Daily Shmutz | 061322

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

36.  !!Vaccines are making people NEUROLOGICALLY NUMB  [10:14]    Mike Adams

35.  !Justin Beiber’s PARALYZED face ‘Ramsay Hunt Syndrome’ is actually a VACCINE INJURY   [15:37]    Mike Adams

34.  !!! Remember when adrenochrome was a “conspiracy theory?” Now it’s conspiracy FACT in the form of “youth transplants”   by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) For years, it was called a wild conspiracy theory. But the idea that “elitists” are siphoning the blood and life essence of young people in an effort to live forever has now been vindicated.

Ever since The Telegraph reported that so-called “youth transplants” can help reverse the aging process, the concept of blood-sucking parasites living among us suddenly became more real than ever.

[Ed.:  File this under Child Sex Trafficking (Epstein and friends.  FBI has the address book!)]

33. !!  Healthy young people now dying en masse across Australia, and the corporate media still won’t dare mention vaccines   by: Lance D Johnson

(Natural News) In 2021, the government of Australia colluded with three vaccine manufacturers to oppress the Australian people with various levels of discrimination, coercion, propaganda, unlawful detainment, segregation, digital compliance systems and broader threats to individuals’ livelihoods. These totalitarian actions were not rooted in any data or science and provided no public health benefit. These actions were designed to break people down psychologically, to subdue their body autonomy and personal beliefs and force experiments into their bodies.

Today, healthy young people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly across Australia. Even though journalists are reporting on the matter now, the corporate media still won’t dare mention the causes behind this scourge.

32.   Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) is taking the world by storm

Fully-vaccinated individuals who maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle are dying unexpectedly. According to the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, this new death category is dubbed “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS).” People under the age of 40 are now being urged to get their hearts checked, as a wave of young people collapse after being coerced to take part in blood-clotting vaccine experiments.

31.   Bulk Post from today’s Natural News:

More of Today’s Articles

Sick: “Pride in the Park” LGBTQ event aimed at children seeks to perform “unBaptisms” in deep-red state
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America Unhinged: Human rights activist Mariana Maritato says civilians are being assaulted with directed-energy weapons – Brighteon.TV
In 2016, U.S. diplomats stationed in Havana, Cuba complained about headaches, nausea, hearing loss and balance issues. Following an investigation, it was determined that they had been on the …

Doctors sue FDA for campaigning against use of ivermectin to treat covid-19
Physicians filed a lawsuit against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for acting outside of its authority by directing the public not to use ivermectin. The legal action filed on June 2 by …

Just like the Ministry of Truth, Big Tech is seizing control over history and rewriting it to suit current regime
A writer and political activist by the name of Danny Haiphong was suspended from Twitter for questioning the official story about the Tiananmen Square massacre incident of 1989. It is apparently …

The 1910 Flexner Report: Rockefeller’s corporate illusionists create foundation and framework for sick care medicine over a century ago
Claiming to have the main goals of eliminating malaria, hookworm and yellow fever, the Rockefeller Foundation, over a century ago, took over the core education and practical application apparatus …

Reduce food waste by learning how to store fresh fruits and vegetables properly
The average American household wastes more than 30 percent of the food it obtains. Unfortunately, this wasteful habit has financial and environmental consequences. To reduce food waste, store …

68th Bilderberg Meeting centers on geopolitical alignments and possibility of global financial meltdown
Around 120 participants from 21 countries attended the 68th Bilderberg Meeting from June 2 to 5 in Washington, D.C. The participants, made up of political leaders and industry experts from …

Covid-19 resurgence in the fall will be caused by vaccinated people — Brighteon.TV
Another surgeof the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is coming in the fall and it is going to be caused by the vaccinated. This was according to podcaster Steven Ben-Nun, who discussed the COVID …

Rep. Jordan: FBI punishing employees who hold conservative views, according to whistleblowers
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) revealed that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has been punishing employees who harbor conservative viewpoints. Whistleblowers from within the federal agency who …

