BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).
‘Faith Not Fear!’
Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines! (B2EN THE//S)
32. !! LIVE: U.S. FDA Is Now A Terrorist Organization Stew Peters Network
On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane highlights an historic day in the United States, as the Supreme Court of the nation reverses 50 year old Roe vs Wade decision, sending back to the 50 states, the decision to legalize or criminalize abortion. And we now have clear and present evidence that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is a terrorist organization colluding with a DOD driven domestic bioterrorism program; and Team Enigma is back to break down the CDC’s public statement that it has no responsibility to monitor safety… And we conclude the show, and the week, with a very special “Ask Dr. Jane”… This is the Dr Jane Ruby Show and you’re about to enter Truth in Medicine!
31. !! One Year After His Death, John McAfee’s Corpse is Still Being Held by Gov’t, Fueling Claims of a ‘Cover Up’ By Matt Agorist
It has been an entire year since John McAfee died — allegedly by suicide — in a Spanish prison and since that day, authorities have refused to release his body.
Since his death last June, the internet has abounded with conspiracy theories over how John McAfee died. Adding fuel to the conspiracy fire was the fact that the Spanish government — who was holding him on charges of tax evasion to be extradited to the United States — has held his body and refused to allow the family to see it.
After suspiciously holding his body for 7 months, in February, a Spanish court ruled that McAfee took his own life. This ruling by the judge confirmed the findings of the original autopsy which declared his death a suicide.
As she did with the original ruling, McAfee’s widow, Janice McAfee has appealed the ruling, insisting her husband was murdered.
Joy Athanasiou, a lawyer for McAfee’s daughter – identified only as Jen – told the financial news site MarketWatch that Janice immediately appealed the decision to a higher court at the time, though he noted that there was no timetable yet on when the higher court would rule on the appeal.
30. ! IMF Managing Director says more pain will be a “necessary price to pay” for global growth
By Sarah Westall |
Food scarcity is growing worldwide and energy prices are soaring. How much more can people take before there are serious social breakdowns and civil unrest? Many countries around the world have already started protesting and rioting due to lack of food.
In the United States food shortages will increase and will continue to be a serious threat according to IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva. Specifically she stated that “we see a very significant downside risks this year and especially into next year”. She also pointed out that more pain is to come and it is a “necessary price to pay”.
29. ! Testimony and Remarks, Pandemic Response Robert W Malone MD, MS
In preparation for Texas Senate hearings tomorrow
28. !!! Depopulation of Taiwan Igor Chudov
Birth Rate Dropped by 23% in ONE YEAR — And it is NOT Covid
This is a continuation of my post from yesterday about a massive 13% decline in births in Germany. Such a decline is a nine-sigma event, meaning that it is so unlikely to occur by chance, that it would naturally happen as rarely as an asteroid striking the Earth.
27. ! Ten Arrested at Oregon Pro-Life Pregnancy Center During Violent ‘Night of Rage’ Protest (VIDEOS) By Cassandra Fairbanks
Ten people were arrested during a violent “protest” at an Oregon pro-life pregnancy center on Friday night.
The Eugene Police Department said that the protesters were throwing smoke bombs and trying to fight police outside the Dove Medical Center after 9 p.m.
Last night as individuals protested for reproductive freedom across from the Dove Medical Center in Eugene, an anti-abortion crisis pregnancy center, EPD and SPD shoved people and an SPD officer threw punches at one person. ( Camille Walsh)
— Solidarity News (@_solidaritynews) June 25, 2022
[Ed.: Like kittle kids having a temper tantrum when they don’t get their way!]
26. ! California Man Charged With Attempted Murder For Using Flamethrower on Police at Los Angeles Pro-Abortion ‘Night of Rage’ Riot (VIDEO) By Cassandra Fairbanks
A California man was arrested for attempted murder after using a makeshift flamethrower on a police officer during the Los Angeles “Night of Rage” pro-abortion riot.
The Los Angeles Police Department arrested and charged 30-year-old Michael Ortiz after he attacked the officer, who had to be hospitalized with burn injuries.
