Daily Shmutz | 062822

BS”D (בס״ד), which is an acronym for the Aramaic phrase b’syata d’shmaya (“with the help of heaven”).

Faith Not Fear!’ 

Things are not always as they appear to be! Please read between the lines!  (B2EN THE//S)

                                                                                                Bamboo Forest

26.  !! Fighting to the last Ukrainian: Biden’s proxy war of attrition has become an unmitigated disaster   Jordan Schachtel

Just enough hopium to continue the madness.

Russian forces are, to put it bluntly, mopping the floor with the Ukrainian military. Moscow is methodically sweeping up vast amounts of territory in the country’s east, as the Ukrainians remain badly outgunned and outmaneuvered by a superior army. Despite that reality, the Zelensky government’s western allies all agree that now is not the time to negotiate an end to this conflict.

Not only has the economic war against Russia been an unmitigated disaster, but the kinetic proxy war is achieving similar results.

The Biden Administration and its NATO partners have decided, from a comfortable distance away from the fight, that millions of Ukrainian lives are a price worth paying to make sure the band stays together, with the side benefit of chipping away at Russia’s military.

The longer the war, the better.

They’ve already allocated some $100 billion to the fight (much of it seemingly missing), with endless billions more to come, and have grand plans to spin up the military industrial machine to cash more weapons purchase orders.

25.  !!Bunting’s map and Israel on China’s new silk road   Christina Lin

Yossef Bodansky, an Israeli-American political scientist and senior editor of GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs Daily, wrote an insightful article in their September issue regarding the convergence of China’s Afro-Eurasian integration project and Bunting’s map of the world as a clover leaf.

Heinrich Bunting was a German Protestant pastor, theologist and cartographer, and in his masterpiece Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae (Travel Through Holy Scripture) in 1581, he portrayed the world that mattered was comprised of the three continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa, with each depicted as a cloverleaf.  They converged in Jerusalem, and the rest of the world was irrelevant.

In his article entitled “The History of What’s Next”, Bodansky argued that the Bunting map is likely the best depiction of the unfolding global geopolitical architecture of the 21st century.  With the demise of the Arab modern state and Sykes-Picot post-Arab Spring, “Libya, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon are no more, and Jordan and Yemen are not far behind.”

Instead, what is arising is the merging of the greater Middle East and the greater framework of the reawakened Mackinderian world order.  And, the clover leaf world centred on Jerusalem is converging with China’s One Belt, One Road project.

Israel as key node on China’s New Silk Road

With the rise of Salafi-jihadism in the Middle East increasingly threatening China’s overseas citizens and assets, especially to their maritime trade via the Suez Canal, Israel is emerging as a strategic node on China’s southern corridor on the New Silk Road.

24.  !![Re-posting]   C-19: Israel, China and the Belt and Road Project  [31:35]    By Alexandra Bruce

 Additional note to clarify before you read the transcript or watch the video:

Australian Brendon McConnell was imprisoned for three years after demonstrating with a Palestinian flag in a shopping mall and posting a video of the resulting altercation that he had with Zionists there. As obnoxious and inciteful as his actions may have been, I have a hard time believing that he deserved to go to prison, let alone for three years. He was jailed again after attempting to seek asylum in New Zealand. Since then, he’s been on the lam in Iran, Malaysia and most recently, in Mexico.

I despise anti-Semitism and I do not allow it on my website. From his recent videos, it does not appear to me that O’Connell is an anti-Semite, he is against the crimes of what some call the “6,000 year-old death cult” or what others would call the “Khazarian Mafia”, i.e., criminal bankster Satanists who accuse their enemies of anti-Semitism.

This video is O’Connell’s March 2020 presentation of what he calls the big picture outline of what is going on with the withdrawal of the United States from Central Asia and the Middle East.