FBI agents raid California residence of man who attempted to kill Brett Kavanaugh
Agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) raided the home of Nicholas John Roske, 26, in Simi Valley, California. Roske was arrested on June 8 for attempting to kill Supreme Court …

Housing bubble about to burst? Mortgage applications crash to 22-year low as monthly payments skyrocket
There could be some potentially good news on the horizon for prospective home buyers who have been patiently waiting for a lower and much more reasonable entry point into the housing market. The …

CDC pushes masks for monkeypox, then immediately drops recommendation after it was exposed as a political stunt
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cannot make up its mind about whether or not Americans should once again mask up in response to the new alleged monkeypox outbreak. At …

Lunacy: Prince Charles backs proposal to make “burping cows” wear masks to “fight climate change”
The radical left is in a full-on effort to impose their strict lifestyles on the vast majority of average people while they continue to live lavishly aloof from their own policies and rules, and …

California State Sen. Weiner wants to make drag shows mandatory for school kids
An openly gay lawmaker in the California State Senate wants to make drag shows mandatory for all K-12 school children, in response to calls from a state congressman in Texas to ban them. …

Same drugs used to chemically castrate pedophiles now being handed out to children to make them “trans”
Many people are unaware of this, but the pharmaceutical cocktails that “doctors” are now prescribing to children in order to turn them “transgender” are the same ones that the …

Study: A type of vitamin E found in nuts helps prevent asthma attacks
No superfood can cure asthma, but according to a fascinating study published in the Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology, atype of vitamin E found in nuts helps prevent asthma attacks by …

Low-IQ “fact checkers” are paid by Pharma to remove anti-pharma content from the internet
Corporate-backed PolitiFact should be renamed Politi-Lie as their “fact check” team of specialists are really only specialists at having fake credentials, fake offices and fake stories …

Study shows apigenin, a compound in parsley, offers cancer-fighting benefits
Parsley is normally used as a garnish and not as the star of a main dish. But according to a study, parsley deserves a bit of the culinary limelight too, especially since it contains apigenin, a …

Literally political theater: Pelosi’s hand-picked J6 Committee hired TV exec to produce “prime-time” hearings
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and her hand-picked Select Committee on January 6 have given new meaning to the phrase “political theater.” Ahead of the politicized panel’s …

Podcaster blasts climate alarmists and their consistently wrong predictions
A podcaster with Twitter handle@lightbulbsharin has condemned so-called experts for instilling climate alarmism through predictions that are often unwarranted and consistently wrong. “The …

30.  !!!  EXCLUSIVE: Shocking microscopy photos of blood clots extracted from those who “suddenly died” – crystalline structures, nanowires, chalky particles and fibrous structures    by: Mike Adams

                                                                              Blood clots are not congealed blood

(Natural News) EXCLUSIVE: Today we are publishing a series of lab microscopy photos of bizarre clots which are now being routinely found in adults who “suddenly died,” usually in a number of months following covid vaccinations.

These clots are often referred to as “blood clots” but they are nothing at all like normal clots, and they consist of far more than mere blood cells. Unlike normal clots which are gelatinous, almost jelly-like, these so-called “clots” contain extremely large, complex, repeating structural elements (all shown below) that are clearly being constructed in the blood of the victims who died from these clots.

All of these clots were extracted from patients within a few hours of their death. These are not the result of post-mortem blood stasis. These are structures found in blood vessels and arteries. They are not congealed blood.

… These structures exhibit the following shocking properties:

  • They are tough, fibrous and resilient, showing material properties similar to small rubber bands.
  • They consist of many strands of small, fibrous strands.
  • These fibrous strands (see the very last photo set below) show repeating patterns of scale-like engineering, as if the body has been programmed to build another life form inside the blood vessels.
  • There are strange crystalline-like structures found on these clots, exhibiting transparency and resistance to normal gram staining techniques.
  • Below, you will find one example of a structure that appears to resemble a silicon-like biocircuitry or microchip-like structure. We don’t yet know what it is.
  • One of the photo sets below reveals what appears to be a biocircuitry wire which clearly shows repeating patterns and nano-scale interface structures that are assembled in a specific geometry for an unknown purpose.