25. ! EXCLUSIVE: DAY 2 – Arizona Insurrection Continues – About 20 Arrested After Radical Leftist Abortion Mob Attempts to Breach Arizona Capitol Second Night in a Row (VIDEO 2:48) By Jordan Conradson
Radical leftist insurrectionists attempted to breach the Arizona Capitol again on Saturday night, rioting against the recent SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and give the power back to the states.
The landmark opinion was written by Justice Samuel Alito.
The Gateway Pundit reported that on Friday, June 24th, anti-life protests and riots erupted across the nation, and the Arizona Senate building was breached by a mob of left-wing insurgents while legislators were inside. The Arizona Senate released a statement thanking law enforcement for stopping the “insurrection.”
24. ! SHOCK VIDEO: 17-Year-Old Girl Escapes Sex Trafficker in Plano, Texas Who Held Her Over a Year [2:55] By Joe Hoft
When you talk to authorities and people trying to end sex trafficking, you find out that sex trafficking is rampant across America.
In a recent trial in Texas, a video from a shopping area surveillance camera caught a 17-year-old girl escaping from a sex trafficker who held her for over a year.
The criminal sex trafficker stomps on a young girl’s foot and then punches her in the face. Next, he drags her by the hair into his vehicle where she escapes and passers-by begin showing up wondering what is going on.
23. FREE Download – What is a woman (and a man) for real Chananya Weissman
The spiritual state of the world has deteriorated to the point where even the most basic truths are being challenged and denied. Something as self-evident as “what is a woman” is a question that many people refuse to answer, or cannot answer, or struggle to answer even if they recognize biological realities.
In 2014 Kodesh Press published my book Tovim Ha-Shenayim: A Study of the Role and Nature of Man and Woman, with a haskama (letter of approbation) from Rabbi Moshe D. Tendler zt”l. It’s a concise but comprehensive analysis of not just what Man and Woman are, but WHY they are, and why God made them that way. The book’s ten chapters are filled with primary Torah sources in the original Hebrew and Aramaic, translated to English, and explained in plain language that everyone can understand.
In light of the desperate need for this information to be widely disseminated, Kodesh Press has agreed to make the book available for FREE download, no strings attached.
If you agree that this is an important book, please consider purchasing a hard copy from Kodesh Press here. Alternatively, you can support the publisher and my work via a payment/contribution via Paypal to If there is significant support, I will be able to translate the book to Hebrew and disseminate it in Israel at no cost. I invite you to share in this merit that can have a huge ripple effect.
Of course, if you can’t afford it, or you just don’t like paying for content (who does?), please enjoy the book for free and share it with others. I do not teach Torah for money, and the most important thing is spreading the truth to as many people as possible.
The link to the free download is
I have also copied below the Afterword at the very end of the book, because it serves as an excellent introduction for why this book is needed today more than ever before.
PLEASE share this with others.
The institution of marriage is under mortal attack from all sides in our generation. There are those who attack the basic notion of marriage consisting of a union between a man and a woman, thereby relegating marriage to little more than a profane relationship whose main purpose is to receive tax benefits.
There are those who openly scorn the concept of marriage altogether. They claim that two people who “love” one another can live together indefinitely and even raise a family together without consecrating the relationship and assuming the various risks and responsibilities that come with that.
Others of this ilk see marriage as a threat to one’s “independence” and “freedom”. If they could write their own Torah – and surely they think they could vastly improve on it – the verse would read “One is better than two, unless the one receives a great deal more in the bargain.”
Still others view marriage as a relationship of convenience, and therefore a relationship to be terminated when it is no longer convenient, or when a more tantalizing opportunity presents itself.
As the foundations of marriage have been attacked, the foundations of family life have been altered to suit the whims of “progressives”. Why should children require both a father and a mother? Why not two of one and none of the other? Why not simply a single mother who retains her “freedom” and “independence”?
It is interesting that those who wax self-righteous about a woman’s right to this or that have no moral qualms about bringing a child into the world merely to satisfy the motherly urges of a woman without providing the child any possibility of having a father or any say in the matter. This is progress.