O’Connell claims that the US, which has been the capital of the banksters’ (Rothschild, City of London, East India Trading Company) global financial empire for much of the past century is now being replaced by the “Multipolar World Order” of the pan-Eurasian superstate trading block of Russia and China, with Israel at the center of it.

23. From Sarah Westall

“We have entered the last stage of tyranny” w/ Dr. Naomi Wolf

 Author and journalist, Dr. Naomi Wolf, rejoins the program to discuss the growing tyranny we are witnessing and experiencing worldwide. She has been writing about the stages of tyranny and now believes America has entered the last stage. We discuss how both the Chinese Communist Party and the World Economic Forum are both pushing for global tyranny for the purpose of their worldwide power grab…   See More…

Russia Defaults On Foreign Debt For First Time Since Bolshevik Revolution

 Several sources have reported that Russia is defaulting on foreign debt for the first time since the Bolshevik Revolution in 1918.

 Following the expiration of the grace period for its $100 million payment, reports indicate that Russia defaulted on its foreign debt on June 27 for the first time since 1918.

 The Kremlin was required to pay $100 million in interest by May 27, but a 30-day grace period was established after investors failed to receive the necessary coupon payments for both bonds denominated in dollars and euros…  Read more…

C-19: Israel, China and the Belt and Road Project

 This video is O’Connell’s March 2020 presentation of what he calls the big picture outline of what is going on with the withdrawal of the United States from Central Asia and the Middle East.

 O’Connell claims that the US, which has been the capital of the banksters’ (Rothschild, City of London, East India Trading Company) global financial empire for much of the past century is now being replaced by the “Multipolar World Order” of the pan-Eurasian superstate trading block of Russia and China, with Israel at the center of it… Read more…

22.  !A 3.7% rate of myocarditis in our latest survey of vaccinated Americans    Steve Kirsch

This is a health disaster. This rate is over 500 times higher than what the CDC claims. Doctors will remain silent on this as they are not permitted to challenge the “safe and effective” narrative.

Executive summary

The CDC has always told us that there is only a slightly elevated risk of myocarditis from getting the vaccine. They cite data from the VAERS system showing low report rates. However, they always conveniently “forget” to mention that VAERS is under-reported and fail to estimate the VAERS under-reporting factor. This means their estimates are likely off by a factor of 100 or more.

Now we have confirmation from multiple sources that the CDC is misleading people and that their numbers are, in fact, at least 100X too low:

  1. A direct user survey of a cross-section of America done by a professional polling firm (with a 4% nominal margin of error) shows a 3.7% rate of myocarditis among those Americans who took the vaccine who responded to the survey. This number is consistent with earlier runs of the survey with different respondents. It is 500X higher than the CDC numbers.
  2. paper published in Nature shows rates of myocarditis post vaccine that can be up to 140 times normal. That’s not a “slightly elevated risk.”
  3. An estimate from a US Army Flight Surgeon of a 4% myocarditis rate among military pilots who were vaccinated, very consistent with our survey.
  4. A myocarditis rate of at least 1% in a local school near me where a parent revealed the number of myocarditis rates in the school.

21.  Life Lessons with Dr. Bob: Dr. Simone Gold, ARRESTED  [17:56]

America’s Frontline Doctor tells the truth about the January 6 “insurrection.”

In this new episode of Life Lessons with Doctor Bob, Doctor Bob sits down with Doctor, Lawyer, and Founder of America’s Frontline Doctors, Dr. Simone Gold – who is on the front line of the Covid-19 conversation, fighting medical tyranny and for American freedoms. The NOW ARRESTED Dr. Gold explains to Dr. Bob her horrifying experience on January 6 as police drew guns on her. She also discusses the indignities she faced after her arrest, violations to civil liberties, systemic incompetence and stunning media propaganda.

20. ! On Losing ‘Roe’   Dr. Naomi Wolf

How could this possibly have happened? Easy. Pro-Choice movement, look in the mirror.

