare to collapse the United States while forcing Taiwan, Japan and South Korea under Chinese control. Failing this, China and Russia will launch a full-scale war against the United States. The Russian and Chinese fleets will be united – not in the same ocean – but by attacking the same continent, North America. The Russians will attack through the Arctic, the Chinese through the Pacific.
According to Mr. Wang, the lockdowns in China have been used to hide the deployment of mobile ICBMs and other weapons. Streets have been cleared and highways closed for this purpose. To avoid satellite detection, missile convoys have been disguised as medical or COVID convoys. Lude Media has reported that Russia and China have an agreement to invade and occupy North America, dividing the territory between them.
7. Science versus Scientism (part 2) Robert W Malone MD, MS
Continued root cause analysis of the COVIDcrisis
Now that Scientism has been defined, and the specific example of Dr. Anthony Fauci and the context and truth of his claim that “attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science” has been examined, lets turn to examining what is “Science”, at least that version of “Science” that I have been taught and practiced for over forty years.
Merriam-Webster: science (noun) sci· ence | \ ˈsī-ən(t)s \
Definition of science
1a: knowledge or a system of knowledge covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific method
b: such knowledge or such a system of knowledge concerned with the physical world and its phenomena : NATURAL SCIENCE
2a: a department of systematized knowledge as an object of study: the science of theology
b: something (such as a sport or technique) that may be studied or learned like systematized knowledge: have it down to a science
3: a system or method reconciling practical ends with scientific laws: cooking is both a science and an art
4capitalized : CHRISTIAN SCIENCE
5: the state of knowing : knowledge as distinguished from ignorance or misunderstanding
Personally, I prefer the point of view nicely summarized by Steve Savage
“Science is a verb.”
6. ! John Deere moving out of Iowa……to Mexico By Pamela Geller
Another Biden epic fail……
John Deere to move cab manufacturing from Iowa to Mexico
WATERLOO, Iowa (KCRG) — In an email sent to Waterloo employees, John Deere announced that the “production of all cabs, welding and assembly, for current and future products” will be moved to Mexico.
KCRG reports the cab move will occur in incremental phases with a completion date set for 2024.
5. Science versus Scientism (Part 1) Robert W Malone MD, MS
More root cause analysis of the COVIDcrisis
“It’s very dangerous, Chuck, because a lot of what you’re seeing as attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science. Because all of the things that I have spoken about consistently from the very beginning have been fundamentally based on science. Sometimes those things were inconvenient truths for people, and there was pushback against me.
So if you are trying to get at me as a public health official and scientist, you’re really attacking not only Dr. Anthony Fauci, you are attacking science. And anybody that looks at what is going on clearly sees that. You have to be asleep not to see that.”
NIH NIAID Director Anthony Fauci, quoted during a MSNBC/Chuck Todd “Meet The Press Daily” interview June 09, 2021. (Relevant Aside- Chuck Todd and MTP-Daily were dropped by MSNBC effective June 06, 2022. )
The impetus for Fauci’s famous self-own was a video from Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), who floated a theory that the Director of the NIAID was colluding with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to develop a narrative about COVID-19. Chuck Todd teed this up by calling the Senator’s accusation a “really wild, fantastical conspiracy”. According to Senator Blackburn:
4. ! Three Keys to Stopping the LGBTQIA+ Supremacy Agenda JD Rucker
America is under attack. The LGBTQIA+ supremacy agenda is designed to take us down, not just by corrupting kids with horrible ideas but more importantly to separate them from God.
Watch this show on Rumble or listen to it on Apple Podcasts.
We are all engaged in a battle between good and evil whether we know it or not, or even if we accept it or not. The Cultural Marxists, who are some of the most important and powerful pawns of the globalist elites in the New World Order, have focused on LGBTQIA+ supremacy as their most important battlefront. This has been the case for a while but it has been ramped up to levels never seen before during “Pride Month” in America.
There’s a huge problem many do not realize. This isn’t just about Pride Month. They have no intention of slowing down on July 1. They have ramped up and will continue to ramp up because they have discovered massive weaknesses in the political right’s response. As for Christians, the Cultural Marxists have been infiltrating more and more with “wokeness” that has spawned an unbelievable number of stealth-woke churches. There are also many churches that aren’t even stealthy in the way they promote radical progressivism.
3. !! The Indictment of Navarro is Unconstitutional by Alan M. Dershowitz
Navarro has a strong claim of executive privilege that should be decided by the courts before any indictment can lawfully issue.
- [A]bsent a judicial order, he cannot lawfully be indicted for invoking executive privilege and refusing to reveal arguably privileged material just because a committee of Congress, controlled by Democrats, has voted that he should. It is not enough to allow him to appeal after the fact, because information, once revealed, cannot be erased. He is obliged to claim privilege now and refuse to respond. That is not a crime. It is the constitutionally correct action.
- Navarro’s indictment violates several key constitutional rights, including due process, fair warning and executive privilege. It also violates the separation of powers, under which the courts have the authority to resolve conflicts between the legislative and executive branches over claims of executive privilege in response to legislative subpoenas. Due process and fair warning require that these issues first be resolved by the courts before an indictment can be issued.
- The Biden Justice Department knows the law and it should not be acting lawlessly to make political points.
- In an age of partisan law enforcement, however, it is far from certain that neutral justice will be done. Some courts have been caught up in result-oriented injustice….
- The Bible admonishes judges not to “recognize faces.” That command is the origin of the blindfolded statue of Lady Justice. But in our age of pervasive partisanship, too many judges peek out their blindfolds and rule differently based on the faces and political affiliations of the litigants.
2. Norwegian Feminist Faces Three Years In Prison For Saying Biological Men Can’t Be Lesbians Paul Joseph Watson
Yes, really.
Christina Ellingsen, of the global feminist organization Women’s Declaration International (WDI), is under police investigation for making the claim in a tweet in which she criticized the trans activism group FRI.
“Why [does] FRI teach young people that males can be lesbians? Isn’t that conversion therapy?” Ellingsen allegedly tweeted.
She also questioned the legitimacy of FRI’s advisor Christine Jentoft identifying as a lesbian despite being born a biological male.
“Jentoft, who is male and an advisor in FRI, presents himself as a lesbian – that’s how bonkers the organization which supposedly works to protect young lesbians’ interests is. How does it help young lesbians when males claim to be lesbian, too?” Ellingsen reportedly said.
“You are a man. You cannot be a mother,” Ellingsen allegedly told Jentoft.
1. Biden claims his administration has achieved the most ‘robust recovery in modern history’ – despite gas prices more than DOUBLING since he entered office, approval in his handling of the economy plummeting and inflation at a 40-year high By ELIZABETH ELKIND
- An economics expert told that President Biden’s comments prove he is ‘out of touch’ with how most Americans view the economy
- Biden credited ‘the economic plan and the vaccination plan that my Administration put into action’ for what he calls a ‘robust’ economic recovery
- Meanwhile average gas prices hit just over $4.86 per gallon nationwide
- In late January when Biden took office, the average cost was just $2.39
- Multiple polls in recent days show more than 80% of Americans unhappy with the economy, and suggest it’s going to have a significant impact on midterms