29.   BUSTED: Palestinian Security Officer Sells Guns to Undercover Agent to ‘Use Against Jews’   By Pesach Benson

Police arrest 30 suspects in nationwide raids against illicit weapons trafficking.

An police operation ended with the arrest of 30 suspects nationwide, including a Palestinian security officer who sold assault rifle and other weapons to an undercover agent on condition that they be “used against Jews,” Ynet reported on Monday.

The undercover agent was described as a former criminal and prisoner who turned state agent and used his contacts to purchase guns, assault rifles, ammunition and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and drugs, mostly in the Arab community.

[Ed.:  Tee-hee!]

28.  !ModeRNA   James Roguski

Is ModeRNA planning to commit fraud? Tune in this Tuesday (June 14, 2022) and Wednesday (June 15, 2022) to watch the VRBPAC meetings to see for yourself.


“We the People” do not appreciate your attempt to deceive us. Your misrepresentation of the data from your clinical trials is clearly fraudulent.

Below is the letter that the FDA MUST, by law, send to ModeRNA to reject their request for Emergency Use Authorization of their injectable “biological product.”

27.  !!! What’s Graphene Oxide?   Emerald Robinson

Is a toxic material hiding inside the COVID vaccines causing blood clots?

As more and more people around the world share their stories of COVID vaccine injuries, the inevitable question becomes: what’s really in the experimental shots? This is not an academic question. In fact, it’s going to be the single most important question in medicine and public health policy for the next 50 years because we’ve just forced billions of people into a medical experiment.

People are beginning to acknowledge these COVID vaccine side effects (despite the gaslighting of the medical community and the federal government) and even celebrities are admitting to these issues. For example, Justin Bieber now has facial paralysis — and his wife recently survived a massive blood clot in her brain that led to a stroke. Neither of them has said that the COVID vaccines are responsible — but who are we kidding anymore? Are those typical medical issues for a couple in their 20s?

[Ed.:  NAC 1200 mg / day or as needed for breathing. Rids the body of graphene oxideGlutathione Rids the body of graphene oxide.]

26.  New York spent huge sum on drag queen shows for kids – media

Parents say they weren’t given the chance to opt their kids out of the performances

New York City Council has spent more than $200,000 in taxpayer money on drag queen shows at city schools since 2018, the New York Post reported on Saturday. The shows featured cross-dressing performers interacting with kids as young as three, and some parents are furious they weren’t given a chance to opt their children out.


25.  US looks into deaths linked to baby formula

The Food and Drug Administration has said it has investigated nine babies’ deaths possibly linked to Abbott Nutrition formula

US authorities have launched investigations into the deaths of at least nine infants since early 2021, all of whom had allegedly consumed Abbott Nutrition baby formula before becoming ill and eventually passing away, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) revealed on Friday.

Until recently, the FDA had only acknowledged two fatal cases, and two more where infants had fallen ill after ingesting the formula manufactured at an Abbott Nutrition plant in Sturgis, Michigan. The watchdog believes the formula may have been contaminated with the cronobacter sakazakii bacterium.


24.  Jim Jordan: January 6 Committee ‘Has Altered Evidence and Lied to the American People About It’  [10:56]

During this week’s broadcast of FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) criticized House Select January 6 Committee Democrats for their “choreographed” presentation earlier in the week.

The Ohio Republican lawmaker also reminded viewers of altered evidence, apparently referring to an altered text message exchange between Jordan and Mark Meadows.