Last Friday, in a 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court struck down the ruling Roe v Wade via its decision on Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization. Across the country, understandably, frightened and angry young women are protesting; screaming and weeping.

The organized, institutional, heavily funded US feminist movement, which for fifty years has predicated American feminist ideology, and its own donor appeals, on the foundation of defending Roe, is calling this ruling a travesty.

I am going to argue that the defeat of Roe is not in fact a defeat of women but a necessary evolution in the law, in response to women’s ascendancy in America over the last fifty years.

19.  !Biden’s Handlers Allow Members of a Foreign Terrorist Organization to Enter the U.S.    Robert Spencer

What could possibly go wrong?

Fifty people on the terror watch list have been apprehended at the Southern border so far this year, and there is no telling how many got across without being caught. And now Old Joe Biden’s handlers have opened up a new way for terrorists to get into the United States: Iran International English reported late Friday that “the Biden admin has decided to lift a controversial ban on the entry into US of Iranian men who’d been conscripted into IRGC, a Foreign Terrorist Organization, as part of their compulsory military service, as they don’t ‘pose a national security or public safety risk.’” The IRGC is Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, which the Trump administration designated a terrorist organization in 2019. In their avidity to roll back every last thing that Trump did, Biden’s handlers are once again actively endangering Americans.

18.  Where Are the Abortion Insurrection Hearings?   Daniel Greenfield

“The violence of their efforts literally shook the building.”

Friday evening’s Arizona State Senate session had to be cut short as the legislative body came under siege from Abortion Insurrection rioters.

“We have a security threat outside,” Senate President Karen Fann announced. Legislators were evacuated into the basement and then had to be evacuated once again from the basement after tear gas fumes being used to stop the insurrectionists entered the building.

The Arizona Department of Public Safety reported that a pro-abortion rally by “an estimated 7,000 to 8,000 people” turned into “anarchical and criminal actions by masses of splinter groups” who “attempted to breach the doors of the Arizona Senate and force their way into the building. The violence of their efforts literally shook the building”.

17.   ! Boiled Alive   Robert W Malone MD, MS

Living with American healthcare

There was once a frog who had been captured by his country and put in a cage. As he was a very scared and naive frog, he believed it when told it was for his own good.  The frog was happy to be safe and not have to worry about predators. He loved the easy food, fully processed, preserved and always available – even if unhealthy. Slowly he put on weight, didn’t exercise, and became very sick. His chronic conditions caused him to see the veterinarian and go to the hospital often. But the hospitals that he went to were focused on rules, regulations and money. They were set up as gate keepers, to control healthcare access and make sure no one did anything wrong. They did not really care if he lived or died. They prescribed drugs that were expensive and poisoned his body, but the makers of the “medicines” made a lot of money on them and they shared that money with the veterinarians and hospitals.

16.  !  “Disorder in the Court,” featuring Joe Biden (and two other presidential stooges)   Mark Crispin Miller

A video that captures the absurdity of “Democratic” spectacle today  [1:45]

Remember when Bush II was the big joke in the White House? Not everybody does, since that was over twenty years ago, when many an American today had not been born; although that’s not the only reason why a lot of us do not remember it. Millions who already had been born when Dubya was “elected” also don’t remember what a standing joke he was for some ten months—a figure so ridiculous that Comedy Central aired a sitcom mocking him: “That’s My Bush,” created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone. His patent installation by the Supreme Court, and his often fractured English, made Bush the most laughable of US presidents—until 9/11, which (seemingly) transformed him, in the twinkling of an eye, from Bozo the Clown to Winston Churchill; and so those erstwhile scoffers who now suddenly admired him totally forgot what they’d been laughing at before the Towers came down.