Essentially, every “alternative lifestyle” is glorified and respected, whereas that boring lifestyle that God created and designated as His will for Mankind is forced to retreat and give room in the name of openness and “progress”. One who has principles – aside from the principle to have no principles – is blasphemed. Tolerance and openness do not extend to those who endorse God’s will. Those who reject God’s will can get anyway with anything.
It should come as no surprise that this breakdown in marriage and family life has created a society in which children have little respect for their parents, scorn authority, reject discipline, mock tradition, and have no concept of altruism. What should come as a surprise is that many people do not consider these to be problems, and even those who do often fail to make the connection.
Much of the Jewish world – including those who are Torah-observant to a significant degree – has fallen prey to this onslaught of ideas and its devastating consequences. We have collectively been dragged down by the rest of the world, and have lost sight of our calling to educate and guide the nations toward God’s will.
Most of the ideas in this book are fundamental to all of humanity. I hope they are embraced by my people and by the gentiles to create a more stable, peaceful, happy, and – most importantly – truly God-fearing world. A society with healthy family units, built based on God’s architectural design, will be successful and content. Let us embrace the wisdom of the Torah, and proclaim it without shame to all who may be receptive.
May we merit to witness a healing in our communities and in the world at large.
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22. Double-Vaxxed 13-Year-Old Girl Develops Hives [1:06]
A mom raised her concerns about her teen daughter’s reaction to the COVID jab: Unsightly hives and rashes popped up all over her body, including her arms, legs and back. What if this happened to your child?
21. Canadian Man Gets Compensation for Vaccine Injury [2:25]
Days after receiving his AstraZeneca COVID vaccine, Ross Wightman developed Guillain-Barre syndrome, and spent 67 days in the hospital after suffering from paralysis. He filed a claim through the Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP), and is one of the few who was successfully granted compensation.
20. ! The Surprising Benefits of Inclined Bed Therapy [50:41] Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
Could this be a quick, cheap and simple fix for what ails you? It was a eureka moment for the engineer who discovered it. Others have seen varicose veins vanish in 4 weeks, resolve sleep apnea, migraines and a host of other issues. Yet there’s a good chance no one you know does it.
- Raising the head of your bed 6 inches so that you’re sleeping on a 5-degree incline may improve your blood circulation, metabolism, respiratory, neurological and immune function
- Inclined bed therapy may also ease symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s, diabetes, glaucoma, migraines, multiple sclerosis, sleep apnea, acid reflux, edema, varicose veins and more
- In plants, the interplay between gravity and varying density of fluids is what causes the sap to circulate up and down in a perpetual loop. The same mechanism appears to apply to human biology as well, which is the basis for inclined bed therapy
- Sleeping on an incline affects intracranial pressure. Research by a medical anthropologist showed people with migraines were able to eliminate their migraines within a short period of time by sleeping with their heads raised
- Archeological evidence suggests some Egyptians slept on inclined beds, and the head on these beds was 6 inches higher than the foot end
19. !! It’s Now Crucial to Understand What We’re Up Against [1:26:11] Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
This disaster is racing toward us like a runaway freight train, and it will be extremely difficult to get out of harm’s way. It’s absolutely crucial to understand what we’re up against and who’s responsible because there’s no going back to the ‘old’ normal.
- It’s become absolutely crucial to understand what we’re up against, globally, and who’s responsible for the rising totalitarianism and their ultimate intention
- The COVID pandemic was a coup d’état by the technocratic cabal that is behind the global takeover agenda, referred to as The Great Reset
- The Great Reset was introduced by the World Economic Forum, which is tightly coupled to the United Nations and the World Health Organization. Their agenda is to implement a global type of totalitarianism based on technocratic and transhumanist ideologies. Part of that plan also includes reengineering and controlling all life forms, including humans
- While the outward expression of technocracy will appear as totalitarianism, the control center is not an individual. Rather than a single person ruling by the decree, technocracy relies on control through technology and algorithm. This is a very important difference. In short, there will be no individual to blame or hold accountable. The “dictator” is an algorithm
- Technocracy is an invented and unnatural form of economics that expresses itself as totalitarianism and requires social engineering to work. Technocrats in the past defined technocracy as the science of social engineering. Controlling the populace is crucial for the system to function
18. ! 2022 Fluoride Action Network Update [1:06:46] Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola
IQ Bloodshed, Why Isn’t This Toxic Substance Eliminated?