“I want to see all the depositions,” he said. “I want to see all the documents. And ranking member Rodney Davis has already sent a preservation letter to the committee, saying, preserve all this information, so we can look at it, and the American people can get the full story, not just this one-sided, choreographed presentation we got — excuse me — we got the other night. But when you think about what this committee has done, never in the history of this country, in the history of the House of Representatives, has a minority leader not been able to put on a select committee that individuals he or she has selected.”

23.  Bipartisan Gun Deal Announced: No ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban, No Raised Minimum Rifle Age

…Biden Says Not Enough but Will Sign It

A bipartisan group of senators announced a deal on gun control legislation Sunday in the wake of recent mass shootings — though the compromise excludes President Joe Biden’s “assault weapons” ban and a raised minimum age for rifle purchases.

The deal includes Republican priorities such as expanded mental health services and school safety. It nods to Democratic priorities by adding expanded background checks for those under the age of 21, who will now have juvenile records screened before gun purchases.

A press released from the bipartisan group outlines the contours of the proposed legislation (original emphasis) :

22.  ! Watch Live: ‘ShutDownDC’ Attempt Planned ‘Blockade’ of SCOTUS Ahead of Possible Abortion Ruling

ShutDownDC, a leftist activist group, plans to “blockade” the U.S. Supreme Court ahead of its potential decision to overturn Roe v. Wade on Monday.

“These unelected extremists [U.S. Supreme Court justices] are trying to steal our rights and roll us backwards on issue after issue – abortion, guns, environment, due process, &c [sic]. They are illegitimate & the people say no,” said the group in a tweet on Sunday.

21.   Insurrection Day in DC: Leftists March to Supreme Court to Threaten and Intimidate Justices on Roe v Wade Decision    By Jim Hoft

Monday, June 13th, is listed as one of the Supreme Court decision days. The much anticipated Roe v Wade decision is expected sometime this month.

In anticipation of this historic decision, far-left groups joined together in a planned insurrection and blockade of the US Supreme Court.

The far-left group Shut Down DC announced last week that they will shut down and blockade the streets around the Supreme Court on Monday.

And they have reinforcements.

20.  ! “It Was Unethical… They Doctored their Tape – They Defrauded Viewers – Trump Committed NO CRIMES!” – Attorney Dershowitz on Primetime Jan. 6 Hearing   (VIDEO 5:34)    By Jim Hoft

Noted Harvard Law Professor and author Alan Dershowitz joined Spicer and Co. on Friday night following the sham January 6 House Committee Hearing that aired on the far left media outlets on Thursday night in prime time.

Alan Dershowitz accused the Committee of lying to the American public and doctoring video. He also declared that President Trump committed no crimes.

Alan Dershowitz: It was unethical. Why was it unethical? Take for example President Trump’s speech on January 6th. I opposed that speech. I don’t think it was done well. I don’t think he should have done it. But he said at the end of the speech he wanted people to show their voices patriotically and peacefully. They doctored the tape! They edited those words out. If a prosecutor ever did that they’d be disbarred! You can’t present part of the tape and deliberately omit the rest of the tape in order to mislead the audience. Especially when the other side has no opportunity to cross-examine. And has no opportunity to put on its own evidence. There is a special obligation not to cheat! Not to defraud the viewers. That’s exactly what they did… And Donald Trump committed no crimes.

19.  Rudy Giuliani: “Five Days After Riot I Submitted Evidence to FBI that Antifa Was Involved in the Death of Ashli Babbitt”   (VIDEO 2:34)    By Jim Hoft

Rudy Giuliani told Steve Bannon on The War Room he submitted evidence 5 days after the Jan. 6 protests that Antifa was involved in the death of Ashli Babbitt.