And then, eventually, came Trump, whose propaganda status as the foulest entity that ever occupied the Oval Office (Noam Chomsky actually called him “the worst criminal in human history”) abruptly “rehabilitated” Bush and Cheney, notwithstanding both elections stolen for them, the overwhelming evidence that 9/11 was their handiwork, and (thanks to that accomplishment) their catastrophic “war on terror” in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere worldwide. But never mind all that: Bush and Cheney both have been redeemed completely by the fact that neither one of them is Trump—as all the other Bushes (and Liz Cheney) too have been redeemed, along with John McCain, Mitt Romney, Condoleezza Rice, Michael Chertoff and the other psychopaths who’ve been washed clean by not being Trump, or in any way supporting him.

And now, since Biden/Harris were “elected” just as honestly as Bush and Cheney were “elected” in 2000 (and then “re-elected” four years later), it’s even harder to remember what a laughingstock Bush (briefly) was, what with the gibbering, gassy wreck that’s in the White House now. With Joe Biden melting down before our very eyes day after day, it seems a bit ridiculous to bring up Bush’s “gaffes,” or Ronald Reagan’s dementia, or Richard Nixon’s free-fall in the polls, because Joe Biden’s in a class all by himself, as is “his” White House (including “his” Vice President)—and so, therefore, is the Democratic Party that he “heads,” and the “free press” that has only lately stopped pretending that he should be president.

With both the US government and “our free press” now flagrantly dysfunctional, it is appropriate to say so, loud and clear—which now means telling the horrendous truth about the Democratic psychopaths who’ve served as president since Bush the Elder. We also need to tell that truth as comically as possible, since we all badly need a laugh.

Here, then, is a suitably surrealistic video that nails Joe Biden, and his two fellow-stooges Clinton and Obama, along with Nancy Pelosi and AOC. I hope it makes you laugh, as it did me; and I hope too that it may, indirectly, help us grasp an all-important point about election theft—viz., that parties steal elections when they must, because their platforms are just too unpopular with most Americans. Thus it was with the GOP, when it went fiercely Christianist some thirty years ago; and thus it now is with the (so-called) Democratic Party, that onetime “party of the people” having now become the party of Big Pharma, and (therefore) mandatory “vaccination” (even of small children); segregation (based on “vaccination” status, and Critical Race Theory); endless war (on Russia); climate lockdowns (on their way); runaway inflation (just get used to it); food shortages (with fake meat, and bugs, for all) and, not least, “trans rights.”

15.  !Tierney’s REAL News (6/28/22)

As predicted, Biden’s corrupt DOJ is trying to take down Truth Social and they also seized the phone of John Eastman, President Trump’s election lawyer, without cause. 3rd world tactics. They will do anything to stop the GREAT AWAKENING. Meanwhile:

BREAKING: Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Michael Stenger – who was in charge of Capitol security on January 6 and who blamed ‘professional agitators’ – NOT MAGA – died suddenly, just hours before TODAY’s J6 surprise hearing. Stenger had previously testified that J6 was infiltrated by “professional agitators.”

I guess the J6 committee had to murder him before he could say that on live TV during the hearings! His cause of death has NOT yet been revealed.

Stenger, the man in charge of protecting the Senate during the Capitol riot died suddenly just a day before Pelosi’s J6 Committee was set to reveal new evidence in a “surprise” session. Hmm. Michael Stenger, 71, was the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate on January 6th.

14.  !!UNREAL: Same College Behind Bogus Study Used to Support Shutdowns Is Behind BS Study Used to Force COVID Vaccines on US Children   By Joe Hoft

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.  A study from the Imperial College of London was behind the garbage COVID study that led to US shutdowns which ultimately never should have happened.  Now this same college has a legion of individuals behind a garbage study that the CDC is using force killer vaccines on children. 

Doctors Fauci and Birx used a BS study from Imperial College to convince President Trump to shut down the economy in 2020.  This faulty advice led to the suffering of millions of people around the world after many nations followed the US’s lead.  It was wrong and based on a BS study.