Exposure to this deliberately added chemical varies upon where you live, but the damage begins before you’re even born, as it lowers IQ and impairs brain development. The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) has sued the Environmental Protection Agency in an effort to end the water fluoridation policy.
- The National Institute of Environmental Health Science-funded Bashash study, published in 2017, showed fluoridated water lowers IQ in children. Each 1-milligram per liter increase in fluoride in a pregnant woman’s urine is associated with a four- to five-point drop in her child’s IQ
- Canadian researchers found bottle-fed children who lived in a fluoridated community had, on average, nine points lower IQ compared to those who were bottle-fed in a non-fluoridated community
- The science showing water fluoridation is hurting our children is significant, and keeps growing. More than 20 studies published since 2017 have confirmed fluoride lowers IQ
- Water fluoridation became public health policy in 1950 when the U.S. Public Service endorsed the practice before any of the trials started in 1945 had been completed. For many decades since then, little effort has been made to research harmful effects
- The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) has sued the Environmental Protection Agency in an effort to end the water fluoridation policy. A win will make it easier to overturn water fluoridation policies on the state level, even if the EPA drags its heels. We’re currently waiting for a final report from the National Toxicology Program. Once the report is released, FAN can go back to court and hopefully win the case
17. !! Denmark Finally Admits Vaccinating Children Was A Mistake [1:17]
Denmark provides Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccinations, like many other countries. But reports reveal that Denmark has finally admitted that vaccinating their children was a mistake on their part.
A top Danish health authority has stated that immunizations should not have been prescribed for all children aged 5 and up.
Søren Brostrøm, the director general of the Danish Health Authority, told TV 2 that depending on the information that has developed since late 2021, it was incorrect to generally immunize children.
The Omicron form of the virus was then becoming prevalent worldwide, thus it was urged that children aged 5 to 15 get vaccinated.
The virus, also referred to as SARS-CoV-2, induces COVID-19.
[Ed.: Oopsie daisy! We made a boo-boo… But, everybody makes mistakes! Those mandating the shots, those administering the shots, and those taking the shots.]
16. !! Chronic Disease Among Kids ‘Skyrocketing,’ Pediatrician Tells RFK, Jr. By Susan C. Olmstead
We need to change the system and focus as much on prevention as we do on treatment, pediatrician Dr. Joel “Gator” Warsh told Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on a recent episode of “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast.”
If we don’t change something, “every kid’s going to have a chronic disease,” Warsh said.
An integrative and holistic pediatrician in Los Angeles, California, Warsh also is the medical advisor for Earth Conscious Films.
While the COVID-19 pandemic led to more worried kids, said Warsh, even more worrisome is the increasing rate of chronic disease among children.
Warsh told Kennedy he fielded calls about depressed or anxious children “every single day” during the pandemic. It was “devastating,” he said. “It’s really terrible, what’s happened to the kids.”
15. !! ‘Alarming’ Levels of 29 Chemicals Affecting Human Fertility Found in Men’s Urine Samples By Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.
A study published last week in Environment International showed 29 endocrine disruptors — at levels more than 100-fold greater than acceptable exposure rates — in the urine samples of 98 Danish men.
A study published last week in Environment International showed “alarming” amounts of 29 endocrine disruptors in the urine samples of 98 Danish men, EuroNews reported.
Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that affect human fertility by disrupting the normal functioning of the endocrine system.
14. !! Exclusive: Whistleblower Says With 120,000 Troops Still Unvaccinated, Army May Move June 30 Deadline Far Into Future By Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.
An active-duty senior Army official told The Defender, on condition of anonymity, the U.S. Army is strongly considering pushing the June 30 deadline for compliance with the military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate far into the future — but will not announce the date change until closer to, or even after, the upcoming deadline.