Rudy Giuliani: The hearing they held the other day told us nothing new. How about the death of Ashli Babbitt? How about, tell me the number of Antifa members in that riot. Five days after that riot I submitted to the FBI unequivocal evidence that Antifa organized one of the main breakins. That Antifa was involved in the killing of Ashli Babbitt. That the cops abandoned the position so that the people could go into the Pelosi office. The cops abandoned two minutes before. When you look at Ashli Babbitt she was picked up, hit and then fell down. She had no gun, she presented no danger to anyone there. This is a dastardly crime. And this committee tells you how miserably dishonest they are.

18.  ! EXCLUSIVE: From His Prison Cell Oath Keepers Founder Stewart Rhodes Tells REAL STORY behind Meeting with Enrique Tarrio in DC Garage — JAN 6 COMMITTEE LIED (Audio) By Jim Hoft

Proud Boys founder Enrique Tarrio, Bianca Gracia, the co-founder and president of Latinos for Trump Organization, attorney Kellye Sorelle and Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes on January 5, 2021, in a Washington DC parking garage.

Tarrio was discussing security with Bianca Gracia whose group was holding a rally on January 6th near the US Capitol.

The Biden Justice Department charged Enrique Tarrio last week with “seditious conspiracy” for his role in the January 6 protests and riots — a completely made-up charge with no basis in fact. This was done days before the first hearing in order to give more gravitas to the regime’s show trial. They do this sort of thing in banana republics and third-world hell-holes.

The DOJ is using this Tarrio meeting with Stewart Rhodes as evidence of a “seditious conspiracy.”

On Sunday Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes called The Gateway Pundit following the Thursday January 6 Committee nationally broadcast show trial.

17.  ! Doctors Suing FDA Over Ivermectin

The doctors want the Food and Drug Administration to stop meddling with the prescription of Ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19. Towards this goal, doctors are suing the FDA over Ivermectin and its usage.

A legal firm in Washington has launched a federal lawsuit against the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for meddling with the usage of ivermectin as a COVID-19 medication.

Boyden Gray & Associates lodged the complaint on behalf of three doctors who were reprimanded for trying to give human-grade ivermectin to patients.

Boyden Gray, the firm’s founder, was a former legal counsel to the Reagan and Bush governments.

Gray told the media that the FDA had broken a long-standing provision that permits physicians to administer an FDA-approved medicine for off-label purposes.

16.   How Money Printing Destroyed Argentina And Can Destroy Others

The most dangerous words in monetary policy and economics are “this time is different.” The big mistake of politicians in Argentina is to believe that inflation is multicausal and that everything is solved with increasing doses of interventionism.

The consumer price index in Argentina experienced a year-on-year rise of 58% in April 2022, which means 2.9 percentage points above the variation registered last March. A real catastrophe. Inflation in Argentina is more than six times higher than that of Uruguay, five times higher than that of Chile, four times higher than that of Brazil or Paraguay, neighbouring countries exposed to the same global problems.

No, inflation in Argentina is not multi-causal, it only has one cause: an extractive and confiscatory monetary policy. Printing pesos without control and without demand. Argentina balloons its monetary base to finance excessive, inflated, and destructive public spending.

15.   IDF to crackdown on infiltrations from Judea and Samaria

Israeli military forms new task force to combat Arab infiltrations from Judea and Samaria.

Following the rise in the threat of terrorism against Israeli civilians in recent months, the IDF announced Sunday plans to reinforce security along the Judea and Samaria security barrier.

As part of these efforts, a decision has been made to establish an operational task force to prevent infiltrations through the Judea and Samaria security barrier, in the Maccabim area.

The task force’s area of responsibility will be commanded by the Commanding Officer of the Kfir Brigade, COL Sharon Altit. The task force will consist of battalions already deployed in the area.

The IDF will continue to operate to prevent infiltrations into Israeli territory through the Judea and Samaria security barrier.

14.   Arabs break into home in Lod, vandalize it with swastika and PLO flag  [0:37]   Jonathan Gottlieb

Arabs break into home in the Ramat Eshkol neighborhood that was torched during Operation Guardian of the Walls.