13.  !EXCLUSIVE: Proud Boys Proven INNOCENT in Newly Released VIDEO Hidden from Public! — DOJ Tried to Hide This Evidence! BLOWS UP DOJ and Liz Cheney’s Bogus SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY Charges – THEY HID THIS FROM PUBLIC! See Entire Video HERE!  [17:59]   By Cara Castronuova

An incredible new video has emerged that exonerates the members of the Proud Boy fraternity from the ridiculous seditious conspiracy charges that the Biden Regime launched against them in their War On Trump and his supporters.


This Proud Boy leadership meeting was recorded back on December 30th, 2020- one week before the January 6th protest.

This video unquestionably proves that the Proud Boys never planned on going inside the Capitol on January 6th, let alone commit “seditious conspiracy”.

Watch it here   [17:59]

12.  Epstein Victims Will Face Ghislaine Maxwell At Today’s Sentencing   By Michael Robison

Seven of Jeffrey Epstein’s victims, including Virginia Giuffre and Annie Farmer, will face former socialite Ghislaine Maxwell in court today as she is finally sentenced for her role in the sex-trafficking crimes.

Maxwell faces more than fifty years in jail after being convicted of sex trafficking young girls for Jeffrey Epstein and other high-profile clients who have never been named.

She will be sentenced in New York at 11 a.m. today, with prosecutors saying she deserves 30 to 55 years behind bars.

Victims Annie Farmer, Virginia Giuffre, and ‘Kate,’ a former model, have been permitted to read victim impact statements to the court.

Annie Farmer’s older sister Maria and victims Sarah Ransome, Teresa Helm, Elizabeth Stein, and Juliette Bryant will also be in the courtroom and have submitted written statements.

[Ed.:  Well, that’s nice, but when do we get to see the diary with the list of names??  Ever?  Never?]

11.  Biden’s America: From Trump Energy Independence to Record High Gas Prices to Buying Oil from Iran and Venezuela    By Joe Hoft

Under President Trump America was energy independent.  Now insanity and evil are running the White House and Biden is entertaining buying oil from terrorist nation Iran and communist nation Venezuela. 

President Trump wanted America to be “Energy Dominant” and it was.

President Trump did what he said he would and America became energy independent.  America under President Trump was producing more energy than it needed.  America was selling oil and no longer importing oil. As result by mid-2017 gas prices were low and inflation was at 1%.

10.  Back to the Future in Ukraine–Demilitarization and Denazification    By Larry Johnson

When Vladimir Putin announced the twin goals of the Special Military Operation in February–i.e., demilitarization and denazification–it sounded strangely familiar. Well there is a reason for that. At the end of World War II, the UK, the US and Russia reached an agreement at Potsdam. Not surprisingly, it was called the Potsdam Agreement.

[D]uring the Potsdam Conference, on 30 July 1945, the Allied Control Council was constituted in Berlin to execute the Allied resolutions (the “Four Ds“):[11][12]

Putin’s reiteration of the Denazification and Demilitarization principles established from the 1945 Potsdam Conference is not just some quaint tip of the hat to history. He was laying down a marker to the United States and United Kingdom that the agreement reached at Potsdam in 1945 is still relevant and valid.

9.  !CDC EXPOSED! Government Body Used False Data To Approve The COVID Jab For Children By Michael Robison

The Centers for Disease Control And Prevention (CDC) was exposed for using highly misleading information when presenting to the vaccine advisory panel that approved the COVID-19 vaccine for children.

Shortly after the approval, observers began to point out the misleading information in a disturbing exposure of the agency’s efforts to ensure it was party to injecting kids with a vaccine that is likely not effective or safe.

The agency featured a pre-print study ranking causes of death in children when presenting to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). The apparent urgency led the ACIP to vote and recommend kids aged six months through four years get vaccinated for COVID-19.

The data in the pre-print study featured subjects between birth and 19 years. However, those involved in the study are primarily in the United Kingdom, where the classification of adult data begins at age 18, so it is unclear why data points for subjects aged 18 to 19 were used.