As the June 30 deadline nears for compliance with the U.S. military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, U.S. Army officials publicly claim a very small percentage of its members are unvaccinated, reporting 96% or more of its members are fully vaccinated.
However, the Army’s vaccination rate is in fact significantly lower than 96%, an active-duty senior Army official with access to senior-level information told The Defender — so low, that if the Army were to enforce the deadline, the loss of up to 120,000 service members would render it “combat-ineffective.”
The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the Army is strongly considering pushing the June 30 deadline much further into the future — but will not announce the date change until closer to, or even after, the upcoming deadline.
13. !! The European Union Is Again Close To A Meltdown by Bruce Wilds
The Ukraine conflict is taking a toll on the Euro-zone and it could result in finally pushing it over the edge. Everything flowing from Russia’s incursion poses a big negative for the region which is already struggling. When you couple soaring energy prices with stagnate growth and a growing trade balance with China you have the recipe for disaster. This is also apparent on the inflation front.
According to Reuters, the Euro-zone inflation rate surged to yet another record high in May. Inflation accelerated to 8.1% in May from 7.4% in April. A big part of the problem is that it is no longer just energy pulling up the headline figure. Looking past the headline figure, we find excluding food and energy prices, inflation rose to 4.4% year-on-year from 3.9%. This puts pressure on the European Central Bank to increase rates further. The timing of such a move is horrible in that Europe’s dust-up with Russia has brought to the forefront just how weak Europe is.
12. Watch: 18 Dead, 76 Injured As 1000s Of African Migrants Storm Spanish Exclave of Melilla BY TYLER DURDEN
Eighteen African migrants are dead and 76 injured after a mass storming of the Spanish exclave of Melilla in North Africa.
A Spanish government spokesperson said about 2,000 migrants attempted to cross, and 133 managed to breach the border of the Spanish territory, according to Associated Press. Those who made it through proceeded to a local migrant center where Spanish authorities are evaluating their cases.
Surrounded by Morocco, Melilla is a five-square-mile territory on the eastern side of a rocky peninsula on the Mediterranean Sea. Both Melilla and Ceuta—a similarly-situated Spanish territory—have been subjected to periodic border-storming over the years.
The two autonomous Spanish territories present migrants with the only land borders between Africa and the European Union, making them appealing targets for those who would otherwise have to attempt a Mediterranean crossing.
11. !! Up to 40,000 Unvaccinated Army Guard Troops at Risk of Dismissal as Deadline for Vaccine Mandate Looms By Jim Hoft
According to AP, up to 40,000 Army Guard troops are still unvaccinated and at least 7,000 are at risk of being dismissed after refusing to take the experimental Covid vaccine, as the deadline for shots looms.
“According to data obtained by The Associated Press, between 20% to 30% of the Guard soldiers in six states are not vaccinated, and more than 10% in 43 other states still need shots,” the news outlet reported.
10. ! Christian Pregnancy Center in Colorado Set on Fire After Obama Activates Shock Troops Following Supreme Court Decision on Roe v Wade By Cristina Laila
Longmont, Colorado – A Christian pregnancy center was burned and vandalized Saturday morning after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade.
Prominent Democrat lawmakers such as Nancy Pelosi, Jackie Speier, AOC and Maxine Waters incited violence on Friday and told pro-abortion activists to armor up.
Barack Obama activated his shock troops and encouraged pro-abortion activists to protest the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe.
Life Choices pregnancy center is a Christian organization that “helps women and men who are in need of free services related to pregnancy and sexual health.”
9. ! Day Before J6 Committee Hearing, FBI Agents Raid Home of Trump DOJ Official Jeffrey Clark in Pre-Dawn Raid –Forced into Street in His Pajamas By Kristinn Taylor June 23, 2022
Former Trump Department of Justice official Jeffrey Clark had his Virginia home raided by FBI agents early Wednesday morning where agents would not let him get dressed, instead forcing him out in the street in his pajamas while they ransacked his home. Clark, who was the former acting head of the Civil Division in 2020 and was considered by Trump to replace William Barr as Attorney General, is being investigated by the January 6 Committee and now the Justice Department for his role in President Trump’s legal efforts to stop the steal of the 2020 presidential election. Clark was the target of Today’s hearing.