Arabs broke into an apartment in the Ramat Eshkol neighborhood of Lod, blocked the corridors in the apartment using a refrigerator, and engraved swastikas, a PLO flag and “Lod is Arab” on the wall.

The apartment in question was inhabited by Jews, and was torched by Arabs last year during the riots in the mixed cities. The apartment has not been restored since Operation Guardian of the Walls, and it has become a kind of museum that tells the story of the Jews in Lod during the riots.

In recent days, the Arabs re-entered the ruined apartment, broke the few objects that were left inside, and as noted, engraved a swastika and inscriptions in Arabic and Hebrew.

13.  Two Iranian aerospace scientists die under mysterious circumstances

Scientist working for Iranian air force dies ‘during mission’, hours after another scientist died in car crash.

Two Iranian aerospace scientists died under mysterious circumstances just hours apart, according to reports by the state-controlled Fars outlet Monday.

On Sunday, Ali Kamani, a scientist who worked for the Iranian air force’s aerospace unit, was reportedly killed in a car crash in Khomein.

Iran’s Tasnim outlet hinted that the crash may not have been an accident, calling Kamani a “martyr” who died during a “mission to protect” Iran.

A day later, Fars reported that a second aerospace engineer working for the Iranian air force was killed while on a mission an air base in Semnan in northern Iran.

The second engineer was identified as Mohammad Abdous, who was reportedly working on the Iranian air force’s satellite program, drone aircraft, and ballistic missiles.

[Ed.:  What a coincidence!]

12.  Government ministries have become branches of the LGBT

Government ministries are changing their profile pictures on social media to LGBT-supporting images.

With the start of “Pride Month,” various government offices have set their social media profile pictures to be rainbow flags, rainbow-themed, or rainbow-tinted.

Among the ministries to make the change are the Foreign Ministry, led by Minister Yair Lapid (Yesh Atid), and the Health Ministry, led by Minister Nitzan Horowitz (Meretz), who is gay.

Several organizations have protested the change, among them the “Choosing Family” organization, which sent a letter to the Attorney General requesting an investigation into whether the flags can be ordered removed from the government offices’ social media presence.

[Ed.:  ‘We just wanna be A Nation amongst Nations!’]

11.   The Reality Behind Conspiracy Theories  [21:16]    BY RHODA WILSON

In this Canadian Patriot Review documentary produced and narrated by Ottawa filmmaker Jason Dahl, the true nature of “conspiracy theories” is explored from Ancient Rome, through the Golden Renaissance, American Revolution and our present age. Rather than seeing conspiracies as solely a negative term as is so often the case, we evaluate both evil as well as positive expressions of this fundamentally human process which literally means “two or more people acting together in accord with an agreed-upon idea and intention”.

The film is adapted from the text written by Matthew Ehret titled ‘Will Conspiracy Theorizing Soon Get you Labelled a ‘Domestic Terrorist’?

Click on the image below to watch the video on Rumble.

10.  !‘Biden’s Betrayal: Destroying Our Military’

TUCSON, AZ, June 10 –  Contact: Info@TruthForHealth.org or 520-777-7092

President Joe Biden is using COVID to engineer a systematic destruction of America’s military and national security through a purging of the most experienced and well-trained personnel and replacing them with “woke” indoctrinated extreme leftists who place ideology before God, Corps, Duty, Honor, and Country, according to former generals, high ranking officers, military rights attorneys, military and civilian physicians, and America’s leading health watchdog, Truth for Health Foundation.

“Biden’s betrayal of our military with unlawful orders for all service members to be vaccinated with the experimental EUA COVID shot is weakening our military, jeopardizing national security and putting every American at risk,” says Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD, President and CEO of Truth for Health Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity aimed at defending medical truth and individual medical freedom.