8.  !BMJ Senior Editor: COVID vaccines more likely to put you in hospital than keep you out   Y Rabinovitz

New study shows over 8 per 10,000 net increase in hospitalization following vaccination.

A new paper authored by British Medical Journal Senior Editor Dr. Peter Doshi and colleagues has reached the conclusion that being injected with a COVID vaccine (either Pfizer or Moderna) is more likely to put you in hospital than keep you out of it.

The paper (which has yet to undergo peer review) analyzes “serious adverse events” (SAEs) which were highlighted on a “priority list” compiled by the World Health Organization (WHO) as linked to COVID vaccination – death, a life-threatening event, inpatient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization, persistent or significant disability, congenital anomaly/birth defect, and a medically important event.

The study found that Pfizer’s vaccine was associated with an increased risk of SAEs of 10.1 events per 10,000. The corresponding figure for Moderna’s vaccine was 15.1 events per 10,000.

7.  !  An added dimension to the Iranian menace   Adina Kutnicki

It is Washington’s top-tier which led/paved the way to a nuclear-armed Iran. Op-ed.   

Iran’s terrorist mastermind Mullahs make no pretense as per their main targets:”The Big Satan” and “The Little Satan.” As the twin pillars of western civilization, these two dominoes must collapse to garner hegemonic rule over the West, and, by extension, their Islamic Sunni rivals. And herein lies the paradox: Whereas both are centuries-long enemies, at times, they place aside their enmity in their war against Israel and the West …. the enemy of my enemy is my friend. There is no higher priority/obligation for both streams. It is a 24/7 obsession.

Indeed, while Sunni nations and Europe are also in their direct cross-hairs, dealing with them plays second fiddle to the “two Satans” – and in an exponentially lower order of magnitude. Basically, once the latter are decimated, as a knock-on effect, the otherwise covert or overt assistance via Israel or America becomes a defacto moot point. Thus, the aforementioned second-tier target banks will fall into line in short shrift.

But despite the grim geo-strategic outlook, there is reason for hope. As many predicted, the current crop of Israel’s misdirected decision-makers have been given the boot – never mind Bennett’s bravado. Most acutely, in relation to matters of domestic and foreign strategic import, his regime has failed the (Zionist) test. The Bennett-Lapid-Abbas “arrangement” has proven that appeasing the political king-maker of the Israeli Branch of the Muslim Brotherhood can never be relied upon to safeguard Israel as the Jewish national homeland.

Which brings today’s analysis straight to the jugular. On the one hand, recently, the world witnessed a display of political theater orchestrated by the current “caretaker” regime, and, on the other, increasingly hostile actions taken by Israel’s heretofore ‘best friend’, the United States, yet, it barely rated any mention – neither by Israel’s politicos or the back-benching media. Why is this? After all, it is Washington’s top-tier which led/paved the way to a nuclear-armed Iran! Yes, a highly incendiary charge, yet wholly supportable.

6.   Who would you kill?    Daniel Greenfield

The moral question behind the Supreme Court’s abortion and gun control decisions.

The proximity of two Supreme Court decisions, one upholding the right to carry guns for self-defense, and the other, dispensing with Roe v. Wade and the myth of a constitutional basis for abortion, has unleashed the furies of political outrage and hot takes.

5.   Ramat Gan business fined for ‘Shema Yisrael’ sign

A store displaying a sign holding the famed Bible verse ‘Hear, O Israel’ was fined and ordered to remove it as a ‘hazard to the public’.

MKs Michal Waldiger and Orit Strook (Religious Zionism) went out to Jerusalem Boulevard in Ramat Gan and met the store owner who received a warning and a threat of a fine from the Ramat Gan municipality’s enforcement department, which sees the sign above his store as a “hazard” and should therefore be removed. The sign reads: “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one,” a verse from Deuteronomy used in Jewish morning and evening prayers.