8. Second Night of Vandalism and Protests Take Place in Portland in Response to Roe v. Wade Decision By Michael Robison
A large group of rioters were back in downtown Portland, Oregon smashing windows and vandalizing several buildings Saturday night in response to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on abortion.
The group graffitied several messages targeting the U.S. Supreme Court. It was also the city’s second night of riots and unrest after protesters gathered Friday night.
The group on Saturday, made of about 100 people, were yelling and chanting as they marched down the streets when they would periodically stop to vandalize or graffiti objects.
“Death to SCOTUS,” one black spray-painted message said.
7. ! WHO IS RACHEL POWELL? She Used an Ice Axe and Battering Ram To Break Into Capitol Windows on Jan 6… She Gave ‘Specific’ Directions To People Inside Capitol About How To Navigate… Why Is She Only on House Arrest? [VIDEO] By Patty McMurray
100 Percent Fed Up reports – Rachel Powell is a 41-yr-old Pennsylvania resident and single mother of 8 children. The FBI asked for help to find Rachel after she was caught on film breaking windows at the Capitol on January 6th.
Rachel turned herself in to the FBI in early February 2021. She was charged with obstruction, depredation of government property, entering a restricted building, entering a restricted building with a dangerous weapon, and violent entry.
Rachel is currently residing at her PA home and is on house arrest. There are several red flags surrounding Rachel’s case, beginning with her arrest, short-lived imprisonment in PA, her release from prison, and subsequent 475-day house arrest in the comfort of her home, while so many men who committed lesser crimes are still serving pre-trial time in solitary confinement and living in deplorable conditions.
6. ! FBI Raids Three Churches in Texas and Georgia By Cassandra Fairbanks
Federal agents raided three churches, one in Texas and two in Georgia, on Thursday.
All of the churches are near military bases and have been accused of being cults.
In Texas, federal agents raided the Assembly of Prayer Christian Church in Killeen.
“I can confirm the FBI was executing court authorized law enforcement activity today in the vicinity of the intersection of Massey St. and E. Rancier Ave., in Killeen, Texas. No additional information will be released at this time,” FBI Special Agent Carmen Portillo said in a statement to local station KWTX.
While the feds would not answer to whether or not the raid in Texas was related to the others, they have confirmed that the two raids in Georgia are connected.
According to a report from The Killeen Daily Herald, “Dozens of Google and Facebook reviews of the Killeen church refer to it as a ‘cult’ with a habit of recruiting Fort Hood soldiers.”
In Georgia, agents raided The House of Prayer Church in Hinesville and the Assembly of Prayer Church near Augusta.
5. ! Even the UK’s Sky News is Reporting on the Ukrainian Debacle in the Donbas By Larry Johnson
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Wednesday the “fierce” battle for the city of Severodonetsk was probably one of the most difficult of the war, and its outcome will decide the fate of eastern Ukraine.
Why it matters: Severodonetsk is the last remaining major city in the Luhansk region of the Donbas under Ukrainian control.
Well, Ukraine ordered its forces to retreat and Russia has taken full control of Severodonetsk.
4. The U.S. Senate seats most likely to flip this fall A.J. Kaufman
There are many intriguing Senate races across the country, but for now, here are six states most likely to flip. Op-ed.
The last three midterm elections were debacles for the party in power, and on paper, November appears worse for Democrats than any of those years.
But Republicans did not nominate the most electable candidates in all U.S. Senate races — with three more key primaries later this summer — and this year’s map, like 2020, is unfavorable for the GOP. Democrats aren’t defending Senate seats in any states President Joe Biden lost, and they have opportunities to replace Republicans in three states that went for Biden two years ago.
Although individual candidates matter, polling shows Biden’s job approval is stuck in the high 30s across many swing states. Unless you’re Susan Collins in Maine, performing more than 10 points ahead of your president’s job approval is rare.