9.   The Pfizer Shot Gave This Woman Adverse Reactions  [2:35]

Melanie, from Arkansas, got two doses of the Pfizer shot. Two weeks after the shot, she developed swollen lips and tightness in her throat. Worse, she developed rashes (urticaria) and body pain, and according to her rheumatologist, the vaccine also triggered an autoimmune disease.

8.  Preparing for the Reality of Financial Collapse  [11:48]   Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Food Shortages and Soaring Gas Prices, Just the Beginning?

How about rapidly rising inflation? Is it all the result of mere incompetence, or intentional malevolence? Here’s how to prepare and turn the tables on the tyrants waging a vicious war against you.


  • Financial experts and insiders have, for well over a decade, warned that a collapse of the U.S. currency is a mathematical inevitability, and this collapse will have global ramifications, as the dollar is the world’s reserve currency
  • U.S. inflation is currently at 8.3%, but in some markets, it’s in the double digits. Used car sales, for example, have seen an inflation rate of 22.7% in the past 12 months. Globally, food prices increased by 29.8% between April 2021 and April 2022
  • In 2011, George Soros stated that economic collapse is “foreseen” and that authorities were simply buying time before the inevitable collapse. Now that we’re in the economy’s final death throes, those who have been aware of the trajectory for well over a decade cannot admit it, because then they’d have to explain why they didn’t act to stop it. Admission would also expose the central bank system as the fraud that it is
  • At the root of this collapse is money printing. In the last 50 years, the U.S. has had only four years during which it made a profit, and that profit wouldn’t even cover six months’ worth of the current annual deficit. In short, the U.S. is well beyond bankruptcy
  • In 2020, the World Economic Forum formally announced that a Great Reset is in the works, and this “reset” is basically how the globalist cabal intends to “fix” this situation. It’s not a solution for the average person, however, because The Great Reset solves the problem by transferring wealth and power into the hands of the few and erasing democracy worldwide in one fell swoop

7.   Monkeypox: Lab Leak? Vaccine Injury? Or just a Coincidence?

Do you remember that old saying?

‘You wait one hundred years for a pandemic and then two come along at once.’

No? We didn’t think so.

Which means if you have at least one inquisitive bone in your body you are probably wondering why we’ve gone from being told to stay at home and isolate if we come into close contact with anyone who has allegedly tested positive for Covid-19, to being instructed to stay at home and isolate if we come into close contact with anyone who has allegedly tested positive for monkeypox?

Anyone who honestly believes that this is simply because we’ve gone from having a “dangerous” respiratory virus circulating around the world to having a “dangerous” zoonosis virus circulating around the world has quite frankly been watching too much BBC News and not done their homework.

The truth is there is nothing simple about it, and the reasons authorities with the help of the mainstream media have gone from spreading fear and propaganda around an alleged virus with a fatality rate of less than 0.2%, to spreading fear and propaganda around an alleged virus that has rarely been seen outside of Africa in 50 years are multi-faceted, sinister, and unbelievable without the context and evidence to support them.

6.  !! U.S. Gov. reports prove COVID Vaccination can cause Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome & this is why we’re seeing “Sudden Deaths” & “Monkeypox”…

U.S Government data proves the Covid-19 injections can cause recipients to develop Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and Vaccine Associated Enhanced Disease.

This is why we’re seeing doctors baffled by a sudden surge in Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.

This is why we’re seeing record waiting times in hospitals.

This is why we’re seeing studies published showing vaccinated children suffering sepsis. thrombocytopenia, toxic shock syndrome, autoimmune disease and lymphopenia.

This is why we’re seeing official Government data showing a higher mortality rate among the vaccinated population than the unvaccinated population.

This is why we’re seeing an alleged monkeypox outbreak that is really a cover-up for shingles, herpes, and autoimmune blistering disease.

And this is why we’re seeing more Government data showing the Covid-19 injections have a real-world negative effectiveness of minus-391%.