“I put a large ‘Sh’ma Yisrael’ (Hear, O Israel etc.) sign above the sign with my store name,” said the business owner. “The mayor called and sent me all kinds of inspectors and thugs to take down the sign. They said if I did not remove it, they would take it by force. I had an idea – to change the name of the store to “Shema Yisrael” and then he would not be able to tell me anything.”

4.  ! Canadian Convoy Organizer Tamara Lich Arrested Again in Alberta — Trudeau Had Her on Canada-Wide Arrest Warrant for Causing “Mischief”   By Jim Hoft

Back in February, the Trudeau regime arrested two of the leaders of the Freedom Trucker convoy protest in Ottawa.  

Tamara Lich and Chris Barber were both arrested in Ottawa and charged with counseling to commit mischief.

The Canadian trucker convoy was organized as a direct result of Trudeau’s unconstitutional COVID vaccine mandates.

We now know today that the experimental COVID vaccines were inadequate and ineffective in treating the disease.

3.  FBI Ambushes Trump Election Lawyer John Eastman as He’s Exiting Restaurant with His Wife, Seizes His Phone  (VIDEO)   By Cristina Laila

The January 6 Committee sent the feds after Trump lawyer John Eastman because he dared to take action against the Democrats and their massive election fraud operation in 2020.

Trump’s election lawyer John Eastman said the FBI searched and seized his phone last week, according to a new court filing.

Eastman filed a federal lawsuit in New Mexico on Monday and asked a judge to order the feds to return his property and block the January 6 investigators from accessing his phone.

According to the court filing, John Eastman was exiting a restaurant with his wife and friend last week when FBI agents ambushed him and “forced” him to unlock his phone.

The federal agents then took Eastman’s iPhone 12 Pro.

The feds ambushed John Eastman on the same day they conducted a pre-dawn raid of Trump DOJ official Jeffrey Clark.

2.  Hate Crime Investigation Launched After NYC Catholic Church Vandalized With Slogan of Pro-Abortion Extremist Group ‘Jane’s Revenge’    By Cassandra Fairbanks

A New York City church has been vandalized with the slogan of pro-abortion extremist group Jane’s Revenge.

The slogan states, “if abortion isn’t safe, neither are you.”

The threat was spray painted on the door of the Ascension Roman Catholic Church.

The name of group, “Jane’s Revenge,” was spray painted on another door along with the symbol for “anarchy.” The New York City Police Department told the New York Post that the vandalism was discovered around 5:30 a.m. on Monday.

1.  !  Historic West Virginia Catholic Church Completely Burned to the Ground in Suspected Arson Attack By Cassandra Fairbanks

A historic West Virginia Catholic Church was burned to the ground on Sunday in a suspected arson attack.

Pro-abortion extremists called for violence and vandalism against churches in response to the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

The St. Colman Catholic Church, better known as the “The Little Catholic Church on Irish Mountain,” was built in 1878 and was declared an official historic site in 1984.

… “Early Monday morning a New York City church was found vandalized with the slogan of pro-abortion extremist group Jane’s Revenge, who has claimed credit for the firebombing of an Oregon pro-life pregnancy center.

In a manifesto posted by Jane’s Revenge on June 15, the group vowed to escalate their attacks and called for others to commit similar acts.

The group expressly took credit for arsons and vandalism at pregnancy centers in “Madison WI, Ft. Collins CO, Reisertown MA, Olympia WA, Des Moines IA, Lynwood WA, Washington DC, Ashville NC, Buffalo NY, Hollywood FL, Vancouver WA, Frederick MA, Denton TX, Gresham OR, Eugene OR, Portland OR, among others.”


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Due to the sensitive and sometimes controversial nature of the content shared in the Daily Shmutz (along with the potential ramifications of unveiling such information in an increasingly censorious world), the identity of the DS Editor remains anonymous.