There are many intriguing Senate races across the country, but for now, here are six states most likely to flip — in no particular order:
3. !! “We Are Your Death”: The Persecution of Christians, May 2022 by Raymond Ibrahim
In the video, the Christians appear on their knees, their hands tied behind their backs. A man holding a knife stands behind them. The terrorists claim that the murder of these 20 Christians is “payback” for ISIS leaders killed three months earlier in Syria by the U.S…. [A] 2015 video [Muslim terrorists slaughtering 21 Christians in Libya] received six times less media coverage than the killing of a gorilla about the same time. The video of the Nigerian Christian also barely made a peep in the Western media — as if the ritual slaughter of Christians is now so normal, it does not merit a report. —, May 12, 2022, Nigeria.
- The same day the video was released, a Muslim mob beat, stoned and then burned the body of Deborah Emmanuel, a Christian college student who earlier had refused the sexual advances of a Muslim man. — Ganzi Magwi, Twitter, May 12, 2022, Nigeria.
- “We know and have evidence of how some of these allegations of blasphemy are false and just for blackmail or settling scores with perceived enemies or well-mannered young girls who have refused sexual advances by the opposite sex from another religion. We are also aware of how fanatics have in the past raised lies in the name of blasphemy.” — The Rev. Joseph John Hayab, Morning Star News, May 23, 2022, Nigeria.
- Anooshavan Avedian, a 60-year-old Iranian-Armenian Christian, was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for teaching other Christians in his house church what Judge Imam Afshari called “educational and propaganda activities contrary to and disturbing to the holy religion of Islam.” —, May 5, 2022, Iran.
- A married Muslim couple who converted to Christianity face a 100-lashes punishment on the bizarre charge of “adultery.” — Morning Star News, May 3, 2022, Sudan.
2. Biden is guilty of ignoring the massacres of Christians Giulio Meotti
If horrific Islamist massacres of Christians are subject to Democrat word laundering, what can Israel expect? Op-ed.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the Biden Administration are committed to working against “Islamophobia”. This is what emerged from the White House’s annual report on religious freedom in the world, just as news came from Nigeria of the killing of 50 Christians in a Catholic church in Owo. Others speak of a death toll of between 70 and 100 people.
The correspondent of the German BILD reported: “With weapons and explosives they broke into the Catholic church, killing up to 100 people and even shooting runaway children and pregnant women! The faithful lay motionless on the floor of the church, hoping to be spared”. On the BBC, a survivor said: “I saw whole families wiped out, friends, relatives, those I knew.”
But it is “Muslims who are being targeted with violence,” according to US President Joe Biden . At a reception in the White House to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, Biden appointed the first Muslim as ambassador for religious freedom, Rashad Hussain. Why give a Muslim such an important post as that of ambassador for religious freedom?
In recent months, Biden has even removed Nigeria from the blacklist of countries accused of participating in or tolerating religious persecution. “It’s a victory for terrorists and a defeat for anyone interested in human rights and religious freedom,” said Frank Wolf, a former congressman behind key laws requiring administrations to name religious freedom violators.
1. From a nation of heroes, to a nation of wimps? Jack Engelhard
Uvalde is a snapshot of a much bigger picture, a picture that has become America. Opinion..
Hank Greenberg, the Hebrew Hammer, became the first American League player to register for the draft, and thereafter served 47 months in the military during World War Two.
Those would have been the best years of his life as a ballplayer. As a slugger, he posted numbers near-equal to Babe Ruth.
Instead, he chose to fight for his country. He wasn’t alone. Following Greenberg, came Ted Williams and some 500 Major Leaguers who joined the fight.
(Imagine today’s millennial ballplayers in the same spot.)
Movie stars likewise suspended their careers to join the real world as World War Two soldiers, notably Kirk Douglas, Clark Gable, Mel Brooks, James Stewart, and Paul Newman.
(Imagine today’s Hollywood or Broadway.)
Sacrifices like that were assumed. Heroism like that was expected. This was America, after all.
Is it still?