5. !!  UNFORGIVABLE – 125 Children Dead, 1K Disabled & 50K injured due to Covid-19 Vaccination in the USA

The latest figures published by the USA’s Centers for Disease Control reveal 50,000 children have been injured due to Covid-19 vaccination across the USA, and sadly 1,112 of these children either suffered a life-threatening event or a permanent disability, while tragically a further 125 children sadly lost their lives.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) hosts a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) that is updated weekly and can be found here. The latest data contains VAERS reports processed (not received) as of 3rd June 2022.

Unfortunately, the CDC reveals that at least 49,878 children (Aged 0 to 17) have suffered an injury due to Covid-19 vaccination as of 3rd June 2022.

[Ed.:  Historically, VAERS has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events.]

4.  !!  Scientists discover some Fully Vaccinated Children are suffering Sepsis & Autoimmune Disease when exposed to Covid-19

A new study conducted by several doctors on behalf of the University of Colorado has found that Covid-19 vaccination can cause children to suffer Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (V-AED), and further analysis of the confidential Pfizer documents forcibly published by court order reveals both Pfizer and the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) knew it would happen.

The study, published 31st May 2022, aimed to prove that Covid-19 vaccination effectively protects children against multisystem inflammatory syndrome. But unfortunately, they discovered the study authors discovered the complete opposite.

3.  !! Top 10 Most Dystopian Things Pushed by the World Economic Forum: No.3 Pills That Contain Microchips  [1:14]   BY RHODA WILSON

Throughout the years, people at the World Economic Forum (“WEF”) have said some highly disturbing things, none of which garnered proper media attention. When one pieces together the topics championed by WEF, an overarching theme emerges – the total control of humanity using media, science, and technology while reshaping democracies to form a global government.

If this sounds like a far-fetched conspiracy theory, keep reading. We are sharing the 10 most dystopian things according to The Vigilant Citizen, one at a time, that are being pushed by WEF, right now. They are in no particular order because they’re all equally crazy. Here is the third on the list.

Pills That Contain Microchips

This title sounds like a far-fetched conspiracy theory cleverly worded for sensationalism. But it is not. Here’s a video from Davos 2018 where Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla discusses pills that contain microchips.

“FDA approved the first ‘electronic pill’, if I can call it like that. It is basically a biological chip that is in the tablet and, once you take the tablet, and it dissolves into your stomach, it sends a signal that you took the tablet. So, imagine the applications of that, the compliance. The insurance companies would know that the medicines that patients should take, they do take them. It is fascinating what happens in this field,” Bourla said.

2.  !! There exists an Agenda to implement Global Totalitarianism based on Technocratic & Transhumanist Ideologies

It’s become absolutely crucial to understand what we’re up against, globally, and who’s responsible for the rising totalitarianism and their ultimate intention.

The COVID pandemic was a coup d’état by the technocratic cabal that is behind the global takeover agenda, referred to as The Great Reset.

The Great Reset was introduced by the World Economic Forum, which is tightly coupled to the United Nations and the World Health Organization. Their agenda is to implement a global type of totalitarianism based on technocratic and transhumanist ideologies. Part of that plan also includes reengineering and controlling all life forms, including humans.

While the outward expression of technocracy will appear as totalitarianism, the control center is not an individual. Rather than a single person ruling by the decree, technocracy relies on control through technology and algorithm. This is a very important difference. In short, there will be no individual to blame or hold accountable. The “dictator” is an algorithm

Technocracy is an invented and unnatural form of economics that expresses itself as totalitarianism and requires social engineering to work. Technocrats in the past defined technocracy as the science of social engineering. Controlling the populace is crucial for the system to function.

1.   Biden’s illegal affair with Twitter exposed in congress!   Veracity with Michael Lewis

In 2002, as a result of the 9/11 attack by terrorists on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon, the Department of Homeland Security was established to fight international terrorist threats targeting the United States. But today, the same Department has become so twisted that they are not only targeting the American citizens but also issuing false statements while testifying in front of Congress under Oath.

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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.